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Northgate High School

Senior Project Project & Mentor Verification Form

Name of Student ____Neil Suvarna______________________________ Period ________

Mentored Project __ What can we as individuals reasonably do to reduce our carbon footprints?

As a Senior Project mentor, your final responsibility is to verify completion of your student’s work and to
pass his/her project. This is due by Thursday May 20, 2021. Mentors may write additional comments on
the back of this sheet

1. Please check if you have seen the following documents:

_____ Your student’s Letter of Intent -- explains plans for Senior Project.
_____ A Mentor Agreement -- explains your responsibilities.
_____ A copy of your student’s Senior Project Research paper.


2. Please list dates you have met with student:

Date __27 Mar___ Reason for Meeting ___to discuss the scope of his project and
Date __25 Apr____ Reason for Meeting ___my review comments & suggestions on project paper +
Date ___________ Reason for Meeting
Additional meeting dates: ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________


How did the project stretch or challenge the student’s abilities? Please assess the quality of the project.
Please make additional comments on the back if necessary:

Neil’s project has both technical and social/societal dimensions. He is strong on the technical side of
tihs, but I posit that he was challenged to uncover many of the ways in which individuals and societies
have a role in reducing our carbon footprints. The list of possible ways in which we can reduce our carbon
footprints is very large and he did a good job of curating that list to provide many of the most imporant
factor or ways that we can make choices that reduce our carbon dependence. The paper is technically
sound and written in a manner that makes this topic approachable and understood by a broad spectrum
of readers. Hopefully it will inspire students to take some of the actions he identifies. I think the quality of
the work is excellent.

4. Please verify that your student spent at least 20 hours on the project: Yes ___ No _____

Mentor Name (please print) ___Greg Biging Signature Greg Biging

Qualifications as mentor
Professor Emeritus Univ. of California, Berkeley Dept. Environmental Science, Policy &
Date 5/18/2022 Telephone Number 510 6852830 Mentor’s Email

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