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Globalization makes
people connected and
this interconnectedness
is part of our daily life.
This leads to the so-called
global divide.

The Global North contains all
countries north of the equator
which is the Northern
hemisphere, while the Global
South holds all the countries
south of the equator which is
the Southern hemisphere.
“The North and South divide in
the practice and application of
international law where the
globally developed northern
countries advocate for a collective
action to protect the
environment; while the globally
developing southern countries
argue for social and economic
justice in practice.
What is
Global South?
The Global South is generally
understood to refer to less
economically developed countries.
It is a broad term that comprises a
variety of states with diverse
levels of economic, cultural, and
political influence in the
international order.
-In addition, Global South countries have
been unable to evolve an indigenous
technology appropriate to their own
resources and have been dependent on
powerful Global North multinational
corporations (MNCs) to transfer technical
know-how. This means that research and
development expenditures are directed
toward solutions of the Global North’s
problems with technological advances
seldom meeting the needs of the Global
-The Global South refers to the
countries of the rest of the world,
most of which are in the Southern

-Global South is low economic status

than the Global North.
Mahler (2017)
coined three
definitions of
Global South
Non-Aligned Movement
-Refer to economically
disadvantaged nation-states and
as a post-cold war alternative to
“Third World.”
-NAM is also a movement of 115
states, not an organization. It is
formed by developing countries
who do not want to side with the
two conflicting groups during
Cold War.
The Global South captures a
deterritorialized geography of
capitalism’s externalities and
means to account for subjugated
peoples within the borders of
wealthier countries, such that
there are economic Souths in the
geographic North and Norths in
the geographic South.
The use of the Global South to
refer to a political subjectivity
draws from the rhetoric of the so
called third World Project, or the
non-aligned and radical
internationalist discourses of the
cold war.
The term “Third World”
countries was coined by
Alfred Sauvy, a French
demographer, after World
War II and during the Cold
War era. It is also the tag to
those countries that did not
align with democratic or
communist countries.
How the third world
become a global south
The world was largely divided into several empires in
the 19th century. Each empire possessed a civilized
central that was more or less primitive or even barbaric.
Third World was coined in 1952 by Alfred sauvy. French
demographer, anthropologist and economic historian
who compared it with the THIRD ESTATE. A concept
that emerged in the context of the french revolution.
FIRST ESTATE- refers to the
clergy in the monarch

SECOND ESTATE- refers to the


THIRD ESTATE-refers to the

balance of the French
population as contrasted the
poor countries to the first world
and second world.
Classification of first world , second world,
third world was born in the 28th century, after
world war II the US and SOVIET UNION
continued to compete for global supremacy.
This era from 1947 to 1991 known
as the cold war
World war II, the ussr or the united social
Soviet republic and the united states of the
america were allies at first they fougth side
by side againts the nazi regime of germany.

There 13 soviet republics included

Russia Armenia
azerbaijan Belarus
Estonia Georgia
Kazakhstan Bhutan
Ukraine Moldova
Tajikistan Turkmenistan
How do we know that a country
belongs either in the first world,
second world, or in the third world?

GDP- gross domestic product

*it measure the total output
of a country.

GNI- gross national income

*measure GDP per capita.
(Royal geographic society)

- Despite very significant

development gains globally
which have raised many millions
of people out of absolute poverty,
there is substantial evidence that
inequality between the world’s
richest and poorest countries is
- Today, the world is much more
complex than the Brandt Line
depicts as many poorer states have
experienced significant economic
and social development. However,
inequality within countries has
also been growing and some
commentators now talk of a
‘Global North’ and a ‘Global South’
referring respectively to richer or
poorer communities which are
found both within and between
- There are many causes for these
inequalities including the availability
of natural resources; different levels
of health and education; the nature of
a country’s economy and its industrial
sectors; international trading policies
and access to markets; how countries
are governed and international
relationships between countries;
conflict within and between
countries; and a country’s
vulnerability to natural hazards and
climate change.
By Olaf Kaltmeier
The term Global South has been of
great benefit in re-introducing
studies on Africa, Asia and Latin
America into the academic field.
The necessary deconstruction of
development in post-development
approaches in the 1990s has
contributed to the - probably
unintended - crisis of
Development Studies and the
Third World Area Study Centers.
- The end of the ‘Third World’
has been proclaimed, which
has led to a significant
reduction of studies on these
areas. With a Global South-
oriented approach, areas
formerly peripheral to global
studies are placed at the
center of attention once more.
- Nevertheless, the concept of
the Global South shares some
of the limitations of the
concept of the Third World. It
evokes imaginations of a
geographical North-South
divide, which does not
correspond to the complex
entanglements and uneven
developments in the real
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