Chirp Pattern

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Crocheted Peep And The Big Wide World

pattern is Sandy Meeks 2009

Materials: Any type of yarn, thickness will determine size. Pictured is cotton yarn by Sugar and Cream. The size pictured is Quack at about 4 inches tall. Tapestry/yarn needle Crochet hook (to suit yarn thickness) I used US E4/3.50 MM Scissors

Gel super glue (optional) I use super glue to reinforce the eyes, mouth, etc and sew the pieces on as well with a needle.

Beg - beginning Ch - chain Sc - single crochet St- stitch Hdc - half double crochet Dc - double crochet Tc - triple crochet Rnd - round Inc - increase Dec - decrease sl st - slip stitch


For Chirp:

Body: (worked in the round, do not join) using red

1. Chain 2, 6 sc into 2nd chain from hook 2. 2 sc in each 6 st, 12

3. 2 sc in first st, 1 sc in next st, repeat around, 18 4. Sc in each around, 18 5. 2 sc in first st, 1 sc in each next 2 st, repeat around, 24 6. Sc in each around, 24 7. Sc in each around, 24 8. Dec over first 2 st, 1 sc in each next 2 st, repeat around, 18 9. Sc in each around, 18 10. Dec over first 2 st, 1 sc in next st, repeat around, 12 Stuff firmly 11. Dec over first 2 st, repeat around, 6 End off and close using a yarn needle.

Eyes (make 2):

With white, ch 2, 5 sc in 2nd ch from hook, sl st to first sc, end off. With black, take about a 6 inch (or more if needed) piece of yarn and tie a double knot in the center, using yarn needle, sew into white eye base to make the pupil. Attach eyes to body.

Beak (with orange):

Top part of beak: ch 6, sl st in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next st, hdc in next st, dc in next st, tc in last st, ch 3, sl st in same st, turning work and working underneath, ch 3, tc in same st, dc in next st, hdc in next st, sc in next st, sl st in last st, ch 1, turning work again, sl st in first, sc in next st, hdc in next st, dc in next st, tc in next st, ch 3, sl st in same st, end off. You will end up with a shape that looks like a fan or leaf. Lower part of beak: ch 5, sl st in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next st, hdc in next st, dc in last st, ch 2, sl st in same st, turning work and working underneath, ch 2, dc in same st, hdc in next st, sc in next st, sl st in last st, end off. Bend the top part and bottom part as you sew them onto the body to make a sort of diamond shape, I came back with some black thread to outline around the beak, and used some glue to glue around the outside edge of the top beak to give him more definition, this is optional.

Legs (make 2):

With black chain 12, sl st in 2nd ch from hook, and in each next 3 st. sl st in same st 2 more times (it will feel as though you are really not stitching into the stitch, but you are really making a pivot angle for the feet to the legs). Sl st in each of the rest of the chain to the end, end off, attach to body.

Top of Chirps head (with black):

Using a few long lengths of yarn, tie onto top of head. Cut to desired length.

Wings (with red, make 2):

Chain 4, sl st to 2nd ch from hook, sc in next st, hdc in last st end off, attach to body.

Finished! CHIRP!

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