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Name Guillos, Jenny Rose T. Strand MAWD

Section MAWD1A

4th Quarter, Week 1 Worksheet:

My Community and I

Reflect on the community you belong in and your role and actions as its member. Accomplish this
activity by providing the requested information.

Describe the community you belong in.

My community is a peaceful community where the people here are helpful and work together to
make our community prosperous.

What is your role and/or contributions in the community?

My role in the community is to be a good influence and character to those young adults like me. I
have to be more responsible and reliable with my actions and decisions, especially if I know it will
affect the community I am living. citizen in this community is to be a responsible person that can be a
role model to the youth or just to the people in the community. To be a good citizen of my fellow
community, I must try my best as a student to excel in my academics through hard effort,
commitment, and passion. I should work to change the wrongdoing in my community for myself, my
family, friends, and others. As a result, I am able to be a positive and effective role model in the

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What knowledge, skills, and/or abilities do you have that have helped or will help your community
to grow and be more positive?

I know that I haven't enough knowledge or skills that will help my community to grow and be more
positive but as a hardworking student I know that someday my knowledge and skills will help my
community to grow and be more positive by sharing my knowledge and skills to our community

Why is active participation in creating a positive community important?

Active participation in our community is important because Individuals become more involved in the
community and more aware of opportunities and what they can hope for themselves. Increased
opportunities for learning and development of important skills, knowledge, education and
employment. Enhanced well-being, with increases in self-confidence, self-esteem and self-belief.

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