Database Migration Assessment Report: Executive Summary

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PVD_MART_53_KH: Conversion details

Database migration assessment report

Source database: PVD_MART_53_KH.Oracle
Version: Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition (64bit Production), Enterprise edition

Executive summary
We completed the analysis of your Oracle source database and estimate that 99.8% of the database storage
objects and 99.2% of database code objects can be converted automatically or with minimal changes if you
select Amazon Aurora (PostgreSQL compatible) as your migration target. Database storage objects include
schemas, tables, table constraints, indexes, types, collection types, sequences, synonyms, view-constraints,
clusters and database links. Database code objects include triggers, views, materialized views, materialized view
logs, procedures, functions, packages, package constants, package cursors, package exceptions, package
variables, package functions, package procedures, package types, package collection types, scheduler-jobs,
scheduler-programs, scheduler-schedules and queuing-tables. Based on the source code syntax analysis, we
estimate 99.9% (based on # lines of code) of your code can be converted to Amazon Aurora (PostgreSQL
compatible) automatically. To complete the migration, we recommend 686 conversion action(s) ranging from
simple tasks to medium-complexity actions to complex conversion actions.
Migration guidance for database objects that could not be converted automatically can be found here

Database objects with conversion actions for Amazon Aurora

(PostgreSQL compatible)
Of the total 1,286 database storage object(s) and 1,304 database code object(s) in the source database, we
identified 1,284 (99.8%) database storage object(s) and 1,294 (99.2%) database code object(s) that can be
converted to Amazon Aurora (PostgreSQL compatible) automatically or with minimal changes.
We found 14 encrypted object(s).
2 (0.2%) database storage object(s) require 1 complex user action(s) to complete the conversion.
10 (0.8%) database code object(s) require 7 complex user action(s) to complete the conversion.
The object(s) action(s) complexity is a sum of the complexity of the action items associated with the object.
Therefore, an object with multiple simple action items could be treated as "object with medium-complexity
actions" or even as "object with complex actions."

Figure: Conversion statistics for database storage objects

(1: 1/0/0/0)

97% 429
(429: 417/11/1/0)

100% 381
(381: 381/0/0/0)

99.7% 352
(352: 351/0/0/1)

100% 12
(12: 12/0/0/0)

100% 111
(111: 111/0/0/0)

0 10 100 1000

Objects automatically converted Objects with simple actions

Objects with medium-complexity actions Objects with complex actions

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03/30/2022 10:32AM
PVD_MART_53_KH: Conversion details

Source database: PVD_MART_53_KH.Oracle

Version: Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition (64bit Production), Enterprise edition

Figure: Conversion statistics for database code objects

70% 30% 1263
(1263: 885/378/0/0)

92% 12
(12: 0/11/0/1)

100% 3
(3: 0/3/0/0)

100% 3
(3: 0/3/0/0)

Package function
67% 3
(3: 2/1/0/0)

Package procedure
47% 24% 24% 17
(17: 1/8/4/4)

(1: 0/0/0/1)

Package variable
100% 2
(2: 2/0/0/0)

0 10 100 1000 10000

Objects automatically converted Objects with simple actions

Objects with medium-complexity actions Objects with complex actions

Detailed recommendations for Amazon Aurora (PostgreSQL compatible)

If you migrate your Oracle database to Amazon Aurora (PostgreSQL compatible), we recommend the following

Storage object actions

Table Changes
Not all tables can be converted automatically. You'll need to address these issues manually.

Issue 5659: Table contains LOB column(s)

Recommended action: Lack of PRIMARY KEY could severely decrease DMS performance. Please, create a
PRIMARY KEY on the table.
Issue code: 5659 | Number of occurrences: 41 | Estimated complexity: Simple

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PVD_MART_53_KH: Conversion details

Source database: PVD_MART_53_KH.Oracle

Version: Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition (64bit Production), Enterprise edition

+36 more

Index Changes
Not all indexs can be converted automatically. You'll need to address these issues manually.

