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Date: 21/02/2015 Revision No.

: 00
Issued by: VS Page No.: Page 1 of 6
Safe Operating Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment Ref No.: GPL/SAF/SOP-I/HIRA/R2
Procedure (SOP)

Safe Operation Procedure

On Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment
1.0 Purpose:
To establish a procedure for the ongoing hazard identification of all workplace and business related
activities which may create OH&S hazard, determination of risks and selection of appropriate risk
control measures in accordance with both legal and other requirement to which GPL promises.
2.0 Scope:
This procedure will be applicable to all GPL Projects and bellow mentioned activities shall be taken in
to account & to be done proactively.

a. All routine (periodic) and non-routine (occasional) activities under normal, abnormal and
emergency situations.
b. Activities of all persons i.e. Employees, Contractors (Contractors’ working for GPL.), Customers,
Visitors, Trainees, etc. having access to work place.
c. Facilities (Infrastructure, Machinery/ Equipment, Installations etc.) whether provided by the
organization or belonging to the contractors etc…
d. Hazard originating outside the work place capable of adversely affecting the OH&S of persons
under the control of GPL within the work place.
e. Changes (temporary/permanent), proposed changes, modification to OH&S MS(Method
Statement), activities, Operating procedures and their impacts.
f. Human related aspects (Human error, Behavior, Capabilities, and Ergonomics etc.)
g. Legal & other requirements (e.g. GPL Guidelines, BOCW, EHS Plan etc… )
h. Work Environment Aspects (illumination, ventilation, ergonomics etc.)
i. Hazard in the vicinity of workplace
3.0 Roles & Responsibility:
GPL Project Manager is responsible for adherence to the SOP / work instructions through PMC &
responsible contractors. And the respective Contractor is responsible to transmit this SOP/ work
instructions to their sub-contractors and ensure that the contents are clearly understood by them. In
case of not adherence to SOP/ work instructions and non-performance by Contractor, the GPL
Project Manager has the right to get this done by other contractor and back charge the same to
defaulting contractors.

4.0 Definitions/Abbreviations:
Hazard identification is the process used to identify all the possible situations in the workplace
where people may be exposed to injury, illness or disease.

Risk assessment is the process used to determine the likelihood that people may be exposed to
injury, illness or disease in the workplace arising from any situation identified during the hazard
identification process.

Risk control is the process used to identify all practicable measures for eliminating or reducing the
likelihood of injury, illness or disease in the workplace, to implement the measures and to continually
review the measures in order to ensure their effectiveness.
Risk: Combination of likelihood of an occurrence of a hazardous event (P) and the severity of injury
or ill health that can be caused by the event (S).

Risk (R) = Probability (P) X Severity (S)

Prepared by: RM Reviewed by: VS Approved by: JP

Date: 21/02/2015 Revision No.: 00
Issued by: VS Page No.: Page 2 of 6
Safe Operating Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment Ref No.: GPL/SAF/SOP-I/HIRA/R2
Procedure (SOP)

Acceptable Risk: Risk that has reduced to a level that can be tolerated by the organization having
regards to its legal obligations and its own OH&S policy.

Not Acceptable Risk: A ‘Not Acceptable Risk’ is one which exceeds some threshold for significance.

Fatal Incident: Loss of life / bodily injury, which may permanently, disables a person to carry on his
daily work.
Ill Health: Identifiable, adverse physical or mental condition arising from and/or made worse by a work
activity and/or work-related situation.


GPL: Godrej Properties Ltd.

HIRA: Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment
SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
CMC: Central Monitoring Cell
HPT: Hazard Preparation Team
OEP: On Site Emergency Plan
OH&S: Occupational Health and Safety
5.0 Procedure:
To identify & evaluate hazard involved in every activity during execution & to find appropriate practical
control measure to avoid harm to Personal & Property of the company.

HIRA is a part of planning stage & it should be prepared well before start of every activity.

5.1 HIRA Preparation

 Standard risk assessment method as outlined in the attached appendices will be followed /
employed by all contractors working on GPL Construction Site.
 All Contractors, who will undertake design and construction work for GPL Construction Site, will
refer to the safety regulation under contract condition for guidance.
 The level of risk associated with identified hazards will be prior listed in accordance with their
probability, severity and classified under risk categories A, B, C and D. The objective shall to be
reducing the risk level to ‘D’.
 "Method of Risk Classification" outlines the method of risk classification and suggested risk control
measures which may be considered.
 This can be used to identify all hazards associated with the construction work being carried out prior
to classifying the risk before and after control measures have been identified using the attached
Hazard identification and Risk Assessment Sheet in Appendix - 1.
 The control measures which will be used to eliminate, reduce and manage risks will be specified in
Risk Assessments to enable cross checking to be carried out.

