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Name: ____________________________________________
School: ____________________________________________ District: __________________________
Division: ___________________________________________

Dear Students,

Thank you so much for your time and cooperation in answering fully this questionnaire. Rest assured that
all answers will be treated confidentially and for research purposes only.

Sincerely yours,


Certificate of Consent and Background Please check

1.I confirmed that I have fully understood the information given to me by the researcher for
the above study and I have had the opportunity to ask questions to the researcher.
2.I understand that my participation in this study is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw
at any time without prejudice.
3. I agree to take part in the above study.

4.I understand that while information gained during the study maybe published, I will not be
identified and my personal results will remain confidential.

General Instruction: Please read the direction in each of the following items.

I. English Self-Efficacy

Direction. Below are indicators regarding the English self-efficacy. Please read the following questions
carefully and for each statement below, circle the letter/s that indicates your evaluation of your current
command of English

Legend: 5- Very Frequently 4- Frequently 3-Occasionally 2-Rarely 1- Never

N Indicators
1 2 3 4 5

1 I understand stories when written and told in English language. N R O F VF

2 I read and finish my modules in English independently. N R O F VF
3 I easily understand English movieseven without subtitles. N R O F VF
4 I introduce my school using English language. N R O F VF
5 I write English diaries, poems and songs. N R O F VF
6 I give directions to my classmates in English language. N R O F VF

7 I love to write English compositions assigned my English teacher. N R O F VF

8 I read and tell a English stories. N R O F VF
9 I listen and catch up eaily the words spoken in English radio program. N R O F VF
10 I write and give instructions to others using the English language. N R O F VF
11 I can easily unlocked unknown words in articles written in English. N R O F VF
12 I always use the English words I know in a sentence to communicate.. N R O F VF
13 I write emails using English language. N R O F VF
14 I can understand the tape-recorded English dialogue given by my teacher. N R O F VF
15 I read and understand English news in the internet. N R O F VF
16 I use English language in asking questions to my classmates and teachers. N R O F VF
17 I make sentences with English phrases and present it in the class. N R O F VF
18 I communicate wuth my English teacher in English. N R O F VF
19 I discussed interesting facst and concepts with my classmates using englsh sentences N R O F VF
and words.
20 I read and understand English short stories. N R O F VF
21 I read and love to hear English songs. N R O F VF
22 I read, understand and reflect on English newspapers. N R O F VF
23 I scan new English words using a dictionary to unlocked it. N R O F VF
24 I can count and explain mathematical solutions using English language. N R O F VF
25 I share my ideas and comment my opinions in relavant issues in the internet using N R O F VF
English language.
26 I read and fascinated with Filipino culture presented in Egnlish language. N R O F VF
27 I spoke and introduce myself in English. N R O F VF
28 I easily understand new English lessons. N R O F VF

II. Language Learning Strategies

Instructions: The following are indicators regarding your language learning strategies in language learning. Please read
the statements carefully and indicate the extent to which you practice each statement by encircling the appropriate
response. Using the scale below.
5- Very Frequently 4- Frequently 3- Occasionally 2-Rarely 1- Never

No Indicators
Part 1 1 2 3 4 5
A. How often do you practice each statement ?
1 I think of word relationships among new English words I learned. N R O F VF
2 I use new English words in a sentence so I can remember them. N R O F VF
3 I imagine a situation of events that will represent the new English word I learned. N R O F VF
4 I associate new English words to a situation or event in my life. N R O F VF
5 I use rhymes in order to remember new English words. N R O F VF
6 I use flashcards to remind myself of the new English words I learned. N R O F VF
7 I physically use hand gestures to decribed news English words. N R O F VF
8 I review English lessons often. N R O F VF
9 I remember new English words or phrases by remembering where I saw them. N R O F VF
B. Part 2 1 2 3 4 5
How often do you practice each statement ?
11 I write new English words several times in my journal. N R O F VF
12 I try to talk like native English speakers using their accent. N R O F VF
13 I practice the sounds of English by using it when speaking. N R O F VF
14 I use the English words I know in different ways such as asking questions. N R O F VF
15 I start conversations in English. N R O F VF
16 I watch English movies and Englihs TV programs. N R O F VF
17 I read English stories for pleasure and past time. N R O F VF
18 I write note, messages, letters, or reports in English. N R O F VF
19 I first skim an English passage (read over the passage quickly) then go back and read N R O F VF
20 I connect similar words in my language to English words I learned. N R O F VF
21 I try to find patterns in English. N R O F VF
22 I find the meaning of an English word by dividing into parts that I understand. N R O F VF
23 I try not to translate English word in a word-for-word process. N R O F VF
24 I make summaries of information that I hear or read in English. N R O F VF
C Part 3 1 2 3 4 5

How often do you practice each statement ?

21 I make guesses so that I can understand unfamiliar English words. N R O F VF
22 I used gestures to express what I want during conversations. N R O F VF
23 I simplify Egnlish words and translate it to my local dialect if I got confusions. N R O F VF
24 I don’t look up to every new word whenever I read English. N R O F VF
25 I try to guess what the other person will say when I am in an English conversation. N R O F VF
26 I used phrase and quotes to express what I mean in an English conversation. N R O F VF
D Part 4 1 2 3 4 5

How often do you practice each statement ?

27 I try to find a lot of ways such as communication, giving commands and expressing N R O F VF
my idea in order for me to practice the use of my English.
28 I notice my English mistakes and use that information to help me to do better. N R O F VF
29 I pay attention when someone is speaking English. N R O F VF
30 I try to find out how to be a better learner of English. N R O F VF
31 I plan my schedule so I will have enough time to study English. N R O F VF
32 I look for people I can talk to in English. N R O F VF
33 I look for opportunities to read as much as possible in English. N R O F VF
34 I have clear goals for improving my English skills. N R O F VF
35 I think about my progress in learning English.
E Part 5 1 2 3 4 5

How often do you practice each statement ?

36 I try to relax before speaking whenever I feel uncomfortable speaking. N R O F VF
37 I motivate myself to try better whenever I commit mistakes in English. N R O F VF
38 I give myself a reward or treat when I do well in English. N R O F VF
39 I am aware of my mistakes whenever im using English language. N R O F VF
40 I write down important events in my life in my journal using English language. N R O F VF
41 I talk to someone else about how I feel when I am learning English. N R O F VF
F Part 6 1 2 3 4 5

How often do you you practice each statement ?

42 I politely ask someone to slow the speead in speaking English whenever I cants
43 I ask others to correct me for mistakes whenever I am speaking in English.
44 I practice English with other students through communications.
45 I ask for help from English speakers so I can improve my English speaking skills. .
46 I ask questions in English to my classmates.
47 I try to learn about culture of English speakers.

May God bless you a hundred folds!

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