Practice Test For Unit 1 - 8

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I. Put the verbs in brackets in the simple present:
1. I ………………….(eat) my breakfast in the kitchen every day.
2. These boys often ……………… (play) football at weekends.
3. It ……………………...(rain) in the winter.
4. She ……………………….(go) to school three days a week.
5. My little boy often ……………..……(watch) cartoon film.
6. She …………………………..(study) English very well.
7. My father often …………………(play) tennis in the morning.
8. Ann ……………………………… (speak) German very well.
9. - What (you / do) …………………..? - I (be) ………….. an architect.
10. How often (she / visit) ………………..……her brother?
II. Put the verbs in brackets in the present continuous:
1. Hurry up! We (wait)________________ for you.
2. What (you/ do) ________________?  - I (write) ________________letters.
3. He (work) ________________ in Italy at the moment.
4. She doesn’t like to be disturbed when she (work) ________________.
5. Lien is in her room now. She (listen) ______________to music.
6. Who (that girl/ stand) ______________________on the table?
7. I (wait) ________________for the shops to open.
8. I (see) ________________Jane tomorrow.
9. The universe (expand) ________________ and has been since its beginning.
10. My sister (live) ________________ at home for the moment.
III. Choose the best option.
1. All of us always ………to work in time. ( go / goes / is going / has gone)
2. I’m sorry. I…….that fellow’s name already. ( forget / is forgetting / have forgotten)
3. Keep silence! My father ……in the bedroom. ( sleeps / has slept / is sleeping / slept)
4. The English … the independent people. ( has been / is / are / are being)
5. I ……..English since I was 14 years old. ( learn / am learning / learnt / have learnt)
6. That boy seldom ……his hands before meals. ( washes / wash / has washed / is washing)
7. That man ……..trees in the garden right now. ( plants / planted / has planted / is planting)
8. You’re quiet. What ……….. about? (do you think/ are you thinking)
9. What …………. about the new sports centre? (do you think/ are you thinking)
10. I’m sorry but I ………… with you. (am not agreeing/ don’t agree)
IV. Give the correct form of the verb in brackets
1. She (just, buy) _____________________ a new pair of shoes.
2. Rivers usually (flow) ______________ to the sea.
3. It (rain) ______________ very hard at the present.
4. They (wait) _____________for her for a long time, but she (not, come) ____________ yet.
5. At the moment all of us (do) ______________ our examination.
6. Those men (live) ______________ in Dalat since 2000.
7. Where (you /study) ______________ so far?
8. The earth (circle) ______________ the sun once every 365 days.
9. This is the first time that I (meet) __________________ that pop- star.
10. They will go out when the rain (stop) ______________.
V. Put the verbs in brackets in the simple past:
1. Yesterday, I (go) ___________________ to the restaurant with a client.
2. We (drive) _______________ around the parking lot for 20 minutes to find a parking space.
3. When we (arrive) ____________ at the restaurant, the place (be) __________________ full.
4. When the match was over, the spectator (go) ________________ home.
5. I (have) ________________ a little trouble with my car last week.
6. I last (see) _________________ her at her house two months ago.
7. We (not, be) ________________ at Lan’s party last night.
8. I (not go) ___________________ to school last Saturday.
9. (She /get) ______________________ married last year?
10. What (you /do) ____________________ last night? - I (do) ___________ my homework.
VI. Choose the best option.
1. While I ______along the road, I saw a friend of mine.
A. was cycling B. have cycled C. cycled D. am cycling
2. While my mother ___ a film on TV, my father was cooking dinner. It was March 8 th
A. watched B. was watching C. had watched D. watches
3. The plane from Dallas ____ two hours late, so I missed my connecting flight from Frankfurt
to London. A. took on B. took in C. took over D. took off
4. When we came, a party ______ in the hall.
A. is being held B. had being held C. will be held D. was being held
5. When I came to visit her last night, she ______ a bath.
A. is having B. was having C. has D. had
6. When we arrived at the restaurant, the others ______.
A. left B. have left C. had left D. are leaving
7. I learned that the college ______ in 1900
A. found B. was founded C. founded D. had been founded
8. He began to feel ill while ______.
A. he is doing the exam B. he did the exam C. he would do the exam D. he was doing the exam
9. While I _______ T.V last night, a mouse ran across the floor.
A. watch B. watched C. am watching D. was watching
10. I still can’t believe it! My bicycle _________ last night.
A. was stolen B. had been stolen C. stole D. was being stolen
VII. Give the correct verb form of the verb in brackets .
1. She (play) __________________ the piano when our guests (arrive) __________ last night.
2. “What (you/ do) ____________________ at 8 o’clock last night?”
-“I (prepare) ____________________my English lesson.”
3. (It still /rain) _________________when you came in?
4. While you (stay) _______________ in London, they (repair) ________________ Big Ben.
5. I looked out of the window. Some children (play)__________________ in the yard.
6. When I was a boy, I often (go) ________________ fishing with my uncle.
7. I (come) ______________ as soon as my work is finished.
8. My mother (come) _______________ to stay with us next weekend.
9. He (leave) __________ for London 2 years ago and I (not, see) ______________ him since.
10. I (not/meet) ______________ my brother long time ago, but I (just /receive)
_____________ a letter from him.
Exercise 1: PHONETICS
I. Write the sound /i/ or /i:/ for the underlined letters in the following words.
1. routine …….. 2. scream…….. 3. relieve…….. 4. beach…….. 5. hit ……..
6. cheap …….. 7.bean …….. 8. green …….. 9. field …….. 10. kick……..
11. sheet …….. 12. he …….. 13. interest…….. 14. bit …..… 15. film ……..
16. little …….. 17. click …….. 18. coming…….. 19. sheep …….. 20. repeat ……..
II. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest
1. a. scream b. death c. ready d. peasant
2. a. sheet b. green c. sheep d. deer
3. a. chat b. panic c. buffalo d. passenger
4. a. worked b. pumped c. watched d. contented
5. a. traveled b. stared c. landed d. seemed
III. Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the rest.
1. a. tobacco b. passenger c. buffalo d. district
2. a. literature b. routine c. neighbor d. purchase
3. a. repair b. harrow c. contented d. announce
4. a. interested b. transplanting c. frightening d. comfortable
5. a. technology b. biology c. wonderful d. immediately
Exercise 2: VOCABULARY: I. Write the missing parts.
1. exact → exactly 3. die → death 5. realize → realization
2. satisfy → satisfied 4. frighten → frightened 9. dangerous → danger
→ satisfying → frightening → dangerously
→ satisfactory
6. heavy 8. normal 10. safe → safety
→ heavily → normally → safely
Complete these sentences with the appropriate form of the words in parentheses.
1. I know ............................................ how she felt. (exact)
2. I felt quite ....................................... with my day’s work. (satisfy)
3. Her .......................................... was a shock to him. (die)
4. It is ...................................... even to think of the horrors of nuclear war. (frighten)
5. I was struck by the sudden ................. that I would probably never see her again. (realize)
6. We postponed our picnic because it was raining ......................................... . (heavy)
7. I’m not really interested in .................................... French. (study)
8. It’s ..................................... much warmer than this in July. (normal)
9. Some rare species are in .................................. as we’re cutting down trees. (dangerous)
10. The plane arrived ................................ after a violence storm. (safe)
11. We hope very much to find a ………………………. solution to the problem. (satisfy)
12. For your …………………., keep your seat belt securely fastened (safe)
Exercise 3: Correct the form of verbs:
1. I (see) _________a car accident while I (wait) ________for you on this corner yesterday.
2. Mr. Smith (teach) ____________at this school since he (graduate) ___________in 1980.
3. Yesterday the police (report) ___________that they (capture) ___________the chief.
4. The Browns (live ) _________in Paris for 7 years when the Second World War (break )
5. Last month I (be) ___________ in the hospital for ten days.
6. Hurry! The train (come) ___________.
7. She (play) ______________the piano when our guests (arrive) _________last night
8. He (do) ___________ his homework before he went to the cinema.
9. When the teacher came in, the pupils (play) ___________ games.
10. I (meet) ___________ Arthur three weeks ago.
11. What you (do) ___________after you (go) ___________home yesterday?
12. Our teacher (tell) ________us yesterday that he (visit) _____________England in 1970.
13. Daisy (cook) _________________some food in the kitchen at present. She always
(cook) ___________in the morning.
14. How long (you / study) ______________________in this school?
15. Mary (come) _____________________from London.
16. Up to now, the teacher (give) _______________________our class five tests.
17. After they had gone, I (sit) _____________down and (rest) ______________
18. The earth (circle) ____________________ the sun once every 365 days.
19. How many times (you / see) _________________ him since he went to Edinburgh?
20. Before she (go) ___________ to the party yesterday, she (make) _______________ up.
Exercise 4: Fill in each blank with an appropriate preposition.
1. I got ____________ a panic when I found the door was locked.
2. Is Sue contented ____________ her present job?
3. “How do you go to school?” – “____________ bicycle”.
4. I had a long chat ____________ her ____________ music ____________ line.
5. The thief ran away when the burglar alarm went ____________.
Exercise 5: Choose the one or phrase that best completes each sentence.
1. John isn’t contented with his present salary.
a. excited about b. satisfied with c. disappointed about d. interested in
2. Doing homework is a student’s daily routine.
a. thing one rarely does b. thing one regularly does
c. thing one occasionally does d. thing one never does
3. She purchased a number of shares in the company.
a. invested b. sold c. exchanged d. bought
4. We had a nice chat over a cup of tea.
a. formal talk b. informal talk c. serious talk d. long talk
5. She’s upstairs getting ready to go out.
a. dressing b. determining c. planning d. preparing
6. People are fleeing the area in panic.
a. excitement b. fear c. gust d. danger
7. We …….. the seedlings into peaty soil. a. take b. plough c. raise d. transplant
8. Before the plane takes off, passengers must ………..their seat belts.
a. fasten b. flee c. emit d. unbind
9. My morning ……….. is to get up at seven, have breakfast, then leave home at eight.
a. time table b. habit c. routine d. action
10. On his ... at the airport, John felt a little disappointed when no one came and picked him up
a. arrival b. arrive c. arriver d. arrived
11. When the passengers realized that the ship was flooded with water, they were very
upset and …… in panic. a. cheered b. laughed c. screamed d. hurt
12. Could you tell me the ………..time when the meeting begins?
a. exact b. exactly c. exactnessd. exacting
13. It was the most ……….experience of my life.
a. frighten b. frightening c. frightened d. frightful
14. She got……… soon as the alarm clock went………
a. over /on b. up / down c. up / off d. on / off
15. The Pikes live ……..farming. They work hard ……..the field everyday.
a. on /in b. at / with c. in / on d. with / for
Exercise 6: READING:
I. Use the verbs from the box to fill in the blanks. Make any changes to the verb tenses when
necessary. There are TWO verbs that are used TWICE.
do           drink           arrive (2)           wear                      love(2)        have
live          be               like                (not) listen to        play         go
Hi everybody! I'm The Present Simple Girl. I like habits and routines. I always (1)
_____ the same things at the same time. For example, I always (2) ____________ two
glasses of milk in the morning and I usually (3) __________ at school at twenty-five past
eight. I often (4) ____________ jeans and T-shirts. I (5) ____________ pop music. I also
(6) __________ animals and plants. I (7) ____________ a beautiful garden.
I (8) ____________ with my parents and my brother. He (9) ____________ very
different from me. He never (10) ____________on time for lunch. He (11) ____________
new clothes and fashion, but he (12) ____________ pop music. He (13) ____________
hard rock in a group called "Metal Bananas". We are in an English club called The Happy
Verby Gang. We (14) ____________ to the club on Saturdays.
II. Read the following passage and choose the best option for each blank.
The 29th of August in 2006 is a day I shall never forget. On that day, I stared (1) ___ in
the face. Our flight was due to leave at 10:30 a.m., and arrived at the airport with plenty of
time to spare. We started boarding 10:00 a.m. Most of us were holiday makers and there
was a lot of laughing and joking going on. It was raining slightly, but visibility was good
and the plane (2) ___ on time. The cabin staff were just beginning to bring round the duty-
free goods when the plane began shaking. At first, we thought we had just hit bad weather.
We were told to sit down and to fasten our seat belts. Then suddenly, the front of the plane
seemed to (3) __ and we realized we were speeding towards the ground. People screamed in
(4) __. Strangers joined hands and prayed. We thought we had only minutes to live. Then,
just when we had given up all hope, we felt the plane level out, & slowly we began to gain
height. A few minutes later, the pilot announced that everything was now (5) __ control,
and we all began to clap and cheer hysterically. Twenty minutes later we landed safely.
1. A. die B. dead C. death D. deaden
2. A. went off B. got on C. got in D. took off
3. A. chop B. down C. dip D. reduce
4. A. danger B. risk C. afraid D. panic
5. A. of B. with C. under D. below

