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ship and cargo from a danger common to both.


which afterwards overran the empire also treated the offence

nine races and sub-races. American are numbered thus:-- 21,

of the visit, as also to the public vindication of his

If, however, the action of the chlorine on the sodium hydrate is

to hold two weekly markets and three yearly fairs, as hitherto

have been closely associated with the district since the

In 370 Agesilaus tried to restore Spartan prestige by an

digressions on various subjects, such as Alexander the Great

| Julia Caesarea | 551 | 289 | 459 | 197 |

second place in the annual competition for admission, Taine being

forfeited. It was followed by one passed in 1768-1767, which

G. Frazer, The Golden Bough, ii. (2nd ed.), p. 113, and

the longest link in the trans-continental line first suggested

Araguay, the Tocantins is occasionally obstructed by rocky

rules of conduct, or defining rights and conferring them

occupied himself in portrait-painting. In 1780 he removed

was born at Oporto towards the close of the 16th century. His

aquatic Chelonians, the food of which consists chiefly of

ordinary black powder was also greatly added to by him, and

Munich cathedral, and the Marienkirche at Danzig. (R. P. S.)

restore to Aegina her autonomy, but the clause remained a dead

have no knowledge of reading and writing, have been regarded

by a pair of weights and by a square root table, so that the

half-pay. That up to this time he had scarcely been engaged

in the circumstance that four corn crops and the two hay crops

not only by its geographical area, but by leading organic

into voluntary exile at Rhodes, where he opened a school of

exploit, and taught men to be eager to conquer their foe.''

and another discovered by the naturalist Adolf Schmidl in

be very expedient if each parish or village might have some

who withdrew to Viterbo, where he died on the 25th of May

a manner as to produce other words that possess meaning. The

by each of the contracting parties and the remaining three by

construction. It deserves to be noticed, however, that a

of matter itself and its modes of inanimate interaction.

lepers. The disease having disappeared from Italy, Alberoni

But with the accession of the third brother AEthelred (866)

generation. The word is also used for a man's evil genius,

1904 27,842,669 32.1 894,395,552 31.3 279,900,013

when in 1905 the attitude of Germany seriously affected her

of America long remained an exception, and was content,

preference. In this connexion it is to be remarked that even

of Mahomet, and his father, Mahi-ed-Din, was celebrated

surcharged with steam at the same time. The vapour envelops

vessels. In 1620, with the object of forestalling the

Montenegro. On the 24th of May 1881 he was made a G.C.B.,

of the gut of the lower teleos. tomes, but in the higher

in November 1681 president of the court. The same year

of the vaults in which were stored the treasures of the

for which they were established; it conducts investigations

the Danes, but in 1137 David I. transferred the bishopric

m. N. by E. Pop. (1901) 35,418. It has some importance as

Epiphanes and heir to the Syrian throne. His claims were

before the crime is actually committed. The incident is

an industry which is one of the most important in Algeria.

original home of that great historical house. (W. A. B. C.)

brown or yellow colour. Hydrurus forms a branched gelatinous

it. It explains why Plante found ``repose'' a useful

one another throughout the year. Among other passages

hours. There is hardly any increase in the intestinal

representing a capital of $11,638,757 and an annual product

Afghan governments, as previously arranged, were confirmed; and

traders and seafaring men. In the middle region between

such conditions of warfare between the ocean and the river,

dialect, which is used in state documents, is current in the

ever. ``There was not a chief man in the kingdom who could

the Reformation it was certain to be defied. As England was

the leading symptoms. The treatment embraces the means to

de Bourzeis (1606-1671); Francois Charpentier (1620-1702),

Nile. In 1663 the Portuguese, who had outstayed their welcome,

diligence kept in good condition. The stones were carefully

crucifix and lights, before the doors of the iconostasis;

with whom his co-reformer Carlstadt sympathized, appealed to

The resistance varies with the condition of the cell, as

1875 13 7 12 11 1/2

of the great powers, symbolized by the Quadruple Treaty; he

Manu. For the first 13 m. it is navigable all the year

than France and Bavaria, hold bits of territory on the slope

personal qualities won for him the surname of ``the Bear,''

larger (the maximum about 10 by 6 ft.) than those of the city

year, and the nights are even more clear than the days. Marked

40s. per quarter, and only twice after 1892 did it exceed 30s.
by ammonia. It was first isolated in 1890 by C. Graebe

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