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September 31st, 2021

 Beginning of the Extended Essay (EE) process with all grade 11 IB Diploma students.
 IB Extended Essay Coordinator meeting about,
◦ introducing the EE,
◦ distributing timeline,
◦ importance of deadlines,
◦ answering the initial questions about the process.

September 31st- November 15th, 2021

 All students should read and do research on their own in order to choose one lesson and
make three subject/ topic suggestion.

November 15th, 2021

 Final deadline
◦ to confirm the EE Supervisor
◦ to present the topic suggestions to the chosen supervisor

End of November, 2021

 Students must
◦ agree with one of the topics with consultancy
◦ develop an action plan and create Researcher’s Reflection Space (RRS) to be used
over the entire EE process which supports the completion of the Reflections on
Planning and Progress Form (RPPF).

End of January, 2022

 Beginning of the check in sessions with supervisor,

 Literature review must be done and presented to the supervisor,
 Research questions must be specified,
 1st mandatory reflection session with EE Supervisor,
 1st reflection form up to 500 words which includes topic, research plan, research questions
must be completed and sent to supervisor right after the reflection meeting.

Mid-End of February, 2022

 A check in session should be organized with supervisor before the 2 nd mandatory reflection
 2nd mandatory reflection session with EE Supervisor,
Extended Essay Timeline (IB Diploma class of 2021)
 2nd reflection form up to 500 words about continuing research and writing process must be
completed and sent to supervisor right after the reflection meeting.

End of February, 2022- End of April,2022

 Writing Draft 1 which must be a full draft of the Essay, should not be fewer than 3,500
words in order to be considered as a full draft ( the final Essay should be up to 4,000 words,
excluding references/appendices as specified in EE subject guide.)
 Supervisors are only required to formally comment on one full draft.

Mid-End of June, 2022

 Writing Draft 2 ( in the light of prior supervisor feedback)

First week of September,2022

 Draft 2 must be sent to the supervisor for feedback.

September- Mid of October, 2022

 Final corrections
 Final draft of the EE

October 31st , 2022

 Deadline for the submission of the final Extended Essays to the supervisors.

Mid- End of November , 2022

 3rd mandatory reflection session (Viva Voce)

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