MyKampus Radio Roadshow 2022 - ACTIVITY PLAN

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MyKampus Radio Roadshow 2022

The document outlines four components for each station: the activity, physical items which need to
be prepared, instructions on what to place in the Online Gallery & input for the facilitator training
PPT sessions.

ADDITIONAL LINES: Demarcation lines at SIX stations, because more than one group will be at each
station at every turn. Prepare to run three groups at each station.

GENERAL TIME ALLOCATION: 20 minutes at each station. [2.5hours to complete]

1.0 What is your logo?

Activity at Station ONE

Give the logos Each team handed twenty plastic pieces of
logos. Asked to match them with the list of
company names on the board.
Allocated Time Twenty minutes (After 15 minutes including
time for clue chit, second cheat chit handed
over to them)
Physical Challenges for Clues 1. Fifteen mass push-ups (all team
members together) One clue chit
2. Last 5 minutes, cheat chit handed over
to team

Completion All twenty plastic pieces are correctly placed on

board. Facilitator hands over completion cert
and writes time to complete in her clipboard.
Collect all items from team. Inform them their
next station.

Physical Items
Logos Four sets of reusable coloured logos (20 each) laminated kept separate in
sealed packs. Size 5” by 5”
Board Four boards (preferably foldable or reinstall able, for ease of storage in
van), with names of start-up companies and can fit twenty of the coloured
Instruction Sheet 4 laminated A5 size [Informs what the game requires]
Clue chits 4 each of the clue chit, A6 size [clues to use]
Cheat chit 4 each of the cheat chit, A3 size

Online Gallery [Single HTML Page with hyperlinks]

List of start-up companies Fifty start ups (Name of company, LOGO, brief
bio on company — core activity, founder, city,
funder, awards/recognition & URL to own
PPT Training Material
Slide One Activity One: [TEXT] What is your logo?
[VISUAL] The board and logos on it
Slide Two [TEXT] When arrive at Station One, hand the
activity sheet to the team and the logo sealed
pack. Start the stopwatch. [VISUAL] stopwatch
& general logos stacked together
Slide Three [TEXT] Teams can ask for CLUE chit inside the
first ten minutes. Facilitator confirms joint
execution. Passes the CLUE chit.
Slide Four [TEXT] Team still not done in 15 minutes (look
at stopwatch), handover the CHEAT chit.
Slide Five [TEXT] Confirm completion on board. Write
completion time in the form on clipboard.
Collect the items back from contestants. Leave
them at Station One. Give them info on next
station to head to.

2.0 What is a Start UP (Based on Investopedia)

Activity at Station TWO

Fill the blanks Each team handed a print-out of a text from
the online gallery which outlines key
information about the definition of start ups
and several phrases/concepts blanked out.
Allocated Time Twenty minutes
Physical Challenges for Clues 3. Fifteen jumping jacks (all team
members together) One clue chit
4. Last 5 minutes, cheat chit handed over
to team

Completion Form filled correctly. Facilitator hands over

completion cert and writes time to complete in
her clipboard. Collect all items from team.
Inform them their next station.

Physical Items
Answer sheet Printed in one A4 (Not reusable)
Instruction Sheet 4 laminated A5 size [Informs what the game requires]
Clue chits 4 each of the clue chit, A4 size [half the answers]
Cheat chit 4 each of the cheat chit, A4 size [remaining answers jumbled]

Online Gallery [Single HTML Page with hyperlinks]

What is start up Text from Investopedia on start ups

What Is a Startup?
The term startup refers to a company in the first
stages of operations. Startups are founded by one or
more entrepreneurs who want to develop a product
or service for which they believe there is demand.
These companies generally start with high costs and
limited revenue, which is why they look for capital
from a variety of sources such as venture capitalists.

Startups are companies or ventures that are focused

on a single product or service that the founders want
to bring to market. These companies typically don't
have a fully developed business model and, more
crucially, lack adequate capital to move onto the next
phase of business. Most of these companies are
initially funded by their founders.

Many startups turn to others for more funding,

including family, friends, and venture capitalists.
Silicon Valley is known for its strong venture
capitalist community and is a popular destination for
startups, but is also widely considered the most
demanding arena.

