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Submitted Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd)
English Education Program








This chapter the researcher presents the background of the problem, the

identification of the problem, the identification of the problem, the limitation of

the problem, the objective of the research, and the significance of the research.

A. Background of the problem

Speaking in English or a second language is far from perfect. The

ability to speak is a major part of learning English and is a second language.

Speaking in English is a productive skill related to mastery of a topic through

listening. According to Harmer (2007) speaking is the ability to speak fluently

and not only knowledge of language features, but also the ability to acquire

and process language information.

However, one of the skills that must be possessed is speaking skill.

Speaking skills are oral la nguage skills that are functional in everyday human

life. Why not because by speaking can obtain and convey information.

According to Harmer (2001) speaking is a person's ability to speak fluently

which does not only rely on language knowledge, but also the ability to

process information and language on the spot. Speaking skill is a very

important component that English students learn although there are four skills

namely reading, writing, speaking and listening. In addition, speaking skills in

English are also used in real life, for example when applying for jobs to

foreign companies.
In addition, teachers must prepare teaching strategies to increase

students' interest and motivation in learning speaking skills. The researcher

chose the game to be one of the strategies or techniques that could improve

students' speaking skills. For this reason, researchers hope to participate in

learning and reduce student boredom. In learning activities, teachers must be

skilled in teaching English, especially speaking. This strategy will make

students enjoy and increase students' interest in learning English, especially


Therefore, the teacher uses games that can create a good situation for

students to learn English. After applying the game method, students will feel

more excited to learn and not afraid to practice it. This study chose a guessing

game because this game was considered interesting and played by students. In

addition to being practical, this game can help teachers as a starting point for

the teaching and learning process of English. It also challenges children so

that they can think harder in teaching speaking.

The researchers choose guessing games to improve students speaking

skill. Guessing game is one of the alternative techniques used in language

learning, especially speaking. The technique of playing games is expected that

students feel more challenged to express their ideas orally. Based on the

observations of researchers at SMPN 24 Padang in class VIII, researchers

found a lack of interest in learning English, especially speaking. Researchers

noticed that when they were asked to speak English everyone was silent and

did not have the courage to speak. This is due to a lack of confidence and
interest in learning English.

According to the researcher, the low interest and speaking ability of

students is one of the problems that must be analyzed by researchers. Because

of the ability to speak is one of the skills that must be mastered in English.

Thus, the researchers found a lack of interest and seriousness of students in

learning English, especially in speaking skills.

Based on the explanations and problems above, the researcher is

interested in the research title, namely "Improving students' speaking skills

through guessing games at SMPN 24 Padang in the 2021/2022 academic year.

B. Identification of the problem

Some of the problems I found in influencing students' speaking skills

in class. Several factors were found by researchers that hindered the teaching

of students' speaking skills, after seeing and observing the form of the

teaching and learning process in the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 24 Padang in

2021/2022. First, the difficulties faced by students in pronunciation and


Second, the lack of motivation and interest of students to speak in

English, interaction between students and teachers almost did not occur

because students were afraid and lacked confidence in their words. Finally, the

lack of media equipment and monotonous learning during lea rning media and

activities are one of the important factors in the teaching and learning process

of English, and media is also needed for the realization of a learning process.
C. Limitation of the problem

Researchers have found problems that occur in the field, it is known

that several factors cause problems in the ability to speak English. This

technique is used so that students are not easily bored; it is also fun,

interesting, and challenging. In relation to the formulation of the problem, the

research objectives are:

1. Introducing a guessing game as one of the supporting media in the

learning process activities in English on speaking skills.

2. Discuss the effectiveness of using guessing games to improve speaking

skills the skills of class VIII A students of SMP N 24 Padang.

D. Research questions

1. How can guessing game improve students speaking skill for the eighth

grade at SMPN 24 Padang?

2. How do students respond to the use of guessing game techniques in the

student's speaking class for the eight at SMPN 24 Padang?

E. Purpose of the research

1. To find out how Guessing Game can improve the speaking skill for the

eighth grade at SMPN 24 Padang.

2. To know how students respond to the use of guessing games techniques in

the students' speaking class.

