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Creative Name of Student: Academic Track-

Writing HUMSS Strand

Q1 Week 1 Grade and Section: Ms. Jollibee F. Torres


Most Essential Learning Competency: Use imagery, diction, figures of speech and specific
experiences to evoke meaningful responses from readers

Objectives: 1. Define creative writing

2. Understand the nature of creative writing
3. Differentiate creative writing to other forms of writing


The human mind is a vast universe that contains limitless thoughts and no one can understand
its complexities unless explored and expressed. It is necessary that one share pieces of their
universe in any form possible release the captured ideas inside them. There are various ways
on how people share these thoughts. Others do it through visual arts, some of the movements,
many of music and a lot of writing just like creative writing.

Creative writing is the artistic expression through written word. It is used to express the writer’s
ideas and emotion. Unlike other forms of writing, it uses language that aims to entertain and
captivate the audience.

The table below shows the comparison between creative writing and technical writing to full
understand what creative writing is.
Technical Writing Creative Writing
Forms/ Samples Research journals, Poetry, fiction or stories,
proposals, reports, drama
Objective Aims to instruct and inform Aims to entertain the
the readers readers
Content Facts Writer’s imagination
Audience With specific target Broader audience / wider
audience range
Diction Formal, scholarly/ Informal, colloquial,
academically figurative
Structure systematic Artistic, imaginative


Directions: Write a paragraph about yourself. Write it in technical manner.


Directions: Introduce yourself using creative writing. Write it in the box below.



I learned that _______________________________________________________________


Date:_________Time: __________ Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature____________

Creative Name of Student: Academic Track-
Writing HUMSS Strand
Q1 Week 1 Grade and Section: Ms. Jollibee F. Torres

Most Essential Learning Competency: Use imagery, diction, figures of speech and specific
experiences to evoke meaningful responses from readers

1. Identify the importance of sensory details in creative writing
2. Exercise the use of sensory details or imagery in writing


The words or phrases that describe the content of the text vividly are called sensory details or
the use of imagery. Sensory details add power to writing. It gives a more concrete sensory
experience that allows a reader to have a clear mental picture of the scene or subject being

Without visual details, writing would be dull and plain. In creative writing, one must always
remember to use words or phrases that appeal to the five senses to sustain the interest of the
readers. Sensory details can make the reader see, hear, touch, taste and smell the object or
subject being described even without seeing, hearing, touching and smelling it.

To strengthen the points of their personal reflection, different examples of words and phrases
will be given for reading and further understanding.


Directions: Write down all the words/ adjectives you can think that appeal to your senses. One
point will be given for appropriate word written.


Directions: Write a paragraph using the sensory details you have written in the table above.
Choose three topics to work on using imagery:

Attending a party
Enjoying the scenery
Watching a favorite movie/ series
Eating your favorite dish
Swimming on a beach

Topic 1:________________________

Topic 2:__________________________

Topic 3: ___________________________


I believed that _____________________________________________________________


Date:_________Time: __________ Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature____________

Creative Name of Student: Academic Track-
Writing HUMSS Strand
Q1 Week 1 Grade and Section: Ms. Jollibee F. Torres


Most Essential Learning Competency: Use imagery, diction, figures of speech and specific
experiences to evoke meaningful responses from readers

1. Identify the three levels of diction used by a writer
2. Appreciate the use of diction in creative writing


Diction refers to the language and word choice of the writer. It shows the level of formality of a
text which helps in shaping the perception and view of the readers. There are three levels of
diction and these formal, informal and colloquial.

Formal Diction Academic/ Scholarly Language
Informal Diction Conversational Language
Colloquial Diction Slang Language; captures regional dialect

•Diction is the choice and use of words in speech and writing.

•Diction helps the writer to express his/her point of view.
•Diction contributes to establishing the writer’s tone.
•Diction adds to clarity and concision.
•Diction eliminates confusion.
•Diction includes denotation and connotation, and can be described as formal, informal and
Denotation is the literal, dictionary definition of a word.
Connotation refers to the response a word really arouses in the reader or listener, implied
meanings, words carry cultural and emotional associations in addition to their literal meanings or

Directions: Which of the word in each pair you commonly used for conversations or writings?
Underline your answer.

sub or sandwich?
pal or friend?
guts or courage?
sleep or snooze?
kid or child?
finished or done?
money or cash?

