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It UNIT 1 - Topics for Conversation

Topic 1: Personal Introduction, My Family

\{y name is Rita Nagy, I am i 8 (years old). I iive with my parents at 32 Krudy Gyula Street in
i\íiskolc, Hungary.

lt I study at (go to) the High School of Economics in Miskolc. I am in the fourth form.
I have a brother (sister), My father (mother) rvorks for XYZ company (in an office/ schooll
hospital/ shop . ..., /at the police station/bank/ mayor's office). He (she) is a shop assistant (a/

an accountanV clerk/ shopkeeperi manager/ doctor/ teacher/ turner/ mechanic/ technician/
Iaw,l,er/ farmer/ bricklayer/ architect/ joiner/ electrician/ engineer/ bus driver/ 1orry driver/
hairdresser/ dressmaker/ gas-fitter/ plumber, etc).
i am rather (very/ a bit/ not so/ quite) tall (short/ plump/ slim/ thin/ weak/ strongl shyl tolerant/
ilard-rvorkingl \azyl punctual/ patient/ independent/ reliable/ careful/ helpful/ generous/
rntelligentl mean/ pro-active/ wilfuli stubborn/ open-minded/ honest/ naughtyi selfish/ happyi
tlptitllistic, etc).
I har e got a lot of friends and we often spend our time together after school (in the city/ in the
parV in the cinema./ in the 1ibrary, etc). We play basketball (football/ volleyball / handball /
tennis. etc) at school. We do the homework together and help each other with learning
English. We often talk about football (films/ rock stars/ cars/ music, etc).
i like (love/ prefer) jogging inthe morning (in the evening/ when I have time). On weekdays
I often stay at home (at the school/ in the library). At weekends I often (alrvaysl sometimes)
_so to the cinema. When the weather is nice I go to the mountains. When it is raining, I read a
good book. I always (never) have breirkfast (lunch/ dinner) at home (in the school canteen/ in
a restaurant).

I take after my father (mother). I like him (her) because he/she is a warm-hearted man
(ivoman). There are so many things to do around the house. I must (have to) go shopping (cio
the r.vashing/ clean my room/ help with the cooking/ hool,er the carpets/ dust the shelves, etc).

I am interested in music (sportsl arts/ films/ theatre/ computers/ anirnalsl plants). 1 rvouid iike
to be a teacher, I would like to go to a teacher trainin_e college or university. I would like to
u,ork as a primary or secondary school teacher.


o Te li me about yourself. . What are your friends (ciassmates) like?

. §'ho are the members of your farnily'? . what is your job at home?
. Horv cio you spend your weekdays at o what are your ambitions?
honle'] c what is your relationship lik_e with your
o what is your rveekend like? parents?
o what are you interested in? . How clo you celebrate family occasiotls
(birthdays. Christmas. Easter)'7

writins Task

\\1r'ite a jetter anci introciuce _vorrrself anc1 vour firniiiy tc your Englisil penír,ielld,.


J-. J
UNIT 1 - Topics for Conversation

Topic 2:My School

]]()[otheHighSchoolofEconomicsinMisko]c, Itisinthemainstreetof thetown.

Uur schoo] is a two-storey building. Downstairs there is an assembly hall, where you can see
photos and books about our school_life, On the right there is a buffet. On the first floor there
are a few classrooms and offices. The headmaster's office is on the l" floor, too. On the l't
floor you can find special rooms such as laboratories and computeí rooms. If you Want to
borrow books, you can take them from the library, which is upstairs. It's anice, small library,
you can find there both special books and literature. We have a big gym(nasium) w'hich is
well equipped with wall bars, climbing ropes, etc.
our school has got a big yard, here you can play sports, and in May the parades of graduating
students are organised here.
ln Hungary all children start school at the age of 6. There are 5 school-days a week from
Monday to Friday. At the age of 6, children go to primary school. In the first four 1,ears they
learn to write, read, count and draw. In the second four years they study nraths. physics,
biology, chemistry, history and grammar. After leaving primary school, they can continue
their studies at a secondary school.
The Grarnmar school lasts for 4 years and ends with a final exam (GCSE). The secondary
technical school is useful for those who want to get a professional job with a final exam. TheY
also can continue their studies at universities and colleges,

. Where is your school situated? o Did you like going to primar,v school?
o What is the school building like? . Do you do well at school?
o What special rooms are there in the . Do/ did you enjoy being a student?
school? Why? If not, rvhy not?
. What is the library like? . what are your classmates like?
o What can you do in the gym? . which are your fal,ourite subjects?
r Which school do you go to? . Which are the ones that you don't like?
o What do you dislike/like most about r what are your plans for the future'?
. which types of schools do you know?

Have a discussion with your paítner about schools. Try to find out as much information

vou can about:' your partner's school

o where he (she) studies
o the layout of the school building
o laboratories and computer rooms
o the school library
o the subjects he (she) studies, Iikes or clislikes)
. the type of exam he (she) has to take
. his (her) future plans.


Iooq3s jeup saop (aqs) aq teq,q .

looq3s o] seo8 (aqs) aq ,,lrog .
aul]noj Álrep s,.raul_rud,rnoa .
:}noqc puelq qsrl8ug lnoÁ o1Je]lel B oltl^&
{spJ 3urlr.116

asÁ?p{ea,4A {üo4lueJeJJIp pua)ee^\ eql sI .

ieullnoJ Álmp Áqtpeq e iy\oIIoJ noÁ oq . i SuoSSeI
;sÁepleanr uo erulJ ee4tÁuu enuq noÁ oq . s,Áep lxau eqt -IoJ amde:d noÁ op ,ltog .
i3utuarre iáuoq tu dleq o] á^eq noÁ oq .
eql uI plcads 8urqlÁuu op noÁ oC . aatll looqJs te Áep,rnoÁ st ieq41 .
óe{II eulruur8ord 1,lsp.J{ealQ JoJ e^cq noÁ op tcqltr .
uoouJeuu e8urele rnoÁ st tptl^\ . 4sÁep4:o,,t:noÁ ].ru]s noÁ op ,trog .

,)3o[J,o " " " peq o] o3 Áller_u:og
]e 1
'oo1 '(;auuIp JeU€ Suossel :o3 areda:d 'slxe] Á:oslnduroc pee.r) Ápnls sotuI]aruo5 ,(cla
's-Á\eU eq] 'ztnb u) tuIU P qJle,.rt puu AJ áq] Jo ]uo{ uI u,ltop ell]as a,{\ ]V eql 1ueds a,leq
8 l
e,^A lnoqe )Ie} o^\ Jáuulp aq] Jo^o ,:aqle8o] eru Álltuu; eq} Jo sJaqu]eu 8utuea.a eq] uJ
aq] uI 8oP Áu qtrrrt Áuld 7uap.re3 eq] uI 1rq u >,,rt) dt"r1 e ro; }no o3 I 'au$ sI Jeq]pe,^A 3t{] JI
'{Jo,,\\esnoq oql qll^\ unu Áu d1eq seul]oLLloS ,(spuerr; ;o s]uarud Áu qtr,tr
t lpqc /AJ qJ}E,\\
/clsn{,u o] ualsII 7seutze8uu puer) sauu8 :atnduoc Áuld (uago) seutleruos 1 8urÁpnls JaUV
1Xeu oq] ro3 (sestcrexa op 7asrlce:d /IpIJo]uLtl eq1 estnar) IJo,^^ouoq Áu e]t:,ryr 1
,(suossa1 s,Áep
lxau eq] :o; arede:d) :aqle8o1 Ápnls anr pue (spuerr; Áur o1 o3 1) ur I[€J spuol{ Áu serutlaruo5
,Álelurperuut (crsnu o1
8utuelstI /AJ 8utqcluzlr /req]otu Áu 8urdlaq 73utsrne:) 3urÁpnts
t]€ls I 'etuoq 1e31 ueq16 ,(cle '11uq suods eql iÁJeJqII eq]) sdoqs eql o] o3 1 'eruoq Áe,tt Áur ug

I os " "
]p poo' rue J .)íea,{ e (seurr1 eeJq] /áJLt\,, .]"J ,":J,::J';'*T;',T?;Jiii:1
,slcelqns snoIJpA uI suossel eJ]xe
looqJs eql uI Áeld 1 o] o3 seutlaruos /ueuo I uoouJoue aq] uI
'(tsgnq looqJs eql uI jueJnp]soJ B ut
/ /euoq 1u) uea]uec looqJs oq] 1B qcun1 e,\cq I
'suossel eql uoa,&leq sl€eJq o]nulu-gI o^pq el.1 ,Áup c suossal
1-9 e^?q elvyur]]s
SUoSsáI eq] aJoJeq (;elsutu-peeq Áru o1 11u1 7Á;e:qr1 oq] o] o3,1reuoq Áur op /suossel eq] .Io_]
est,ter) spuel4 Áur ]eeur I ,Lu,d Z IIIl stsel puu ,tu,u 9v, L 1E sup]s 8ulqc€eJ ,aJaq] le8 ot Jnoq LIE
/selnultu, ,etu salu1 1r 'looqJs eq1 (o1 esolc /uo4 re;) "reeu e^I[ I sV ,IooqJs o] etu s3]lí]]
Joq}otu flaqluJ Áur sautleruo5 ,Áep Árene 1ooqcs ol (e)rq € epIJAÉJ Áq o87snq Áq o3) )IE \\ I
']SPJ)e3Jq 0Q1 Je rel
sluerud Áur o1 )Ipl I '(eaJJoJ e]Iq,^A 7ectnl lln{ /pe} Alltu) poJoc 1ur:p Állunsn ,(asaaqJ
/I[UBI?S 7Áeuoq 4ue[ qlrnr Jel]nq pue pearq) s[eeJeJ ]Be J 'slJeus a^úq 1 Álluurro5i
uI ls€JluoJq o^pq pue uloor Áu uI pesseJp 1e3 1 ,:a,,toqs p alp] J seiüI]euro5 ,(srua puu spu|u
,tuooJ Áut ut soslJlexe 8uturout Áu Sut..p
1>1ceu) ece; Áru qse,{\ pue tuoo]q]uq aq] o1 o31 uaq1
IJE]S puP """ ]€ dn 1a3 1'sÁep>lae,tr ug,(Ál.ree dn 3urlte8 e{II 1ou op 1):asr: Ál:ua ue Lu;1

oullnou ÁII.PC :€ cldoJ

uol}usJa^uo3 JoJ ScIdoJ - I JINn

_..- =-
UNIT 1 - Topics for Conversation

Topic 4: My Home / House / Flat

\\re ]ire in a flat/ house with three rooms. It is situated in a busy part of the town (quiet
r illage centre/ on a new housing estate/ in the green belt). Our house is new (olü comfort
a11\l a two-storey building) with 1arge windows and big rooms. Downstairs there is a h
riell-equipped kitchen, a modern bathroom and a well-fumished living-room. Next t<
kitchen, there is the pantry with stairs down to the basement. In the yard there is a garagt
my father's workshop.
LJpstairs there are the bedrooms, one for my parents and one for my brother/ sister anc
We have separate bedrooms. Our home is friendly with lots of potted plants and pain
(photos iposters) on the walls. There is comfortable furniture in the rooms, We have
fitted cupboards for clothes. In the hall opposite the front door, there are coat racks and a
mirror in a beautiful wooden (leather) frame.
As you enter our sitting room/ living room. you can see a small (round/ glass and n
coffee table with soft (comfy/ cosy) armchairs and a sofa behind it. Next to the wall ther
high bookcases with hundreds of various books and the family photos (paintings/ pictL
There is a modern colour TV (stereo/ hi-fi system) with hidden loudspeakers (a video pi
a tape-recorder). In the evening the family spend the time in the sitting room. We often
chat here or sit down to watch Tv/ listen to some music and the news on the radio. In fro
the window there are plants. The living room has got wall-to-wall carpeting and white
curtains with draperies.
My inother (father/ sister/ brother) spends a long time in the kitchen. There is a long co,
with all kinds of household electrical equipment/ utensils such as a microwave oven, sca,
coffee grinder, a coffee maker, a toaster, a gas cooker, a dishrvasher, a fridge and a fre
Next to the cooker, there is a sink/ dishwasher. In the middle, there is a large dining table
six chairs around it. we have a small bathroom with a tub and a r.vashbasin. There is a r
min,or above the basin and a bathroom cabinet on both sides. There are lots of cosmetics
as hand creams, body lotions, hair dye, nail polish, after-shave lotion, etc in the bathroom,

My bedroom is opposite my parents' room/ between the bathroom and the sitting room, 'I
is a single bed/ there are bunk beds for me and my brother/sister in front of the windorv i
reading lamp above it. Opposite my bed, there are hanging cupboards and linen cupboar
have a big desk where there is ny PC. I often study here/ w,rite m1, homework or lie dov
read through materials. I have a TV set/ hi-fi system in m1,, room, There are booksht
above my bed with my textbooks and novels, short stories. etc. Next to my bed there
bedside table with an aiarm ciock on it. I have many pictures of my favourite pop stars (s
stars, actors, actresses, etc) on the wall.
I like living in my home because it is situated in a gooü central part of the town/ viila
like pottering in the garden in spring anci summer. I often help my parents witl:
cleaning/the washing up/hoovering the carpets/ dusting the shelves/ ,uvatering the pl
looking after the pets, etc.
. Where is your house (flat) situated? o What do you like doing in the sit
o what ts your home like? room (bedroom/ kitchen/ bathroom)
o what do you have in your living-roofil . Do you have any household jobs?
(bedroom/ kitchen/ bathroom) ? . Do you have a garden?
Writing Task
Write a letter to yolir penfriend in which you introduce your home (house. ílat),

UNIT 1 - Topics for Conversation

Topic 5: My Town

_\Ir tou'n is on the north - east of Hungary. It's a rather large town and it's quite modern.
Sátoraljaújhely is one of the oldest towns in North Hungary with 20 thousand inhabitants.
-\rier getting a charter from the king in i261. the town developed into a regional centre.
Sjtorai.laújheiy played an important part in the movement for inrlepenclence during the 17'h
anci iSth centuries. In the period of enlightenment Ferenc Kazinczy. the
_ereat writer and
philolo-eistof hisageworkedhere.LajosKossuth.thegreatestHungarianpoliticianof the i9'h
Centllry began his career in this town, which was the seat of Zemplén county for two hundred
rears and now is the centre of a district.
Since the liberation in 1945 a remarkable growth in industry has begun. Crossing the borcier
from Slovakia a great many people come to see the beauty spots in the vicinity.
In the centre of the town there are some historic buildings, rvhere you can see interesting
erhrbitions, for example about Kazinczy's life. Near the museum there are nice parks wheró
\ou Can have a rest under the shady trees. If you want to go shoppin_e, yoll can do it in
dePartment Stores and in many other shops and boutiques. If you like going on trips, you can
go to SzéPhalom, Magas hill. It's near Sátorai.jaújhely. You can go by coach, by car or on
foot. In the forests you can relax, walk or jog, gather mushrooms, pick flowers or berries or
simPlY enjoy the beauties of nature. People iiving or visiting this town can spend their free
time in a pleasant and interesting way.
Besides the essential services, such as shopping centres, banks, post offices and a bus service.
there are also some good pubs, restaurants and cinemas.

. What is your town like?
. what is your town famous for?
o Is your town / area mainly an industrial or an agricultural to,,vn / area?
. How many inhabitants are there in your to,1vn?
. Is your living place far from the capital?
. \\'here would you prefer to live: in a towrt or in the country? Why?
, Do you like the town where you live? Are you happy to live there?
. Are there any buildings of historic architectural interest in your area?
o where is your town situated? Do you lil,e near or far from the centre'7
' Can You name 1-2 famous people connected rvith your city? What are they í-amous for?
. \Jame some good restaurants. Is your torvn famotls for any kind of food?
. \Vhere can you do the shopping / for food, drink, etc./?

Writirrg Task

t \\'rite a letter in which you introduce your home town to your penfrienc1. Say what
irllportant sights are. State if you like living here ancl r,vhy.
the most

UNIT 1 - Topics for Co4y95a!91

Topic 6: My Friends

(in the town/ village) where i live,

Like many other students, I haye friends at school
Some of my classmates/ boys/ girls from school are
my friends, They are the same as me
youngsters today are interested in spor
their habits, we have the same field of interest,
pets / playing computer games, etc,
music/ going to concerts/ looking after animals / keeping
at weekends, etc)
we spend long hours together in school (in our free time/ in the afternoon/
the problems caused by the generati,
often talk with my frieús about life i school/ parents/
(classical music/ taking photos of animals a
gap. one of my friends likes fast Sports cars
stamps and coins, etc).
itántrl repairing old things / collecting
joint programmes/ olltinl
when rve have free time, we visit/ call each other ancl organise
go fishing (on a bike tour/ rvalki
trips to the mountains/nature. If the wcather is good, we
play indoor games
If it is raining, we either go to the cinema/c]ub (to visit friends) or

football, basketball, handbal], tennis, etc,

My best friend is a very polite (tactful/ reliable/ patient/ generous/ lovely/ thoughtf
considerate l cleverl st<itfut/ tptimistic/ positive/
pro_active) and gifted boy/ He/she
dancing/ drawing/ 1anguage
very good at sports (maths/ scirool subjects/ computers/ music/
more enthusiastic/ ll
He/she is about my height (as tall as me). He/she is taller
pessimistic/ more geneious/ less talkative) than me, He/she
follows teenage fashion
but sometimes we qllaí
clothing (in hairstyie/ rvay of life). usually we are in agreement
that he/she respects teachers (has gc
about sTudying (girls/ noys;. What i like in him/her is
can share my problems/ troub
good sense of humour/ nltps a lot in studies/ listens to me). I
ivith him/her and he/she makes me calm/ relaxed,
tr would like to have the same friends when I grow up,


Do you have friends? , Do you have common interests?

What do your friends hal,e in common? o What is your best friend like?
What clo you do together?
, What do you respect in him/h

Writing Task
your t
Write a letter to youI penfriend about tl,hat personality you are and what personality
friend is.


'J3eJeJ ]€ql JoJ ÁPnls ot e^eq

IIL,t\ noÁ e.req,tr pue'eJn]nJ eq1 uI e^uq o] J{tIp[no,u nt].i
uol]eJIJIlenb 1eq,tr lnoqe Jeq /urlq [iaJ'osooqJ o1 ollI pJno,tr eqs
/3q JeeJec ]pq.{\ pup 3ut,r;1
P ,IoJ oP sluered Jeq /SIq leq,tt Jaq ,a8e u,,tto
)sV :noÁ;o e :o Áoq e o1 Je]]ol p e]u_\\
^üIq ISEJ 3url1116

iÁreles .rnoÁ 3lo 1no uJ{p1 e,IB sexp] ]eq^\

6q]uotu B ect,^dJ óq}uotx e aJuo ipled ta8 noÁ op uago ,,!\oH .
ianbeqc Áq
Jo qSPc ur Pred Állensn Á:uPs rnoÁ st Árups Jo aJolü eJaq] sI .
- 'sa8ery1 6lueu]Áoldluoun ssei
;sreeÁ eaJql lsBI eq} uI pa8ueqc uol]uonpe aq] spH
iÁre8ung uI e]uJ tueuÁoldulaun oql sI lpqi{ . l
JuJIoJ-elIq,^^ [puolsseJoJd e :o3 .ro
Já{Jo,ll JeJIoJ-an[q e ro; 8urqc;eas qol3o sseco:d eql eqIJ3saC
;63 rnoÁ otut 1nd noÁ op
l€q^& iJoJ {Jo^\ o} 1uem noÁ.raÁoldr,ua ro ÁuuduoJ eq] o] oe]IA Lunln3IJJnJ p puas noÁ oq . l

pu* spuel{ q8norq1 .qo| P purJ noÁ op .r",á,T;1:oÖ'r::Tl# :i,:"",J*#:'§3 .

^\ot{ t
1op noÁ plnol.r leq,^^ 'Jo]cop B Jo uu[ussoulsnq B eq o] pe]ue,4d noÁ ;i .
isuorledncco ,ro sqol;Iaql JoJ ure-r1 eldoed ]souJ op /\toH .

