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The Book of

Saint Basil the Great

Bishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia

On the Holy Spirit

Written to Amphilochius, Bishop

of Iconium, against the



ok Christ's college, Cambridge



10 EL I

7^ O 6, C *,




"Qv, AeonoTa, Kupie, 0ee, TTaTep navTOKpdTOp, rrpooKuvHTe,

d£iov ooc dAH0a>c, Kai 5iKaiov, Kai npenov th juefaAonpeneiaTHC dj-ioo-

guvhc Sou, Se alve'iv, Se u^veiv, Se euAofe'iv, Se npooKuvelv, Sol eu-

XapiOTeiv, Se 6o£d$eiv, tov jmdvov ovtcdc ovto 0e6v, Kai Soi npoocpe-

peiv ev Kapbia ouvTeTpijLUievH, Kai nveujuaTi Taneivoboeooc, thv Aoj-ikhv

touthv AaTpeiav hjuoov oti Su el 6 xapi<3du.evoc hjuiv thv enij- vo)aiv thc

Shc aAHOfeiaq. Kai tic ikovoc AaAinoai Tac ouvaaTeiac Sou, ctKOuoTac

noiHGai ndcac Tag aiveGeic Sou ; h oiHfHGaceai navTa to Oaujuaoid

Sou ev rrdvTi Kai pa); AecnoTa twv dndvTCov, Kupie oupavou, Kai j-hc,

Kai ttoghc KTioecoc opcojuevHC Te Kai oux opoojuevnc, 6 Ka9H)uevoc em

Bpovou oo£hc, koi emPAenaw dpuoaouc, dvapxe, dopaTe, dKOTaAHTTTe,

dnepifpanTe, dvaAAoiooTe, 6 TTaTHp tol Kupiou hjuoov 'Ihgou XpiGTOu,

toG juefdAou OeoG Kai SooTHpoc, thc eAni&oc hjuwv' oc Igtiv eiKcov

thc Shc dfaGoTHTOC 09paj-ic igotuttoc, ev 'EauTtp beiKvuc Se tov

TTaTepa, A6j-oc $a>v, 0e6c aAH0ivdc npo aioavcov, Gocpia, $a)H, dfiaG-

uoc, 6uva/uuc, to <pa>c to oAhBivov, Trap Ou to TTveujua to ay iov e£e-

cpdvH, to thc aAH6eiac TTveCjua, to thc uio6eGiac x ^P lc3 MCi, o appagcav

thc ueAAouGHC KAHpovojaiac, h dnapxn tcov aiojvicov df a0aiv, h ^coonoioc

buvajuic, h TTHfH toG dfiaGjuoC. nap" Ou ndoa ktigic Aoj-ikh Te Kai

voepd ouvajuoujuevH Soi AaTpeuei, koi Soi thv dioiov dvanejuTiei 5o£o-

Aofiav, oti to £u)unavTa 5ouAa Sd.

Lit. Constant. S. Basilii Anaphorae Praefationis initium.


THE present revision of the text of St. Basil's

Liber de Spiritu Sancto contains but few important
modifications of the text of the Benedictine edition
issued in 1726: but many readings of earlier editors,
which were unsupported by the six manuscripts then
in Paris, have been found in the manuscripts collated
for this edition ; and the general trustworthiness of
the text and the integrity of the book have been

placed on a firmer basis by the references to the

Syriac paraphrases.
In the Introduction an attempt has been made to

illustrate St. Basil's position by a short outline of the

circumstances which directly or indirectly affected
the terms used to express the Catholic doctrine of
the Holy Trinity. The student will find much help
in a small compass in the two following books, On
the Early History of the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
(Swete, 1873) an d The Arian Controversy (Gwatkin,

C. F. H. J.

Headington Quarry Vicarage,

2\st April, 1892.

Introduction — page

The Doctrine

tions of Arius and the Nicene Faith ....

of the Ante-Nicene Church, the Proposi-

II. The Development

of the Macedonian Heresy .....
of the Nicene Formula and Beginning

The Orthodoxy of the Churches .....


IV. St. Basil ......... xxiii



St. BASIL . . . xlvii

Chronological Synopsis lv

Prolegomena lxi

Synopsis i


Epistles from St. Basil to Amphilochius . . . 159

Texts Explained 173

Indices 174


The Doctrine of the Ante-Nicene Church,

the Propositions of Arius and the Nicene

From the beginning the words appointed by our Lord to

be Used in baptism, els to ovofxa tov Harpbs kcu tov Ylov Kai tov
'\yiov TlvevpaTos, spoke to 1 the believer of a 2 Tpids, and implied
the doctrine afterwards expressed in the words 7 6p.oovo-ios

St. Basil calls it ttjj/ etadyovadv /xe els to (puis, rrjv yvuiaiv Qeov fioi

Xapiaa/xivqv irapdoootv. Sp. S. § 26. De

Epiphanius (at the end of the second part of the third book adv. Haeres.)
gives '
a short and true account of the Faith of the Catholic and Apo-
stolic Church,' at the end of which he says, § 18,tj/mv Se avrrj t) marts, zeal
avrrj r) rifx-q Kal avr-q 77 firjrrjp rjfxwv 77 eKKXrjoia, did T~io~T(ais odu^ovaa Kal
5t' eXiridos KparvvofxkvT) /cat dydnTj Xpivrov reXetovptevr), ev re rfj bjxoXoyia
ev re rots fivarrjpiois ev re t-t) tov Xovrpov fcaOapeito ovvafxn, on dneX- '

Bbvres 0a.TTTio~a.Te els ovopta Ilarpos Kal Tlov koi 'Ayiov Hvev/xaros.' eis

ovopa de de'iKrjs TptdSos, bvoptaaias pL7)5ep.iav 5ia(popdv ix o v°~V s > dXX' on

Qtbs els 7]/j.iv ev vopw Kal ev TTpocprjrais Kal ev evayyeXiots Kal ev dno-
aroXois, ev iraXata teat naivy diaOrjKTj KeKrjpvKrat Kal KarrjyyeXTat, Ilarr/p
Kal Tibs Kal "Ayiov U.vev/xa, jxi) rts avvaXoKpr) ovaa 77 QeoTrjs, dXXd Tpids
ovaa ovrws reXeia, reXeios 6 Hartjp, reXetos 6 Ytbs, reXetov to Hvevpia rb
"Ayiov, pua Qeorrjs, «fs Qeos, c£ 77 5o£a, rtptrj Kal Kpdros els rovs alujvas rwv
alcvvcvv. dptTjv.
The term bfxoovatos is quoted by St. Athanasius from a letter of a
predecessor Dionysius, the date of which A.D. 259-264. The earliest is

Christian use of the word is given by Bull, Def. Fid. Nic. II. i. 9 :

Operae fortasse pretium fuerit notasse, auctorem libri, qui not/xdvdprjs
inscribitur, Mercurio Trismegisto tributi, cap. 1, expresse dicere, Dei
. ;

x i i In troditction

Tpids, or (to use a verse of the Quieunque Deus Pater,

vult), *

Deus Filius, Deus et SpiritUS Sanctus, Et tamen non ties Dii,

sed unus est Deus.' When, after the confused heresies of
the Gnostics, Arius definitely asserted that the Tpias was one
of different Essences, and denied the Godhead of the Son,
the Nicene Fathers asserted the doctrine, which they defined
by the term '
There was really no question among the Nicene Fathers
as to whether it was a Avds ]
or the Tpids which was opoovaios
but though, after Arius, Arianism was long silent on the sub-
ject of the Godhead of the Third Person in the Trinity, yet
all Son was of one
the while that the Arians denied that the
substance with the Father, they were really in the same breath
denying also the consubstantiality of the Holy Spirit. After
a. d. 360, when questions were raised as to the doctrine of

the Holy Spirit, they, as well as all semi-Arians, whatever may

have been their varying admissions as to the dignity and even
Divine glory of the Son, declared the Holy Spirit to be in-
ferior to Him, and only a created and ministering Spirit. Such

semi-Arians as admitted the consubstantiality of the Son with

the Father were guilty of believing in the incongruity of a

Aoyov esse Patri 6p.oovo~iov. Certe planum fuisse scriptorem, hoc est,
non ipsum Trismegistum, sed Christianum aliquem ejus nomen emen-
tientem, solide probavit Petavius sed et idem Petavius fatetur (De

Trin. i. 2, § 3, 4), circulatorem ilium perantiquum esse, et paulo post

apostolorum tempora extitisse. Quod et testimonia ex ipso a Justino
Martyre citata satis ostendunt.'
To those who denied the Godhead of the Holy Spirit St. Athana-
sius puts the question, airoKpivdoOajoav, Tpids kanv tj Avds ; (Ep. i. ad
Serap. § 29) and elsewhere he says that the error of Apollinarius

substitutes a ttrpas for the Tpids (c. Apollin. i. 9).

The term is supposed to be in Theophilus
earliest extant use of the
(Bishop of Antioch, a.d. 169-182), Ad Autolychum ii. p. 106, where he
says that the first three days of creation are tvitoi Tpidbos, rov ©cot), koX
tov Aoyov clvtov, nal rrjs Sottas avrov and the Latin Trinitas occurs in

Tertullian (a.d. 200) adv. Praxeam c. iii, Itaque duos et tres jactitant

a nobis praedicari, se vero unius Dei cultores praesumunt, quasi non et

Unitas irrationabiliter collecta haeresin faciat, et Trinitas rationaliter
expensa veritatem constituat.'
The Consubstantial Trinity. xiii

Tpids, in which there is a created being coordinated with a

Avas Sfioova-ios. On the other hand, the words of the Creed
of Nicaea, in(TT(vop.(v ds era 0eoV, Uaripa UavraKparopa .... Kai
ds era Kvpiov 'irjaovv Xpicrrov .... Kai ds to ayiov n.v(Vfxa ....
contained the doctrine of the Consubstantial Trinity, i. e.

Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti, una est Divinitas, aequalis

Gloria, coaeterna Maiestas. This, and nothing else, was the

necessary and true meaning of the words, though it may not
have been noticed by some, until controversy compelled them
to make a closer examination of their own profession 1
. This
renders every step in the controversy from a.d. 325 till a.d.

381, and every explanation or evasion of the term Spoovo-ios,

as applied to the Son, to be a step either forwards to the

explicit acknowledgement of the doctrine of the Consub-
stantial Trinity, or backwards in the direction of the denial

of it. Hence the letters of St. Athanasius to Serapion, and

St. Basil's Book to Amphilochius on the Holy Spirit are really

treatises on the Consubstantial Trinity, and begin with the

Doctrine of the Son : and the latter work has in the Bodleian
MS. (o) a Second title, Ilepl rr)S dylas Tpiddos.

Kav T( yap e£ avTwv tiv(s 6(\r)o(iav Xkydv on tt)v pikv moriv rr)v
fKT(9eiaav Kara Winaiav teal avTol 6fxo\oyov/x(v, b(?£ov 8k fxoi ait avTrjs
on to " Ayiov Uv(vfj.a kv tti &(6ttjti crvvapiOfKirai, (vp($r)o~ovTai Kai an'
avTrjs ov ykyov( 8\ tot( tr(pl tov Tlvevnaros rj ^rjTrjffis.
Upbs yap to vttottitttov kv Kaipw teal Kaipcv ai ovvo8oi ttjv da<pd\(iav
noiovvrai. knd ovv 6 "Apdos ds tov Tlov rr)v 8vo*<prjfuav aTT(T(iv(TO,
tovtov tv(Ka [X(rd TT(pioo~r)s 8iaAoyr)s aKpifiua tcuv Xoycov y(ykvr)Tai.
opa dk d-n avrrjs ttjs 6/uoAoylas oti ov8k kv tovtcq (vp(6r)aovrai ri
\kyovT(s ol (Is to n.v(vfJ.a fiAaa(prip.ovvT(s, 01 TIv(vp:aT6fj,axot teal d\\6-
rpioi ttjs avrov 8cvp(ds Kai dyiaardas.(vdvs yap r) (K0(o~ts op.oXoy(i Kai
ovk dpv(iTai. yap ds tva &(bv Harkpa TlavrafcpaTopa. to
8k maT(vop.(v oi»x dirXcus dpyrai, dWa r) iriaris (Is tov Q(bv Kai era
Kvpiov 'Irjcrovv XpiffTov. oi>x dwXcus ('tpijTai, dAA' (Is Q(bv r) irioTis Kai
ds To"Ayiov Iiv(vp.a, Kai ovx dnAws dprjrai, dAA' ds fx'iav 8o£o\oyiav Kai
ds pLiav (vcocriv &(6ttjtos Kai piav ofioovaioTTjTa, ds Tpia T(\(ia, jxlav dk
®(OTT]Ta, p.iav ovaiav, \xiav 8o£oAoyiav, puav KvpioTrjra diro tov TnaT(vop.(v
Kai mo~T(vop.(v Kai mo~T(vopi(v. Kai kvravOa 8ikir(0(v 6 tu>v toiovtojv
Xoyos. — Epiphanius Pneumatomachi, § 14).
(adv. Haeres. III. lxxiv.
The from Constantinople to Rome in 382 expressly maintains the
same interpretation of mo~T(v(iv Theod. V. 9.

xiv Introduction.

The creed attributed to Gregory the Wonderworker, of

Neo-Caesarea, in Pontus, a j>upil of Origen, may be taken
as expressing in its latter part the true meaning of the simple
sentence which satisfied the Council of Nicaea, <di eh to &ytov
Uvev/jLd. It is as follows :

There is one God, the Father of the living Word, Who is

His subsisting Wisdom, and Power, and Eternal Impress ; He

is Perfect Begetter of Perfect Son, Father of the Only
begotten Son. There is one Lord, One only of One only.
God of God, Impress and Image of the Godhead, energizing
Word Wisdom, comprehensive of the system of the universe,

and Power, the Maker of the whole Creation ; true Son of

true Father, Invisible of Invisible, and Incorruptible of Incor-
ruptible, and Immortal of Immortal, and Eternal of Eternal.
And there is One Holy Spirit having His being (vnap^.v) of
God, and manifested (that is to mankind) through the Son,
Image of the Son, Perfect (Image) of Perfect (Son) ; Life,

the Cause of those who live ; Holy Fountain, Holiness, the

Bestower of Sanctification, in Whom is manifested God the
Father, Who is over all and in all, and God the Son, Who
is through all. There is a Trinity perfect in Glory and
Eternity and Kingdom, Indivisible and Unchangeable/
St. Basil, in the important formulary which he submitted
to test the orthodoxy of Eustathius of Sebaste (Ep. 125)
shortly before the following treatise was written, explains that

the doctrine of the Holy Spirit '

was left without elaboration
(egepyao-las)> because no question had as yet been set in

motion about it.' Yet '

the evil seeds of impiety ' had been
sown by Arius when in his Thalia (Ath. de Synod. 15)
he taught : Hyovv Tpids eo~Ti do£-ais ov% 6p.oiais' dveiripuKTOL eavrais

elcriv at vnoardareis avrav' jxia rrjs p.ias ev8o£orepa $6£ais en aireipov.

He said that the ovo-im of the Father, and the Son, and the
Holy Spirit are fiep.epio-p.evai 777 <pvo~ei kcu a.Tre^ev(op.evai koi

The eK$eois is given at length in the Vita Thauni. of Gregory of

Subdivisions of Arianism. xv

aTrs<jyoivi(J[i£vai kcu dWorpioi Ka\ dpeTO\oi aXKrjXcov, his favourite

phrase being ayojxoioi ndpnav dWrjXcov tois re ouo-iaig kcu 86£ais

en aneipov (Athan. c. Arian. i. 6). But his followers were

generally content with repeating some scriptural statements

as to the Holy Spirit and His operations, laying considerable

stress on references to the Father's will, and contradicting
Sabellian statements rather than the doctrine of the Church,
until the course of events in a.d. 360 produced a section of
them who were properly called Pneumatomachi.
It will be useful to give here the account given by
Epiphanius of the various sections of.Arians in the introduc-
tions to his books on heresies :

Apeiayoi, ol kcu ApeiopaviTai, ol tov Ylov tov Qeov KTiapa \eyov-

res Kai to Uvevpa to "Ayiov KTicrpa KTicrpaTos, crdpKa povov top

^(OTrjpa otto Mapias elkrjcjievai dia(3e(3aiovpevoi Ka\

ot^i ^rv\r]V.
Aenayoi, ol dnb Act tov tov KiXikos, diaKovov yevopevov vno
Tecopyiov tov tcov 'Apeiav&v enicrKonov ttjs 'A\e£av8peias f ol K~a\

Avopoioi KaXovpevoi, napd Tiai 8e ILvvopiavoi, 81 JLvvoptov Tiva

paOrjrrjv tov *AeTiov yevopevov Kai %ti nepiovra. crvv avTols de

7)v Kai ~EvB6£ios, aK\a drjdev dia. tov npbs tov (3ao~i\ea KcovcrTauTiov

cfioftov d(f)a>picrev eavTOv, Ka\ paWov tov AeTiov e£d>pio~ev. epetve

&e ~Ev$6£ios dpeiavifav, ov pevTOi ye KaTa tov 'Aerioi/. ovroi ol

Avopoioi, 01 Ka\ 'AeTiavoi, navTanaixi XpicrTov Ka\ to "Ayiov Uvevpa

anaWoTpiovai Qeov, ktio~tov avrov diafteftaiovpevoi, koi ovde opoio-
T7]Ta Tiva €X €lv Xeyovcriv. eK crvWoyicrpwv yap ApicrTOTekiKwv Kai *

yecoperpiKcov tov Qeov napiaTav (SovXovTai, Ka\ Xpio-Tov drjBev prj

hvvacrdai eivai eK Qeov t)ia toiovtcov Tponcov. Ol de an ai/Tov Evvopi-

avoi KaXovpevoi ava(3anTi£ovcri ndvras tovs npbs avTovs epyopevovs

ov povov 5V, dXXa Kai tovs dnb '

Apeiav&v, Kara Ke(f>a\r}s ava> tovs
nohas OTTpeobovTes tu>v (3anTi£op€va>v, a>s noXvs qfteTai Xoyos. to be
o-cfrakr/vai ev tivi nopveia fj erepa apapTia ovbev elva'i q^ao-iv. ovbev
yap f^rei 6 Qebs dXX' 77 to eival Tiva ev TavTrj tt} povrj avTeov vopi-
£opevrj nicrTei.

Hjuudpeioi, ol XpicrTov pev KTiapa SpoXoyovvres, elpaveia de

KTicrpa avrov fydcTKOvres, oi>x i>s ev tq>v KTiorpaTav, dXXa, cfrao-iv, Ylbv

xv i In trodac tion .

A«yo/xei/, 8id 8e to pr) nddot npoad^at tu> llarpi 8id tov ycycvvrjKtisai
ktiittov uvtov Xeyopev. axravrcos Kai nepl tov Ilvcvparos toxj '
KTiapa navT(\a>s 6pi£ovTai, napcicfiuWovTes Ylov to opoovviov, opoi-
ovaiov 8e deXovai Xeyav. aXXot 8e «'£ avTOiV kcii to opoiouaiov


l~li>€U[AaTOjj.d)(Oi. ovtoi TV(p\ pev Xpiarov kclKcos e^ovai, to 8e

Ilvevpa to Aytov (3\aa(pr)povo-i, kticttov avTO opi^opcvoi Kai ovk ov

i< tt}s QeoTTjTOs, pdWov 8e Kara^p-qo-TLKOis 8C ivepyeiav K€KTivdai,

dyiaaTiKT]V avro 8vvap.iv (pacrKovres nvai povov.

Epiphanius arranges the Arians of a. d. 360 into three

bodies (rdypaTa), one containing Eudoxius, Germanus (of
Sirmium), George of Alexandria, and Euzoius of Antioch :

another, Basil of Ancyra, Eleusius of Cyzicus, Eustathius of

Sebaste, George of Laodicea, Silvanus of Tarsus and Mace-
donius of Constantinople. In the third he places Acacius,
Meletius, and Eutychius of Eleutheropolis.
In the first Canon of the Council of Constantinople, a.d.
381, the Arian heresies anathematized are mentioned in the
following Order: — Kai 18ikS>s tt\v tcdv Evvopiavoov, cltovv *Avo-

poioov, Kai ttjv T(ov 'Apeiavcov, c'ltow ~Ev8o£i,avSiv , Kai ttjv to>v 'Hpia-
peidvoov, e'lTow TivevpaTopdxcov .... (1) The true supporters of
the propositions of Arius were the Eunomians or Anomoeans,
of whom Aetius was the leader (7rpoo-rar^s St. Basil de Sp. S.

§ 4), with a clever lieutenant in his secretary Eunomius.

(2) But the Arians, i.e. the supporters of Arius himself, were
at first rather a court party, called Eusebians, after the Bishop
of Nicomedia, where the Court was. Their opinions were
somewhat modified from the propositions of Arius by the
use of opoiova-iov. When Acacius (Bishop of Caesarea from
338 365) became their leader, they were known as
Acacians, or from his favourite formula, Homoeans. But in
381 they had the name Eudoxians from Eudoxius, who was
Bishop of Constantinople from 360 to 370. (3) The Semi-
arians are mentioned as identical with the Pneumatomachi
although in earlier days Epiphanius distinguished between
St. Cyril of Jerusalem. xvii

them as holding, the first, less orthodox, and the second,

more orthodox opinions on our Lord.
In the following year, the letter from the Bishops at Con-
stantinople to Rome speaks of these heretics as Eunomians,
Arians and Pneumatomachi, and omits the alternative titles.


The Development of the Nicene Formula

and Beginning of the Macedonian Heresy.

St. Cyril of Jerusalem. — If we begin at Jerusalem,

which was then subject to Caesarea, we find the earliest

systematic exposition of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit in

the sixteenth and seventeenth catechetical lectures of Cyril.

In these, with the exception of references to the wild state-
ments of Gnostics, Cataphrygians and Manichees, we find
warnings only against those who (xvi. § 3) dare to separate
(sc. from the Father and the Son) the operation of the
Holy Spirit (01 xcopi£eii> ToXfxcjirres tov ayiov HvevfxciTOS rrjv ivep-

yeiav) ] and, he Says (§ 4), ovtc xa>pi'£o/iei/ ttju ay lav TptdSa,

cop Tives, ovre crvvaXoicprjv, cos 2a/3eXXioy, epya^ofxeda. We might
infer from this, that Cyril wrote before Arian teaching on
the Holy Spirit had taken any more definite form than the
above-quoted dicta of Arius. It should be remembered
that, in earlier days, Eusebius of Caesarea, who exercised
Metropolitical authority over the Bishops of Jerusalem, was
the consistent friend of Arius, and admitted him to teach in
Palestine, while Macarius, the Bishop of Jerusalem, would
have nothing to do with him. Maximus, the successor of
Macarius, after some vacillation was on the side of the truth
at Sardica; and Cyril's lectures were delivered, under him,
sometime before Athanasius was welcomed at Jerusalem on
his return from his second exile a.d. 349. Cyril in his

lectures does not use a higher formula for the Son than Kara
ndvra opoiov (iv. 7), and did not repent of his shrinking from
xv i i i In trodtiction .

the Nicenc bpoovmov until, after vicissitudes in which he

resembled St. Athanasius, without sharing his fearless con-
sistency, he attended among the 150 at Constantinople a.d.
381 (eV 8e 'ifpoo-oXvfMov Ki^iiXAoy, Tore (< perapfXeias tu> ' opo-
ovo-ioi' 7rpo(TKeifxevoi), and in the following year was spoken of
in the letter to Rome as '
Bishop Most Reverend and Most
Beloved by God/ who was '
canonically appointed by his
suffragan bishops long ago and who had gone through very
many conflicts against the Arians in divers places '
(Soc. v. 8 ;

Theod. v. 9).

Rise of Macedonianism. — The troubles of the aged

Alexander, Bishop of Constantinople, culminated Con-

stantine's order that he should receive Arius to communion.

His prayers, dnoXvaou epe r<W SovAoi/ crov . . . apov" Apeiov, were
answered, one with awful suddenness, the other by a wel-
come translation (Theod. i. 19) in a short time from the evil
to come (a.d. 336). He was succeeded by Paul, whose
occasional presence in Constantinople shed a few transitory
gleams of orthodoxy through an atmosphere that was satu-
rated with Arianism for forty years (a.d. 338-379). In 338
Eusebius the partisan of Arius (who must not be confounded
with the historian of Caesarea, also on the Arian side) was
translated from Nicomedia to Constantinople ; and on his

death in 342 Macedonius became a more permanent occu-

pant of the see. Macedonius was finally deposed by the
council held (a.d. 360) in his own city, after Ariminum and
Seleucia, which under the guidance of Acacius of Caesarea
and his friends, after accepting the Creed of Ariminum, also
deposed (on various pretexts) Basil of Ancyra, Eustathius
of Sebaste, Eleusius of Cyzicus and Silvanus of Tarsus.
Cyril of Jerusalem, who had been deposed by Acacius (by
virtue of his authority as Metropolitan) and had found a
home with Silvanus, was also condemned by this council,
and Aetius was degraded from the diaconate. Eudoxius
was put into the place of Macedonius, and, after his no-
toriously profane sermon at his enthroning, he put Eunomius
Rise of Macedonianism. xix

into the place of Eleusius, but soon drove him away to be-

come, with Aetius, the two leaders of extreme Anomoeanism.

The deposition of Macedonius was the occasion of the
rise of Macedonianism. He had been put into the see of
Constantinople on the supposition that, as he agreed with
the Arians on Holy Spirit, he was alto-
the doctrine of the
gether a partisan (Theod. ii. 6). But Theodoret goes on to
point out that their agreement was shortlived. A little '

while afterwards they drove him out also, because he did

not allow them to call Him a creature {kt'kj^o) to whom
Holy Scripture gives the title of Son. And for this reason
it was, that having separated from them, he became the
champion of a heresy of his own: for while he too did not
say that the Son was " of one substance " with the Father,
but taught that He was " like in all things " to Him that
begat Him, he went on to apply the word " created to the
The account of Socrates is very similar: (ii. 45) 'Now
Macedonius, being ejected from Constantinople, and dis-

liking his condemnation, could not keep quiet anyhow ; but

he turns first to those who were on the opposite side, the
bishops who at Seleucia condemned Acacius's friends : and
then begins to send suggestions to Sophronius (a Paphla-
gonian bishop) and Eleusius, to hold out against the (Dedi-
cation) Creed which they had put out at Antioch and
confirmed at Seleucia, and he recommended that the faith
should be expressed in the counterfeit watchword o^olovo-iov.
And so there flowed together to him many of his acquaint-

ance, men who now have the name of Macedonians from

him; and many, who in the synod at Seleucia had disputed with
Acacius's party, openly declared for the Sfiotovaiov, though
formerly they were not clear about it. It was reported with

many, word was not an invention of Macedonius,

that the
but of Marathonius, whom they had made bishop of Nico-
media a little while before for which reason men call them

also " Marathonians." Eustathius also, who was banished

xx Introduction.

from Scbaste for the reason mentioned above, found a


refuge with them. But when Macedonius refused to admit

the Holy Spirit into the Divine Trinity, Eustathius was
obliged to say, "I neither choose to call the Holy Spirit

God, nor would I bring myself to call Him creature." And

for this reason those who hold the opoovaiou give them the
epithet of " Pneumatomachi."
Egypt. — The earliest record now remaining of the articu-
late mutterings of the Pneumatomachi is found in Egyptian
Church History. St. Alhanasius was driven from his flock
for a third time in a.d. 356 and a second wolf was found

in George of Cappadocia, who had for a time worthy coad-

jutors in Aetius and Eunomius. While the saint was in
hiding with the monks of the desert, he received a letter
from the watchful Serapion, now Bishop of Thmuis, in

Augustamnica, telling him of some who had left the Arians

on account of their blaspheming the Son of God, but held
opinions against the Holy Spirit, declaring Him to be not
only a creature, but even one of the 'ministering spirits/
and higher than the angels only in position (pa6p£). Didy-
mus, the blind head of the Catechetical School, met this

Holy Spirit, of which we

heresy with his treatise on the
have only Jerome's Latin version and from the desert :

St. Athanasius wrote his letters to Serapion ; the first of which

contains a systematic exposition of the doctrine of the Holy
Spirit. In it he says it is madness to assert that He can be
a creature, if co-ordinated in the Trinity (d yap Kria-pa rjv, ov

(tw€T(i(t(T£to tt) Tpid8i } i. 17). His arguments, like those of

St. Basil, are based upon the belief in the Divinity of the Son.
In § 20 he alleges from Scripture, that the Son is sent by
the Father, the Spirit by the Son, the Father is glorified by
the Son, the Son by the Spirit, the Son speaks what He
heard from the Father, the Spirit receives from that which is

the Son's, and tells it to the world. The Spirit has there-

fore the same rd£is and (pvo-is in relation to the Son that the

Son has in relation to the Father (§ 21). The Son is

Egypt. xxi

Wisdom and Truth, and the Spirit is the Spirit of Wisdom

and the Spirit of Truth the Son is the Power of God, and

the Lord of Glory and the Spirit is the Spirit of Power and

the Spirit of Glory and he cautiously describes the inner


relation thus el 8e 6 Yidy, e7rei8r) e< tov Harpos icrriv, 'Idiov ttjs

ovo~las avTov icrriv, avdyK-q kol to Ilvevpa, e< tov Qeov Xeyopevov,
Xbiov elvai tear ovaiav tov Ylov (§ 25).