5.2 HIRA Preparation Team (HPT):

HIRA preparation team to be formed, who will be responsible for preparing HIRA for each & every
activity of site operation,

Prepared by: RM Reviewed by: VS Approved by: JP

Date: 21/02/2015 Revision No.: 00
Issued by: VS Page No.: Page 3 of 6
Safe Operating Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment Ref No.: GPL/SAF/SOP-I/HIRA/R2
Procedure (SOP)

HPT members should meet minimum requirement;

 Knowledge and experience of hazard identification and risk assessment techniques
 Knowledge of the process or activity to be assessed
 Technical knowledge of the plant or equipment
 Good communication and report writing skills and
 Possess right attitude to carry out risk assessment
Suggested HPT should comprise of minimum Execution In-charge, Safety In-charge, Concern Work In-
charge & concern Supervisor.

5.3 Identification of Hazard & Subsequent Risk:

Every activity, sub-activity and tasks have its own hazards & risks.

While identifying the hazards and subsequent risk, following points shall be taken into consideration,
these are:

 Human behaviours, capabilities & other human factors. (Workplace layout, operator information,
physical work, work patterns also personnel competency)
 Infrastructure, equipment & materials at the workplace, whether provided by the organization or
others. (e.g. hazards caused by stored material, handling & placement of materials, Hired
 Changes or proposed changes in the organization, its activities, materials.
 Modifications to the safety management system, including temporary changes, and their impacts
on operations, processes, and activities.
 The design of workplace areas, processes, installations, machinery/ equipment, operating
procedures and work organization, including their adaptation to human capabilities.
5.4 Sources of Information or Inputs to be considered during HIRA:
 Safety Policy
 Occupational exposure for health hazard
 Inputs from the applicable legislations, standards and codes of practices, relevant operating
manuals of plant and machinery and MSDS of the chemicals etc…
 Records or reports of incidents
 Audit & inspection report , assessments and review
 Process review and improvement of activities in the workplace
 Information on best practices and typical hazards in similar organization
 Information on the facilities processes and activities of the organization plan, OEP etc.
 Nature, Timing, Scope of work and methodology should be considered.
5.5 Method of Risk Classification:
In order to identify level of risk associated to identified hazards, the hazards will be evaluated in
accordance with their probability & severity and classified in category indicated below,
Step 1 Hazard Identification
Identify the Hazards to health and safety to which persons are exposed. Objective is to develop a
proactive approach to Occupational Health and Safety Management System by anticipating and
managing the changes.

Prepared by: RM Reviewed by: VS Approved by: JP

Date: 21/02/2015 Revision No.: 00
Issued by: VS Page No.: Page 4 of 6
Safe Operating Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment Ref No.: GPL/SAF/SOP-I/HIRA/R2
Procedure (SOP)

Step 2 Risk Rating (R) without control

For each hazard identified assess and estimate the Risk associated with it in relation to probability (P)
and severity (S) of occurrence, without considering the existing controls. Match the probability index
and severity index and calculate Risk Rating (P X S).
Refer –Table no.1 for probability; Table No-2 for severity
Step 3 Risk Rating R with control
Evaluate the risk rating (P X S) by considering controls in place. Focus on:
 Exposure to specific hazard
 Probability (P) of the occurrence of the hazard.
 Severity (S) consequences of injury or ill-health
Table 1
Probability of
Rating Description
Very Unlikely Hazardous event or exposure may occur in exceptional
1 (Improbable) circumstances. (Very remote chance)
Hazardous event or exposure is unlikely to occur (Rare
Unlikely (Remote )
2 chance
Hazardous event or exposure has a significant chance to
Likely ( Possible)
3 occur
Very Likely
4 (Probable) Hazardous event or exposure is certain to occur

Table 2

Rating Description
1 Negligible Minor injuries such as small cuts and bruise, back to work
Injury/ill health with short term effect, not reportable - away from
Minor work for less than two days
Major injury or permanent disability or ill health with long term
Severe effect reportable;
4 Major Fatality, disasters.

