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Rame Rubis Asphalt Middle East DMCC

Unit AG-34H Silver Tower

mr. Atchala Lokou

Jumeirah Lakes Towers
United Arab Emirates

Testing report

Project number: 0121-08479

Report number: 51340
Report date: 10/12/2021
Client: Rame Rubis Asphalt Middle East DMCC
Jumeirah Lakes Towers
United Arab Emirates
Your project code: Eres Togo
Your project description: Tank 6 dd 02/12/2021
Your order number: -
Material: Bitumen 35/50
Reception date: 8/12/2021 14:06:00
Delivered by: FedEx (8155 4122 6861)

Jan Soers
General Manager

This document contains 4 pages. The test results in this report refer only to the tested materials. This report can only be reproduced
entirely. Partial reproduction, without the prior written permission of GEOS, is strictly prohibited. Measurement uncertainties available on
Jan Soers
Testing report Managing Director

Project number/Report number: 0121-08479/51340 Page2 from4

Analysis Unit 1 Specifications

Tests on original bitumen

Penetration (25°C-100g-5s) 0,1 mm 42 35 - 50

Softening point (R&B) °C 52.8 50 - 58

Penetration index -0.9 -1,5 - 0,7

Fraass breaking point °C -9 <= -5

Kinematic viscosity @ 135°C mm²/s 611 >= 370

Dynamic viscosity @ 60°C Pa.s 473 >= 225

Solubility % 100.00 >= 99,0

Flash Point - COC °C 325 >= 240

Tests on bitumen after hardening under the influence of heat and air (RTFOT method) - NBN EN 12607-1

Change in mass % -0.19 -0,5 - 0,5

Penetration (25°C-100g-5s) 0,1 mm 25

Retained penetration % 60 >= 53

Softening point (R&B) °C 59.0

Increase in softening point (R&B) °C 6.2 <= 8

The tested properties of the received sample meet the requirements for the 35/50 Penetration Graded Asphalt according to NBN
EN 12591.

Material - Reference Production date Sampling date Sampled by Sample number

1 Paving grade bitumens according EN 12591 / 35/50 - Tank 6 (1 p.) - 02/12/2021 - 0121-08479001
Jan Soers
Testing report Managing Director

Project number/Report number: 0121-08479/51340 Page3 from4

Annex I: Testing methods

Analyses performed by the BELAC accredited laboratory Geos (010-TEST)

Standard C/D/E Internal DL LS
Sample number: 0121-08479001
Tests on original bitumen
LB Penetration (25°C-100g-5s) EN 1426 C TM04111 GVa
LB Softening point (R&B) EN 1427 C TM04128 GVa
B Penetration index EN 12591 Annex A C TM04112 GVa
LB Fraass breaking point EN 12593 C TM04102 GVa
LB Kinematic viscosity @ 135°C EN 12595 C TM04113 GVa
LB Dynamic viscosity @ 60°C EN 12596 C TM04106 GVa
LB Solubility EN 12592 C TM04120 10+11 GVa
B Flash point - COC EN ISO 2592 C TM04130 GVa
Tests on bitumen after hardening under the influence of heat and air (RTFOT method) - NBN EN 12607-1
LB Change of mass EN 12607-1 C TM04133 GVa
LB Penetration (25°C-100g-5s) after RTFOT EN 1426 C TM04111 GVa
LB Softening point (R&B) after RTFOT EN 1427 C TM04128 GVa

C = Conform D = Derived E = Equivalent LS = Lab supervisor

L = Laboroute A = AAP B = Belac accredited O = OVAM DL = Deviation Laboroute
Jan Soers
Testing report Managing Director

Project number/Report number: 0121-08479/51340 Page4 from4

Annex II : Additional information concerning tests

Sample number: 0121-08479001 Tank 6

Tests on original bitumen
Penetration (25°C-100g-5s)
Date of test 10/12/2021
Type of apparatus Automatic
Softening point (R&B)
Date of test 10/12/2021
Type of apparatus Automatic
Bath liquid Distilled Water
Fraass breaking point
Date of test 10/12/2021
Type of apparatus Automatic
Dynamic viscosity @ 60°C
Date of test 10/12/2021
Type of apparatus Cannon Manning
Test temperature 60 °C
Kinematic viscosity @ 135°C
Date of test 10/12/2021
Type of apparatus Cannon Fenske
Capillar type and ID number 450_268F
Test temperature 135°C
Date of test 10/12/2021
Solvent used Toluene
Filtration medium Glass powder
Flash point - COC
Date of test 10/12/2021

Tests on bitumen after hardening under the influence of heat and air (RTFOT method) - NBN EN 12607-1
Change of mass
Date of test 10/12/2021
Test temperature 163 °C
Penetration (25°C-100g-5s) after RTFOT
Date of test 10/12/2021
Type of apparatus Automatic
Softening point (R&B) after RTFOT
Date of test 10/12/2021
Type of apparatus Automatic
Bath liquid Distilled Water

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