Issue 5206: PostgreSQL doesn't support bitmap indexes

Recommended action: Revise your code and try to use simple index.
Issue code: 5206 | Number of occurrences: 1 | Estimated complexity: Complex
Documentation references:

Code object actions

View Changes
Not all views can be converted automatically. You'll need to address these issues manually.

Issue 5320: PostgreSQL doesn't support the view with invalid status
Recommended action: Perform a manual conversion.
Issue code: 5320 | Number of occurrences: 276 | Estimated complexity: Simple
Documentation references:
+271 more

Issue 5610: This statement references to a synonym

Recommended action: Make sure that the underlying object this synonym references to is converted
Issue code: 5610 | Number of occurrences: 204 | Estimated complexity: Simple
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Views.VW_ANALYSIS_BASED: Line 1:117
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Views.VW_ANALYSIS_BASED: Line 1:182
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Views.VW_CASE_LOCK_STATUS: Line 1:198
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Views.VW_CASE_LOCK_STATUS: Line 1:263
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Views.VW_CAUR_AUTOPSY_RESULTS: Line 1:106
+199 more

Procedure Changes
Not all procedures can be converted automatically. You'll need to address these issues manually.

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PVD_MART_53_KH: Conversion details

Source database: PVD_MART_53_KH.Oracle

Version: Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition (64bit Production), Enterprise edition

Issue 5034: Transaction control is only possible from the top level or nested call
invocations without any other intervening command
Recommended action: Please revise transaction control.
Issue code: 5034 | Number of occurrences: 1 | Estimated complexity: Simple
Documentation references:
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Procedures.P_PROD_AE_LABEL_ASSESS_CLEANUP: Line 54:1625

Issue 5078: Dynamic SQL table dependency

Recommended action: Please check dependencies.
Issue code: 5078 | Number of occurrences: 7 | Estimated complexity: Simple
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Procedures.P_PROD_AE_LABEL_ASSESS_CLEANUP: Line 22:555
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Procedures.P_PROD_AE_LABEL_ASSESS_CLEANUP: Line 24:632
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Procedures.P_PROD_AE_LABEL_ASSESS_CLEANUP: Line 41:1184
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Procedures.P_PROD_AE_LABEL_ASSESS_CLEANUP: Line 41:1184
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Procedures.P_PROD_AE_LABEL_ASSESS_CLEANUP: Line 61:1780
+2 more

Issue 5081: Dynamic SQL parameter dependency

Recommended action: Please check dependencies.
Issue code: 5081 | Number of occurrences: 1 | Estimated complexity: Simple
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Procedures.P_EXECUTE_SCRIPT: Line 4:56

Issue 5334: Unable to convert statements with dynamic SQL statement

Recommended action: Please perform a manual conversion.
Issue code: 5334 | Number of occurrences: 6 | Estimated complexity: Simple
Documentation references:
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Procedures.P_PROD_AE_LABEL_ASSESS_CLEANUP: Line 22:555
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Procedures.P_PROD_AE_LABEL_ASSESS_CLEANUP: Line 24:632
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Procedures.P_PROD_AE_LABEL_ASSESS_CLEANUP: Line 41:1184
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Procedures.P_PROD_AE_LABEL_ASSESS_CLEANUP: Line 61:1780
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Procedures.P_PROD_AE_LABEL_ASSESS_CLEANUP: Line 72:2086
+1 more

Issue 5582: Encrypted Objects

Recommended action: Decrypt the object before conversion.
Issue code: 5582 | Number of occurrences: 10 | Estimated complexity: Simple
+5 more

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PVD_MART_53_KH: Conversion details

Source database: PVD_MART_53_KH.Oracle

Version: Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition (64bit Production), Enterprise edition

Issue 5591: Unable to convert system object

Recommended action: Perform a manual conversion.
Issue code: 5591 | Number of occurrences: 1 | Estimated complexity: Simple
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Procedures.P_PROD_AE_LABEL_ASSESS_CLEANUP: Line 37:1037