The first part of the treatise of Didymus is directed against

the assertion that the Holy Spirit is a creature : and he
maintains that the Spirit is of the same nature as the Father
and the Son, from the sameness of operations and of attri-

butes, and from the manner of His mission and of His re-
lation with the Father and the Son. Some of the objections
noticed by Didymus savour strongly of the presence of Aetius
and Eunomius in Egypt e. g. If the Holy Spirit is not

created, He is either the Brother of God and the Uncle of

the Only Begotten or is the Son of the Christ and Grandson

of the Father \ In dealing with which, Didymus hints that it

may be possible to be guilty of unpardonable sin not only
against the Holy Spirit (Matt. xiii. 3; Heb. x. 29) but also
against the Son (Matt. x. 33 Heb. ibid.) and against the

Father (1 Sam. ii. 25). In a later writing Didymus speaks

of the Holy Spirit as proceeding from the Father dvapxoos,
6ixoovcrlo>s, ddiaipcTcos, dppf)Ta>s and this relation with the

Father, as well as the relation with the Son, is as to His

Divine Nature (eWopeuerai napa tov Uarpos kol p.evei Trapa ra
Yta) OeiKws De Trin. ii. 21).
After the death of the second Cappadocian intruder at the
hands of a pagan mob, St. Athanasius was gladly received
by his people, and held the famous council at Alexandria
(a.d. 362), with the zealous co-operation of Eusebius of Ver-
ceilae (Liguria), who was just then returning from exile in
So Epiphanius in his section (lxxiv.) on the Pneumatomachi, has
to say, Tlvevfxa d-yiov ad, oil yevvijTov, ov ktiotov, ov o~vva5e\<p6v, ov
irpoiraTopov, ovk eyyovov, &A\' Ik ttjs clvttjs ovoias Tlarpos /cat Yiov,
Huevfia yap 6 Qeos.
See Bright's History, p. 116.
xxii Introduction.

Upper Egypt. At this council, in the words of Socrates

(iii. 7), ev6a KOi to ayiov Tlvevpa 6((>\oyr)(T(iVT€ ? rfj SflOOVaUp Tpui&l

awaveXanftdvovTo. And this definition was carried by Eusebius

on his homeward journey to the Churches of Illyricum, Italy

and Gaul. When the little '

cloud ' of Julians reign had
passed away, St. Athanasius with the Egyptian and Libyan
Bishops 363) sent, in reply to a request from the new
(a. d.

Emperor Jovian, a letter which is a valuable contemporary

record of the condition of the Church (Theod. Eccl. H. iv. 3).

It repeats the Faith of the Nicene Fathers, and states that

it is received by '
all the Churches in every place (koto, tokov),

to wit, the Churches in Spain, Britain and the Gauls, all

Italy and Campania, Dalmatia, Dacia and Mysia (Moesia),

Macedonia and all Hellas, and all the Churches in Africa,
Sardinia, Cyprus, and Crete, Pamphylia, Lycia and Isauria,
through all Egypt and Libya, Pontus and Cappadocia and
the parts near it (to. ttXtjo-Iov fiepr)), and the Churches in the
East (i. e. Oriens, from Cilicia to Arabia), with the exception
of a few men who held the opinions of Arius/ (His omission
of Thracia, of all but two of the provinces of Asia, and his
exception with respect to the churches under Antioch are
significant.) All these are claimed as loyal to the opoovawv,
and it was still too early in the days of Macedonianism to
speak of them as having judged and condemned it : but the
letter ends with a reference to the doctrine of the Holy Spirit

as implied by the Nicene Fathers under the simple words,

koX ei9 to ayiov Ylvcvpa. 'AAA' ovSe dnrjXkoTpicoo'av to Uvevfia to
"Ayiov d-no tov UaTpos ical tov Yiov' aXka pdWov o~vv€$6£aaav avTO

tg> Tlarpl ical rc5 Yiw iv tt) pia ttjs ayias Tpia8os ttiotci, 81a to Kai
plav elvai ttjv iv tt} ayiq Tpidbi QeoTrjTa :and we are justified in
assuming generally that the Sfioovaiov would have been under-
stood as applying to the Holy Spirit as well as to the Son,
by the Churches mentioned, if the question of Macedonianism

Armenia and Persia were the Churches beyond the limits of the

empire in the neighbourhood of Cappadocia. The words cannot pro-

perly be applied to the neighbourhood of the writer.
Spain, Britain and Gaul. xxiii

were mooted among them. In 376 St. Basil made a similar

claim as to the loyalty of the Churches : (xacpov eo-n tqvto to

/xepos to v€voctt)k6s' f) 8e Xomr} nacra I<lKic\r)o~ia, rj anb nepaTcov eh

TTepara de^apevr) to evayytXiov, eVt t//s vytovs io~ri Tavrrjs koi

ddia<TTp6(pov SibacTKakias.


The Orthodoxy of the Churches.

Spain. — In Spain we know that Hosius of Corduba was a

consistent upholder of the truth from the Council of Elvira
(a.d. 305) to that of Sardica (a.d. 344) and until his banish-
ment to Sirmium in 355 ; and that Potamius, Bishop of
Lisbon, was the chief framer of the Sirmian '
Blasphemy »,'

a.d. 357? which rejected ovala, Sfioovatov, and 6iioiovo-lop alike.

Yet we can accept the statement of St. Athanasius that the

Churches of Spain generally followed Hosius rather than
Potamius, and received the Nicene Faith with all that it

Britain and Gaul. —In Gaul, Maximin Bishop of Treves
was the host of St. Athanasius in his first exile (a.d. 336),

and when, during his third exile, eighteen years afterwards, the

Emperor Constantius endeavoured to force a synod at Aries

to condemn him, Vincent of Capua yielded, but Paulinus,
Maximin's successor, stood firm, and was banished to
Phrygia. To the same country Hilary of Poitiers and
Rhodanius of Toulouse were sent in 356, after condemna-
tion by a Council under Saturninus, the Arian Bishop of
Aries : and Hilary's own statement is, that on his way into
exile he first heard the Creed of Nicaea, i. e. that no copy of
it had found its way across Gaul from Treves to Poitiers : he
says the orthodoxy of Britain and Gaul did not need it. He
returned from exile after addressing a remonstrance to Con-
stantius to Constantinople in 360. During his exile he had
written his twelve books *
de Trinitate,' and had worked
hard to bring about an understanding between semi-Arians
xxiv Introduction.

and the Church. Socrates says, 'lXapios 8e ku\ iXXdyipos t»v

ftiftXiois rf] 'Pco/zaiW y\6)TT[i tu tov '

6/i.ooueriov napedojKf Soy para'

8t' Siv iKavios \i\v Tovroi avvecTTr), dvuar<os fie Kai tojv 'hpuavuiv
boyjiaTGsv Ka8^aTo. In his treatise on the Trinity, he deals
with the doctrine of the Holy Spirit warily, for it was written
in early 359) before Macedonianism had taken a
days (a. d.

definite shape and called out warnings from the Church.

But some of his words should be remembered in reference to

St. Basil's treatise. He speaks of the Spirit as '

ex Patre per
Filium '
(xii. 53, 57) : and in this connection he uses the texts
Of Whom are all things ' and '
through Whom are all

things/ He also says that the Spirit receives '

ex Utroque.'
Again, Phoebadius of Agen (who was afterwards distinguished
as a leader of the small body who held out at Ariminum for

the Homoousion), in writing against the Arians (a. d. 358),

said that the Church holds '
the Spirit to be of God (de Deo),
distinct (alius) from the Son as the Son is from the Father.'
It should be remembered that in 360, after Ariminum and
Seleucia, when Hilary returned from exile, a council of Gallic
Bishops, at Paris, declared that they accepted the Homo-
ousion in its true sense, and excommunicated the Arian
Italy. — When St. Athanasius mentions '
all Italy and
Campania,' he passes over in silent contempt the Arian
Bishop of Milan, Auxentius (of Cappadocia), who had been
intruded into the see of Dionysius, banished by Constantius
after his bold support of the saint at the Council of Milan
a- d. 355 : and he shews no fear of the contamination of the
country by the Council of Ariminum lately held (359).
Liberius was still standing out against its Creed, having re-
gained what St. Athanasius calls his former mind (rrjv e£ apxy*

yvcofxrjv). At the time of his writing Eusebius of Vercellae

and Hilary of Poitiers had returned from their exile and were
doing their utmost to undo what had been done at Ariminum
during their absence ; they were just then helping the ortho-
dox in Northern Italy against Auxentius, having with them

Italy. xxv

the definitions of the Council of Alexandria. It was with

special reference to Auxentius that Hilary used the famous
phrase, '
Sanctiores aures plebis quam corda sacerdotum.'
In 374 Auxentius died, and Ambrose was made
bishop. His
treatise de Spiritu Sancto was written, at the request of the

Emperor and in it he borrowed largely

Gratian, in 381 :

from the treatises of Didymus and Athanasius, of Basil and

his brother Gregory (of Nyssa), who had preceded him in the
work of controversy.
The Macedonians, by means of Eustathius of Sebaste,
Silvanus of Tarsus, and Theophilus, another Cilician bishop ,

imposed on Liberius after the Council of Lampsacus, at the

very end of his life : but in the days of his successor Damasus
a synod assembled to judge the Arian Auxentius ; ninety
bishops from Gaul and Italy attended, and condemned him
and the synodical letter, as sent to the churches in Illyricum,
shews in one passage both the orthodoxy of that part of Italy,
and the true interpretation of the last words of the Nicene
Creed : Ka\ yap fjvUa TTpeorov rj KaKia tcov alperiKoov dxpafciv fjp£aTo,

cos kol vvv paktcrra v<pepiv€i tcov 'Apciavcov tj fiXaacprjpia, oi narepes

Tjpaiv rpiaKoaioL oYfca Kcil oktco titicrKOTTOi \ kcu oi e/c rrjs 'Pcopaicov

ayia>TaTT)s entaKOTroij els NUaiav yivopivov rod aKepparos, tovto to

rel^os vnevavriov tcov onXcov tov dta(36\ov a>piaav} Kai TavTr\ dvridoTCo

Ta Oavaaipa cpappaicu. dneoiaavro. coaTe tov Uarepa Kai tov Ylbv

pids ovalas, picis 6eorr]Tos, pias dpeTrjs, pids dvvdptoos, kol evos

Xapaxrrjpos mcrTeveadai \PV> Kai T *) s a vrrjs vnoaTdaeoos ko.1 ovaias

Ka\ to llvevpa to dyiov. (Theod. ii. 22.) The letter sent from
the same synod to the eastern bishops declared that the de-
cree of the Nicene Council was '
ut Patrem Filium Spiri-
tumque Sanctum unius deitatis, unius virtutis, unius figurae,
unius credere oporteret substantiae . . . Spiritum quoque Sanc-
tum increatum, atque unius majestatis, unius usiae, unius
virtutis cum Deo Patre et Domino nostro Jesu Christo fate-
amur. Neque enim creaturae dignus est, qui emissus est ut
crearet, sicut propheta sanctus adstruxit dicens ; Emitte Spiri-
1 2
See below, pp. xxxiv, xxxix. Not in the Latin version.
xxvi Introduction.

turn tuum et creabuntur : deinde alius item posuit : Spiritus

Divinus qui fecit me ; Non enim separandus est diviniiate.

qui in operatione ac peccatorum remissione connectitur.'

Seven years afterwards 379) this was accepted in synod
(a. d.

at Antioch by Meletius, Eusebius of Samosata, Eulogius of

Edessa, and 150 other bishops. (Mansi, iii. 459-464.)
The mention of Campania may be due to St. Athanasius's

knowledge that Vincent of Capua, who had been frightened

into condemning him at Aries in 354, had remained firm
against the Creed of Ariminum in 359.

Illyricum-Occidentale. St. Athanasius mentions next
Dalmatia, a part only of the diocese of Illyricum. Sirmium
was tainted with the memories of its heretical bishops Pho-
tinus and Germinius (joint author, with Potamius, of the
Blasphemy, a. d. 357), and of their two still more heretical
suffragans, Ursacius of Singidunum and Valens of Mursa.
But in a council of Illyrican bishops which was held about
the time of Germinius' death, a.d. 371 (just after the council
under Damasus, and a similar council in Gaul), the ortho-
doxy of the diocese was vindicated by a letter of reproof
to the Bishops of Asia which must have comforted the heart
of St. Basil in his struggles. In it they said they had demon-
strated the Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit to be con-
substantial (ofioovaiou) : and they were sending on the Roman
bishop Elpidius to see if it were really true that in Asia
a doctrine is preached which separates the Holy Spirit from
the Father and the Son :
If ye really have ever been involved
in such an error, put off the old man and put on the new.
And Elpidius will teach you to preach the true faith, that the
Holy Consubstantial Trinity is sanctified, glorified and mani-
fested in God Son and Holy Spirit, the
the Father with the
Father in the Son, the Son in the Father with the Holy Spirit
for ever.' It may be noticed that the Illyrican bishops go on

to say that this doctrine of the Consubstantial Trinity is '

conformity with the faith long ago set forth in Nicaea.'
(Theod. iv. 9.)
JJacia and Macedonia. xxvii

Dacia. — The later orthodoxy of Dacia and Moesia may

be said to result naturally from the great Council at Sardica
(a.d. 344), whose Acts were a sort of second chapter of the
Nicene council. It restored St. Athanasius (after his second
exile) to Alexandria, Marcellus to Ancyra, and Asclepas to
Gaza, deposed and excommunicated the three '
wolves who
had entered ' their sees, Gregory, Basil, and Quintianus, and
condemned the eight leaders of the Arians, with their policy
and teaching.
Macedonia. — The name of Ascholius, who succeeded to
the metropolitan throne of Thessalonica, at the time of the
deposition of Macedonius (a. d. 360), some guarantee for is

the truth of St. Athanasius's claim that Macedonia * held the

Nicene Creed. He was the firm friend of St. Athanasius and
St. Basil, and his statement to the Emperor Theodosius,

who applied to him for baptism, when he was ill at Thessa-

lonica, confirms and carries on the testimony of St. Athanasius

almost to the time of the Council of 381 : to Se ficmTLo-Qrjvai

did rrjv appcoariav crrrevo-as, eVt^r^fras' re rbv QeacrakouiKecov eVicrKO-

7TOV, T)pdi)Tr)(T€ TYpOTCpOV TToLaV TtlCTTW T)(T7rd^€TO. TOV Se elnOVTOS, COS

ov TraprjXBev rj 'Apfiavcov 86£a Kara ra 'lXXvpia>i/ eOvrj, ovde icr^uo-f

(rvvapTvdcrai f) nap (Keivov yeytvrjpevr) Kaivoropia ras rrjSe eKKXrjcrias,

aWa p,evovcri (pvXaTTOvres dcrdXevrov rrjv avcodev pkv kcli c£ dpyj)<; * K

tcov aTToaToXcov rrapaboOeicrav Triariv, iv be rfj Kara. Niicaiav avvodco

fiefiaicDBelcrav, /3acrtXeu? dcrpeveaTara vno 'Acr^oX/ot* tov (TriaKonov

pcnrTL&Tai. (Soc. v. 6.) That this specially implied freedom

from Macedonianism is further suggested by the fact of the
edict of Theodosius put forth at that time from Thessalo-
nica (Cod. Theod. xvi. 1, 2), in which 'he declared his belief
in the Godhead of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost,
in equal Majesty and divine Trinity, and commanded that
the name of Catholic Christians should be applied only to
those who professed the same belief, while he expressed his

Demophilus (of Berroea), the tempter of Liberius, a single ex-
ception, removed to the more congenial atmosphere of Constantinople
in 369.
xxviii Introduction.

desire that all his subjects should follow that faith as taught

by Damasus, Bishop of Rome, and by Peter, Jiishop of Alex-

andria.' (Wordsworth, Ch. Hist. ii. 313.)
Thracia. — The condition of Constantinople has been
already noticed. The pseudo-council of the Kusebians at

Philippopolis (a. d. 344) ; the successive exiles of the ortho-

dox bishops, Eutropius and Lucius, from Hadrianople the ;

murder of Theodulus, Bishop of Trajanople, and the vicissi-

tudes of Paul and Evagrius, both occasionally allowed to be
bishops of Constantinople with all that was done at Nike to

wreck the Council of Ariminum, shew sufficiently the reason

of the omission of Thracia from St. Athanasius's list of the
Churches that held the Nicene Faith ; while, in after days, the
mission of St. Gregory of Nazianzus to preach the Catholic
Faith in Constantinople, and his sermons in the church of
the Resurrection ' speak emphatically to the result of the

forty years of Arianism which ended with the expulsion of

Africa and the Mediterranean. — The memories of Ter-
tullian and Cyprian, the labours of Lucifer of Cagliari, and the
extant writings of Epiphanius, Metropolitan of Cyprus, must
suffice to support the claim of St. Athanasius for the ortho-
doxy of the Churches of Africa and the islands of the
Mediterranean. The connexion between the '
stantinopolitan ' Creed and the formulas contained in the
'AyKvpeoros of Epiphanius is well known : the latter work was
written as a help to orthodoxy for the Church of Pamphylia,
a province of Asia. A passage from it may be quoted as ex-
pressing the doctrine of the Consubstantial Trinity in a
manner somewhat different from the other writers, quoted in

the present book : ti'mttis de rj Ka66Xov KrjpvKoov (pcouals avn]

<jrjpalv€Tai } a)j eyojye olpat, Karrj^ov/xevos €K ypcKpcov, Tpia ayta, rpia

crvvdyia, rpia invapKTa, rpia awi/napicra, rpia eppopepa, Tpia avp.-

pop(pa y rpia ivepyd, Tpia crvvepyd, Tpia ivvTVocTTara, Tpia crvvvnocrTaTa

dXXrjXois crvvowa, Tpids avrr] dyla KaXelTai, Tpia ovto, pla avpcpoovla,

fila QeoTrjs Trjs avTrjs dvvdpecos, Trjs ovttjs vTrooracreajy, opola i£

Asia. xxix

6/Wov, laoTTjra xapiTos rrjs x *P LT0 * eVya£Vrai, Harpos Ka\

avrrjs (

Ylov <a\ 'Aylov Uvevfiaroi (repeated by him in his section on

nvevnaTondxoi, adv. Haeres. III. lxxiv, which affords an

interesting parallel to chapters xix.-xxiv. of the present trea-

Asia. —There were ten provinces in Asia, of which Hilary

says (De Syn. 63) that, with the exception of a few, including
Eleusius, Bishop of Cyzicus, they were for the most part
really ignorant of God — that is, overrun by pure Arianism.
The provinces were Asia, Caria, Lycia, Pamphylia, Lycaonia,
Pisidia, the two Phrygias, Lydia, and Hellespontus. Of
these St. Athanasius claims as orthodox only two, Pam-
phylia and Lycia, and in after years we find the former
mentioned honourably by Epiphanius, the latter by St. Basil.

Menophantus, bishop of Ephesus, who belonged to the Arian

party even at Nicaea, was deposed and excommunicated
among the eight Arian leaders at Sardica, and thirteen years
afterwards he joined with the rest of his party at Antioch in
intruding the Cappadocian George into St. Athanasius's place.
The condition of the diocese is an argument for the earliest

date assigned to the orthodox Council held at the Phrygian

Laodicea. In 356 Macedonius put into the see of Cyzicus
Eleusius, noted for his share in his patron's violence and after-

wards for his maintenance of the Dedication Creed at Seleucia

in 359. Deposed at Constantinople in 360, he made way for

Eunomius but he returned on Julian's accession, though soon

again banished by Julian, and again restored. At Lampsacus,

in his province, a council was held in 365 which re-affirmed

his favourite Creed of the Dedication. Although the Arian

Emperor Valens rendered its decisions futile, the writer
Socrates says the outcome of the Council was the prevalence
of Macedonianism along the Hellespont (Soc. iv. 4). He
tells also of the firmness of the Church of Cyzicus, which
remained faithful to the former teaching of Eleusius on his
return from Valens, before whom at Nicomedia he had been
compelled to give his assent to an Arian Creed. His flock
xxx Introduction.

condoned the failing of their shepherd on his penitent confes-

sion of his weakness. Later on

370) we hear of the
(a. d.

Bishops of Heraclea and Constantinople being foiled in anew

attempt to give the people of Cyzicus an Arian bishop : yei
when the tyranny of Valens was overpast, and the harshness
of Arians no longer pressed him, Eleusius became more
obstinately Macedonian, and was the leader of the thirty-six
bishops (chiefly of his own province) who represented the
semi-Arian party in the Council of Constantinople (Soc. v. 8).

He was finally left to the sorry comfort, invented by himself

and the others who shared his belief in a divided Trinity, that

they belonged to the chosen few, and that the Church con-
sisted only of the many called (Soc. v. 10). After his removal
from Cyzicus, the Arian Eunomius lived for many years at
Chalcedon in the neighbouring Pontic province, and Sozomen
(vi. 27) says that his heresy was spread from Cilicia and the
mountains of Taurus as far as the Hellespont and Constan-
tinople. He ascribes to Eunomius (as he also does to Apol-
linarius) the power of attracting to his party the persons
among whom he dwelt. St. Basil, writing to St. Amphi-
lochius (Metropolitan of Lycaonia) in a. d. 375, mentions
five bishops of Lycia, and three priests in another diocese of
the same province, who dissented from what he calls to 'Ao-ia-

vov (pp6vr]fxa, and said he was most thankful to God that there
were any at all in the region of Asia who were unhurt by
heresy : in another letter to the Neocaesarean Church, he
claims Pisidia, and the two Phrygias as well as the pro-
vince of Amphilochius and later on, when St. Basil was,

as often before, lying on a sick bed, he was cheered by the

news of a council, held somewhere in the exarchy of Asia,
which accepted the writings of himself and of Amphilochius
on the true meaning of the Nicene formula, and condemned
the errors of the Pneumatomachi.
Oriens. — The Churches of the East (i. e. under Antioch),
are claimed as orthodox with the exception of a few persons
who held the opinions of Alius (at Kara avarokas eKKkrjaiai, irapt£
Antioch. xxxi

oXlyoiv T(hv to. 'Apelov (fipovovvrcov). To one of less buoyant

mind than St. Athanasius, the troubles in Antioch itself would
have been too perplexing for such a claim : his friend Lucifer

of Cagliari had lately aggravated the schism by consecrating

Paulinus : Euzoius, the oft-deposed heretic, who had baptized
Constantius (Nov. 361), ruled in the Church, and was only
kept from turning Paulinus out of the small church in which
the orthodox Eustathians worshipped from a personal feeling
of respect (m'Soi rfj npos avrov). The orthodox Meletians were
holding aloof from and Euzoius had promulgated
these :

(a. d. 361) the ultra- Arian Creed which declared our Lord

to be navTeXas dv6p.ot.ov tm JJarpl. Yet St. Athanasius felt (as

he said in De Syn. 32), that at the end of their combinations
against the truth '
they would come to themselves and say,

we will arise and go to our fathers, and will say to them,

We anathematize the Arian heresy, and we acknowledge the
Council of Nicaea.' When he wrote, he knew that Antioch
was rid of the presence of Aetius and Eunomius, but he did
not live to see the realization of his hopes. After his death,
the confusion was somewhat simplified for a time when Valens
banished Meletius to Armenia (a. d. 374), sparing Paulinus
(81 vTvepfidWovaav tov dvdpos evkdficiav). The accession of
Gratian, the death of Euzoius, and, two years afterwards
(a. d.378) the death of Valens brought comparative peace
to the Church of Antioch, as it did also to the others. Me-
letius returned, although Paulinus was still living.

Eusebius of Samosata was not banished from his see till

after St. Athanasius's death. He too returned in 378 from

his exile in Thrace, and laboured energetically for the con-
firmation of the Nicene faith. Six bishops, famous for zeal
and orthodoxy, are mentioned by Theodoret (v. 4) as having
been placed in their sees by Eusebius : one, Isodore, was
a predecessor of Theodoret himself in Cyrus : two, Theo-
dotus and Maris, were given to Hierapolis and Doliche in
Eusebius' s province : two, Acacius and another Eusebius,
would appear to have been recommended to Meletius for
xxxii Introduction.

Berroea and Chalcis, sees in his province of Antioch ; and

the last, Eulogius, being made Metropolitan of Edessa, gave
Protogenes, the companion of his struggles, to be '
the guar-
dian and physician of the sick city '
of Karrae.
In 379 a council under Meletius accepted the synodal
letter from Rome (see p. xxv) the signatures of Eusebius :

and Eulogius, attached to the acceptance, tell us of '

peace of the Churches' (Theod. iv. 18). In such ways as
these, which led up to the presidence of Meletius at Con-
stantinople in 381 and his honoured death there, the hopes
of St. Athanasius were realized : and St. Augustine records
that in his time, while there were no Arians in Africa, their

numbers in the East were very few.

Pontus — Sozomen (vi. 26) says that the greater part of
the Catholic Church would have been subverted by A nanism
had it not found opponents in the Cappadocians, Basil and
Gregory. It was well that Cappadocia should have furnished
such champions as Basil and the two Gregories ; for its

name is attached to many against whom the orthodox were

called to fight. Asterius, of whose Arian sophistries St.

Athanasius gives us specimens (De Synod. § 18, 19), was

a Cappadocian : Eunomius was a Cappadocian : Gregory
and George, the two Arian intruders into the see of St. Atha-
nasius, and Auxentius of Milan, were Cappadocians also.

