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Quarter 3 Week 8

 When energy is transformed, such as thermal energy, heat is

always produced.

 Thermal energy refers to the energy contained within a system

that is responsible for its temperature.

 Heat is an energy that is transferred from one object to

another due to the difference in their temperature. It is
simply called as energy in transit.

 Heat naturally transfers from a high temperature object to a

low temperature object. Heat transfer stops when both objects
are of the same temperature.

 Temperature refers to the relative hotness or coldness of an


 An instrument used for measuring and indicating temperature is

called ‘thermometer’
Methods of Heat Transfer

1. Conduction takes place between objects that are in contact with

each other. The energy is transferred through particles that are close
or in contact with each other, but it is dominant in solids only.

Thermal conductors (good conductors) – are materials that conduct

heat well
Examples: metals like copper, iron, aluminum, steel, silver, brass,
lead etc.

Thermal insulators (poor conductors) - materials that conduct heat

Examples: non-metals like wood, rubber, plastic, glass, paper etc.
2. Convection is the process in which heat is carried from place to
place by the bulk movement of a fluid against its surroundings.
Fluids are materials that can flow, and they include both gases and

Example : The movement of steam or the motion of boiling water in a


3. Radiation is a method of heat transfer in the absence of matter

or through space. It is process of transferring energy through
electromagnetic waves.


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