F. Significance of the research

This research aims to provide useful information for:

1. Theoretically

a. For students

This research can add more theories to improve the speaking skills of

students in junior high school.

b. For researchers

Research can also provide useful techniques for further research that wants

to examine the same case. So this research can be useful information and a

useful reference for further research.

c. For readers

They can use this research as a technique that can improve speaking


2. Practical

a. English teachers

For English teacher this research should provide useful

activities to improve students speaking skills of students in English


b. Students

For a student this technique can make them more active, not

easily bored and creative in the teaching and learning process of


c. Further researchers

For the researcher hopes that this source can be a reference for

conducting research that is relevant to the problem.

G. Definition of the key term

1. Improving

Improving is an activity or effort that is carried out continuously to produce

better improvements.

2. Guessing game

Guessing game is a game where an individual or group will try to

answer the questions that have been given and some keywords related to the


3. Speaking Skills

Speaking skills are communication skills to convey a message orally

to others.


A. Concept of Speaking

1. Definition of Speaking

Speaking is one of the language skills learned in learning English.

Mart (2012) state, speaking is one of the communication tools to convey

meaningful ideas and thoughts. According to Tarigan (2008), Speaking is a

tool for conveying ideas that are compiled and developed according to the

needs of the listener or listener. The speaker says when talking to other

people, the speaker tries how the communication goes well. Speakers should

start the conversation when they want to emphasize something to expand

their knowledge. Speakers can do this by asking questions to get them to

provide information.

While according to Tarigan (2008), speaking is a language skill that

develops in a child's life which is only preceded by listening skills, and at

that time the ability to speak or speak is learned. That is, some children or

students are sometimes unable to listen or catch the meaning conveyed. For

this reason, speaking skills will provide opportunities to help them express

their ideas, thoughts and feelings.

The statement about speaking is also added by Harmer (2001) that

speaking will occur if several or more people are involved in talking to each

other. Therefore, communication will be smooth when someone speaks well

and fluently. This means that when interacting with other people we must
have good speaking skills or mastery of language.

According to the explanation above, speaking is the ability to express

an idea orally. Talking is about how we put our ideas and feelings into

words that allow someone to understand the message we have conveyed.

The purpose of speaking skills is to make communication work well and be

able to understand each other what the speaker is saying. They speak must

be able to express ideas or feelings about something. If someone wants

something then that person must speak, it will let the other person know

what the speaker wants.

2. Speaking skill

Speaking skill is a skill that a person has to convey ideas or thoughts

to anyone orally. Speaking skills will be difficult to develop if they are not

trained continuously. Savitri (2013) said that speaking skills are the basis for

developing language learning process skills because speaking can help to

shape, expand and organize thoughts. Brown (2001) in thesis Fitriana

(2012), grouping the kinds of spoken language as described below:

In a monologue, for example, when the speaker speaks oral for a

long time, one example is giving a speech and the listeners must be able to

listen to the speech delivered whether the listeners understand or not. The

next point is that it is planned, as opposed to unplanned, in that its discourse

structure is very different from a monologue. Next is dialogue, dialogue

relates one speaker to another or more speaker. Interpersonal, can be an

exchange that promotes social relationships. Transactional, aims to convey

natural or factual information. From the explanation above, dialogue and

monologue are one type of verbal speaking learning process activity.

3. Speaking Class Activities

The existence of interesting teaching activities in the classroom

will create a pleasant atmosphere for the teaching and learning process to

speak. According to Harmer 2001, the most recommended speaking

activities in speaking classes are as follows:

a. Communication Games

The game is an effective and interesting activity for teaching

speaking skills to students. Therefore, teachers must be able and smarter

in choosing games. They must know what games are suitable for

practicing students' speaking skills. The games they play must be in

accordance with the objectives to be achieved, namely improving

speaking skills. It depends on the information gap. Bailey (2003)

expressed an opinion about the information gap, according to him, is an

important activity where someone has unclear and incomplete

information. They must be able to use the language to be

achieved/target language to convey the information they want to share.

This means that in training the information gap, a student must tell

things that other students do not know.

b. Discussion

Discussion is also one of the activities to improve the students'

speaking learning process. Bukart, (1998) in Fitriana’s thesis (2012),

mention that there are several tricks of the teacher so that students and

teachers achieve the desired discussion target. The teachers check

students' readiness, form groups, requires students to participate in their

own way, and the teacher will give feedback to students about their

pronunciation or grammar.

c. Questionnaire

Questionnaire is also one that will support the process of

learning to speak. Dian (2012) in her thesis said that the questionnaire is

also one of the activities to improve speaking skills. This activity is

useful because they communicate with each other both the questioner

and the respondent. The results of the questionnaire will be the

beginning to discuss what has been prepared.