A. Pick out the word that has the italicized letter pronounced /ʌ/ or /a:/ 
marvelous far kind love cousin
maths hard subject games worry
much headmaster communicate study talk
director company charge complain package
father July discuss language during
money wrote travel party shop
 /ʌ/ _______________________________________________________________
/a:/ ________________________________________________________________
B. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest
1. A. passage B. message C. page D. luggage
2. A. wonderful B. month C. tone D. none
3. A. cooked B. accomplished C. hissed D. gained
4. A. name B. father C. party D. army
5. A. pause B. laugh C. clause D. cause
6. A. chance B. teaching C. chemistry D. children
7. A. hard B. start C. party D. talk
8. A. son B. sunshine C. above D. woman
9. A. polite B. literature C. guide D. kind
10. A. great B. teacher C. street D. receive
C. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others.
1. a. Physics b. History c. discuss d. Chemistry
2. a. important b. profession c. Geography d. Literature
3. a. entertain b. communicate c. receive d. complain
4. a. children b. student c. professor d. teacher
5. a. opinion b. relax c. semester d. nervous
Choose the one word or phrase - a, b, c or d - that best completes the.
1. Most students find the course very ______.
a. enthusiastic b. anxious c. enjoyable d. convenient
2. _____ is the beach? ~  Only five minutes' walk.
a. How long b. Where c. How often d. How far
3. She is interested in teaching _______ because she loves working with children.
a. semester b. communication c. work d. profession
4. She was disappointed to fail in two of her four ______.
a. schools b. classes c. lessons d. subjects
5. Don't worry ________ me. I’ll be fine
a. to b. about c. with d. for
6. Our coach was _______ in traffic jam and got to Heathrow forty minutes late.
a. fastened b. fixed c. joined d. stuck
7. Approximately half the people interviewed were in manual occupations. 
a. hobbies b. careers c. jobs d. visits
8. Our main objective is to ________ educational standards.
a. avoid b. enjoy c. make d. improve
9. English is an international ________.
a. language b. means c. subject d. profession
10. Most people start to lose their memory as they get older.
a. ability to remember b. ability to impress c. feeling of admiration d. ability to affect
11. Children have to _________ a lot of homework at home.
a. make b. do c. answer d. explain
12. I am going to the _________ to borrow some books.
a. bookshop b. lab c. library d. computer room
13. Would you like something to_____? - Yes, a glass of orange juice please.
a. drink b. eat c. swallow d. have
14. He missed the bus because the alarm clock did not ________.
a. go off b. rings c. went off d. rang
15. Old farmers did not ______ work with computers.
a. used to b. use to c. use d. have used
16. In the past, farmers mainly ploughed ____ a buffalo.
a. with b. for c. by d. along

A. Put a circle round the letter of the correct word(s) to use in each blank. a half of football? ~ forty-five minutes.
a. What time b. How often c. How long d. When
2. .............. is this building? ~ It's about two hundred years old.
a. How long b. How far c. How old d. How
3. ...................... money do you earn? ~About £250 a week.
a. How much b. What c. How many d. Which
4. ................... bag are you carrying? ~ Judy's.
a. Which b. What c. Who’s d. Whose
5. ..................... first stepped on the moon? ~Neil Armstrong, wasn't it?
a. Whose b. Who c. Where d. When
6. your new school? ~ It's very big and friendly.
a. What b. How c. Where d. Which
7. it to the post office? ~ About two hundred meters.
a. How far b. How long c. How often d. How much
8. ..................... is your national flag? ~ Red and yellow.
a. What b. Which of color c. What color d. Which
9. you take a holiday? ~ Once a year.
a. When b. How long c. What time d. How often 
10. ............... does Greg look like? ~ He's tall and thin with brown hair.
a. What b. How c. Who d. Whom
B. What would you say? Put a circle round the letter of the best reply to each question.
1. Where's the nearest post office?
a. Turn left and then right. b. It's about two kilometers.  c. It opens at nine o'clock.
2. What's your new address?
a. It's the old one. b. Go straight on c. Flat 42B, 225 Nathan Road, Kowloon.
3. How do we get there?
a. Flat 42B Nathan Road. b. Yes, you do. c. Turn right just after the Bank of China.
4. How far is it from here?
a. Two kilometers, at least b. No, it isn't. c. Yes, it's rather far.
 5.  I think I'll go by bus. Where's the nearest bus stop?
a. Cross the road and turn left. b. 5 hundred metres, I suppose. c. It's 5 minutes by bus.
6. What time is there a bus? a. Twice a day. b. An hour and a half. c. Seven thirty
7. Can you tell me the way to Milus College from your flat?
a. Yes, I can b. It's round the corner. c. I know it
IV. GRAMMAR Exercise 1: Use the correct form of verbs
1. The doctor made the patient (stay) ________________ in bed.
2. I’ll never forget (see) ________________ the Alps for the first time.
3. I prefer (go) ________________ shopping to (watch) _________________ T.V.
4. I’m very tired now. I need (take) _________________ a break.
5. I look forward to (see) _________________ you again.
6. I can’t stand (listen) _________________to his complaints any more.
7. My shirt is wrinkled. It needs (iron) ___________________.
8. Don’t forget (do) _________________ your homework carefully.
9. Lan enjoys (read) _________________ American novels.
10. We are used to (walk) ________________ to school.
11. It’s no use (telephone) _________________ Mary. She’s out now.
12. Does she want (become) ___________________ a scientist?
13. They permit (camp) __________________ in the wood.
14. She promised (not, arrive) ___________________ late.
15. She began (play) ________________ the guitar when she was six.
16. I’d like (tell) __________________ you something.
17. We don’t allow people (smoke) ____________ in the lecture room.
18. You mustn’t (forget) ______________ (go) ___________ with Mrs. Lee tomorrow.
19. I tried (write) _______________ a letter but my hands were too cold to hold a pen.
20. Remember (do) ________________ your test carefully!
21. Would you mind (open) ________________ your backpack?
22. Don’t let children (play) ________________ football in the street!
23. It is very dangerous (climb) ________________ mountains alone.
24. They made him (work) __________________ so late last night.
25. Stop (draw) ____________ on the table cloth children!
26. She had a headache. She stopped (work) ____________ (relax) _____________
27. I regret (not attend) ___________________ your party. I was really busy then.
Exercise 2: Choose the best answer
1. You shouldn't spend all your time ______.
a. study b. to study c. studying d. studied
2. Would you like ______ somewhere for a rest?
a. going b. to go c. go d. to be gone
3. School children are looking forward to _______ on holiday.
a. going b. go c. be going d. have gone
4. Which team ______ the game?
a. did it win b. did they win c. won d. won it
5. Do you want ______ with you or do you want to go alone?
a. me coming b. me to come c. that I come d. that I will come
6. I'm sure you'll have no ______ the exam.
a. difficulty to pass b. difficulties to pass c. difficulties passing d. difficulty passing
7. She had to ask the boy (stop) _______ (make) _______ noise.
a. stop making b. to stop making c. stop to make d. to stop to make
8. She told me _______ to go to the bank.
a. don’t forget b. not to forget c. shouldn’t forget d. couldn’t forget
9. Our teacher advises _______ away used things because they can be recycled.
a. not to throw b. to throw c. throwing d. not throwing
10. Water can be held on the land by _______vegetation.
a. plant b. planting c. to plant d. having planted
11. The guide encouraged the tourists ______ the Prado Museum in Madrid.
a. visit b. to visit c. visiting d. visited
12. Shhh! I hear someone ______ in the distance. Do you hear it too?
a. shouts b. shouted c. to shout d. shouting
13. Are you looking forward ______ on your cassation?
a. you go b. going c. to going d. to go
14. 'Why are you mad?' ‘I dislike______ by my first name.’
a. you call me b. calling me c. you call d. being called
15. Don't forget ______ home as soon as you arrive at your destination.
a. to call b. calling c. having called d. to be called
16. Your pronunciation seems incorrect. It needs _______ more often.
A. practising B. to practise C. be practised D. practise
17. I didn't like it in the city at first. But now ______ here.
a. I got used to living b. I'm used to living c. I'm used to live d. I used to live
18. She avoids _______ at the lecturer because she doesn’t know how ___ his questions .
A. looking / answer B. to look / answer C. looking / to answer D. look / answering
19. I regret _______ able to attend your birthday party yesterday.
A. not to be B. don’t being C. not being D. am not
20. He was advised _______ anything further about the accident.
A. not saying B. not to say C. not to tell D. telling
21. She remembers _______ her childhood in that resort.
A. spend B. spending C. to spend D. spent
22. I regret ____ that the sight- seeing tour has been cancelled because of the bad weather.
A. to tell you B. telling you C. to say you D. saying you

Exercise 3: Rewrite the following sentences with the meaning unchanged:
1. Shall we go for a walk?
 What about …………………………………………..?
2. Why don’t we visit our teacher?
 I suggest ………………………………………………..
3. I am very pleased that we shall meet again soon.
 I’m looking ……………………………………..
4. It is really quite easy to learn English.
 Learning ……………………………………….
5. I don’t want to go to the movie tonight.
 I don’t feel like …………………………………………..
6. It’s not a good idea to travel during the rush hour.
 It’s better to avoid ……………………………………..
7. I expect that he will get there by lunchtime.
I expect him ……………………………………………..
8. Could you turn the radio down, please?
 Would you mind …………………………………………?

Exercise 4: Identify the one underlined word or phrase -A, B, C or D - that must be
changed for the sentence to be correct
1. I decided changing jobs because my boss made me work overtime
  A B C D
2. In order to not forget things, I put a string around my finger
3. Yesterday we went to the supermarket after we finished our work.
4. The doctor called this morning, while you slept.
5. I've been studying French since I've started high school.
6.  I succeeded in to find a job, so my parents didn’t make me go to college.
7. Get more exercise appears to be the best way to lose weight.
8. I'd rather to stay home than go out tonight.
9. Why you call me so late last night?
10. Let's stop to watch so much TV so that we can read or go out instead.
Exercise 5: Choose the correct sentence made from the suggested words. 
1. Why/ you/ consider/ don't/ visit/ me
a. Why don't you consider to visit me? b. Why you don't consider to visit me?
c. You consider why don't visit me. d. Why don't you consider visiting me? 
2. subject/ you/ what/ best/ like
a. What best subject you like? b. What subject you like best?
c. What subject do you like best? d. What subject do you best like?
3. really/ like/ up / I/ morning/ don't/ get / in early
a. I really don't like get up early in the morning.
b. Really I don't like to getting up early in the morning
c. I don't really like getting up early in the morning
d. I don't like really to get up early in the morning
4. learn/ Son/ for/ four years/ English/  so/ he/ the language/ speak/ well
a. Son was learning the language for four years, so he can speak English quite well.
b. Son has spoken English for four years, so he learned the language quite well.
c. So Son has been learning English for four, he can speak the language well.
d. Son has been learning English for four years, so he can speak the language quite well.
5. children/ work/ profession/ love/ interested/ because/ I/ teaching.
a. I love teaching profession because the children are in working with.
b. I am interested in teaching profession children because I love working with children 
c. I am interested in teaching profession because I love the children working.
d. I love working with the children because I am interested in teaching
IV. Choose the one option – a, b, c or d - that best fits each of the numbered blank.
I (1) ............. my teaching career nearly ten years ago. I spent six years (2)........... in a
remote village (3) ............... the villagers were very poor and the living standard was low.
Sometimes I was very disappointed (4) .............. bad living condition and low pay. I was
really homesick. However, at that time with my youth (5) ............., I tried my best to devote
myself to the noblest career, that was "teaching". I loved my poor little students. They were
living in (6) ……… but they could not suffer from empty mind. 
I am proud (7) .............. myself to be a teacher, a hard working "boatman" taking my
students to the "destination" of knowledge
1. a. begin b. began c. have begun d. had begun
2. a. teach b. to teach c. teaching d. taught
3. a. which b. there c. when d. where
4. a. in spite of b. because of c. because d. though
5. a. enthusiasm b. movement c. emotion d. culture
6. a. poor b. poverty c. debt d. shortage
7. a. in b. on c. about d. of


