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■ What were the best and worst parts of the Senior Project/Senior Seminar? For me I would have to say that the
best part of my project was just making something that I will always remember. Also I had a lot of fun doing
something that is in my field of interest. In the senior seminar class I really enjoyed having all the speakers
come and get to learn about what they do. The worst part of doing the project overall was the stress that I had
while making it but it also helped me stay as motivated as I could.

■ List three things you now know after completing your Senior Project. The first thing I learned while doing this
project is positivity because doing something that big takes lots of time and patience. The second thing I learned
was that building something like the shelf I built is a little harder than I thought because of the angles. The final
thing I learned was that doing something that you enjoy could help you in the future and made me realize that it
was calming and fun.

■ Which aspect of the Senior Project/Senior Seminar stretched you the most? How did you feel about and react to
this challenge? I think that the biggest stretch for me while doing this project was trying to make sure that I
didn't get too mad while making it because having that self control helped me want to finish it and see the final
result and be happy with what I accomplished.

■ How has the Senior Project/Senior Seminar changed you (skills, attitudes, work habits, capabilities, confidence,
poise, presentation, etc.)? I think a lot of stuff changed about me during this project but the biggest thing was
feeling the confidence of doing the first presentation before the big one because the relief of knowing you did
good always makes someone feel better. Also being able to work with my hands and build something will help me
for the future that I want.

■ Has this experience influenced your future plans? This project definitely will help me for the future that I want
even though it was not building a house or something like that. It was still doing something with building and
learning more about how to use tools and how to figure out angles, also having the knowledge of being safe while
using tools.

■ What would you do differently if you had to do the whole Senior Project/Senior Seminar process again? If I could
do the process again I would make sure I start earlier so I could build more and just get more of the experience
and because I really enjoy building. I would also figure out a better way to paint it because trying to get in the
small areas was not easy.

■ What advice do you have for next year’s seniors? I would tell them to make sure they have an idea and make sure
you start as soon as you can so you are not so stressed out. And make sure you have motivation even when it's
hard because this is something really big and needs to be done and the relief after you're done is a really good

■ What grade would you give yourself for your Senior Project and what justification do you have for that grade? I
would say I have a solid B overall because even though it was a lot of stress and patience I got it done and I feel
good about what I did. Also I got to do something that I really enjoy and I had fun doing it. And it will help me get
to where I want to one day, which is a pretty good feeling.

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