4. Teaching Speaking

The explanation above is emphasized by Dewey (2004), that

teaching is part of education which means that education is a process of

experiential reform, which may occur in the social process at various age

levels, and can also occur intentionally and can be developed to revive the
social spirit of sustainability. In the process of teaching speaking

especially in English is how a teacher teaches students about a verbal

communication or interaction with others. In addition, the teachers also

play a role in teaching the material and provide a clear explanation or

teaching. According to Fisher (2007), speaking is a unique human act or

process for exchanging information and ideas verbally.

In addition Pulverness and Williams (In Fitriana, 2012,) said that in

the process of teaching speaking skills, teachers have an important role,

namely the teacher as a facilitator to help students in the process of

speaking fluently in English and to improve students' verbal skills in real

life. In addition, English teachers must be able to create teaching classes

that are interesting and do not make students bored and can also exchange

ideas. Furthermore, teachers must be careful in choosing the right and

appropriate method to be applied in language classes that will make

students motivated to learn.

In fact, there are several activities that can be done in speaking

class. According to Kayi (2006), of the many linguists in his article on

Teaching English as Second Language (TESL), there are several activities

that are suitable to be carried out in the speaking class, one of which is role

playing. From the explanation above, the researcher concludes that

speaking skill is very important to be mastered. In the guessing game, the

teacher will give some helpful words to provoke students to express their

ideas orally.
B. Games

1. Definition Games

Game is the activity that most of the students like. According to

Agustina (2015), "Games are a way of learning by analyzing with a group

of players or individually using rational strategies. A game is something

that can be played with certain rules so that there are winners and losers,

usually in a non-serious context or for the purpose of refreshing. It's a

different thing with games that are used to improve someone's skills that

are played in class. This study uses games in the classroom to improve

speaking or language skills.

The above explanation is confirmed by Bedson and Lewis (2009),

that a game should be more than just for fun. Even though playing games

is fun, the teacher must stay focused on the language learning goals. As I

know that games are very fun activities and can motivate students in the

language learning process. Almost all students really like and enjoy

playing games. They not only get pleasure but also benefit from playing

the game. Playing games will encourage motivation and reduce boredom

to learn their speaking skills.

According to Nunan (2005) playing games is very suitable to be

applied in teaching techniques in the speaking class. Constantinescu

(2012) also said that a game must also be adapted to the subjects and

curriculum that is currently in effect, and also suitable for various age

levels. Paul (2003) says the games provide something good for the
environments to deal with new learning. When students are happy with the

game they will not take the risk, but they will try again to solve it again.

From the explanation above, that the game can stimulate students

in the process of speaking skills in class. Students can learn while playing

in a relaxed manner because they feel happy and motivated. Playing games

can provide opportunities to use English and they seem confident. This

makes a game can make English useful and meaningful for students.

2. Type of Games

Brewster and Ellis (2002) mention that there are 4 main types

describing the four main types of games. The first is a game that focuses

on language control, the second is focused on fluency or communication,

the third is competitive, and the last is cooperative.

The first is a game that focuses on accuracy or language control.

This game focuses on practicing memorized languages through vocabulary

pronunciation, and grammar. The goal of this game is to find as many

points as possible and the winner is clearly determined. The second is a

game that focuses on fluency and being able to cooperate with others. This

game is collaboration by creating a context and students focus on

completing it while being given keywords.

The third is competitive games, where the game is arranged in a

team, individual, group or pair. In this game there is only a winner or get

the most points. The last is cooperative play. This game is in the form of a

team and both want to achieve a common goal. This game focuses on
creating a context that students will solve together.

3. Criteria of good games

According to Jordan Shapiro (2014), he said the best learning game

is to help students find enjoyment and joy in learning a lesson. Some of

the statements in the criteria for a good game are as follows:

1) A game is created to have the purpose of the game, clear instructions

and manage it can easily also focus on learning.

2) This game is expected to involve everyone in the team and students can

work together and become more active.

3) This game must be played fairly, honestly and transparently.

4) The game must be piloted before being implemented in the classroom;

5) A game should be able to consider the language level and interests of


Therefore, not all games can be played in the classroom. For this

reason, teachers must be able to choose the best games for students, in

addition to having fun but also to improve speaking skills.

