Exercises Unit 9 (Starter 2)

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Past Simple of Be.

Was I
WereAffirm ati v eyou
Was she Complement e
Was he +?
Was ?
Were it
Were we
Were they

Short answe


Yes, (I – She – He – It) was

Yes, (You – We – They) were


No, (I – She – He – It) wasn’t

No, (You – We – They) weren’t

Look at the maps and write sentences about Summertown in


1.- There was a zoo in lake road

2.- there was a shop in lake road
3.- there was a factory in station road
4.- there was a station in station road
5.-there was a cinema in harley street
6.-there was a hospital in harley street
7.- there were houses in the park
itive, neg ative or
e P a st sim ple (use pos
Make th questions)

1.- I was at the cinema last night

2.- were children naughty?
3.- we were in a cafe when you called
4.- was I late?
5.-She was a teacher when she was young
6.-Where were we?
7.-Were you okay?
8.-Were we too tired?
9.- how was the party?
10.- they were late for the interview

eo r
e the pa s t s imple positiv

1. it was cold yesterday

2. she was hungry
3.We were late for the meeting
4.I was tired last night
5. the exam was difficult
6.they were in berlin
7. you were in the library when i called you
8. The holiday was fun
9. he was early for the interview
10. the people we met last night were french
11. that woman was not spanish
12. julie was not late for the class
13. The food was not very good
14. they were not my uncle and aunt
15. I was not rude to the waitress
16. the test was not easy
17. we were not tired when we arrived

Write the da

1. 22 – Nov. ___twenty-second__of__november___________
2. 1 – Jan. _______First of January_____________________
3. 12 – Jul. _________twelfth___of july_________________________________
4. 5 – Sept. _________fifth of september__________________________
5. 21 – Mar. __________twenty-first of march_______________________
6. 4 – Oct. _____________fourth of octuber__________________________
7. 2 – Apr. __________second of april________________________________
8. 20 – Jun. _____________twentieth of january_____________________
9. 3 – May. ____________third of may___________________________________

in wo rds into
ri te th e ord inal number
W the gaps.
1. April is the _____fourth____________ month of the year.
2. June is the _______sixth__________ month of the year.
3. January is the ____first_____________ month of the year.
4. July is the __________seventh________ month of the year.
5. February is the ____second___________ month of the year.
6. September is the _______ninth_______ month of the year.
7. May is the ________fifth________ month of the year.
8. December is the ___twelfth____________ month of the year.
9. March is the ___third______________ month of the year.

w in the past
ntences belo
Write the se
3. Thomas was not at school
4. Why was she late?
5. my brother was a doctor
6.They were not here
7. Eva was a teacher
8. was mr. smith a taxi driver?
9.Where were you books?
10. was you student?
11. What was that?
12. sue was not tired
13. my holiday was nice
14. why was you happy?
15. the pen was blue
16. was i am the winner
17. Was the answer correct?
18. Who was sick?

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