Directions: Give denotation and connotation for the following words: First word will be given for
MOTHER female parent savior, protector





Directions: Think of three words and write these words in formal, informal and slang diction.
Samples are given for your reference.


(Academic) (Conversational) (Slang)

money cash bucks


Directions: Write a possible dialogue between you and other person based from the given
situation below. Use different levels of diction in your choice of words and underline those
choice of words.

After 6 months of quarantine, you finally went out to the mall and on your way to the comfort
room, you have seen your friend whom you had a misunderstanding before the pandemic
happens, what would you say to him/ her?

Date:_________Time:__________ Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature_______________

Creative Name of Student: Academic Track-
Writing HUMSS Strand
Q1 Week 1 Grade and Section: Ms. Jollibee F. Torres


Most Essential Learning Competency: Use imagery, diction, figures of speech and specific
experiences to evoke meaningful responses from readers

1. Enumerate the different figures of speech
2. Write a short narrative piece which contains figures of speech
3. Appreciate the use of figurative language in creative writing


In creative writing, the writer must consider the language to be used which all make the creative
work different from other forms of writing. The language of creative writing is different compared
to academic writing. Words are flowery, expressive and more interesting. This is to capture not
just the mind but also the heart of the audience and to make the readers feel a different reading

Figurative Language – You don’t say exactly what you mean. You do compare, exaggerate, and
understate the situation. You use similes, metaphors, hyperboles, and other figures of speech
to make your writing more exciting.

These are the 7 common types of figurative language. Remember the word SHAMPOO.

Simile- comparing two unlike things using the words “like” or “as”.
Examples: Her eyes are like stars.
Susan is gentle as a kitten.

Hyperbole- an exaggeration so dramatic, no one could believe it; overstate to emphasize a point.
Examples: Your bag weighs a ton.
Mark drinks his beer in oceans.

Alliteration- the repeating of the same letter or sound, especially consonant sounds including
tongue twisters.
Example: Miss Warren was worried when Wendy was waiting
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.

Metaphor- comparing two unlike things without using like or as. Calling one thing as another
thing. Saying one thing is something else.
Examples: Her eyes were sparkling emeralds.
He’s a lion when he fights.

Personification- giving human characteristics to things that are not human as if they have life.
Examples: The angry flood waters slapped the house.
The sun smiled down on us.

Onomatopoeia - the use of a word to describe or imitate a natural sound made by an object or
action. Words that sound like what they mean.
Examples: pow, zoom, hiss, buzz, tweet

Oxymoron- words or phrases in which contradictory or opposite terms are used together
Examples: act naturally, bitter-sweet, climb down, beautiful disaster

Directions: Write LITERAL or FIGURATIVE based on how you understand the sentence.
1.______________ Numerator is the top portion of a fraction.
2. _____________ A numerator is like the top half of a sandwich cookie.
3. _____________ Sound waves can travel through solids, liquid and air.
4. _____________ Lines are parallel and angles are similar.
5. _____________ Flower theorems faint in sudden gardens under fleeting twilight.

Directions: Identify the figurative language used in these sentences.
1.____________The hockey player lost his control when the puck ran across the ice.
2.____________The snow on the ski hill was powdered sugar.
3.____________The coach was as upset as a lion when his team lost the game.
4.____________Freddy French fired five fabulous free throws.
5.____________The snowmobile was a rocket in the newly fallen snow.
6.____________The running shoes danced as the runner neared the finish line.
7.____________“Bang!” went the gun as the race started.
8.____________Steven boxes in the light-heavyweight division.
9.____________Spotlighting several special sports shows seems significant for TV.
10.___________ After the marathon, the runner was thirsty enough to drink the ocean.


Directions: Give a sentence about the given subject in the parentheses that uses the following
figurative language:

1. SIMILE (family)

2. HYPERBOLE (love)


4. METAPHOR (friendship)


6. OXYMORON (sadness)

7. ONOMATOPOEIA (happiness)


I learned that_____________________________________________________________

Date:_________Time:__________ Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature_______________

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