,séIlIsJáAIun .sJoaut8ue .s.taÁ,rre1

1u Ápnls o1 e^uq sJeqJpet
'stolcoP alduruxe JoJ 'uol]eJnpe :eq8rq a:tnbe: Állensn suolssaJoJd ,lpuolssaJoJd ro
Ieuotleco r
aru suotlednJco 'JaIIe} )íu€q € Jo JéIqse3 e 3o qo[ éq] sp qJns
[Buolsse;o;d-uou peJeplsuoJ eJE
sqo1 '(cle '8uturnsuoc eut1 Á:e,t /eul]noJ 7snore3uep
4ueseeld 78urroq) 3utlserelut eq uBJ qo! y
oq] IIP eSPeJ]Ui
sactld esneJ3q Á:ePs Jleql q]I^\ pelJsllps ]ou eJp eldoad 1solrttr,sÁupe^\ou qoiprud
lle,,tt B pu:]
oi 1InJLJJTP SI 1I lng 'oP noÁ {Jo^\ eq] JoJ áIq?uosual eq uuc Á:eles :noÁ ro pred.repun 'ptedla,.,l
eq uúJ no^ 'q]uotu aql Áq prud e;e Áeqt pue '1ae,tr :ed srnoq
Zr-ov 1_ro,tr Á.re8unH ul aldo:6
,cle'ta,lup 'asJnu 'JeSsaJp]I?q'reÁ,^ne1
'1uulstssu-doqs 'lelte,t ':aoutSue
'JeqJee] 'Jo]JoP e 3o qoI aqt eldruexo JoJ :tüo4 ásootlJ uec noÁ sqoI tuare#tp Áuer_u 3JB 3J3LjI

'q3Uaq)íJO^\ P ]E .Itl
doqslro,tt P uI iJo,t\ SJá)Jo^\ Á.rolcug ,1JIQs tq8Iu eq1 uo {Jo^\ o] sI ')uIq] ']sepJeq eqJ .s]_]i."]j
eeJq} uI 1,1olt Álpnsn Áeq1 ,iJo,t\ UlqS op tualp ,s]a)Jo,ry\ peJII{Sun
Jo etüos Jo pe[[I)S 3q
uP3 SJa)Jo,t IenuBr\J ')íJo^\ pnuetu Jo ulpJq op ueJ no1 ,8ur,t11 u :o3 sqol snolJp^ op uEJ t-lt]_\
,c]a 'Áro]cuJ
B lp ,a]I_]- _,

ue ut'tu:tJ e'Áuuduoc P JoJ {Joly\ Áuur noa ,iJo,{\ ruln8e: auos ]noq]L,!\ peJoq aq plno.rr i:_._
Pue qolrraqt Áofua uraq}Jo lsoI I ,Jla'ocstp '
€ EtueuIJ eL{} ol3uro3 ie:nsta1 uo puads ol ,(au.l_*
luP,ll OSIB Áeq1 '8urq]olJ pup 8ursnoq 'pooJ ]oJ Áeuoru peeu Áeqt esnt|Jaq )lo,t\ o] e^e q 3[do;d

SuollednJJo '{Jo^/K Jo seculd :l cldoJ l

uollesJe^uoJ JoJ ScIdoJ - I JINrr

UNIT 1 - Topics for Conr,,ersation

Topic 8: The Telephone

If 1,9u have a telephone / if you are on the phone, you can sort out things much moíe e
You can easily get in touch rvith the people you need to talk to. You can send a telegrar
the phone. Some telephones have an answelphone system, which, if we are not at home
automaticaily answer and record any message left by the caller_ I think that the telephon
marvellous invention. (It was invented by Alexander Graham Bell.)
There are public phone boxes at post offices and in different places in the town. Ther
instructions on how to use the telephone.
First you pick up the receiver and wait for the dialling tone. Then you insert a twent\,-
coin into the slot and dial the number. If you are calling a place in the salne area. you ju:
the number, but if you call somebody who lives in another town or village, you dial fir
code for that area. For these long-distance calls the charge is higher.
A frequent high tone buzzíng means the line is engaged. You should hang up the receive
your coin is returned. If you hear the ringing tone, which is a repeated burr-burr, it meun
the equipment is trying to call the dialled number.

If you have misdialled and it is not the person rvanted who ansrvers the phone, you ha
apologise and say: ,,sorry, wrorlg number".
Nowadays more and more people have mobile phones, which have a great advantage. Thr
are irt hand all the tinle, You rnight be anywhere, you can easily reach the person you war
talk to.

o Have you got a telephone? (Are you on the phone?)

o What's your telephone number?
o what are the advantages and disadvantages of having a telephone or a mobile phone?
r why is it useful to have an answerphone?
o where can you find public phone boxes?
. Can you tell me horv to Llse a public phone box?
o What do you do if the line is engaged?
r what different tones can },oti hear on the phone? what do they indicate?
r where can you look up the numbeI,you want to cal|?
o what happens if you have misdial]ed?
. what do you say first rvhen 1,ou answer the phone?
. why are post offices iniportant? what is the central post office like in your town?
r Hotl, many counters are there? Hotv, many senn,ices do they offer?
. How do you address an enveiope in Hungarr,?
o what can you buy at the post office?

Writing Task

Write a letter to your friencl. furragirre that you received a rnobile phonc for your birt
State rvhat you could use it for besides caiiing your lriencis. Imagine that one cIav thele ,

big crorvd irr the bus rvhen 1,or-r goi oíf. Yo,Lt noticec1 ihat vot-tt,phone was goite . CoiltliiL
,§loi\/. tp]l y,cl'll ít,ielcl \:\,ili-.1 lIe;lS|iii!,voLi tock s,-", il-;;ii i,l,;i1 r-,;.:ii illtci ,,,o,'ii iaiC}]ilcile



lo; _talndruoc rnoÁ asn noÁ }pq,\\ 1noqu pueI-IJ e oi JatleI e a]I.I^.1

{s€J 3urlrr16
a looqJS
1e srelnduoo ]noqp Ápnls noÁ op 1Eq^& .
iS]ueulnJop JnoÁ JJo luud noÁ uB3 ,{\oH . aJoJ 1! esn noÁ
iatütü€J8oJd erpeturllntu u 1o3 noÁ e,te11 . op ]?q1& aJoJ Jd u asn noÁ u?J ]pq^& .
6 uotle:n3r.luoc :elnduroc
uo aurqlÁue JoJ peqcJpor..Í:'il?:'^;H . 8 Jo sluotuole 7syed urpur oq] eJp lpq^\ .
Pue Álrcuduc q8rq q]Lt\ SIaPour ]se]p[ eq1 Ánq ol sreeÁ lo3 Áeuou rnoÁ aa,us uec noÁ pue
PJJo't\ n3{Juul Jd eql ut :eedde o] ,{\eu 8utqleuos sI eJaq] q]uolu Á_ranE ,1uarudolan.p ,i.qt
Jo Puo eq] SI SIql ]eq] ÁP§ 1,u€J JIl]S a,^\ pue sá^IJ Jno pesIuoI1nIo^oJ o^€q srelnduoc ,tIE ul

Áue slluq Jo sllop qlr,t Áuld Áeq1 ,rolruoo. aq] Jo ]uo'

IJI^\ .r";X:frl.fn.iH;,.i:;
'ou 'esn atuoq :o; sralnduoJ u,{\o
?IPeul][nu7seue3 IIP}SuI Áeq1 ", JIeq]
e^tsLl ue]plrqc Áuep1
uoqs Áren u ut:auped rnoÁ
o] (suorurdo 7uotlsenb 7slq8noqt ;noÁ p:e,t:oJ) puas puu
1a3 pup ]euJá]uJ eql uo seJI^Jas IIpuI
-o esn uec noÁ '(tsuJ Álluar
7Álprder 7Áltuulsur) Áltue8;n se8ussau pues o] 1uunr noÁ JI .8urÜr:d
uels o] uol]nq xo otl] uo )oIIJ pue 1SJIJ sáJqBc eq] {3eqJ o1 o^eq noa .le[ )ísáp Jnoloc
:ase1 rnoÁ uo Jno ueq1 ]ur:d
Pue (ureqt ut se3eutt 7sernlctd yasur) spJu^\Jeu€ tucq1 1ptu]o.+ pue
(sluauncoP) sralle1 rnoÁ edÁt uec noÁ ,3urssecord-pJo,,lt JoJ sI sJelnduroc
3Ó .rn pua:dsepi,nr y
,Áltuulsur (:alnduroc
puosrad) 34 rnoÁ o1 {ceq luas sI uolsJa^ pelJoJJoJ oq1 puu Állucruo:1cele Álts:a,ttun
eql 01 ]I pues '1se] entlceJalul ue uI ,seIJIsJe^Iun
IIIJ noÁ Áq unr sa8ud euoq 1e se8en8ue1
Ápnts ro letueluJ oql pI^ s8urqt _ro Ánq uec noÁ :I[e,,rr s€ seoIAJás eull-uo oJe e,Iaq
11es T

'uotletu:oJul JoJ q3JPeS o] So]IS Joq]o o]
{utl uuJ noÁ eJeqm (sa8ed eruoq) SelIS qeA\ p3t[eJ
os (ePrno:d 7 unr) eleledo Áeqt tueq] pulqoq pu€]s setuuduoc e3:e1 ,slaindruoc
Pue lBnpI^IpuI
Jo {Jo,^^leu ? 'uol]ceuuoJ aplmplJo,t\ p sI qcíq^\ 'leuJatuJ eqt q8norq1 8urq/rá.t. 1nóqo
uoI]PtUJoJut 1e3 uec noÁ ,SátlItueÉord (padolenep
]SotII / o]ep oi dn; 1sele1 eq] IIP]ap qJ!q^\
seutze8eu ;elnduoc eJP eJeqJ 'J]e 'eJui\uJos 'seutlupr8ord ,suorlorrlddn
1o ,áair
dn dea1 o] lue,\\ noÁ;r PauJoJuI ^.u'qli^
11e,tt Áre,r eq ol a^pq noÁ pue Áepot Álprdur 6urdolenep si 1_1

Pue 3urdÁ1 lo; s-relndruoJ osn sossulJ Jot{]o ,autuur'rao:d ut sesse,, ,",.J:']r"r'ff;'T:::
lueurdtnba eq] asn uec ÁpoqÁre^E ,c]a 'sa^IJp Áddog .ntrou-CJ 'asnotu 'p:eoqÁa1 u 'Álldsrp
e ';o1tuotu e ')ís[P PJuq u '(]tun 8utssecord 1e:luec)
ndJ eq1 Jo s]sIsuoo uotlern6tiuo, ,,r.q
eqJ 'SeiJoleJoq€I :e}ndutoc eq] uI sluapn]s oq] JoJ s:elndruoc
'VSn áq] uI PuP selJ]unoc ueedo:nE Áuuur ur Jo 1oI ? eJe oJeq] loot{cs Jno uI
1cslqns looqcs 3 sl (il) Á8o1ouqca1 uoI]ptxJoJLIJ
'qol meu e (gels
4e3) -ro1 Áldde o] ]uB^\ noÁ 3r poo8 Á:an 7}ueuodrur 7Áressacau /Ipl]uasso
sr sÁePe'lrou srelnduoc 8ut,,ltou;,1 'SeIlI^IlJ€ Jaq]o JoJ aulll enps u€3 pup
Je]seJ IJoÁ\ Jno selg[u
]J 'Jla 'sleltdsoq 'satuudtuoc 'SaJlgo uI IJo,{l ro; Áressaceu st sÁepe,lrou r-etndLuoc e 3uis1

sJe}nduoJ:6 cldoJ

uollesJo^uoJ JoJ
for conversation

Topic 10: Books

both a pastime and a means
delight in books. Reading is verY
of people take,a
of their own: Some have
ln our days millions
J"i.i"o have
men iilii'r"ri;;
and e'en villages
of education. Most .;;i;;"'r. onJiorvn'
"f maY borrow books
large ones,.onrirtinioithousandsr"noin;';;;;ilnts from *r-'i.r-, PeoPle
public,,i*.,.r, ,"itn
toÁs. have
free of
i". ..ri"'" ieriod of time :e fiction, trut
at home My pll]1
a good seJection of books
T1 lhave
there_l;;;;;, ;ci-fi, adventure stories' sPY
novels' cnm
library contains/
the greiof
stories, historical uoolr,
etc) p.oei. I like short stories by , "", because h
Hungarian Gritisn,öárá^n, ii'i'''Y were alive' etc' I real
(her) chara.t.r..ur! öiii..i"r"iai
,i*ii^, ,"-L"r peoPle/
**'en ,I 1in tired 1exhausted'
nou"lr]';,;;;i"; ,tori"r)-
enjoy reading ,,.,;;,-(r,o,ionri. is a whole collectit
Ón tr,,. other hand, there
etc.) They *ur." *J,i";l;;;
o-, "r,nJÖ. If 1 cannot
of compulsory ri,"."o,,ir-" "ir.f;""r,
*n,.i"r,,*i; :;:::^*d 9o,:: :::*i[l!";
j * be g in n i
:n ;ry x
i^,llli' :"" ;| l'J l " " ;, ;n ;;
§ :tí xi;Y,l "
He tells
l[,r,,,"".* I*,ffi (an, ,o*i).,,:] :"",:",. w, learn*"" ;
to end. It is about a exciting,r,up", is the", "", There is a turntng po
about. """" rn" most *h"nl "":"""" ", In the end " " (eventua
I do not have at home, I
go to
Wt,9n t n""a a publication books l
the heroes"""",],1
book t ,"oni, There u," Jrctionaries, reference
public rror.o* the reading room' You can
find some PaP
"na """,l, u" tut"n)*"v ?ro*
'r''. p*ry't.Úgraph' Nelvsweek' The
too, which cannot
and magaz,"", **
"ü;;; ".
National Geographic,


to read?
o When do you have time
o What do you read mostly?
at home?
o What books do you have
o Do you go to the library?

Writing Task



oq] uo uoluldo u^\o JnoÁ sseJdxa ,uol]IsoduoJ u uI s]ulod
ul€tu oq] esr]€ujluns ,(cla '>1aa,trs^\aN 'u€tpJunc oqJ 'un5 1sadepng aqJ) qsrl3uE ur peqsilqnd
§-euIZB8Plu :o s.raded ÁlreP eqt
Jo auo uI Juena lpuol]Bsues € lnoqe Íu,11.1 aIJl]J€ up ppeu
{sEJ 3urlrr16

ipear noÁ op sautze8eur ]€q,^A. .

ireded Jo eJruonJts eplsul aq] st ]eq^\ .

6o1 eqlJJsqns noÁ op s.rededs,tou qJIq,ü oJ o


,,SJolJeT ,SJoPeou.. unJ uaq] Jo ]sotu su 'qst,tr noÁ;r ruaq} ol allJ,44 ue^e ue3
no^ 'Jd rnoÁ 3:o ]uoJJ uI etuoq te 8urtlts tuaql peoJ uuc noÁ os 'oo] 'sseJcu 1euJelul JIeq] o^e q
sredPd roleur 1P sÁePe,troN 'su]ooJ 8utpea:
.saIJpJqII eq] uI r-ueqt 3urÁnq lnoq]t,t\ ueq] ppal
uec noÁ 'e,ttsuedxe Állee,r e:u Áeq] SE ]nq u3ql o] eqlJ3sqns oslp uuJ noÁ ,JlJ ,uoI]EJIuntü[uoJ
'se8en8ue1 'ernlcaltqcl€ 'SSeutsnq 'Á:lsnput 'Á3o1ouqce] 'aJuel3s ,up :lseJa]uI
Jo pIaIJ /e3_te
ruJnct]rud ouo J3Aoc sleulno[ 7slecrporred eseqJ ,q}uotu u (ecr,,rn1) eJuo Jo (Ál.reeÁ .Álreuenb
'ÁlqtuouI) Állea,u ]no e[uoJ Áaq1 ,s;aduds,,ueu ulo4 JeJJIp sluctpor:ad Jeq]o pue seutzu8e1,1
aL{] uI Isori s .]ua8es,trau eql lu s:adeds,trau
Ánq uec noÁ 'Áe,trÁuv 'lI o] eqlJJsqns o] st Áe,tr ]seq eql 'Áep Á.ra,,ra Álrup u ta8 ot
,aldoed peÁoldueun 1ue,tt noÁ
3i Áq Állnla:eJ pee: a.IB s]ue{,uaslue^pú qo1 .Ánq or 8uiwaruos
laes alcload
-to 3Jl]S -toj '(cle 'lusrudtnbe 'seutqceu 'sJpJ 's3snoq) sruetr Jleq] esI]Ja^pB sIBnpl^Iput pup
satueduto3 'sa3ed ]SP[ eql Jo ouo uo spe peUIss€IJ aq1 tnoqe te3:o3 ]ou ]sntu e16 ,elJlup
eq] PeeJ I ueqJ 'SeuIlpeeq 8ullserelut eq] osooqc pue raded aloq,tr eqt q8norq] upJs
1 Állsrrg 'a8ed 1ceq eql uo smeu suods eqt 8urpeer Áq ur8eq ol 3Ir[ aldoed Áuuu ,J3Áe/y\o}_{
'ÁeP aqt JoJ S]SBJoJoJ Jaq}Ba,ry\ sp
[[oM se 'satut1 pup sa3uelu:o;;ed e[ueulJ pue e,I]B3q1
'saruruel3ord AJ pue olppJ ul€]uoJ solIlpp .suunJoJ .uorqse; iq
[euoI]BN le^€jl pue drsso8
Po^\otJoJ raded eq] Jo aIPPltU oql uI e-re se8ud áJuaIJs oql puc ,ry\3t^3J 'suu eql ,saurlpeeL1 3rq
qit,u Állunsn 'se8Bd ]uo4 oql uo peceld eJB suolsses Á:elueurerlrud uo (seuuuurns ,s,ryrel\Ja]ul
'SltI3Aa Pl-to,tt) S,&au
IuJI]Ilod 'Jo]Ipo eqt Áq uapu,ln a[Jl].tp 3urpea1 eq] sl a:eqt a8ed 1sJtJ eql
tIQ 's-A\eU P[lo,t\ Puu JI]SáuoP q]oq uo a8u:a,roc ant8 pue suol]ces ]uaJeJJIp enuq Áeq1 ,1no,(e1
PuP aJuEJPedde ur aluus eq} 1oo1 sraded Álreq ,sJep€éJ Áueur Áq s,ttau Jo saJJnos InJq]lB]
se PaPre8aJ eJE eseq] esneceq e8ru1 sr s.reded ,[€uoI]Bsues lo
lpuollpu aq] Jo uoI]uInJJIc oqJ
snoi.I3s Jeq]Ie a:e Áeq1 ,s:eded .selJlunoJ
l€uol]eu pue lecol seq Á:e3unH Joq]o Áueru alr1 1sn1

soulzef,ery puu s:ededszlraN :I I 3IdoJ

uoI]PSJeAuoJ JoJ SJTdoJ - I JINn

I ll l I

UNIT 1 - Topi" fo, Conu",u

Topic 12: Sports and Games

lot even
wh o actively take part
in s
port is quite popu, T.
ffi fi:,i::!,T'J' #ö"3§ *
.,*1'ln"; lrple
Hi"" öl |," r" rH, "n ",
,:,. o b e f at,
'",T ; ionals or am
;T,':' "
il" " ffi , ; ;;;; "
l1,1; ?i., i
j:l "§, ;$:,i" i,: TTil"l,§
re'orts :on the ruc
J l3i:1i:
[#i ;i:,J;;:ii'il;T1,1ri;-':J:i,:T';i:'i"u;;'ir'.
:] :

cheer their team,

row, sail,.ol',i'"", ,*i,", ,v,i", box, fenie, do
can run, jog, do,roi,,.ú",
ioótuuit, tennis' table-tennis'
you can ptuy uuri"ri"ii,, ""i,.vuur,';';d^;;;;:
hockey, etc,
Uiitiurar, *ut", polo,
interested in sports but
rnour.iJ"noi f*,i,uiarly
tennis. Athietics ir'tt"
for lor
your muscles after sitting
thev are important f;;,;ii áf;.
Ii,_. ro goodio move
or do some g}rnne:ti
*ű irr. ,""u,r,,., ,ii'"i,'r"" nrlr'o""r19^mes
ot Á" school desk.
climbing ropes, a pair of
rnere'are wal1 bar, ""!;;i1, Y,'],,iot regular spot'ting .,
*y friends are involved in
several balls and ;;;;;;.-§o*. u,
n^*uit' t'ust for a team or at S'r
They mainly play ffi;;,"*

your will power,

r-}.ur,r,,,rnd develop
you to keep fit. orJfiöo",


Teil about the school'> ; '


What do 1ou Jo tt, k;,i
sport'} [s sport
\\'har is your íavourite a

Are ;,ou a pirs_rir e si],:,,


popular in Hungary? a
you knor,v?
Wiru'kind of sports do or acttlally participete
i;; ,o*" typi"ul English sports
' ,
o ir.,ou interested
do you have
in sport?
a a Can 1ou :ri itl,, 1-'
Ho* *uny PE lessons
a o Are rou 31',,,,','',,,
week? -
a \\Ih},clc. peL,r-a
Why? "_",,
Do you like thern?