Eudoxius came from the adjoining province of Armenia. In

Bithynia, Eusebius of Nicomedia and Theognis of Nicaea
itself were almost the last to sign the Creed325; and it

was from the Emperor's court in Nicomedia that the Arian

reaction derived its chief strength. At the time of St. Basil's

episcopate, their successors were, in Nicomedia, Marathonius,

a nominee of Macedonius and a leader of his party ; and
in Nicaea, and nominee of
Hypatius, a pupil of Aetius,
Eudoxius. In Galatia, the annals of Marcellus and Basil
of Ancyra, and in Armenia, the career of Eustathius of
Sebaste, are mere registers of shifting winds of heresy. In
377 St. Basil said (Ep. 263) that the latter was TrpwToo-Td-nis

Pontus. xxxiii

rrjs t<ov 7rv€VjjiaToiidx<ov alpeaevs. There were rugged tracts,

both in Pontus and Asia, which were convenient places of

exile for orthodox bishops. Paul, three times Bishop of
Constantinople, is said to have ended his third banishment
by being strangled at Cucusus, not far from Caesarea, in

339, when St. Basil was still a boy. Dionysius of Milan

was sent by Constantius to Cappadocia in 355; Paulinus of
Treves, the constant friend and correspondent of St. Atha-

nasius, Hilary of Poitiers and Rhodanius of Toulouse were

sent to Phrygia soon after and Meletius of Antioch came

in exile to Armenia in 370. Arians also had the same rough

experiences : Aetius and Eunomius followed the footsteps of
Hilary to the barbarous land in which Paulinus died.
The orthodox traditions of Firmilian (a predecessor of St.
Basil, who presided in the Synod held at Antioch to try

Paul of Samosata) were handed on by Leontius, who was

at Nicaea, to his successor Hermogenes, but were broken
by Dianius, who, after taking part in the Council of Antioch
(341), failed to defend St. Athanasius at Sardica, and fifteen

years later subscribed the Creed of Ariminum. In St. Cyril's

Lectures (347), we read of '

the new head of the dragon
sprung up in Galatia,' meaning Marcellus of Ancyra, now
fallen from his old orthodoxy ; and his frequent successor
Basil, denounced as a '
wolf ' at Sardica, earned his deposi-
tions from Catholics and Arians alike. The vacillations of
Eustathius of Sebaste in faith, as in his feelings and conduct
towards St. Basil (who was greatly his junior) are an indi-

cation of the state of the Church in Pontus. St. Basil's

account of him, in Ep. 263 (a.d. 377) to the Western Bishops,

is as follows :
There is then one of those who are giving
much pain to us, Eustathius of Sebaste in the Lesser
Armenia; who, long ago (circ. a.d. 320), became a disciple
of Arius, in his prosperous days at Alexandria, when he was
contriving his evil blasphemies against the Only Begotten
him he followed and was reckoned among the most genuine
of his pupils. On his return to his own land, when Her-
t c
xxxiv Introduction.

mogenes, Bishop of Cacsarea, of blessed memory, called him

to account for his false doctrine, he presented a confession
of sound faith, lie was then ordained by Hermogenes, and
after that prelate fell asleep (circ. a.d. 342) he went off to
Eusebius, who was bishop of Constantinople (a.d. 338-342).
a man inferior to none in his support of the impious tenet
of Arius. Driven from Constantinople for some reason, he
came to his own people and again cleared himself, con-
cealing his impious belief by assenting to some correct form
of words. Then somehow or other (before a.d. 357) he was
made bishop, and we straightway find him at the semi-Arian
Council of Ancyra (a.d. 358) writing the anathema of the
Homoousion. Thence having come to Seleucia, he has
managed to do, with his party, the things that are known
tO all (peopaKe fi€Ta rcov eavrov ofxodo^cov a ndvres 'laraaw). But
in Constantinople (a.d. 359) he again gave his assent to the
creed presented by the heretics (sc. the creed of Ariminum).
And in this way, after being driven from his see, on account
of his having previously been degraded in Melitene (Armenia)
he devised a way of being restored by coming to you. And
what it was that was presented for his assent by Bishop
Liberius of blessed memory, and what he actually assented
to, we do not know ; we only know that he brought a letter
reinstating him, which he shewed in the council at Tyana
(a.d. 367), and was then reinstated in his place. He now
destroys the faith, on his assent to which he l
was received,
and he associates with those who anathematize the Homo-
ousion and is a leader of the heresy of the Pneumatomachi.'
In an (244) to Eustathius himself (a.d. 376?),
earlier letter

St. Basil gave a similar account, only adding Lampsacus

(a.d. 365), Nike, and Cyzicus (a.d. 376?) to the formulae to
which Eustathius had subscribed : and he explains that at
Cyzicus the Homoousion was suppressed, the Kar ova-Lav

ofioiov was substituted, and Eunomius' blasphemies against

the Holy Spirit were adopted. In this letter Basil reminds
Sc. before Liberius A.D. 366, and to St. Basil himself a.d. 373.
St. Basil. xxxv

Eustathius of their old intimacy when they had a common

object in the monastic life (circ. a.d. 356).


St. Basil.

While the Council of Ariminum was still pursuing its

miserable course (a.d. 359), the Council of Seleucia reached

itssomewhat sudden and unprepared end through the inter-
vention of Leonas, the emperor's commissioner. Hilary was
there, and Meletius, afterwards the revered president at

Constantinople in 381. The majority deposed, in a fashion,

Acacius from Caesarea and his suffragan Uranius of Tyre,
Eudoxius from Antioch, George from Alexandria, and four
bishops of Asia ; and they at least had some claim to the
negative virtue of protesting against extreme Arianism by
their support of the Dedication Creed. We need not then
be surprised to find that St. Basil's first appearance in con-
troversy was when he accompanied the deputies of the
Council to Constantinople. He was born about a.d. 330,
and was brought up, without baptism, learning from his
grandmother Macrina something of what she had received
from the great Gregory of Neocaesarea. After well-spent
years of study at Caesarea, Constantinople, and Athens, he
had returned to Caesarea and received baptism from Dianius
his bishop about a.d. 357, and by him was ordained a
Reader. He then saw enough of monasticism in Egypt,
Syria, and Mesopotamia to be ready, on his return home, to
give up his goods and adopt their life, and practise true
philosophy according to the way of the church V Eusta-

He says (Ep. 223") : feat 8r) iroWovs fitv tvpov /caret rr)v 'AXcgavSptlav,
iroWovs Se /caret rr)v \oiirr)v A'iyviTTOV /cat kirl ttjs JJaKaiffTivrjs erepovs,
koX ttjs koiXtjs 2,vpias real ttjs MeootroTaplar wv kdavp.a£ov p.\v to irepl

8ianav i^Kparis- kdavpia^uv 5e rb KaprspiKuv kv ttovois. k£en\ayr]v rr)v

\v irpocrevxais evroviav, ovevs virvov tear etc par ovv, vir' ouoe/ma? (pvaiKtjs
ava^K-qs KaTaKap.nTop.evoi, viprjkdv del Kal &5ov\ojtov ttjs fax?}* to (ppovr\p.a

C 2
xxxvi Introduction.

thius (afterwards of Sebastc) had been of the same mind ;

and we can imagine that St. B;isil accompanied his name-

sake of Ancyra and the bishop of Sebaste to Constantinople
in 359, or 360, much in the way in which an intelligent and
devout Oxford layman might have gone with the late Bishop
of Winchester to the Conference of Bonn in 1874. The
result of the visit to Constantinople was two-fold : Aetius,
the heretical counterfeit of St. Athanasius, was banished by
Constantius; but succumbed to the com-
St. Basil's chiefs

bination of their Acacian opponents and the deputies from

Ariminum. This may explain the statement of St. Basil's

kindhearted but simple brother, Gregory of Nyssa, that they

were triumphantly victorious (Greg. Nyss. in Eunom. i. 289,
296), while the hard Arian Philostorgius (iii. 16), says they
were shamefully defeated. Basil of Ancyra, Eustathius (who
had been the accuser of Aetius before the emperor), with
Macedonius of Constantinople, Eleusius of Cyzicus, Silvanus
of Tarsus, and Cyril of Jerusalem, the very same bishops
who at Seleucia had just deposed Acacius and Eudoxius,
were by them deposed in their turn, and banished by the

emperor. St. Basil seems to have acted throughout these

proceedings consistently with his humble office in the Church,
and his modesty earned for him from Philostorgius (or most
probably from the writer's informant, Eunomius himself), the
imputation of timidity : oh aXKot re koi BaaiXcios erepos 7rapfjv

(TvpcKnrifav, didKovcav en rdf-iv e^aiv' dvvapei pkv tov Xeyeiv 7roX\(cv

TTpo(p€poiv' rco de rrjs yva>pr)s dQapcrtl, irpbs rovs koivovs imocrTeXXo-

fxevos dyavas (Phil. iv. 1 2). This may be the Arian way of
saying that St. Basil withdrew from the Seleucian deputies
when they yielded to the Acacians. It is on his return to

Siaaaj^ovres, kv \ip.5> teal diipei, kv ipvx* 1 nal yvp,voTr)Ti, urj kmcrrpecpopievoi

irpos to (juj/xa, UT]5e fcaradexopevoi avra> irpoaavaXwoat riva (ppovrlda,
dW' <bs kv dWorpia ttj crap/cl diayovres, epyq> kdutcvvaav , ri to irapoinuv
tois cl>5e, /cat ri to TioXiTevpia '^x €lV * v ovpavw. kiceiva 6avp.aoas, real

fiaKapiaas tuiv avSpwv ttjv (oorjv, oti tpyep deiKvvovffi tt)V vk/cpajcxiv tov
'Itjctov kv too ffajfxari irepupepovres, i)bxop.f]v ttal avros, naOoaov kp.ol
kcpiKTov, fyXojTrjs eivat t&v avbpwv ktcdvow.
St. Basil and Dianius. xxxvii

Caesarea from Constantinople that the Benedictine editor

(Prudentius Maranus) refers the labours in defence of the
faith, which he himself mentions to Eustathius in his letter of

expostulation (223) against his false friend's three years of

calumny (a.D. 37 2— 375) : T<* e7 " Xa\Kr)86vos \aXrj6evra fjplv

7rcp\ TricrTcois, To. ev 'HpaK\ei.q noWdias, ra nporepov em rrjs Kaicra-

peias ev to) 7rpoacrret&>, el prj uavra crvp,<fia>va Trap* r)pu>v. This

implies, as is also implied by the title and contents of Ep. 8
referred to below, that in his own city St. Basil had already
been called by Dianius to use his powers of preaching. A
bitter disappointment was however awaiting him, when he
reached Caesarea. His bishop had subscribed the formula
of Ariminum, as modified at Nike. This creed substituted
for the opoovatov the cloudy phrases, opoiov rw yevvrjcravTi avrov
YlarpX Kara, ras ypacpds' ov rrjv yevecriv ovdels ytvooaKei el prj povos

6 yevvr](xas avrov JJarrjp, and abolished the term ovcria as not

contained in Scripture, and vnoaraa-is also, 'for it too does
no good' (/cat yap ovhe oJpe'Ckei). St. Basil withdrew quietly
from Caesarea, and seems to have moved from town to town
till he reached his bosom friend, Gregory, son of the Bishop
of Nazianzus, a town of Cappadocia. In his retreat he
wrote a letter (Ep. 8) traditionally entitled rols Kaio-apevaip

dnoXoyia TvepX Trjs cnro)(wpr)o-ea)<; koi irepX Tviarecos, in which, after

referring to the unexpected blow which he had received, he
warns them against the Arian errors (to which they would
naturally be exposed by the submission of Dianius to Acacius
and Eudoxius), and expounds the doctrines of the Unity of
the Divine Nature, and of the Uncreated Trinity, showing
that it is impossible for such qualities as likeness or unlike-
ness to be applicable to the Son ; and after referring to the

perversion of scripture practised by heretics, he proceeds to

explain the texts about the Son which were misapplied by
them, e.g. John vi. 58, xiv. 28, Mark xiii. 32, Prov. viii. 22,
John v. 19; and then the similar supports of false doctrine
about the Holy Spirit, especially Ps. cxix. (cxviii. lxx.) 91.
During his retreat, and at the time of the Anomoean Council
xxxviii Ititroduction.

at Antioch, St. Basil probably composed his Moralia, which

is a good specimen of the practical use he made of Holy
Scripture as a rule of life. About this time Julian s short

reign commenced, and St. Basil's experience of the death-

bed of Dianius left his heart tender through life towards all

who could be believed to have been unwittingly led astray.

Dianius in his last illness sent for St. Basil, and assured him
that, the Lord being witness to his truth, he had assented to
the document brought from Constantinople without intending
at all to efface the Creed put out by the Nicene Fathers, and

that in heart he was the same as when he first accepted it.

Indeed he went on to pray that he might share the blessed
lot of those 318 bishops who had given the truth (to eito-cpes
Kr]pvyfxa) to the world. The strange choice of a successor to
Dianius in Eusebius, a layman, his speedy baptism and con-
secration, and Julian's rage against Caesarea, soon followed
by his death and the accession of Jovian, were the circum-
stances under which St. Basil attempted a new work, the
refutation of Eunomius's Apology for Arianism. This was
written to meet a lower form of heresy than his subsequent
work De Spiritu Sancto, which deals with Macedonianism,
and which generally takes for granted that higher doctrine of
the Nature of the Son, which in the work of Eunomius was
denied. While he was attacking Arianism in Cappadocia,
St. Athanasius, after w riting his epistles to Serapion, was

condemning Macedonianism and sending the letter to Jovian

which has been quoted in a previous section. St. Basil was
now ordained to the priesthood by Eusebius, and though he
spent some years in Pontus, in consequence, so it is be-
lieved, of his bishop's jealousy of his superior powers, he
returned when the Church of Caesarea was endangered by
the long dark days which began with the reign of Valens.
During this retreat, the Semiarians at the Council of
Lampsacus had tried once more to overcome Eudoxius and
Acacius. But they were not only baffled by the Imperial
power ; they also began to share with their Catholic brethren
Liber uis and the Semiarians. xxxix

in the persecutions which were promoted by their oppo-

nents. After holding various meetings in the provinces of
Asia, Pisidia, Isauria, Pamphylia and Lycia, their leaders,

Eustathius of Sebaste and Silvanus, the Metropolitan of

Cilicia, with one of his suffragans Theophilus of Castabala,
turned their hopes towards Liberius, the Pope; to whom
they came, as deputies, professing that they held the Catholic
Faith as tested by the 318 at Nicaea, and guarded by the
terms vnao-Taais and opoovenos, which latter they had al-

ready declared to be the meaning of their Kara rravra opoios.

They had before this, sc. at Lampsacus, denied the belief of

the Anomoeans, and they now anathematized especially the

Creed of Ariminum, which, as signed at Constantinople
through Arian trickery had proscribed the terms now ac-
cepted. Liberius received them to communion, and sent
them back with a letter testifying to the orthodoxy of their

statements. This letter was addressed by name to sixty-

three bishops of the Macedonians, the first of them being

Evethius the Bishop of Ephesus and exarch of Asia : others
are recognised as bishops of Sardis, Iconium, Magnesia, and
the greater part ofthem belonged to the provinces of Asia.
Not more than three can be recognized as belonging to
Pontus, and Marathonius's name does not occur. The
letter was presented at a council held, not in Asia under

Evethius, but in Pontus under Eusebius of Caesarea, at

Tyana, the seat of one of the suffragans in his Cappa-

docian province (a. d. 367). St. Basil is supposed by some
to have been a partner in suggesting the appeal of the
Semiarians to the help of Liberius. He was certainly back
again in Caesarea, and working cordially as a priest under
Eusebius, when the council of Tyana was held. But the
hope of realizing the union, .now almost in sight, by a more
general meeting of the Eastern Bishops at Tarsus, was
defeated by the Arian emperor ; and the Semiarian malcon-
tents, probably consisting of one half of the Arian bishops
addressed by Liberius, met in Caria, and rejected the very
— ;

xl Introduction.

basis of union, the Homoousion, thus rendering the Churches

of Asia, already weakened by heresy, still less able to repel

the assault of Valens' persecution. The Churches of Pontus

were happier in being able to suffer without flinching. St.

Basil's assistance was greatly helpful to Eusebius during the

last three years of his episcopate. He died about the same
time as Aetius and Eudoxius : and St. Basil, after an amount
of friendly help and unfriendly opposition, which made his

election as strange as that of his predecessor, was consecrated

to the uneasy office. All that he did during the short nine
years of his episcopate in consolidating his monastic institu-
tions, in attempting to maintain orthodoxy, and to conciliate
those who had erred, was a consistent sequel to the fourteen
years that had followed his baptism; and in defending the
Church from imperial violence, he shewed himself a true
1 .'
shepherd and proved his claim to his epithet '
the Great
If we read the account of these nine years, bearing in
mind the experiences with which he entered upon them
his intercourse with Dianius and Eusebius, with the Gregories
of Nazianzus, father and son, and with Eustathius of Sebaste
and his memories of Seleucia and Constantinople, Lamp-
sacus, and Tyana — the record of his brief episcopate, ending

St. Gregory of Nyssa says of these times of Valens, Contra
Eunom. I. (II. p. 315) : HoTov ovk eireveipiaTo tottov tojv 'E/ck\t)(jiojv r)

TrjviKavTa Karaarpocpr] ; ttoiov kpieivev kOvos rrjs tojv alperiKuiv kmo~Taaias

CLTreipctTov ; ris tojv Kara ras 'E/ctfA.^ams ev8oKip,ovvTOJV ovk direaeiaOr]
tojv ttovqjv ; itolos biecpvye Xaos tt)v Toiavrr/v tTrrjpeiav ; ov %vpla rrdaa, nai
tojv norapLOJv r) p^kar], p*XP l T(*"' ^pos tovs fiapffapovs opojv ; ov ^oivlkt],
koll TlaXaiarivrj, Kal 'Appafiia, kcu Aijvtttos, /cat rd kOvq rr/s Ai(3vr]s eojs

tov rep/xaros rfjs ko.9' rjpds olnovpLevrjS, ov rd km Tabe iravra, YIovtlko'l,

Kal KiAiKes, Avkiol, Avdoi, Tliffibai, Uapcpvkoi, Kdpes, 'EWrjO'novTLOi, vrj-

atojrai p-ixP 1 T V S HponovTidos avTr)s ; ov to. km Qpqicqs navra ecus r\v

rj Sparer], Kal rd -nepl avrcuv 'iOvrj ecu? irpbs tov 'larpov avruv tI tojv ;

irdvTOJV em crxVP- aT0S c/^etj/c, ir\r)v el pirjTt TrpoKarelx^TO toj toiovtqj KaKcv ;

dAAd pLovos Ik iravTOJV 6 KainrabuKeios Xabs rrjs koivtjs tojv 'EkkXtjoiojv

ovpupopds ovk kirrjoOeTO' bv 6 pieyas irpopiaxos r)p.ojv knl tojv -neipaapjojv

Sieadjo-aTO a .

a But see Wordsworth's History, vol. II. p. 262, for details of the suffering endured
by Cappadocia.
St. Basil's troubles. xli

with his early death, is fuller of pathos than the long struggles
of his friend St. Athanasius, as he alternated between banish-
ment and restoration through forty-six years. The heart-
burns that attended St. Basil's election were scarcely allayed,
when was
his province cut in rival two by Valens, and a
Metropolitan, Anthimus of Tyana, thrust in his face insults :

and threats, arguments and promises were followed by the

arrival of the Arian Emperor, as a raging lion, and his
intrusion into St. Basil's Church at Caesarea; and though
after St. Basil's bold resistance he withdrew, there was always
a prefect, ready to act, '
as a messenger of Satan/ in getting
rid of a faithful suffragan and putting an Arian in his place.
When he had reason to hope that Eustathius of Sebaste had
at last given in his adhesion to the Nicene faith, and ac-
knowledged the true meaning of its last clause as against the
Pneumatomachi, the news came of the death of St. Athanasius
his one comfort in woes (Ep. 80)
and the gleam of
' :

brightness which came from the consecration of St. Ambrose

in distant Milan was soon obscured by the final lapse of Eus-
tathius into Homoiousianism and '
blasphemies '
the Holy Spirit, as the last of his long '
tale of faiths ' (tg>v

niarecov as dnrjpiOfxrjcranrjv). Throughout his labours on behalf

of the faith, his tenderness of heart, modified by the depres-
sion that arose from a diseased constitution, presented the
appearance of a tendency to Tritheism, or Sabellianism, or
whatever was the most objectionable heresy in the minds of
those who for any reason sat in judgment on him : and
though St. Athanasius could discern his likeness to St. Paul

St. Athanasius writes (at the end of 371 or beginning of 372) to John
and Antiochus, who had lately been at Jerusalem iravv 8e Tedav/Aatca r-qv :

Opaavrrjra tojv toXjxwvtwv XaXeiv Kara tov dyanrjTov Tjpiuiv, tov dXrjOws
Qeov SovXov BaffiXdov tov kmoKoirov. 'Ek yap ttjs rotavTtjs cpXvapias e\ey-
X*o~6ai ovvqaovTai, &>$ oi>8g twv -naTepcvv dyaTru/VTes tt)j/ 6/j.oXoyiav (I. 765) ;

and to Palladius (same date) kireiS^ 8e real rrtpl tSjv fxova(6vTa>v rwv

iv Kaiaapeia kdrjXcoaas' efxaOov 5e -napd tov aycnrrjTov i)pJhv Aiaviov, &>;

Xvvovfxevcuv ttal dv6io~Tap.£va>v clvtcuv t<£ dyanrjiai T)p.oJv BaoiXeiw tSj

kmofconw' ere plv diredt£dfir)v 5r)Xwo~avTa } avTois 8e rd irpiitovra debrj-
x 1 ii In trodnction.

in becoming weak to the weak, he was misunderstood by

smaller minds, whose carpings sometimes wounded him
through his friends.

An instance of this is recorded at length in the letters

that passed between himself and his true friend, St. Gregory
of Nazianzus. St. Gregory (at theend of 372 or beginning
of 373) wrote to St. Basil, as having been from the beginning,
and still being, his guide in life and instructor in the faith
and in everything that could be called good (eyco ae kcu fiiov

Ka6r}yqTr)V koX doypdrcov 8i8aovcaAoi/ Kai ivav on au enrol tls tu>v

xakcbv i6efxr]v re air apxys KC" v ^ v Tidefxaij : and he reports that

during a dinner, at which there were personal friends and

people of distinction, the conversation turned on St. Basil and
himself, their early life, and friendship, and complete union
of mind and aim. One of the guests, a man, by name and
dreSS a monk (avrjp ris rwu evXa(3etas ouopa Kai cr^/xa TrepiKeipe-

vo»v), up as a philosopher (6 brjOev (pi\6o-o(pos)

setting himself }

said they might be in some things praiseworthy men, but he

denounced them both in a vigorous manner as liars and
flatterers in the greatest of all subjects, theology, St. Basil in
what he said, and St. Gregory in allowing it. On the
occasion of the celebration of St. Eupsychius the Martyr, he
said he heard the 'Great' Basil preach perfectly on the Father
and the Son (6eo\oyovvros ra peu Tlarpos Kai Ylov apiara re Kai
re\eo>rara kol a>s ovk au rts ciXhos padicos eiTrot), while traducing

Aawor iV dis retcva vTra/covoocri irarpi, teal jit) avrtXeyojaiv ols avrbs ooki-
pa^ei. Et fxev yap vttotttos rjv irepl ttjv dXi'jOetav, KaXobs \pa\ovTO. el he
re$appr)Kao~i, reOapprjKajxev be rrdvres rjfxeTs, ojs KavxVP a T V S '"Eic/cKrjaias

eariv, dycuvi^ofxevos /xaWov virep ttjs dXrjdeias, kol bibdcrKOJv rovs beo-
(xevovs' ov XPV irpbs rbv roiovrov pdxeaOai, d\Xa Kai pudWov drrobex^^o-i
rrjv dyaOrjv avrov avveibrjaiv. 'E£ Sjv yap biTjyrjoaro 6 dyairrjrbs Aidvios,
ixdrrjv cpaivovrai Xvirovfievoi. Avrbs pev yap, &>s reddpprjKa, rots doBevovoiv
daOei'rjS yiverai, 'iva rovs doOeveis Kepbrjcrr}, ol be dyaTrrjrol tjixwv, dno&\e-
irovres els rbv okottov ri)s dArjdeias avrov, Kai r-qv o'lKOVofxiav, bo£a£erwoav
rbv Kvpiov, rbv bebcvKora rf/ KaTrvoSoKta roiovrov emaKOirov, olov Kai
eKaoTTj x^P *X ctJ/ evX 6Tat
- - #a' o~v ovv dyair-qre Qe\r\oov avrois brjXwo'ai,
iva ws eypaipa neioOajcriv. Tovro yap Kai avrovs ovviorrjcfiv evyvujpovas
Trpbs irarepa' rovro Kai rr)v eiprjvrjv rais 'EKKXrjaiais 8ta0i/A(i£et.

St Basil's 'Reserve? xliii

the Spirit {t6 Tlvevpa de napao-vpovTos). He contrasted with

St. Basil's reticence the openness with which St. Gregory
had called the Holy Spirit God, quoting his sermon (Orat.
xii) lately preached at Nazianzus, in which, after saying the
words kcl\ tw 'Ayi'o) Tivevpari kcu Qew, he had added p-exP 1 yty
rivos ru fxoBico tov Xvx vov ivepiKaXv^ropev *
but of St. Basil 6 8e

v7ro(paivei pev dpvdpws, koI olov cnciaypcXpel rbv Xoyov, ov rrap-

pr)o~ui£(TM 8e ttjv dXrjdeiav, TroXiTiKoajspov tj evae^eaTepou ttjv aKofjv

enucXv^cov, koI rfj hvvdpei tov Xoyov ttjv dnrXorjv nepiKaXiiTrTOiv.

Gregory said that his own words were not of any public
importance and did not require to be weighed, but that
Basilwas watched by heretics, who were seeking to catch an
unmistakeable word from him to get him banished, and so
quench the last spark (amvBrip) of life and truth in the Church
of Caesarea and thence involve the world in woe : and it was
better to use restraint (olKovoprjOrjvai ) in preaching the truth,

while the cloud was hanging over them, than by open pro-
clamation of it have the truth involved in ruin (KaTaXvdrjvai).
The Divinity of the Spirit could without harm be made
known in terms which implied it, rather than that the Church
should be injured by the truth being driven out in the person
of one man. However, the company sided with the monk,
and said that the reserve was out of date (ZeoXov), and a
mockery. They cried it down as a reserve of cowardice
It should be noticed also that in the De Spiritu Sancto, St. Basil,
writing to convince the Pneumatomachi, not only did not use Qeos
of the Spirit, but he also refrained from using opoovoios of the Son,
inaccordance with his own opinion expressed in Ep. 9, written soon
Constantinople in 360 and before the Council at
after the events at
Alexandria in 362 eyu de, el XP1 Tovfiov tdiov e'nreiv, to ofxoiov naT

ovaiav, el [xev irpoaiceipevov ex €l T ^ dnapaWaKTcus dexo^ai T (pGWTjv, W

d)s eh tclvtov ru> d/xoovaicv (pepovoav, Kara ttjv vyirj StjXovutl tov 6/j.oov-
aiov dtdvotav . . . el 5e tis tov ofxoiov to dtrapaXXaKTOv dnoTefivoi, oirep
01 Kcnd -7-7)1/ Kcvvo'TavTivovnoXiv TreffOfqtcaotv, vrroirTevoj to prjpia, <bs tov
Movoyevovs tt\v 8o£av KaTaau.itcpvvov. Kal yap kcli d/xvdpaTs epxpepeiais,
Kal irXeTaTov twv dpx^Tvircov dnooeovaais, to ojxoiov -noXXaKis emvoeiv
elwOa/xev. oi/xcu KanovpyeiaOai to djxoovaiov, ovtoj Kal
kirel ovv tjttov
avrds TiOe/xai. But
beginning of his Episcopate, in 370, he gives
at the
the history and full meaning of opoovoios, shewing why it was discoun-
tenanced at Antioch in 264 (Ep. 52).

xliv Introduction.

rather than of doctrine: for it were much better to defend our

own side by means of the truth, than to injure (&\piiovp) our
side and not win over the adversary by this pretended
(8r)6cv) reserve. Gregory grew quite angry with them, and so
thecompany separated. He now asks his 'dear holy' friend
how far they should advance in the doctrine of the Divinity
of the Spirit, what terms they might use, and what reserve,
for it was a miserable thing not to have proper replies to
such gainsayers. In the next letter, Gregory says that he
felt from Basil's reply that he was hurt by the imputation,
but it is better to set the question right than to be vexed
with his counsellors : and he offered himself to follow him
or stand by him in contending for the truth.
Amid troubles and misunderstandings such as these, St.
Basil wrote the following treatise for his '
son ' Amphilo-
chius, who was first cousin to St. Gregory, and a native
of Caesarea. St. Basil, who would have welcomed him
as a Bishop in his own province, had recommended him for
election as Bishop of Iconium, and guided him afterwards in

assisting to arrange ecclesiastical matters in the neighbouring

provinces of Isauria, Lycaonia, and Lycia. A letter of
Amphilochius is extant, written, as it appears, to some synod
of a neighbouring province, which refers to St. Basil's book,
and echoes the contents of condemns (as does the it. It

first Canon of 381) Anomoeans, Arians, and Pneumatomachi

and pressing on his friends the necessity of such a doxology

as is defended by St. Basil, lays emphasis, like his '
(top 6av[xacria>TaTov Kal jxera. rrdcrrjs aldovs ovofAa^ofxevov} on the
futility of persons avoiding communion with Arians, if they
fall into the irremissible sin by speaking against the Holy

St. Basil lived only long enough to hear of the tragic end
of his imperial enemy at Hadrianople, and to welcome the

The 2nd Canon of Constantinople afterwards restrained bishops
within the limits of their own exarchies, and reaffirmed the management
of provincial matters by the provincial synods.
St. Basil's death. xlv

promise of calmer weather in the restoration of exiled Bishops

by Gratian. He died at the age of fifty, one of the shortest
lived on the roll of the saints, January 1,379. Amphilochius
lived to take part in the Council of Constantinople in 381,
and to see the faith of the Nicene Fathers, for which St. Basil

had fought, acknowledged in its fulness throughout the

Churches, and was named, by a law of Theodosius, as one
of the centres and types of Catholic Communion in the diocese
of Asia.

I venture to give a short epitome of an essay, entitled

OiKovo/jLia Bao-iXeiov tov fj.eya.Xov, Prudentia Basilii Magni in
refutandis Haereticis, by Christian Gottlieb Wuilcknis (Leip-
sig, 1724), which discusses the 'economy' of St. Basil in
avoiding the actual phrase '
Spiritum Sanctum esse Deum.'

TO Hvtvpi tq §y L&v 6ffT"t 6 06 0^.