A. Choose the word that has the letter (s) pronounced differently from the others. 
1. a. language b. package c. mathematics d. marvelous 
2. a. chemistry b. prepare c. receive d. degree
3. a. private b. diploma c. guide d. writer
4. a. trouble b. study c. tutor d. subject
5. a. received b. worked c. obtained d. harbored
B. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others
1. a. background b. career c. secondary d. private
2. a. scientific b. atomic c. impossible d. ambitious
3. a. obtain b. determine c. award d. harbour
4. a. science b. difficulty c. mature d. brilliant
5. a. education b. difficulty c. champion d. institute
Choose the one word or phrase - a, b, c or d - that best completes the sentence or
substitutes for the underlined word or phrase.
1. Marie Curie was born _____ November 7, 1867.
a. in. b. from c. at d. on
2. Computer models help to determine whether a particular area is likely to flood.
  a. make up b. find out c. take over d. put up
3. Let me give you a little _____ about the president of the company.
a. specialization b. concentration c. background d. degree
4. Jane is always determined to do anything she wants. She's a _____ woman.
a. ambitious b. strong-willed c. brilliant d. humane
5. He passed his exams with flying colour.
a. successfully b. difficultly c. badly d. easily
6. She harbored her hope of being a teacher.
a. gave up her hope of being a teacher b. built her hope of being, a teacher
c. had her hope of being a teacher d. kept her hope of being, a teacher in her mind
7. He behaved like an adult. I think he is more _____ than the other boys at his class.
a. intelligent b. mature c. ambitious d. developed
8. The new road should help _____ traffic problems.
a. raise b. create c. ease d. cause
9. There is no _____ explanation for what happened.
a. scientist b. scientific c. scientifically d. since
10. The new surgeon will _____ her post in May.
a. go on b. get over c. take up d. look after
A. Put the verbs in the past perfect or past simple.
1.  I went to the box office at lunch time, but they............................................(already/ sell)
all the tickets.
2.  I felt very tired when I got home, so I ..................................... (go) straight to bed.
3.  Two days ago I …....................... (meet) an old friend who I ............................ (not see)
for years.
4. When the students ........................................ (do) the experiment, they ….................
(write) a report on it.
5. 'Was Tom at the party when you arrived?' 'No, he .........................................(go) home.'
6. Sorry I'm late. The car ………………............... (break) down on my way here.
7. I ........................... (take) the book back to the library when I ............................(read) it.
8. The house was very quiet when I........(get) home.  Everybody.............. (go) out for dinner
9.  After she .................................... (fill) the basket ........................... (go) to the check out.
10. Yesterday morning I.................................... (remember) the answer t the question.
Bob .................................. (ask) me the night before, so I ...................... (phone) him. 
11. Karen ........................................ (not want) to come to the cinema with us because she
……………........................ (already/ see) the film.
12. Angel asked me how to use the photocopier. She .................................... (never/ use) it
before, so she ……………………................ (not/ know) 
B. Choose the correct answers.
1. 'Was Tom there when you arrived?' `Yes, but he ............... home soon afterwards’.
a. goes b. went c. had gone d. were going
2. Before Jennifer won the lottery, she .............. any kind of contest.
a. hasn't entered b. doesn't enter c. wasn't entering d. hadn't entered
3. 'Who was the woman in red dress? Did you know?’
‘No. I..........." who she was. I.............. her before.
a. didn't know/ hadn't seen b. didn't know/ hasn't seen
c. hadn't known/ hadn't seen d. don't know/ hasn't seen
4. Marie Curie....................a Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1911.
a. awarded b. was awarded c. had awarded d. had been awarded
5. By the time he arrived at the party, all his classmates......................
a. has left b. left c. was leaving d. had left
6. When I was a child, ............... the violin.
a. I was playing b. I had played c. I play d. I played
7. It's two years ............... Joe.
a. that I don't see b. that I haven't seen c. since I didn't see d. since I saw
8. The man sitting next to me on the plane was nervous because he ................. before.
a. hasn't flown b. didn't fly c. hadn't flown d. wasn't flying
9. They................... in Scotland for ten years. Now they live in London.
a. lived b. have lived c. has been living d. had lived
10. As soon as Laura ............... the house, it started to rain.
a. has left b. was leaving c. had left d. had been leaving
11. By the time she was twelve, she ……….. on a career.
a. had already decided b.  already has decided
c. has already decided d. already decided
12. We ............ in New York for ten years and then we ........... here in 1987.
a. have lived/ moved b. lived / moved c. lived/ had moved d. had lived / moved
13. When Martin .............. the car, he took it out for a drive.
a. had repaired b. has repaired c. repaired d. was repairing
14. We ..................... them before the reception yesterday.
a. haven't met b. hadn't met c. didn't meet d wouldn't meet
15. Karen didn't want to come to the cinema with us because she ............. the film.
a. has already seen b. already had seen c. had already seen d. saw
16. The man looked familiar. I ................... him somewhere before.
a. saw b. have seen c. had seen d. see
17. Last night a tornado swept through Rockville. It ................. everything in its path.
a. destroyed b. was destroyed c. had destroyed d. has destroyed
18. When we ......................... the bill, we left the restaurant.
a. had paid b. were paying c. paid d. had been paying.
19. When the firework .................... off, the dog .................... away.
a. had gone/ ran b. went/ had run c. went/ ran d. went/was running
20. In 1903, Marie became the first woman ............... a Doctor of Science degree.
a. receiving b. receive c. receives d. to receive
B. Identify the one underlined word or phrase - A,  B, C or D - that mast be changed
for the sentence to be correct.
1. Before she became a film star, she has been a stand-up  comedian
2. We went to Stan's holiday party last year, hadn't we?
3. After a week, we finally got to Miami, that my aunt lives.
4. Since I begin school, I haven't had much spare time.
5.  My mother makes me doing my homework so I can't go out. 
6. My family lived in Hue since 1990 to 1996, but we are now living in Sai Gon.
7. Can you tell me where were you born? — Stockholm.
8. Computers are often used to control, adjustment, and correct complex industrial
operation. A B C D
9. He spent most of his time to paint in the studio.
IV. SPEAKING: Choose the sentence or phrase that best completes the dialogue. 
Tony: (1)_______________________________________________
Ann: In a house near Brighton.
Tony: (2) _______________________________________________
Ann: For three years.
Tony: (3) _______________________________________________
Ann: The house we had before was too small. We need somewhere bigger. 
Tony: (4) _______________________________________________
Ann: I work in a bank.
Tony: (5) _______________________________________________
Ann: I don't earn much. Just about £ 15.000 a year.
1. a. What's your address? b. Where are you? c. Where you live? d. Where do you live?
2. a. You have lived there for how long? b. How long have you lived there?
c. How many years have you lived there? d. Hoy long do you live there?
3. a. Why did you move? b. Why you moved?
c. Why did you moved? d. Can you tell me the reason why did you move?
4. a: What do you work? b. What your job is?
c. What you do? d. What do you do?
5. a. How much do you earn? b. How much money do you take?
c How about money do you earn? d. Do you earn how much money?
A. Read the passage, then choose the one best answer  - a, b, c or d.
 Personal computers, or PCs, are an important part of our everyday lives. Many people
cannot imagine life without them. One the most important people in making these machines
work is Bill Crams.
Bill Gates was born in 1955 in Washington State. He grew up in a rich family. His
parents sent him to a private school. There he met his business partner, Paul Alien. When
they were in the eight were in the eighth grade, they were ere writing programs for
business computers and making mores.
In 1973, Gates was accepted at Harvard University. His parents were happy. They
thought he would get over his obsession with _ and become a lawyer like his father. Two
years later, Gates dropped out of Harvard to work on a computer program with his friend
Allen.  They worked eighteen hours a day in 'a dormitory room at Harvard. They were
writing the program that would run one of the first personal computers. In 1975, they
created a company called Microsoft to sell their product.
Allen became ill with cancer and left Microsoft in 1983. He recovered a few years later
and started his own company. Meanwhile, Microsoft became a giant company. By 1990, at
the age of thirty-four, Gates was the youngest billionaire in the history of the United States.
He was the "King of Software". He achieved his success with a lot of hard work. For more
than ten years, he worked sixteen-hour days, seven days a week. He had a dream and the
will to succeed. By 1997, he was the richest man in the United States.
1. According to the writer, _____.
a. people cannot live without personal computers
b. computers play an important part of our lives
c. Bill Gates invented personal computers
d. Bill Gates is the most important people in computer science
2. The words 'dropped out of’ in line 10 mean _______.
a. graduated from b.  got over c. took part in d. stopped taking class at
3. According to the passage, ______.
a. Bill Gate's parents wanted him to become a computer programmer
b. Bill Gates and Paul Allen created Microsoft because they want to sell their program for
personal computers
c. Paul Alien left Microsoft because he wanted to start his own company
d. Bill Gates met his business partner at Harvard
4. How old was Bill Gates when he became the richest man in the United States?
a. 34 b. 51 c. 42 d. 44
5. Which of the following is not mentioned in the text?
a. In a few years, Microsoft became a very large company.
b. Bill Gates and Paul Allen first wrote programs for business computers when they were
about fifteen.
c. Bill Gates earned his success by working very hard.
d. Bill Gates is the richest man in the United States.

B. Read the following article. Put a circle the letter of the correct word or words to use
in each blank.
The man who made and lost a fortune manufacturing kitchen furniture is back in
business again. 37-year-old Timothy Lind law is now designing (1) ............. for offices -
from the director’s suit to the secretarial office.
Lind law had always had a lot of good ideas. After he (2) .............. a highly successful
computer business for two years, he started his second business in a small garage, selling
and installing kitchen furniture. He had made his first million pounds by the time he was
thirty. Then he went on to earn over five million in three years. 
But, after (3) ............. with the managers of his company, he suddenly dismissed them.
Within six months the business had gone bankrupt. And so (4) .............. Lindlaw. I had
made five million pounds before things began to go wrong, he said. 'I was just Unlucky to
lose it later. All companies go through good times - and through bad times. Now
(5) ............. several lessons which I'll never forget.' 
He said that he (6) .............. to call his new company 'Office-fit' and was already very
successful. Office Fit’ and was already very successful. 
1. a. furnitures b. furniture c. some furniture d. a furniture
2. a. has run b. runs c. was running d. had run
3. a. quarrel b. quarrelling c. quarreled d. have quarreled
4. a. has b. does c. did d. had
5. a. I learn b. I've learned c. I learned d. I’d learned
6. a. had decided b. was deciding c. decided d. has decided


A. Pick out the words that have the italicized letter is not pronounced /o/ or /ɔː/
1. commune rob condition follow _______________
2. organize money force for _______________
3. sport stall talk shake _______________
4. sorrow employ organize work _______________
5. occupation opposition obligation obtain _______________
6. all computer water born _______________
B. Choose the word that has the underlined (letters) pronounced differently from the others.
1. a. disabled b. forced c. believed d. realized
2. a. rubbish b. suburb c. lunch d. consume
3. a. deaf b. teach c. read d. sleep
4. a. pity b. children c. blind d. finger
5. a. proper b. course c. force d. talk
C. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others.
1. a. photography b. determinate c. exhibition d. professional 
2. a. disabled b. mentally c. retarded d. consuming
3. a. subtract b. suffer c. effort d. primary
4. a. gradually b. proper c. origin d. opposition
5. a. nationality b. disability c. activity d. demonstration.
III. Rewrite the sentences using a phrase with the + an adjective instead of the
underlined phrases.
1. People who have lots of money have comfortable lives.
The rich have comfortable Lives.
2. We live near special school for people who can't hear.
3. The old soldiers were holding a service for those who had died.
4. The government should do more for people who do not have enough money 
5. I'm doing a course on caring for people who are mentally handicapped.
6. We need to provide more shelters for people who are without place to live.
7. People with severe disabilities need full-time care.
8. Life must be hard for people who do not have a job in our society today.
9. What can we do to feed people who do not have enough to eat?
10. Braille is a reading system for people who are unable to see. 
IV. Write a sentence for each of the following using used or didn't use to.
1. Dennis gave up smoking two years ago.  Dennis used to smoke a lot. 
2. When Barbara was in Italy, she stayed with an Italian family 
3. I quite like drinking coffee in the morning, although I wasn’t keen on it when I was
4. We seem to have lost interest in our work.
5. I don't mind traveling, by train now.
6. I went to the church when I was a child.
7. Duong had lots of money but she lost it all when her business failed..
8. Mr. Michael grew tulips but he doesn't any more.
9. I prefer listening to classical music now, although when I was young I couldn't stand it
10. My sister looked so fat when she returned from Paris.

