Articles in English

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1. Jobs
- When we talk about people’s jobs, we usually use a/an
o He is an architect.
o She is a scientist.
o My grandmother was a teacher.

2. Singular and countable nouns

- They always have an article: a/an or the (or another determiner – my, yours,
this, that, etc.)
o A/An: Indefinite article: it is used when we talk about something for
the first time, or something that is part of a group.
 A: it is used when to word that follows start with a consonant.
 Do you want a drink?
 Did she read a book before going to bed?
 An: it is used when the word that follows start with a vowel.
 I saw an amazing film yesterday.
 My teacher told me to write an essay.

o The: Definite article: it is used when we have mentioned something

before, or because there is only one of them.
 I am going to take the dog for a walk.
 I really liked the book you gave me last month.
 They go to the school next to the bridge.

3. Things in general
- Ø or zero article: it is used when we talk about things in general, abstract
ideas or plural uncountable.
o Birds eat worms.
o Water freezes at 0ºC.
o Children need a lot of sleep.
o I really like dogs.

4. Particular groups of things

- The: it is used when we talk about a particular group of things.
o We went to the zoo and saw the kangaroos. (These are particular
kangaroos in that zoo, not kangaroos in general)
o Sue hates the shoes that are sold in that store. They are very awful.
(She is not referring to all shoes in the world, but the particular ones
that are sold in that store).
PRACTICE: Complete the gaps with the appropriate article.
1. Do you want …………… sandwich? I’ve got cheese and bread in the shopping
2. She wants to be …………… ambulance driver when she finishes school.
3. Did you see …………… moon last night?
4. I really hate …………… mosquitos. They always bite me.
5. If you need to contact me over the weekend, please send me …………… email.
6. I am a fun-loving person. I love …………… parties and dancing.
7. I will be there in …………… hour.
8. …………… teachers at my son’s school are great.

PRACTICE: Complete the gaps with the appropriate article.

1. Are you coming to …………… party next Saturday?
2. I bought …………… new TV set yesterday.
3. I think …………… man over there is very ill. He can’t stand on his feet.
4. I watched …………… video you had sent me.
5. She was wearing …………… ugly dress when she met him.
6. I am crazy about reading …………… history books.
7. She is …………… nice girl.
8. Do you want to go to …………… restaurant where we first met?
9. He is …………… engineer.
10. He thinks that …………… love is what will save us.

PRACTICE: Write five sentences

1. The + particular group of things:

2. A + job:

3. The + singular & countable noun:

4. Zero article:
5. An + singular & countable noun:

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