1. He remarks that an unfair judgment may arise from
perversity or from an inability to see whether Aristotle's
dictum ra. KaKa dyx'iOvpa rals aperals is or is not applicable to
such a matter : but his chief object is to prevent the wrong
following of St. Basil's example by those who Would recom-
mend their own strange and erroneous teaching as being
a similar '
2. He first notices the acknowledged fact of St. Basil's

orthodoxy: (1) from St. Athanasius's letters to John and

Antiochus, and to Palladius, and (2) from the writer's con-
temporary Scherzer (System. Theol. Art. Mace-
ii. p. 78), '

donium refutans Basilius opOodogodTaros, cum parum commodis

uteretur formulis, inter alia dicens, Tlvevpa to ayiov iariv £k

0foO narpos di Ylov aliis erroribus ansam dedit.'

3. St. Basil was accused at a dinner, in the presence of his

friend Gregory of Nazianzus, by a hot-headed monk, who
said he heard the Saint discoursing well on the Father and
xlviii On the '
Economy '
of St. Basil.

the Son, but quite the reverse of well on the Holy Spirit, and
that he deserved none of the praises bestowed on him by the
persons present.
4. On St. Gregory's writing (Ep. 26) an account of this

incident to St. Basil, the latter replied as if somewhat hurt

with his friend for caring for it, and as if he himself cared very
little for such criticism.

5. The three books against Eunomius were written when

he was only a priest, and show that he did not shrink from
the task of refuting heretics. His intercourse with such
people as the heathen sophist Libanius and the heretic
bishop Eustathius of Sebaste, was rather a matter of necessity
than an intimacy of choice.
6. His peculiar caution brought on him the suspicion of
heresy, for it led him to adopt new means of attacking
opponents who were well versed in eluding the ordinary
arguments : and the blind zeal of his age suspected his
methods, as a foreigner sometimes would suspect the current
coin of a country to which he had come : while his position
exposed him to the judgment of all sorts of men. Some of
his clergy also had reason to dislike his administration.

7. John of Constantinople, in his letter to Pope Constantine,

tried to shelter his compliance with the Monothelite injunc-
tions of the Emperor Bardanes by asserting that he had only
used the same sort of economy' but there is no resemblance

between St. Basil's action and that of John, and of his pre-

decessors Sergius and Paulus, with whom the writer classes

Honorius, '
the credulous Pope for '
; the Ecthesis and the
Typus imposed silence on truth and error alike.
8. There was '
scandal ' in the craft of Sergius and
Honorius, but none in St. Basil ; for '
scandal ' is when our
bad example leads another astray and makes him stumble.
The aim of St. Basil's silence was to lessen the power of the
enemies of the truth ; that of the Ecthesis and Typus to put

orthodoxy and heresy in the same position of equality. St.

Athanasius at the Council of Alexandria had certainly spoken

On the '
Economy '
of St. Basil. xlix

clearly, but there had been no plain statement in the fathers

preceding them, and of course no decree of a general council
applying the predicate '
God '
to the Holy Spirit.

9. Tamagninus, in his history of the Monothelites, points

out that they and Honorius were not to be likened to St.

Basil, but rather to those Arians who, after the Nicene

Council had defined the o^ioova-iov, wanted to have unity in
the Church by the suppression of both the orthodox definition

and the heretical opowvo-iov alike.


1. St. Gregory of Nazianzus does not appear to have

delivered his Oration (xx) upon St. Basil actually at the
funeral or before a mixed congregation, but to have com-
posed it after St. Basil's death, as he did the Oration (xxi)
upon St. Athanasius.
2. In this Oration St. Gregory plainly declares that St.

Basil was watched by his enemies, who with their leader

(Valens) lay in wait to banish him, with his theological
tongue, if he dared to apply the word '
God ' to the Holy
Spirit, a term which they held to be '
impious/ But in
his treatises and in public teaching, if ever he had an
opportunity, and in private teaching, he always taught the
doctrine ; and in conversation with St. Gregory called down
on his own head the curse of falling away from the Spirit
Himself if he did not worship (o-e^oi) Him as of one
substance [S^oovo-lov) and of one honour (Sfiorifxov) with the
Father and the Son.
3. He used the word '
God/ e.g. in Ep. 141 to the Church
of Caesarea before hewas Bishop, but not in his Homily De
Fide. John Veccus, patriarch of Constantinople, who wrote
on the Procession of the Spirit, and who worked for the
reunion of the East and West, refers to St. Basil and St.
Gregory, and dwells on their agreement as to the duty of
brethren to disregard differences arising from words, as long
1 On the '
Economy '
of St. Basil,

as there is agreement in that which the words mean to


4. The Benedictine editor notices St. Basil's silence, and,

while mentioning the arguments by which he proved the
Divinity of the Spirit, rejects such writings as the fifth book
against Eunomius, which says that the word God is applied
to the Spirit in Scripture.

5. Nicctas dilates at great length on St. Basil's economy

in his commentary on St. Gregory's Oration.
6. St. Gregory himself, in his 44th Oration (on Pentecost),

spoke openly to the Macedonians on the propriety of con-

tinuing to do the same as long as by different paths we are

going on to the same home.'

7. The writer of the essay thinks that what St. Gregory

says of the Arians watching for St. Basil to apply the word
God ' to the Spirit, refers specially to the time of the visit
of Valens to Caesarea, because such an accusation, however
serious it might have been during the emperor's presence,
would not have had the same weight after his departure and
his contributions to St. Basil's charities. The cause of his
silence would then have been not fear of banishment but
consideration for the weakness of the faith in some (' fidelium
causa, ut ego puto, sed credulorum nimis'). He refers to Ep.
203 of Tarsus) and Ep. 204 (to the schismatics
(to the priests

in the same city), in which St. Basil proposes for the good of
the somewhat weak (tols dadevearepois). to abide by the Nicene
Creed, with the single addition of excommunicating those
who say that the Holy Spirit is a creature. He thinks there-
fore that there were two reasons : the hostility of the Arians,
denying, as they did, the Divinity of the Son and of the Holy
Spirit, and the halting faith of those who were tending to
On tlic '
Economy '
of St. Basil. li


i. St. Basil had led a studious and pure life from the
beginning. His use of 'economy/ lest he should be
banished from his see, was not prompted by love of money,
nor by ambition, nor by fear, for we see his freedom from
those infirmities in his life.

2. It is a question whether we are not right in avoiding

the mention of God in the presence of obstinate and irrecon-
cilable heretics.

3. We must remember that neither truth nor heresy is in

itself dependent on a single phrase ; any particular phrase

may be avoided or even rejected, while the heresy or the
truth expressed by it is retained. Constantine's objection to
the word Sfioovaios as new would not have made him a
heretic, if he had not shewn that his meaning was to avoid
also the doctrine ; and St. Basil's avoiding the term, that had
not yet been received by the Church, was far less objection-

4. When we consider the many reasons which induce

people to incline to error or acquiesce in it, and the anger
they shew towards those who would convict them of it, and
remember the prevalence of Arianism and the imperial favour
shewn to it, we should accept St. Basil's attempts to main-
tain the controversy without exciting resentment which would
have made his opponents stop their ears.
5. A mOre open declaration of doctrine would only have
proved like pouring oil on fire, and Socrates (iv. n) speaks
of the exceeding carefulness (di imepftdWovaav evXdfitiav) of
Basil and Gregory.
6. St. Basil preached the truth in other words, and
charged St. Gregory to use the very word, which he, for the
reasons already considered, thought it good to avoid.

7. And the true doctrine was carefully inculcated upon

his brother St. Gregory of Nyssa, and upon the clergy, from
d 2
Hi On the '
Economy '
of St. Basil.

whom it would naturally come down to the lower ranks of the

8. It must be remembered that St. Athanasius at the
Council of Alexandria, in 362, was the only one who had used
the term. The Arians had an argument of a most telling
force with the uneducated against St. Basil if they could
accuse him of going beyond the letter of Scripture and the

text of the Nicene Creed and the fathers of the Church.

9. From that admitted fact the Arians of course went on
to deny the Divinity of the Holy Spirit, and the minds of the
vulgar were not intelligent enough to distinguish between
these two steps. St. Basil had to meet this craftiness.

10. The words Divinity and God are terms so closely

allied that one implies the other. St. Basil preached openly
that the Father is God and
Son is God. and that the
Father and the Son are of the same essence and have the
same attributes he also openly declared that the Holy Spirit

has the same divine attributes, and left it to be inferred that

He is God.
11. St. Basil lived in an age in which the use of new terms
was a matter, not for individual divines, but for a general
Council and uneducated people might well suspect all new

terms, for heresy as well as orthodoxy might suggest them.

12. We can only approach the idea of God's essence and
attributes by the way of negation, by denying all imperfection.
We do use the positive term Creator of the Universe; but
that only implies the more general negative, the denial of all

limits to His power. We all understand now that the Three

Divine Persons are removed by the same infiniteness from
the essence and and when St.
attributes of the creature,
Basil (Ep. 203) laid down
no one could be admitted to
the communion of the Church who did not deny the Holy
Spirit to be a creature, he settled the whole question, which
his 'economy' is supposed to have let alone. For there is

no mean between Creator and creature, Perfect and imper-

On the '
Economy '
of St. Basil. liii

13. Any discussion of St. Basil's use of the word 'Lord'

of the Spirit, against Arians and Macedonians, is omitted for
want of contemporary evidence, and because the 5th book
against Eunomius is almost certainly not St. Basil's work.
Something might have been said on Vedelices' three books
De prudentia veteris Ecclesiae, and illustrations might have
been drawn from the Epistle of St. Hilary (of Poictiers) de
Synodis fidei catholicae et de Symbolis fidei\ but Cicero's
saying bids him conclude Qui aut tempus quid postulet,

non videt, aut plura loquitur, aut se ostentat, aut eorum,

quibuscum est, rationem non habet, is ineptus esse dicitur.'
(De Orat. 2.)

c. 320. Arius taught, rpias Ion 86£ais ovx o/xoiais : and that the Father,
Son and Holy Spirit are avojj.0101 irdpLirav d\.kr)\ojv tows re
oucricus Kal oo£cus tir' Son being drpenrov Kal
direipov, the
avaXKoicxjTov Kriap.a rod Q(ov re\€iov, d\\' ovx & s * v T ® v
KTicr/xdroov . . and therefore i£ ovk ovtojv and r\v irore ore

ovk ?jv.

325. COUNCIL OF Nicaea (318 Bishops): and its formula, mo-revo-

fX(v els eva Qtov, Harepa YlavroKparopa . . . teal e's 'kva Kvpiov
'Irjaovv Xptarov . . . yevv7]6evra Ik rod IlaTpbs Movoyevrj,
T0VT€0~TIV \K T^S OVOiaS TOV IlaTpoS, &(OV (K QfOV, . . . OfJLOOV-

criov ra> Ylarpi . . . Kal eis to "Ayiov Iivtvp.a.

329 or 330. St. Basil born.

335. Council of Jerusalem declared Arius to have presented an or-

thodox creed.

336. Death of Arius at Constantinople.

337. Constantine died and was succeeded by Constantine

; II, Con-
stans, and Constantius.

338. Eusebius translated from Nicomedia to Constantinople. He and

his followers invent the term bp.otovcriov.

340. Constans, Emperor of the West ; Constantius of the East.

341. Encaenia Council of Antioch (97 Bishops) whose 1st Creed :

omitted the bp.oovai.ov 2nd {Dedication) Creed called the Son


rrjs QeorrjTOS ovalas re Kal (3ov\fjs Kal dwapiicus, Kal 86£r}s tov
Tlarpbs dvapaWaKrov ElKova . . . Aoyov ®e6v . . . and spoke

Orthodox Councils are in capitals ; those that omitted the bpoovoiov
in italics.

lvi Chronological Synopsis.

of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, as rfj pXv v-rrocrrdTft Tpla,

rf/ 6e av/jKpojvir) "Ev ;

3rd Creed (of Thcoj)hronins of Tyana
in Cappadocia) anathematized Paul of Samosata, Sabellins,
and Marcellus of Ancyra, but not Arius.

342. 4th Antiochene Creed brought by Arian envoys to Constans in

Gaul, condemning i£ ovk ovtcuv, e£ krepas inToarda (ojs tcai

fxr] Ik rov Qeov, and rjv ttotc ore ovk -qv, but, like the other

three, omitting o/xoovaiov.

344. The Macrostich, which was the 4th Antiochene Creed with
additional explanations, saying of the Son, ei Kal viroTeraKTat
rw Tlarpl Kal ra> ©fa), dAA' 0/j.qjs . . . Qebv Kara <pvcnv reXeiov

elvai Kal dXr]6ri, and £i}v re Kal virapx^iv opoicos tu iraTpi,

while it denied XP 0VIK ^ V Tl SidarrjpLa between the Father and
the Son. It was rejected by the Western Bishops at MILAN
as not containing the 6/xoovffiov.

344. Council of Sardica (i 70 Bishops) reinstated St. Athanasius,

Marcellus and Asclepas (of Gaza), and deposed and ex-
communicated Gregory, Basil and Quintianus as wolves '

who had intruded into their sees condemned Arian ism and ;

deposed the eight Arian leaders including Menophantus of

Pseudo-Council of the Arian leaders at Philippopolis denounced
the reinstated bishops, and adopted a Creed founded on the

348. St. Cyril's Catechetical Lectures at Jerusalem. He called the

Son op.oiov Kara irdvTa and condemned those who make
separation or confusion in the Holy Trinity.

350. Constans killed, Constantius sole Emperor.

351. 1st Sirmian Creed, repeating the 4th Antiochene Creed from the
Macrostich, with twenty-six additional explanations.

355. (3rd) Council of Milan formally undid the work of Sardica.

Dionysius of Milan banished and the Arian Auxentius in-
truded into his see.

357. St. by Dianius.

Basil baptized
Fall of Hosius and Liberius.
The 2nd Sirmian Creed {^Blasphemy ') drawn up by Germinius
of Sirmium and Potamius of Lisbon, which said that no one
could doubt rbv Haripa rip.rj Kal a£lq Kal Qeorrjrt Kal airy rw
ovopan rep irarpiKai pi€i(6va clvai (quoting John xiv. 28) and
Chronological Synopsis. lvii

A. D.

that the Son was vrroTcrayfxevov t<£ Ylarpl |xctcI ttcivtojv, and yet
ended with anepaios 8e nal t4\€ios Iotiv o apiOfjios 7-77S Tptados.

358. Phoebadius of Agen, writing against the Arians, said that the
Church holds the Spirit to be de Deo, distinct (alius) from
the Son, as the Son is from the Father.
(Semiarian) Council of Ancyra, pronounced the Son to be opoiov
kclt ovaiav.
St. Basil's monastic life in Pontus.

359. The 3rd Sirmian Creed {'Dated'' May 22) put aside ovaia (and
therefore of course opioovaiov) as a stumblingblock, and
adopted op.oiov rep Harpl /caret -navra' ojs ical at ayiai ypa<pal
\ey overt -re kcli SiddaKovai.
Hilary of Poitiers wrote (in exile) his twelve books De Trini-

tate? speaking of the Holy Spirit as ex Patre per Filium,

and as receiving ex Utroque.
Council of Seleucia (160 Bishops) in which the Semiarians
adopted the Dedication Creed, but the Acacians rejected
ofioovcriov and d/xotovatov, anathematized avofxoiov and acknow-
ledged to ofxoiov tov Tlov vpbs tov Ha.T€pa Kara tov airocrro\ov
i.e. cIkujv tov ©eou tov aopaTov, Col. i. 15, professing to be in

accordance with theDated Creed. ' '

Council of Ariminum (400 Bishops) which (after Nike) surren-

dered the Nicene Creed, proscribed ovaia and virocrTacrcs and de-
clared the Son to be ofxoiov to> TIaTpi, ais Xiyovcriv at deiai ypacpai.

360. St. Basil, with Semiarian Bishops, disputing with Aetius at

Acacian) Council of Constantinople (50 Bishops) accepted the
Creed of Ariminum as revised at Nike, and deposed Aetius
from the diaconate, and the Semiarian Bishops from their sees.
St. Basil left Caesarea because Dianius subscribed the Creed of
Eudoxius succeeded Macedonius at Constantinople. Rise of
Macedonianism, which asserted the Spirit to be ktkttov, and
adopted the Eusebian djxoiovcnov for the Son.
Hilary returned to Gaul.
Council of Paris accepted the opoovenov in its true sense, as
against the Councils of Ariminum and Seleucia.
St. Didymus, in the Catechetical School of Alexandria, taught
the Equality of the Spirit with the Father and the Son.
St. Athanasius, in the Egyptian desert, wrote his letters to Sera-
pion on the Divinity of the Son and the Spirit.

lviii Chronological Synopsis.

A. D.

361. (Anoraoean) Council of Antioch under Kuzoius declared the Son

to be vavT(\it)S dvofxoiov ra> Trarpi.
Julian Emperor.

362. St. Basil returned to Caesarea. Dianius died. Eusebius was

baptized and made Bishop of Caesarea.
Council of Alexandria (21 Bishops) under St. Athanasius
(after his 3rd exile) required besides the acknowledgment of
the Nicene Faith, the anathematizing of the Arian heresy ar.

of those who say that the Holy Spirit is a creature and

separate from the Essence of the Son.

363. Julian died. Jovian Emperor.

St. Athanasius wrote to Jovian on the Faith accepted by the
Churches: he said that the Nicene Fathers 'glorified the
Holy Spirit with the Father and the Son in the one Faith
of the Holy Trinity, because in the Holy Trinity there is one
Council of Antioch under Meletius, with Eusebius of Samosata
and Acacius of Caesarea, explained d/xoovcios into d/xoiovaios,
and asserted that it means on kit rrjs ovaias rov Tlarpbs 6 Yids
(yevwqOr) nal on ofiotos kclt ovaiav ra> TLarpi.

364. Jovian died. Valentinian I and Valens Emperors.

St. Basil was ordained priest by Eusebius: and wrote three books
against Eunomius and Arianism.

(Semiarian) Council of Zamflsacus condemned the Creed of

Ariminum and the Council of Constantinople, and reasserted
the Dedication Creed.

366. Semiarian deputies from Lampsacus satisfied Pope Liberius at

ROME by subscribing the Nicene Creed, and declaring that

Kara iravra opoios was the same as dfioovaios.
Liberius died : Damasus Pope of Rome.
367. Council of Tyana accepted the letter of Liberius pronouncing
the Semiarian Bishops to be orthodox.

368. Council in Carta (34 Bishops) of malcontent Semiarians rejected

the proceedings at ROME
and TYANA.
370. St. Basil Bishop of Caesarea.
Letter from Italian Bishops to Illyricum declaring that the Holy
Spirit is believed to be rrjs avrrjs virocrTacreojs real ovaias.

371. Council in Illyricum acknowledged the Trinity of the Father,

the Son and the Holy Spirit to be ofioovaios in conformity
with the Faith set forth at Nicaea.

Chronological Synopsis. lix

372. St. Basil encountered Valens at Caesarea.

373. St. Epiphanius of Constantia, Metropolitan of Cyprus, wrote his

Ancoratus for the instruction of the Church of Suedra, in
Pamphylia, a province of Asia, and in it gave as part of the
iriuTis delivered by the Apostles and the Nicene Bishops, Kal

ds to Tlvevfj.a to "Ayiov, Kvpiov, Kal {gjottoiov, to Ik tov TlaTpos

eKTTopevo/xfvov, to ovv Harpl Kal Tla> avpnrpoffKvvovfjievov Kal avv-
5o£a£6fi€vov, to } Krjaav 5m tcDi/ irpocprjTwv :also, in a second
formula, after recounting His operations, ovtojs Se -niOTtvopLtv
(v avTw, otl £o~tI Tlvevfxa ayiov, Uvevpia 0eoG, Ylvevpia TeXeiov,
Uvev/xa UapaK\r)Tov, clktiotov, Ik tov HaTpbs eKTropevofxcvov,
Kal £k tov Tlov \afj./3av6fx(vov Kal mo~Tev6fx(vov, anathematizing

those who said, on rjv ttotc 6t€ ovk t\v 6 Tibs r) to ayiov
Tlvevpia, r) oti e£ ovk ovtojv lyivero, rj l£ Irepas viroo'Tao'ecvs

fj ovoias (pdcrvovTas elvai Tpembv rj aWoiajTov, tov Tlbv tov

Qeov rj to ayiov Hvtv/xa.
St. Athanasius died and was succeeded by Peter. St. Basil made
Eustathius of Sebaste subscribe the Nicene Creed, and anathe-
matize the assertion that the Holy Spirit is KTiafia or Xeirovp-
yiKov, and the denial that He is <pvo~ei ayiov.

374. St. Basil wrote his (Si(i\iov irepl tov YlvtvpiaTos against the Pneu-
St. Ambrose succeeded the Arian Auxentius at Milan.

375. Valentinian I died. Gratian Emperor of the West.

375 or 6. (Semiarian) Council of Cyzicus proscribed the ojxoovaiov, and

declared for «ar' ovciav o/xoiov, and uttered '
about the Holy Spirit. The same thing was done at Antioch
(Soc. v. 4) before Euzoius died in 376.

377. St. Basil wrote to Epiphanius of Constantia that he had already

written to Palladius and Innocentius, monks on the Mount
of Olives, that he could not venture to add anything to the
Formula of Nicaea, ovbe to ^pa\vTaTov,Tr\r)v Trjs eh to Tlvevjxa
to ayiov 8o£oAoyias, did to kv TrapaSpofifj tovs irarepas rjjxobv

tovtov tov fiepovs \mp.vr)aQr\vai, ovttqj tov KaT 'ai>Tb ^t]Tr)piaTOS

Tore KeKtvrjfjievov.

378. Valens died in the battle of Hadrianople. Gratian sole Emperor.

379. St. Basil died. Theodosius, Emperor of the East.
Mission of St. Gregory of Nazianzus to the Arianized Con-
Council at Antioch under Meletius accepted the letter of
Ix Chronological Synopsis.


DamasuSj declaring ' ut Pater, Filius, Spiritusque Sanctus

unius Deitatis, unius virtutis, unius figurae, unius ere:
oporteret substantiae.'

380. Theodosius was baptized at Thcssalonica and issued his edict

of orthodoxy in conformity with the doctrine of Damasus and

381. Council of Constantinople (150 Bishops) condemned the

Anomoeans, Arians and Pneumatomachi.
St. Ambrose wrote his De Spiritu Sancto for Gratian.
382. The letter of the Bishops at Constantinople to the western
Bishops explained the Nicene Creed : irpeffPvTaTrjv re ovcrav.

Kal clkoXovOov tw fia-miopaTi, Kal didder Kovcrav r)p.ds mOTeveiv

els to ovopa tov Tlarpos Kal tov Tlov Kal rod ayiov TlvtvpaTos.
drjXadr) QeorrjTos re teal dvvap.ews teal ovcrias puds tov Tlarpos
Kal tov Tlov Kal tov ayiov Tlvevpiaros mcrTevop.evr)s, op.OTip.ov tc
tt)s a£ias Kal cvva'idiov ttjs ffacriXeias, ev rpiffl TeXeiais TrrocrTa-
crecriv, rjyovv Tpial TeXeiois II poaumois.

451. Council of Chalcedon (630 Bishops) confirmed tol irapa rwv

CKaTov TTtvT-fjKovTa dyiwv -naTepwv ev KwvcrTavTivoviroXei bpi-

aOeVTa, npbs dvaipecrtv p.ev twv tot* (pveicrwv alpecrewv, fieffaiwaiv

5e ttjs avTTJs KaOoXtKrjs Kal dirocrToXiKTJs fjpwv iricTTews, and
quoted, as theirs, the '
Niceno-Constantinopolitan '
Creed con-
taining (after Kal els to Tlvevp.a to ayiov), to Kvpiov Kal to
^wottoiov, to Ik tov Tlarpos (KTropevopievov, to avv Tiarpl Kal
Tiw ovpvnpoaKVvovp.evov Kal o~vvdo£a(^6 pevov , to XaXr)o~av did twv
rrpocpTjTcov, with the following comment : Kal did pikv rovs tw
Ylve.vp.aTi tw dylcp paxopievovs, tt)v xpovois varepov irapi. twv
eirl ttjs (3acriXevovo"r]s iroXews avveXOovrwv eKarbv TtevTr\Kovra
dyiwv irarepwv irepl tt)s tov Tivevp-aros ovcrias irapadoOeioav di-

bacTKaXiav KVpor f)v eKelvoi tois iracriv eyvwpicrav, oi>x ws ti

XeiiTov tois TTpoXafiovaiv eirdyovres, d\Xa tt)v irepl tov ayiov
TLvevpiaTos avrwv evvoiav Kara rwv rr)v avTOv deOTToreiav dQereiv
Treipwpievwv ypa<piKa?s piaprvpiais rpavwoavres.

This treatise is contained in the 3rd volume of the Benedic-

tine Edition of St. Basil's works, pp. 1-67.
The six text was
manuscripts on which the Benedictine
formed are still and are described in
in the Paris Library,
Omont's Inventaire Sommaire des MSS. Grecs, in the words
quoted below.
X cent. (
R 2 ).
ff. 189-217 of 506 Parch. 217 fol.(Mazarin

Reg. 2293) JV1/ This is called by the Ben. edd. Regius

secundus 2 .

XI cent. (C). ff. 143-215 of '965 Parch. 215 fol. (Colbert.

4529) P.' In the Ben. ed. Colbertinus.

XI cent. (R 3 ). ff. 219-355 of '
966 Parch. 355 fol. (Medic.
Reg. 2893) P/ In the Ben. ed. Regius tertius.

XIV cent. (Rj). ff. 51-85 of '503 Pap. 449 fol. (Fontebl.
Reg. 2286) M.' In the Ben. ed. Regius primus.
XIV cent. (R 4 ). ff. 221-262 of '
956 Bombyc. 396 fol.

(Medic. Reg. 2896) P.' In the Ben. ed. Regius quartus.

XIV cent. (R 5 ). ff. 11-60 of 969 Bombyc. 320 fol. (Mazarin

Reg. 3430) P.' In the Ben. ed. Regius quintus.

This is the notation adopted in the critical notes of the present edition.
These titles Reg. primus, etc. are not applied to the same MSS.
throughout the three volumes of the Ben. edition.
lxii Prolegomena.

For this edition of the text, the following manuscripts have

been collated.
X cent. (m). British Museum, ff. 52-7 2 of 22509, Add. MSS.
'Vellum, cursive, small 4to/ This MS. contains (1) from
beginning to p. io fin. iXdrrova e^ei (ch. vi. § 14); (2)
from p. 12 init., ypa(pr)v paprvpicu (ch. vi. § 15) to p. 18 init.

twv Xoyio-fioov (ch. viii. § 20); and (3) from p. 19 mod. dvXov
Ka\ (ch. ix. § 22) to p. 26 fin. bid Mawo-eW (ch. xiv. § 32).

XI cent. (o). Bodleian Library, Oxford, ff. 167-2 11 of

Codd. Misc. xxxvii '
Cod. Membranaceus, in 4to majori,
ff. 211, sec. forsan XI exeuntis [ol. 2535]/ This MS. has
the readings of the MS. referred to twice (pp. 38, 46) by
the Ben. ed. as '
Cod. Anglicanus.' It is defective from
p. 59 init. avveaevOai (ch. xxviii. § 69) to p. 60 med. tov 6tov
dia£r)(rai>Tos (ch. Xxiv. § 71); and from p. 64 fin. papvTaTois
(ch. xxix. § 75) to p. 67 med. KaB^vrai (ch. xxx. § 78).
Two sheets are at present misplaced : the leaves numbered
199-206 should follow 190, and 1 91-198 should come
between 206 and 207.
The first few lines of the treatise are to be found on p. 330
of Baroc. CCXVI in a hand of the XIV or cent. XV
XI cent. (p). Library of the Holy Synod, Moscow, ff. 83-158
of '
xxiii cod. membran. fol. 334 ex monasterio Iberorum.'
This has been collated for this edition by Dr. Alexis S.

Pavlov, Professor of Canonical Law.

XII cent. init. (V). Imperial Library at Vienna, ff. 193-223
of 'Cod. Theol. 142 (LXXV) 40 membr.' This MS. is

defective from p. 46 med. Trvevparos crov k<u dno tov (ch. xxii.

§ 53) to P* 48 x a pl°' €Tai }

*"" ere ~ 57); and from
cn xxiv.
p. 60 olpac eVl o-ro- (ch. xxix. § 71) to the end. In
Lambecius (t. III. p. 372) the deficiency is described as
from p. 46 to the end, owing to a misplacing of the
sheets: the eight leaves 216-223 ought to follow after
209, and the six leaves 210-215 t0 follow 223 after the
The paging of the Ben. ed. is given for all references.

