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brethren with fuel.

The number of cells surrounding the great

of his verses by Arabian scholars. Genial, cynical, immoral, he

AMPERSAND (a corruption of the mixed English and Latin

had adopted any system of examination for those desiring

Athenae we glean the details of Airay's college attendance.

Katwe. This lake lies west of the Dweru channel and is separated

is intellectual--e.g. in the perception of the relations

introduced the sign X for multiplication, @ for continued

and were slaughtered or taken prisoners to a man. The

of Michigan on the Republican ticket, serving from 1885 to

age, who have retired and whose circumstances show them to

all probability, disappear as a lake and will become a river, a

was founded in Constantinople. Here also, c. 460, was

Kinross, and continued a member, with some interruptions, till

Ethnology in Washington, many hundreds of manuscripts, written


specimens), and ``An Ahom Cosmogony, with a translation and

the ordinary course of his duties, and within his ostensible

conferences of Troppau in 1820 and Laibach in 1821, had

railway. Pop. (1900) 11,180. Almansa is built at the foot of

length, and through numerous gauges from .256 in. to .600

of Fossil Fishes in the British Natural History Museum.)

towards the sea are fertile and well watered by several small

of a word, while Attic Greek had many words so accented.

writers who have made such contributions may be mentioned

site by Thomas Sutton A.D. 1611, now removed to Godalming.

girdle of snow and glaciers on the mountain barriers a few

development of the theory of the aether. (See RADIATION.)

of fancy, and Fitz-Greene Halleck (1790-1867), who showed

Scotland. which are suitable for sheep. Hence, whilst in

known as ``Fraunhofer's condition.'' (4) After eliminating

detested and persecuted by the Revolution as that of rank.

the entanglements of a son in alleged treasonable practices,

consent. Omar, on hearing the request of his general, is

chapter-house adjacent, and the lodgings of the cellarer to the

the rooms of the Young Men's Christian Association, and

VI. that it became customary, as now, to introduce bills into

kilo. kilometre. yd. yard.

Abyssinia, followed by Oviedo himself, to secure the king's

time. The administrative powers of the viceroys were very

highest members of the series being odourless solids, which

of the accountant branch. A vast business in regard to

to be singularly rich in evidence of the middle-Aegean

work in controversy was his reply to John Smyth (commonly

which corresponds to about the 10th of September. The

experiences. In each case the data rest on an ultimate basis,

believes that it does not exceed 300 ft. The canal connects

of the freemen of the different wards, select two, and the

inflating them with hydrogen gas. Researches on the use of

(1813), and Dana by his abortive periodical The Idle Man

the Athenian (Herod. viii. 91). There are other indications,

into the Bradford trade about 1836 that the true qualities

The American aborigines.

named the Adula Alps.

complete submission of the tribe and the survey of the country.

valuable source of phosphorus for growing crops, and is now in

Democratic State Convention of 1848 to adopt what is known

Nor were the new ships a great success, as we hear of them

Ammonium Alum. Caesium Alum. Potash Alum. Rubidium Alum.

with the export trade in live stock from Ireland to Great

poetic glamour shed, in the young king's mind, over the whole

The hare has been established in New Zealand and Barbadoes.

1900 1,901,014 2,172,140 4,145,633 8,218,787

Both in Spanish and in Elizabethan English the word has

reflexion shall be much less regular and distinct. Probably

were bark cloth, wattling for walls, fences and weirs, paper,

Col de Sea (Bonneval to Forno Alpi Graie), snow (C). . . . . . . . . . . 10,115

the Arctic regions by means of dog sleds, the extremely

the valley of the lower Kagera, and fixed the exact position

und falsche Orthodoxie in 1849. Von Ammon's style in

asthetische Erzichung des Menschen, trans. by J. Weiss,

position. Originally an Iberian settlement, founded about

Poggio, says that the information and anecdotes which Poggio

up of Heloise's convent at Argenteuil, to establish her as

his character unfavourably, but even this has been seriously

Blandford. Richard was educated at St Alban's Hall, Oxford,

invaluable. To them we owe not merely the possession of

they were rising, and their last resource, viz. to cut away the

the waters of the lake; but the building as a whole is

fur deutsches Altertum (vol. xix., new series, 1887).

He pointed out that the results were so indefinite and the

1, 2, 3''; see CRETE), there is evidence of a perfectly

make the latter the dominant form, at any rate in the United

6 Alexander speaking to Colonel Michaud. Tatischeff, p. 612.

recognized. New styles were devised to express this new

title of grand almoner of France first appears in the reign

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