Startups can use seed capital to invest in research

and to develop their business plans. Market research
helps determine the demand for a product or service,
while a comprehensive business plan outlines the
company's mission statement, vision, and goals, as
well as management and marketing strategies.

How Do You Start a Startup Company?

The first step in starting a startup is having a great

idea. From there, market research is the next step to
determine how feasible the idea is and what the
current marketplace looks like for your idea. After the
market research, creating a business plan that
outlines your company structure, goals, mission,
values, and objectives, is the next step.

PPT Training Material

Slide One Activity Two: [TEXT] What is a start up?
Slide Two [TEXT] When arrive at Station Two, hand
answer and instruction sheet. Start the
stopwatch. [VISUAL] stopwatch & text with
missing words
Slide Three [TEXT] Teams can ask for CLUE chit inside the
first ten minutes. Facilitator confirms joint
execution. Passes the CLUE chit.
Slide Four [TEXT] Team still not done in 15 minutes (look
at stopwatch), handover the CHEAT chit.
Slide Five [TEXT] Completed answer sheet returned.
Write completion time in the form on
clipboard. Collect the items back from
contestants. Leave items at Station One. Give
them info on next station to head to.

3.0 What is a Social Enterprises (Based on Investopedia)?

Activity at Station THREE

Match the Answer Each team will be given 9 questions along with
an answer board. Team needs to merge the
answers and stick to the answer board

Allocated Time Twenty minutes ( Each question need to

answer is 2 minute ) There is 9 question. 1
minute for clues and 1 minute for answer the

Physical Challenges for Clues 5. Facilitator need to give a short task to

get a clue for the question for 1 minute
only (all team members together) One
clue chit
6. Last 2 minutes, cheat chit handed over
to team

Completion The answer board has been filled with all the
correct answers. The facilitator handed them a
"success" card to the team. Collect all items
from team. Inform them their next station.

Physical Items
Answer sheet Printed in one A5 and cut them into pieces. The cut pieces need to be
glued with a double-sided tape.
Answer board A black board with 9 questions of social enterprises
Instruction Sheet 4 laminated A5 size [Informs what the game requires]
Clue chits 4 each of the clue chit, A4 size [half the answers]

Cheat chit 4 each of the cheat chit, A4 size [remaining answers jumbled]
Online Gallery [Single HTML Page with hyperlinks]

What is Social Enterprises? Text from Investopedia on Social Enterprises


What Is a Social Enterprises?

A social enterprise or social business is defined
as a business with specific social objectives that
serve its primary purpose. Social enterprises
seek to maximize profits while maximizing
benefits to society and the environment, and
the profits are principally used to fund social

Understanding Social Enterprises (?)

The concept of a social enterprise was

developed in the UK in the late 1970s to
counter the traditional commercial enterprise.
Social enterprises exist at the intersection of
the private and volunteer sectors. They seek to
balance activities that provide financial benefits
with social goals, such as housing for low-
income families or job training.

Funding is obtained primarily by selling goods

and services to consumers, although some
funding is obtained through grants. Because
profit-maximization is not the primary goal, a
social enterprise operates differently than a
standard company.

While earning profits is not the primary

motivation behind a social enterprise, revenue
still plays an essential role in the venture's
sustainability. Sustainable revenue
differentiates a social enterprise from a
traditional charity that relies on outside funding
to fulfil its social mission. This goal does not
mean social enterprises cannot be profitable.
Instead, it's simply that their priority is to
reinvest profits into their social mission rather
than fund pay-outs to shareholders.

What Are Examples of Social Enterprise?

Social enterprises are usually a blend of private

and volunteer sectors. A credit union, a coffee
shop that sells fair-trade beans and hires
candidates from at-risk communities, or a
neighbourhood food co-op are all examples of
social enterprises.

How Can I Start a Social Enterprise?

If you own a business, you could partner with a

non-profit, food pantry (if applicable) or other
charity and donate your time, money, or
products. If you are starting from the ground-
up, the first step may be to identify a problem
and your solution to it, explain to potential
funders your action plan, and make sure you
have experts to back up and support your

PPT Training Material

Slide One Activity Three: [TEXT] What is a Social

Enterprises? [VISUAL] A board with questions
and a piece of answer in it
Slide Two [TEXT] When arrive at Station Three, hand the
pieces of answers and instruction sheet. Start
the stopwatch. [VISUAL] stopwatch & board
with a few question
Slide Three [TEXT] Teams can ask for CLUE chit inside the
first ten minutes. Facilitator confirms joint
execution. Passes the CLUE chit.