Prolegomena. lxiii

interval of one leaf which contained the first-mentioned

deficiency (pp. 46-48). Lambecius remarked on this

MS. '
dignissimus enim alioqui est iste codex ut cum
impressis Opp. S. Bas. M. edd. diligenter et accurate
conferatur ; nee dubitandum est quin is earundem emen-
dationi plurimum possit inservire.' V is found to agree

frequently with R 2,
m, and o.

XIV cent. init. (v). Imperial Library at Vienna. fY. 136-162

of '
Cod. Theol. xviii (lxxxviii) fol. bomb.' v agrees most
frequently with /u. These two MSS. have been collated
for this edition by Dr. Siegfried Reitter.

Through the great kindness of D. S. Margoliouth, Esq.,

Laudian Professor of Arabic in the University of Oxford, two of
the very ancient Syriac versions in the British Museum have
been consulted in many passages. The MSS. are described as
follows :

vellum, prob. of V cent. (add. 17 143).'

DXLVII 'vellum a.d. 509 (add. 14542).' This MS. has no

divisions into chapters with distinct headings : a note on
fol.94 b states that it is one of the 250 volumes brought to
the convent of S. Mary Deipara (Nitria) by the Abbat Moses
of Nisibis in the year 1243 (a.d. 932). The readings of
this version are indicated by S. A few paraphrases will

be found in the notes, marked in the same way.

A few readings have been obtained from the following MSS.
(500) Paris Library. '
500 XIs. Parch. 274 fol. (Reg.
1824, 3) g:
(Mx) Library of St. Mark, Venice. 'Cod. LVIII in 8;
membran. fol. 248, saec. circ. X.'

(M 2 ) Library of St. Mark, Venice. '

Cod. LXVI in fol. min.
membran. fol. 195 saec. circ. XII.' :

These readings have been obtained through the kind help of

M. Berger, Secretaire de la Faculte' de Thdologie protestante de
Paris, and of S. Castellani, Prefect of the Library of St. Mark.
(vat.) The Vatican Library, Rome. Codd. Regin. Suaecor. '

35. Bombyc. in 4, bina scriptus manu, saec. XIV.' This

Ixiv Prolegomena.

work Juris Eccl. Grae

quoted by Cardinal Pitra in his


corum Historia et Monumenta/ v. I. pp. 609-612.

of the original scribe, where
(as o*) indicates the reading

there has been a correction

by a later hand », (as o*) the cor- :

rections of the second hand.

printed m inverted
The critical notes of the Ben. edd. are
commas. .
in the order of the words, and mistakes oi
occasionally, when they suggest a
a scribe are noticed
or help to indicate their value.
ship between manuscripts,

to MSS. in the critical notes are generally

The references
made in the order of their reputed dates.

S (vetus)
V cent.

S .
M, mR 2
R C/xo XI

VM, .
v R R R vat. XIV
x 4 5


A. Introduction on the subject of the treatise, viz. the Catholic

forms of Gloria and the doctrine implied in the?n.


i. The anxiety of Amphilochius that every word of a theological sentence

should be investigated is much more welcome than the many captious
enquiries of the day.

2. Such a minute study is a part of godliness and sound knowledge.

3 St. Basil will therefore give a clear exposition of the doctrine contained
in his forms of Gloria, to the Father, '
with (fte-rd) the Son, and with (avv)
the Spirit/ and 'by (Sm) the Son and in {kv) the Spirit,' of which some have
said that they contradict each other, and that the first is an innovation.

B. The Anomoean Arguments.


4. The objections contain a veiled design on the truth : they are founded
on the statement of Aetius that the use of different prepositions connotes
unlikeness of nature, and that Scripture always speaks of the Father as the
Creator of Whom (££ ov) , the Son as the Assistant or Instrument by Whom
(8t' ov), and the Spirit as Time or Place in Whom (kv u>).


5. This position is borrowed from certain philosophical statements about

causes and the words used to express them, in which of (££) denotes the
material cause, by or through (816.) the instrumental cause, and in (kv) the
necessary conditions.
6. This the objectors modify so far as to substitute for the material cause

the supreme cause, as denoted by of (!£), in accordance with the apostolic



2 Synopsis.

C. Refutation of them on their ow?i grounds.

7. Scripture does not always use these prepositions as alleged, e. g. 'of
!£) and ' by '
(816.) are not to be opposed to one another, for they are both
applied to the same subject (the Lord) in Rom. xi. 36.

8. And if, as Anomoeans allege, the text refers to the Father, '
by ' {Jhi

cannot imply inferiority.

9. ' Of (!£) is often used both of the Son and the Spirit.

10. ' By ' (8id) is used of the Father and the Spirit.

11. 'In' (cv) is used of the Father. So that the premisses of the
Anomoeans suggest a conclusion directly contrary to their own.

12. In fact, in other connexions also, '

by '
(bid) and '
of (If) are inter-
changed in Scripture. And there is no rational ground for the distinction

they allege, nor for the conclusion they draw.

D. Anomoean phrases for the relation of the Son and the

Spirit to the Father.

13. They allege that the Son is ' after '
(fxerd with ace.) the Father, which
is consistent with '
by' (Sid) the Son, but not with 'with '
(fierd with gen.),
and the Spirit is ' under ' (biro) the Father and the Son.

14. Ans. (As regards the Son.) '

After '
cannot be used of the Son (i) in

respect of time

15. (ii) nor of position; (iii) nor of dignity. The true meaning of
standing or sitting at the Right Hand is not inferiority, but stability.

E. Explanation and defence of the Catholic forms of Gloria

to the Son (did, fxerd).

16. ' With '
(fierd) the Son is not a new form of Gloria, but is both ancient
and scriptural, used for giving glory, as '
by ' (did) the Son is used for giving

17. They do not contradict each other, for the titles in Scripture which
describe His work of grace suggest the use of '
by '( 81a) : and with

is suggested by the titles which speak of His Nature.

18. ' Bridegroom,' '
Physician,' '
Way,' tell of our coming to the Father
by ' Him.
'True Light,' 'Righteous Judge,' ' Resurrection,' tell of grace coming
from the Father by Him. He Himself refers His instantaneous and
Synopsis. 3

manifold operations to the will of the Father, with Whom He is One in

Essence and in Power.

20. Yet the communications of the Father's Will to the Son are not by
time, or in measure.
21. 'By Him' (St' avrov) does not imply inferiority, but in expressing
the efficient cause, suggests that there is also the primary cause, i. e. the

F. On the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit.

22. St. Basil briefly summarizes the scriptural and traditional teaching as
to the Titles, Nature, and Operation of the Holy Spirit.

23. He describes the conditions and the results of His operations in the

G. (a) The Baptismal Formula teaches the equality of the

Spirit with the Father and the Son.

24. The Arians' position is that the Holy Spirit is inferior to, and not
to be co-ordinated with the Father and the Son. This is inconsistent with
the Baptismal Formula.
25. an attack not on our form of Gloria, but on the Faith itself, de-
It is

livered by the Apostles, and contained in the unwritten witness of the

26. We are in a state of salvation by the new birth in Baptism, through
'the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,' a doctrinal formula, from
which we may not diminish anything.

27. Our baptismal confession is that we believe in Father, Son, and Holy
Spirit. To deny the Holy Spirit or to fight against Him with subtilties, is

as injurious as to deny the Father or the Son.

28. The occasional mention of only one Name in references to Baptism
does not affect the vital necessity of the full formula both in Faith and
29. \st Objection. Beings of a different nature (e. g. angels) are con-
numerated with the Father and the Son.' Ans. Only as witnesses. The
Spirit is connumerated as Lord of Life.

30. There is a great difference between man's appeal to angels, or even

inanimate things, as witnesses, and the co-ordination of the Holy Spirit with
the Father and the Son by the Lord Himself.
B 2
; ; ;

4 Synopsis.

31. 2nd Objection. We hear of baptism into Moses in the Cloud and the
Sea, and of believing (in) Moses.' Ans. Such baptism and faith were
typical. Marvels at the Exodus and in the Wilderness were striking benefits
at the time, and types of Christian grace.
32. The relation of type to antitype is not one of equality.
33. Baptism and faith in Moses really mean baptism and faith in the

Law, and were intended to lead up to the full light of the Gospel.

34. $rd Objection. 'We are baptized into water, without its sharing the
honour of the Father and the Son.'
35. Ans. In the true doctrine of Christian Baptism, water symbolizes our
death and burial with Christ ; but it is the Spirit, and not any natural power
of the water, that introduces us into the Resurrection-life.
36. ' Baptism into water ' may be used without confusion only of St. John's
baptism unto repentance, which is far inferior to Christian Baptism. In
the case of unbaptized martyrs alone can the water of Christian Baptism be
37.That the Baptismal Formula implies the absolute inseparability of the
Holy Spirit from the Father is shewn (i) by His work in Christian
prophesyings, by the guilt of Sapphira, and by His distribution of gifts,
ministries, and operations, with the Father and the Son

38. (ii) by His work among the hosts of heaven, created by the Son at

the will of the Father, and receiving from the Spirit their holiness, order,
knowledge, and continuance in bliss

39. (iii) by His operations in the Incarnate Life of the Son, and the
ordering of the Church

40. (iv) by His presence at the Second Coming to award rewards and
punishments and (v) lastly, and most clearly, by His knowledge of the

things of God.

(b) The Anomoean suggestion that it implies connumeration and

subnumeration, contrasted with the Catholic Doctrine of the
Holy Trinity.
41. Subdivision and subnumeration cannot be applied to God.
42. It is impossible to distinguish the relative value of things by
connumeration and subnumeration.

43. The symmetrical Formula of Baptism must imply the connumeration

of the Son, and therefore cannot also imply the subnumeration of the Spirit.
Synopsis. 5

44. The enumeration of the Persons of the Blessed Trinity must be done
with reverence.

45. We worship 'God of God,' not implying 'second' God, but ac-
knowledging the distinction of Persons, and holding the Monarchy or
Singleness of Principle.

46. The Spirit too is ' of God/ and proceeds from the Father, and is the
Spirit of Christ. There is a reciprocity of Glory within the Blessed Trinity.

47. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are mutually related in Essence
and in the Work of Grace. The theory of subnumeration results in

H. The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit as taught elsewhere in ',

Holy Scripture.
48. The titles of the Spirit are shared by the Father and the Son.

49. His operations in Heaven, in the Incarnation, and in our Redemption

are Divine.

50. His intercession for us is like that of the Son, and is no sign of
51. ' Free' (as a mean between lord and slave) is a term of human rela-
tionship, and cannot properly be applied to spirits, blessed or fallen, still

less to the Spirit, Who, if created, would be a slave, like all created things,
but, being '
Uncreate,' shares the Divine Sovereignty.

52. The Spirit is called Lord in Scripture. The Divine Indwelling and
the Divine Inspiration of Scripture are both from Him.
53. Like the Father and the Son, He transcends human thought, and
unlike the heavenly powers, He is uncircumscribed.

54. His true Glory, like that of the Father and of the Son, is the telling
of His Attributes and His Mercies.

55. His Glory is above every created glory mentioned in Scripture.
56. His Holiness, Knowledge, and Life-giving Power prove His Divinity.
57. The gift of the Spirit, as the Spirit of Life and of Power, is as glorious
as the gift of the Son in the mystery of the Incarnation.
; '

6 Synopsis.

I . (a) Explanation and defence of the Catholic forms of Gloria

to the Spirit (a-vv, iv).

58. Neither '
with the Spirit ' nor '
in the Spirit ' is to be found as a
doxology in Scripture ; both of them have come to us by the custom of
the Church ; and the meaning of each is connected with the other.

59. ' With the Spirit ' confutes both Sabellianisrn and Arianism more
forcibly than the scriptural '

60. St. Basil is ready to give up both, and say, ' Glory to Father and Son
and Spirit,' but the objectors maintain that '
in ' alone is suitable for the

(b) 'In the Spirit:

61. There are many meanings of 'in ' applicable to the Spirit's work of

62. and to His presence, when we worship, and when we teach.

63. But no meaning of '
in '
is as suitable as ' with ' to express His
relation to the Father and the Son in giving glory.

64. Yet 'in the Spirit' may have a very high meaning if we bear in
mind the revelation of the Father '
in the Son,' and of the Son '
in the
65. It is clear then that '
in ' is not used exclusively of the Holy Spirit, and
that the meaning of '
in the Spirit ' in no way supports the Arian doctrine
of His inferiority.

(c) '
With the Spirit:

66. 'With the Spirit' has the tacit sanction of Church tradition, like
many other very important words and rites in her worship.

67. These and especially the form of confession of faith at baptism have
come down to us by a channel which is outside the letter of Scripture.
68. ' In the Spirit ' and '
with the Spirit ' have each its proper meaning,
and to object to the latter is really to object to the '
and ' in the baptismal
formula of our Lord Himself.
69. In Scripture, our present state of grace is '
with Christ '
; how much
more is the Holy Spirit i
with the Father and the Son ?

70. We hope to be glorified '

with Christ,' how much more must the
Holy Spirit be glorified ' with Him ? '
Synopsis. J

71. The use of ' with the Spirit ' came by tradition ; St. Basil received it

from his own Bishop [Dianius].

72. ' With the Spirit,' or an equivalent phrase, is used by Trenaeus,

Clemens Romanus, the two Dionysii, and Eusebius the historian.

73. It is supported by words in Origen and Africanus, and in ancient

74. In St. Basil's own part of the world, Gregory of Neo-Caesarea, Firmi-
lianus, and Meletius used it, and the idioms of some languages support it.

75. It is no innovation, but a form which gives due honour to the Spirit.

K. Conclusion. On the evil condition of the Church at the

ti?ne of writing.
76. The present state of the Church is like a battle between two fleets in
a storm, with every crew separated into factions at deadly feud with each

77- But the simile fails to represent the confusions, the enmities, and
the miseries that have ensued from Arianism and its brood of heresies.
78. Words of wisdom are well nigh lost in the general tumult of contro-

79. Yet St. Basil has written, for lack of another champion, and out of
regard to the love and discretion of Amphilochius, and is ready to answer
any further inquiries, with the help of the same Spirit.

L. APPENDIX, (i) On the Knowledge of God.

1. There are three conditions of life, corresponding to the three ways in
which our minds energize, under the influence of (1) the Holy Spirit, or (2)

evil spirits, or (3) in a middle way, as when exercised on mechanical arts.

2. Our minds should be exercised on the truth, and so be led to the

knowledge of God, Who is absolute truth. As when we look up to heaven,
we only see it in part, so our knowledge of God is only in part here, and
will be more perfect hereafter.

1. We know What we worship, although we do not know His Essence,
for we know His attributes and His works.
2. We know that God is, by faith our knowledge of His Essence
; is our
sense that He is beyond our mind's comprehension.
3. The Only Begotten has declared Him, that is, His Power, not His

8 Synopsis.

Essence. As in the case of Abraham, and of the Apostles, we know God's

operations, from that knowledge we go on to faith, and then to worship.


1. Knowledge comes after belief in science, but before it in religion. We

know God's attributes of wisdom, power, and goodness from the Creation,
and as a part of Creation recognize Him as our Creator. This knowledge is

followed by faith, and faith by worship.

2. Knowledge applies to many objects, e. g. number, size, power, mode of
existence, time of production, essence. We know what can be known of
God, and we do not know the rest ; this is true also of the sand, of a man,
and of ourselves.
3. What we know in part, is not the Essence of God, but His Creation of
us, His marvels, His commandments, His adoption. The Lord's know-
ledge of them that are His is His acceptance of them.

(ii) On our Lord's ignorance of the day and hour.


1 The proper explanation of the words about our Lord not knowing the
day of the end is that ' no one ' is not always absolutely exclusive in Scrip-
ture. The Image of God, by Whom He made the aeons, and to Whom
the signs of the end were known, must have known the end also : but it is

not wrong to refer the not-knowing to the dispensation by which He

assumed all things human.
The words of St. Matthew and those of St. Mark are not exactly the

same. The former, by save the Father only,' excludes the angels, but not

the Son, Who said, ' All things that the Father hath are Mine.' St. Mark's
Whom the

that not even the
knowledge was given.

(iii) On
Son would know, but

the trine i?mnersion in Baptism.

for the Father from

5. The trine immersion, which symbolized the three days of our Lord's
burial, necessitates a threefold emersion : but the emersion is not itself

(iv) On ousia and hypostasis.

6. The difference between ousia and hypostasis is like the difference

between the general and the particular the confession of faith must express

both, as, ' I believe in God the Father, in God the Son, and in the Divine
Holy Spirit.' Those who use ousia and hypostasis as identical, fall into
Sabellianism when they speak of different Persons.


Km AedjueBa koi napcxKaAoGuiv Se, cpi\dv9pcone, dfaBe, eSaTTO-

GTeiAov e£ u\j/ou<; toG ctfiou Sou, e£ eToijuou KaTOiKHTHpiou Sou, Ik

tgov dnepif pdnTCov koAttoov, outov tov TTapctKAHTOv, to TTveGjua thq

dAHBe'toc, to apov, tov Kupiov, to ^cdottoiov, to ev vdjuco koi npo-

(pHTaic Kal dnoaToAoig AaAHGav, to navTaxoG napdv kcci id ndvTti

TTAHpoOv, evepfoGv re auTeEouaiax;, ou oiokovikcoc, 69 oug pouAeTai,
tov dpaajudv eu5oKia th Sh, to dnAoGv thv 9UGIV, to noAujuepec thv

evepfeiav, thv to>v Geiojv x«piGjudTO)v tthj-hv to Sol ojuoouatov" to

eK Sou eKnoptudjuevov to auvGpovov thc paoiAeiaq Sou Kal tou

MovorevoGg Sou Yiou, tou Kupiou Kai Oeou Kai ScoTHpog Ajua>v

Liturgy of St. Mark, Invocation.



wpbs tov kv ayiots AjMpiko^iov
kiriaKcmov 'Ikovlov .

IIpooi/XLOv kv co oti avayKalai at wept tcov yuKpoTdroav

fj.€pa>i> rrjs OeoXoyla? epevvai.


10 1. 'ETTiivecra to (ptkopaOks o~ov /cat (fiikoirovov tov rpoirov,

Kal rjaOriv ye VTreptpv&s toj eTUOTartKcj) Kal vqcfyakkco 7-779

hiavoias, hi fjv ovbepiav abupevv^Tov otet \pr\vat Kara-

kifjLTraveiv (fxavrjv tcov oo-ai irepl 0eo£ Kara iracrav \peiav t. in. p. 2.

tov koyov 7rpo(f)kpovTai, 00 (pik-q K€(pakr) Kal Tipicardrr] poi

15 iraacov, abekcpk 'Apupiko^ie. KaAcos yap aKOvcras rrjs
Trapaivicreods tov KvpCov, oti '
Has 6 alrcav kapfiavei Kal

6 (j)T(OV €VpLO~K€L,' TJ] 7T€pl TO OlTeiV kpptkeiq Kal TOV OKVrj- Luke xi. 10.

5 6 7
poTaTov pot do/cet? av biavao-TrjcraL irpos tt)V peTabocnr.
€Ktlvo bk crov Kal rrkkov ayapai, oti ov ireipas <-V€K€V Kara
20 TOVS 1T0kk0VS TCOV VVV TOLS €pCOTrjcT€LS 7TpOT€LV7], akka TOvO*

add Trpo(T(pQ}VT]TtKU)s TrpoaepGOTrjo'a.VTOs R 3 C. irpocr(pojvr]Tiica>s kirepajTrj-
oavr{os] a?) \i. tear Evvofxiov R 5. o has a short title nepl B^oKoy'ias
rrjs ayias rpidSos. 2
txt. M m V Baroc.
pt fr., wi' ov (in rasura) 17s

R R C Ri R R
3 3 4 5.
om. dSeAc^ M,mV. *
X " V.
/« o.
om. av pv. 7
StavacTTrjvai o. 8
txt. M m V v.
yu tov Ben. o.
14 Minute study of

oirep €(ttlv clvto to akrjOes e£evpelv. tow fxkv yap (Ltclkov-

CTTOVVTOiV VVV Kal bl€p(i)TU>VTO)V r)fXaS €vdr)VLCL TTokkrf,

<j)ikopLaQel be ^/vxjj /cat Trpos ayvoias icktlv ttjv]6etav

ZK.Cr]Tovo-r, xaXeirtoTCLTOv kvru\€iv. o>s yap irayls 6r]paT(ov

Kal irokepLovvTaiv evebpa KeKpvpLpevov top bokov Kal lyKara- 5

ctk€Vov e'xet to- tG>v irokkcov epcoT-qpaTa, ol 7rpofiakkovo~L

koyovs, ol»x tva tl yj)r)o-i\iov kaficoo-iv e£ ai/T&v, aAA' 077(09
eav jut) crvpL^aivovcras rr\ eavT&v tols aTTOKplaeis
evpooaL, ravTrfv a(popp,r)v e\eiv biKaiav bo^oxn rod irokepiov.
2. Et be T(3 avorjTto eTTepo)Tr)aavTL o-oqbtav acxfiCa 10

Prov. xvii. 28. koy KTBl] 0~eTai* TOV aWeTOV CLKpoaTT]V TOV V7TO TOV TTpO^YfTOV

is. iii. 3. t<2 6avp.a(TT(£ crvfjiftovkti) Ttapa^evyOevTa Troaov cl£lov koyi-

t 'Jim. i. 15. o-ojjitOa ; r) 7T0V bUatov Tiacrr\s p<ev cnroboyjis a£tovv,
irpoayeiv he els to irpocro), o-vveqbaiTTopievovs avr<$ Trjs

(nrovbrjs Kal iravra crvveKirovovvTas e7retyoue'j>G) irpbs Tr)v 15

Teketoocnv. to yap p,r) irapepyois aKOveiv t&v OeokoyiK&v
4 5
(fxtiv&v, akka ueipaa-Qai top ev eKacrTr) ke^et Kal ev
eicao-rr/ avkkafifj KeKpvpfxevov vovv e^iyveveiv ovk apy&v
els ewe/3etaz>, akka yva)pi(6vT(t>v tov o-kottov Trjs Kkrjo-eoos

fjpL&v, otl TTpoKetTaL fjfuv bpLOioaOrjvai ®€<3 Kara to bvvarbv 20

av6pa>TT0V (pvo-et. ojotototXTts 8e ovk avev yv(oo-eo)s y
r) be
yvG>cns e/c bibaypLCLTcov, koyos be btbacrKakias ap^r), koyov
be [xep-q avkkaftal Kal Ae'£ets. aWe ovk e£co o-kottov yeyove
T&v crvkkafi&v r) e^eTaais. ov psqv otl fxtKpa, o>s av ra>

oo£at, tcl epcorrf/xara, bta tovto koX TrapocpdrjvaL a£ta, akk' 25

eireibr] bvo~6rjpaTos 77 akr/Oeia, navTa\6Qev fjp.Lv e£t.xvevTea.

Cf. $ 61. et yap axrirep al Te\vaL ovto) Kal r/ Trjs evo-efielas avakrjxj/is

raty Kara puKpbv Trpoo~6r}Kais av^eTai, ovbevbs vnepoTTTeov

rots els ttjv yvSxnv elcrayop^evois' a>? et rts t&v 7rpa>ra)z>

1 Cor. ii. 6. CTTOl\ei(£>V 0)S [AlKp&V vTTepiboi> ovbeiTOTe T&V TeketOiV Trjs 3°

om. ex«v m. 2
8)} p V v.
rj y
V v. 4
( </>' m.
1^' M
m. om. i V v addita praepositio ex quatuor codd. MSS.'
txt. S Mj m V
7 8
p. yvcuacojs RsfivR^ duo codd. MSS.' '

ovk €ktos o sic duo Regii et Coll. et Regius quintus in raargine.'


txt. Mj p o v tres Regii codd.'
' nore m V.
theological language necessary. 15

<ro(f)Las i(f>d\j/eTaL. to Nat Kat to Ov o-vXXafiat, bvo, aAA'

o/uto)? to KpaTLcrTov t&v dyaO&v, 7] aXrjdtLa, Kat 6 eo-^aros

opos ttjs Ttovt]pias, to \jftvbos, rots pLLKpols rovrots prifiao-L

7roAXaKi9 €jjLiT€pU\€TaL. Kat tl tclvtcl Ae'ya> ; ijbr] rts Kat

5 \16vov KaTavevcras Tjj KetyaXr) €v rots vnep Xpio-roS fxapTV-

2 3
piois Trdo-qs irXiipcoTrjs ewe/3eta? €Kpi6r). et 5e raura
OVrO)J e)(€t, tC TCtiV 0€oXoyLKO)V pr)\XaT(3dV OVT(t> \xiKpov, d)J T] T. III. p. 3.

KaA<3? 77 ivavTicos fyov fxr] [xeydXrjv irapeyziv tt\v po7rr]V e$'

€K.aT€pa ; et yap '

eK roi; vofiov tcSra ez> 77 /ixta KtpaCa ov
10 4 TtapeXevaeTai' 7r<3? 5
ay 7/jutz; ao~<j)aX€s imepfiaivtiv
Kat Matt. v. 18.

ret o-jLtt KpoVara ; a ye /^t^ civtos bievKpLvqOrjvaL Trap* 7]\xG>v

e7re^r^o-a?, Kat fipayja eort rairra Kat jxeyaAa, tw /uey

crvvTOfjUt) tt}s T7po(f)opas fipayia Kat 8ta roSro io-gos evKCLTa-

(ppovrjTa, Trj 8e Swa/xet twi; crrjfxaivopLevoiv /txeyaAa, kclto. Mk. iv. 31.

15 tt)£> etKoW rot; a-t^oVea)?, o fUKpoTciTov ov twv (ppvyaviK&v

cnreppLCiTCDv tt)s Trpoo-qKovo-qs e7Tt/xeXeta? d£tco0ez; ets ih^o?
amapKes Staznorarat, tt/s o-vveo-irap[jL€vr)s eV avrw bvvdfjieoos

a7rX<i)0€Lcrr)<i. et 8e rt? yeAa, fiXeircov tt)v Trept ra? avX-

Xafids fjiJLcov (\j/aXpiLKO)9 et7retz>) ' aboXtcr)((av/ awbs /xey ps cxix.

v & J. \ <"»
ft \ / * / t /» ^\ [CXVlll.
20 tarco avaxpeXr] Kaprrov tov yeAotou ope7ro/xe^os, 17/otet? oe lxx.] 85.

/xtj rots oz>et6eo-t t&v dv0pu>7roov €vb6vT€S iJ,r}b€ T^^avXio-p,^
avT&v r)TTr)6€VT€s ttjv epevvav KaTaXiTroofxev. ToaovTov yap
cnri^oo tovtois ws /xtKpois kitaio-yyvto-Qai) ware et Kat 7roA-

Aootol> n [xepovs ttjs a£Cas avT&v 12

ectjtKot/xr/z;, ejuatrrco Te

25 az; avi>r)cr6€ir)v a)S juteyaAco^ a^tco^ez^rt, rw re o-vvbiepevv&VTi

rjpuv dbeXcpu) ov fjiiKpov av (j)atr}v evTevOev ciTTr]VTr]Kivat to
1 2
om. ttoWclkis (M. suspicatur in v et in o. evpiaKercu m. kdeixOj]
Reg. primus, et ad marg. kKpiOr).' 3
drj m yit o v.
add. /i7) ft.
om. av m
/x V v.
/fai' ft o v.
txt. m V v. ft ra aura Ben.
om. ly ft v.
txt. mRj/JoVvRj R 5. yeXcoros Ben. ft habet
auroj fiev dvcucfxXfj tcapnov tov yeXoiov hptirtoOw. txt. m/to Vv.
fi^re Ben. u om. /icpovs m
V v (sed in v postea add. in marg. manu
prima). ((piKoprjv p\.

