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Sagar Pandey

Professor Reese

Honors Writing 1551H

Major Assignment One

6th February 2018

CMAPP Analysis of Business Letter 2

In the modern era, communication process has become much more professional, technical,

disciplined and result oriented. Although there are various general communication models, some

specialized, technical and more disciplinary fields like engineering have developed more precise

and well-oriented communication model. The CMAPP model is the prime example of these type

of communication model. It is based on five general elements of communication principle,

namely: Context, Message, Audience, Purpose and, Product. The business letter 2 is analyzed

based on the CMAPP model and its complementary attributes.


The author of the letter and receiver have the relationship of U.S Marine Corps Veteran and the

officer at the Veterans Administration, as it is stated in the letter given. It is made clear when the

sender says “I am from the old Marine Corps” while justifying his statement (page 2). The

scenario seems to be created after the Veterans Administration denied payment for the claims

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submitted by a medical center, Cox Medical Center on behalf of the sender, Marine Corps

Veteran. This has happened after the author was taken to the nearest private hospital with the

help of his neighbor for an emergency case. This also shows veterans are supposed to go to

veteran’s Administration operated hospitals to claim the cost of treatment. Similarly, the different

events seem to be happening in the time frame of a couple of months as which is clearly

indicated by the different dates given in the text. The result of this communication might further

deteriorate the relationship and level of understanding between the Sender and the Veterans

Administration given that they do not consider the payment. The veteran officer might feel that is

disrespected from the Administration in his post-service period. But there is an equal chance of

positive effect as well. If the administration considers the payment then the level of

understanding, respect and relationship might be boosted further.


The message is clear, concise, realistic and expressed in simple language which creates no issues

while understanding. The message is a consequence of many previous processing’s or

conversations which can be better termed as a dependent message. It appears to be the final or

the ultimate section of the long conversation. The author has submitted all the necessary details

to make the communication more effective. This is made clear when the author mentions the

elaborating information he had provided to the administration and the different sections of the

text. Although it seems to be two-way communication there is involvement of the third party too,

Cox Medical Center. The author is appealing the Administration’s Officer to reconsider the

denial of the payment for the claims of Cox Medical Center which is the primary information.

Similarly, the author explanations indirectly question the record keeping abilities of the

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Administration as he is facing trouble as the effect of poor record keeping ability of the

Administration’s Outpatient clinic. The conversation which he had with the healthcare provider

of V.A’s Outpatient Clinic, seems neither to be recorded nor to be monetarized for the future

references. The author has ranked his direct and indirect messages in the order of importance.


As the message is clear and easily understandable, it is quite simple to identify the audience of

the conversation. The Veterans Administration’s concerned officers are the primary audience

which is addressed directly in the letter. The officers already know the scenario as the message

was created to continue the previous conversations or appeals. This is clearly understood while

going through the letter. The best evidence for it is when the author says, “I am appealing the

Veterans Administration’s decision to deny payment for claims submitted on my behalf by Cox

Medical Center” (page 1). The primary or central audience needs to gather all the possible

evidence to take further action, in support of or against the previous action. Similarly, there is

other potential secondary and tertiary audience. The Cox Medical Center is the secondary

audience of the conversation as the payment is supposed to make to the Center which is clearly

indicated at the top of the center. Likewise, the healthcare provider of the V.A’s Outpatient Clinic

in Branson is the tertiary audience. She might be the best way to collect further evidence if

needed about the conversation which she had with the author, the day before he visited the

nearest hospital. Somehow, the neighbor who took the author to the nearest hospital can also be

considered as the tertiary audience. But the primary and secondary audience might not consider

it as a strong evidence if needed further.

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As mentioned, the central purpose is to appeal the reconsideration of the decision previously

made by Veterans Administration to deny the payment for claims submitted on the behalf of the

author by one of the private medical centers. The author also wants to prove his position and the

actual scenario. Although the audience might know the previous scenario, the author needs to

provide the detailed information and illustrations of the scenario in order to overturn the decision

previously made by the veteran’s administration. So, in order to make couple of months old

conversation more fruitful and result oriented in his favor, the author provides detail of what

happened on the day before he visited the nearest private hospital, as the source of further

evidence. It can be clearly understood when the author says, “The nurse advised me to go to a

local emergency room if those symptoms were still present” (page 2). The author might have

thought this could be more effective to persuade his primary audience. Similarly, there is moral

purpose which is shown indirectly in the letter. The author talks about his morality and tries to

show how respectful a veteran is. It is clearly demonstrated when he says the phrases “I am from

the ‘old school’ and the ‘old Marine Corps’ and “an emergency room should be reserved for

those who are truly in need of immediate treatment for life threatening conditions” (page 2).

Although no deadline is mentioned, the author’s purpose seems to get the problem addressed in

the shortest span of time.


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The communication is for the official purpose which involves concerning veteran’s

administration officers, author: a veteran and most probably representatives from Cox medical

center. The choice of the product seems to greatly affect the result of this conversation. If the

author uses phone calls or text message as the product then the V. A’s might get offended and

might think that is against the general norms and formality of the veterans. So, it will be more

effective if it goes in the formal and official way which in turn conveys the professional image.

The most formal and official method for the communication would be either by snail mail or

electronic mail. So, the author might choose among these two options or both the options which

would be the effective way to reach the audience most formally and officially. The language

should be used formal, organizational and as simple as the central purpose is to appeal and justify

the position. The more effective the language is the more convincing will be the conversation

which ultimately benefits the author to get his problem solved in the shortest possible time.

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