C. Guessing Games

1. Definition Guessing Games

Wright (2012) says that, in guessing games and speculating games,

one person knows something and the other has to find out what the answer

is. Guessing game is a game in which the participants compete to find out

something that is not clear. According to Webster (2001), in teaching

speaking through guessing games, students are expected to be actively

involved in speaking class activities. They have a lot of courage to come up

with ideas of what they are going to say. In other words, with this game in

speaking teaching class, students will become more active and interested in

learning to speak. Klippel (in Fitriana, 2012) also expresses the opinion that

"Guessing Game" is a game in which individual and group matches are

played to find out what is shown.

According to Miller (2008) guessing game is how to get all students

involved in the material being taught. This game is one of the most

effective games for children and also facilitates the language learning

process. Therefore, all people can play this game according to the skills that

will be obtained.

As I know, there are some students who still tend to use their

mother tongue in class, so that when learning English the habit is still

practiced. In schools, especially at the junior high school level, sometimes

English lessons are taught in the middle, or even in the last hours, where

students start to feel bored and lazy. Therefore, innovative teaching

techniques are needed so that students are interested and active in learning

English. Moreover, in improving speaking skills, the use of media will

greatly help students to learn English and improve their speaking skills. In

addition to the statement above, it can be seen that all skills can be applied

in teaching, one of which is speaking skills.

D. Guessing Game in Teaching Speaking

Brown (2001) said that guessing games are common language

classroom activities. This game can be played by teams or groups. One of the

groups must prepare questions for the other groups in turn. The other group

members have to find out, what will be conveyed to the student who asks the


Guessing Game is a game in which participants compete to identify

some things or objects that are not yet clear (Arti Kata, 2017). Another

definition from Wikipedia, 2017 states that guessing game is a game where

the goal is to guess for find some kind of information, such as a word, phrase,

title, or identity or location. Games can be applied in teaching and learning

English. This idea is supported by Wright, Betteridge and Buckby, “Games

can be played for practice on all reading, listening, speaking and listening


From the explanation above, that all skills can be appliedd in the

process of teaching speaking. There are several teacher reasons why games are

suitable to be used in teaching speaking class. This game provides

opportunities for students to use English orally; therefore students can practice

and develop speaking skills in Engglish. It is expected that students who are

shy can show high self-confidence in foreign languages.

According to Richard-Amato “Guessing games can be used to develop

or reinforce concepts, to add diversion to routine activities, and to lighten the

mood. Guessing games are said to be fun because they can reduce student

boredom during the process of learning to speak. Thus, motivation is also very

important for students in learning English and the process of learning to speak.
They also added that: Guessing game

The game can develop or streng then any number concept. “Guess

what I am, “Guess who I am” for example, is used to guess about professions,

animals, or people in different age groups (infants, children, teens, young

adults, parents). From the explanation above, it can be concluded that there are

guessing game concepts such as “Guess what I am” and “Guess who I am”,

and teachers can teach various topics such as professions, transportation,

animals and so on.

There are several guessing game concepts that can be applied in the

process of learning to speak. According to Lee in Betteridge and Buckby,

(1990:169) the Fitriana's thesis, (2012) there are several guessing games that

can be played at various levels. Are as follows:

1. Guess what is it.?

The point is to guess the objects that the student has or objects in

the class and some already know the name of the object. Then some

students ask other students what the name of the object is, and other

students if they know the answer are welcome to raise their hands.

- Is it the color of the miko bag?

- Is it your glasses?

- Is it my pen?

The first correct guess will replace the student who asked earlier.

After the game is successfully played by one class, it can also be played in

groups or in pairs, so that the class remains active and reduces boredom.
2. Guess who I am / what is my name? / Who is he??

The students think of themselves as other people or people who are

famous/admired people. Then students will be asked to make sentences like

the following:

- I lived in … about… I… years ago.

- I was a… / singer / work as / scientist, Etc.

3. Guess what's on me today?

- What is in my pencil case today?

- What did I carry in my bag today?

In this guess, the object not only belongs to the student but also the

teacher. It can be in the teacher's or student's bag (unspecified). For

example, students try to guess whether there are books, pencil cases,

photos, drinking bottles and so on that should be brought to school. Then

the student who owns the bag or so will answer if it is true say "yes" if it is

not true say "no". This guess can also ask what color the object is or its


4. Guess where that thing is?

- Is it behind the cupboard?