2. 19. dBoXeo-xtav, ' subtilty.' In Ps. cxix. 85, the word translated
(AV. and RV.) <
pits ' is in the LXX. d5oA.e<rxta<>, and in the Vulg.
6 ;;

1 The origin of the enquiry.

Ktpbos. fx4yi(TT0V ovv opojv kv /xiKpot? (jrniacTL to ay(t)VL(Tfxa

eA7rt8t t&v \11crOSiV rbv ttovov ovk avahvo\xai^ e/xaurco re

fjyovixevos eyKapirov rbv Xoyov ecreo-flat, rot? re aKovovai

btapKrj tt]v 0)(f)ikeLav virdp^tiv. oto7rep 17677 <jvv aurco ye
2 3
Cf. § 79- (f)dvai rco ctytcp YIvzvixolti /3aotoi)/xat 7rp6? rr/z/ efr/yrjo-ty. 5

Kat et (3ovk€L coo-re jue et? 686^ KaTarrrrivai rov koyov, fAiKpov
em r^ ap^r^v rov 7rpo/3A.?7/xaros i/7roo-rpe\xVco.
3. npoo-euxo/xeVa) /mot npcorjv fxera ro£ Aao?3 Kat d/^.-

(f)OT€pa)s tt]v bo£okoy(av aTTOTrXrjpovvTL rco 0eco Kat YlarpC,

vvv \xev
Mera rov Tlov 2w rco riz^ev/xart rco aytco/ z/w oe 10

2 3 4
om. re j*. om. (pdvai 500. om. ayicv fi, v. Im
m o. om. V v. pera o*.

3. 10. vvv fi€v Mcto. k.t.X. The Arian Philostorgius (iii. 13) in noticing
the forms of Gloria does not mention this form (jx^rd, avv) and says that
Flavian at Antioch (Bishop from 381) was the first to use aloud (irpuiTov
form ' to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy
avafiorjaai) the
Spirit.' This may be true as regards public worship in the Church at
Antioch (see esp. the story of Leontius quoted in Bright's Hist. p. 62)
but the writer was apparently not acquainted with the Martyr. Ign.
Ant. and Martyr. Polyc., or with the Apostolical Constitutions, in
which these forms (pcrd, avv) (jcai, nai) are found. He speaks of the
form (did, kv) as the more usual and St. Basil seems to say the same in

§ 72, T. iii. p. 61, Ben. (On the Apostolic Doxologies, see Westcott on
Ep. to Hebrews, p. 464.) Bona on the contrary writes (Rer. Liturg.
lib. II. c. iii. § 2) Primus qui eum (sc. Hymnum Gloria Patri) mutavit

Aetius fuisse dicitur, Ecclesiae Antiochenae Diaconus, Arianismi instau-

rator, sic cani instituens, Gloria Patri per Filium in Spiritu Sancto
quae verba licet per se nullam haeresim contineant, subdole tamen ab
Arianis usurpabantur, ut illorum aequivocatione suam impietatem cela-
rent. Illis in de Nativitate
sensu orthodoxo usus est S. Leo, serm. 1 .

dicens Agamus, dilectissimi, gratias Deo Patri per Filium eius in


Spiritu Sancto. At vero Basilius cum iisdem verbis sermonem ad popu-

lum conclusisset, Catholicis displicuit, et pro illorum defensione librum
apologeticum edidit, quem de Spiritu Sancto ad Amphilochium in-
scripsit, sed non omnibus satisfecit.' The Cardinal is certainly wrong
both in his statement about Aetius, and in his account of the occasion
and contents of St. Basil's writing. Bingham gives a fuller account of
the early doxologies. He says (XIV. ii. § 1) with reference to the
Gloria Patri now in ordinary use, that besides the occasional omission
of part of the response, ' There was another small difference, which yet
made no dispute among Catholics, till the rise of the Arian heresy, and
then it occasioned no small disturbance. The Catholics themselves of
Objections to St. Basils doxologies. 17

Aia tov Tlov 'Ez; rw ayCco Ylvevixari^ iireaKr}\^dv tlvcs t&v
TtapovToov, £ei'i(ov(raLS TjjxaS ({hovcus KQy^pr\aQai, Xtyovres /cat Acts xvii. 20.

old were wont to say, some, " Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Ghost " others, " Glory be to the P'ather, and to the

Son, with the Holy Ghost!" and others, "Glory be to the Father, in
or by the Son, and by the Holy Ghost " Now these different ways of

expressing were all allowed, so long as no heterodox opinion was

suspected to be couched under them, as Valesius has observed in his
notes upon Socrates 21) and Theodoret (ii. 24), and St. Basil shows

more at large in hisbook De Spiritu Sancto. But when Arius had

broached his heresy in the world, his followers would use no other
form of glorification but the last, and made it a distinguishing character
of their party to say, " Glory be to the Father, in or by the Son and
Holy Ghost," intending hereby to denote, that the Son and Holy Ghost
were inferior to the Father in substance, and, as creatures, of a different
nature from Him, as Sozomen (iii. 20 e5o£a£oi> . Tlarepa hv Tta)
. . . . .

and other ancient writers inform us.

favrepsieiv tuv Tldv aircxpaivovTes)
And from this time it became scandalous, and brought any one under
the suspicion of heterodoxy to use it, because the Arians had now, as
it were, made it the shibboleth of their party. Philostorgius indeed
says 13) that the usual form of the Catholics was a novelty, and

that Flavian of Antioch was the first that brought in this form of
saying, " Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy
Ghost " whereas all before him had said either, " Glory be to the

Father, by the Son, in the Holy Ghost" (teal ravr-qv jxakkov rty Ik^xjj-
vrjaii' ZmnoXafav), or, " Glory be to the Father, in the Son, and in the

Holy Ghost." But this is no more than what one might expect from
the partiality of an Arian historian, and it is abundantly confuted by
the ancient testimonies which St. Basil produces in his own vindication
against some who charged him with the like innovation in answer to ;

which he says, he did no more than what was done before by Irenaeus,
Clemens Romanus, the two Dionysii of Rome and Alexandria, Eusebius
of Caesarea, Origen, Africanus, Athenogenes, Gregory Thaumaturgus,
Firmilian and Meletius, and what was done in the prayers of the
Church, and with the consent of all the Eastern and Western Churches.
Which would make a man amazed to hear Cardinal Bona charging
St. Basil as blameworthy, for displeasing the Catholics in using the
form of the heterodox party when it is plain that it was the heterodox

party that quarrelled with him for using the Catholic form of the
Church. And yet, though he blames St. Basil without grounds, telling
us, "that a Catholic doctor ought to be without rebuke, and abstain
from terms that have a suspected sense, and offend pious ears," yet he
has nothing to say to Pope Leo, who, if either, was more certainly
liable to his censure, for using the Arian form of doxology, though in
a Catholic sense, in one of his Christmas sermons, which he thus words,
" Let us give thanks, beloved, to the Father, by His Son, in the Holy

1 The Anomoean heresy

ajxa irpbs aXXrjXas VTrtvavrtoiS ^ovaats. <tv be \iaXin-ra

fJL€V T7/9 CLVTtoV ZKZlVtoiV €l'€K€V (i)(/>eAeia9, €t 06 CIVKXTCOS ty0V(Tl

TravreX&s, bia to tg>v evTvyyjivovTUiV avTois aacpaXts, r)£i-

oocras Tiva evKptvrj irepl rfjs Iv rats avXXaftals ravraLS bv-

vd[jL€(i>s btbao-KaXiav e Kcf)(t)vr]d7]vaL. Ae/creW br) ovv r\pXv bia 5

fipayiutV) ws olov re ap^r/v Tiva op.oXoyov]xivr]v rw Aoya>


T. in. p. 4, Uoiav 'icry^v dpXV u V Kepi ras <rv\\a(3a$ tcov

alpeTLKcov irap<XTripr)(TL5.


4. *H Trept tcls o-v\\a(3as kcu tcls Ae£a? tcov avbp&v

TOVTGDV [XlKpoXoyia OV^ CLTtXt] TIS €(TTLV, 0)9 CLV TO) bo^CLl, Ollbt

els \JAKpbv tov kcikov (frepovaa, aXXa fiadelav e^€i Kai avve-
(TKiao-p.kvy)v /3ovXr)v Kara rijs ewe/3eia9. <PlXov€lkov(tl yap
avofjLOLai> Ylo.Tpbs Kat Tlov Kat ay tov YJvevfjiaTos eTTtbetKi'vvai 15

tj]v Tipotyopav, a)? €K tovtov pabiav e£ovT€S Kat 7-779 Kara

ttjv (frvo-LV TtapaXXayfjs ti]V airobei^LV. Zcttl yap tl avrois
iraXatbv a-o^ta-jua, virb 'Aertou tov Trpoa-Tarov Trjs alpeo-eas

txt. moCV dovai fiv 'duo codd. Regii
' Sovrcs
unus ex Regiis
codd.' SidovTas Ben. add. ttjv //. -napa /x v.

Ghost " St. Basil never used this suspected form, though he says it
might be used with an orthodox meaning, but always, "Glory be to the
Father, with the Son and Holy Ghost " For which he was charged by

some heterodox men as an innovator, but there was no room for Bona's
It is somewhat strange that even Bingham here contradicts St. Basil's
own statement of his practice as given in this section ; and it is more
strange that, before Bona, Hooker (Eccl. Pol. V. xliii. 9, 10, 11) mis-
understood the intention of St. Basil's treatise, and the occasion of it.
3. T|(;ta)<rds Tiva euKpivq irepl ttjs €v Tats <ruAAa.pais ravTais 8uva-
jjiccos 8i8ao-KaAiav. St. Basil gives the real meaning of the phrases in

§§ 16, 63, 64.

4. 18. viro 'Actiov. The story is told by Theodoret (Eccl. Hist. ii. 27) :

Eustathius of Sebaste, one of the deputies of the Council of Seleucia, in

underlies the objections. 39

TavTr\s t^evptOtv, 6? €ypa\j/4 ttov t&v kavrov 67rtoToA(3z>,

Xeyoov '
Ta avofioLa Kara ttjv (fivcriv avopLOioos TrpocpiptaOai,

Kal avanaXiv '

Ta avop.oms irpo(f)€p6iJL€va avopioia ttvcu Kara
1 2
5 €7T€(TTrdcraT0 Xiyovra' '
EI? 0eoyKat YlaTrjp, ££ ov tcl Theod. Ecci
Hist "' 27
tt /
-* V
& 3 * V / 1
A/hoto?, ot ov ra iravra. lCor viii 6

a)? ovV tyovcriv al (f)coval irpbs dAArjAa?, ovtoos 6cfouort/
Kat at 81 avT&v ainxcuvopLtvcu <£vcr6t?' avofjLOLOv 8e

T(j) 6£ Of TO 01 OV CLVOfJiOlOS apa * KCLI, Tip llCLTpL O

10 Tto?.' ratrrri? tolvvv rfjs vccrov kcll 77 7T6pt ra? T:poKei\i£vas

Ae£6t? a8oAeo-)(ta ra>y avhp&v rovroiv yprr/Tai. oOev rw /xa;

0e(p Kat riarpt a)0-7T6p ri^a, Kkrjpov e^aCperov Ttpocrvzp.ovo~i

to 6£ ov, ra) 06 1 tw Kat fc)6(o a<p(opLcrav TO Ot OV, Tip 06

ayta) n^ev/xart to '

6r w,' Kat (fiacre pLr)bi7roT€ ttjv \prjo~Lv

15 TavTr\v t&v crvXkafi&v 67raju,6t/36<Tt9at, tV 07T60 €(fir}V t<2>

7rapi-ikKayfjL€V(p Trjs €K<fi(x>vr] crews Kat f] Trjs (fivacios irapak-

\ayrj o-vveK(fiaivr\Tai. dAAa yap ov XeXr/Oaa-iv iv tt\ irepl

tcls Ae^et? A67rroAoyta Tip da-e/36t Ao'ya) rr)i; to-)(vi> 01a-

((peKKvaaro v.
6 /iov.
to If ov tw di' ov o. * /curat R 3.
avve/j(f>aivT)Ta.i o* V '
duo antiqui codd.'

the presence of the Emperor Constantius at Constantinople, accused

Eudoxius of using these words ;
(in Theod. the words Kara. 7-7)1/ ovcrlav
are given instead of Kara, ttjv <pv<nv). Eudoxius being summoned to the
Emperor pleaded that the Anomoean Aetius was the real author. Aetius,
on acknowledging that he was the parent (jfvvrjTojp), was banished to
Phrygia. (Newman's Arians, ch. iv. § 4. p. 351 ; Bright, Hist. p. 100.)
St. Basil, though not yet ordained priest, was present (see p. xxxvi).
12. tocTTtep Tivd kXt^pov. In conformity with this assertion, the Arian
formula, as put out by Eunomius in his earlier Liber Apologeticus (a. d.
365), ran thus maTevoficv e/s eVa ®eov, Ylarepa TlavTOKparopa, 4£ ov to.

navTa. Kal eh eva Movoytvrj Tlov tov ®eov, ®cbv Aoyov, tov Kvpiov
fjpwv 'Irjaovv Xpicrrov, 5i ov ra iravra. Kai eh ev HvevpLa aytov, tov
XlapaicXrjTov, ev a> Traarjs x<*P tT0S o~iavopL7] KaroL rr)i/ avfifxerpiav irpbs to
<TvpL(pepov eKaarw 8l8orai tgjv ayicvv.
15. tw irapT]\\a7p.«vcp T-fjs So Eunomius (Lib. Apol.

§ 18) argues from the different names dyivvqTos and yewqros or, as he
said, yevvrjpa, that the Essence was different also, iTapr)Waypi.£vwv rcuv
ovopLaTcov Trapr]K\aypL(vas u/xoKoyuv {(XPW) Ka* T(* s ovaias.

C 2
20 The statements of philosophy

(ru>(oiT€s. to i±kv yap '

e£ ov '
tov Arjfiiovpybv crrjixatveLV

fiovAovTaL, to be '
hi ov' tov virovpybv 77 to opyavov, to be
ev w '
tov yjpovov br\kovv r) tov tottov, ?va fxrjbev fxev
opyavov aejivoTepos 6 Arifjuovpybs t&v okajv vorjTat, p.iqbev

he Trjs cltto tottov i] yj)6vov avveio-qbopas els tcl ovTa irkelov 5

qbaivrjTaL to Ylvevpa to dyiov Trapeyop.evov.

"Otl €K ttjs e£oodev ao(j)ia9 f) nepl tcov crvWaftwv

s re^voXoyia.

5. TTTrjydyeTO fxevTOi avTovs Trpbs tt\v airaT-qv TavT-qv 10
Kai 7] t&v e^coOev TrapaTijprjcris, 01 to i£ ov '
koI to
bt ov*
1 2
(T€fj.voTfpov V. (KcpaivrjTai m. (paveirat \i. (pavrjrai '
unus cod.
MS.' 3
OeoXoyia R 3 o a v (rex", o*). 4
et? m.

2. tov tiTrovpYov. Eunomius (Lib. Apol. § 27) calls the son v-novp-
yov T(X(iuraruv.
cp-yavov. Philo (de Cher. § 35 i. 162 M.) speaks of opyavov 81 ;

Koyov &(ov 5V ov KortoKtvaaQr) (sc. 6 tcocrfios). The word was after-

wards used by the Nestorians, opyavov ual hpyaXuov 7rjs Ocottjtos Kal
avOpojTTos 0ec0 pos (see § 12).
3. On the right use of roiros, see § 62. In Philo's
tov tottov.
terminology Place is another name for the Son (Bigg's Christian Plato-
nists of Alexandria, p. 253). St. John Damasc. (De Orthod. Fid. i. 13)
says, 6 Qfos kavrov tottos \ari\ and Sir Isaac Newton, 'Deus durat
semper et adest ubique, et, existendo semper et ubique, durationem et
spatium constituit.' Dr. Pusey (Par. and Cath. Sermons, p. 503) says,
Wherever God is, there is space for space is the Presence of God.' ;

4. 6 AT)p.iovpvos twv t'Xcov (or as in § 20 irao-qs KTicrecu^, i. e. the Son.

The Anomoeans would give the title Srjfxiovpyos to the Father. In Neo-
Platonic philosophy, Srjfxiovpyos (If ovtojv) is opposed to ktio~tt)s (If ovk
ovtojv), Philo i. 632. In St. Athanasius (de Inc. iii. 2\ we have tcxvittjs
opposed to KTiGT-qs ( d s to uvat^, and iroi-qr-qs and 5rj/j.tovpy6s are equivalent
to ktiottjs. St. Basil (adv. Eunom.
33) used KTio~fia in the higher sense

and 5T]p.iovpyr)/j.a in the lower, for he seems to think it worse to apply

the latter term to the Holy Spirit than to apply the former. We have
then (1) in the sense of creation (If ovk ovtcjv) Srjfiiovpyos (Anom.,
Athan.), Krlor-qs (Neo-Plat.,, Athan., and prob. Bas.), iroirjTrjs (Athan.) ;
and in the sense of fashioning (If 6vto.v) drj/xiovpyos (Neo-Plat., prob.
Bas.), and t€x v itt]s (Athan.).
about causes. 21

Ke\(x)pia-\x.evoi<s Kara ti)v fyvaiv irpdyixacri irpoo-bieveipLav.
eKeivot yap olovrai to p.ev e£ ov ri]V vXrjv brjXovv, to be T. III. p. 5.

bi ov '
to opyavov Trapto-Tav rj oXoos T7]v virovpyCav. jxaA-

\ov be (tl yap KoiXvet itavTa tov £k€lvo)V Xoyov avaXafiovTas

5 to Te irpos tj]v aXi]6eiav davvapT-qTOv Kal to irpbs etteivovs
avTovs aaviJLCpoai'ov t&v avbp&v tovtcov ev fipa\ei bieXiy^at ;)
ol irepl Ti]v fAaTaiav <piXo(TO<pLav evxoXaKOTes tov ahCov

tt\v tyvaiv TToXXa-^oJs e^r\yovp.evoi koX tovto els tol 01/ceta Cf. ciem.
, v v , „ Alex. Strom.
arjixatvopLeva oiaipovvTes Ta p.ev TrpoKaTapKTiKa Xeyovai tccv vm. § 9 .

10 3 atrtcoi; 4 , tol be crvvepya rj avvaiTta, 5

tol be 6
tQ>v &v ovk
dvev Xoyov eire^etv. eKao~T(ii \x(vtol tovtcov Ibid^ovaav Cf § 6i -

koX ttjv eKcfxavrjcriv d(f>opi^ovo'Lv, &o~Te aXXoos tov Ar)fu-

ovpybv crrjixaivecrOaL Kal to opyavov aXXcos. rw ptev yap

1 2 3 4
bieveifiav fi. oocpiav m. alnwv /x. add. etvai Ben.
5 6
om. mfio Vv. om. ret be /x. tov Sjv m. roirov (sic) V.
virtxeiv Rj.

5. 7- °^ ^P 1 T11 v p-aTatav <{>iAocro4)iav CTXoAaKoTes. St. Basil seems

to be referring to St. Clement of Alexandria, who treats on causes in
his Stromat. viii. 9 twv alricov to. pev irpoKaTapKTiKa, tol be awe/tritca,
(maintaining) ra be ovvepyd, tol be Sjv ovk dvev. St. Clement illustrates
it in the case of a science : 6 fiev iraTfjp a'iriov tart irpoKarapKriKov ttjs
Ha0r)o~eajs' 6 bibdaKa\os be avveicriKov r) tov fxavOdvovTos <pvo~is crvvepyov
aiTiov 6 be XP^ V0S r^ v & v ovK dvev Xoyov enex*i- He explains ovvuctikov
as a cause, ov irapuvTos pevet to diroTe\eo~fxa' Kal alpofievov, aiperai and :

cvvepyov thus, to avvepyuv vtrr/peatav o~T)p,aivei Kal ttjv o~lv erepa) \ei-
Tovpyiav. St. Basil less definitely puts for these two avvepyd rj ovvaina.
St. Basil himself speaking of the creation of the heavenly powers (c. xvi.

§ 38), calls the Father the primary cause (7-7)1/ rrpoKaTapKTiKqv aWiav),
the Son the fashioning cause (rr)v h-qniovpyiK-qv, cf. § 21 tov ttoi-qTtKov
alriov), and the Spirit the perfecting cause {ttjv Te\eiajTiKf)v, cf. § 61).
On the subject of this part of the book, the student should read New-
man's Arians, c. i. § 2, 'The schools of the Sophists.'
11. Ao-yov iirex iiv '
for the phrase, cf. Philopon. in (Arist.) Phys. ii.
r) vhr) tov tSjv £>v ovk avtv Kuyov kirixa. '. St. Basil Horn. 9 in Hexaem.
i. 83 Ben. KaKuv be irav appcvoTia Koyov vyieias eirex*
^ v Xn s V ^* aperr) '
1 '•

and [Just. Mart.] Quaest. et Resp. ad Graecos, Q. i el r) pilv xpvx^i tc^-

vltov \6yov eirexei, to be oajpa opyavov. Elsewhere to£iv or tottov ene-
X*i-v is used in a similar sense, viz. to be in the stead of, to be analogous
to. Field, Otium Norvicense, pt. iii (after Wetstein), explains in this
sense Phil. ii. 16 <paivea$e ws (pcvoTTJpes ev Koa/xcv Koyov (ojtjs eirexovres.
%% PhilosopJiical expressions

Ar)fiiovpy<j) irpeireLV o'iovrai to '

vcj) ov? KVpiuis yap (jxiai

keyeaOai vtto tov tIktovos yeyevi\(rOai to ftdOpov, rw be

opyav(t> to '
bC ov,' bia yap aKeuapvov (jiacrl Kal TeptTpov T(OV koLTT&V. 6/J.OtCOS be Kal TO '
€^ OV '

(KtivoL TtOevTat, eK £vkov yap elvai to brjuLovpyrjiJia, to be 5

1 '
KaO' 6 ' to evdvpaov br]kovv 77 to 2
eKKeip.evov vu6beiyp.a
tw T€)(VLTr). 7/ yap irpoavafaypaifiricras tt) biavotq to
KaTacTKevaaixa ovtu>s els epyov ttjv ^avTaaiav yyayeu, rj

Trpbs ijbrj eKKeCpievov Trapabetypia a-nofikeTtcov Ka0' ofAoioicnv

Zkclvov tt]v evepyetav KaTevOvvei. to be '
6Y 6 '
rw re'Aei 10
irpoo-rjK€LV fiovkovTai, bia yap ttjv \pr\cnv ttjv t&v clv-

OptoTToov yeyovevai to fiaOpov, to be '

ev w ' tw \povov
5 6
TtapiorTav t) tov tottov. tt6t€ yap yeyovev ; ev ro35e r<5
yj)6v<j). Kal ttov ; ev ra>8e rw ro7ra). rairra 6e el Kal

fjLTjbev rw yivofxivio avpifiakkeTaL, akk* ovv ovk dvev tovtojv 15

8 9
bvvaTov rt yeveaOai' XP € ^a 7^/° Ka ^ ro 7roi; Kat X.P® V0V
toZs evepyovat. TavTa fxadovTes Kat Oavfiao-avTes ovtol tcl

Col. U. 8. e/c t?7S ixaTaioTT]Tos Kal Kevrjs airaT^s irapaTriprjpiaTa Kai

eirl ttjv aTrkrjv Kal aTeyvokoyr]Tov tov Ylvev\xaTos btba-

o~Kakiav [xeTaKop.i^ovo-Lv 3 els u ekaTTcoa-tv pcev tov Qeov Aoyov, 20

1 2 3 (
Ka6b o. kyKei/uevov v. add. kv. /iv duo codd. MSS.'
* om. r-qv m \x.
om. kv m p. v.
om. tq) ft.
tw toto;
rwbe /x v. m 8
om. ti p.v. 9
yiveoOai p.. 10
om. «at Oavpd-
aavTts p. 'desunt in nonnullis codd. MSS.' vaddit in marg. manu prima
post ovtoi. u dOiTtjaiv V. m
1. to '{)<(>' ov.' Cf. Philopon. in (Arist.) Phys. i. I apxas Se twv npay-
fiaTOJV UXdrcvv fxkv t£ cprjaiv eluai, v\rjv, eidos, iroirjTiKov clitlov, vapadeiy-
fxaTifcov, dpyavcfcov, tzXikov, Kal /ca.\€i ttjv vXrjv kv <f ( = !£ 011 of this
passage), {pvrjrkpa yap avrrjv KaXei Kal degapkvrjv Kal TiOrjvqu,) to 5k eldos
o (tovto yap kori to £ko.otov tSjv irpaypidTaiv x a P aKTr)P L0"riK ° v > °^X V v^-V
p\ia Kal 77 ai)TT) ovoa tto.vto}v) to 8k iroirjTiKov vfy' ov, to opyaviKov 8t' ov,

to irapadeiypiaTiKdi/ irpcs o ( — Ka6' 6 of this passage), to t^Xikov 8t' o.

The kv <5 of St. Basil is not an apxn but a sine qua. non.
19. tt|v dirX-qv Kal drexvoXoY^TOv tov IIv€vp,aTOS 8i8ao-Ka\iav. Cf.
Euseb. Eccl. Hist. v. 28 01 5k Tats toju dmaTcvv Tk\vais ds ttjv ttjs alpk-
ffeais avTuiv yvwprjv diroxpupLevoi, Kal tt} tuiv dOkoov iravovpyia. ttjv dirXrjv
Twv Oeiow ypatpojv ttictiv KanrjXevovTes, oti pir)5k kyyvs viaTecus virdpx_ovai,
Tt Se? Kal Xkyeiv ;
(quoted by Eusebius from an older writer).
applied improperly to Doctrine. 23

adtT-qcriv be rod Qeiov YlvevpiaTos, ot ye tt)v eirl ay\rvyjj&v

opyavoov r\ tt)s viro^eipiov Kal Taireivrjs iravTek&s vfir]pecr(as

<pa>vr)v a<f)Gt)pi(TiJL£vriv irapa tQ>v e^caOev, tt)v '
hi ov '
TavTrjv eirl top Aeo"n6rr]P t&p okinv ovk &Kvr]crav /utera-

5 deivai, kcll ovk alayyvovTai oi XpicrTiapol irpiopos r] cr(pvpas

T(ji A-qpuovpyto ttjs KTicreoos cfxiop-qv acfropi&vTes.

"On aTrapaTr\p7)Tos rfj rpa<pfj rS>v crvWa/3ooi/ tovtcov


10 6. 'H/xets Se Keyjpr)o-Qai [xev irokka^ov rat? (fxtivals tclv-

tcus kcll top ttjs dk-qdeias koyov 6p,okoyovpLep' ov fx-qv tt\v

ye tov YIvevpLdTOs ekevOep(av bovkeveiv ttclptcos <j)ap.ep Trj

[xiKpoTTpeireia tG>p e^u>6ep y akkd kcltcl to del irpoo-Tvy\dvov

oi/ceuos rat? \peiais virakkaTTeiP tcls e Ktyoopr} ere is. ov yap
15 iravrcos to '
e£ ov tt]v vkr\p o-^fxaipei, Kad&s eKeivois hoKei,
dkka crvvjiOeaTepov Trj Tpacfyrj cttI ttjs avioT&TQ) Air (as tt)V

(f)(t)vi]v TavTrjv TTapaXapifiaveiv, cos eirl tov 'Ely ®eos, c£t. m.p. 6.

ov to, TiavTa, Kal itdkiv' tcl be navTa Ik tov Seov.' Ke- iCor.viii. 6;

\pr\rai fxevTOi Kal 6 ttjs akrjOeias koyos Trj ke£ei TavTrj

20 Kal enl ttjs vkr)s ^irokkciKis, b)s oTav keyrj' Troirjo-eis rr]VEx.xxv.g.

Ki(3a>Tov eK £vk(£>p acrrjiTTaiv? Kal '

TTOi-qaeis tt)v kvyviav eK Ex. xxv. 30.

\pvcr(ov KaOapov,' Kal '

6 itp&Tos apOpoairos eK yrjs xo'ikos, iCor.xv. 47 .

5 6
Kal '
eK irrjkov bir)pTi<rai av a>? Kal eyco. dkk ovtoi, Xva Jobxxxiii. 6.

a>? e<pap.ev ttjs (pvo-eoas to bid(f)opov TTapao-Tr)cro)cri, T(3

txt. m/ioVv' duo antiqui codd.' Oeiov Kal dyiov duo alii.' S= '

2 3
Kara o. * om. ttoW&kis [x v.
tov ayiov. add. Kal m.
diTjprrjaai o. 6 Ko/yoi o. Kayu (sic) /x.