VII. Match the sentence pair and join them with which.
A. B.
1. My phone is out of order. It means he can't get about very easily.
2. Rachel's mother paid for the meal. This was good for the garden
3. My brother is disabled. It's made her very depressed
4. You left the key in the car. That was very kind of her
5. Vicky didn't get the job. This surprised everybody
6. The police blocked off the road. That seemed to amuse everyone
7. It rained all night. That was rather careless of you
8. David helped me clear up That caused a traffic jam.
9. Tom pushed Nick into the swimming pool. It's a real nuisance
10. Jim passed his driving test. That was very kind of him.
1. My phone is out of order, which is  a real nuisance 
2. ____________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________
6. ____________________________________________________________
7. ____________________________________________________________
8. ____________________________________________________________
9. ____________________________________________________________
10. ____________________________________________________________


Choose the one word or phrase - a, b, c or d - that best completes the sentence or
substitutes for the underlined word or phrase.
1. These classes is different _______ other classes because the students are disable
a. in b. of c. with d. from
2. The children have every reason to be proud _______ their efforts.
a. of b. in c. on d. to
3. My parents seemed fully satisfied _______ their progress.
a. with b. to c. in d. at
4. Most of the children come from large and poor families, which _____ them from having
proper schooling.
a. differ b. allow c. prevent d. realize
5. He has a _______ interest in music.
a. passion b. passionate c. passionately d. passionless
6. Delegates expressed strong ____ to the scheme. They thought it was impractical.
a. expression b. emotion c. opposition d. passion 
7. Some of the more time concerning jobs can now be done by machines.
a. taking much time b. taking little time c. odd d. not affected by time
8. I have been fascinated by _______ since I was at secondary school.
a. photograph b. photographic c. photographer d. photography
9. He has not developed mentally as much as others at the same age. He's _______.
a. mentally ill b. mentally retarded c. mentally alert d. mentally restricted
10. The President expressed his deep sorrow over the bombing deaths.
a. regret b. anger c. sadness d. passion
11. He invented a new kind of wheelchair for the _______.
a. unemployed b. poor c. disabled d. unhappy
12. She displayed some of her paintings at the local ________.
a. commune b. post office c. demonstration d. exhibition
13. He earns his living by taking photographs. He's a/ an  ______ photographer.
a. amateur b. professional c. talent d. determined
14. In spite of her deafness, she played the violin very well.
a. inability to speak b. inability to see c. inability to hear d. mentally impairment
15. The aim of the LIVE project is to train students from developing ______.
a. nations b. nationals c. nationalities d. nationalism
A. Choose the one word or phrase - b, c, or d - that best completes the sentence.
1. ................ Lawrence Hammond was not a musician himself, he developed an electronic
keyboard instrument called the Hammond organ.
a. Although b. That c. Despite d. For
2. ................ the storm, I would have been home before eight.
a. Instead of b. But for c. During d. Because of 
3. The government is doing nothing to help.......................
a. the poor people b. the poor ones c. the poor d. the pours
4. It rained all the time, ................. was a great pity.
a. that b. what c. which d. who
5. really need is a long holiday.
  a. That b. What c. Which d. Who
6. going to pop concerts when I was a teenager.
a. would b. used to c. must d. could
7. Rick left the party early because he .............. a headache
a. had b. has c. used to have d. was having
8. Claude didn't ............... in Canada.
a. lived b. use to live c. used to live d. used to living
9. I remember you. You ........... to school here.
a. were used to going b. have already gone c. went d. used to go
10. One day last March, I .............. a very strange letter.
a. get b. got c. used to get d. was getting
11. Can you show me .............. the film in this camera?
a. how to change b. how change c. how changing d. how you changed
12. I didn't like the noise in the city at first. But now................. here.. 
a. I got used to living b. I'm used to living c. used to live d. I used to living
13. Galileo ...............his first telescope in 1609.
a. builds b. built c. has built d. had built
14. Last summer, we had in Spain.
a. a two week's b. a two-weeks c. two-week d. a two-week
15. ....................... at the party, we saw Ruth standing alone.
a. Arrived b. We arrived c. Arriving d. We were arriving
B. Identify the one underlined word or phrase - A. B. C or D - that must be changed
for the sentence to be correct.
1. When I was a child, summers would be warmer and winters colder than now.
2. What do you use to do when you felt afraid? 
3. I've been studying French since I've started high school.
4. You have to buckle your seat belt now or you couldn’t drive. It's the law. 
5. She's always annoying about something.
6. It took them at least two months learning how to pronounce these words.
7. Helen Keller, who (A) was both blind and deafness, overcame her inabilities with the help of
her teacher, Ann Sullivan. B C D

8. Lake Superior, that lies on the US Canadian border, is the largest lake in North America.
A. Choose the one option - a, b, c or d - that best fits each of the num bared blank.
Louis Braille was born in 1309 (1) ........... Coup ray. He was a French teacher of the
blind. He (2) ........... was blind from the age of three, and in 1818 he went to the National
Institute (3) ............. the Young Blind in Paris. Soon showing marked (4) ............... in both
science and music, he became famous in Paris as an organist and violoncellist. In 1826
Braille began teaching the blind in the institute. Braille is known for his idea of expressing
the Briberies. Point writing (5) .............. of embossed dots and dashes on cardboard; the
Braille system (6) ............... from it is used successfully today, in slightly modified form,
and in many countries.
1. a. on b. at c. in d. of
2. a. who b. whom c. himself d. for himself
3. a. for b. of c. to d. with
4. a. activity b. ability c. intelligence d. determination
5. a. contains b. combines c. consists d. comprises
6. a. made b. taken c. done d. derived
B. Read text carefully then choose the correct answer.  
Hearing – impaired people cannot hear sounds well. How do they ‘hear’ words and 'talk?
Many hearing-impaired people use American Sign Language (ASL). They talk with
their hands. Sometimes two hearing-impaired people talk to each other. They both use ASL.
Sometimes a person who can hear interprets for hearing-impaired people. The person
listens to someone talking, and then he or she makes hand signs.
There are two kinds of sign language. One kind has a sign for every letter in the
alphabet. The person spells words. This is finger spelling. The other kind has a sign for
whole words. There are about five thousand of these signs. They are signs for verbs, things
and ideas. Some of the signs are very easy, for example, eat, milk, and horse. You can see
what they mean. Others are more difficult, for example, star, egg, or week.
People from any country can learn ASL. They don't speak words. They use signs, so
they can understand people from other countries.
ASL is almost like a dance. The whole body talks. American Sign Language is a
beautiful language.
1. How do many hearing-impaired people "talk"? 
a. by eyes b. by signals c. by words d. by hands 
2. How does a person interpret for hearing-impaired people?
a. He listens to someone talking, and then makes hand signs.
b. He talks through a special equipment used for the deaf.
c. He listens to someone talking and writes down the words.
d. He uses hand signs to translate what hearing-impaired people say. 
3. How many signs are there for finger spelling?
a. 2 b. 24 c. 26 d.32
4. Why can people from different countries talk to each other with ASL? 
a. Because they speak different languages. c. Because they can not hear.
b. Because they use signs instead of words. d. Because they understand each other.
5. Which of the following sentences is not true?
a. Hearing-impaired people cannot hear sounds well.
b. There are more signs for words than for letters. 
c. A person who interprets for hearing-impaired people can hear.
d. Africans cannot learn ASL because they don't speak English.
6. What is the main idea of the text?
a. ASL helps hearing-impaired people talk, but it is difficult to learn.
b. There are two kinds of sign language.
c. ASL is a beautiful language that helps hearing-impaired people talk to others.
d. People in different countries can use American Sign Language to communicate with
each other.


I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
1. A. none B. love C. effort D. above
2. A. much B. fruit C. funny D. button
3. A. ready B. meat C. defeat D. beat
4. A. process     B. teacher            C. other          D. permission
5. A. four B. more C. wrong D. sport
6. A. fruit B. full C. cook D. put
7. A. ask B. start C. family D. father

II. Choose the word in each line that has different stress pattern.
8. A. enjoy B. prevent C. special D. attend
9. A. different B. disabled C. consuming D. activity
10. A. contented B. secondary C. biology D. suspicious
11. A. explain B. gradually C. develop D. profession
12. A. opposite B. employed C. condition D. important
13. A. peasant B. contented C. safety D. purchase
14. A. chemistry B. history C. literature D. geography

Exercise 1: Choose the best answer

1. Danny ____ his father on Sundays.
A. phones B. phones C. phone D. will phone
2. My father ______ excuses when I feel like going to the cinema.
A. make always B. always make C. always makes D. is always makes
3. Jo is so smart that she ______ every exam without even trying
A. pass B. passes C. passing D. passed
4. My life is so boring. I just ______ TV every night.
A. watches B. am watch C. watch D. watching
5. His students ______ German in class.
A. doesn’t speak B. don’t speaks C. don’t speak D. aren’t speak
6. John ______ books.
A. reads sometimes B. sometimes read C. read sometimes D. sometimes reads
7. The flowers ______ watered by Bob.
A. are normally B. normally are C. normally is D. is normally
8. My husband and his colleague ______ golf whenever they are not too busy.
A. play B. plays C. are playing D. is playing
9.  You look busy. What ______ you ______?
A. are/ doing B. were/ doing C. did/ do D. have/ been doing
10. I ______ my dinner right now.
A. have B. had C. am having D. having
11. We ______ to a fancy restaurant tonight.
A. are going B. go C. went D. had gone
12. Shhhhh! Be quiet! John ______.
A. sleeps B. is sleeping C. slept D. sleeping
13. Don't forget to take your umbrella. It (rain) ______.
A. rains B. rained C. is raining D. rain
14. Up to the present, George ______ good work in his class.
A. does B. is doing C. has done D. had done
15. We’re good friends. We ______ each other for a long time.
A. know B. have known C. knew D. have been knowing
16. How long ______ able to drive? – Since 1990.
A. could you B. are you C. were you D. have you been
17. I _____ to his house in 1991.
A. moved B. have been moving C. have moved D. was moving
18. I saw Maggie at the party. She ________ in several films.
A. wears B. wore C. was wearing D. has worn
19. The man got out of the car,_______ round to the back and opened the boot.
A. walking B. walked C. walks D. walk
20. She ______ lunch by the time we arrived.
A. had finished B. finished C. have finished D. finishing
21. He was writing to his friend when he __________a noise.
A. was hearing B. heard C. had heard D. hears
22. I __________many people since I came here in June.
A. met B. has met C. was meeting D. have met
23. We __________ maths at this time last week.
A. were learning B. are learning C. was learning D. learnt
24. She was playing games while he _______ a football match.
A. watched B. watches C. is watching D. was watching
25. She ______ to Ho Chi Minh City last year.
A. goes B. has gone C. go D. went
26. Since we came here, we ______ a lot of acquaintances.
A. have had B. had C. have D. are having
27. I _______ TV when the telephone rang.
A. watched B. was watching C. are watching D. have watched
28. Every morning, I often sit in my garden and _______ to my nightingale sing.
A. listening B. listen C. listened D. listens
29. This house ____ 35,000 pounds in 1980.
A. costs B. was cost C. had cost D. cost
30. Andrew _______ the test before so he _______ it very easy.
A. had done/found B. had done/ had found C. did/ found D. did/ had found
Exercise 2: Do we use for or since with the following time references?
1. I haven't phoned home ……………….. Christmas.
2. We've been here …………..…. nine o'clock.
3. I have worked for International House ……………….more than eight years.
4. I haven't visited my home town …………………….I left school.
5. I haven't been to the cinema …………………….ages.
6. I have studied non-stop …………………….9.15.
7. I have had a driving licence ……………..………I was eighteen.
8. She hasn't had a day off …………….…1999.
9. Johan has been in England ……………….…more than two weeks now.
10. Peter has been my best friend ……………………..we were nine.

