Questionaire ATEC

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The Ministry of Higher Education

Kabul University
Engineering Faculty
Civil Engineering Department
Transportation Engineering
Related to
Road Design Practice in Kabul

By: Muhammad din Mominzai, Civil Engineering Student.


To: Afghan Transportation Engineering Center,(ATEC).

From: Muhammad din Mominzai, Transportation Engineering Student. (Researcher and Surveyor)
Subject: Road Design Practice In Kabul.

by guidance of instructor and importance of transport sector, it was undertaken by me to ascertain and flagrant the
current roads design practice and situation in Kabul, till achieve the safe and acceptable roadway design standard. so
for this case I selected the seminar by the title of, comparison of design criteria for urban streets versus rural roads.
As part of my seminar, I would like to determine what existing standard are being used, as well as concerns I may
have about major obstacle to forbid you from its accommodation, and your alternative about those.

Your input will be very valuable as I pursue this process. Please complete the questionnaire at your earliest

If another department has authority for development regulations within your institution , please
forward me with this survey to them. If you have any questions about the project, please feel free to
contact me by the time you want at the address shown below.

Phone: 078 24 923 65


Name of Institution: : Afghan Transportation Engineering Center,(ATEC).

Person completing the survey: M.Mominzai

1.. Does Your Institution have code?

Yes: _____
No: ______
2. Does Your institution have Model Code?

Yes: _____
No: ______

If Yes, please provide the following information:

From Which Codes did you drive your Model Code? __________________
3. Are your Design Criteria affected by land value?

Yes: _____
No: ______

If yes, How? _________________

4. are there any constrains for applying of roads design criteria which imposed on you?

Yes: _____
No: ______

If yes, How? _________________

5. How and to which level are your decision of the roads compatible with lands along the road?


6. What Policies are considered to improve connectivity in the city? ________________

7. Does your institution have warrants for paving of roads?
Yes: _____
No: ______
If No, go to question 8.
If Yes, please provide the following information:
If warrant is based on estimated average daily traffic (ADT), what is the
threshold for paving? __________________
If warrant is based on lot density (i.e. lots per acre; lots per mile),
What is the density? _______________________
List other paving warrants: _______________________________
8. Does your institution have design standards for new roads?
Yes: ______
No: _______
If No, go to question 9.
If Yes, please complete the questions below or submit me a copy of your standards
Roadway Design Standards:
Design speed:___________
Right-of-way width:__________
Pavement width: ___________
Maximum grade:____________
Pavement thickness:
HMA: __________
PCC: __________
Shoulder width (if applicable): __________
Curb required: __________
If yes, intakes and storm sewer required: __________
On-street/shoulder parking allowed: __________
Ditch geometrics (if applicable):
Fore slope: __________
Minimum width: __________
Minimum depth: __________
Back slope: __________
Sidewalks required:
No: _________
Yes: _________
One side: _________
Both sides: ________
Within the right-of-way: ________
Within easements on private property: __________
Restrictions on access
Number per mile __________
Width: Minimum: __________
Maximum: __________
9. Does your Institution have paving warrants for unpaved roads connecting the subdivision
with a paved road?
Yes: _____
No: ______
If No, go to question 10.
If yes, please provide the following information:
If warrant is based on average daily travel volume, what is the volume?__________
If warrant is based on density (i.e. lots per acre; lots per mile), what is the
density? _____________
Other paving warrants: ___________________________________

10. do you have any consideration about the design of drainage system?

Yes: _____
No: ______
If No, why? __________________________________________________________________________
If Yes, please provide the following information:
How much precise do you design the drainage system of roads?

Good ______
Fair ______
Poor ______

Why? __________________________________________________________________________
which factor do you consider in design process of drainage system that can affect your design entirely?


11. Do you have any plan about road maintenance after pavement construction?

Yes: _____
No: ______
If Yes, How? ___________________________________________________________________________

If No, Why?


12. Comments and concerns about your regulations:




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