6. 20. €irl ttjs tiXtjs. The Ben. editor notes that St. Ambrose (de Sp.
S. ii. have read this passage hurriedly, and accuses the
9) seems to
Pneumatomachi of applying the material meaning of f£ ov to God.
24 Philosophical terms are not

Tlarpl fji6v(o 7Tpo(rrjK€LV ri]V X(£iv ravrr\v evoixoOerrjrrav, ras

iCev apyas rrjs Trapar-qprjcreois Xafiovres irapa tojv tcoiOev,
ov iravra be eKeivots bi aKpifieias bovXevaavres' aAAa tu
Liev Ttw Kara ri]V eKetvcov vo\xodeaiav rrjv tov opyavov
irpoo-qyoptav eire6r]Kav, r(5 be YivevjiaTL T7JV TOV TOTTOV, '
eV 5

YlvevLiari '
yap Xeyovcn Kal '
bia Tlov '
Xeyovcn, r<S 6e 0ew
r^z; '
e£ o5,' ovKeri evravOa KaraKoXovOovvres rots aAAo-
TptoLS, aAA' €7rl raj a7rocrroAtKas cos </>a<Ti \xeraftaivovres
i Cor. i. 30. x/)77a-£is, Ka0a elpr)rai' ' e£ aviov be I'jixets ecrre ez; Xptcrrw
j Cor. xi. 12. ^irjcrov/ kclI tcl be navra eK tov Qeov.' ri ovv €K r^j 10
reyyoXoyias ravrr\s to crvvay6\xevov ; aXXrj tyvais alriov
Kal aXX-q opyavov Kal aXXrj tottov' aXXoTpios apa Kara tyjv

<pvo~iv 6 Tios ra> Ilarpt, eireLbr} Kal to opyavov ra> re^vCry,

aXXorpiov be Kal rb Y\vevp.a, KaOocrov Keyupio-Tai tottos tj

yjpovos rrjs t&v opyav&v cf)VcreoiS rj rrjs r&v ixerayeLpi£op.e- 15

va)v avrd.

Utl Kai em liarpos Aeyerai 1

to (
01 ov Kai em
Tlov 3
to ' e£ ov Kal em FLvev/iaTOS.


{ 4. *l. Ta [xev brj eKetvcov rotavra' rjfJLels be bei^ofxev
6 20
TrpoeOefjieOa, on ovre 7
6 Ylarr\p to
e£ ov' Xafiuv rw Tl<2
TTpocreppixj/e to '
St ov,' ovre 6 Tibs itclXlv to TIvevpLa to
ayiov Kara rrjv tovtoov vopioOecriav eh rr\v tov '
ef ov '

tt]v '
6t' ou ' KOivooviav ov TTapabe^eTat, oirep f) Kaivi] tov-
1 Cor. viii. 6. to)v KXr)pobocria btu>pto-ev. '
Ets 0eo? Kal YlaTr\p. Z£ ov tcl 25

7raz/ra, Kal els Kvptos 'Irjcovs XptaToj, bi ov tcl iravra.

avrat ovk elal vop.oderovvros (poovai, aXXa. bievKpivovjievov

1 2
to 81' ov fcal t£ ov Kal knl vtov Kal -nvevixaros V. add. tov v in tab.
3 4 5
om. to €^ ov n v. add. tov o* v in tab. et o in textu. 8d£aj-
fievmfxv. 6
d /x.
om. m \x.
om. /xv. 9
Ikuvwv v.
txt. Sm V Ben. /rev?) /tov (e ex at) ' duo codd. MSS. et alius prima
manu.' ll
6 fx R 4.

necessarily follozved by Scripture zvriters* 25

tcls 'T^oo-rao-ei?. ov yap Xva to aWoTpLov tt}s (pvaecas

eio-aydyrj, dAA' tva acrvyyvTOv Ylarpbs kcll Tlov tt)v evvoLav

Trapaarrjar], ovto) irpor/veyKev 6 'AttoutoXos. eireL ort ye at
<f)(t>val dAArjAat? ovk dimrdcrcrozrrat, ovb axrirep ev iroXepoD

5 Trpbs avTiiraXov tcl£lv aTTOKpidela-ai ow€K7roAejuo{!crt tcls

<pvo-€LS, als i:poa€\(opr]o-av, eKtWev brjXov' avvriyayev d/x-


flaSAo?, elircov' on '

e£ avTov kclI 6Y clvtov kcll els ambv tcl T. III. p. 7.

ticlvtclJ tovto be TrpobrjXaiS eh tov KvpLov (f>epeLV ttcls tls R°m. xi. 36.

10 av eliroL 6 kcu p.LKpbv tw fiovXrjfjLaTL tyjs \e£ea)s eTTLo-Trjo-as.

upoTa^as yap 6 'AttootoAos e< ttjs 7rpo(prjTeLas tov 'Hcra'toi;

rd ' rts eyi>a) vovv Kvplov ; Kat rty avpfiovkos avTov is. xi. 13.

eylveTO ;
e7T?/yay€y* ore '
e£ a^roi) Kat oY atirou Kat €ts

avTov tcl TtavTa? airep otl nepi tov Qeov Aoyov tov Ar]-

15 \iLOvpyov irao-qs KTLcreoos elprjTaL rw irpocfyi'jTr], ck rwi^ KaToiTLV

av p.adoL<s' tls e\xeTpr)cre tt\ \eLp\ to vbuop, Kat tov ovpavbv is. xl. 12, 13.

a7TL0aprj, Kat iraorav tt]v yr\v bpaKL ; tls eaTr]cre tcl opt] ev
o~Ta6pi<jo Kat tcls vairas e^ Cu y£ > rtJ cyvco ^ow Kvplov
5 :
Kat rts o-vp,(3ovkos avTov eyeveTo ;
to ydp rts ' evTavOa
20 oi;)(t ro anopov iravTek&s, dAAa ro o~7rdi>toi> drjAot, a>? em
6 f
roi; '
rtj d^aoTTJcrerat /xot €7Tt irovripevopLevovs ; Kat rts Ps. xciv.
eart^ avapanros
>//i «/
o 0e\cov
((tirjv ;
/ >
\ t
/ 5
tls avafirjo-eTaL
/ 5

^ TZ '
i rf
OVV Kat eVTavda
» ^ ^/l'>

elbows tov vovv tov KvpLov Kat Trjs fiovkrjs avTov kolvolivos ;' Ps x ^ iv
< *
o yap ^ rr v > ^ rv>* v ^'
llar?]p aya7ra tov Ilov Kat iravTa oeLKwerLv avTu. l*
\ » ~ Txxiii. LXX 'J1
uu,1jAA V' '

oiiro'j ecrrtz; 6 o~vve)(u>v ttjv yrjv Kat irepLbebpaypievos avTTJs, J ohn ^- 20

6 ety tcl£lv TtavTa kol bLaKocrpLrjcrLv ayaywv, 6 Kat opeaiv

laopponlav Kat #5ao-t p,eTpa Kat 7ra(7t rot? ei> rw koV/xw rrjy

1 2 3 4
viroGTaaeas v. avvrjyaye Kat a/xeporepas o. ^ o. om. «!> o.
rrovTjpevofxevots /ioVv' codd. quinque.'
5 6 7
^ o. om. toC o.

7. 1. Tas 'Tiroo-rdo-cis. The word

is here (and in § 45) used in its

later definite See Newman's Arians, Appendix,

sense for Persons.
Note iv, on 'the terms usia and hypostasis as used in the early Church,'
and St. Basil's Ep. 236, § 6. St. Basil seems to use irpuoojirov as the equi-
valent of vrroaraais in § 8.
26 Rom. xi. 36 is sufficient

oiKeiav Ta£iv cnroTrkrjpaxTas, 6 tov ovpavbv okov puKpu
p.epei tt}s okrjs eavTov bvvapLews Ttepieyjjiv> r)v o"JTi6afxriv

TpoTTtK&s 6 irpocfirjTLKos <s)v6\iaare Ao'yoy. b'Oev ot/cetaj? eTrrj-

Rom. xi. 36. yayev 6 airoaTokos to ' e£ clvtov Kal bi avTov Kal els ai/Tov
to. Tiavra! *
ef avrov yap rot? ovcriv rj atria tov e'lvai 5
4 c
Kara to 6ekr\\xa tov (deov Kal Uarpos yiverai. hi oajtov
Col. i. 16, 17. r0 (;j 77ao"t^ rj biapLOVT} Kal rj owracrts', tov KTio~avTos tol

navTa Kal to. npos cra>Tr]piav eKaorrcD tcov yevojxevcov erri-
Cf. § 22. jierpovvros. bid St) /cat 'ets avrov' eireo-rpaTTTai ra avjxTTavra^
Actsiii. 15. acr^eno Tivl TToOcd Kal apprjTip aTopyfj irpos tov apyjjybv rrjs 10

Gal. iii. 5.
fafjs Kal yopr\ybv a7Tofik£i:ovTa, Kara to yeypa\xp.evov* * oi

Ps. cxlv. ocbOakaol ttclvtoov els o-e ekiriCova-i^ Kal irakiv' '
rravra npbs
[cxhv. LXX.]
*5- ae Trpoo-boK&ai? Kal '
avoiyeis o~v ttjv xeipa crov, Kai e/x-
Ps. «iv. [ciii.
„ ,
lxx.] 27. Trnrkqs 7rav (wo^ ei/OOKtas.
Ps. cxlv. «-» tt<> * ^ v ' e ** v ' * v 8 ' ' '
0. -^t 06 7rpos ravrr\v TjfMov Ti]v eKOoyj\v * evio-ravrai, ris 15
avrovs e^aiprjcrerai Ao'yos rot> juii) o^t qbavep&s eavrois
nepininreiv ; et yap jut) €7Tt rot; Kvpiov b^aovai ras rpels
elpr\o~dai (frcovas, rr\v re '
e£ aijro?3 ' Kal '
St' atroi; Kal '
avrov, avayKJ] rraaa rrpoaoiKeiovv ru (yew Kat llarpt. e/c

Se totjtoi; rrpobrikcos avrols biarreo-elrai to TtapaTr\py}\xa. 20


evpicrKeTai yap ov p.6vov to '

6^ oS/ dAAa Kal ro '
St' ov
rco Ilarpl Ttpoa-ay6\xevov. OTrep et /xez; ovbev Taireivov e/x-
c^aivei, ti brfiroTe a>s virobeia-Tepov a<popi£ovo~i ra) Ttw ; et

6e 77avTCds ko~Ti biaKovias brjkcoTiKov, a7TOKpivao~9ooorav fjfjiiv'

Ps. xxix. 6 0e6j T7?9 bo£ris Kal YiaTrip tov Xptaroi; rtVos eo-Tti^ ap- 25
lxx.] 3. )(oz^ros vTTrjpeTrjs ; eKelvoi yiev ovv ovtcos vc^ kavT&v 7rept-

T. ill. p. a. TpiirovTai, rjpiiv be eKarepcoOev to icryypbv (j)vkay6r\o-eTai.

eav re yap viKricrrj irepl tov Tlov elvai tov koyov, evpe-
6r\o~eTai to ' e£ ov '
rw Ttw TrpocrappLO^ov' eav re tis

txt. fx o
quinque codd. MSS. prima manu exstitit in

3 4
diro- C
KXrjpwoas Ben. ayrou m/iv. to eTrat p v. om. yiverai
m/ioVv, 5
yivofnevcuv fi v. 6
om. r<i V. 7
om. ai> V.
to-Tai/Tai ft (in v 1^ in ras. a manu prima). 9
to ht) /x cum m '

correctore vetusto codicis 500 et codice 965 (sc. C) scripsi tov pro
vulgato to. Ben. Migne. 10
add. to. ttavTa. R 2 o. n vnep.(paivii. v.
12 13
a(popi£ovoiv avTo fi ov. ttvpiov o.

to refute the Anomoean argument. 2

1 2
<$ik0V€lKl) €7TL TOV StOV CLVacf)€p€lV TOV TTp0^)l]T0V TYjV

kt£iv, irakiv ti]v '

hi ov '
q^>uivr]v rw 0€a> irpeireiv hcoaeij

kcll rr\v ta-qv ''

€'£et ci^iav kKaripa rw Kara toj> tcroi; Ao'yoy
4 5
e7U @€0i) Trapet\ri4>6aL. Kal ovtu> ye KaKtivoos o/xortjuot

5 akkr/kais ava<fiavi]<TOVTai, €(fS tvos T\poo~<*)7Tov kcll tov avrov

T€TayfAtvai. dAA' €irl to irpoKeifxevov kiravikdoip.ev.
9. Tpcxjxov 6 'AttocttoAoj Trpds 'E^eatou? (f)rjo~iv' akr}- Eph. iv. 15,

0eiWrej 8e ey ay airy av£rjcr(i>iJ,€v eh avrov tol itclvtcl, o?
eart^ ^ K€<pakrj, XpiaTos, ££ ov irav to cnS/za 0-vvapp.oko-
10 yovpievov Kal crvfji(3i[3a(6iJ.€vov bia, TraV^s a^j rr\s kniyo-
pr\y'ias Kar tvzpyziav iv joterpo) tvos €Kao~Tov [itpovs tt)v
av^rjcriv tov o-wjutaro? 7rotetrai.' Kat 7rdAti> €z> Tjj irpos

Kokacrcraels irphs rovs ovk €\ovras ttjv yvu>criv tov Movo-

yevovs etprjrat, otl '
6 KpaT&v ttjv K€<pakrjv, tovt€o-tl tov Col. ii. 19.

15 XptaroV, c£ ov ttclv to o-(ofxa hia t&v a<p(ov Kai o~vvhicrp.(j}V

€i:i\opr\yov\jLevov av£ei ttjv av^rjcriv tov 0eot;.' otl yap

XpurTos K€(f)a\rj Trjs 'EKKA^crtaj eTepcoOi p.ep.a6r\Ka\x^v^ tov
'Attoo-toXov keyovTos' Kal '
ovtov e^co/ce Ktcfrakrjv vtt ep Eph. i. 22.

navTa ttj 'EKKA^ata,' Kat '

£k tov irk-qputpLaTOS avrov 17/xeis J° hn »• l6 -

20 7raire? ikafiopiev,' Kal avTos 6 Kvpios' OTL ' €K tov ip,ov J ohn xvi -
T 5-

krj\j/€Tai Kat drayyeAet v/ni\ Kat oAco? rw (frikoirovcos

avaktyofAtvy iroAvTpoiroi at xp?](7et? ava§avr\vovTai tov

i£ ov. Kal yap Kal 6 Kvpios' ' iyvoiv? (prjcri, '
hvvap, iv Luke viii. 46.

i^tkdovaav e£ ip.ov. o/xotco? Se Kat Trept toi; Ylvevpiaros
25 T€Tr]pr\Kap.ev itokkayov to e£ ov '
k€ijjl€VOv. ' 6 ydp Gal. vi. 8.

(T7retpa)^,' (f)7]a-iv, els to Ylvevp.a Ik tov Ylv€V\xaTos depio-ei
C^rjv aldoviov,' Kal 6 ^Icodvvqs' '
ck ro^rou yiva>o~KopL€v otl
(piXoveifcrjffj) moV unus.' 2
€is m. 3
8aJ<7et \i quasi 8' cu? ct

vel repetitur bwoti. add. tov /x\. * 5

5« mv '
veteres aliquot
om. 6s lonv Xpiarus /jVv. . . .
/xcXovs m manu
secunda. b
om. kv ry m v. 9
d7r' m o V.

8. 6. to irpoK€i|x€vov, i. e. that e£ ov is not confined to the Father alone.

9. 24. ejjeXGovcrav e£ 4jao\). The reading in St. Luke (viii. 46) is air'

e/iov. Codex D has in the previous verse the words which are found
in St. Mark (v. 30) ttjv e£ avrov e£e\dovo~av hvvafxiv.
28 The prepositions are applied
i Johniii. 24. iv IJfXlV €(TTLV, €K TOV Y\vdV}XaTO<S OV fjfALV €bo)K€, Kttt 6
Matt. i. 20. ayyeAo9* to yap eV avrf) ytvvrjOtv e* nvevfxaros lariv
John iii. 6. ayiov, Kal 6 Kvpios (f)rj(TL' ' to ydydvvr\\xLvov Ik tov Vlvtv-
jJLCLTOS TTVeVfJid 60Tt.' TOVTO [X€V bt] T010VT0V.
10. Ort 5e tt]V '
oY ov '
(pojvrjv 6/xouo9 €7rt re ITarpos 5

kol Tlov kcll ayiov HvevfjiaTos fj rpa<fir) irapablytTai, tjbri

3 4 5
btlKTZOV. (7TI fJL€V br] TOV TlOV TiaplkKOV OLV €t7/ /Jiap-

Tvpias Kop-l^tiv, bid re to yvu>pifxov kcli bid to irapa t&v

evavTicov avTo tovto KaTaaKevd^crOai' 7/p,€t9 oe beUvvpitv
1 Cor. i. 9. 6Vt /cat eirt rou flarpoj r6 ' bi ov' TtTaKTai. * tho-tos,' 10

'6 0609, oY oS 6
(f)r}(Tiv, €K\ri6r)T€ €19 Koivooviav tov Tlov
2 Cor. i. 1. avTOV,' Kal *
riaSAos 'AttoVtoAo? 'It/o-oi) Xptarou 8ta 6t\r\-
Gal. iv. 7.
pLCLTOS 0€oS/ Kal TTClXiv' '
(0(776 OVKtTl 6t O0SA09, ClAAa
i>toV et 8e vto9, Kat Kkripovopios bid Qeov,' Kai to '

Rom. vi. 4. rjyipOr] XpicrTos 8

€K v€Kp&v bid 77/s 8o'£t/9 70S rTa7po'9.' 15
_ f (
is. xxix. 15. Kat 6 'Ho ata9* ovai? (j)7](riv, ol fiadeois fiovkrjv ttoiovvtzs

Kal ov bid Kvpiov.

iroWds be Kat em 7o€ YlvevpiaTos 77/9
T. in. p. 9. cf)(i)vrjs TavTrjs [xapTvpias efe(77t napaOtaOai. rjpiiv hi/
l 9
1 Cor. ii. 10. (firicriv, 6 0eo9 aTTeKakvxj/e bid tov Y\v€v\xaTos , Kat
in§6 3 7rapa- i 10
eWpcotft* tt]v Kaki]v TtapadriKrjv cj)vka£ov bid YlveujAaTos 20
2 Tim. i. 14. ayiov, Kat TtdXiv *
a) jmez; yap §ta 7ow n^€i'/jta709 6t'8o7at

1 Cor. xii. 8. Ao'y09 0~0<piaS.'

cf. §65. 11. Ta ai»7a 8e 7ai>7a Kat Trept 7779 'eV' avkkafifjs
eiitziv €^op.€v, oTi Kat em roiS Qeov Kal TlaTpbs ttjv ^prjo-iv
Ps. cviii. avTrjs 7/ Tpa(j)r] TTapablbtKTai, 0)9 em p,ey rTaAatas* ' kv 25
1 2 3 l
^wr^ /i.
5e'5awei/ fievovv m. Xctcreov codd. tres.' * fievovv
mv (sed in v suspicatur). 5
om. 8j) /u. 6
kicXrjOrj^v R 4 .

om. /rat 7raAti/ . Sid Qeov (i. . .
om. \k vticpujv m/ioVv. 9
avTov m. 10
TTapoLKaradrjKrjv o V v unus cod. Reg.'
add. tov
Ben. om. m/toVv. 12
om. w? fx v.

10. 10. €tti toO IlaTpos to 8t' ov T€raKTai. In this sense St. Basil ' '

omits to quote Heb. ii. 10 tTrpenev yap avra>, 81' bv rd irdvTa Kal 5V ov rd
iravra, iroXKuvs vluiis els ho£av dyayovra tov 'Ap\7]ybv rfjs ^aJTrjpias avTwv
8id iraOrjfxaTcw Tthaojoai, where the Father is described as being the final
Cause and the efficient Cause of all things (see § 21). He quotes the
verse in a passage in § 19, which must be translated with care.
to each of the Three Persons. 29

TW 06(0,' (£770-1, '
7rOLrj(TC0ll€V bvvafJLLV,' KOlL *
Iv (Tol 7} Vp.V1]0~lS Ps. lxxi. [Ixx.


€2^ TO) dvOfJLCLTL crov ayakkia- Ps xxx x i j

~ /^\ ^ ' ^ v [Ixxxviii.

rw (yew, 2 9770-1,
. } « *.v i-T '\ £ > j. ' c
cro/xat Trapa oe lla^Aa) 1
' €V rw ra lxx.] i 7 .

7raz>ra ktio-civti,
kcll '
IlaTjAos Kat 2i.kova.vbs kcll Tt//o'0eos Eph - m * *

5 777 €K.K\rj(TLq OecraakovLKeaiv ev 0eco narpt,' Kat '

c^ °h]7rore Rom .

evohaidrjo-oixai \v ra) 6tkr\\iaTi tov 0€o?j kkOtiv irpbs vpas,

/cat '
Kau)(ao-at,' (f)r)(TLv,
ey 06a),' Kat 6Va 07j8e api6pLr\aai Rom. H. 17.

pqbiov. eort be 7]pXv ov irkr\dovs p.apTvpiG>v em'Set^t?, dAA'

ikey^os tov /X77 vyi&s avrols ras TiapaTr]pi)<Teis Zyjtiv. to
10 yap irtpl tov Kvpiov rj irepl tov ayiov HvevpiaTos 7rapeiA77,a-

[kivr\v T7]V \prjcrLv TavTr\v eitibeiKvvvai a>? yvtopipiov vuep-

/3770-ojLtat. €K€tro 8e avayKalov et7retr, 6Vt o-vveT<2 aKpoaTrj

tKavbs ekeyxos t&v irpoTaOevTcov 6 airb tov kvavTiov. et

yap to bid(f)opov tyjs eKfljcoz^o-eoo? 'nap'iikkayp.ivriv ebeUvv

15 T7]V (f)VO-LV KaTOL TOV TOVTdiV k6yOV, 7] TCOV <f)(t)V(OV TaVTOTYjS
airapakkaKTOv vvv T7]v ovcriav avTovs b\xokoyelv bvcrooireLTOii.

12. Ov fxovov be €7Ti Trjs deokoyias ai xprjo-tis T& v

8 9
<f)Cdvo)v eirakkcLTTovTai, aAA' 77877 Kat irpbs to. tjV akkrjkodv

0"T]iJ.aiv6iJL€va TroAAaKt? a^rijueoYarazrrat, b\av tTtpa tt)v

20 777? eTepas o~y]p.acriav avTikapL^avrj. olov '

tKTTjo-apjjv avdpa>- Gen. iv. 1.

ttov bia tov 0€O?3,' (j)7]crlv 6 'AbafA. Xaov kiycav r<p '
£k tov
0eo?3,' Kat €T€pa>9i' oaa '
e^eretAaro Mcoucr^s rw 'lo-paijk Num. xxxvi.

ota tov TrpoaTayfjLaTOS livpiov, Kat iraktv ovy^L ota totj Gen. xl. 8.

06O7J 77 8100-003770-1? aVTOuV £o~TLV /

6 'IfOO-^Cjf) 776pt TCOZ;

25 €WTTVL(i)v rots ez; ra> 8eo-/xa)T77pta> 8iaAeyo'ju,ez'o? cra0a)j

n Kat
iroir)(TofjL(v VR 4.
om. <f 7/(rt /x v.
^07; 7rorf jwov' veteres
aliquot libri.' * KavxaoOat \i o. KavxanOe v '
nonnulli.' au-
toi*s mo. 6
om. m. Tr^prjMaypievrjv v mnnu secunda. txt.
S m o V. TtpoTe$iirojv fx v '
in quatuor codd. MSS.' 8
om. «ai ^. 9
irpbs m ju. «at 7rpos additur in v supra lin. m. sec.
om. rod m o V.
add. fap o.

12. 21. 6 'ASay.. The words are assigned to Eve in Genesis. St.
Basil frequently shews that he quoting from memory but, in an is :

earlier writing (adv. Eunom. ii. 20), he also quoted these words as
spoken by Adam, 6 yap einwv (KTTjaafxrjv duOpcvnov did tov 0eoO, oi>x^
KTtoas rbu KdiV, a\\d yevvfjcras Tavrr) <pait/erai xprjoaixtvos rp (poopy.
30 Aici and e£ are interchanged.

€K ®€0V '
eluelv '
blO. TOV QeoG' tlprjKe, KCU
avaitakiv tt) '
e£ ov '
nrpoOlcrei avrl rrjs *
be ov '
2 3
Gal. iv. 4. YlavXos, a)? otclv Aeyr/ ' '
yevofxevos ck yvvaLKOS,' avri tov
bia yvvaLKOS.' tovto yap r]}xiv aaqbCiS eTepaiOt cuecrreiAciro,
yvvaiKi [xev Trpoo~r\Ketv Xeyoov to '
e/c roi) avbpbs '
yeyev- 5

vrjaOai, avbpl be to '

8id 6
T779 yvvaiKos, ev oh <pr)VLV on
7 8
1 Cor. xi. 12. ' (ocrTT€p yVVT] f£ CLVbpOS, 01/70)9 CtUT/p CUCl 77/9 yi)yatK09.
ciAA' ojua)9 h'TavOa ojjlov fxev to bucupopov ttjs xpr\(re(*)S

tvbecKvvfJLtvos, SfJiov be kcu to a<pak\xa Tiv&v ev irapabponfj

biopOovfjievos t&v olofievoov TivevjxaTiKbv elvai tov Kvpwv 10

ro oS)\xa, Iva bei^rj oti ck tov avOp^-neiov ( rj

®€0(f)6pos 2d/)f crvveTrayr), ttjv efx<paTtK(t)Tepav (fxtivrjv
irpoeTL/jiriore (to fxev yap bia yvvaiKos '
TrapobiK-qv e/xeAAe

tt]v evvoiav tt/9

n yevvi]o-ea>s vnotyaiveiv, to be '
etc tt)s

yvvatKos' iKav&s napabr\\ovv ttjv Kow&vlav tt\s (f)vo-ea>s 15

tov tikto\xIvov irpbs Tr]v yevvrjeraa-av) ov\ kavTu nov p-ayo-

ixevos, dAAd betKVvs oti pabicas ak\r)kais avTeTnyu>pia£ovcnv
12 l
T. ill. p. 10. al (f)(Dvai. oiroTe tolvvv kcu ec£' &v bi(£>pio-6r) to bi ov
KvpLOds XeyecrOai, euX t&v avT&v tovt<s>v to '
e£ ov \xeTe-

Xrj(p6ri, Tiva e\ei Xoyov errl avKOcpavTia ttjs evo-efieias iravTY) 20

aWrj\oL>v (Mpopl^eiv tcls Xe^ets ;

om. rov m V. 2
om. TlavXos /xo.
add. TlavAos o. * om.
<ja cj>cos m. 5
7f yevrjaOai \i o V v. 6
om. ttjs m. 7
8 9 10
/cat /iv. om. t^? m. a8ia<pnpov o. efxcpavTiKairepav
mVv '
in duobus codd.' u txt. m/ioVv. yeveaecus Ben. 12
«at fi.

11. t] @eo<|)6pos 2dp^. Ducaeus notes that Theodoret writing against

the seventh of the Anathemas of St. Cyril misquoted this and another
passage from St. Basil's writings, as 0(o(p6pos avOpaj-rros, words which
might be said to favour Nestorianism. The fifth Anathema of St.
Cyril of Alexandria runs : Et tis ro\pq. \(-y(tv, Qfocpopov dvOpcuwov tov
XpiffTov, teal ovxi 5t) pidWov Qebv duai kcltoL dKr)9(iav, u;? Tlov eva Kai
(pvaei, naOb yeyove odp£ 6 Aoyos, teal Kt/eoivcuvrj/ce vapaTrXTjaicus r)fj.iv

ai'/xaTos Kal oapitos, avaOe/xa caret;. See Later Treatises of St. Athanasius,
Oxford Library of the Fathers, pp. 91, 163. But St. Basil uses the
expression di/Opcv-rrov Qedv 'Irjaovv Xpiarov in Horn. Ps. xlix. (LXX.xlviii.),
(t. i. p. 180).
Anomoean phrases. 31

'ATTavT-qcris irpbs rovs a7ro(f)aiuofjL€uov? fir) fiera 2
rpbs zivai rbv Tl6v y
dWa fiera 3
rbu Ilarepa* kv a>

TO. TTtpl Tr)s OflOTlflOV 86£rj$.