Writing Task

just seen an exciting '

lmagirre you have l']_ _,]_'"
refelee to gl\e ,,-,"-, l"*ill.': '
L,::-,:" , : _
follolving words and
goal post, granc1 stanili,

footbali field, fuli oÚ"n,,



eql ltlq,pe'i?Lupp ÁIpeq,, ,r.'n§3ill§":i.,!TTil{:ji::11|ifi:Hlll?"1'l.1;:,:il

{su1 3urlrr16

alt Pe! nOÁ uI speoJ aq] uo 1rur1 paeds p aJ3q1
eneq 3uo1 ,rto11 sI a
6a3ure3 e toá noÁ áneg
6,trou) noÁ op su8ts ctgerl teq15 a
6Áre3ung ur ecuaJl[ 8ut,rr:p
p la3 o1 eq o} e^uq noÁ aopoJ Áu,trq8rp1 aq1 ,{\ou) noÁ oq1 a
op p1o a
i,,t\ou) o1 a^uq Je^IJp poo3 u seop 1Eq^\ o noÁ a.ry . aJuoJI J au,n,rp'"8|j;l:#.tfi
up Jo u,*,op,eeJq p puq ,r^"
,í,['ffi u 8urneq ;o se8eluenpus-Ip ari1
,n',iÍi a
i,JeJ e o^pt{ o1 JnJasn 1r sr Áq16
1ue.rq noÁ 3r Áed .^r|,""'Ji'jfniJr"fl a
", 6lI Sr o)PtU ]eql& ÚJPJ e 1o3 noÁ e,tu11 a


'JolPcIPuI ue '1uped se8 e 'a>lerqpupq

u .)eeJq .qJ]nIJ p .pJuoqqsep
e':edunq P'SJooP'SJeeq,t'no3':1ooq p'leuuoq ]ooJ e p <[eeq^\
e;"Ápoq,:eqrunu uol1urlstgal p seq JeJ
Ára,r st a'ere', ,"]ilil::H:Ji'"":"i;"Jj#X:;:'::r,:.:i
peJ eq' el!q,\\ q'norqt SJ'J SloJ
u Áed tsnru oInJ oq] )íPoJq oq,t\
osoqJ ,(:noq ,ed ru1 08 :sppoJ uteu uo)
rad u1 99 ueQl Jo]SeJ o3 o1 uePPtqö
s,lt pue r:eauni1 u, ,poo,
ee:u dn-l1tno . ,i:'i
[Je uo slIuII peads eJB",eJaq.
ellxe ue ]e) utu8u 1t luedal uec noÁ .]sal
ssed o1 er\EQ noÁ / urexa aq] IJBJnoÁ;1 .1se1 3ulnlrp eq1
uéq]'apoJ ,i|nuq{tll aq] 3uturee1 ,.r3o'eJueJI[
§ut,tt:p e la6 ot 1uum noÁ

p,ap P u,,^;::j]:oJHl,xTn
noÁ ant3 su3ts Peol atuoS .Jla .]ItulI ö:i;r:;wi:§",:;i:;',:í?JíJi"i","""]ffi:ü":
peads .io^ .dós.lq3!r uln] ,ual
e:e su8ts PeoJ q,nS 'SJe^IJp ,o3 ,"1n, jo urn1 :aldutexa _IoJ
,r,I e s\ apoJ ítlltq3t11 ,,7 ,pá3'íouq,rylaq]
1snru noÁ'eAl-tp o1 8utu.rea1 oJoJá&.rm ulpaI
n o] u]ua[ ot LI ]spoJ ]€ oq ]snu noÁ Áre8ung
"nrrp u1
8utstr SI SP€.J eq' uo a}P aldoad Jo Jequnu eqJ ,sluapIJJe JpJ aJoul
:eaÁ Á:a,tg 'Jnoq qSnJ aqt 9q,{\ pup 3JoLu e]e aJaq]
8urlnp 3uqied p;; ..IuJ
Áran st ]J 'paspeJJul uaoq sÁe,trle "rnld sI ]I € un_I o] entsuedra
seq 1o4ad 3o " ecud "il,"rlu,p
ut utel 3.IJPJ] B o]uI 3urtle8 UJ
.qt sru.Á ]uoJal uI ,ö";'# i]
slInSeJ ueuo 3ur,tr"rp ,.,j,, 8Iq uI .rec
oSJu eJe .Jeql 'oSJnoJ ,JooqJS u 3ut,re q ;o se6ulup^ppsrp
8uroP ueq'& Jn-Jasn Álan áq un'
ulo{ u.JpJrqc 8uqce1[oJ Jo )lo,t\ J3Ue 8urddoqs aqi
u ')íJo,n, or au,11.nnr} u..{,{\ srec alenud JIeL{l asn ua*o eldoad

e16 (sn uo tuepuedT :i,,.;i:f"ixxr;,i;J;:;,]:o,ff',:ör;i"iT:Jffi:,fr":jJiii:

aIqI?uoJLUoJ eJoul JtlJ Áq Áeurnol ']:odsuu,tr';o ,uo.,.i
Y relndod 1sour 3ql Jo eLIo sI .IEJ 3LlJ
JBJ Áq Áeu:no1 :EI oldoJ

uollesJanuoJ JoJ scrdo1

- I JIN6
UNIT 1 - Topics for Corw95a191

Topic 14: Travelling by Bus and Tari

(inhabitants) haYe to
There 21re many i,vays of getting about town. Day by day the citizens
the tram as the most
travel to and írom ivork and school, and most of them use the bus or
popular (and perhaps the cheapest) means of transport,
There are Stops at fixed distances. If you Want to get off, you should
signal to the bus driver
by pushing the button over the door.
you can buy tickets for buses at post_offices, shops,
n.*r_rtunás, etc. Ticket prices are alrvays increasing so you can't follow
these changes in
1000 Fts Per
price, If yoll go by bus every day, you should buy a season ticket. It costs about
month for students. The monthly season ticket is valid from the first day of the month till the
fifth of tlre next month. If you haven't got a season ticket, you have to buy a ticket before
getting on the bus. Then you should put the ticket in a machine (there are 3 or 4 on the bus)
áno p-utt the n-andle and your ticket will be punched, You have to keep your ticket as
inspectors may fine yoll up to several hundred forints if you don't have a valid ticket
or a
.o. are perhaps the most comfortable, convenient and the quickest
Se&Son ticket. Taxis Ó,
way of travel]ing in a torvn. A taxi is rather expensive. Cabs are waiting at taxi ranks ancl can
be stoppecl in the street or called by telephone,
The fare is recorded on a taxi-meter, which a passenger can See from his seat, if you want to
tip the taxi driver, you say: "Keep the change". Driving in big cities often results in getting
job can
into a traffic jam in the rush hour. The taxi driver must work even at night and his
sometirnes be dangerous. There are some evil people who are readY to beat or even kill the
drivers for money. I don't often go by taxi, I prefer going by bus or on foot,


a Which means of transport do you use (generally)?

a What should yotl do if you want to get off the bus?
a Where can you buy tickets for buses? How much does a ticket cost?
a What do you have to do with your tickets?
a Why is it wise (good) to keep the ticket rvhile travelling?
a What is a season ticket'] Hal,e you got one?
a Why is it useful? How much is it?
a Wlrat do tlre inspectors do? Have y,,ou ever met an inspector?
a Which is the most convenient rvay of travelling in town?
a How can you get a taxi in a city'7
a When do people use a taxi?
a Horv do they know what the fare is?
a Do people tip taxi drivers in Hungary?
} Have you ever taken a taxi? Ta}k about it.

Writing Task

Write a letter to yollr fricnd about tlre advantages and disadl,antages of public transport/ goinl
bv taxi in a big city.

Z-- I



,Ál]uacer apclu eÁBQ noÁ Áeujnol p ]noqc uol}IsoduoJ

uttl_t] r-] e]I.I^& -/

{S€J 3urlrr16 -)
aalqe]eurl] eq} Luo{ urca1 noÁ upo ]€q^& . l

6suleJ] e8ueqc o] a^eq noÁ op

,ulpJl u
3o syud oq1 eqlJcsaq .
ueq6 iu€otu ,uterl-q3noJqJ,, seop ]uql6 . a]o)ícl} aq] JoJ Áed noÁ op q3nlu ,{\oH .
iuleJ1 Áltclelut ro ssardxe Áq o3 a,t\ou) noÁ op s}alJl] Jo spuI{ lpq^\ . l

o] ]uu,t\ noÁ 3r a8:eqc u:]xe Áue eiaql s1 a as]elol] oql Ánq noÁ uuc e]eq^A .
aJoJ pJoc Ácua8:eua áLIl sI ]eq^.1 a ]noqB IIBJ
eq] puIJ noÁ uec seculd 13q16 . ]
iut 3urllts alr1 noÁ op s]3os asuol]€ls 1p

]€q^\ pu€ a8et:rll c eql Jo sped qcrq16 i^\ou) noÁ op suIBJ] Jo puII ]€q^& . ,-l


,s[e^tJ]e pue soJnupdap

1o s-otüI] eQl u]pe[ upJ noÁ lr l
,aiqp]etul] € puIJ upo noÁ uot]els aql ,Ácua8rarue
Luo_Ic lV Jo ese3 ur 11rrd uec noÁ qJIqM 'LlttrJ] ,-l
qJ€e uo proc Ácue8Jelüe up puIJ u?3 noÁ ,lo{Jlt e ]o3,req noÁ Jl auIJ e Áud ]Snu noÁ
,1oIJI1 lnoÁ s)JeqJ JolJtlpuoJ aqJ ,uI?J] B uo sJo]Jnpuo3 pue sJe^IJp alp e_I3qJ l

eq] eos u€J Áeq] asnuceq /\\opuI.{\ eq] o] ]xau 3utl]ts reJerd r"uaql
,eut8ua éq} o] ,eIqElJoJruoJ os
Jo ]sory {Juq Jo eut8ua eq] 3uI3pJ Jaq]Ie lls upJ sle8uassu4 l
1ou pue _redueqc ele s]ueu}_Iedruoc ssplJ puoJas e)pJ qll/\\ peJa^oJ eJ€ s]Bos eql eJeq,t\
,SSPIJ puoJos Jo 'peuolqsnJ eJP slBos eq] eJeq,4^ 'sselc 1SJIJ 'slueuuedutoc
Ia^PJ] u€c noÁ
8ut>lorus-uou pue 3utlouts eJp oleq1 ,Jcc 8urdaals e se(ul]etuos pu€ ]ueru]reduoc
8urutp eql 'slu3tü]rediuoc pue sa3et::uc 'ue,t-o3p33n1 aql 'out8ue eq} :eJe utuJ] eq};o sued aq1
,.radeaql sl
le{Jll uolslnJx3
]o ]e)cl1 lslJno] V ,Áep Á:a,ta uru.r1 Áq Je^eJ] noÁ 3r láIcll uospos e Ánq up3 noÁ 's}a)Jl]-uJn1o] -
puE s]e{JI} Áe,tt-auo :s]o{JI] Jo spuI) o^u eJp e.IoqJ ,(1se; 'sss.rdxa 'nrols) uIpJ] eq] Jo ssel3 puu l
,eJIJJo 8ur1ooq aq] lp s]oIJIl :noÁ ta8 UPJ noÁ
aouú]slp 3q} uo spuadap ]aIJI] 3ql Jo acr-rd eq1

.slectpotrad pu' slooq ,.,.dnd,^,.;,:il:;öi;x",","?j.:ií .JJ;,Ji]lxi[Tjl,i -

,e3u33nl:noÁ daa1 uec noÁ eJaq,ry\ 'e3Il;o a3e33n1 UeI c -
'qspnt p o^pq uuc noÁ eJaq^\ 'tuoo]qsu,{\ E -
'(telrol) Árolu,tul e -
Uos 'Seq3l^\puus ouros Ánq uec noÁ eleq,n 'tuooj-luatuqselJo] tl -
'SutcJl Jo IB^íJ_Ie
:o ern]:edep oLI] ]noqB uoIlBLüJoJuI eu]os la8 uec noÁ areq,t 'nearnq-Ártnbue uu - b
'sle>lctl:noÁ Ánq uuc noÁ eJeq,tr 'sectgo 8ur1ooq -
'pua;:o ]sal € ensq uec noÁ pue 'utur1 rnoÁ:o; JIB,t ue3 noÁ e.teq,tt 'sLuool 8ut]te,tr -
,suol]Bls-Áu,ultel eq] tuory e^PeI SLIIPII
:aldurexe lo3 'seculd lue_IaJJIp puIJ ucc noÁ uotlels p ]V b
,J]e 'spJgJ]sod 'sralteI s]rodsuer] uIuJ} 'uot]Pul]s-oP JnoÁ
Ilptu e 'spoo8 s].todsue:l utel1 1q3ta-rJ V
ot ta8 o] ut€J] .Ioq]oup _ro; e8uuqc ol á^Bq 1.uop noÁ 'uráq1 elet noÁ JI q8no:qt oSI1] 3]e
,suIt]J] Áltc:e}ut pue sseldxe ']spJ ',trols :eldtuuxe JoJ 'suteJ]
e_IeqJ 3o sadÁt 1ueJeJJIp e]P ajet{J a

uI€JI Áq 8urlle^?JI :§I cldoJ l

uoI}€SJe^uOJ JoJ ScIdoI - I JINn L

cs for conversation

Topic 16: Travelling Abroad

In the past people travelled on foot or on horseback. Nor.v tral'e]lrn-e is rapid. safe anr
pleasani. We can say that there are no really great distances on Earth. we can reach anl'Paít o
it by air in a short time. The quickest way of travelling is by aeroplane. Peopie often
travei ol
business, for pleasure, for relaxation or even for education or for their heaith. I 1ove
the money nor the tim
but I can,t afford to travel as much as I would like to. I have neither
for it.
I try to earn some extra money and travel abroad. I want to see nice Places and visit famou
towns and cities. when I intend to travel abroad, the first thing is to make my travel plan. Firs
I must decide where to go, how to get there, whether to stay rvith relatives. friends or at
hotel and how long.
,nl,e intend to spend on the journe1
Most of the decisions will depend on how much money
We may study maps and guidebooks. We should write letters and reserve a room in a hotel o
write to friends or relatives if we want to stay with them.
on the other hand, the easiest way is to turn to a travel agency and they will arrarrg
everything for us. The only thing for us to do is to fill in the forms and to collect th
documents before the journey. The travel agents can inform us of the departures of trains c
planes. too.
Whether we fly or go by train, car or coach to a foreign country. rve need to have a vali
passport and some foreign. currency which we can get at a bank or a travel agencY.
At the border, customs officials examine the luggage of out_soing anci incoming travellers
They want to see the contents of our suitcases. They rvant to knoq, if rve have anything t
deciare or not.
I think camping is an ideal way of spending a holiday for a youn_e person, It's cheaper tha
hoteis and is very romantic, Most campsites offer a lot of facilities: electricity, chaletr
restaurant, drinking water, flushing toilets, hot showers, cooking areas, parking placet
bathing and fishing facilities, sports grounds, etc. It is so excitin_q to arrive at a campsite an
put up your tent. You can enjoy absolute freedom and you are close to nature. Camping reall
provides you with a real change of air and surroundings.
You can book a hotel room and they can offer you a choice of single rooms. rooms wit
showers or private baths.
Well, i think travelling is great fun. If you can aíford it. it can become one of the mo:
interesting hobbies of all.
e Whai documents do you need if you go abroad? Where can you change money? Which is
the quickest way of travelling? Why do people travel abroad?
o V/hat is the duty of customs officials?
. How can you reserve a room in a hotei?
o What kind of rooms are usually available in a hotel?
. Have you ever stayed at a hotel? What facilities does a campsite ofter?
. Do you like going on holiday? If so, rvhere do you prefer to go?

Writing Task

Write a letter to your friend about your latest holiday. Say rvhere you trirl,elled. rvhich hotel
y,ou stayed at. rvhat famous places you visited.


'3]e 'I{s
u'c noÁ aJeq^\ '('cle 'duc Pálllu{ € 's]ooq '1alcef3oord_ra]e,ryr ,sllere,^o)
noÁ 1uq,,rr '(,cte .s8ulpurq .salod .sils; ree,,u
a,teq noÁ sjr3tno 8urrls leq^\ pual{ ,rnoÁ
elt1 noÁ JI 'JoJ ut o3 noÁ .'eq' 11at '8uttls
Jo qrtq^ pue (.cla 'áu,prnoq^ous .8urq8rals '8utlels '8urrls)
noÁ s]rods Jo]ul4d teq,u Áu5 ,ruod, ,,.1u1^
^\ou{ ,noqo pu.rrJ-u.,I rnoÁ'o] Jellal p .]IJA

{suJ 3u4rr16
a{II uoJpllqclooqos tsotu 1,uop Áq16
iJaqlpo,t ploc oiIJ noÁ oq .
. Ja]ul r:ds
6Jatutuns uI puu 8ur:ds uI .Jelullt
uI elll
Jaq]ea^\ aql SI ]PLI^& .
uI 'utunlne uI eJnleu ot suoddeq pq.A^.
. iUOSPaS ISaIUI€J Oql SI qJIq^\ .
'8upds 'Jelutrlt uI
óuIIIrunP puB J3lulüns iÁqrvr 6uosees a]IJno^uJ rnoÁ st qJIqÁ .
J3o^1 noÁ op t?q1$. o
;Áurlr Áuu aql JO q]uotu lSePJOc/lSa]lOq eq] SI qclq^\.
poow rnoÁ 1ce;3e Jeqlpo^\ aq1 .
uI seoq . ielt1 Á:u8unH Jo alpurllc aq] sr ]uq^& .