Issue 5610: This statement references to a synonym

Recommended action: Make sure that the underlying object this synonym references to is converted
Issue code: 5610 | Number of occurrences: 6 | Estimated complexity: Simple
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Procedures.P_PROD_AE_LABEL_ASSESS_CLEANUP: Line 8:179
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Procedures.P_PROD_AE_LABEL_ASSESS_CLEANUP: Line 12:295
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Procedures.P_PROD_AE_LABEL_ASSESS_CLEANUP: Line 33:870
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Procedures.P_PROD_AE_LABEL_ASSESS_CLEANUP: Line 48:1453
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Procedures.P_PROD_AE_LABEL_ASSESS_CLEANUP: Line 58:1711
+1 more

Issue 5628: Converted code might be incorrect because of the dynamic SQL
Recommended action: Please check the dynamic SQL.
Issue code: 5628 | Number of occurrences: 1 | Estimated complexity: Simple
Documentation references:
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Procedures.P_EXECUTE_SCRIPT: Line 4:56

Issue 5578: Unable to automatically transform the SELECT statement

Recommended action: Try rewriting the statement.
Issue code: 5578 | Number of occurrences: 1 | Estimated complexity: Complex
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Procedures.P_PROD_AE_LABEL_ASSESS_CLEANUP: Line 28:724

Function Changes
Not all functions can be converted automatically. You'll need to address these issues manually.

Issue 5078: Dynamic SQL table dependency

Recommended action: Please check dependencies.
Issue code: 5078 | Number of occurrences: 1 | Estimated complexity: Simple
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Functions.F_GET_VIEW_COLUMN_NAME: Line 76:2852

Issue 5081: Dynamic SQL parameter dependency

Recommended action: Please check dependencies.
Issue code: 5081 | Number of occurrences: 3 | Estimated complexity: Simple
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Functions.F_GET_VIEW_COLUMN_NAME: Line 76:2852
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Functions.F_GET_VIEW_COLUMN_NAME: Line 76:2852

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03/30/2022 10:32AM
PVD_MART_53_KH: Conversion details

Source database: PVD_MART_53_KH.Oracle

Version: Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition (64bit Production), Enterprise edition

Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Functions.F_GET_VIEW_COLUMN_NAME: Line 101:3810

Issue 5334: Unable to convert statements with dynamic SQL statement

Recommended action: Please perform a manual conversion.
Issue code: 5334 | Number of occurrences: 2 | Estimated complexity: Simple
Documentation references:
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Functions.F_GET_VIEW_COLUMN_NAME: Line 76:2852
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Functions.F_GET_VIEW_COLUMN_NAME: Line 101:3810

Issue 5582: Encrypted Objects

Recommended action: Decrypt the object before conversion.
Issue code: 5582 | Number of occurrences: 2 | Estimated complexity: Simple

Package Changes
Not all packages can be converted automatically. You'll need to address these issues manually.

Issue 5582: Encrypted Objects

Recommended action: Decrypt the object before conversion.
Issue code: 5582 | Number of occurrences: 2 | Estimated complexity: Simple

Issue 5610: This statement references to a synonym

Recommended action: Make sure that the underlying object this synonym references to is converted
Issue code: 5610 | Number of occurrences: 2 | Estimated complexity: Simple
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Packages.PKG_ETL_MART_UTIL: Line 4:60
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Packages.PKG_ETL_MART_UTIL: Line 9:166

Package function Changes

Not all package functions can be converted automatically. You'll need to address these issues manually.

Issue 5610: This statement references to a synonym

Recommended action: Make sure that the underlying object this synonym references to is converted
Issue code: 5610 | Number of occurrences: 1 | Estimated complexity: Simple
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Packages.PKG_ETL_MART_UTIL.Public functions.F_GET_ROWCOUNT: Line 9:197

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PVD_MART_53_KH: Conversion details

Source database: PVD_MART_53_KH.Oracle

Version: Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition (64bit Production), Enterprise edition

Package procedure Changes

Not all package procedures can be converted automatically. You'll need to address these issues manually.

