C Programming:decision Making, Control Structures and Arrays

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C Programming :decision making ,

control structures and arrays
History of C

 C is a programming language developed by Dennis Ritchie at AT & T Bell labs

in 1972.
 It is a middle level language.
 C is a procedural oriented language.
 C is machine independent programming language.

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C Structure

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 Example code:

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 ANSCII C provides three Classes of datatypes.

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1. Built in or Primary data type:

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Input and Output Statement

 Input Statement/read statement

 scanf() method:
 It reads the value from the console as per the type specified.


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 Output/write statement
 printf() method:
It prints or write the value on the console Screen.

printf(“statement with format


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Decision making in C

1. if statement
2. switch statement
3. conditional operator statement
4. goto statement

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 IF
 if statements is a powerful decision making
statements and used to control the flow of execution
of statements.

if(test expression)

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 The if statement implemented depending on the complexity of conditions to be tested.
 simple if statement
 if……else statement
 nested if….else statement
 else if ladder

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 Simple if
 General form:

if(test expression)

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 If ….else
 General form:

if(test expression)
True block- statement;
False block- statement;
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 Nested if else statement:
 General form

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 Else if ladder
 General form:

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C has a multi way decision statement known
as a switch.
The keyword is switch.
The switch statement tests the value of a
given variable or expression against a list of
case values and when a match is found , a
block of statements associated with that case
is executed.
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 General Form:

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 Flowchart:

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 It is two way decisions.
 This operator commonly called as conditional
 This operator combination of ? and :, and takes three
 The conditional expression evaluated first , if the
conditional expression is true then first statement is
executed .otherwise second statement is executed.
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 General form:

Conditional expression? expression1: expression2

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 c supports the goto statement to branch unconditionally
from one point to another in the program.
 Goto requires a label in order to identify the place where
the branch is to be made.
 A label is any valid variable name, and must be followed
by a colon(:).
 Goto have two variations
Backward jump.
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 General Form:

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 A loop allows a program to repeat a group of statements,

either any number of times or until some loop condition
 • Convenient if the exact number of repetitions are
• Loop Consists of
• Body of the loop.
• Control Statement.
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 Steps in looping:
Initialization of condition variable.
Execution of body of the loop.
Test the control statement.
Updating the condition variable.

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Common Loops

 While Loop
 Do while Loop
 For Loop

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While Loop

 The while is an entry controlled statement.

 The test condition evaluated first, then
executes the body of the statement until
condition becomes false.

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 General form:

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 Example:

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 The do…while is a exit controlled loop.

 Here, body of the loop evaluated first, then
the condition will be checked.

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 General form:

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 Example:

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 It is entry controlled loop.

 It checks the condition, then executes the
body of the loop.

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 General form:

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 Example:

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Nested for loop

 Nesting of loops nothing but one for

statement within another for statement.
 Inner loop executes first then the outer loop

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 General form:

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 Example

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Jump in loops

 Jumping out of a loop


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Break in loops

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Goto in loops

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The continue statement

 The loop to be continued with the next

iteration after skipping any statements in
 The continue statement tells the compiler,
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 Array is a fixed size sequenced collection

of elements of the same data type.
 Types of array
One dimensional array
Two dimensional array
Multi dimensional array
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One dimensional array

 A list of items can be given one variable

name using only one subscript and such a
variable is called a single dimensional

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Declaration of one dimensional array

 General form: data-type variable-name[size];

 Example:
 int a[5];
float array1[10];
char name[10];
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Initialization of one dimensional array

 There are two stages:

 At Compile time
At run time

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Compile time initialization

 Initializing
the variable in ordinary way.
 General form:
data_type variable_name[size]={list of

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 Example:
int array1[2]={4,2};
int array2[]={1,2,3};
char array3[]={‘j’,’o’,’h’,’n’,’\0’};
char name[]=“john”;
int array4[5]={20,30};
int array5[2]={1,2,3,4}//error

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Example code

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Run time initialization

• Usually applied for initializing large arrays.

• It uses scanf() function to access one dimension

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Print/display onedimensional array

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Two dimensional array

 A table of items can be given one variable

name using two subscript and such a
variable is called a two dimensional array.
 Used to represent tabular data.
 Having ROW and COLUMN
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 Syntax:
 Datatype arr_name[row_size][col_size];
 Example:
 int matrix[3][3];

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 There are two stages:

 At Compile time
At run time

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Compile time

 data_type
variable_name[row_size][col_size]={list of
 Example:
 int matrix[3][3]={{1,2,3},{4,5,6},{7,8,9}};
 int matrix[3][3]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}
 int matrix[3][3]={0};
 int matrix[][]={1,2,3,4};
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Runtime initialization

 Takes the value in the runtime using scanf()


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Accessing/reading one dimensional array

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Writing two dimensional array

 Printing the array element in the monitor.

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