Puu s'ooq Jalul^\ 's8ullcols uo}loJ 'sJal'alts 'so^ftcs tIIJ?Al ,seno1a ,J,ff;::i:i:,:T;;T"'r",ili
JnJ Jee^\ o1doed Jaq}uo&
P[oc uI 'sreÁe1 uI sse'p pup seqlolJ tIlJBÁ JBe/!\ lsn.,' noÁ ralutn q
Pun s3eJ1 eql e{eqs sPuI^\ Áurro15 'Árlnuu1 u1 pruq Állensn eJs .JaI{J .spnoJJ
Áer8 '8rq .uo,J u^\oP SII'J /t\ous ueqJ ,oJoz '1.or3
s[l'J eJn}pJodue1 aq1 .e:eq sI Jo]uI^\ ueq_&\.
eq' ,,,o,r,"n,.§:tjT",ffiH"."'jr]'.;,Í'#",fix';;"ffiH:ir"Já"rlilliT; .iT,i;T
'sJesno:1 'suual's:enol1nd
Pe,reals-8uo1 uo lnd Taploc sI Jotllpa^{ eql uoq^{ .uun]np IIJ
'Pernoloc e.'oJeq Álmols s.aJl í:;
Jo .áin"1 eql u.'runu u1 ,sunld puu sreed ,seldde alII slIruJ
I[nJ aJP seeJl aq] eSnBJeq UOSeOS qJIJ 3 SI Utunln? Jo
1eql ÁUS a^\ 'Jetutuns uulpuJ pellpc sI .uJJp^\
III]S sI Joqlno^ eq} ueq^ 'uulnln?
3o 8uruuÉeq eqJ 'u.urunn-Álqrur;.p ,r'uoin", ]selumJ oqJ

u9cÁeqlqurul'u,**,^.'[:f Tjl';ÍJii,*'rTiliil-XlTn:,f;T,#á":r;li#;,Tt
o3 Áeq1 ueq/ó. 'sFPu's Pue 'silIqs p"n""t.-uot{s ,sesnoJq .sesseJp
'suot{s rusrlr aldoed rouruns r{ ,reqperlr 1q3t1
ocJu eqt Áo|uo pu? aplseas eql ol Jo .Uol'p€['nJ-^toJ
o1 o3 Puu Jetuulns ul sÁuPrloq il"q o1doad iro61,roq ,o IIü3^\ sI Jeqlpe^\ eql Jelü...ns
'sJIIq aql o1 sdrrl uo
3uro3 Jo $íIu^\ 3ur4a JoJ qluotu u sr Áu;lq .sJoopul
u SI l! Áels ol euIIJJ
'oJIu sI Jeql'e^\ 'Seulqs uns .ql pu€ soeJl aql
_3W JI uI 8urs sp.rlg .lnJJnoIoJ eJ? sJa^\oIJ
'uee-r8 aJP soeJl :8uuds uI eJlu'ir"n ., oJnluN ,8urrdi sI uospos e]IJnoA'J Áry .3uriu:eqc
Jo lueIIIIJq 'Ál4P 'Álseu 't€elc 'ltpl 'rie,ro1 :""ru ,1n;r"puo/\{ oq u€J JeI{'u.^\ aqJ
Á33o3'Álsol3t ,ploc ,1oq ,LuJBr$, ,l3tt ,Áurcl
s.Jt .oul' ;]i,jffili;lj^lfi:f:,ffJ;li,§"Tr,frl:
eql sI l€q^\ :sI uotlsonb eqJ 'Jo]uIA\
Pun u*nlnn 'Joulluns '8uuds :suos'es JnoJ eql uI Jeqpa^l
eql uee&l.q so3uaJaJJIP 8Iq aJu aJoql
l'qt su'a.' sIqJ ,al'uIIIc lulueuquoJ u seq Á_rc3un11

3urqto13 puu Jaqluelg :lI cTdoJ

uollesJa^uoJ JoJ scrdo;

- I Jrt{n
UNIT 1 - Top", fo, Conu""

Topic 18: At the Doctor's

you Úl ,i,k, bad or unwell,
about poor health, *,nán Hou'c'io.Yott teel? Do
as fo'lows: Horv are Yotr?
you n-ray inquire about somebody,s health if yotr are in good heiilth
you getting on? Ansrvers to these qttestions
vou feel rveli,] How are
tt,unk^,;; l; ],-,^'h,. Prnk.
In case of Poor health -You-Sa'Y:
are: l,m fine, thanks.1;* ,".ti
myseif, I,rn washed out, I
feel out of sorts,
i,m off coiour. r oon]it"i
"uir, áon't drink alcohoiic beverages' don't smoke
ln ttre
times, walk and d",;;;r.;;ás *.ut animal fat. It's r'vorth remembering
unj,r.".i"", auoia tatif prevention is
lot. avoici r,r.u. il;, the doctor awav,
"na better
proverbs: Health before wealth.,q" "o1r.'u;;
our troubie and he
in his surgery. we tel' him about
;il::: are unwell, we see the doctor to ou.
takes our tem'eratttre' listens
t.u*, feels our Pulse,
examines u.: lirtens io ou, take u a"p breath, Sometinres he
When he examines LlS, we have
to ,,ri;;;ih. *uirt 1{
should stay in bed, clrink a lot
of hot tea with
a you
iust haue a rest, If you have ",l-,p",oiu",
iemon and keep warm,
his back, stomach,
toothache. having a pain in

cancer, rheumatism, AIDS,

mllmps. r."J.ifever, chicken po^. t.o,, úack, u,on,i,lti,,
íever. Imn-iune Deficiency Syndrome'
disease cailed Acquired
(AIDS stands f"r;h;,n.,-,-,.,ot a fatal transfusions,)
rvhich spreads throrrghsexual intercourse and blood
you can get your pills, tablets, porvder, drops, mixture
A chemist can make up a
p"l* killers three iimes a day after
l-rave never been to hospital yet,

What does the chemist rrrake up?
l How can people enquire about When were yolt 1ast ijl? What
rvas tlre
sorneb,ody's hea]th?
matter with you'}
e What filust we do to keep tn good
, Did the doctor make out a prescription?
health? Where <licl yorr get the medicine']
o unrvell?
Who do you see rvhen you feel
the , What do you think of smoking,
o How does the doctor examine alcoholi snr arrd drug-taking?
patients? Have
ill? , Have you ever been to a hospital?
. Wh., should you do rvhen you are
you ever had any operations'/
c Whiit can/does a patient complain of?
o What diseases c1o you knorv in English?

Writing Task
preyentiolt is better tht,ttt cttre
write a coinposition on the foilorvirlg srrbject:

F !-a

'[31oq n
]P oJU3I-IodXe ]SalPIJnoÁ
}noqc pUeI{UeCl P o1ja113[1l e]1,I^A

{sl?J 8urir:116

tloloQ poo8 u ul tuoo: u uI puIJ noÁ op ,-8urql

tuq,11 a
a)Sep uotldace: eqt ic 1a3 noÁ ucc uoirorloJul
Jo spull ]uq^A a

u,,.,u., L,J: l fi :]:,1tá :;:T

í;ifi ]:l: ;:f :§, H
a'o V a
cS I
;J: a

l, s]so n3 j I a q] o] -I 3JJo s I
o]o q,, u,,.,i,],",jr',',*,T::] ill'jJJi :il,H a
6lstttotldeceJ oq] Jo suol]Junj aq] elP tPqM
óleloq 3 ut irtooJ € o^JosoJ noÁ ue; ,tlog a
útuooJ leloq P >1ooq noÁ ue3 /Y\oI{ a
:f]:ffi j.i, a

1se 1 t s d r-u e c pu B s Ia ]o q u eo q : '
:i ;,T, :: : a
suorlsen§ ""j,§

'SulP]ul]ou] q8rq
:o eos aq] .:l^acP[d
aclu {ool.Ie^o Sla]oq pa]PJo[
ua],+o alp SJoloq ,unrol/Á]tc lseq oql .qJeaq Ápues P o] a§olJ
oL{}Jo sped 1seq'.qr'ul pe]unlls Állensn'a,e rl.roq r.rr"q
'jos.d .qJ
'qsenbs '3utltes ''ut3:nsPutnr
''utql-q '31o3 '1ood 3utlututms .Iooplno
8urt:ods apt,rord uu,c Áeq1 .,n,*1oi o",".u';".Jir1".l';:"
P[ 1? uP 'oIPI?J 'euoqdala1 'AJ
üÓ,;il;il;::;.quns 'oJlslq .qnd .1ueltrp]se.I ]iI]J.i aupJ
e]!I[3]BS Se q3ns 'se3IA-Ios pun
,.,1,1,rp.J leJJo ut?J 5^[o]oH
ol ",(e1 ltto{ a,lt3 noÁ ,a,rua1 o]
eplJep ff""il: ]li":ilx'§'|1?"#J;
'inoÁ no'i iIL\\ -ra]locl eq] PuB ie>1::1 1"u^-|§i#iilLT
no} elr3
act,rd stq] ^\oL{S
SoI]IIIoP,J put] S[Deru
11,^_1r.1, uorldece; eq' ueq. .s.pniJui
luLJ,,!\ ]noqp )s3 pJllot{s noÁ pue
eq} )íSP P[noqs notr .lelsr8el lq8rurrno tuáo. .q, 3o act:cl
Je]oq aq] uI eueu lnoÁ alu,t\ [[l/\\ a11 .1sluorldeJal
}tods"-ed rnoÁ,troqs eql o} ([ :o
PUE {Sep uo,]á"..-,
'Sq]Pq e]e'ttld Jo
"uir"j" "á'n"l'ileloe eql lp paAIJJe enuq noÁ uaq,\&
S-Ie,a\oL|s- q]l^\ Su]oo-r noÁ .re33o .uotJe^_I'sal
uec Áaq1
l] puas tq8rur noÁ :o auoqd
Jq] uo Luool leloq P .Se]cl Jo je]l.I
s-t ]Sl]J{Be]$ 'oot 'a'InuedeP looq uPJ l1o^ [a]oq Ul pepnlJu' u3uo
3o alPP PuP slr{3ru'Jo -i.qrnu:lnn,r,,n alpp .suoslecl
áL{] a^Ic 'Á:Pssacau eje Su'ooJ etqnoP ,o .iau,, Jo Jo s]aqLLlllu
eqt e,l13 pue'sq]uotü leu]ultls oq] l.qr"q^ p,ln .^roo. Jo .Iaqu]nu aq1 :6ui,tro11ot
ur xip,redsa'.J.uJ,rpn uí .tloo., B
'Pol3JJo seJl^Jas loocl plnoqs noÁ
puu salllIIJI.J oJotrt eJ€ eJeq1 pup
c te 3utÁels uuq] antsuaclxe elqpuoJtuoJ aJou s,]l .a]IsdLuec
ÁPoqauros Ueq^A .5-auo snoI-tnxnJ "'o'u '.i' úanoqrtv teloq n'ri rro^ u3uo aqs/aq ,p.o]qp sí3^p,1
]sout aq] eje;-[a]oQ.lels-e^!J puE sJe]:^ Á9 pateu3r.^ap
eq] Jo p-tPpUl]lS 3qJ, 'pa-iepual st Ia]oLl
SeJI^JeS lu€^eIeJ qlI.4^ auoq ruojJ
Áe,rrc .,euoq.. B SI
Ialoq aqI

IeloH aql lV :61 crdo;

UNIT 1 - Topics fo491]9§4to1

Topic 20: Theatres and Cinemas

pleasant and usefui \\,a,v. }ou can go to the theatre ot
If you want to spend your free time in a
the cinema. Even in a small country like
Hungary, there are more than trventy theatres and
several cinemas in the capital,
an opera, an oPeretta, a musical, t
At the theatre we can see a drama (tragedy or comedy),
puppet show, In an opera rve call actoís anc
ballet, a variety shotv, a concert or even a
actresses singers, becuuse they sing arias oruing
in the chorus but they never speak, If yot
to book a Seat before you go, You can buy tht
want to go to the theatre, it is often necessary
theatre there are several cloakrooms, where yor
theatre tickets at thg booking_office. In a big
theatre, there is usuallY a big foYer, whert
can leave your hats and coáts. As you entú the
main parts of the theatre are the stage an(
people can meet before the performance. The two
are called the stalls. TheY are the cheaPest Seats
the auditorium. on the ground floor the seats
or the dress circle, Seats on the second floor ar,
Seats on the first floor ire called the balcony
go out, the curtain rises and the pla,
called the gallery. Before the performance the lights
the National Theatre. People can Se
There is a nice theatre in Miskolc, which is called
dramas, operas, musicals, comedies,etcthereandtheycanbuySeasonticketsforth
you can see nearly all the most important film
If you prefer films to theatrical performances,
Tickets are usually cheap, but it is nc
of the world in the countless cinemas in our country.
There are western films, horror, detectivt
always easy to get any tickets for the best films.
documentaries, I like adventure films an
historical, cartoon aná science_fiction films and
films about nature.
great variety of technical means whe
Films are projected to the Screen. Producers can use a
and coloured ones, Films can be cinemasco1
making a film. There are black and white films
and dubbed or subtitled. The latter ones are
very good for language learning,

o Where can you leave your coat and hat at the theatre?
o Which are the two máin parts of the theatre? Where
can you sit at the theatre?
o Speak about the National Theatre in Misko]c,
o Who is your favourite actor, singer, ballet dancer?
o What do you wear when you go to the theatre?
o What do people do in the interval?
r What is the title of the film that you have most enjoyed
o How many times have you seen it?
. Do you prefer dubbed or subtitled films?

Writing Task
write a composition about your favourite film or theatrical


SseJ8oJCi ]Etl,t\ '3III el, ]noÁ l.q,'' ,sesn JaqJea] oql poLI]aLu
lnoÁ tnoqe PUeIl+ rnoÁ ot Ja]]e[ e allJ./y\. ,osJnoJ ,rr';il'§;;::rT:j
a3un3uu1 e paurol ]s-n[ e^eq noÁ
luql aut3uut1 1J

)tsu1 3urlrr16

atuexe Ácuetct3ord a3en3uu1 B alul noÁ op Áq16 a

6ro; Poo3 s:aduds,ryreu pue uolsl^elal .3u!puods,aJJoJ
,nq[ a a
it| Ápnts noÁ uuc ueq,{ puE eJoq^& a
.ut qstJ8ug esn noÁ upJ aJII Jo s€aJB qJIq^\ c
;Áepo1 luuuodtut os qsrl8uE sI Áq,/\\ a I

Pue SIIDíS uailIJ& rnoÁ 3utlo.tdurt -ro; poo8 st 8urpuodse;JoJ .saIInüuJ
Puu sluepnls Jot{lo_ qu&\ SPuaIJJ e)P{ü
Puu luepQs aull-uud u auoceq ro rrcd-nu ue sp
o1 Á4unoc 8uuPeds-qsrPug rue ryo..\ --1
ór Je^'Jl ot sr a8pol1!\o'í rnoÁ 8utnordurr;o
Áu,,rrr .seq eq1
uI PuaJ noÁ erour.eqJ ,J€tutüula puu
3 .{BIII Plnoqs noÁ 'eJcr]'u uP
P'eJ aneq q9Á uoqló. ,"1"'"*11 ,>1sonrsmap sB qJns seutzu6eru
ol aqlJcsqns uec noÁ 'Áouotu q8noua anriq nox'g .un5
oJ' ulaq} Jo o^\J ,srededsmau ueJIJe.,'V ro qsrpug-Ánq tsoclupng aqJ p'un ,^rlri Álreq eqt
iuc noÁ Á;su;; L, ,""133o tsod eql rr1 --a

sldoadÁuu6l.NNlJo:ö;"r',T*T;ilffi ::"ff :Jl j,..i',rJ:i.',ffi

,ool 'setutuur'ord
JI AJ 1o dleq aql qu^{ qsilaug puu "ix""TxltÍi:1
ast]curd ueJ noÁ
'urpuelsrepun 'uruelsl1
tIuJ no^ ,suoqestue3-r".*,;:}:ör'f"",
'stsal noÁ serr't8 ,i'§i:il*:fr:TT:,',X|;1'.":;1,,Xn::'#j'jff ,1
Pue noÁ o1 ,,s1€ods" ieqt uru-r8oia nrp.*rilnul 3 qll^\ relnduoc
esn ol sr 8urÁpnls 3o Áem tueporu 1euosred rnoÁ
lsotu eqJ ,a3un8uei"qt'áu,r,rrnrd qtrm noÁ dleq o1 seneswJ
Puu S{ooqlxel Jo 1oI 3 oJ€ oleq1 sdoqs{ooq_eq1 uJ .uolllru euo-ol-euo
s]unud e oJrq Jo sesJnoc pueuu uuc noÁ ;qrrftuj noÁ en6 o] JeqJge]
u,Ln*"'un e{ul 01 luumnoÁ .selltsle^Iun
Pue slooqcs 1u qsll8ua u'nol uuc noÁ J.ln'I 'Slooqcs Á;elueure[. puu .§looqJs
Á:asrnu 1e sqre,rord Pue saurÁq-l 'sasJe^ sus]ru8repuní
's8uos kseo Eururuel uuls ueJp[IL{J 8unoÁ Áuury
Pu? SoJn]JId uene_ ro se8essatu puas .Jeqlo qcpa 01
{JI[J u lsnl pue ''aurelu1 eq1 urof pue relnduroc Jno .,{[Bl.. upo e^\ puu
lo ,ul+ uI lls 01 aneq lsnf e^A .pFo^l eql
Jo saqcpeJ lsequuJ o{.l1 uI 8utnr1 eldoad u^\oníun qllin stoeluo3 pllnq
st tI 'Á3o[ouqJo] PuB uoIJE'IunuIuoJ
ot Áepol uelqord e 1ou
Jo 1ueurdolarrap aql q1!^{ Je1[e.',s auo,eq suq p[Jo^\ oqJ

uars puu suorl'u Jaqlo
'cJa 'sS3UISnq
Jo sJep'al ql!^\ $tIBl oneq Áaqt u"u^ .oo,':ii"TJJ"ffi1",§,",l:
Pu? uOIl?3Iun[UtüOCOIel PUe 'aCJauIUIOJ 'uotletn? 'autctporu aldtuexa ro;
']I eldoad oJaq^\ Á4snPur "IPOtu
Pun 'suu 'seJI^Jes ,eJuoIJs Jo spIoIJ Áueur eJe eJoql 1
su 'Sn
a8en8uu[ InJesn lso.' eql ouoJoq ffiq ,sÁupu,ttou
u pFo^\ aql Je^o 1p ualods sr qsrÉug

e8un8ueT lls{8ua oqJ :Iz 3IdoJ

uollusJa^uo3 JoJ scrdo1

- I JIN1
IJNIT 1 - Topics for Conversation

Topic 22: Eat\ng at a Restaurant

restaurant or in summer to
Toeatoutmeanstohal,eamealinarestaurant.Youhavethechoiceofgoingtoafirst. an open alf
class restaurant. a self_service of
sccond or third towns there is a wide variety
restaurant. Eating r, ,.t r,ery populo, pur,i_.. In nost
",_,i at different prices,
restaurants serving dishes at ltlnch time
rr-iay be servecl hot meals
serve various meals ancl drinks. The guests nlay specialise in
Restllurants colirfortable. some restaurants
are pt"orrnt
and dinner tirne. Restirr-rrants "nd food,
tor .*u*iÜ U""g"i"", Chinese, Bulgariarr or itaiian
Whenyollenterarestaurant.firstyouhavetoleirveyoulcoatinthecloakroom.Afterthatyou to one, Sonle
room ancl look for i*p,v ,"ule oi the head waiter s,hows 11Ll
enter the dining y";r;ij"rvn
"" at the table and ask the waiter
for the mentl
people reserve tauies in advance.
.,vaiter rvhai he can recommenc'. Some restallrant!
and tirke your orcler. Sometimes finishec
.o".,"i;r*ir;ilh.;;,; ;e eaten at other places. Whe,n You have yoll slt\
have certain rvaiter, of
*;*r; bill, you have to make a sign to the
bring you the
eatii-lg, ask the bill and you can pay,
,,Waiter,,. If you i".ty, yÁ,,lon,, need to wait long for the
"r. people choose them if they are ill a hurry and the,
irre irlso popular, want to e|r
self_service restaurants you go into the restaurant ancl choose the dish you
want to have a quick t_neal. a spoon, Yo
on the lvall..Then you pick up. a tray, a knife,. a fork ^and
from the list hanging caih ciesk, The cashier will gil,e
pick up ,"t-.,", pu, it on the i,.uy'uno'go to ihe
for an empty table irrrd sit down,
receipt, After pay,irlg yo; look


o What clo you tlleirn by eatitlg otrt? out?

r What choices ao yotihave if you want to dineprovide,
o 'falk irbottt the faáilities that restaurallts can
yor_r do u,hen you enter
a restaurant?
" What do yóu
r How do choose the dislres?
o How do you pay?
o When do people choose a self-serl,ice restallrant?restaurant?
r Where do yor-r pay for the lneal at a self-service restaurants?
o What are the "a,]^n"g" ancl disach,antirges of these
. What types ol restar,rtants are there it,t y,otlr torvn?
o Hal,e y* "u" been invitecj or-rt for a nleal?