Slide Four [TEXT] Team still not done in 18 minutes (look

at stopwatch), handover the CHEAT chit.

Slide Five [TEXT] Completed answer board returned.

Write completion time in the form on
clipboard. Collect the items back from
contestants. Give them “successful” card. Give
them info on next station to head to.

4.0 “Telefon Rosak” / Broken Telephone

Activity at Station FOUR

Passing a sentence given [relate to title] Each team will get a sentence from a facilitator.
They need to pass the sentences forward one
- Start up & Social Enterprises
by one member until the end of the group
members. The last group member needs to
recite the sentence from the beginning to the
end to check if it is correct or not. The answer
need to rewrite on a A4 paper.

Allocated Time Twenty minutes

Physical Challenges for Clues 7. Chicken dance 1 minutes (all team

members together) One clue chit

8. Last 2 minutes, cheat chit handed over

to team

Completion All the team rewrite the answers (sentences).

Team get a “Success” card from a facilitator.
Collect all items from team. Inform them their
next station.

Physical Items

Answer sheet A blank paper A4 with pencils

Nuisance tool Music and speaker will be play when the game is begin
Instruction Sheet 4 laminated A5 size [Informs what the game requires]

Clue chits 4 each of the clue chit, A5 size

Cheat chit 4 each of the cheat chit, A5 size

Online Gallery [Single HTML Page with hyperlinks]

What is start up Text from Investopedia on start ups


1. What Is a Startup?

The term startup refers to a company in the first

stages of operations. Startups are founded by one or
more entrepreneurs who want to develop a product
or service for which they believe there is demand.
These companies generally start with high costs and
limited revenue, which is why they look for capital
from a variety of sources such as venture capitalists.

Startups are companies or ventures that are focused

on a single product or service that the founders want
to bring to market. These companies typically don't
have a fully developed business model and, more
crucially, lack adequate capital to move onto the next
phase of business. Most of these companies are
initially funded by their founders.

Many startups turn to others for more funding,

including family, friends, and venture capitalists.
Silicon Valley is known for its strong venture
capitalist community and is a popular destination for
startups, but is also widely considered the most
demanding arena.

Startups can use seed capital to invest in research

and to develop their business plans. Market research
helps determine the demand for a product or service,
while a comprehensive business plan outlines the
company's mission statement, vision, and goals, as
well as management and marketing strategies.

How Do You Start a Startup Company?

The first step in starting a startup is having a great

idea. From there, market research is the next step to
determine how feasible the idea is and what the
current marketplace looks like for your idea. After the
market research, creating a business plan that
outlines your company structure, goals, mission,
values, and objectives, is the next step.

2. What Is a Social Enterprises?

A social enterprise or social business is defined as a

business with specific social objectives that serve its
primary purpose. Social enterprises seek to maximize
profits while maximizing benefits to society and the
environment, and the profits are principally used to
fund social programs

Understanding Social Enterprises (?)

The concept of a social enterprise was developed in

the UK in the late 1970s to counter the traditional
commercial enterprise. Social enterprises exist at the
intersection of the private and volunteer sectors.
They seek to balance activities that provide financial
benefits with social goals, such as housing for low-
income families or job training.

Funding is obtained primarily by selling goods and

services to consumers, although some funding is
obtained through grants. Because profit-
maximization is not the primary goal, a social
enterprise operates differently than a standard

While earning profits is not the primary motivation

behind a social enterprise, revenue still plays an
essential role in the venture's sustainability.
Sustainable revenue differentiates a social enterprise
from a traditional charity that relies on outside
funding to fulfil its social mission. This goal does not
mean social enterprises cannot be profitable. Instead,
it's simply that their priority is to reinvest profits into
their social mission rather than fund pay-outs to

PPT Training Material

Slide One Activity Four: [TEXT] “Telefon Rosak” / Broken

Telephone [VISUAL]

Slide Two [TEXT] When arrive at Station Four, give them a

sentence related to the main title and explain
the game instruction or hand them instruction
sheet. Start the stopwatch. [VISUAL] stopwatch
& sentences give to them before start

Slide Three [TEXT] Teams can ask for CLUE chit inside the
first ten minutes. Facilitator confirms joint
execution. Passes the CLUE chit.

