Ehtisham Asghar 9192027-CB

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Date: 3 APRIL 2022

Submitted by:

 Ehtisham Asghar
 9192027

BBA 6 (A) Evening

Submitted To:
 Sir Abdur Rafeh 1|Page
Case Study Review:

"The Great Controversy: Does Marketing Create or Satisfy Needs?" was the topic of this case
study. In this case study, I learned that some consumers believe there is no need for the things
that marketers give in the market, but they introduce or develop the product and make it our need
or desire. However, marketing states that consumers have demands in the market; we just
identify those requirements and try to meet those needs through various, original, and innovative
ideas and products. And every firm tries its hardest to provide distinctive and new products that
draw customers in and encourage them to buy from their store or organization. Marketing did not
result in the creation of necessities.

I Agree

"Marketing satisfied needs" is something I agree with because customers are the kings of the
market. Customers are the ones who are in charge of the marketplace. They specify what then
require and the type of product that will meet their requirements, and they demand it. Companies'
marketers strive to create distinctive and new items in response to client demand in order to meet
or satisfy those wants. Consumer behavior, as well as their needs and desires, evolve with time.
If I take the changing climate as an example, it has affected the requirement or desire of
customers, who now require fans, coolers, and finally air conditioners.

My perspective:

So, after all of the previous arguments, I cannot believe that marketing or marketers generate
demands. Needs are already present in the market; all they have to do is identify them and
develop desire for their individual product through advertising and promotion using a variety of
tactics. As a result, they aim to instill a desire for their items in the brains of their customers. If
we look back at our history, we can see that there are numerous options. Marketing, for example,
recognizes that babies require pampering. Because it is their need, marketing has provided a
solution in the form of Pampers, and subsequently other firms have introduced their own diapers
with various features. So, in a nutshell, marketing has to identify client needs and then meet
those wants.



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