Writing Task
at a nel
rvhiclr 1,ou celebratecl
Write a ]etter to a friencl about 1,our father's birtliclay. if
the meals lvere like, and
restatlfi,tl]t.'fcll hinliher rv}rat llrrangefi]ellts yoLl made" rvhat
\\ cIe \ittisliccl rVitlr thc
scrl ice,

*§*rr- \cj c_ho1,cL_ rl{ P"Í


sl3).It]ulacins- aq] puc sdoqs.Iau.IoJ eq] u.a,{tJq .,u..,,r..,,|"Ji]iJ;,i,",:il:]j,""::';:j;;i

{sEJ 3urlrr16

;-reded ur padde.r,t Állurrsr-r aseqc_rrrd .rnoÁ s1

iutelt 1crd ucqi

_tnoÁ dr-r
put,l uos:edselps jaq]ouu Áed .uos,redsales auo ulo4:adpcl
ro drls e ta8 saurrtaiuos noÁ oq a
úule]I atI] uo Állensn 8et ecr:d eq] sI jo uIo]I eql Jo lsoJ eql euoeLLIos >1se noÁ 1snprtr a
itueLuÁud u^\op 1] o)eur ol enuq noÁ o6 o
iaseqc:rrd a]Iq Uo ualr 3rq e Ánq rroÁ ueq,t Áre3unH uI se]u.I ]s^e.I3]I_1l aq] e.lü 1Eq^& a
;Áauoru noÁ pue1 puet{ c Jo lucq p lrtno^& a
6Luo4 Áeuou noÁ pltro,tr eJoq^^ a
1,}Ipe.IJ uo Árrq noÁ 1q3rur 1eqr11 a
idoqs B .Ialua noÁ ueq,t ]e{suq u dn 1crd Állunsn rroÁ oq a


snld sluaurÁed Álqluour Áed Állcrrstr troÁ ,ltpeJJ uo 3urqleutos
's}ueulJBlsur Álqtuoru ut enbaq3 Áq Jo 'pJuJ
lIpaJJ p q1I^\ .qsul Ácd ueJ noÁ
Ánq noÁ .+J

oq] ,s[[oI pue peelq q\M JatLl,lo, u,,Í:;o:;:

T,TJTl'f; fi:,^::,;]:"'i :::,'::;u';:A
eq] '(3ta 'sadel8 'selddu ' 'suueueq) stIn.U qse{ s]I q1l,^\ 1a]Lnlo3 a1qol,t1a1
]lllJ! aql :slellttuladns aq] ul sJa]ulloJ luáJeJJIp eJú e.IaqJ ,doqs aqt a^ee[ puu 8eq ;uiáaoqs
oiut uaqt tnd I uaql 'sPoo8 eq] .IoJ Áeci araq,,rr
'(ut 1 1r"p qro, eq1 ol o3 1 ,paeu 1 3utqt,(.ra.ra
3urPur.;,I.UV'Ánq o] Po.u 1s8urt1l eql ta8.ojJ,uo,n, ,Ánq o]
1:tri1 o a^pq IJI ]up,,' J sIüa]I at[.
e]LI^\ J q3iq,{\ uo ]sI[ 8urddoqs u e^uLJ Állerrsn ,pa3u s8urqt
I 1 oq] q}I^\ 1elsuq Áur 6urllr; 11aq_s
o] Jleqs ulo4 )íip,t\ i '8urddoqs Áu op ueq^\. .sa^Jal{s 3uo1 uo pue
,1rr3dlaL1 I sÁr::1 uo eJ€ spocl3 aq1
pue elrlod ajc s]ueJsIssu-cíoqs eqJ.]oI e Ánq o] luu^\ oq^\ sjeluo]sll3 _IoJ.,-Áa11o.rt
s^cLl doqS jllo 'SPceu ÁllLue4 u
]uq] 8urqtÁlana sIles ]I osllpJaq }aI.It}uuadns lse]úau aqt ot o3

JL[lpu' slnJ p[oJ .ulos,jal]nq,{tlltl ,s[[oJ Io pue]q

3q] ol o3 uatJo I ]nq 'sPue)ae,t\ eql lu pooJ .ro; 8urddoqs eq] seop laqlour Áru Álrure; Jno uI
,Állcrnb 3urddoqs
eql op ue c Áaqt pur::a33rq7.Iepl^\ sI aJioqJ
eql asnEJeq sdoqs ol tuaq] .ra;a.rd Sál\L\\esnoH ,_rclnclod aJoul pLlu a_ror_u 3urúo3eq
3]i] s3.Iols
-pooJ J3I^JaS-JIOS eseqJ 'pooJ
Jo spul{ tIP pulJ LIPJ á^\ q3tq^\ uí ,]alJulrlladns- aql :part:aclJu
snq doqs Jo PuI) JeqlouP SepsJep ,traJ ]sud eq} uI ,JJa's..IeJo:8uaa.r8 aq] ,Á.rtup
tS,]aLl3]nq eq] .s,.tJ)Bq 3q]
aq] :Sulell PIOqaSnoq PLíl] POOJ.ro3 sclOqs SnoI.Ip^ ol o3 o1 pnq r"ni^"snoq
tsud oq1 uJ

pood ro3 8urddoqs : Z

€ JIdoJ

IJNIT l - Topics for Conversation

Topic 24: Dressing

cut for their clothes (whether

some people are very good at choosing the right colour.and
nice in their new clothes,
."uoy_io_*ear or tailoi_Áade). They dress well, they look

pyjamas into the clothes we wish to wear

One of our first programmes daily is to change from
going out. Men put on a shirt, pants,
during the day, p.rr,"ops into our óutdoor clothes if we are
perhaps a tie and a jacket, women
trousers, sometimes a single_, or a double_breasted suit,
must always be well_dr.rúd. They put on panties, bras,
slips, blouses, a skirt or a dress, or a
leather shoes that we have
(two_piece or three_piece) suit. wá árr put ón high_hee1 or low_heel
all the year round, In
cleaned well, Some prefer boots but óthers wear light or
heavy shoes
In rainy weather we take an
winter we wear glovós and an overcoat (or a thick winter coat),
umbrella and /or a waterproof raincoat,

When rve want to have a new suit made, a tailor or a dressmaker

is needed, Ready_made
out, turned up or let down, At the
ciothes often do not fit well. They must be taken in or let
tailor takes our
tailor's first the material is chosen and a style that suits us, Then the
measurements and tells us when to return for the first fitting.

popular especially with

Blue jeans, denim suits or denim skirts with T-shirts are extremely
teenagers and students. They can be worn with everything
and for everyday wear, They are
durable, hard-wearing, washable, colour fast-and crease-resistant,
They are practical for
casual wear.

Sometlmes come
A jacket has two SJeeveS, a collar, pockets, buttons and buttonholes. Buttons
ofl'and have to be selvn on again. When your sock has got a hole in it,
it has to be mended,
(Some shirts are non_iron,) If m;, tíousers are
Dirty r_rnderwear must be rvashed and ironed.
not crease_resistant, they must be pressed when creased. Fashions in dress
change very


r What would youido you wear in your workplace to feel fashionable?

. When/Why do you go to a tailor or a dressmaker?
o What are the typical male/female pieces of clothing?
r what pieces can either sex wear?
o Do you like watching fashion shows?

Writing Task

you fashion show on TV. You found a clress you rvould like to buY. Write a letter to
sa,,v a
your friend and describe tlre dress. Say where you would like to rvear it,

[€E J
'Áepqurq Jeq/slq se]pJqaleJ eqs/oq ,{\oq puu
eJeq,{\ noÁ 11a1 o1
'lpqM 'os Jl pue '3urq]Áue {ooJ uI]J eqs/aq
'Áep Á,ia,ta 8ur>1ooc eql op o] etul] scq 3JLtr sIq/Jeqlolu slq/eq
JI .
']no 3utlue Jo ]lqpq u elptu lou plnoqs e,tr Áq,tr . '-l
'aJP SaqSIP a]IJnO^eJ Jeq/SIq ]Uq,{\ . ,-]
'reu8te:o; P pueuuoJeJ plno,t\ eqs/oq luPJnetsoJ/qnd aqt eqlJcsep o1 .
'SI€otU Álrep req7srq S}P3 aqs/aq 3Jaq,{\ 'poq
1un|3o s{ulq] eqs/aq ]Pq,^A .
'pessault,tt Ápee.rp spq aqs/ eq 1uepIJJp u€ oqlJcsap o] .
'1o.rlad Jo ]no sl/u,trop s{uaJq JeJ Jeq/slt{ ueq^\ seop eqs/eq
1€q/K .
'luc u 8utunro;o se8elu€^p?slp etuos uol]uotu o1 .
'rcc e 8utntrp;o se8elup^p€ aql ]noqu s{ulq] eq lpq,{\ o
']Se] 8ul^IJp aql passed aqs/aq ueq^\ c
'ecuaJll 8ut,tr:p € sPq aqs/aq JI pu€ apo3 Áe,,r.rq8rg aqt S,4^ou{ aqs/aq
JI .
'{Jom/looqcs o] o3 o1 podsuer1 crlqnd sasn oqs/eq JI o

'puel4 }saq slq noÁ aqt:csep o1 .

tlel ot .
'Áeld pcr:leeq]^uJlJAooq ellJno^uJ Jowslq 1noqu noÁ
'eJ]Peq] aql ]P SJPo,^(\ aqs/eq ]eq,^\ .
'Sa^II eqs/oq eJaq,4^ u,{{ol eq] uI aJ]eeql u sI 3Jaql
Jl .
'se)íII eqs/eq SI.uIlJ '/hoqs Se[uouIJ stlI[IJ pul)í leq,,n o
]eq,^A Jo
'sppoJ/s,.rnoJ.roq Álpnsn oqs/aq s)íooq Jo pul) 1uq,ry\ c
'Á:erqt1 3 Jo Jequetu u sI aqs/aq JI . ---a

'sÁepe,tou eqluquns o1 snore8uup sr 1r Áq,,lr . L.

'1ttotuuoJtnue slq 1ca]o;d o] seop aq ]pq,tt . ----a

'Áre3un11 ut satped 8utu:a,to8 eql Jo eluuu eql uol]uatu o] .
'Ápud 1ecrlrlod Áue;o Jeqlueu u sI aqs/eq JI . L

'sctltlod uI po]soJelul sI eqs/aq JI .

'spueleerrr eqt tu 8urop Sa{II eqs/aq 13q,{\ . \
'áJP Solqqoq JewsIq ]eq^\ . 'l
raulrud rnoÁ >1sy

:actlrurd JaqlJnJ JoJ s{sBI L

ls? o1 noÁ:o3 ctdo] e:ou euo a^€q lJI/y\ Jeutupxe eql 'uolllppu uI
,A\ou)í Ápee:le
]ou op noÁ uotluuuoJul JoJ Áluo 1su ol pepueuuoJeJ efi noÁ

'SáIJ]uno3 Jeq]o ol uaeq JeAe S3[{ eqs/eq

JI . -'a
'Állure; JatVsIq Jo sll€lep .
']?L}/OSnOq Jeq/SIq JO SJI?]OP .
'ueJp 3q] uI pe^II seq aqs/eq 3uo1 ,toq . -Á
'Lüo4 seluoJ eq§/eq a:aqnr'1
'SaAII eqs/eq eJeq,4^ .
'o{.uPu S.a]BpIpueJ Jeqlo aql .

1noq3 uec noÁ s€ uollptuJoJul qJntu su lno pu|J ol eneq noÁ uolleultuúxa
,tt]Bxa uE JoJ
3q] Jo uud tsrrJ SIq] uI 1ts noÁ eurt] Á:e,ta áur€s eq] sI Isp] slq1
slJBluoJ IBtJoS :I |JBd


UNIT2-Social Contacts

Part 2: Pair-Work:

anslvering questions,

Task 1.
uná u ,puóious restauiant
offering hot meals
bedrooms facinglh" ,"u
hotel with eight in the winter there
is very busy, but
summe. ,t. t
at lunch and dinner time. In the ""j
it is busy, They employ a
g;ih help i;;;;;;,Tlj.*:"
Saturday evening, "r 'h"m
barman'achef,areceptioni|,:uporter,twopart-timecleanersandapart-time being his own boss,
Rosielike 1iving at the seaside and Tim enjoys
waitress. Tim and "uiilr.,. of the bediooms need redecorating
ur" ,iring ,,*". r"
to raise their
u. ii1.o, rl* and Rosie are afraid
i" "aJn"",-t*o
But costs
and one of the b^i.#;;;
their customers,
il; in case they frighten away
Ask your partner
a if he/she would like to run a
how many staff he/she:*]d "T_|':_,,
a if he/she owned u t,ot,t, in the winter,
the number of customers
a what he/she would do to increase hotel more
and Rosie to do to make the
a ,,vhat he/she would oá"i," Tim
a ÍÍ"i'*""'Ohappen if they redecorated the bedrooms,
the guests,
a ;ö;ffiiliffi J*,iri*pry increase their charges to
a if he/she finds advertising
a *"Ja i*p,ou"ih" quality :f :h" Tllj:
ffi ;;i
; ;; ; ; ;;" i f he/ sh e f ou n d,T^ p ",::,. ]":^1
;li'fiii:,n*i, i
make a profit,
o ,, more and more difiicult to

Task 2.
grows) and. mountains, with large
ice fields
iano where little
barren plains 1nat has active volcanoes (they still
erupt) and
particularlyin the ,oui1,_*.r,. rnis isliná water that fountains out of
springs and geysers (warm
is known for its thermal (hot) crops (food that is
the ground). With l"., m."
lEo ofin. roná suitub'" for growing
account fot 807c
isbased on ti,t,ing, and frsú products
grown), the nation,s-;;;;y
;h; ;;"niry is 103,ó00 km2, The
of the export, Th.""; a;riitory;.f
rne capital of lceland is Reykjavik,
(number of inhabita"ű, zz1,ooő.

Ask your partner

and ice fields in his/her country,
a if there are plains, mountains
volcano when it wls errtpting,
a if he/she has ever seen an active
waters in the surroundings,
o if there are any hot springs/thermal
growing crops,
a ii in" r*a is suitable for farming and
regiotls in his country,
a to mentiot-t sonre famous wine producing


,lou ÁI{^\
']ou Jl 'Áqnt 'os 31,slue;ud Jowslq uI /y\oIIoJ o1 e)ll plnoiy\ eqs/aq JI .
'8utnt1 € JoJ op spuel4/sJalsls Jo sJá Joq/slq luq^\ .
'srelnduroc Jo esnpJoq sqofrreq1 lsol e^eq eldood Áuuur qulqi ol{s/eq JI .
'palsu s?^\ eqs/oq suol1senb 1eqrrr 'uelt8 senr
eqs/eq ecuuptn8 1eqtr'osJI puu eJJueJ qolpco1 eql ol ueeq JeAo suq eqs/eqJI o
'8urlse:slut eq o} sJeplsuo3 eqs/eq sqol 1eqirr .
'oIqu[IP^? sI leq/v\ 8ulldecce lnoqB S{ulql 3qs/eq 1úq^\ .
'senl1 eqs7a'' lnoq€ sli\ou>I eqs/aq 13q/y\ .
"::: ::_'1r:tl_::ueurÁoldruaun
'esooq3 ol JoeJeJ 1eqlr e8u Álree Áre,r u ]p poplcop eqs/et{ JI .
'etuocsq Ot e{l[ P[nO^\ aqs/eq lPq^\ .
'Joq/uJIq JoJ suuatu uol1oeJsllus qol1uq*r .
Io o q Js Áre p u o ce s ;§i lfi ]§$ ill,l"j]:i; ;il: il :fi
í :
reugud rnor( rlsy
,(ü3tI} JoJ
Ásea Ále,ulereduroc sI JeeJuJ tq8u eqt 8ursooq3 ,sJaAIJp out8ue ro sraÁrvre1 'sJaaut8ue
's;eqcee1 'sesJnu 'sJolJop otuooeq 01 qsl^\ Áeq1 tuqt a8e Állea Á;an u lB spunu
rreq] dn e{utu aldoad 8unoÁ Álcn1 oulos osJnoJ Jo, :peppe eq ueqJ ,.uaJpIlI{J Jo
eldnoc p e^eq pu€ polxutu aq Áeu noÁ ueqitr 'ralu1 s;uoÁ u os op o} un3I]IIp eJou
qcnlü 3q IIl,!\ { ,a8ueqc ^\eJ
? o{Btu 01ple{? eq ],uop 'lT et?q noÁ leqt sqluotil B JelJ?
puIJ pue qoi e -rog 8uture:] guls noÁ ;1 ,8ururu4 ;o porrad 3uo1 Álrre; e ertnbel
1saq eq] Áed Álpnlua^e III,tr }eq} esoql pue sqol 8uDssrelut lsotu aq} ellq/y\ 'Árups
8utuels lseq oql Áed uogo eJn]nJ ou I{1I^\ sqol eq1 ,ÁrolcuJsrles lou sI slqt Álsnor,rqg
,aIq€II€^u sI Jo^aleq^\ s]deccu puu eJluo3 qol pco1 eq] o1 tuole sao8 '1ooqcs se^eal
uos;ed 8unoÁ oql luql suedduq Áltuonber; ]I ,esueJJul eq1 uo sI eluJ 1ueuÁolduraun
eq] ueq/\{ 'sÁupurnou sI ll su ilnctlltp w ueeq Je^eu suq u 1ng ,1IncI.JJIp ueeq sÁervrp
spl{ JaoJB3 lq8u aqt 8ursooq3,,:pTus eq luqfu\ sl slqJ ,JaeJuJ e 8utsooqc 3o lcelqns
eq] uo looqcs Jno 1u slrdnd leeÁ qpno; eql 01 alods Jeq3eal uIJoJ Jno Áuprelsea


,Árlunoc Jaq/sq uI
looqJs Áreuud 8utqsrur; rogu Ápnls aldoad 8unoÁ eJeq^\ o
'Árlunoc Jewslq ur sqol puIJ sluu]Iququl eq} eJoq^\ a
'st Á4unoc Jaq Jo stq ullpu?Iecl uI sluellqel{ul eql Jo Jaqwnu 3q} l€I{^\ a
'sel€ls pellufl eq} puu ulullJg lueJD uI sel}Io 8tq'urclug 1eerg7Áru3un11
3o 1e de c oq], Ár] u n" a

lT§fT ffiJill] fi I

_ :T í:, lT::",""ilJ, a
'eru ÁllunoJ JeI{/sIq uI sulelunour tsaq8rq eql ]pt{^\ a
'Á;]unoc JaIVsTq ur rulndod eJu s]onpoJd t{sg JI a
'pu€Iaq ut uodxa eql Jo luoc rod Áue ro3 1unoJ33 slcnpo-rd qSIJ J| a
'Á:]unoc Jeq//slq uI epetu aJu slonpoJd 11nu4uew/qslJ JI a
'Á:lunoc Jaq/slq uI uo peseq si Áurouoca s.uolJeu eql luq/y\ a

i_ \IT ] - Social Contacts

Task 4.
rvorld today, The air, rivers and seas
There are many environmental problems in the
and heavily industrialised regions, Poor
are all polluted, especially in over_populated
pollution, over_fishing has depleted the
waste disposal is the .uÚ" of muóh ot tni.
numbers of fish in the oceans. The destruition
of the ozone layer is leading to
greenhouse effect, The destruction of
ciimatic changes and to what is known as the
the rainforests is causing widespread ecological problems. Batte,rY farming Provides
large amounts of food it involves teeping animals_ in crowded and unnatural
chemicals pollute the land and out
conditions. organic farming means that fewer
than leaded petro1,
bodies, and unleaded petroli"ur", less air pol1ution
paper and bottle banks, because
Environmentalists encourage us to use recycled
cut down and using bottle banks
recycling paper means that fewer trees need to be
thus, less wastage o1
*"án. tiioi gtu5 is reused rather than thrown away, There is,
resources. Environmentalists are also in favour
of using solar or wind power, o,
bio_degradable) and of plantin1
using as little plastic as possible (because it is not
of land given over to agriculture,
new trees instead of simpiy increasing the amount

Ask your partner

o if he/she ]ives in a clean atmosphere,
o what over-fishing has caused,
o what he/she thinks is leading to the greenhouse
o if he/she is in favour of using solar energy and wind
. if he/she thinks spray cans destroy the ozone layer,
o why he/she thinks we have to plant more trees,
o what the advantage of using unleaded petrol is,

Task 5.
The rage of lvaiting telephone callers has become a thing of the past for th
protection of Birds in sandy,
switchboarcl operator"of the Royal society for the

,,we have had no problems since we replaced mttsic by vivaldi and Hándel on ot
background tape ivith a recording ot tira calls," Maggie
Lamberton, receptioni
supervisor, said yesterday.

"NoW the tape is so popular that some callers are reluctant to stop
holding on evt
record is a lady rvho he
when the extension Ú"y *.nt has become available, Our
fascinated by the recordit
on for 20 minutes at her own request because she was
"others call us back to comment (
and wanted to identify all of the bircls," she said.
the tape."