Exercise 3: Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences.
1. You’re having a sore throat. You’d better _______ to the doctor.
A. to go B. went C. go D. going
2. Because the traffic is heavy, I suggest _______ for the airport early.
A. leaving B. to leave C. leave D. will leave
3. “Would you prefer jazz or rock music?” – “I dislike _______ music in general.”
A. to listen to B. listening at C. listen to D. listening to
4. I let my cousin _______ my car when he came to visit me.
A. to borrow B. borrow C. borrowing D. borrowed
5. John will most likely _______, but Kathy will probably stay home.
A. coming B. become C. come D. had come
6. He is very stubborn, so it will be difficult to _______ him to go.
A. persuade B. suggest C. make D. prevent
7. The letters need _______ immediately.
A. to be typed B. typing C. typed D. either A or B
8. I would rather _______ poor but happy than become rich without happiness.
A. being B. be C. to be D. was
9. When Newton was 22 years old, he began _____ the theory of gravitation.
A. study B. studies C. to study D. studied
10. For the most part, young children spend their time playing, eating, and ___ a lot.
A. they sleep B. sleeping C. sleep D. they are sleeping
11. We _______ in Hyde Park when we lived in London.
A. use to walk B. is used to walk C. used to walk D. was used to walk
12. They _______ all day swimming and sunbathing at the beach.
A. spent B. used C. passed D. occupied
13. Bats avoid running into objects by __ high-frequency sounds and listening for echoes.
A. emitting B. emitted C. the emission D. they emit
14. We must take preventive measures _______ crime in the area.
A. reduce B. reducing C. to reduce D. at reducing
15. The biologist admitted _____ excessive numbers of animals in the laboratory tests.
A. using B. to use C. being used D. used
16. Most Americans don’t object _______ them by their first names.
A. that I call B. to my calling C. for calling D. that I am call
17. Travelers ___ their reservations well in advance if they want to fly during the Christmas
A. had better to get B. had to get better C. had better get D. had better got
18. ______ the meaning of vocabulary from context is an important skill.
A. Determination B. Determining C. It is determined D. Having determined
19. I’d rather ______ in the field than ______ at home.
A. to work – to stay B. work – stay C. working – staying D. worked – stayed
20. When _____ a dictionary, you need to be able to understand the symbols and
abbreviations it contains. A. having used B. use C. to use D. using
21. I think your mother should let you ______ your own mind.
A. make up B. to make up C. making up D. made up
22. It took her five minutes _______ the pictures from the Internet.
A. downloads B. download C. to download D. downloading
23. She sent me an e-mail _________ me that the meeting had been canceled.
A. informing B. to inform C. informed D. being informed
24. Do you know what made so many people _________ their home?
A. evacuate B. to evacuate C. evacuated D. be evacuated
25. It's important _______ the meeting on time.
A. start B. to start C. started D. to start
26. He’s not really interested in ________ on the farm.
A. to work B. work C. worked D. working
27. Remember _______ the letter for me tomorrow.
A. posting B. post C. will post D. to post
28. The driver felt sleepy. He stopped _________ a cup of coffee
A. to drink B. drink C. be drunk D. drinking
29. _______ to friends is nice but ______alone is also enjoyable.
A. Talk / to be B. To talk / be C. Talk / be D. Talking / being
30. I explained carefully enough for her _______ what was happening.
A. understanding B. understand C. understood D. to understand
Exercise 4: Choose the best answer to complete each of the sentences
1. John: “I’ve passed my final exam.” - Tom: “________”
A. Good luck. B. Congratulations! C. That’s a good idea. D. It’s nice of you to say so.
2. I was late for school this morning because my alarm clock didn’t ________.
A. go on B. go off C. go away D. go up
3. David: “You’ve got a beautiful dress!” – Helen: “________.”
A. I do B. Okay C. You, too D. Thanks for your compliment
4. She is ______ with smoking. A. crowded B. full C. accustomed D. fed up
5. He arrived ______the airport at 5 p. m yesterday.
A. in B. to C. at D. into
6. During the rush hour, streets are often crowded ______ people and vehicles.
A. for B. of C. in D. with
7. Sometimes he does not pay ______to his teachers so he does not get high marks.
A. attend B. attention C. attended D. attending
8. Paul makes a _______on becoming a teacher because he enjoys teaching a lot.
A. decisive B. decide C. decisively D. decision
9. When they saw the fire, they______.
A. screamed in danger B. scream on panic C. screamed in panic D. screaming in panic
10. I ______ up late at night when I was a student.
A. use to stay B. am used to stay C. used to stay D. am used to staying
11. Since the worldwide recession of the 1990’s, the sale of jeans __________ growing.
A. stopped B. was stopped C. was stopping D. has stopped
12. Be quiet! The child ________.
A. slept B. sleep C. is sleeping D. are sleeping
13. My children are happy ________ the chance to visit the capital again.
A. have B. having C. are having D. to have
14. A: ________do they have? B: Three
A. How much children B. How many children C. What children D. Which children
15. Does John ________ breakfast at home?
A. usually eats B. usually eat C. eats usually D. eat usually
16. Stephen always wanted to be an actor when he ________ up.
A. grew B. brought C. settled D. came
17. ________ you were all sitting at your desks working hard last week, we were sitting on
a plane bound for Hawaii.
A. Despite B. As soon as C. While D. Whenever
18. She secretly took the money from the boy’s bay without _______ anything about it.
A. say B. to say C. said D. saying
19. The other motorist drove right in front of me. I couldn’t avoid ________ his car.
A. to hit B. hitting C. hit D. from hitting
20. A: _______. - B: Certainly.
A. Welcome back. B. What are you doing there?
C. I’m sorry I am late. D. May I borrow a pen please?
21. Travelling to other parts of the country makes you ________your country more.
A. love B. loving C. to love D. in love
22. Would you like to go to the movie with me? - “_______”
A. No, I wouldn’t. That’s boring. B. I’d love to but I can’t. I’m visiting grandma with mom
C. Yes, I’d like to. D. I’d love.
23. John ________ anything since yesterday.
A. didn’t say B. hasn’t said C. has said D. said
24. When he ________ all the letters, he took them to the post office.
A. has written B. had written C. wrote D. had been writing
25. Something funny ________ in my class yesterday.
A. happened B. was happened C. happens D. is happened
26. Can you imagine ________ I felt when I forgot that man’s name.
A. why B. what C. how D. which
27. When it rains heavily, John usually ________at home.
A. stay B. will stay C. stays D. will be staying
28. After a three-hour search, the missing ________ girl was found alive and well.
A. five-years B. five-years-old C. five-year-aged D. five-year-old
29. I haven’t been back to the village where I was born _______ a long time.
A. during B. since C. ago D. for
30. We ______ lunch when we ______the news.
A. had/ heard B. were having/ heard C. had/ were hearing D. had/ hear
31. She studied hard and got a degree with ______colors.
A. scarlet B. red C. soaring D. flying
32. Thuy’s class is different _______ other classes because the children are disabled.
A. on B. from C. in D. at
33. The little boy is helping _______ cross the street.
A. the poor B. the rich C. the blind D. the young
34. Many people lost their home in the Earthquake. The government is trying to establish
more shelters to care for _______.
A. the childless B. the homeless C. the blind D. the deaf
35. The government should have special policies to help the _______.
A. disable B. disabled C. disability D. disablement
36. The blind child _______ a great effort to learn “Braille”.
A. did B. got C. made D. created
37. There was a lot of _______ from the local residents.
A. oppose B. opposite C. opponent D. opposition
38. I’d like to introduce you to Ms. Thuy, ______ is the teacher of this special class.
A. that B. which C. who D. whom
39. The children will learn how ______ sums.
A. to do B. doing C. do D. will do

40. We ______ for the delay in answering your letter.
A. sorry B. regret C. apologize D. excuse
41. Very few people can ______ my name correctly.
A. pronoun B. pronounce C. announce D. allow
42. The blind are ____ to see anything. A. able B. unable C. ability D. inability
43. The Swiss ____ thrifty and hard-working. A. is B. are C. has D. have
44. ______ blind can see nothing. A. The B. A C. All D. Every
45. To prepare his ______ works, Karl often spends whole day in library.
A. science B. scientific C. scientist D. scientifically
46. “Chip and Dale” is really an ______ cartoon.
A. interest B. interested C. interesting D. to interest
47. Please write your name and _______ on the form.
A. occupying B. occupied C. occupy D. occupation
48. As a child, he received most of his ______ at home.
A. education B. educated C. educating D. educate
49. What a ________ girl! Nothing can stop her from realizing her decision.
A. mature B. good C. powerful D. strong-willed
50. My father didn’t _______ coffee for breakfast.
A. used to have B. use to have C. use to having D. use be having
Exercise 5: Wh- question: Make Wh-question for the following sentences:
1. My aunt and uncle live in Chicago.  ………………………………………………………
2. We often have dinner at 7:00 pm.  …………………………………………………………
3. I am reading an English book at the moment.  ……………………………………………
4. It takes me 30 minutes to go to school.  ……………………………………………………
5. She speaks English very fluently.  …………………………………………………………
6. I have written over twenty novels.  …………………………………………………………
7. This street is twenty kilometers long.  ……………………………………………………
8. I spent 10 dollars on this shirt.  ……………………………………………………………
9. I have been learning English for 5 years.  …………………………………………………
10. She will be married to a rich man.  ………………………………………………………
11. Tom goes to the library twice a week.  …………………………………………………
12. She is a doctor.  ……………………………………………………
13. They were watching a game show.  ………………………………………………………
14. He likes studying Math.  ………………………………………………………
Exercise 6: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one.
1. Daisy started learning Chinese when she was 12.
→ Daisy has ………………………………………………………………………………
2. Did your teacher let you speak a word?
→ Did your teacher make ………………………………………………………………
3. It would be a great idea for you to go to see a doctor.
→ I think you should ……………………………………………………………………
4. Half way through the meeting there was a knock on the front door.
→ While …………………………………………………………………………………
5. It took Susan 5 days to complete her essay.

