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A balanced transportation problem is characterized by-

(a) total supply exceeds total demand

(b) total demand exceeds total supply
(c) total demand is equal to total supply
(d) total supply is either equal to or more than the total demand.
In the context of project management techniques, the true statement is -
(a) CPM is stochastic and PERT is deterministic
(b) CPM is deterministic and PERT is stochastic
(c) Both CPM and PERT are deterministic
(d) Both CPM and PERT are stochastic
There are 50 lemon trees in a reclaimed mine area. Each tree produces 800 lemons
per year. For each additional tree planted in this area, considering all trees, the
output number of fruits per tree drops by 10 lemons in a year. The number of trees
that t be added to the existing reclaimed area in order to maximize the total number
of lemons in the year is
(a) 10
(b) 15
(c) 16
(d) 26
Consider the following liner programming problem: Maximize z = 3x + 2y, s.t. 3x + 2y
>= 15, 2x+ 3y<=6, x >= 0,y >= 0, The above liner programming problem has
(a) Unique optimal solution
(b) Multiple optimal solution
(c) Unbounded solution
(d) Infeasible solution
Workmen arrive at a mine workshop to receive tools for maintenance. The inter-
arrival time of workmen at the service counter is exponentially distributed with an
average time of 10 min. The service time at the counter is also distributed
exponentially with a mean time of 6 min. The probability that there is a queue (more
than one workman) at the service counter is
(a) 0.24
(b) 0.36
(c) 0.40
(d) 0.60
In the above problem, the average time spent by a workman waiting for his turn to be
served in min. is
(a) 9
(b) 12
(c) 15 ·
(d) 18
In PERT network, the activity duration is assumed to for How
(a) Beta distribution
(b) Normal distribution
(c) Binomial distribution
(d) Weibull distribution
For an LP problem, identify the incorrect statement
(a) Optimal point lies in one of the corner points
(b) Objective function is linear
(c) All the constraints are linear
(d) Optimal point lies in any one of the interior points of the feasible region.
The covariance of copper grade for a certain lag distance in an ore body is
6.0(%)2. If the sill is 10(%)2, the semi-variogram for the same lag distance m
(%)2 is -
(a) 4.0
(b) 16.0
(c) 2.0
d) 64.0
Payback period is time required
(a) for the cash income from a project to get back the initial cash investment
(b) from the start of the project to the time to recover the total initial investment
(c) from the start of the project to the start of production
(d) to the period during wh1ch internal rate of return is generated.
Assuming linear relationship between the net value and grade, the breakeven
cut-off grade in % Fe is -
(a) 52.2
(b) 54.7
(c) 58.0
(d) 62.2
The number of ways in which the letters in the word MINING can be arranged
(a) 90
(b) 180
(c) 360
(d) 720
Identify the correct statement for a 'normal distribution'.