Issue 5034: Transaction control is only possible from the top level or nested call
invocations without any other intervening command
Recommended action: Please revise transaction control.
Issue code: 5034 | Number of occurrences: 3 | Estimated complexity: Simple
Documentation references:
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Packages.PKG_ETL_MART_UTIL.Public procedures.P_EXECUTE_QUERY: Line 8:149
procedures.P_INSERT_INIT_TRANSFORM_LOG: Line 69:2619
procedures.P_INSERT_INIT_TRANSFORM_LOG: Line 81:2975

Issue 5035: A transaction cannot be ended inside a block with exception handlers
Recommended action: Revise your code to try move transaction control on side of application.
Issue code: 5035 | Number of occurrences: 4 | Estimated complexity: Simple
Documentation references:
procedures.P_INSERT_INIT_TRANSFORM_LOG: Line 69:2619
procedures.P_INSERT_INIT_TRANSFORM_LOG: Line 81:2975
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Packages.PKG_ETL_MART_UTIL.Public procedures.P_INSERT_STG_EXCP: Line
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Packages.PKG_ETL_MART_UTIL.Public procedures.P_INSERT_STG_EXCP: Line

Issue 5078: Dynamic SQL table dependency

Recommended action: Please check dependencies.
Issue code: 5078 | Number of occurrences: 19 | Estimated complexity: Simple
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Packages.PKG_ETL_MART_UTIL.Public procedures.P_APP_TRG_ENABLE_DISABLE:
Line 13:375
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Packages.PKG_ETL_MART_UTIL.Public procedures.P_APP_TRG_ENABLE_DISABLE:
Line 15:468
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Packages.PKG_ETL_MART_UTIL.Public procedures.P_CREATE_INDEX_SCRIPT: Line
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Packages.PKG_ETL_MART_UTIL.Public procedures.P_CREATE_INDEX_SCRIPT: Line
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Packages.PKG_ETL_MART_UTIL.Public procedures.P_CREATE_INDEX_SCRIPT: Line
+14 more

Issue 5081: Dynamic SQL parameter dependency

Recommended action: Please check dependencies.
Issue code: 5081 | Number of occurrences: 8 | Estimated complexity: Simple

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03/30/2022 10:32AM
PVD_MART_53_KH: Conversion details

Source database: PVD_MART_53_KH.Oracle

Version: Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition (64bit Production), Enterprise edition

Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Packages.PKG_ETL_MART_UTIL.Public procedures.P_DROP_DICT_CONSTRAINTS:
Line 15:424
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Packages.PKG_ETL_MART_UTIL.Public procedures.P_DROP_OBJECTS: Line 67:2304
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Packages.PKG_ETL_MART_UTIL.Public procedures.P_DROP_OBJECTS: Line 76:2564
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Packages.PKG_ETL_MART_UTIL.Public procedures.P_DROP_OBJECTS: Line
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Packages.PKG_ETL_MART_UTIL.Public procedures.P_DROP_OBJECTS: Line
+3 more

Issue 5334: Unable to convert statements with dynamic SQL statement

Recommended action: Please perform a manual conversion.
Issue code: 5334 | Number of occurrences: 3 | Estimated complexity: Simple
Documentation references:
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Packages.PKG_ETL_MART_UTIL.Public procedures.P_DROP_DICT_CONSTRAINTS:
Line 15:424
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Packages.PKG_ETL_MART_UTIL.Public procedures.P_DROP_OBJECTS: Line 67:2304
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Packages.PKG_ETL_MART_UTIL.Public procedures.P_DROP_OBJECTS: Line 76:2564