Ask your partner

r if he/she has e ver been bird-watching,
o if he/she knorvs anyone who collects birds' eggs,


Jo puo oq] Áq op ot a[qú su,\\ Ácn1 tr:qnr .
eslnoJ aql 8uo1 ,troq o
'sc,tt Ácnl JoJ asJnoo aq] 1noqe 8urql
tsaq 3q1 }uq,tr .
'ctuud Jo s]uotuotu Áue puq Ácnl3r .
'S[oJluo' oq] Je^o e{P' o]
PPq oqsFq JI Sno^Jeu aq PJno^\ eqs/aq JI .
'.tul] ]SJIJ el{l JoJ s[oJ}uo, aq}
Jo^o {oo1 oqs uoq,,, Sno^Jeu SP,t\ Ácnl3r
'SIOJ]UOJ eql eSn Ol
UJeaí O] e)rI PJno,tr eqs/eq
Jl .
'éPII8 o1 8utureel Jo 1q8noq} JaAe spq aqs/oq _+I .
'entsuedxe aJB suossel 3ulpr13 s{ultl] aqs/oq
JI .
',Áuptloq uollcp, Áq sueeru eqs/áq leq^\ .
',Áuptloq uoIJJB, Áq lueeu Ácn1 teq,tr .
'e8uuqc E pepáou oqs/aq 1JaJ aqs/eq ueq^\ sásBJ
etuos uollueu o} .
'e8ueqc B speau eqs/oq
JI .
'e8uuqc p papeau Ácn1 Áq,,lr .

rau1-1ed rnoÁ 1sy

eql o]uI paquI[J
aqs ueq,4^ JPoJ q]Ii!\ Á:p tue,tt :e3uo1 ou q]nou]
Jeq lsBel ]V .e3uaplJuoJ etuos puB
Jo .unulultü ? q]L4d 8urql eqt Ág plnoc eqs {ae,,!\ aq] pua eqr-Ág .Jaq'o .q, .uorJ
laPt18 e Jo Pue euo ,t\ou{ },uplp Ácn1 Áep
]..IIJ ]pqJ
uanas JoJ pa]sel ásJnoJ aqJ
e:e,tr Áeq1 .p]o,t\ e u1 .ctuud
I3JJáS Jo slue.'ot' eq] 'suelqo:d otUES eql 'selof otuEs eq] .a8uelleqc arues
aq] poJeqs Áeqj. .sa3e 8urÁ:en Jo .uau tq8ra pue slrr8'o,,lt1 'tuoql jo u.l
'u3lu oql uo:J Állue,IeJJIP .rj^
ou Pe]ua:} e:e,tt slrt8 áql-]eql sB^\ esJnoJ eq] "r.q1
]Seq aql Jo euo 'rePt13 Jo]nJ uePud5 3
Jo sloJluoJ eql lnoqe 3uru,rea1 ,puel8ug 3o
quou aq' uI p[oIJJIe Áleuo1 P uo uIeJ aq] uI 8utpuels
J[.S-Iaq punoJ eqs JelEJ qluoul V
,lq8noqt ,sreded
aqs ,'3utltcxe eq ]sn.., 1eq;, Álrep oql Jo euo uI lua.,'as.ue^pe
,3u}P!tD euoJ, eq] eqs ueql tnq 'Áuprloq 8utprr e'puu 8urqsr3 ees daap .3utquttlc
{3oJ PeJePISuoJ aqs_'ÁcPrloq uollJc uE Pa}up,{\ puu ]ue-IaJJrp Átáraldutoc'8utq]auos
op o1 pe]u'M aqs ,a8ueqc P pop.ou eqs ,eJli-to áq]
uI,^r qtr,tr dn pa; se,tr Ácn1
uI ueJ eqs/áq se stad Áueru se auleu o} .a

,nrue :(arou
Áue antlu 1curlxa sI saJnleoJJ r",^",,";'ff"iu;]ffi""':
'ou):prrq 8utler8tu
'lro:,tuds 'elu8utlq8tu u sr 8ur,to11o3 eqt Jo qJ!q^\ .

uoe8 d'1o:lud'ao^rlaapeq, 3o:3, elaue,

' r
u r qd 1op, o".,r'.fi ;fi : ;#,X'":
Junsnun 3ur,tto11o3 eq] 8uorue u,o'J spJlq Jo seu,'u eq] lno 1rid un, oqs/eq JI a
'{Juq spJlg eqlJo uol]3e]oJd aql JoJ Álercos
1uÁo6 eq] tIE3 s.req1o Áq,,u a
'selnuttu 0Z JoJ uo pJaq eqs Áq,,rr a
'1senber u^\o Jáq }p pIp Ápe1 e 1eq,tr o
's^I .[JI]JB laduds,trau oq] uI peuol]ueu adel eqt,ulndod ,troq
'sIIIrJ pJIq 3o 3utploca.r
e q]Lnn 3ISn.u [PJISSeIJ 3urculda,r Áq pe,tlos S€^\ uelqoJd3:o 1-tos 1tlq,lr .


UNIT2-Social Contacts

Task 7.
I recently learned horv to use a computer
and I have many friends who play computer
I think nowadays
games at home. However, recently I huu" begun to worry, because
past people managed to write and
rve rely too much on electronic gadgets. In the
become so accustomed to using
think using their brains, but now many people have
There are many people who
machines that they can,t do anything witúout them.
many of rny friends sit at
depend on electronic gadgets cómpletely. For instance,
u,io Űtcn television instead of going out to meet
people, I think
home in the
"u"nlng they learn a lot about people all
this makes .u.ryoná feel more lonely, even though
gadgets that save us time, but not
over the world. Of course there are many electronic
gadgets, but I am against
all of them are really necessary. I am in favour of some
having everything in life depending on pushing a button,
is more efficient, banks, hotels,
Computers have already changed our lives. Business
comptrter is the gíeatest
nlanes and trains provide a better service. But I think the
á;;;. or ,i,. 20'h century. Many people have lost their jobs because of computers,
Ask your partner
. if he/she can use a computer,
. if he/she and his/her friends can play computer games,
o if he/she is gadget-minded,
r if he/she relies on electronic gadgets,
r what he/she thinks of people who can,t do anything without

o rvhat household gadgets they have at home (vacuum cleaner, washing

machine, aishwaihei, microwave oven, coffee grinder, percolator,
. which of them are not at all necessary,
o rvhich gadgets he/she is in favour of/against and why,
r how computers have changed his/her life,

'fask 8.
When you ure in
When you go to a foreign country, you have to avoid culture shock,
you are not
Britain, you have to knorv how you are expected to behave. rvhat
home, you
expected to clo or talk about, If you are invited to dinner at someone,s
to an informal
should take some flowers or a box of chocolates. If you are invited
party, it is quite common to take a bottle of wine or even a few bottles of beer, When
you"u.. invlted to someone,s house, you should either arrive on time orno
fifteen minutes after the time arranged. You should be careful about overstaying
,Well, I think
your rvelcorne. Look out for signs of tiredness in your hosts and say,
is ustlal
it,s time we were going ...' N4ost people use first names at informal parties. It
to shake hands *iin ,nÉn and to kiss women on the cheek'nvhen you are introduced
too close
them. But do not embrace, hotvet,er, on the first encounter. and do not stand
to the other person. you can the ice' with strangers by talking about the
weather. Another good topic for conversation is
,uvork. However, people do not like
talking about poliiics except in a general rvay, arrd you slrould avoid asking thenl
rvhat political party tl-iey vote for. On first meeting someone it is also not aPProPriatc
to ask about their age or horv nluch they rveigh,


'.Ie3e Jo i_,,,toJ _1o suot8el 3urcrrpo:d-euI^\ sno[ll]_J
'uolcleg e-]p.1 Jueu .ro 1sedepng uI
oL{1 lIs-l,r slst_rno1
op ul]c s,lo]lsL\ llltl,\\
'[usIJno] tuo.IJ ]tJ3ueq ucc aldoad ,troq
Áq,,rr .
'Áre8unp1 o] tue}rodrul sI ulsIJnoJ s{ulql aqsieq Jl .
laulred rnoÁ >1sy

e8ulnocuo o] opl3ep Áaqt e,ro;eq
sIqlJo p ,sÁu,tr
eJu,\\€ oq o] a^Bq s]uapIsoJ [pJoT,tilJBi{Jo 1oI op os[u ul]J }I'JeÁo,tro11
Áuuru ut ustJnol tuolJ }IJeueq u€c l]oJp ue 1eq] lno 1utod o1 e^€q e,\\ 'uotsnlcuoc u1

,uotle-reua8 Jeplo eq1 pu€

ra8unoÁ eq] uee/\\]aq s]JILIuoJ sesnpc pue aldoad IBJoI eq} 8uoue uolsnJuoJ seleéJo
sIqI ,s]Iq€q pue suo]snJ ,{\eu Áq pacelder ere selÁlseJII pul] suoI}tpEJ] IBJo[ 'uol1Ippe
uI ,pulqaq 3^p3[ sJo]Isl^ ]eq] Ja]1I[ oq1 puu 3I]JuJ1 uI ás€3JJuI eqt Áq q}oq pasnpJ
s-I uoi]n[|od 'aldruexe Joc
Jo IBop ]ee:8 e op uB3 uSIJno] 'puPq Jeq]o 3q} uo
PU€ SlO]lSl^ q]Oq JOJ Je]]eq
sI ]I ,seI]IIIJeJ lleq] 8ut,to:durt puu 8utpuedxe uo pueds ol Áauoru oJotl] onpq sIIJunoJ
suraul eluocul eJ]xa aqt 'aJolu sr ,sJe^ouJn] :e8:e1 snq] 'sJeulo]snJ
[eJoI ]uq] ]egi6
aJouJ e^?q s-redeeldoqs pu€ 's]uPJnP}seJ puP Sle]oq ur sqol pur; eldoad Áuep1 ,se8ullr,t
ur Állercedse 'apts antltsod p sI }I ,1ueuÁoldrue septnord tuslJno] 'pupq euo oqt uo

,slJeJJa ent}e8au e^€q oslu

]I ]pq1 s^\oqs uol]eJeplsuoJ JequnJ ]nq 's]IJauaq Áluo 8urrq 11r,m utsl:no] lpq] tuees
Áeru 11 ,sÁe,t Áuuu uI tuslJno} tuo4 1lJeueq IIl^\ e]p]s Jeqtueur na,t\eu p su Á:e8ung
]pql {urq} aldoed Áuep1 ,sreeÁ JoJ selJ]unoc 8ut:noqq8reu eql ulo4 Állurcedse
Á:e3un11 o] s]slJno] po]ceJ}l€ e^eq sq]uq IBuJeq1 lpulJlpatu puu slods Álnueq ectu
IpJe^es 'seluolueJoc 8utlsul-aul/tr JeJJo ]eq] suot8e: 8ulcnpo:d aut,tr oql Jo 'elzsn6
uet:e8un11 snolueJ oq] 'BeS uuuu8un11 oq] 'uo]e[pg e)e,I '1elrdec eqt 'lsadepng
lnoqp áuoautos )s€ o} ale rrdordde sI ]I s)íulq1 eqs/eq Jl
.ro e8u JIaq] .
'ete uotJes:enuoJ:o3 scrdo1 poo8 luq,tt .
'utelug ur Áptd e 1e 8urlse pIo^B plnoqs eqs/eq suotlsanb 1eq,tr .
',.aJI aq] )í€eJq, o1lnoqe )[u} o] sr eqs/eq scrdo] leq,t .
'uos:ed Jáqlo aq] o] esolc oo] puels o1 palcedxa sI eqs/aq JI .
'Á]red e 1e eldoed o1 paJnpoJ]ul sI oqs/eq ueq,t\ op o] Iensn sI 1I 1uq,ü .
'suueut otlocle^\ s,auo 8utÁelsJeno }€q,,lr s,^Aou)í eqs/eq Jt .
'uIe]IJg uI esnoq S.euoetuos ol
pe]I^ul sI oqs/oq uaq,^^ eq o1 palcadxa sI eqs/eq 1enlcund .^^oq s,&ou{ oqs/eq JI .
'utelt:g uI Jeuulp
o] pe]I^ul sr eqs/eq ueq,^^ sJe,^AoU etuos a)B} ol ]ueuodut sl ]I slurq] eqs/aq JI .
'lcoqs,eJn]InJ pacuatradxe Je^o suq eqs/eq JI .
'sI {JoqS eJnlInJ ]eq,& S,{\ou)í eqs/eq JI .
'eJnlnJ JEáu eq] uI llsIA o] olII plno,lt eqs/aq setrlunoc7ÁJ}unoJ qJlq/{ .
'paltstn Ápee:le spq aqs/aq salJ}unoJ qJiq,{\ .
'Állunoc u8re-ro; € o1 uaaq ]e^á suq tqs/aq J! .
rau1.1ed rnoÁ 1sy


UNIT2-Social Contacts

r if tourism means rnore jobs or more money,

. if he is for or against village tourism,
o rvhat local authorities can spend the extra money on,
o rvhat services and entertainment facilities he/she thinks
tourists need,
. to mention some harm tourism can do,
o rvhat sights he rvould show visitors to his native town or
r what sports facilities or sports events tourists might visit
in his/her town,

Task 10.
use credit cards to
At the beginning of the 21't century it is quite natural that people
widespread, but
pay for g*oods and services. The use of credit cards has become
olóng wiitr the convenience there are some risks,

First of all, the advantages of using credit cards are considerable, They not
(they reduce) the chance of
reduce the amount of caih one needs to carry, but also
losing a lot of money in case of theft. Furthermore, purchases can be
made even
thou§h the cardholder may be temporarily short of cash. It is also important that

snopping by telephone is likervise possible with credit cards.

more than
Howe,er, credit cards can be misused. For example, people often spend
card, Moreover,
they ought to. There is always a temptation to overuse your credit
the credit card company gives the customer the option of making a "minimttm
payment,, on unpaid monthly bills. This is a major drawback because it
people to sink into debt if
usá.s to pay off their bills slowly. It does not take long for
they do not use their credit cards wisely,

All in the credit card is an important tool in the trend towards a "cashless
this method of
society", but people must be aware of the dangers posed by the use of

Ask your partner

. if he/she has ever used a credit card,
. if he/she thinks it is convenient not to carry cash,
. if he/she has ever ordered the shopping by telephone,
. to mention the services that are available by using credit cards,
o what the advantage of the credit card is when the cardholder is short of cash.
. if credit cards can be rnisused,
o what overusitlg yorrr credit card means,
o how this system encourages customers to pay off their bills slowly,
o what happens if he/she uses his/her credit card unwisely,
o r,vhat "cashless Society" means.

r _:)





,{.tllt pun
tlaslno(. rct 4
as^ool.lJ puoM no{ sa4tlJtlo poqss-{o-1no .{o 1"tos ]DL!ó\ law.ttld ltto( 1al '{\1nulg ,p
aL|] JaMsLlD puD saJru)ú aql ru 1oo7 ;alat ytt3 alu puoqs uossal urya uq^L ,J

,uotutdo s,uoslad aLű ,q

floqD .taw"tocl llto,i 1a| 1sJ!.{

doqs '77 'u,trorg en5) ,,sJeqlo q]I^\ el€Jodo-oc o1 Jaq a8ernocua o1 e)II
plno,& I 'a^Iá,^A1 Áluo sr eqs sV ,sIIT)s lplcos :aq dole,rap o1 a)I{ plno,ry\ I 'slq] E
,durnl 3uo1 eql puu q8rq oq1 8ulop
;o elrds u1 te Állercedse 'uotlecnpE pcrsÁq6
1e poo8 Ára,t st aqs 'pueq Jaqlo eq] uo ,Jeep euo1 Álalnlosqp sI aqs ,olsntu --
le lualpl Átu 1rrequr i,uplp plrqc Áru Áleleunuo;un ,ll 1u poo8 eq ol pesoddns !

osle urp I pue JeIppIJ snotueJ u se,^A .raqtu;pue:3 Álq ,eurl eou Jo ]oI u s€q áqs
ásn€Jaq suossol pJ]xe e)p] ot ralq8nep p1o-reeÁ-a,tle,tt1 Áur aiII plno,tt Állea: 1,,

:$a1 ?utuo11ol aqt pDaa ,0

,V alBpIpuBJ JoJ r{sBJ b

se!l!^!lJY IooqJS-Jo-1nO :I cldoI

SuoI}BSJeAuoJ pes? g-cldoJ - Z JINn

UNIT 2 - Topic-Based Conversations

Topic 1: Out-of,School Activities

Task for Candidate B.

a, Read the followinq text:

"My daughter is fourteen, She is in the eighth grade of primary school, I t

just the oppc
she does quite well. I wouldn't say she is slow on the uptake,
In spite of this, she spends three or four hours doing her homework every c
*otildn,t like her to take extra lessons because I don't want to overburdel
with too many responsibilities, I'd like her to be calm and well balanced i
don,t think it is an advantage to engage children in out-of-school activi
(Judith Nagy, 40, houselvife).

First tell Ylour partner abouí the person's opittiott,

L. How do yott tl.tülk the girl sltoulcl spend her free tüne? Look at íhe pictures
answer the question.

cl. Finql]y, tell your partner if you share her point-of,view or not, Ií not, col7

him/her that there are műny relaxing and rewarding out,of-school activitie:
swinttning, skating, plal,illg the piano, dancing, crafts and so on,

.l .)







",'Álpuora5 -
" '11u yo lsrrg
", {ulql I -
", 'uotuldo Átu u1

lno{. ssaldxa noK uaqu, y{asn aq ry7tru suotssaldxa puD sasDJqd 3utuo11o! aq1 'a

,sal]Io pep,{\oJJ
ut 3ut,l,t1 u?JptlqJ JoJ [plclJeuaq Állercedsa
sI 1I ,eIqISSod se SaSsPIc 94 Áueur SP e^Bq o] SI ]u3pn]S P JoJ 8urql tsaq aq1 .
,Á:esseceuun sI slooqcs
uI uol]pJnpg 1ecrsÁq4 .
E selul]
oeJq] ]Sua[ ]P sluua] Jo II€q]ooJ Á,{\ € e^Pqlslrods auros op o1
InJasn sI ]I .
,s{ooq 8urpee"r ot slu[IJ 8ulqclu,n
re;erd sluopqs lsoru lng ,tueruuluuelue Jo uiloJ € pue etul}sud e st 3urpee6 a
,lsouoqslp sI tlolq^\
'8utleaqc o] esIJ sanÉ s]so1 ssud o] unssald sq1 a
8utssud spre,rro1 pe]?luelJo Ál8uol1s eJ? sluep$s ueuu8un11 a
,ueJp[IqJ Áqtlueq q1I^{
Joq1o8ol pelp3npo 3q ol o^uq ueJp1lqc peddecrpueg a
,elqtssod su Állee se a3un3uu1
u8re"ro; 3 uJuel ol uuls o} e^uq slrdn4 a
sp 'ectoqJ Jo lunotup uluuoc B sI eJeql lnq slcelqns
Á"roslnduroJ Jo Jaqunu 3 e)p] 01 e^uq sJetupel 3q1 slooqJs reruuur8 Árupuocos u1
,sass€Ic pJ]xo 3]p]
o] e^Bq noÁ 'uotleonpa raq8rq
o] uo o3 ot ]uent noÁ JI ,s[u€xe ecueJ]ue JoJ SJeuJPe1 a:uda_rd ]ou op sIooqJS .
,saldumxa pLtD suo§Dal ailg ,qilat aal3nstp 10 aal?o
no{ ruqt slualualo§ ary lo aalLlt -to ow asooqJ ,cldo1 slt11 ll() sDapl )ttns ilD a)aH
,saulilpry aun1 alods puD SlooLlJS
|noqD nu1lod Lno!( Lumí uo8snJslp D a^úq lril no^

,g puB ,Y elBpIpuBJ JoJ

sallta.l]Jy looqJs-Jo-}no :I JIdoI

SuoI}eSJe^uoJ pesBB-cTdoJ - Z IINn

UNIT 2 - Topic-Based

Putting on Weight
Topic 2: Losing and
Task for Candidate
a. Read the followinq

dif f icultiest",,HH;;F::l"^l"*:tilJx[J*j-t,;,i"Í"i!;i$
really worne|is six, I,ve beet
i, on" thing thai that Im fat, Bu",
,in," I was
think the r,eason *"ment it's my rveigh
attractive, and I
u* it didn't#,h",;; 1 1,1t," what I shoul
on the ,huuÜ ,iá", uot r ao noi know
like ,"'i;;;';;i,*
that worrier'il;.J;"uld
áJ; tro* Smith, 14,
your partller about the persott's
b. First tell
yvhat meals should he cut out? Look at the
boy e,at and
c. What should the
and answer the a
c\o if you were
in Tom's position
you lvould
your parmer what
d. Finally, tell








puD uoutsod s,űtl7llg ul aJaM no,( lt op proól no,( pqn .tawlod lno,i 1a1 ',í1lou17