Step4: RISK Calculation / Evaluation:

Severity (S)
Probability (P) 1. Negligible 2. Minor 3. Severe 4. Extreme
1. Improbable ₋₋₋ ₋₋₋ D C
2. Remote ₋₋₋ C C B
3. Possible D C B A
4. Probable C B A A
A: Hazard must be avoided (or the level of risk reduced significantly and reliable by controls).
B: Hazard should be avoided (or the level of risk reduced significantly and reliable by controls).
C: Risk to be controlled as far as reasonably practicable.

Prepared by: RM Reviewed by: VS Approved by: JP

Date: 21/02/2015 Revision No.: 00
Issued by: VS Page No.: Page 5 of 6
Safe Operating Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment Ref No.: GPL/SAF/SOP-I/HIRA/R2
Procedure (SOP)

D: Risk is controlled as far as reasonably practicable.

---: No control measure necessary.
LEGAL: If activity come under legal implication (significant) than additional control measures is to
be taken and has to be reviewed periodically.
S: Significant
NS: Non - Significant.

Step5: Implementation of Control Measure:

 Eliminating the hazard - Elimination of risk by avoiding a certain activity/ process or use of
alternatives; design improvements; change of process etc.
 Substitution - Reducing risk using a hazardous substance or chemical which is relatively less
risky; using low voltage electrical appliances
For example - Use hydraulic machine in wet condition instead of electrical power driven
machine to avoid shock hazards.
 Engineering Controls
Redesign: Jobs and processes can be reworked to make them safer. For example, containers can
be made easier to hold and lift.
Isolation - If a hazard cannot be eliminated or replaced, it can sometimes be isolated, contained or
otherwise kept away from workers. For example, an insulated and air-conditioned control room can
protect operators from a toxic chemical and installing guarding on equipment or operating machinery

Prevent or minimize exposure to the risk: If a hazard cannot be eliminated, there are a number of
control options that can be used alone, or in combination, to prevent or minimize exposure to the
For example - Remote control operation of the Boom Placer, anti collision device of tower crane
 Administrative controls
Minimizing exposure to a risk through the use of SOP (safe operating procedures), instructions or by
displaying signage’s/warning.
For example - Display warning signs or providing safety training.
Also risk can be minimized by adequate supervision, training, job rotation, housekeeping, repairs
and maintenance schedule and hygiene at the work place.
 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Protective Clothing /Aprons, Safety Goggles, Earplugs, hand-gloves, Appropriate Foot wear, fall
protection equipment’s are some of the PPEs used. Personal protective equipment (PPE) and
clothing is used when other controls measures are not feasible and where additional protection is
needed. Workers must be trained to use and maintain equipment properly. The employer and
workers must understand the limitations of the personal protective equipment. The employer is
expected to require workers to use their equipment whenever it is needed. Care must be taken to
ensure that equipment is working properly
For example - using respiratory protection to minimize exposure to inhalation of silica dust, fine
particles, cement dust etc.

Step 6: Submission of HIRA:

Prepared by: RM Reviewed by: VS Approved by: JP

Date: 21/02/2015 Revision No.: 00
Issued by: VS Page No.: Page 6 of 6
Safe Operating Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment Ref No.: GPL/SAF/SOP-I/HIRA/R2
Procedure (SOP)

The contractor will be responsible to submit site specific construction Risk assessment to GPL/
PMC site Management for review two weeks before commencement of the construction activity
PMC Site Management will review the completeness and content of the Risk Assessment and will
comment on it and submit the same to GPL site Head for approval. After approval release the HIRA
for the preparation of method statement and specific checklist.
Hierarchy for HIRA approval:

Name Org / Sec. Signature Date

Prepared By Contractor
Reviewed By PMC
Approved By GPL Site Head

All subcontractors will maintain a full record of all the Risk Assessment relevant for their work. The
records should contain the following information: subject, number, date prepared, date submitted to
GPL/PMC Site management, date of revision, accepted by GPL/ PMC Site management.

6. Revision of HIRA
Hazard Identification and Risk Assessments shall be reviewed for their adequacy when there are
any changes to OH&S MS (e.g. Changes in the technology, processes, methods, materials, persons,
machines, facilities etc.) or as recommended by legal/ other requirements or actual non-
conformances (e.g. deteriorating trend of air quality, near miss, accidents, complaints etc.). The
HIRA shall be reviewed at least once in six months and in the following cases also:
 New Type of job
 modification in site layout
 New safety equipment / equipments deputed
 After any incident / accident investigation
 As a result of safety audit, safety inspection etc.

Appendix: HIRA Format

Prepared by: RM Reviewed by: VS Approved by: JP

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