→ Susan spent ………………………………………………………………………………
6. It won’t be possible for me to pay a visit to that place again.
→ I am afraid ………………………………………………………………………………
7. We worked very hard for the exam. Then we passed it.
→ Before ……………………………………………………………………………………
8. First my sister considered what to say. Then she decided to talk to her headmaster.
→ After………………………………………………………………………………….
9. I learned my lessons. Then I went out for a walk.
→ Before ……………………………………………………………………….
10. Her brother bought a new washing machine. First he checked the prices.
→ After ……………………………………………………………………….
11. My mother took an aspirin. Then she felt a little better.
→ Before ……………………………………………………………………….
12. He watched the football match. Then he wrote a report.
→ After ……………………………………………………………………….
13. My father said I could use his car. → My father allowed ………………………………
14. It’s not a good idea to travel during the rush hour.
→ It’s better to avoid …………………………………
15. I am pleased to meet you again. → I look forward ………………………………….
16. Why don’t we visit our teacher? → I suggest ………………………………….
17. It is really quite easy to learn English.
→ Learning ……………………………………………………..
18. I expect that he will get there by lunchtime. → I expect him …………………………..
19. Could you turn the radio down, please? → Would you mind …………………………
20. I don’t want to go to the movie tonight. → I don’t feel like ……………………………
21. Shall we go for a walk? → What about ……………………………………………….
22. You ought to take a rest. → You had better ……………………………………………
23. “Why don’t we go out for a change?” → He suggested ………………………………
24. My mum lived in a small village when she was a girl. (Using ‘used to’)
→ ………………………………………………………………………………….
25. We cycled to school two years ago. (Using ‘used to’)
→ ………………………………………………………………………………….
26. My uncle is fat now. (Using ‘used to’) → ………………………………………………
Exercise 7: Use “WHICH” to combine each pair of sentences.
1. John is always late for class. This annoys the teacher.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………
2. People today put advertisements on TV or in newspapers. This makes it possible to
produce more things to sell.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………
3. He passed the exam with high grades. This made everybody in the family pleased.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………
4. We have lost her phone number. This makes it difficult to contact her.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………
5. Jane couldn’t come to my birthday party. This made me feel sad.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………
Ex 8: Which underlined part must be changed in order to make the sentence correct?
1. I spend 20 minutes to read books every day.
2. I enjoy to talk with my classmates about their future plans.
3 David immediate comes home after finishing school.
4. I decided changing jobs because my boss makes me work overtime
5. In order to not forget things, I put a string around my finger
6. I succeeded in to find a job, so my parents didn’t make me go to college.
7. She has lived in London for five years before she moved to New York.
8. The members of the club enjoyed to attend the meetings.
9. Marie Curies was born in Warsaw, so her date of birth is Warsaw.
10. Hang comes always home after she finishes school
11. Aloha is a Hawaiian word meaning ‘love’, that can be used to say hello or goodbye.
12. Before she became a film star, she has been a stand-up comedian. Hài độc thoại
READING: Read the passage and make the correct choice:
David Evans is a farmer. He does the farming on his own land in Wales. The farm has
(1) ____ to his family for generations. The soil is poor. David (2) ___ sheep on his land. He
does not employ (3) ____ full-time workers. His sons help him when they are not (4) _____
school. His wife adds to the family income by selling eggs (5) _____ her hens produce. In
summer, she often takes paying guests into the (6) _____. The guests from the city enjoy
their quiet holiday in the clean country air (7) _____ Mrs. Evans enjoys having some (8)
_____ money to spend on clothes for her children and herself. However, it is a lonely life
for the Evans family when the guests have gone. The question is that if his children want to
(9) _____ the farm when Mr. Evans gives up working. Country life is quiet and peaceful to
them. It is quite likely that they will leave the farm (10) _____ the city some day.
1. A. been B. depended C. belonged D. possessed
2. A. feeds B. grows C. leads D. raises
3. A. some B. more C. much D. any
4. A. at B. for C. to D. on
5. A. who B. which C. when D. whose
6. A. school B. road C. farmhouse D. field
7. A. when B. so that C. if D. and
8. A. any B. extra C. interest D. free
9. A. take off B. take over C. take after D. take in
10. A. for B. in C. at D. of
Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
1. A. trick     B. literature C. decisive     D. pity
Choose the word in each line that has different stress pattern.
2. A. classmate    B. satisfy     C. wonderful     D. occupation
Identify the underlined part A, B, C, or D that must be changed for the sentence to be correct:
3. Tom watches usually television with his family in the evening.
4. I spend 20 minutes to read books every day.
Choose the one word or phrase - a, b, c or d - that best completes the sentence or
substitutes for the underlined word or phrase
5. Her children all have been ______ in their chosen careers.
A. succeeded B. successful C. succeed D. success
6. We’re sorry that we weren't ___ to telephone you and your friends yesterday afternoon.
A. able B. unable C. enabled D. disabled
7. He invented a new kind of wheelchair for the ______.
A. unemployed B. poor C. disabled D. unhappy
8. I am looking forward _______ your country.
A. to visit      B. visit          C. to visiting D. visiting
9. Gradually more children were sent to the class as their parents realized that the young
teacher was trying her best to help their poor kids.
A. Progressively B. Firstly C. Slowly D. Weakly
10. He has been out of work ____ a long time.
A. since B. in C. when D. for
11. Before Jenny won the lottery, she _______ any kind of contest.
A. hasn’t entered B. hadn’t entered C. doesn’t enter D. didn’t enter
12. Mark _______ so late when he was a student.
A. use be staying B. use to stay C. use to staying D. used to stay
Read the text below and choose the correct word / phrase for each space.
English is a very useful language. If we ___(13)____ English, we can go to any
countries we like. We will not find it hard to make people understand ___(14)___we want
to say. English also helps us to learn all kinds of ___(15)___ . Hundreds of books are
written in English every day in __(16)___ countries. English has also helped us to spread
ideas and knowledge to all corners of the world. Therefore, English __(17)___ has helped
to spread better understanding and friendship among countries of the world.
13. A. do B. want C. know D. work
14. A. when B. who C. where D. what
15. A. teachers B. people C. subjects D. friends
16. A. many B. a C. the D. much
17. A. nation B. knowledge C. language D. countries
Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.
A sign language is a language which uses hands to make gestures to communicate
instead of sound - simultaneously combining movement of the arms or body, and facial
expressions to express a speaker's thought. Sign languages develop in deaf communities.
Interpreters and friends and families of deaf people, who are not deaf as well as people who
are deaf or hearing-impaired themselves use sign language to communicate. When people
using different sign languages meet communication is significantly easier than when people
of different spoken languages meet. Sign language in this respect gives access to an
international deaf community. However, sign language is not universal. Wherever
communities of deaf people exist, sign languages develop. They vary from culture to
culture. They are not based on the spoken language in the country of origin. Hundreds of
sign languages are in use around the world. Sign languages are as rich and complex as any
oral language, despite the common misconception that they are not "real languages". On the
whole, deaf sign languages are independent of oral languages and follow their own paths of
development. For example, British Sign Language and American Sign Language are quite
different and mutually unintelligible, even though the hearing people of Britain and
America share the same oral language. Similarly, countries which use a single oral
language throughout may have two or more sign languages; whereas an area that contains
more than one oral language might use only one sign language.
18. Sign language uses ____ to communicate.
a. sound b. voice c. gestures d. eye contact
19. Sign language is generally used to communicate to the ____.
a. deaf b. blind c. poor d. lisping
20. According to the writer, _____.
a. only the deaf can use sign language b. sign language only belongs to the disabled
c. everybody can use sign language to communicate with the deaf
d. sign language cannot be used by those who do not suffer deafness
21. Which sentence is NOT true?
a. Sign languages are as rich and complex as oral languages
b. Some people consider sign languages not real languages
c. Deaf sign languages are independent from oral languages
d. Deaf sign languages develop dependently on oral languages
22. Sign languages ____.
a. are different in different countries b. are the same in every language
c. are difficult to learn d. are not used in a country which uses a single oral language
IV. WRITING:A. Read Bruno Mars ’s C.V and then write a paragraph about him.
Name : Bruno Mars 
Date of birth: October 8, 1985
Place of birth: Honolulu, Hawaii, United States
Present job: Singer, songwriter
School attended: Roosevelt High School
First song:  "Just the Way You Are,"
Interests: watching T.V. and fencing

B. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one (1m)
1. My father allowed me to go for a picnic with my friends.
My father let _____________________________________________
2. Mr. David finished his work then he went for a walk.
 Before ____________________________________________________.
3. We stayed at home because it rained heavily. (Make question)
 ________________________________________________________?
4. My friend always spends 2 hours a day learning English online.
 It takes ___________________________________________________.
Listening to the dialogue between two men and do these tasks (2,5ms)
1. Where is Pancho from?
A. Paraguay B. Peru C. Portugal D. Poland
2. How many brothers and sisters does Pancho have?
A. 6 B. 12 C. 13 D. 7
3. What is his father's job?
A. bus driver B. dentist C. police officer D. taxi driver
4. What does his mother do?
A. She owns a beauty salon. B. She runs a small family store.
C. She works at a bread shop. D. She works in her family company
5. Which thing does Pancho NOT say?
A. His brothers and sisters help his mom. B. His mom sells food like eggs and sugar.
C. His mother enjoys her job very much. D. His father works hard to support his family
II/ TRUE- FALSE STATEMENTS : Decide whether the statements are true or false
____ 1. Francisco is one of Pancho’s close friends in his motherland
____ 2. The other members in Pancho’s family live in Peru
____ 3. Pancho is the eldest child in this family
____ 4. According to Pancho, working as a taxi driver is really hard working
____ 5. Pancho helps his mother in his small family store.
A. Choose the word that has the underlined letters pronounced differently from the rest:
1. a. computer b. turn c. miraculous d. accuracy
2. a. look b. tooth c. school d. afternoon
3. a. calculation b. passion c. question d. mention
4. a. put b. full c. fun d. could
5. a. software b. welfare c. share d. are
6. a. seat b. meat c. head d. heat
7. a. put b. pull c. burn d. push

8. a. multiply b. subtract c. instruction d. country
9. a. soup b. route c. group d. could
10. a. tooth b. school c. foot d. food
11. a. good b. cool c. look d. wool
12. a. caves b. marks c. exams d. days
B. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others:
1. a. technology b. computer c. newspaper d. miraculous
2. a. scenic b. magical c. capable d. mysterious
3. a. interact b. manage c. calculate d. multiply
4. a. secretary b. accuracy c. appropriate d. ambulance
5. a. electronic b. miraculous c. capacity d. additional
6. a. visit b. devise c. compute d. request
7. a. physical b. mysterious c. personal d. magical
8. a. capable b. beautiful c. interesting d. attractive
9. a. receive b. perform c. manage d. relax
10. a. almost b. machine c. lighting d. system
II/ VOCABULARY: Choose the one or phrase that best completes each sentence.
1. We were really impressed by scenic splendors of the Rocky Mountains
a. in a strange or mysterious way b. having beautiful natural scenery
c. very impressive and good d. new and interesting
2. This door should only be used in an emergence.
a. a serious problem b. an annoying situation c. a serious situation d. a happy event
3. What makes computer a miraculous device?
a. strange b. powerful c. magical d. excellent
4. In large classes, children feel that they cannot…………… with the teacher.
a. contact b. interact c. transmit d. relax.
5. A computer is a _________ typewriter.
a. convenient b. magical c. appropriate d. informative
6. New telephone lines allow faster data __________ by fax or modem.
a. calculation b. transmission c. entertainment d. development
7. Please ___________ your phone card in the slot before pressing the number you require.
a. insert b. operate c. plug d. adjust
8. _______ is used for making exact copies of documents.
a. Computer b. Printer c. Photocopier d. Camcorder
9. There is a fault at our television station. Please do not __________ your set.
a. change b. adjust c. repair d. switch
10. You can _____ a lot of information from the Internet onto your own computer, but it
can take a lot of time.
a. take b. print c. save d. download
11. _____ is a camera which records moving pictures and sound.
a. Cell phone b. CD-ROM c. Camcorder d. Modem
12. Thanks to the development of information _____, we can communicate with each other
very quickly through the Internet.
a. technician b. technique c. technical d. technology
13. For further _______ on the computer programs, please contact us at this address.

a. inform b. informative c. information d. informatively
14. She has looked worried __ something since she received a letter _ her parents yesterday.
a. about / from b. on / of c. in / for d. with / to
15. The port is capable _____________ handing 10 million tons of coal a year.
a. in b. on c. of d. for
A. Use the “Present Perfect or Present Perfect Passive”
1. My hair is tidy now. I …………………………….my hair. (brush)
2. This money box ………………………….…… for two years. (collect)
3. The door is open. Someone…………………………the door. (open)
4. This is Oliver’s drawing, look. Oliver……………………………..…a picture. (draw)
5. The rent …………………………………, I think. (already pay)
6. There’s no more wine in the bottle. We……………………….……all the wine. (drink)
7. I know my number now. I…………………………my number by heart. (learn)
8. …………………….…… any tests ………………….…… since last month? (do)
9. The calculator is broken. Someone…………………………the calculator.
10. These machines ……………………………for at least five years. (not / use)
11. ……….you ……………about David? He ………………….…by a bull. (hear / attack)
12. The guests are here now. The guests………………………………………(arrive)
13. I’m still working on the computer. I………………with the computer yet. (not / finish)
14. The floor is clean now. I…………………………the floor. (clean)
15. ………………..the package ………………………..………….yet? (deliver)
B. Turn the following sentences into the passive
1. His teacher has transferred him to another class.
2. A scholar has translated that novel into Vietnamese.
3. Somebody has taken my briefcase.
4. Have you fed the dogs yet?
5. No one has used that car for 10 years.
C. Use a relative pronoun (WHO, WHOM, WHICH, or THAT) to combine these pairs of
sentences. Use commas when necessary
1. I bought a cell phone. I can use it to send and receive e-mail.
2. Now, there are psychologists. They help technophobes use technology.
3. A lot of people suffer from techno stress. Those people work in my office.
4. Some people dream of a job. They can do the job without technology.
5. My stereo doesn’t work today. It worked yesterday.

6. The man is a computer expert. You are talking to him.
7. Some documents have been found. They were stolen from a car.
8. Dr. Michelle Weil wrote a book about “techno trees”. She is a psychologist.
9. He works for a computer magazine. The magazine is very popular in Mexico.
10. Marta has a brother. Her brother’s name is Manuel.