(a) Mean is greater than mode but less than median
(b) Mean is less than mode but greater than median
(c) Mean is greater than mode and median
(d) Mean, median and mode are equal
The amount of copper in concentrate in kg is :
(a) 13.5
(b) 14.0
(c) 14.5
(d) 15.0
Amount of concentrate produced from 1 tonne of ore in kg is
(a) 75.0
(b) 72.0
(c) 70.0
(d) 67.5
The time study data of an equipment deployed in a mine during a calendar
month is given below.Total working hours = 400, Total maintenance hours =100,
Total hours of actual work ==240
(a) 85
(b) 80
(c) 65
(d) 60
For an oil exploration drilling, chance of striking an oil reservoir is 1 out of 15,
if an oil exploration company decides to explore 5 sites,_ the probability of
stnkmg at least one successful oil reservoir is
(a) 0.292
(b) 0.250
(c) 0.034
(d) 0.0024
ISO 9000 Quality Systems DO NOT contain
(a) legal provisions
(b) measurement
(c) document control
(d) standardization
The sale value of chromite ore from an open pit mine is t6500 per , tonne. Cost of
mining, excluding stripping cost; is 2450 per tonne. If the cost of stripping is Rs. 1150
per m3, the breakeven stripping ratio in m3/tonne is
(a) 2.18 ·
(b) 3.52
(c) 3.65
(d) 4.25
An investment at 10% yearly interest rate, compounded quarterly, accumulates to a
sum of 120,000 in 5 years. The present value of the sum in rupees is
(a) 72,233
(b) 74,511
(c) 88,232
(d) 106,063
The thickness of a coaI deposit is represented by a spherical semi-variogram model
with sill of 5 m . If the semi-variogram value at lag distance h Is 3 m , the correlogram
value at the same lag distance is
(a) 0.40
(b) 2.0
(c) 2.5
(d) 5.0
A mining equipment has a life of 5 years with no salvage value. Assume that the
depreciation of the equipment is calculated by the straight line method, the average
annual value of the equipment percentage of its original value is
(a) 20
(b) 40
(c) 50
(d) 60
In a mine site, the cost of shaft sinking in lakhs of rurpees is given as 2.64D +
34.8, where D is the shaft depth in m. in the same site, the corresponding cost
of driving an incline is 0.96L, where L is the length of the incline in m.
Assuming L by D ratio is 3.0, the depth in m beyond which the shaft sinking
becomes more 3 economical is
(a) 43
(b) 48
(c) 145
(d) 155
In a PERT network, the activities on the critical path a,b and c. The standard
deviations of the durations of these activities are 2, 2 and 1 respectively. The
variance of the project duration is
(a) 3
(b) 5
(c) 9
(d) 12
Discounted cash flow techniques, include -
(a)Net present value (NPV)
(b)lnternal rate of return (IRR)
(c) Profitability index (Pl)
(d)AII of the above
Pay back period is calculated taking into account - .
a) Initial investment
b) Annual cash inflow
c) Present value
d) None of the above
Value of Bulking Factor is
(a) 0
(b) 0.5
(c) 1
(d) more than 1
It is· the part of cost of the fixed asset to owner which is treated as loss in
value of capital?
(a) fixed capital
(b) depreciation
(c) liability - ·
(d) depletion allowance
The ratio of current assets to current liability is known as
(a) quick ratio
(b) assessment ratio
(c) liquidity
(d) profit ratio
Which of the following is in vogue to calculating depreciation?
(a) budgeting control method
(b) straight-line method
(c) industries sickness control method
(d) cost control rechnique
In sampling, a part is collected to represent the total set of observant (on;, Use
any single word from the following to replace ''totaI set of observation
(a) variance
(b) distribution
(c) population
(d) deposition
Which of the following sampling technique is followed during sampling from wagons
or dumps in the form of scoop taken at regular intervals.
(a) chip sampling
(b) borehole sampling
(c) bulk sampling
(d) grab sampling
When the occurrence of mineral (e.g., rare minerals) is randomly distribute in
a1ock then which of the distribution pattern is statistically followed?
(a) normal distribution
(b) skewed distribution
(c) lognormal distribution
(d) Poisson distribution
A sample of 144 items gives a mean value of 45, with a standard deviation 3.
Calculate symmetric confidence limits within which the true populatior lies
with 95% confidence?
(a) 41.5 and 42.5 ·
(b) 42.5 and 43.5
(c) 43.0 and 43.5
(d) 44.5 and 45.5
The point beyond which the mineral/coal not be economically extracted is
(a) stripping ratio
(c) break-even ratio
(b) cost of stripping ratio
(d) limit of extraction
What is the relationship between break-even stripping ratio (BESR) and
ordinary stripping ratio (OSR)?