,suousanb aqy nlisuv puo salnlltd

aqr n >1oo7 i(,ua s{.optlot1 1ttlsal uo o3 'qJunl nllo dou D a^Dq 'silíD) puD
plalq lo rcl n pa) asooqJ aqs pllloqs sauÁllJD ruqM puD pa yű aq] prlolls rDL!^i ,)

,ualqoil s,ttoslad aqt uoqv laullnd no{ 1u rsl!.:I ,q

1,(luepnls 1ooqcs-Á.luurlJd'€ I'quruS Árep1),,lq8te,tr

eruos uo tnd ot op I llpqs }€q1$. ,tpotll t{]L,lr sáJnes elqula8en euros pup dnos ;o
aleld u 3:o 8urlsrsuoJ luatu lelluulsqns u o^uq I '{colc.o € lnoqp ]u looqJs tuo4
auoq e^IJJe I uoq,tr 1ng ,pooJ uae]uuJ o1 3ur1ooc s.Joq]oul Áur re;e:d I osnuceq
'LuooJ 8urutp looqJs oq1 uI se]etussu[3 Áur qtrnr qcunl á^€q lou op I l€q] lltupu
o1 e^eq ,pe)ooc 8urq/Jana lea I os 'snolpllseJ Jo Ásooqc ]ou rue
J [Ie,l.r sI 1uq1
,o)íE3uud e se
I ]nq 'atrleddu 31q e a^Bq 1 Áes 1,uplno,lA I }pu su pue a8e Áu ro3
Áy1 ,apts
11ei Á.ra,t ure 1Áes sluerud Áuur4s atll uo Lup I pue E1 3o 1"rr3 e uI€ I,,
:$a1 3utuo11o{ aqt puaa

,fl alBplpuBJ JoJ


lq8la6 uo 8u!ilnd puu 8ulso1 :z Jtdo;

SuoIlBSJeAuoJ posBg-crdoJ - Z IINn

UNIT 2 -Topic-Based Conversations

Topic 2: Losing and Putting on Weight

Task for Candidate A, and B,

that you űgree or disagree with, Git,e
ott this topic. cl.toose hyo or tltree st(úements
reasol7s and exanlples,

a Fat people are happier than those who are
a I always eat with pleasure and drink
with measure,
a It is useful to have a substantial breakfast,
a It's enough to gulp down a cup of coffee
in the morning,
a far cry from what my mum cooks,
a I don't eat canteen food becauie it is
a You can't have your cake and eat it,
o I prefer eating home-made food rather
than eating junk food,
or dinner,
a Junk food is more nourishing than hot lunch
enormous meals,
a Pig-killings in villages are big occasions for eating
a Morefoodisnecessarytohelpthepoorercountriesintheworld'

- As far as I know, ",
- Personally I believe that ",
- Apart from this, ",
- Moreov€fl ",
- Consequently, ",



nol,lt .{1aslno,t
"lttlel, puo pilloLus
n[ asooql prlodt ttoK saualo?tc nl ay1l]sqns nLlM JawlDd lno,L1u ',i1lotttg

,ttotl.sanb at11

taó^sLtv pln saJnlJld aqt ru 1oo7 iop proqs Jaq]oru s,Koq aql lutql no,( op ilJq^

,ualqold s,ttoslad alll lnoqo nul-tod ltto,( 1sltg ,q


(e;t,trasnoq '97 'u,trorg Á:ul,rq) ,,p€Lu otu a^IJp III^\ eq iulqlI

setul]etuoS ,uos Áu spJely\ol ]ue]elo] Ilp lE lou tup I os 'lI Jo [latus aq] ue^e oleq
,eIours 0q1 uI ot{lPaJq ol e^?[l oS[P e,{\ áSnPceq sn
I Jo [I€ s]JaJJP SIq Jo }IqPq
SIqJ ,tuooJ SIq uI ueaJcs e{ous u ue^e sI oJoq] Satllllatuos puP elotus Jo sIIáuS
,eru o] sue]sll
8urqtÁre,ta lpg eq} uI ,Il€/\\ )JIJq € o1 3ut>l1u1 sB^\ I JI sp sI ]I
]aneu eq ÁleleunuoJun 1nq 8urlours 3o sre8uep eqt Jo tulu u]B,^A 1 'alla:e8tc
e slq8r1 oq Jo^eueq^\ ,dn t1 anr8 o] LuIq elr1 Állee: plno,.lt 1 puu o8e leeÁ e
8urlous dn 1ool uos la3unoÁ Á7rq ,sn Jo [[B seIJJo,t IBLI1 ruelqo:d p a^€q }ou plp
Jo Jeq]ou u 'Jelotrrs-uou p ulp
a,tt 3t Álrue; Áddeq u e{etu plno,tr o^& I,,

:uat tuluo11ot aqt p.Oaü ,0

,Y alBplpuB3 JoJ

8uploru5 :§ JldoI

SuoIl€SJoAuoJ paSBg-cldoJ - Z JINIn

UNIT 2 - Topic-Based Conversations

Topic 3: Smoking

Task for Candidate B.

a. Read the follov,ing text:

am a heavy smoker and I think tobacco addicts are unawale of the danger

smoking. It is a dirty and antisocial habit, and in addition, it is dangerou

your hálth. Smoking is harmful to your circulatory System, throat. wind]
and last but not least your lungs. It may cause lung cancer, which is
a 1

disease. I am of the opinion that if people want to smoke, they shoulc

allowed to, provided they don't disturb non-smokers. I cannot but agree

the fact that smokers have to,be separated from non-smokers and sit in sPe
areas on planes, in cinemas or in cafés. But in the office where I work thel
not a spe;ia] area for those who smoke" (Nicole Moor, 35. clerk).

b. First tell1,9111, pűrftler about the person's opinion,

c. Look at the pictures al,td tell your partner what measllres her boss
shoulcl ml
protect non-sntokers.

d. Finall:,, tell yottr pat,tner what v-ol,t woultl do if all your collectgLles smoked but



e",_lBI{l {ulq| noÁ l.uoo

... aaJ8B p.noÁ eJns tu.I lnq .soÁ
;", tBtll eaJ8B noÁ |6uop |nfl
,... lBql s! ...Jo a8qus^pBslp ulBtu aqJ
,..lBql peJul^uoJ Iu€
: pIa sn aá,oJd ry?lul sasDJt1d
3utao11ol atlJ ,snsuasuoJ 0 apu pu, suosDat pu, sDap, s,lau1lod lno| o1 ualn1
ot tul
uaqJ ,§uosoal aat? puo gutYou,ts uo sDapl no( yoqo lawod no( 1a1 o1 alodal4

loJ sa]n]I1sqns Áue aJp aJeq] .
']ou lo peJnJ eq uBJ lacuuc 3un1 .
'senJeu rnoÁ uluc sallere8tc .
'sella;e8tc uo Áauou 8urpuads quo,tr sI ]I .
'elours noÁ;r 1Jnp? ue e>lr1 1oo1noÁ .
']ou Jo ernsueld e st 8utlotus r
JaqlaqA4 ap!)ap 01 a^Dq noÁ

pllv sllosDal a^Ig -qllnt aal7nstp
lo Pql S&DualD§ atp lo aalqt 10 olu asoollJ ,alqtssod sD A4olaq pauoutlalu
aa,l8ll no(
s8utql aqllo íuDLu SD LIo aal3o ot a^DLlnotr,|utlottts dtt al,t8 o1ptar4)ni,i apí)n:|Jad

,fl puB,Y alBplpuBJ JoJ


8uploru5 :§ Jldo1

SuoIl?SJo^uoJ peSBg-cldoJ - Z JINn
UI§IT 2 - Topic-Based Conversations

Topic 4: Protecting the Environment

Task for Candidate A.

a. Read the.following text:

"I read newspapers and magazines every day and I must say I am rather
worried about some of the things they say about how factories and cars pollute
the environment. Hardly a month goes by without some papers arguing how
dangerous human pollution is and how disastrous its effects on agriculture,
industry and lifestyles are. I would really like to know what we have to do to
prevent our atmosphere from being full of noxious gases. In my town the
factory chimneys belch smoke and the water of the river is contaminated"
(Tibor Nagy, 55, unemployed).

b, First tell your plrtner about the person's problem.

c. Look at the pictures and decide what actiott has to be taken to prevent }-our íowtl
/area from pollLltion.

d, Finally, tell your partner what you would do if 1,ott wanted to live in a clean


---} §
§ § §


,l.ualuuoJltua aq] pa1old pqn pul alD alnpu to aJLDpq
ol op pyo,Á no,i
aqL autaSulI ]DLp Saut^uJD aq] 7tntp no( pqu'alaqdsout]D aql tutyt1lod
ruaaald lq3rut yutql no,(. saIilAllJD uDlunq u)uu JaLIuDd lno,( 17al ,,illnutg ,p

'1ualuuoL|^ua aql ZutQa1old

ryoqo uottttdo lnoí lat1lod lno,( uay pLtD san4ltd
aql 1o 4oo7 iSaulZo7tltu pur; sladndsuau utolttladxa uoslad aLu saop ]DqAL ,J

,utalqold s,ttovad aqt

noqD lau1-1od nto{ uu lslll .q

'ssty qdeso1) ,,purluelu Jo eJn]nJ aql Jo suelqord snolJ3s ]s-olu eQ} ]noqP P]ep
8utcut,tuoc enuq Áeql II]un ]seq JIáq] op uuql os Áes o] ureql JoJ aiq?uoJtuoJ
eJotu SI lI esn€ceq 3urÁ1 Áeq1 ,qlnrt áq] 8uIII3l ]ou aJB SlSI]uáIcS eseq]
,eceld )ulq]
1 ISJIJ eq] ut 8uture,tt 1eqo13 Jo looJ eq] ]E e:u sesu8 aseq] ]ou Jo Jaqleq,4.\
oJnS ]oJ slY\ou{ euo ou 3sn€Jáq 'sese8 esnoquaar8 etBalJ ]eq] sáI]I^I]Ju u€uinq
ocnpeJ o1 3lqdoJtseluc ÁlpcrluouoJa aq p[no,^,\ ]t Áes Áaq; ,ureuoJun oo] SI
8utu-tu,t 1eqo13 JoJ eJuepl^o JIJIluaIcs eq] ]pql ]slsul oq^\ sJst]uetos eJu a,IeqJ,,

:$a1 7uttt1,o1o{ aqt pDaa .D

,fl elBplpu8J JoJ

{sBJ i

luauuoJ!^ufl aql8upJoloJd :, JldoI


SuoIl€SJeAuoJ pesBg-cldoI - Z JINn

UNIT 2 - Topic-Based Conversations

Topic 4: Protecting the Environment

Task for Candidate A. and B,

probletns of the enl,ironnlent *-ith lour partner, Here are sonle icleas
Discttss tl.te
this topic. Clloose fl|o or three of the statetnents
íllat you a7ree or disagree witl
Gil,e reasons and examples:

o plastic bag:
Saving certain recyclable materials, for example paper, bottles,
rubbiú should be encouraged for a number of reasons.
r Recycling is more expensive than simple waste disposal because specil
to operate it,
,nu.hin"ry is required unb ,nony people have to be employed
o people should be encouraged to take part in programmes that lvill help to create
cleaner world for everyone,
e The ozone layer is getting thinner. We should be careful when spending

holidays by the sea,

. it is a vet
The ozone layer is getting thinner. But we need not bother because
slow process.
o we can,t prevent acid rain from damaging buildings and forests,
. Cars should be bannecl fiom city centres because they create
. Riding a bicycle is environment-friendly because bicycles do not produr
o Cosmetic companies should stop testing their products on animals,

nlight be useful when you express your

The followirtg pltases artd expressions
- I feel very strongly that ",
- On the one hand, ...
- On the other hand, ",
- In addition, ...
- As a consequence ...

arols lldao
lepol^l - S

,íqn pun.{12sJ1loí Jol

ínq p\ol. ltoí ssaJp lo 1.tos I)qM pLm ol 03 puo^4
lloí dolls LpIqőí '1tlo 1utod prm uotutclo Jnoí tnoqt) lat4lnd mo,i
1pl 'illr"lg .p

,íqu ptttl
ttlasald D sD laq lo! asootlc pruow no,( 3tttt11o1l
to sacaú L!J!L!11 LuIL!]/Jaq llal puo ttottttdo s,ttoslad slq1 noqt) laul_ttlcl ltlo,(
1a1 .J

,llns Llltuap n puo do1

lialr D tuq o1 D\II ppot ttoslad aql dotls qJtLlAí m aPIJap pLlD Saillplr| atp rl 7oo-1 .q

JooqJs Árepuoces 'LI 'qlluls eue1) ,,uotqspJ-ssulu
e]eq I osnpJoq 8ed aqt JJo saq]olJ Áru Ánq Jé^eu .Álrlunb pue alÁls ro3 Áud o1
enuq noÁ {ulq] I 1nq ';edeeqJ qJn[I áJP aJols 1ueupudap u ur s8urq]
teqt ntou1
I ,eultü se Jnoloc atÍIBS oq] pue }nJ etuPs eq] Jo sesseJp 8ut:ea,ryr selpúI pue sl:r8
]eou ol Álelrlun uru 1 'o3 1 araq,tÁuy ,enbtun aru Áeqt (uol]Ippu uI .uoIqsEJ
]selPI eq] o1 8utprocc? ap€trl Sj3snoJl puu SaSSeJp .slrtls 'S:alPe,!\S 'sesnolq .sdo]
11es Áeqt sanbrlnoq u1 'anbtlnoq Jleu]s e ol 3uro3 -reJe:d ,op ueq,t lnq .Jeqlla
saq]ol3 .to; 8urddoqs o3 ueuo l,uop .pooJ Ánq
I ot )set s.Jeqloru Áur st 11,,

:$a1 8utuo11ol aqt ?ryav ,0

,V elBplpuB3 JoJ

saqlotJ ro;8urddoqs :§ JIdoI

suol]esJe^uoJ pespg-crdo; * Z IINq

UIrlIT 2 -Topic-Based Conversations

Topic 5: Shopping for Clothes

Task for Candidate B.

a. Read the foLlowing text:

"I like buying things in a department store because I don't have to go to sevl
different shops when I need a pair of shoes, some dress material
or a l
items under one r(
blouse or skirt. In a department store you can get various
not to mention the prices, which are much lower than those
in smaller shop
dresses which
boutiques. It is tru; that department stores sell ready-made
of the same style, but I do not -ind meeting someone wearing the same

that I wear. I simply can't afford to spend money on unique and expenl
items" (Margaret Paddington, 21, college student),

Look at the pictures ancl clecide vuhiclt shop tvould be the best for the

made the above statenlent.

L. Tell partrLer about this person's opiltiotl and tell her vlhich blouse and d

),ou lvoulcl cltoose for lter as a

present and why,

cl. Finally, tell y-ottr partner about }1our orNn opinion and poittt out, ill which shop
wotilcl do the shoppittg ancl w,hich shoes ),oLt l,uoul,d choose antl l

ril ril l-
rr rrti
Il |lll lr; I

ffi ffi


", 'IIe ut IIV

1", noÁ
7 an 1.uop Áq41
", plnoqs aÁ{ >IuJq} J -
", 'p!es aÁBq I sy
lnoí ssa-tdra rtoK uat1ilt, 1ntasn aq ry7nu suolssaJdxa puz sasDJqd 3utarc11o,[ at11

'uos€es Árane se8ueqc uoIqsBJ s.ueLuo,\\ ellqr!\ 'Ál,trols se8ueqc uolqspJ s,ualy'{ .
,uolqs€J 8ur8ueqc
oq] qu,{\ ecud dee>1o] a^uq aldoed 8unoa .
Jo punJeJ Áue te8 ],uo,tt noÁ 'doqs puuq-puocos € uI 1cnpo;d ÁllnuJ e Ánq noÁ 31 .
]uaupedap pue sdoqs IIPtüs uI sectrd aq] uea,4d}aq ecueJaJJlp qJnu ],uSI 3,IeqJ .
,ÁIatIIod pe^Jos
áq ],uom noÁ'reruolsnc reln8er e ]ou e,ru noÁ;1 .
1ueurlrudap 3Iq uI ,^^olJpu sr elÁls Jo o3Ioqo oqJ .
'Sa]o]S ]unoJSIp pue sdoqs pueq-puo]es uI alqPuorqse; 8urqlaruos Ánq uuJ noÁ .
,iuIs uáqJ]I{ eql
lnq 3utqlÁrene
Ánq aldoad JaqtuaJeC uJ ,ezu€uoq lplJJotilluo3 p euoJeq suq s€rulsllqJ .
,suols€c3o áseql uo seoqs pup seqto[J
8urÁnq pue Áauoru
8ut,tgs 91Jo,1rr s.11 ,Á:enuef uI pue ]sn8ny uI selus 8rq ere aJáq] seJo]s e8nq u1 .
,JeJJo ueJ Áaqt 8urqtÁ:ena
Ánq ot noÁ 1uenr Áaqt :]ue]sIsul
oot S3ttlll3tüos oJP s]uulsISSe aql sdoqs peu,{\o Álele,trrd pue senbrlnoq uJ .
:salduuxa puo suosDal aMD ,tltuu aal?nstp
lo aal8o tlo,( pql slllatlla]D]s aql lo aaJqt -lo oA^] asoollJ ,pafqns slq1 uo sDapl aruos
aJD aJaH 'uorysnt qLID vlqDq 3tuddoqs noqo lawlod Jnotl l!]1^l uolssttJslp D a^DH

,fl puB alBplpuBJ JoJ )tsBJ


seqlolJ eo; 8urddoqs :§ JIdoI

SuoIlPSJeAuoJ p3SBg-cldoI - Z JIN1-I

UNIT 2 - Toptc-Based Conversations
Stage 2: Exam Tasks

Topic 6: Buying Presents

Task for Candidate A.

a, Read the followittg íext:

is my 7_year-old son's birthday next week, but I haven't bought anY Presents for
him yet. I'd like to give him a big surprise, but I can't make up my mind what to buy,
He ii keen on putting things together, but Lego-kits and battery operated cars do not
suit my pocket. I thi;k I should look for something cheaper, I wonder if he would
glad tó ieceive a puzz}e or a too]-kit for repairing his bicycle" (Susan Strong. 35.

b. Tell your partner abottt the inJonttcttiott 1,ou have on this page. Then talk to
pictLlres might help you.
),our partl7er about the topic. The following





'no( dlaq !.13tut salnlud 3utuo11o{ aq1 .cldot
aqt uloqD .taullnd
ltto,( o1 llDr uaqJ ,a7nd slq: uo a^DL! nol ,,o,ruurŐ{rÍ,
uq7 ,roq, nullnd no{ .q

(reqcee1 Ed 'rE 'u/\^oJg aue1) .esuqc:nd ertq uo alcÁcrq

u rurq Ánq
upc J JI Jepuo,t\ I .]elqllpeq pue re8uorls tull| se)íBlu
1€q1 Á]I^I1ce 1ecrsÁqd 3o pur1
u sI a{Iq e 8utPtr PuP 'su.uJl Jo sJe3 pale.redo Árelleq ueq]
:a8uot rse1 iaqi .ár1 ,, ,1
Jo 1oI B ]soJ salcÁcrq lng 'tulq 3o snolue[ Ára,mt -o1 pun elcÁcrq B pa^IeJa]
1sni seq solutusselo slq Jo euo .Jeq]eáor rná áq o1 seq
]pq] 8ulq]Áup elII ],usaop
aH ,stl>{-o8o,I Jo srec-Áo1 olIJ ].usoop aq ÁleleunpoJuq .uos p[o-J.
aÁ-g e e^eq I

:$a1 8utu,o11ot aqt p1aü -0

,fl elBpJpuBJ JoJ

queseJd 8u$ng :9 JtdoJ

§IsuJ tuuxg :7 e345

SuoIlBSJeAuo3 poseg-crdoJ
- z JINIn

UNIT 2 - Topic-Based Conversations
Stage Z:ExamTasks

Topic 6: Buying Presents

Part 3: Task for Candidate A. and B.

