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Describe the following (qualities and traits)

A. Don Francisco Mercado

➢ don Francisco Mercado was born in 1818 in the town of Calamba in

the province of Laguna, one of the eight children of Juan Monica

Mercado and Cirila Alejandro. he was only eight years old when his

father past away. as a father to his family don Francisco was able to

provide for the financial needs of his children and wife, he also highly

values education.

B. Doña Teodora Alonso

➢ Doña Teodora Alonzo was born in 1827 second to the children of

Lorenzo Alberto who was the municipal captain of the towns of

Biñan, Laguna and Brijida de Quintos. she was only twenty years old

when she married don Francisco Mercado and they chose to live in

the town of Calamba Laguna and there they were blessed with

eleven children.
2. Rizal died at the age of 35 years old. Assuming Rizal lived until 80 years

old, what do you think the work of Dr. Jose Rizal: “Teacher, Lawyer,

Painter, Doctor, or Writer”? Expound your answer

➢ I think he will still continue to write novels against the abusive friars

and Spaniards and will continue his studies as a doctor.

3. Would you consider Rizal a “Play boy”?

If Yes, why?

If No, why not?

➢ No, in my opinion I don't think dr. Jose Rizal is a play boy even though

he had many girlfriends, because he only wants to love and be loved

back but because of his mission for the Philippines and his travels to

different countries he left his girlfriend.

4. Explain and expound the experience of Rizal’s childhood in Calamba that

influenced him to loved and valued nature

➢ dr. Jose Rizal he always goes to their hacienda where the mountain

of mount makiling can be seen and on the other hand the laguna de

bay can be seen.

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