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crus ansata star of david

A crash of symbols summery

Symbolism in medicine has had many forms through out many centuries A multitude of symbols, signs,
fetishes ,trade marks and logos have, since recorded history, been identified with wisdom , health, healing and
doctoring .Each of them enjoyed currency over a period of time or in certain countries
and they provided what the modern industrialist would call a corporate image. The Eye of Horos which, 5000 years
ago in ancient Egypt, was the sign of the priestly dispensers of learning and healing. Although the transition is
somewhat unclear some authorities would have it that the prescription Rx is a lineal
Descendant of the Eye. This shows the theory of symbolism is filled with highly theoretical concepts. Another very
ancient Egyptian sign of health and healing is the Crus Ansata which is described as a handled tau crossa. This
doesn’t necessarily mean all symbols are ancient Consider the Red Cross, adopted in 1864 when the first Geneva
Convention was negotiated. It consists of a reversal of the colors of the flag of Switzerland, and was originally the
identification of the medical services of the armed forces. Another ancient symbol that represented the surgeons
guild gouda is the five-pointed star the pentagram. It was carefully pointed out that this is not the Star of David
which has six points, but derives from the school of Pythagoras whose Signum Pythagoricum, valued for its pure
geometric construction, became a symbol of mental and physical health. The Pentagram appeared on coins, amulets
and ceramic objects in ancient times.
Amongst the many symbols used “the rod and the serpent of asklepios “and “the caduceus of mercury” have proved
remarkably durable. Asklepios was the son of Apollo and the nymph Coronis, and he is said to have been brought
up in the mountains
of Thessaly attended by the Centaurs Chiron who was famous for wisdom and knowledge in medicine who thought
him the art of healing. Asklepios was worshiped as a god. Because he effected cures of the sick in dreams so peop;e
would sleep in his temples. He was killed by a thunderbolt launched by his father Apollo on the grounds that his
medicalwork was likely to interfere with theforces of nature and render men im mortal. the true representation of the
Rod of Asklepios, with the single serpent entwined while caduceus was a staff that represented the power of hermes
and a representation of peace His two snakes on a staff of olive wood are said to derive from two white ribbons
which were originally part of
his equipment.its use as a medical symbole is questioned as it has no real relevance to medicine A third device, the
pole and brass serpent of Moses, has been incorporated within
the six-pointed Star of David numbers 21:9 state the use of a brass serpent used to heal those who viewed it. A
common characteristic of these ancient symbols which we have been considering is that they all feature reptiles .It
does not matter too much whether we identify them as serpents, snakes, vipers or adders; they are not essentially
venomous but, on the contrary, they are intended to convey benevolence and the power of healing The single serpent
turning around the staff is said to represent Apollo's sacred reptile and if we accept the benevolence and the wisdom
which are its attributes, the symbolism becomes somewhat more clear. Despite the unfavorable attributes of snakes,
the creatures attained a reputation for sagacity, health, convalescence and longevity. The parallel between the
serpent's shedding its skin and man's shaking off disease is adduced by many authors as providing light on the
superstitious reverence for the snake. So inorder to avoid confusion there shouldn’t be a clash of symbols and what
it represents.

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