Issue 5610: This statement references to a synonym

Recommended action: Make sure that the underlying object this synonym references to is converted
Issue code: 5610 | Number of occurrences: 60 | Estimated complexity: Simple
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Packages.PKG_ETL_MART_UTIL.Private procedures.P_CREATE_CONS_SCRIPT: Line
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Packages.PKG_ETL_MART_UTIL.Private procedures.P_CREATE_CONS_SCRIPT: Line
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Packages.PKG_ETL_MART_UTIL.Private procedures.P_CREATE_CONS_SCRIPT: Line
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Packages.PKG_ETL_MART_UTIL.Private procedures.P_CREATE_CONS_SCRIPT: Line
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Packages.PKG_ETL_MART_UTIL.Private procedures.P_CREATE_CONS_SCRIPT: Line
+55 more

Issue 5628: Converted code might be incorrect because of the dynamic SQL
Recommended action: Please check the dynamic SQL.
Issue code: 5628 | Number of occurrences: 13 | Estimated complexity: Simple
Documentation references:
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Packages.PKG_ETL_MART_UTIL.Public procedures.P_APP_TRG_ENABLE_DISABLE:
Line 13:375
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Packages.PKG_ETL_MART_UTIL.Public procedures.P_APP_TRG_ENABLE_DISABLE:
Line 15:468
Line 31:1074
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Packages.PKG_ETL_MART_UTIL.Public procedures.P_CREATE_INDEX_SCRIPT: Line
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Packages.PKG_ETL_MART_UTIL.Public procedures.P_CREATE_INDEX_SCRIPT: Line

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03/30/2022 10:32AM
PVD_MART_53_KH: Conversion details

Source database: PVD_MART_53_KH.Oracle

Version: Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition (64bit Production), Enterprise edition

+8 more

Issue 9997: Unable to resolve objects

Recommended action: Verify if the unresolved object is present in the database. If it isn't, check the object name
or add the object. If the object is present, transform the code manually.
Issue code: 9997 | Number of occurrences: 1 | Estimated complexity: Simple
procedures.P_CREATE_DV_MISSING_OBJECTS: Line 18:587

Issue 5028: Unable to convert unsupported datatypes

Recommended action: The stub-code created. Please perform a manual conversion.
Issue code: 5028 | Number of occurrences: 2 | Estimated complexity: Complex
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Packages.PKG_ETL_MART_UTIL.Public procedures.P_DROP_OBJECTS: Line 9:250
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Packages.PKG_ETL_MART_UTIL.Public procedures.P_DROP_OBJECTS: Line 10:293

Issue 5340: Unable to convert functions

Recommended action: Use suitable function or create user defined function.
Issue code: 5340 | Number of occurrences: 1 | Estimated complexity: Complex
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Packages.PKG_ETL_MART_UTIL.Public procedures.P_GATHER_STATISTICS: Line

Issue 5663: PL/SQL pragma is unsupported

Recommended action: Check converted code for perfomance issues and rewrite it manually, if necessary.
Issue code: 5663 | Number of occurrences: 1 | Estimated complexity: Complex
Documentation references:
Schemas.PVD_MART_53_KH.Packages.PKG_ETL_MART_UTIL.Public procedures.P_INSERT_STG_EXCP: Line 8:309

Issue 9993: Unable to transform statement due to references to unresolved object

Recommended action: Verify if unresolved object is present in the database. If it isn't, check the object name or
add the object. If the object is present, please submit report to developers.
Issue code: 9993 | Number of occurrences: 1 | Estimated complexity: Complex
procedures.P_CREATE_DV_MISSING_OBJECTS: Line 18:569

Scheduler-job Changes
Not all scheduler-jobs can be converted automatically. You'll need to address these issues manually.

Issue 9994: Unable to convert objects

Recommended action: Perform manual conversion.

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PVD_MART_53_KH: Conversion details

Source database: PVD_MART_53_KH.Oracle

Version: Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition (64bit Production), Enterprise edition

Issue code: 9994 | Number of occurrences: 1 | Estimated complexity: Complex


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