You and \]our partner yyould like to organise a birthday parQ J'or )'our son. You
to decide

o whether the child's birthday party is more important than that of the parents,
o when and where to arrange it,
o whether you will serve home-made dishes and cakes or you will have the
and the cake ordered,
c who will go to the shop and buy the drinks, who will order or make the cake,
. who you would like to invite,
c what presents you want to buy,
o what party games to play,
. what your opinion is on giving and receiving presents,
o what you would do if you received a present that you did not like,
r what family occasion you will celebrate next.

First decide what |ou w-ould like to do and wh1,.

Then prepclre ío tell your partner about your ideas and give reasons. Then list
),our partner's ideas and reasons.

Choose 2 or 3 of the statemenís that |ott agree or disagree with and give reascln

The following phrases and erpressions might be useful when you express your
I am of the opinion that ...
Don't forget that ... is / are expensive ...
If I were you, I'd ...
I suggest that you / we should ...
I think that's a good idea.

] :rttd0I.:rrlu
L _' | '::

,_ , ,,.NtdQ : i
, ,.
:: ,::.

lll()i olllD. uaqJ ,;::!ű:,,r:::,:;;:i,í:#:::fr,,r,í ,;::;;,::,x:::;#,i,::

3]pI ue^o ,Áep aql ._1,, r(ue ereq] j§",j,1";:i'Ji';1illi'#i"]ͧPr;iiTű;Jilj
8rq 'tsea1 lou i:
]spl pue '(,cle 'Á:euollu]s .Jep^\oá aurqrn^ .s8urqt
pul? p]pt{ 'slcnpord ]eJlol 's)íullp Uos
{Iltü ']IruJ 's33e 'te8n, 'rnog 'r"rlnr';|n":q)
Ánq uec noÁ ':aqserJ pue redueq, 3oor ouo Jepun sue]I
'ueJoJJIp .*ipooé".qijrooq, J[?.,,s uI
ra38rq u SI eJeql slalreur:ednr
puu "rili';"q eqt noÁ r,Inr rnqr'a[JIuB aq] asooqc""u,
aql a:eduoc 'Puno: sact:d
)[P1,' uec no^ 'p.inrlpul oJp secud aq]'puu palced Álacru .r;;;u;
'ÁlPuoce5 'Áuldsrp uo eJp spoo8'eq1 .peau
noÁ 3ulqú-reia JoJ )ís€ o] e^eq
'tiP Jo 1srry 'se8elu'^p' 1,uop noÁ
Jo Jequnu P o^eq slelreurredn5 .doqs JeuoJ
lal.teru:edns 8rq e ol o3 :eqteJ pJno^\ .8urddoqs I[P.,,s P ol UPq]
1 Xl,n|'.ql op o] uJU Áru s,]l uall^\..

,$al 8tnuo\1ol
aryl pl)aa .D

,Y alBplpuBJ
JoJ {sBJ

pood ro3 8uJddoqs :t lrdo1

suol]esJoluoJ peseg-crdo1

I]NIT 2 - T optc-Based Conversations

Task for Candidate B,

a. Read the following text:

,: i' qtrite a
are a long *uy u*uy from my home,
centres. First of all, they :1k::,me
§á.onaty, you have to use coin_operated
long time to take ; ;r; to either ór ,rrán.,.
elderrv p""pr" ,o űh" and push,
If you can,t find
trolleys, which or"^aliii"ult for
tetp you, not to mention the big crorvds
anything, there is ű a single assistantio
long qu"u.i ut tt" cash_desk, There is
a small
especially at week_ends aria the very well, The
,i,rréra I know the shopkeepers
grocer,s shop just round the corner, products, When I
always fresh and so are thé milk
bread and cakes they give me aíe

might help you,
pat-ttter about The following pictures
'i,, 'opt,






,aul poJu!^uoJ o^.noÁ ---1)

", l€ql l3BJ aIIl uolluatu ol loN
", Jo eBBtuB^pBslp / aBBluB^pB ulBlu aqJ
", 's!qt luor; uBdV
"" tBql attl ol fluaa§ lI
:uolu!do ---1
lno( ssaldxa no( uaqt Ulasn aq I47Iut suo§saldxa puo sasaJqd ?utr+to11ot at41

pLtD SuoSDal aaű puD qilM aalqnstp lo aal?n not nq] S]uauap§ aql {o € Jo e asooqJ

pualaa,Á aq] Jo{ pool Knq o1 no( lo tlpq Jo{ a)DF

,|\qM puD

$2q aLu aq pryo^^ doqs qcryal, uo aal|o 01 K4,suosual pul szapt s,lawlod lnoK 1
01 ua§q uatlJ ,suosaal aa:8 puD sDapr lno,(, yoqo lau]ltld noK 1u o1 andald uaq1

,pualaaw aw Jo{ paau nol, §JIl

lo qtoq ruqil apoap

,ue]p[Iq3 oql JoJ selqele8a,t pu€

lln{ qse4 aluos eJoq,{\
Ánq ot .
'snq e e)íBl Jo e^IJp [[L A noÁ.raqiaq,n o

.o",,]n :"u]:T,';ii :
I[etus atüos o] Jo le{JeturedÁq4al.reurradns e o1o3 11r,rt noÁ Jel{lotl,^A .
aPlJap 01 a^Dq noÁ

]o{J€tu eq1 o} 3uro3 e{I[ se^L{\esnoq Áq,lrr .
'JeAouJnJ 1sa3ru1 aql e^€q sdoqs :eeÁ aqt Jo elut1 l€qm .
,e{II SI
u iPq,^^ puu SI e3ellr,t7u,{olrnoÁ uI le{JB[uJedns tsa33rq aq] qJI[i^\ o

'1a4reruradns B uI eIqulIpAp eJp slcnpord Jo puíi ]uq'l.r .

'Áq,tr pue a3IAJás Jelunoc o1 oJI^Jes ;1as ra;a.rd noÁ raq}aq,tr .
'eru sdoqs Iptus/sle)Jeturedns;o seflulue,tpus1p pup se8elue,tpe aq] }uq,4n .
al,Dq noÁ ,íutcldotls íutulotu itlptlg pttads ol Dlll pltloll .tau]"ttld lno,i pun notr

,fl puB,v alBpIpuBJ JoJ {sBJ:§ lJEd

poo.{.lo; 8urddoqs :Á JIdoJ

S{súJ luBxa :Z o8els

SuoIleSJ3AuoJ peS€B-JIdoJ - Z JINn

I]NIT 2 - T opic-Based Conversations
Stase 2,.ExamTasks

Topic 8: Computers
Candidate A.

a. Read the J'ollowitlg text:

"I am 45. a father of 2 boys. I often quarrel wtth my wife because my sons are
of it, she says that if
keen on playing .o*pur.i games ond -y wife doesn,t approve
go in for sports, for example
childrerr want to becóme healttry adults they have to
swit-t-t, ski, ride a bicycle or go on excursions
and stay in fresh air as much as they
that children have to
can. As a matter of fáct, I thúk differently. I am of the opinion
favour of computer
develop their abilities to think creatively, That's why I am in
go*.r. They can often help children to sharpen their responses, since these games
iequire players to act and respond quickly. Furthermore, there are many
gon]., ouuil"ut. that combine both education and entertainment, For example,
ro*pu,.1. word games enable a child to expand his knowledge, often
realising that he ii aoing so" (Stephen White, 45, teacher of mathematics),

Tell y6y7, partner about the inforntatiott 1,gtl have on this page, Then íalk ,your
partner cllout the topic. The foltotuing pictures might help 1,ou.

(f i -,-



,nol, dlat1 ill3tut saulptd *ulato11o{ aql,cldo1 aqr noE) nwlod

_t?loí o] )ílDl uaqJ
,a|od stq1 uo aaot1 no? uotprulolul aq1 noqD nu1lod lttot rya1

,(tuepnts '§ 'u^\oJB seuroq1) .,Állure3i aqt ,ro3_surelqo,rd

[ ,stql
s;u srelnduoc
IuIcuúuIJ ol p'el p[no^\ 1l ,relnduro, n iqenoq ei^ JI
Ip ol uolllppu q
-3^I}J3 sSeI auoceq etl] e{€W 11rtr seuru8 :elnduroc puu Áqtpaqun
Áes Áeq1 'Ál8uorls
Á;e,r st pu3 uo sJnoq JoJ ueo;cs ;etnduroJ u ]u 8utre}s 13tI1
,sa8en8uu1 u8rero;: uree1
lca|qo Áaqt inq 'te]ndtuoc u JoJ slueJud Áur pe>lse
osp I
u 01
pue .Spuel{ fieu puIJ
,sÁussa SIq JoJ €]€p }celloJ el{l ul s3utqt ]noqB pátuJoJul
,uollJeuuoc }auJelul uu s€q
_llenn 3tllo33q pu€ Jo 1o1 e ta8 uu3 eH ,8utssacord
updv ,dlsq slr qll/y\ ryo/v\eüoq slq seop Álruln8er
osp aq ,slql tuoq "áp"1^our1
^\ou e11
,1uese_rd Áepqutq e se
_pio^ io; ,"lna*b, ,rq ."in eq 1nq 'saute8 sÁeld re,reu a11
ju n 1oá pu"rr; Áur reeÁ 1s€,I ,1ooqJs ruuruer8 Jlluapuc? ue 1u Ápnls I pu€ 9I uB L,
:$a1 7utuo11ot ary ?oav
,g alúplpu€J JoJ {sBI

sJelnduoJ :8 JtdoI
slsu_a ruexa :Z e3B1S
SuoIlBSJeAuoJ peSBg-cldol - Z JINn

UNIT 2 - Topic-Based Conl,ersatiot-ts
Stage 2: Exanl Tasks

Topic 8: Computers
Part 3: Task for Candidate A. and B.

what yott tlink comptiers are goocl for,
You and your partrter would like to cliscttss
You have to agree on
if not, rvhv not,
a whether you can imagine life without computers,
a what computers are good for,
a how educational computer games are,
front of the screen of the computer,
o how much time childien should spend in
of the Internet are,
a what the advantages of computers and those
and why,
o whether it is worth chatting through the Internet
a what the advantages of opening a homepage

of computers in modern life,

First decicle what both of yoll think abottt the role
icleas and give reasorls, Then listett to
Then prepare to tell |.-our partrler abottt 1,oL,tr
your portrler's ideas and reasons,

best to cot,uúerbalance the

Try to a|ree ott v,hich pastinte activirr- woulcl be tlte
harmful efrects oJ'computers and wh_l,

or h"o that yotL agree with cmcl one
Look clt the followitt7 stltements and choose one
partner about the
or tw^o that you can't agree with, Have a discttssiolt wiíll ,tour
advaníages ancl disadvantages of contputers:

an activity much more useful than sitting in front

of the
. Using a computer is
TV set.
o computers are useful because they keep children entertained
for hours,
o The Internet enables you to expand your knowledge
about rvorld affairs,
necessary for your
. If yoll Llse the Internet, you can gain a lot of knowledge
a internet lrome pages help you to do bettel,business,
a Although computers have a beneficial effect on their users,
they should not be
allowed to play such an irnportant role in people's lives
to the exclusion of
everything else.

a - \,


,no( dpq ,ltdot alu rloqD lawlnd
ry7nu salruud 7tttuo11ol aq1
1110(\, 01 llu uauJ ,a7pd slq] uo aaaq noÍ uot]otulotttl aLp uoqD ntt!-ttltl lnot 1a1 q
,(1ooc '7g'Kezc9rc71
uaqde15) ,,Jou Jo sectds q]IM pooJ q3IJ e)II Áeq1 raqteq,l.r aJns tou urp I pup ppoJqe
ruo-t; slsen8 otuos á^Bq IIl,\\ al6
,Áutd Áepqurq s.aJl^\ Átu :o3 ereda.rd o1 1eqm eploep
].ueJ I 'slq] Jo alrds u1
,selucuud pue s8urldunp 'salpoou Jo eoloq3 qcIJ u uol]uetu
ol 1oN ,a8eqquc e)II oq^\ osot{] JoJ 1Q3rlap a:nd e sI Je]lpl eq; ,Áup Á:ena tsotul€
e8eqquc paJJn]s pue eJnps e>lr:dud € uI pe)ooc sdoqc 1ue,t 'uea:c Jnos q]L^,\ ua)ctqJ
elrrded 'dnos qsr; elederd I ,uIueJJ Jnos puu sectds Jo ]oI 3 qlí/\\ epptu seqslp qsIJ pu€
,]ueJn€]se: 8rq p
J€ouI snoIJIIep Jno ur apt.rd 1ear3 a>lu1 I ]e )Jo,t\ puB )ooJ € tlIB L,

:$a1 3utmo11o{ aqt puaü ,0

,Y alBplpuBJ JoJ

3up1oo3 puu pooü :6 JldoJ

s{s€J {uuxg :7 e3e15
SuoIJBsJeAuoJ pes?g-cldoJ - z IINn

UNIT Z -Topic-Based Conversations
Stage 2, ErylqJur§

Topic 9: Food and Cooking

Task for Candidate B,

a. Read the Jollowing text:

what I
uir"áay been to several restaurants but
eat a decent dinner since then. I have
always got was tutty'ono spicy pork
or chicken with pieces of onion and garlic,
that my stomach does not agree with
noodles and sour .r"u*. Noüoáy telieves prepare my own
much of a cook, I can,t
rich Hungarian specialities. As I am not
(Michael Flaming, 45, policeman),
McDonald,s and eat burgers and chips every day"

you haye on this page, Then talk to 1,oLlr

b, TelI lour pctrtnertabout the informatiott
pictures mighí help you,
partner abottt íhe topic, The following


,dnos qselno8
:epro },u]sn[u noÁ 'pooJ qJIJ qllryr eer8e 1,useop q3euJo]s :noÁ;1 .
]ue}Iodut aJo(U uo e]PJJuecuoc o] otull eJou] q]L\\ noÁ senee1 pooJ }SBJ 8urtea .
o3 Áeql '1ue;nelse: e ol o3 Áeql ueq16 ,stelcod .sluapn]s llns J,usaop lno 8urleE .
Jo]Jop aqt sdee1 ]I asnp3oq Áep e aldde up ]pe o] a^pq noÁ .
,ectnl e8uero ssu13 p
3o {
1nq s8uturoul eq] ur 8urqlÁue iee lou plnoqs noÁ 's8utpulJ lselpl eqt o] 3urp:occy .
,IooqcsAJo,t JoJ a^ee[
noÁ e:oJeq lsupl€eJq I€I]uu]SqnS € a^€q o1 ]uuuodrut sr lI .
,{.putn! lno{
m sllqDq ?tnula
aLF uoqD nutltld lno,( qltu LtorcsnJslp D a^DH ,tptn aal3n 1,uoc no,( ruq\ oóg Jo
aLIo puú qilu aal3o no( pql oM] Jo auo asooqJ puD sluaLuapls 7tttuo11o! aqt rc

)tulJp puD tDa ot iltll pltlolr no{ {o qpq pqh uo aal7o ol ,ü1

,suosDal pLtD soapt s,lauLlod lno,t

q Lta$Il uaqJ ,Sllosoal aat? puD SDap\ J?loí noqD lat4lod noí 11a1 o1 alndald uat11

,ítllípLn Japlo
q a1!I pryodr no( saqstp pLlD § pqm'o3 o] illll pr1ol{ noK aJaqw a?Jap §Jll

Jo LuIq autpututer autqleuos }ee 1sen3 rnoÁ 1e1 Jo qslp ,r,r":l?:3|r}fi::ffi'J .

'eSOOqC O] eUL^d JO UOS ]Cq,ry\ .
'erlsaqcto eql tuo4 JpJ ]o JBeu :]Is o] oJaq,t\ .
'JOU JO oJU€^PU UI 3IqB1 P e^JeSeJ O] Jeqleq,{\ .
uetre8un11 ]noqP uol]€Iu]oJul acuP^pe auos 1sen3 :noÁ ent8 o] ]ou Jo Jeqleq^\ .
'Állunoc eql uI uul llptus 3 o] Jo ]upJn€]soJ ssuIJ 1sJIJ e ol o3 11r,t noÁ Jaqtaqm .

noÁ ,pa.u
apoap 01 a^Oq lDal D unry all? ot a4!l
prot noÍ. 'nu3talo{ n st aL! sV ,Jauulp lol uo o3 o1 a>p1 pro,M lat+lod lnoi putl ttotr

,fl puB ,Y al€ptpu8J JoJ {sBJ :€ lJBd

3ur4oo3 puu pooc :6 JIdoI

s)iseJ luuxg :7 e3e15

SuoIl€SJeAuoJ peSBB-JidoJ - Z JINn
UNIT 2 - Topic-Based Conversations
Stage 2: Exam Tasks

Topic 10: Going on Holiday

Task for Candidate A.

a. Read the followíng text:

,,The year before last I went to Italy, last year I spent my holiday in France. This
,u**L, I wouldn't like to go to the seaside. To tell the truth, I am fed up with
passive holidays by the Mediterranean. The crashing waves of the sea, the straw
trmbrellas and the crowds of people sitting in the sun don't appeal to me any longer.
I,d rather have a holiday somewhere in the mountains. It would be nice to rent a
cottage, go"hiking and rock climbing, gather berries and mushrooms and in the
our own meals over an open fire" (Nancy White, 25, computer

b.TeII your partner about the information you have on this page. Then talk to your
partner about the topic. The following pictures might help you,


], n..; \1&.



,noí- dpL! lqhrut salnlctd 3utuo71o{ aql,ctdol alu lnoE) lau]lod

-a1od stq] Llo ,^rr1 noi rtot]tlutlo{ul aq1 uoqo lawlod lno{, 1a1
ltlo,i o1llDJ uaql
ÁJ] tLI Jeuluns sIqJ ,ees eqi
Iex 'gt'Ápre11 Ja]ed) .,or3e51 atuo4 Jo eIueAoIS
ecuelJadxa elqu:oulaut € q3ns
Áq ueqt osle eJeq,^AÁ;; i;prlü n .uán*, },uec I }eq] ,1co: a8nq e Jeau_ q3eeq Áuols eql
,SpuuISI ,iep au§
S€,ry\ }I ll€uis eql Jo euo pe}Isl^ 1 ,qsIJJB]s puu sdurrqs 's[oe 'qsry
uo up]uns poo3 e 1o3 puu Jele,/y\ Átles eqt ut
luply1s I
.SiIeqS e{Il saJn]€e], n., 8utzeule Jo SpuBsnoq] 8uo(ue SeA€,\\ eq] ql€ouoq

,rpun1" ,,i"ia lletus etuos pup €es enlq lJ€p ,^A.3utururt,
oq] 8utce; utoor
sÁep eql luads 1
:$at ittt,lo11ot ary pDaa 'ú

,fl alBptpu€J JoJ {sBI

Áuprlog uo 8uto9 :0I Jldol

S)ISÚI Luuxa :Z a3€1S

SuoIleSJeAuoJ peSBg-crdo1- Z JINn

UNIT 2 - Topic-Based Conversations

Stage 2, E*!.J§§ r

Topic 10: Going on Holiday -

Task for Candidate A, and B,


Youand):oLlrp0rtnerwoulclliketo80otlholiday,Asheisttotvetl,adaptable,he of
Bttt tott oi, co,,fo,,t lovit,tg, thus itl favour
package tottr.
woulcln,t like to joitt ct
otrganisecl holiclal,s, Then 1,ot,t have to decide

e to visit, l
where to go, which places of interest
o where to stay: at a hotel or in a well-equipped
particular place,
r which month of the year is ideal for going
to that

o how to organise yourjourney,

o what sort of clothes to take,

First decirJe where you tvould go and

what itineral) ),ou wcutt to .follow,

yottr ideas and give reasolls, Then listen to

prepctre to tell \oLlr partner about
your pűrtrLer's ideas and reasons,

Try to agree on what both of 1,ou would like

to clo,

or clisagree with and give reasons antl

Cltoose 2 or 3 of the stcíelllellts that },ou agree

- Where shall we go ", ?
- What shall we do ", ?
- I'd prefer to ", ,

- I think ... would be more interesting than " , ,

- You've convinced me, ", would be very nice,


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