- Is it in Mr. / Ms’s / student bag ?

- Is it the size small/big?

Each student is asked to prepare one guess each. Statements can be

made as Questions: is behind the cupboard / in front of the desk etc. Next,
students are asked to formulate questions with games. Therefore, students

will be trained to speak using questions (WH).

Lee (2002) added, "There are so many guessing games, which can

be done at various age levels, the guessing challenge will practice

speaking skills and encourage fluent communication and arouse students'

interest and motivation".

B. Review of Related Study

In this research paper, this study draws on four previous studies. The

first research was conducted by Dian Fitriana (2012). This research is about

improving speaking skills through playing guessing games. Researchers

conducted research at SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Sayegan Yogyakarta. This study

uses qualitative and quantitative researchers. The subjects of this study were 32

students of class VII, and the object of the research was to improve students'

speaking skills when in class through guessing games. This study shows that

the use of guessing and guessing games in speaking class is more effective in

improving students' skills in learning English, especially speaking. Thus,

student participation during speaking activities is very enthusiastic, because it

can reduce boredom and motivate students to improve speaking skills in

language classes.

The second research was conducted by Danis (2014). This research is

about the application of guessing game technique in teaching speaking skill.

Researchers conducted research in one SMPN 15 Bandung. Researchers used

qualitative methods to complete this research. Based on the results of the study,
the researcher concluded that there were several benefits in using the guessing

game technique in learning speaking skills of students in the classroom: it

became a new technique for learning at school, built students' views that

speaking was fun, created a positive and enjoyable learning atmosphere,

motivated students to speak, improve students' speaking skills, and improve

students' vocabulary.

In addition, students believe that the guessing game technique makes

them speak easily and students like to play guessing in speaking activities, also

students show a positive attitude during learning to speak.

The third research was conducted by Ulviana 2011. She studied about

improving speaking skills through communication games. He conducts

research at MTS Manaratul Islam, Cilandak. The research method used is

descriptive analysis method. This study shows that the application of

communication games to learning English, especially students' speaking ability

is effective or quite good.

Based on the previous research above, the researchers found similarities

and differences. The similarity is that all the above studies try to apply guessing

games to improve speaking skills. The difference is that Ulviana uses

descriptive analysis method, which means the data is obtained from

quantitative and qualitative data with one experimental class and one control

class, but this study uses Classroom Action Research with a focus on one class

only. Researchers also carry out teaching and learning activities in the

C. Conceptual Framework

In this chapter, the researcher tries to explain the ability to speak is a

means for communication between human beings. Speaking is also one of the

important components that must be mastered in learning English. Several

factors can make speaking difficult for students as well as teachers. One of

them is because of the limitations of students in oral language meetings and

practice. At the same time, the teachers also have difficulty finding appropriate

techniques that can support the process of learning English in the classroom.

As a result, there was no significant increase in students' speaking ability.

In this research, the writer used game playing technique for teaching

speaking learning process. Implementing appropriate classroom activities such

as using games for language learning. In the process of learning to speak,

appropriate games will provide many opportunities to practice speaking skills

and communication skills. In other words, students will get teaching or

knowledge from playing the guessing game.

As for the way to improve students' speaking skills, the researcher chose a
guessing game to be applied in this study. This is based on the consideration that
the purpose of this research is for students to improve their speaking skills,
especially English and train their brain skills to be able to speak orally.

( Figure 2.1 Conceptual frame work)

Speaking Game Speaking

Guessing Game CHAPTERSpeaking

III Skill

Speaking Skill

A. Research Method and Design

The present research is classified into a quantitative research methodology. It

is suitable to examine a cause and an effect among variables by specifying the

hypotheses. According to Creswell (2012), it provides the numerical procedures,

which included the EFL learners’ grades in gathering the data during the research.

As the result, the quantitative method is beneficial to analyze the information by

optimizing the statistical analysis.

Moreover, the author carries out the research by utilizing pre-experimental

design. It pointed to one group pre-test and post-test with in-depth treatment in the

intervention. To be more specific, it focuses on investigating the EFL students’

improvement before and after the implementation of guessing game toward their

speaking ability. Also, the author does not require applying a comparison group

for identifying the research (John & Andrea, 2019). In addition, the research

consists of 2 variables, namely the independent and dependent variables. Further,

English guessing game is set as independent variable, while students’ speaking

skill was prompt as the dependent variable.