(a) BESR < OSR
(b) BESR = OSR
(c) BESR > OSR
(d) no relation
The current OMS is Indian underground coal mine is
(a) 0.56
(b) 0.96
(c) 1.46
(d) 2.0
It is one of the capital budgeting project indicating the discount rate at which
net present value of a project become zero
(a) net present value
(b) payback period
(c) internal rate of return
(d) cash flow period
It is one of the capital budgeting project indicating the discount rate at which
net present value of a project becomes zero
(a) IRR
(b) CCF
(c) CFT
(d) ERP
Facilitating flow of information between all business functions inside the
boundaries of the organization and managing connections to outside
stakeholders. Which of the following can explain this?
(a) job evaluation technique
(b) enterprise resource planning
(c) break even analysis
(d) management information system
Which of the following costs ar.e used in determining price of the products,
accepting an offer or in decision making on replacing machinery etc?
(a) differential cost •
(b) marginal cost
(c) incremental cost
(d) standard cost
It is a versatile computer based system having wide spread. application in the
analysis of stochastic system that are too complex to be presented by
mathematical formula.
(a) neural network
(c) graphic console
(b) system simulation
(d) operations research
With - the organization can experience increased efficiency, productivity while
problems of management 1s reduced to a great extent. Fill up the blank with
suitable word.
(a) information technology
(c) professional attitude
(b) strategies
(d) outsourcing
Monitoring overal'i level of socio-economic development, is following this
(a) human development index (HDI)
(c) CSR index
(b) HAZOP index
(d) health monitoring index (HMI)
HDI combines three factors where life expectancy and income are the two
which one of the following is the third?
(a) education
(b) housing
(c) health
(d) literacy
Which of the following is treated as one of the important input of planning and
decision making?
(a) resource allocation
(c) forecasting
(b) scheduling
(d) capital budgeting
Capacity vulnerability analysis (CVA) framework from a simple matrix
constituting three broad areas. If physical/material and social/organizational
are the two then which is the third area?
(a) environment/health
(b) motivationa Vattitudinal
(c) skill/labour
(d) financial/technological
As per the MMDR Amendment Act 2015 - National Mineral Exploration Trust
to be set up for impetus to exploration.
(a) True
(b) False
(c) skill/labour
(d) financial/technological
As per the MMDR Amendment Act 2015 - Uniform lease period of ............ . years;
no renewals; auction at the end of lease period; will solve problems arising out of SC
Judgments on second and subsequent renewals
(a) 20
(b) 50
(c) 30
(d) none of these
As per the MMDR Amendment Act 2015 - it makes it mandatory to establish a
District Mineral Foundation (DMF) in all districts where mining takes place.
This is designed to address a long-time grievance of civil society that people
affected by_ mining are not cared for. Contribution to the DMF of an amount
not exceeding ............. of the royalty rate in so far as new concessions to be
granted by auction are concerned and not exceeding the royalty in respect of
ex1stmg concessions has been provided for.
(a) Half
(b) One Fourth
(c) One Third
(d) None of these
As per MCDR 1988 the removed top soil shall be kept separately and utilized
for the purpose of
(a) prospecting of land
(c) protection of flora and fauna
(b) restoration and rehabilitation
(d) prevent tailing disposal
Disturbance and displacement of fauna is mainly caused by
(a) noise
(b) air contamination
(c) silting and reagents
(d) acid drainage
Which of the following action minimizes the negative impacts of mining
(a) internal monitoring
(b) compensation payment
(c) R&R(rehab1lltat1on and resettlement policy)
(d) infrastructural activities
Restoration, reclamation and rehabilitation of land shall be completed
(a) after abandoning the mine
(b) before abandoning the mine
(c) before handing over to NGO's
(d) prior to opening up a new mine
Due to which of the following operation, road, railway fines even townships are
disturbed and some of these facilities are to be shifted causing problems to
(a) extensive mining
(c) acid mine drainage
(b) unorganized mining activity
(d) subsidence
Which of the following has undergone the most processing (has been through
the most changes from when ii was found in the ground).
(a) Jalloy-
(b) rock
(c) metal ·

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