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Kepala Ruangan : Sri Utami

Perawat Primer (PP) : Vindya
Perawat Asossiate (PA) : Syevana
Klien : Vicky
Keluarga Klien : Sumiyati
Dokter : Yogy
Gizi : Zenitha
Farmasi : Yuwana
Narator : Sulvie

On Thursday, at 09.00 WIB a patient named Mrs. Vicky in the room of Aster RSUD
Dr.Soetomo Surabaya with a medical diagnosis of Epilepsy will be discharge planning after 2
weeks of treatment at RSUD Dr.Soetomo Surabaya. The head of the room approached the
Nurse Station room and asked if the patient planned to go home.
Preparation Stage at Nurse Station
Karu : "Good morning colleagues, how are there any patients who are planned discharge
planning for today?”
PP : "Yes there are ners. Name of patients is Mrs. Vicky with medical diagnosis TAVB
(Total AV Block) post TPM PPM with nursing diagnosis is infection risk and risk of
decreased cardic output. Has been monitored since the 10th until today i.e. the 20th
patient did not experience ECG rhythm disorders, no complaints of dizziness,
normally blood pressure, pulse rate 75 x/mnt (times per minute), and normal
breathing. The plan will be discharged planning today ners, in order to be able to go
home on the date 21. What your according?”
Karu : "Well Ners, for the files are they prepared?"
PP : "Yes Ners, this is the files and the discharge planning format." (while submitting the
discharge planning file format)”
Dokter : “Good morning ners”
Karu : “Good morning doctor”
Dokter : “I want to visit patient Mrs. Vicky how is his current condition?”
Karu : “The patient's condition today is stable doctor, his ECG results with a capture
rhythm of 75 x / min vital sign normal postal wound ppm well mobilization is also
good. With the patient's stable condition, can the patient be discharged today?”
Dokter : “The results are all good, my plan to return today, please all the files prepared!”
Karu : “Okay doctor, share with a nutritionist whether there is anything that needs to be
Gizi : “Well, for the diet is TKTPRG yes doctor because the patient has Hypertension”
Dokter : “Yes.. Well, is there anything to worry about discharge planning please emphasize in
the post PPM”
PP : “Okay doctor, I permission to ask, when a schedule patient control doc?”
Dokter : “To schedule patient Mrs.Vicky control every 1 week in poly surgical disease yes
nurse. For pharmacy please check again the prescription that I have given”.
PP : “Okay doctor”.
Farmasi: “For prescriptions that doctors give to Mrs.Vicky is Atropine 0.5 mg per oral 1x1
days, Klopidogrel 300 mg peroral, metoprolol ta tablet 50 mg 1x1 days. Can I ask for his
autograph on this side?
Dokter : “Well, I've signed it”.
Farmasi: “Thank you doctor”.
Karu : “Well if the discharge planning formats are all ready, please ners syevana and ners
vindya immediately passivity”.
After the Head of Room checks the format for discharge planning. Ners Syevana and
ners Vindya prepare for discharge planning and head to the patient's bed immediately.
Session II of the Implementation in patient bed
Phase at the Primary and Associate nurse comes to the patient on behalf of Mrs. Vicky in
room Aster II bed 17, explaining the patient's condition and providing education.
PP : "Ners syevana, please explain the details of the patient's condition."
PA : "Well, I'll report the details of the patient's condition. Patients on behalf of Mrs.
Vicky aged 48 years with a diagnosis of TAVB post PPM hospitalization day 10 After
evaluation for day 10”
PP : "Thank’s for the report Ners." "Good morning miss, what’s your name?"
Klien : "My name is Vicky Amalia”.
PP : “I matched the same with your bracelet Mrs. Vicky. Medical Record 1215400. How
are you today? Do you feel better than before?"
Klien : "Yes ners, already feel fresher, not dizzy anymore."
PA : "Sir. After monitoring by the room nurse as long as the condition of the father has
indeed improved, and will be planned to go home. Was yesterday told by the doctor
who treated you?"
Family : "It's ners, said my sister's doctor will go home on the 20th Alhamdulillah. Thank you
PP : "Okaai Ners, let's immediately follow up on the discharge planning."
PA : "Okai Ners. Here Mrs and mother, we will provide information about the care that
can be done for Mrs.Vicky at home. So before the patient goes home, in the Aster
room is usually done the patient's preparation to go home Mrs, mam by being given
patient care education for home. Are you and mom ready?"
Klien : "Yes ners."
Family : "Please ners."
PA&PP: “Okai I want to give you some message. Remember that 10 days ago you have done
assembly Permanent Pacemaker. So when you at home, don’t do physical exercise too weight
or lift weight things. Avoid standing too long near electronic goods. And also avoid put your
phone near pacemaker. If you have a fever, bleeding, swelling, etc, immediately you must
control to the doctor. Don’t forget to check your heartbeat(while explaining and practicing
the material on the leaflet)
PA : "How Mrs, mam? Does anyone want to be asked back?"
Family : "So, must you really remember and pay attention to the name of the rule? To know
the pacemaker is working or not?"
PP : "That's right, mom. So, for Mrs.Vicky you must always be vigilant if there is a
problem with the perceived heartbeat, you must directly contact the health facility”.
PA : "Is it possible for the mother to practice to know the rhythm of her pulse Mrs.Vicky
Family Patient: I groped her wrist ners I felt there was a beat.
PA : "That's right, mam. Do you want to ask less details?"
Klien : "It's clear ners, thank you."
PA : "Well sir, maybe you can go to Nurse Station with us?"
Family : "Ready ners. Mrs, I'm staying for a while."
Klien: "Yes Mam."
Primary nurse and joint associate after discharge planning, nurses prepare medical
record 12 which contains discharge planing format and discharge planning card. And the
family signed the consent letter. After that, the family went to the treatment room. Then the
Primary Nurse immediately asked for TTD DPJP Mrs.Vicky. Primary Nurse reports the
results of discharge planning activities to the head of the room.
Session III Closing Stage
PP : "knock.. knock.. Excuse Ners.". (knocking on the door of the headroom)
Karu : "Yes, please come in. What's up Ners?”
PP : "Okai Ners, I'd like to inform you that the patient named Mrs.Vicky’s has done
discharge planning. It has been also done to provide an education about the treatment
of patients at home. Family of Mrs.Vicky has also signed a consent form for discharge
Karu : "Well, then just wait for the date, Ners. Thanks for the cooperation, I think the
discharge planning activity this morning is quite good, but I hope to improve in the
future for the comfort and satisfaction of patients and families."
PP : "Fine. Thanks for the advice from Ners. Excuse me ners. I’am back to room"
Karu : "Well, Ners".

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