Table 3.1
Pre-experimental Design (One Group Pre-test and Post-test)
Pre-test Treatment Post-test

O1 X O2


X : Treatment by using English Guessing Game

O1 : Pre-test of experimental group

O2 : Post-test of experimental group

B. Time and Location of the Research

This research was conducted the eighth grade at SMPN 24 Padang.

This school is located on Jl. By Pass, Lubuk Begalung Nan XX, kec. Lubuk

Begalung, Padang city, West Sumatra, and the research was held from on

semester 2022.

C. The Respondents of the Research

Fraenkel and Wallen (2015) state that population is the larger group to

which one hopes to apply the result. A population is a group of individuals

who have the same characteristics are to be examined (Creswell, 2012). In this

study, the population was the eighth grade at SMPN 24 Padang in the

academic year of 2021/2022. The total number of the population was 8


Fraenkel and Wallen (2015) state that sample is any group on which

information is obtained. A sample is a subgroup of the target population that

the researcher plans to study for generalizing about the target population

(Creswell, 2012). In this study, the researcher used purposive sampling

technique. Purposive sampling is a sampling technique that is not random, but

rather by determining certain criteria which are selected based on the

assessment of the researcher.

In this case the researcher and classroom teacher of the SMPN 24

Padang is suggested class 8A and that consists of 40 students as the sample of

this study. As shown in table 3.2 below:

Table 3.2

Sample of the study

Group Number of Students

Male Students 8

Female Students 32

Total 40

Source : SMPN 24 Padang in the academic year of 2021/2022

D. Source of Data

The data’s source of this research was students speaking skill for the

eighth grade at SMPN 24 Padang.

E. Technique of Data Collection

The data of this study were collected by means of a test. The types of

tests were multiple choice and completion. According to Fraenksel and Wallen

(2015) test is an attempt to determine how an individual will function in a set

of actual situation. Therefore, Alam & Malik (2019,) the idea of pre-test/post-

test evaluation model is to measure baseline knowledge of participants at the

beginning of a course/lecture and compare it with the knowledge gained after

the course.

In this study, the pre-test and die post-test were given. The pre-test was
given to measure how much the students’ competence on speaking skill before

getting the guessing game techniques. Then, at the end of the research, the

post-test, was given to know whether or not it is significantly effective to

teach speaking skill using guessing game techniques to the eight grade

students of the at SMPN 24 Padang.

1. Pre-test

Pre-test was given before the teacher teaches use of guessing game

techniques in the student's speaking class. There was one purpose of giving

pre-test to the students, it was given to know the ability of students in

learning listening before the teacher taught speaking use of guessing game

techniques in the student's speaking class.

2. Post-test

Post-test was given after the teacher has given the treatment of

teaching speaking use of guessing game techniques in the student's speaking

class. This test had an aim to measure students' ability in speaking after the

end of instruction. The result of this test was compared with the result of


F. The Technique of Data Analysis

In this study, Percentage analysis was applied to know the result of

individual students. Both in the pre-test and post-test.

X= x 100

X : Student individual score

CA : Number of correct answer

NI : Number of test items

Moreover the researcher used the following scoring system to found

the individual pre-test and post-test scores. The researcher using the range 0-

100 as follows:

Table 3.3

Table of Scoring

Score Range Category

86 – 100 Excellent

66 – 85 Good

46 – 65 Fair

28 – 45 Poor

0 – 25 Very poor

Source: SMP N 24 Padang in the academic year of 2021/2022

G. Validity of Data

According to Sugiyono (2014) valid mean that “the instrument can be

used to measure what should be measured. Validity is the most important idea

to consider when preparing or selecting an instrument for use (Fraenkel and

Wallen, 2015).
In this research the writer estimate were intended the content validity

of the test Content validity refers to the extent to which a test measure a

representative sample of the subject matter content In order that the test had a

high degree of content validity, the test material was Based on The

Curriculum and Syllabus of the eighth grade students of SMP N 24 Padang.

Table 3.4

Specifications of Validated Speaking Test

Objectives Indicators Material Types of Total

Test Items

To improve the Students will Multiple 10

students’ be able to Choice

speaking skill speaking

by using effectively Question 20

guessing game through the Completion

techniques. guessing



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