D. Choose the one or phrase that best completes each sentence

1. The program must be new, I _____________ it before.
a. have never been seen b. have ever seen c. have never seen d. have seen
2. I _______ able to play tennis since I __________ my arm.
a. wasn’t/broke b. haven’t been/had broken
c. wasn’t/had broken d. haven’t been/broke
3. Since the 1970s, computers ____ at a low enough cost to allow individuals to own a
personal computer.
a. are produced b. will be produced c. were produced d. have been produced
4. This is the first time we _________ to Scotland, so it’s all new to us.
a. are going b. were c. have been d. will go
5. How often __________ your car serviced since you bought it?
a. do you get b. did you get c. had you gotten d. have you gotten
6. ____________________ yet?
a. Has the report been written b. Has the report written
c. Did the report write d. Was the report written
7. These flowers are fresh. They ___________ from the garden.
a. have just been picked b. have been just picked
c. have been picked just d. just have been picked
8. No one has used this computer for a long time.
a. This computer was not used for a long time.
b. This computer has been used for a long time.
c. This computer has not used for a long time.
d. This computer has not been used for a long time.
9. The children saw the actual spacecraft ________ landed on the moon.
a. who b. that c. whom d. Ø
10. Yoko told me about students ________ have taken the entrance exam 13 times.
a. whose b. whom c. which d. who
11. I’m looking for an electric can opener _________ also can sharpen knives.
a. who b. which c. whom d. Ø
12. The problems _______ Tony has seem insurmountable.
a. what b. who c. which d. whom
13. The earth, ___ is the fifth largest planet in the solar system, is the third planet from the sun.
a. who b. whom c. which d. that
14. People __________ outlook on life is optimistic are usually happy people.
a. whose b. whom c. that d. which
15. _____________ was born in Stratford, wrote more than forty plays.
a. William Shakespeare, that b. William Shakespeare who
c. William Shakespeare, who d. William Shakespeare

IV/ READING: Read the passage, then choose the one best answer –a, b, c or d
In the last 100 years, technology has completely changed the way we live. At the touch
of a button, we can look up almost anything we need to know on the Internet. We have
electricity, aero planes, television, and we have ever been to the moon. So what sort of
inventions will there be in the 21st century? Indeed, is there anything important still left to
It seems that there is. Scientists all over the world are looking into Nan technology
with a great deal of interest. This is the science of building small machines - and when we
say small, we mean very small. To give you an idea of the size scientists are talking about,
these machines would be about a million billion times smaller than the smallest bit of dust.
Nan technology will bring about enormous changes. Doctors, for example, will he able
to cure any illness. The environment will be improved because it will be possible to take the
polluted air we breathe and make it clean again. But perhaps the most exciting thought of
all is that we won't have to wait a thousand years for Nan technology - many people believe
there is a good chance it will come in our lifetime.
1. This passage is mainly about ____________
a. inventions b. Nan technology
c. technological changes d. small machines
2. According to the passage, _____________
a. our lives have been changed by technology b. we can use the Internet to get
c. we have been able to travel to the moon d. All are correct
3. Nan technology is_____________
a. the skill of building very small machines b. the science of building computers
c. the new computer technology d. the recent advance in medical technology
4. Which change will Nan technology not bring about?
a. Fatal diseases will be cured. b. The air will be cleaner.
c. The pollution will be reduced. d. The environment will be protected.
5. Which of the following is not true?
a. Scientists have a lot of interest in Nan technology.
b. The size of the machines will be much smaller than the smallest bit of dust.
c. Nan technology will bring about some changes in the medical field.
d. Many people believe that they have to wait a thousand years for Nan technology.

A. Choose the word that has the underlined letters pronounced differently from the rest:
1. A. wood B. cook C. blood D. push
2. A. picturesque B. antique C. discotheque D. mile
3. A. excursion B. sunburnt C. nurse D. picture
4. A. church B. study C. umbrella D. understand
5. A. weather B. ready C. early D. instead
6. A. nearly B. ear C. hear D. early
7. A. caves B. marks C. exams D. days
8. A. bird B. skirt C. shirt D. hire
9. A. site B. trip C. city D. invention
10. A. today B. together C. work D. progressive
B. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others:
1. A. excursion B. spacious C. resume D. pagoda
2. A. reason B. lotus C. forest D. resort
3. A. relax B. permit C. picnic D. visit
4. A. altitude B. excursion C. waterfall D. terminal
5. A. glorious B. possible C. protective D. necessary
6. A. occasion B. pagoda C. permission D. understand
7. A. persuade B. believe C. instead D. anxious
8. A. relax B. travel C. visit D. careful
9. A. picturesque B. campfire C. occupied D. photograph
10. A. impossible B. geography C. information D. convenience
Choose the one or phrase that best completes each sentence.
1. The cottage is surrounded by the most glorious countryside.
a. ordinary b. honourable c. beautiful d. gloomy
2. You could see fluorescent lamps instead of ordinary light bulbs.
a. in replacement b. in order for c. on payment for d. in place of
3. Vung Tau is one of the leading east coast resorts of Vietnam.
a. places where people go on holiday b. places where people have medical tests
c. places where people go on business d. places where people learn foreign languages
4. I work from Tuesday to Saturday, and Sunday and Monday are my _________
a. working days b. days out c. breaks d. days off
5. We’ve recently studied the _______ of stones in the kidneys.
a. building b. formation c. structure d. block
6. Your tour includes a one-day ________ to the Grand Canyon by air.
a. camping b. travel c. excursion d. visit
7. He did finally come with us, although it took a long time to ___________
a. believe b. permit c. persuade d. take
8. You are not allowed to camp here without _________
a. permission b. persuasion c. protection d. decision
9. The town is a popular _________ for art lovers.
a. destination b. arrival c. department d. situation
10. Don’t throw away the _________. We can have them for supper.
a. sundeck b. photos c. food d. leftovers
11. Will you _______ after the party?
a. call me off b. get me on c. take me up d. pick me up

12. ______ a place where plants and trees are grown for scientific study.
a. A pagoda b. A Botanic Garden c. A resort d. A pine forest
13. Is it OK if we meet at 9 o’clock? Is the time _______ for you?
a. convenience b. convenient c. conveniently d. inconveniently
14. Marth Thomas was an American educator who stood for equal _____rights for women.
a. educated b. educational c. educating d. educationally
15. Will you go ______ a trip to London ________ the summer.
a. for / at b. on / in c. with / for d. in / during
A. Complete the sentences with “Going to” and a Verb or Expression from the box.
leave - snow - drive - be sick - jump - have a job interview - be late - study together
1. Look at that man on the bridge! I think he ...................................................
2. I don’t feel well. I think I .............................................................................
3. It’s so cold and looks at these clouds! I think it ...........................................
4. This film is so boring. We............................................................................
5. Sally’s wearing her best clothes. She ...........................................................
6. Hurry up! It’s nearly ten o’clock! You.........................................................
7. “Are you free tonight?”
“I’m sorry. I’m going to meet Jack at the library at 7a.m.. We ....................
8. “Do you want to walk to the shops?” “No, I ................................................
B. Put the verbs in the correct form, using either “Be Going To or the Present Progressive”
1. I can’t go any further. I (sit)………..………………………..on that bench for a while.
2. The game (start)…….…………… two o’clock tomorrow. I hope you can be there.
3. The service here is very slow. I (complain)……to the manager if we are not served soon.
4. I have a right to be heard, and no-one (stop)….…me from putting my side of the argument.
5. The two leaders (meet)……………………………………..for talks later this afternoon.
6. The banks have announced that it (increase)………………….....its interest rates by one percent
from tomorrow.
7. Are you (answer)……………………………………………my questions or not?
8. I have to get up early tomorrow. I (teach) ……..…a physics class at 8.00 in the morning.
9. Before I apply for the job, I (get)…………….……………more information about it.
10. Brazil (play)………………………………………………..Colombia in today’s final.
C. Choose the correct answer.
1. “Which project __ on next?” “I haven’t decided for sure. Probably the Space mobile.”
a. will you work b. are you going to work c. do you work
2. “Look at those dark clouds!” “Yes, it looks like _______ any minute”.
a. it’s going to rain b. it’s raining c. it will rain
3. “I’d better get back to the hotel room before the storm.” “OK, _______ you later.”
a. I’m seeing b. I’ll see c. I see
4. “Hi, honey. How’s it going?” “Great, _______ fishing with Grandpa tomorrow.”
a. I go b. I’m going to go c. I’m going
5. “Have fun, but don’t forget. You have to finish that paper.”
“I know, Mom _______ it tomorrow. I already have the envelope.”
a. I’m mailing b. I won’t mail c. I mail
6. “I’m going to miss a good film on TV because I’ll be out tonight.”
“_____ it for you, if you like.”
a. I video b. I’m going to video c. I’ll video
7. “Good luck. When will you be here?”
“Tomorrow. My plane _______ at 7:00, so I ______ you about 8:00.”
a. will land/ see b. lands/ will see c. is landing/ am going to see
8.”I’m just going out to get a paper.” “What newspaper _______?”
a. are you buying b. are you going to buy c. will you buy
9. “We ______ a party on Sunday, 12th November. Can you come?” “Yes, I’d love to.”
a. are having b. are going to have c. will have
10. “What’s that man doing up there?” “Oh no! He _______ !”
a. is jumping b. will jump c. is going to jump
11. “Ann is in hospital.” “Yes, I know. _______ her tomorrow.”
a. I visit b. I’m going to visit c. I’ll visit
12. “It’s my birthday soon. ______ twenty next Friday.” “Oh, really ? _____ a party ?”
a. I’m going to be/ Are you having b. I am/ Will you have
c. I’ll be/ Are you going to have
13. “It’s a public holiday next Monday.” “Yes, I know. _______ anything special ?”
a. Are you doing b. Do you do c. Will you do
14. “Would you like to join Linda and me tomorrow? We _ the natural history museum.”
“Sure. I’ve never been there.”
a. visit b. will visit c. are going to visit
15. “I’ve decided to try and learn a foreign language.” “Have you ? Which language _?”
a. will you learn b. are you going to learn c. are you learning
Read the passage carefully, then choose the one best answer, a, b, cord.
For the last few months I have spent every Saturday in my flat and have done nothing more
exciting than work at home, read the newspapers and watch television. I had begun feeling,
bored with this and so, last weekend I though I would do something different. I rang up
several of my friends and we decided to go to London for the day. I was really excited as I
hadn't been to London since I was ten. We decided to go by coach as this was by far the
cheapest means of transport that was available even though it meant that we needed to get
up very early. Once in London we decided to take a sightseeing tour as we wanted to see
some of the famous buildings. After the tour we bought some sandwiches and ate them in a
small park. In the afternoon two of us went shopping and the others went to the theater. We
met up again at 6:30 p.m. and went to a small restaurant in Soho. The meal was really good
but, unfortunately, it took much longer than we had expected. We had to get a taxi back to
the coach station. Luckily, we got there just two minutes before our coach left.
1. According to the passage the writer ______________
a. usually spends his weekend at home. b. went to London with some of his friends.
c. has lived in London for ten years. d. feels bored with his life.
2. He felt so excited about oin to London because ______________
g g

a. he hadn't been there before. b. he hadn't been there for ten years.
c. he went there ten years ago. d. he hadn't been there for a long time.
3. Why did they decide to go by coach?