Slide Four [TEXT] Team still not done in 15 minutes (look

at stopwatch), handover the CHEAT chit.

Slide Five [TEXT] Completed answer sheet returned to the

facilitator. Write completion time in the form
on clipboard. Collect the items back from
contestants. Give them info on next station to
head to.


5.0 Companies Slogan

Activity at Station FIVE

Shoot the Balloons Each participant in the group has to take part to
shoot the balloons that are pasted with the
- Cradle Fund
company slogan correctly. Participants who
- MRANTI incorrectly shoot the slogan are counted as
losers. Meanwhile, all group members in a
group will be considered the winner if they
manage to shoot the slogan correctly

Allocated Time Twenty minutes

Physical Challenges for Clues 9. Facilitator need to throw them a small

balloons to participant. One clue chit

10. Last 2 minutes, cheat chit handed over

to team

Completion All the team rewrite the answers (sentences).

Team get a “Success” card from a facilitator.
Collect all items from team. Inform them their
next station.

Physical Items

Balloons With an air in it also the slogan of the companies

Voting Companies A bowl with 2 pieces of paper in it as “Lucky Draw”

Shooter A water gun to shoot the balloons

Instruction Sheet 4 laminated A5 size [Informs what the game requires]

Clue chits 4 each of the clue chit, A5 size

Cheat chit 4 each of the cheat chit, A5 size

Online Gallery [Single HTML Page with hyperlinks]

Cradle Fund Main Slogan Cradle Fund website official
MRANTI Main Slogan
MRANTI Website official


PPT Training Material

Slide One Activity Five: [TEXT] Shoot the Balloons


Slide Two [TEXT] When arrive at Station Five, give them

an instructions sheet and tell them about the
rules game. [VISUAL]

Slide Three [TEXT] Teams can ask for CLUE chit inside the
first ten minutes. Facilitator confirms joint
execution. Passes the CLUE chit.

Slide Four [TEXT] Team still not done in 15 minutes (look

at stopwatch), handover the CHEAT chit.

Slide Five [TEXT] Completed answer sheet returned to the

facilitator. Write completion time in the form
on clipboard. Collect the items back from
contestants. Give them info on next station to
head to.


6.0 Snake & Ladder ver2.0

Activity at Station SIX

Forward & Backward (snake & ladder) Each team needs to send 4 members. this game
requires dice and movers. when the game
starts, the player will roll the dice to get the
- Cradle number. the player moves according to the
amount that has been received and has to
- Techlympics answer the question. if the player is
unsuccessful, then the player will retreat 1 step

Allocated Time Twenty minutes

Physical Challenges for Clues 11. Squat 5 times (all team members
together) One clue chit

12. Last 2 minutes, cheat chit handed over

to team

Completion the player has finished the game by answering

the question to the last box. Team get a
“Success” card from a facilitator. Collect all
items from team. Inform them their next

Physical Items

Board game Mahjong paper with complete design and question

Tools Dice and movers

Instruction Sheet 4 laminated A5 size [Informs what the game requires]

Clue chits 4 each of the clue chit, A5 size

Cheat chit 4 each of the cheat chit, A5 size

Online Gallery [Single HTML Page with hyperlinks]

Companies ; Websites :


- Cradle - Cradle (

- Techlympics - Techlympics (

PPT Training Material

Slide One Activity Six: [TEXT] Snake & Ladder vers2.0

[VISUAL] Put an example of snake & ladder
board game photo in it

Slide Two [TEXT] When arrive at Station Six, give them an

instruction game and explain the game. Start
the stopwatch. [VISUAL]

Slide Three [TEXT] Teams can ask for CLUE chit inside the
first ten minutes. Facilitator confirms joint
execution. Passes the CLUE chit.

Slide Four [TEXT] Team still not done in 15 minutes (look

at stopwatch), handover the CHEAT chit.

Slide Five [TEXT] Completed answer sheet returned to the

facilitator. Write completion time in the form
on clipboard. Collect the items back from
contestants. Give them info on next station to
head to.


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