a. Because it was available. b. Because they wanted to start early.
c. Because other means of transport were more expensive.
d. Because it was one of the most efficient means of transport.
4. Which of the following is true?
a. They all went shopping before going to theater.
b. They made a sightseeing tour of London and then had lunch.
c. They had lunch in a small restaurant.d. They left the city at 6:30 p.m.
5. It can be inferred from the text that ____________________
a. they nearly missed the coach because of the meal.
b. they didn't enjoy the meal in the restaurant very much.
c. the coach had already left when they got to the station.
d. they missed the coach and had to take a taxi back.
Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. key B. they C. today D. survey
2. A. time B. fit C. fine D. Friday
3. A. voice B. coin C. coincide D. noise
4. A. famous B. face C. take D. catch
5. A. family B. sky C. type D. clarify
Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others.
6. A. channel B. media C cartoon D. comment
7. A. documentary B. advantage C. magazine D. popularity
8. A. newspaper B. encourage C. responsible D. effective
9. A. beautiful B. television C. Internet D. interfere
10. A. enjoy B. relax C. recommend D. intend
Choose the one word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that best completes the sentence.
11. You can hear BBC news________ all over the world.
A. shows B. announcements C. receipts D. programs
12. Television can make things________ because it presents information in an effective way.
A. memory B. memorial C. memorable D. memorably
13. Do you understand this ________? ‘200 WOMEN GIVEN WRONG DIAGNOSIS’
A. report B. headline C. news D. advert
14. Children often prefer looking at ________to reading books.
A. newspapers B. comics C. articles D. commercials
15. In Britain, there are some 'terrestrial' ________on TV such as BBCI, BBC2, ITV1
A. programs B. series C. channels D. cables
16. 'Is the paper published every day?' 'No, it ________out once a week.'
A. turns B. goes C. produces D. comes
17. Editorial ________in 'The Guardian' tended to support the government in this matter.
A. comments B. complaints C. commands D. comedies
18. A ________is a film with factual information, often about a problem in society.
A. series B. soap opera C. documentary D. drama
19. There was a report ________ The Independent ________ this new law.
A. on/ for B. in/ to C. in/ about D. on/ in
20. __________ is a system connecting millions of computer worldwide.
A. The television B. The Internet C. The media D. The phone
Choose the one word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that best completes the sentence.
21. The scheme allows students from many countries________ with each other.
A. communicate B. to communicate C. communicating D. communicates
22. ________ the storm warnings, we did not go out last night.
A. Since B. In spite of C. Because of D. The result
23. This is the fifth time you ________ me the same question.
A. ask B. asked C. are asking D. have asked
24. When I arrived at the party, Lucy________ home.
A. has already gone B. had already gone C. already went D. already was going
25. English people spent 18 hours per week ________ TV.
A. watching B. to watch C. watch D. for watching
26. I've lived in a small house near the coast ________1990.
A. from B. since C. in D. for
27. She left home in 1993 and ________ since.
A. hasn't seen B. didn't see C. hasn't been seenD. wasn't seen
28. It's time we________ this old car and bought a new one.
A. will sell B. have sold C. had sold D. sold
29. Since Mr. Hassan ________ president, both taxes and unemployment ________.
A. has become/ increased B. became/ increased
C. became/ have increased D. has become/ have increased
30. ________ all my warnings, he tried to fix the computer himself.
A. Although B. In spite of C. Because D. Instead of
31. Some television programs ________
A. may make children to be violent B. make children be violent
C. may make children violent D. make children being violent
32. I ________ away most of my old books when I moved house.
A. threw B. have thrown C. had thrown D. was throwing
33. You ________ whisper. Nobody can hear us.
A. needn't to B. don't have to C. mustn't D. need to
34. The children. ________ to the Botanical Garden.
A. were enjoyed taken B. were enjoyed taking
C. enjoyed taking D. enjoyed being taken
35. So far this week there________ three burglaries in our street.
A. are B. were C. have been D. had been
Identify the one underlined word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that must be changed for the
sentence to be correct.
36. The investigation into the president's past was covered through the media worldwide.
37. An advantage of Internet news reports is that they can be constant updated.
38. The magazine went out of business because it did not have subscribers enough.
39. The editor was famous for being choosy about who she wanted on her staff.
40. It is convenient to subscribe to the newspaper although it is delivered to your house daily.
Choose the one option - A, B, C or D - that best completes the passage.
The World Wide Web is (1) ______millions of sites created by anybody from multimedia
corporations to (2) ______ people like you and me. On the web you can read online newspapers or
magazines; you can watch videos, (3) ________ music or buy anything (4) ______a CD to a
holiday. You can go into a (5) ______ and talk to other people all over the world or (6) ______ a
newsgroup for more serious debate. If you are really ambitious you might even like to try creating
your own web page. Then you can (7) ______your holiday pictures to the whole world!
1. A. made up B. made up of C. made from D. made of
2. A. usual B. normal C. ordinary D. typical
3. A. download B. listen C. watch D. unload
4. A. like . B. on C. from D. with
5. A. talk room B. CD-ROM C. chat room D. speaking room
6. A. attend B. take C. access D. join
7. A. see B. send C. indicate D. show
Choose the correct answer - A, B, C, or D.
Chen likes to get his news from the paper. Lemma turns on the television to find out what's
going on in the world. Eve subscribes to more magazines than she can keep track of, whereas
Kobi chooses to listen to radio talk shows that cover issues thoroughly to tap into what's going on
in the world. All these people are touched by the media.
What is the media? What constitutes the media? The media consists of all the ways that news
and information is distributed to a mass audience. The media covers everything from hard news,
which is investigative reporting to stories that are purely entertaining, such as whether your
favorite movie star was on the "Best Dressed/ Worst Dresser list. Whether in print or broadcast on
TV, the stories are the product of the reporting of many journalists who write the stories, and
editors who give out the assignments, assess the quality of the writing and research, and make the
decisions about where and when the stories run.
The news has immediate impact. The Internet puts global news onto the personal computer on
your desk. Almost all browsers have links to up-to-the-minute news stories from various news
services. You can get constant news updates from a variety of sources via your personal computer,
providing you with the most up-to-date and in-depth coverage.
1. According to the writer, ___________.
A. people's life can be changed by the media
B. newspapers, magazines, televisions, radios are all the mass media
C. people can only get news from the paper
D. radio talk shows cover thorough issues
2. According to the passage, the media ____________.
A. spreads not only news but also entertainment to audiences
B. investigates news reports that will be covered
C. only distributes hard news to people
D. consists of news and information all over the world
3. Which one of the following is not a responsibility of editors?
A. Judge the writings and researches B. Assign tasks
C. Write reports on the stories D. Decide when and where tile stories run
4. The word 'browsers" in line 15 refers to __________.
A. programs used by computers for doing particular jobs
B. people who look for information on the Internet
C. people who design the Web
D. computer programs that allow users to look at and search through information on the Internet
5. An advantage of Internet news reports is that ___________.
A. they can be constantly updated B. they link news from various news services
C. they provide a variety of information D. they can be put onto the personal computer

* Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
one printed:
1. He had been prevented from studying by his illness, but he passed the final examination last
 Although ______________________________________________.
2. Although it was cold, we went swimming
 In spite of ____________________________________________.
3. We stopped playing tennis because it started to rain
 Because of ____________________________________________.
4. Although he felt tired, he still went on working
 Despite _______________________________________________.
5. He got bad marks because of his carelessness in writing
 Because _______________________________________________.
6. Although Ann was ill, she insisted on going to work
 In spite of _____________________________________________.
7. I tried to persuade her. I didn’t succeed, however
 Even though ___________________________________________.
8. This boy is lazy, so he is ignorant.
 Because _________________________________________________.
9. Because her mother advised her, she accepted the job
 Because of ________________________________________.
10. I started to study English 5 years ago
 I have ______________________________________________.


I. Fill each gap in the sentence with one word from the box.
ill, hard, heavy, muddy, important, nice, poor, proper, enough, medical
1. The boy came from a __________________ family.
2. She's not a __________________ person for you to know.
3. We need more money now, more _________________, we need long-term help.
4. My brother has been ___________________ for two weeks.
5. The box is too ___________________ for the little boy to carry.
6. The road became _____________________ after two days of torrential rain.
7. Do we have ______________________ food for lunch?
8. I will go to the beach if the weather stays ______________________.
9. Whether it is true or not is _______________________ to tell.
10. His father graduated from a ________________________ school in 1982.
II. Choose the word which best fits each gap of the sentence.
1. The government hopes to _____ the living condition of farmers by lending them
some money to do farming.
A. improve B. develop C. better D. A & C
2. Being out of work and having two young children, they found it impossible to ___
ends meet. A. do B. make C. get D. have
3. The introduction of the new strain of rice and new fanning methods has helped the
villagers get ______ crops.
A. full B. big C. enormous D. bumper
4. Some main streets of the city need ______ to make it easier for traffic.
A. covering B. resurfacing C. filling D. A & C
5. The shortage of workers has ______ the closure of the factory.
A. resulted in B. happened C. made up D. resulted from
6. Excuse me, would you please ______ me the way to the market?
A. explain B. show C. direct D. point
7. He finds it hard to ______ what he feels.
A. tell B. talk C. say D. speak
8. There used to be old small houses in town but they have been ______ down now.
A. put B. pulled C. taken D. cut
9. The road to the village was ______ with water because of heavy rain.
A. filling B. covering C. flooded D. full
10. I'm afraid we can't ______ all their requirements in this case.
A. meet B. please C. see D. pay
11. You can't tell what someone is like just from their ______.
A. character B. looking C. appearance D. personality
12. Parents and teachers have to try hard to understand the younger ______.
A. people B. teenagers C. generation D. adolescents
13. If I ______ the bus this afternoon, I'll get a taxi instead.
A. miss B. will miss C. missed D. had missed
14. We'll have to go without John if he ___________ soon.
A. won't arrive B. will arrive C. arrives D. doesn't arrive
15. They ______ your money if you haven't kept your receipt.
A. not refund B. didn't refund C. no refund D. won't refund
16. If you ____________ your homework, I ____________ you watch TV.
A. won't do/ let B. did/ won't let C. don't do/ won't let D. won't do/ don't let
17. This technology is useless if you ____________ to operate it.
A. don't train B. won't train C. haven't trained D. aren't trained
18. “I will tell you about this tomorrow, Mary” said Tom.
A. Tom said to Mary that he will tell her about that the next day .
B. Tom told Mary that I would tell you about that the next day.
C. Tom told Mary that he would tell her about that the next day.
D. Tom told Mary that she would tell him about that the next day.
19. “I’m leaving here for Da Lat next week,” said Mrs. Lan.
A. Mrs. Lan said she was leaving there for Da Lat the following week.
B. Mrs. Lan said I was leaving here for Da Lat the next week.
C. Mrs. Lan said she is leaving here for Da Lat the following week.
D. Mrs. Lan said I was leaving there for Da Lat the next week.
20. “I saw her in the park two hours ago,” said he.
A. He said I had seen her in the park two hours before.
B. He said he saw her in the park two hours before.
C. He said I saw her in the park two hours before.
D. He said he had seen her in the park two hours before.

III. Put the verbs in the brackets in the correct tense

1. David will leave for Rent tomorrow if the weather ____________________ (be) fine.
2. What will you do if you ____________________ (not / go) away for the weekend?
3. The game _______________________ (start) if you put a coin in the slot.
4. If you ___________________ (be) scared of spiders, don’t go into the garden.
5. We’ll have to go without John if he (not arrive) _______________________ soon.
6. Please don’t disturb him if he ____________________ (be) busy.
7. If she _________________ (accept) your card and roses, things will be very much hopeful.
8. If a holiday _________________ (fall) on a weekend, go to the beach.
9. If she (come) _____________________ late again, she’ll lose her job.
10. If he (wash) _____________________ my car, I’ll give him $20.

IV. Correct the mistake in each of the following sentences.

1. What did Carol say you about her holiday?
2. If you don't be careful, you'll lose your money.
3. "If I am rich, I would build a house on a desert island," Penny said.
4. Tom said he is waiting for his classmates to arrive.
5. She said she didn't liked musicals very much.
6. If the summer comes, I'll go to the beach with my family.
7. I'll make some tea when everyone will arrive.
8. I said her that I was getting confused.
9. Take the first turning at the right then go straight ahead.
10. I'll tell Peter to phone you if I'll see him.

V. Change the following sentences into reported speech.

1. Nam said “I am told to be at school before 7 o’clock”.
 ....................................................................................................................
2. Thu said “All the students will have a meeting next week”.
 ....................................................................................................................
3. Phong said “My parents are very proud of my good marks”.
 ....................................................................................................................
4. The teacher said “All the homework must be done carefully”.
 ....................................................................................................................
5. Her father said to her “You can go to the movie with your friend”.
 ....................................................................................................................
6. Hoa said “I may visit my parents in the summer”.
 ....................................................................................................................
7. The teacher said “We can collect old books for the poor students”.

 ....................................................................................................................
8. She said “He doesn’t buy this book”.
 ....................................................................................................................
9. The boys said “We have to try our best to win the match”.
 ....................................................................................................................
10. Hung said “I came back from DaNang yesterday”.
 ....................................................................................................................
11. Bill said, “I forgot to pay my electric bill.”
 Bill said………..………..…................................……..………..………..
12. Barbara said, “I’m going to fly to Hawaii for my vacation.”
 Barbara said………..………....................................................………..…
VI. Read the passage and choose the best answer.
Almost everyone says that computers are wonderful and they are changing our lives for the
better by making everything faster and more reliable, but I'm not so sure that this is the case.
The other day I was standing in a large department store waiting to pay for a couple of films
for my camera when the assistant announced that the till had stopped working. I didn't think
it was a big problem and I set off to find another counter, but of course, all the machines are
part of the same system.
So there we were: a shop full of customers, money at the ready, waiting to make our
purchases, but it was quite clear that none of the assistants knew what to do. They weren't
allowed to take the money and give customers a written receipt, because the sales wouldn't
have been recorded on the computer system.
In the end, like many other people, I left my shopping on the counter and walked out. Don't
you think that's ridiculous? It would never have happened before computers, and that, for
me, is the problem: we are beginning to depend on these machines so completely that we
simply can't manage without them any more.
1. Through the passage, the writer is trying to explain………….
A. why the computer went wrong B. why he dislikes computers
C. why customers find computers reliable D. why the assistants kept customers waiting
2. It's true that……………
A. computers make everything work faster. B. we depend on computers completely.
C. we can't manage without computers. D. computers never go wrong.
3. The writer went to the department store to…………….
A. buy a camera B. buy some films for his camera
C. pay for a couple of films D. take out his money
4. What did he finally do?
A. He kept standing in the queue waiting to pay for his purchases.
B. He gave the assistant a written receipt.
C. He left his shopping on the counter and walked out.
D. He set off to find another counter.
5. The word we in the sentence "there we were" refers to……………
A. the writer and his friends B. the writer and the customers
C. the writer, the customers and the assistants D. None of the people above


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