5 13. Kat pr\v ovbe irpos rr\v e£ ayvoCas orvyyvcoprjv

bvvarbv avrovs KaTcufivyeiv, ovtu> T€)(z;iKa)? kcll KaKorjOoas

tov Xoyov vTroKapfiavovTas. otye irpobrjXodS r)\xiv \a\e-

Traivovaiv, otl fiera Ylarpos aTTOTrkrjpoviJLtv ra> Movoyevel
tt)v bo^okoyiav /cat to ayiov Yluevpa p-q bLio-T&pev airo rod
}O°Tl0V. 60€V V€0)T€pO7TOL0VS f]p,CLS KCU KCUVOTOpLOVS KCU €<f)€V-

peras" p-qfiaToov kcll tl yap ov)(i tG>v eTrwetStcrrcoz; airoKa-

Kovctlv ; S>v toctovtov airtx. * hvcry^paiveLV rat? AotSoptats,
&(JT€ et prj \VTT7]V fjplv iv€7T0L€L KCLL dhLaXwnTOV dbvVYjV 7] Rom. ix. 2.

kclt avrovs C?)//ia, fXLKpov av tlirov kcll \apLV avrols rfjs

15 /3Aao-^)77juta9 ^X €LV ®s pcLKapLcr\xov 7rpo£tvoLS. '

yap eare,' (fyrjaiv,
orav 6Vet5tcra)o-tJ> vpas ev€K€V epov' Matt v
- - l J

ov "
eoTt Se e$' ot? ayavaKTodcrL Tama. jtxera narpo's,"
Tt09_, aAAa " /xera tcw Ylaripa' " bLoirtp aKokovQov
5t' a^roi) " r^y
bo^av n irpocrayeLV rw ETarpt, aAA' OL»)(t

20 " p,er' aiToS." to /uez; yap " per avTov " ttjij IcroTLpiav brjkol,

to be " ot' oi! " ttjzj vTrovpyiav TTapCa-rrj^Lv. ovre prjv " avv
rep Elarpt,
(pacTL, /cat rw Ttw " to Tlvtvpa raKTtov, aAA' §§41-43-

17 avTiaracris R 3.
add. tov o.
om. roy ft.
i/c 7-775 o.
Oeov 3 R .
li'eTrvft (sic) o.
aurovs (sic) fi.
(prjcrlv m o V.
add. 6 o. 10
8o£o\o~fiav o. u irpocr<pepeiv o (-a7etj/ in marg).
(prjaiv m V v.
13. 15. fjiaKapwrjjiov irpo^vois : equivalent to \xa.Kapio~\xbv Trpo£evov<Ti,
being the means of obtaining blessedness,' with reference to the services
of Trpu£(voi.
18. ji€Td Toy ITaTtpa. So in the Macrostich (a. d. 344) brought
by Eudoxius to Milan, the Eusebians said, § ix iravrapxovvTos p\v tea-
TeTO.yp.tvov tG> TlaTpi, Iktus be avrov iravTcvv jast' aiirov fiaoiKevovros
tojv hi avTOv yevopievoiv.
32 The Son not after" '
the Father (i) in time,

f7ro 7oy i ioz> /cat 7oi> liarepa, ov avvT€Tayfie,vov, aAA

i Cor. xv. 27. " v7TOT€TayiJL€i>ov, ovbe " GVvapiQ\iov\it\vov, '
aAA' " intapiQ-
{jlov[jl€vov." kclI tololvtolis tlctl TtyvoXoyiais fj-qfxaritiv to
2 3
aitXovv kglI aKaTao~Ktvov 777? 7U0-76O)s bLaaTfJe(fjGV(TLV'

coo-re 7tVos a> St' airetptav avyyvu>pt,rjs rvyoiev ol jj.rjbe rots 5

aAA06? 017766/30)9 ^X €t2; ^K r ^ S CLVT&V (j>lXoTTpayiJ.OO-VvriS 6771-

Tpiirovres ;

14. H/X61? §6 6K61Z/0 TTp&TOV CLVTOVS (p(DTrj(TO0pL€V, TO

tov TIaTtpa 4
//,67a 770)9 762; Tioz> Xlyovaiv ; o>9 xpovcp
vecoTtpov, 7] ws 7a^6t, 7) a)? a£ta ; aAAa xp6v<j> [xkv ovbels ic

ovVo)? az>o'r]709 o>9 bevTepevetv Xiyziv tov Uon^r-qv tG>v

aitovoov, ovbevos biao-Tr]ixaTO<s fxecriTevovTos tj\ <pvo~LKrj 77009

tov TlaT€pa tov Tlov o-vva(p€Lq. aAAa \xr\v o#76 77/ kvvoiq
tG>v avdpooTTLVcov avjjLJ3aLV€L v€(ioT€pov Xiyeiv tov 7ra7pos
tov vlov, ov \xovov 7(3 crvv aXXrjXois vozio~Qai kcltcl ti]v 15

o-yiaiv, aAA' otl eKelva XiytTai 7(3 XP oz;a> ^WTepa, oaa ttjv
7rpo? 76 vvv anoaTacnv kXaTTOva €\€L, Kal ttclXlv €Kelva
irpoTepa, oa a irepLoro-oTepov aire\€i tov vvv. olov irpoTepa
T(s)V 2iobopLLTO)V TCL KCLTa N(06, 07t 700 VVV 6771 TTXioV

aiTCdKLO-TaL, KCU VCTTtpa TCLVTCL €K€lV(OV, OTL /JiaXXoV 77(09 boKti 30

T. in. p. 11. Tipoo-tyyi&iv 7<S vvv. ttjs be navTa ^povov Kat 77aWa9
al&vas V7Tepex^ovo"r]S (a>i)s ttj irpbs to vvv d770oracr6i to

1 2 3
ovt* afxeraoKfvov m.
[i. hvZtaorpicpovaiv fx v ' duo codd.'
IvfiiaTpi&ovaiv 4
om. tov vlov
alius.' V. 5
txt. S o v codd. m V '

quinque.' avOpwiroiv Ben. p.

ovvaWqXws m. m 7
hie deficit m.
txt. ix ' tres codd.' aohopLrjTobv v. aoSofxiTiKwv Ben. o V. m
2. This word is taken from 1 Cor. xv. 27, 28:
in the Macrostich and in the first Siimian Creed (a.D. 351) it was
applied to the Son but the Semi-Arians would apply it only to the

Holy Spirit.
avva pi9fjiot)(j.evov, virapi0|jiov|ji.€vov. The former is a classical
word (Arist. Nic. Eth. used by St. Athannsius, c. Arian. ii.
i. 7, 8) and is

41 (A.D. 356), of St. Matt, xxviii. 19 Sid ri rb Trerroirjfxfvov avvapi$/x(iTai

t<S TT0i7)oavTt eh tt)j/ tu>v ttcivtwv TeXc'iojcnv and by St. Basil, below, § 68, ;

to yap (ttl St. Gregory Naz. Orat. xxxi.

tov PaiTTia/xaTos crwapiO/ATjOtv.
17-20 ridicules the use by heretics of awapiOpifTv, Trpoapi9/j.€iv vwapiO- }

(i€iv see the words of Eunomius quoted under § 24.


nor (2) in position, 33

tlvai Karap.erpeti', 77(3 9 ov^l irpos rfj do-e/3eta ert Kat TTaaav
vTT€p(3o\r}v avoias e\ei' elirep kclO' bv rpoirov ra ev yevecrei
kcu <j)6opq irporepa elvai a\Xrj\cdv Ae'yerat, Kara tov avrov
TpOTTOV 6 0€OS KCLL HaTr)p TCD Tttp Kat 0ecp rep VTtapyOVTl
5 irpo Tutv ala>vu)V Trapap.eTpovp.evos virepeyoi ; aXka yap 77

irpbs to avco viT€po\r} tov TiaTpbs aOttoprjTos, rco aira^aTrkats

pn]T€ evOvparjcnv pu/jre tlvcl evvoiav tt]v rod Kvptov yevvr]o~LV

v-nepaipeiv, KaX&s tov 'Itoavvov bta bvo (paiv&v etcrco irepi-

ypaiTTcoi' opcov tt]v biavoiav aTTOKXeicravTos ev r<3 eiirelv

10 '
ev apxrj i)v 6 Ao'yoy. aveKfiaTov p.ev yap biavoiais to John i. 1.

rjv, awTTtpfiaTov be c/>azrracrtatj ' ap\r\? ocrov yap av
dvabpdprjs tyj biavoiq e.Ttl to avco, ovk eKJ3aCveiS to rjv, Kal
ocrov av biaTaOfjs Ibelv tov Tlov tcl eTreKeiva, VTrepdvca
yeveo~6ai ttjs ap\rjs ov bwrjcrrj. evcre(3es ovv Kara, tovtov
15 tov Tpoirov ap,a voelv tov Tlov r<3 YlaTpL
15- Et b COS €V 70770) V7T0K€LpL€V(p VTTofiaCTIV TlVa TOV
Tlov voovctl irpos tov YlaTepa, coare virepavco p.\v tov
YlaTepa KadrjcrOai, irpos be to ecpe^rjs els to kclto) tov Tlov
aiTtCOCrdaL, 6pLO\oy€LTO)OraV TOVTO, Kal fjpiels 0'L(t)7TrjO'Opi€V,

20 ttjs evapyeias avToOev to airepicpa'ivov e^ovcrris. ovbe yap
to ev rots AoytfT/xot? clkoXovQov biaaco^ovcriv ot bua ttclvtcov

birjKeiv rco ETarpt jut) ot6oVres, ttjs tcov vyiaivovTodv evvoias Tit. i. 13.

to. iravTa tov Qebv TreirXripctiKevat 7rtcrr evovcrr)s, ovbe fxe'p,- Eph. iv. 10.

vr\vTai tov irpocpiqTov XeyovTos' eav ava(3c7> tov ovpa- Ps cxxx x
et? i

25 vov, crv €K€L et eav KaTapw ets roi' aor;z-', napec, ot ro lxx.] 8.
avco Kal KaTO) els YlaTepa Kal Tlov biaipovvTes. tva be ttjs
afxaOeias tov ekey^ov crta)7Tr/fra), tot>ov eirl tu>v dcrco/xara)/;

a(f)opi(6vTa>v, tl tt}v irpos tols Tpa(f)as l^ci\r]v Kal evavTLOicnv

avT&v ovtcos avaicrxyvTov ovcrav 7rapaju?j^r/crerai, to Kadov p s . cx . [cix.

30 e/c be£iajv piov? Kal to *

eKadiaev ev be^tq Trjs /xeyaAcocrwr/s '

tov Oeov ; to yap be£iov ov ttjv kcltoo \(apav 8r;A.ot (cos 6

v (in v additur supra lin. manu prima).
om. t£ fj.
dire piy pair
T03V V. Siavoias p. trium scriptura.' (pavraaias ' trium scr.'

* oiajTfqawpev ' tres codd.' txt. S/iv 'sic duo codices MSS.' kvep-
"jfdas o V quatuor alii (m defect.).

34 nor (3) tn dignity.

tovtcov koyos), akka tj]v trpos to laov ayiatv, ov <to)\xo.t lk w?

tov bttJLod avojxivov, (ovro) yap 6.v tl k<m (tkulov <-ttI

tov 0eo{5 elri), akk* <ek tu>v ri\iioiV rrjs irpoo-ebpeLas ovo-

fiaTOiV TO fX€ya\0TTp€7T(S Tt]S 7T€pl TOV TloV Tip,7)S TTUpL-

aT&vTos tov koyov. kzn:6p.tvov tolvvv olvtovs to ttjs 5

a^ias viTobees bca T7/? (f)oovrj$ TavTr)s brjkovaOaL kiyeiv.

1 Cor. i. 24. fJLav6av€T(ocrav Toirvv otl Xpto-Tos Oeov AvvapLS koX (~)eov
F 12. V*-!'' KCLL
V <•/

{ T7> ' 3
V n
f~\ »» -si /

V £ > A
. 2jO(f)ta,

Heb. i. 3. yaO~jJLa TYJS Bo'^T]?,' KCLL OTL ' TOVTOV 6 T\(XTr)p €(T(PpdyLCT€V 6
John vi. 27. r\ / > "\ > ~ « \ ? r / / ,_ \ </

(y€o?, oAoi^ airw €Clvtov ei'TviTtocras. tolvtcls tolvvv KaL orraL 10

tclvtclls crvyyzveis kclto. iracrdv etcrt tt)i> Ypaty-qv fxapTvpCaL,
iroTepov TCL7T€LV<x>TLKas ZLVCLL (fiapev, rj cocnrep rt^as dvappr\-

(ret? to fJL€yakoirpeiT€S tov Movoyevovs kcll to 7rpo? tot;

riarepa Xcrov Trjs bo£rjs dvaKr]pvTT€LV ; aKOveToocrav be Kal

avTov tov Kvpiov cracpcos 6p.oTLp.ov eavTOV ttjv bo£av r(5 15

John xiv. 9. riarpt irapLCTT&VTOS €V T(5 klytLV '

6 kotipCLKCOS 6jU,e ktopGLKZ
Markviii.38. TOV TlaTtpa,' KCLL 7TakLV' OTCLV k\Qr\ 6 TtO? kv TTj b6£r] TOV
John v. 23. rTaTjOo'?,' KCLL TO '
XvCL TiptoaL TOV YloV, KCL0it>S TljUtWl TOV
c 6
John i. 14. rTarepa,' feat to kOeaadpeOa ttjv bo£av clvtov, bo£av w?
7 8 9
John i. 18. Moroyero{;9 irapa ^a^/)os', Kal to '
6 Mo^oyez/r)? 0€os ao
6 0)Z> €t? TCW KOklTOV TOV YlcLTpOVy' &V fJLrjbtV V7TOkoyLCrdpi€VOL

txt. S fi
uno tantum cod.' -npoeSpdas o Vv 'in aliis codd.' 2
ircTai C (sed cf. cap. xxvii. § 65). 3
txt. ft o Vv (m om.
tov Ben. * hie iterum incipit m. (pou/xev o '
duo codd. MSS.'
om. 5o£av o V v.
om. «ai to . . . narpos V. 8
o fj.ovoyevrjs deos
haec desunt in uno cod. MS. S = o fxovoyevris Oeov 6 wv ku tov ko\ttov.
9 10
vlds o. ei' Tof? fco\irois 'codd. duo.' kv t«£ Kokirq) jtiv 'alius.'

15. 10. o\ov aviTco lavrov tvTViraxras. This interpretation of kffcppayicrev

in St. John vi. 27 is omitted by Suicer and the connexion between ;

o<ppayis and elicwv (or tvttos) should be remembered in such a passage

as Eph. i. 13. St. Basil calls our Lord Igotvttos aeppayis of the Father, -f)

below, § 64. St. Athanasius refers to this meaning of the seal in Epist.
i. ad Serap. § 23 fj 5e creppayis tt)v fxopcprjv Xpiorov tov o<ppayi^ovTos ex e '>

Kal tclvttjs 01 o'(ppayi^6fx.evoi pLiT€\ovai, pLopcpovpievoi kclt' clvttjv, XeyovTos

tov dnocTToXov' TiKvia fiov, ovs na\iv u>5iva}, axpis ov fioptpcvOf} Xptcrros kv
vpuv (Gal. iv. 19). ovtq} 8e o~<ppayi£6fj.€voi ukotojs Kal koivcovoi Oeias
Qvaeous yivoficOa, cus elircv 6 Tlirpos (2 Pet. i. 4), Kal ovtoj (i(Tex (l no-aa
q KTicris tov Aoyov iv tw YLvtvpuaTi.
Right Hand and Bosom '
are not local, $$

T7)v rots kyOpdis a.(f)copLG-p.evr]v \oopav rw Ttw TtpoaTiOiacri.

koXttos pev yap -narpiKos Ttw KaOebpa irpe.'novcra, f] be tov

VTTOTToblOV X®P a T0 ^S * * TT lb €OfJL€VO IS T7]S VTTOTTTUKT€0)S. f)p.eiS Ps. ex. [cix.

fieV OVV iff)' €T€pa T7]V OpjJL^V e)(OVTeS 7TapCLTp€)(6vT(OS T&V

5 papTvpL&v e<prj\p-dpeda' e^ecrrt be cot Kara o-yo\i]V avvaya-
yovTi ras airobei^eis to Trjs bo^ys vxjsos /cat to rr)j bvvap.eoos

xmepeyov tov Movoyevovs /cartoety. /catrot evyv&povi aKpoaTrj

Ovbe TCLVTCL fJLLKpa, el fXYf TtS 0~apKLK(t)S KOI TCnt€LvG>S t^CLKOVOL

10 ypa<peLV, /cat avaiikaTTeiv o~yr\pa /cat tvttov /cat Oecriv

a-(t>ixaTiKT]v, a irapairoXv tt)s evvotas tov airXov kcll a-neipov

koX ao-co/xarov Stcopiorat' Tt\r)v ye brj otl to ttjs evvoCas

avTov Taireivov eiri re LTarpds /cat Ttoi; irapaTrX-^orLov, wore

ov Kadaipei tov Tlov Tr\v a£[av, aXXa i: aveL to

15 KplpLa Trjs eh tov Qeov (3Xao-(f)T]pLas 6 tcl toiolvtcl bte^i(6v.

ev ots yap av KaTaToXpr\o~r\ tov Tlov, TavTa avayKt] avT&

\xeTaTi6evai irpbs tov YlaTepa. 6 yap T(w YlaTpl tt\v clvoo

\(opav els irpoebpLav a7root6ous, tov be Movoyevrj Tlov
VTTOKaOrjo-QaL Xeycav, TravTa CLKoXovOovvTa e£et tcl o-aopaTiKa

20 avpniT^paTa rw kavTOv avanXacrp.^. el be. rairra olvo-

TrXrjKTQiv Kal e/c (ppevLTLbos irapatpopoov TOV VOVV TCL <pavTa-

o-p.aTa, 7rco9 evcrefies tov tt\ (pvareL, ty\ bo£rj, rw d^tcojuart

crvvrjiJLiJLevov pr} fxeTa YlaTpbs TrpoaKwelv Kal bo£a£eiv tovs

i:ap avTov bibaydevTas, otl '
6 pr} rt/xcoz; tov Tlov ov rtjuta
j hn v. 23.

5 6
25 tov YlaTepa;' tl yap Kal <f>rio-opLev ; TLva e£op.ev ouatap

vnoSeopevois o. Scofxevois V. 2
\i in margine glossa : \v aWots vtto-
3 5 6
(XTaaeoJS. oykow \i. * SiSovs /x. rj riva o. om, St/taiav V.

9. tov koXitov , . . TreptYpd^etv. In the Liturgy of St. Mark at the

beginning of the Invocation we have Ik twv direpiypdnTOJv koXvoiv.
23. o-vv7]jx,|i€vov. This was admitted in equivalent words by the
Macrostich, § ix Trem<TT(VKafj.€v yap afiecriTevTws avrovs (sc. the Father
and the Son) Kal ddiaaraTais dWrjXois €mo-vivfj4>0ai, Kal dxa)pi<TT0vs
VTtdpxav kavruiv, o\ov tov Uarpos \vo~Ttpvio\iLvov tov Tlov, 6\ov 8e tov
Tlov t^rjprijfitvov Kal irpoo-nicpvKoTos tw TlaTpi, Kal /jovov tois -naTptpois
koXitois dvairavofxivov 8tr}v(Kuis . . . %v bfxoXoyovp.(v ttJs ®€oti]tos d£lajfxa.

D 2

36 but dettote Stability and Equality.

airoXoyiav em tov tyoftzpov kol kolvov Trjs KTLcrtoos irao-qs

Matt.xvi. 27. biKaarripLov, el tov Kvpiov oxk/xSs eirayyeXXoixevov rj^iv

€v T7) bo£r) tov YlaTpos, Kai ^,T€(f)dvov Oeacrap.lvov 'Irjaovv
Actsvii. 55. eorcora €K be^L&v tov 0€o{5, Kol YlavXov zv Tlvevp.aTL

Rom. viii. 34. biap.apTVpop.ivov irepi XpLaTov, otl '

€o~tIv fz; 6e£ia toC 0€ot>, 5
Ps. ex. (cix. KOL TOV YldTpOS XlyOVTOS' KOlOoV €K bt^L&V /XOV,' KCU TOU

ayiov UvevpLCLTOS ptapTvpovvTos, otl '

ZKaQiaev e)v Se£ia 7779
Heb. viii. 1. pLeyaXoiorvvrjs tov @eov } fjpLels tov o-uvOpovov Kai bixoTifxov
and Ttjs irpbs to laov o~yJ.o-z.uiS knl to kclto) KdTafi i(3a(op.e;v
otjuat yap tt]v p.ev o~Tacnv Kai tt]V KaOibpvcnv to -nayiov ttjs io

<f)vo~€(os Kai TtavTY] o-Tao~i}jLOv V7TO(j)aLV€Lv, K.adb Kai 6 Bapovy

to CLKLvrjTov Kai apLCTadtTov ttjs tov Qeov bit^ayajyrjs
T. in. 4
p. 14. evbeiKiwpLtvos ecfirj to '
cri> Kadr\p,€vos ets tov alcova, Kai
7/ju,€t9 airoXXvp^evoi els tov al&va,' ttjv be£iav be yjopav
hr)\0VV TO T7/J a£{a$ SpiOTLpiOV. TT&S OVV OV TO\pLT]pbv T7JS I =,

KaTa T7}v bo^oXoyiav Koivuavias airoaTepelv tov Tibv o)s ev

kkaTTovi X^P a TtytTJs T£Ta\6ai cl£lov ;

Ilpbs tovs XeyovTa? llt) apLiofciv enl Tlov XeyevBai
to '
fieB" ov f
dXXa to 81 ov!


16. 'AXXa, to '/xer' ai)Tov Xeyeiv tyacrlv cnre^evoipLevov irav-

TeX&s Kai acrvvqOes, to he 'St' avTov' r<p re Xoyco ttjs Tpacf)rjs

olKtLOTaTov Kai ev Tjj ^pricrei ttjs abeXcfroTrjTos TeTpip.p.evov.

tl ovv fjpLeTs irpbs Tama ; otl \xaKapia tcl a>Ta to, p.rj clkov-

1 2
adcL tov o. transp. Kai iravKov . . . Oeov, and teal tov irarpos
3 4 5
. . . fiov fi. KarafiiPa^oi/xev '
tres codd.' om. eh m. om.
els m fx v. 6
om. tow vlbv m/iov'e Reg. secundo addidimus.' 7
(sic) i*.

2. €t tov Kvpiov o-a<|>ws liiayyeWo\t.ivov rj^civ. St. Basil has arranged

these five testimonies in an order which carries the reader from the
future second Coining, through the present Session at the Right Hand,
back to the Ascension in the past.
With the Son ' is ancient and scriptural, $j
1 2
aavra vfji&v Kal Kapbiai ocrat arpooroi curb rcov vjxerepodv
koyoav bie$vkay6r\(rav. akk? ipXv Aeyco rols (p lAoxp tor ois,
on ap.(j)orepas olbev fj 'E/cKAr^crta ray xpr]o-eiS, /cat ovberepav
avr&v irapaireirat w? avaipertKrjv rfjs erepas. orav \xev
5 yap to fxeyakelov rrjs (pvaeoos rod Movoyevovs Kal rr]v rrjs
a£ias VTT€po\r]v OtMp&iAev, '
juera Ylarpbs '
elvat avrio rr)v
bo£av fJLapTvpovjjiev, orav be rr)v els r)\ms yopriyiav r5>v Gal. iii. 5.

a~ r * \ i « ~ > ~ \ v 1 Pet. iv. n.
ayavoiv r) evvorjacoiJLev rr)v r)fxo)V avro)v TTpocraycoyrjV Kat E h » l8
olk€lo)(tlv rrpos TOZ/' (yeoi', 01 aiiroi; /cat e^ aura) euep- ;
10 yeladai r)pXv rrjv yapiv ravr-qv opLokoyovpiev. axrre r) fxev


€vyapi(TTovvT(jdv e^aiperos. \f/evbos be kclkcIvo on fj


ov '
dxavri rrjs tgjv evkaB&v ypricrecDS aire$evo)rai. 60-01 Cf the « v i- -

dence as to
> >/ \ « ? / ~
yap 8t' evcrraOeiav rpoircov to rrjs apxaiorriros ceixvov rod <rvvT$nvtv-
fjLOLTi in ch.

15 KaivoiTpeTrovs npoeri\xr)o~av Kal aTTapairoirirov r&v irarepaiv xxix §§ 71-75.

bie<pvka^av rrjv Trapaboo-tv, Kara re yj&pav Kal irokiv ravrrj

Ke\privrai rr\ (f>covfj' ol be biaKopeis r&v o-vvr\Qu>v Kal r&v
irakai&v a>? ktaXodv KareiraLpopLevot, ovroi elcriv oi ras veco-
repoiiodas Tiapabexoixevoi, &o"nep kiti rrjs ecrOrjros oi (f)iko-

20 Koo-pLOL rr)v e£r\kXayix£vr)v ael rrjs KOivrjs TTporipi&vres. Ibois

av ovv r&v fxev aypoUtov ert Kal vvv apyjxiorpoitov rr)v

(fxiivrjv, ra>v be evreyj'itiv rovrcav Kal rats Xoyofxa^CaLs

evrerpi\j.\j,evmv e/c rrjs veas crotyias KeKavrrjpiacrpLei'a ra
pr)[xara. a ekeyov roivvv ol irarepes rjpiuiv, Kat rjfxeis keyo-

25 p.ev, on r) bo£a Koivr) Ylarpl Kat Ttar bib '

fxera. rov viov
rrjv bo£okoyiav TrpoaayopLev r<5 Ylarpi. akk? ov rovro r)pA.v

e£apKel, on irarepoav r) irapaboo-is. KaKelvoi yap t<3 (3ovkrj-

fxan rrjs Tpa(f>rjs r)Kokov6r\aav. e/c r&v pLaprvpicov, as jtxt/cpw § 15-

Tipocrdev vpuv e/c rrjs Tpa(f)rjs TrapeOepieOa, ras ap)(as ka-

1 2
at Kapdiai o. om. dird fx
deest in nonnullis codd.' in v suspicatur.
3 4 5
f<pv\dxOr)crav om.
p.. 7-77? fi. reKaov \x ' duo
v codd. MSS.' (et
6 7
v habet in marg. a man. pr. feat fxeyakuov). avTov m. om.
rbv V additus ex '
vett. libr. articulus.'
17/iiV fx. 9
fihcuv ft.
txt. /x v '
in tribus.' om. a mV '
deest in duobus codd.'
onep o.
38 ' By the Son' suggests His work of grace.
fiovTts. to yap Airavyao-fAa fxeTa TYJS A6£r)s voelrai koI


raj Harpi, ovbe tt}s t&v ovopLCLToov CLKoXovOtas, \xi\Tiye rrjs
t&v TTpaypLCLTOiV (j)V(T€U)S, tov yu> beyop.£vr\s.

T. m.p. 14. Uocray&s to '6\ ov' kcu eirl ^Troias kvvoias apfioSido- 5

repov to /z€#' ovj ev gj Kal egrjyrjcris ttS)S evToXrjv

^Xafx^dvet 6 Tib? Kal ttcos arrocrTeXXeTai.


17. 'Otolv ovv 6 AttogtoXos evyapiaTr\ rw 06w '


'I^doS XpurTOV, Kal iraXtv '

oY avTOV '
Aeyr; 7772; yapiv 10
Rom, i. 8, 5. elX^evai Kal tt]V ai:o(TToXr\v els viraKOi]v 7ucrrea)s ev tickti
Rom. v. 2. rot? edvecriv 3 7] Kal bi avTOV '
ttjv irpocrayooyrjv evyjjKivai
els Tr)v yapiv TavTrjv, ev fj
eo~TrjKa{iev Kal Kavyoi)\xe6a, tgls

els rjpLas evepyeaias avTOV irapiaTrjo-L, vvv p.ev anb YlaTpbs

els fjfJLCis T(ov ayaOcov tt)v yapiv bia(3i{3a£ovTos, vvv be f) if

bi eavTod irpoaayovTos rw ITarpt. ev p.ev yap rw Xeyeiv'

bi ov eXafiofiev yapiv Kat airoo-ToXrjv/ tt)v eKeWev rwr
ayaOtdv \opj]yiav efjL(f)aLvei, ev be. rw Xeyeiv' bi ov Ti]v

om. to) m. to xoopiffTov V. 3
voiais evvoiais C o v. iro'av
Zvvoiav '
unus ex Regiis.' v
irapa\ap.fidvet /x (in titulorum con-
spectu \ap.@avu). (In m titulus dividitur, irooaxws . . . datur capiti 0,
et capitis I, a 8td tovto . incipientis, tituhis est kgrjyrjcreis ttSjs k.t.X,
. .

hie (sc. a 5ta tovto) incipit caput octavum in Reg. tertio et Colb.')
TU)V tK(i9ev V.

16. I. to ydp 'ArcavyaaryLa k.t.X. Cf. St. Athan. Ep. ii. ad Serap. § 2 et
irrjyfj koi <pws Kal Tlarrip kariv 6 Ocos, ov Okpus direiv ovt€ ttjv irijyrjv £i]pa.v

oi/re to <pu>s )(topls avyrjs ovre rbv ®ebv \wpls Aoyov, 'iva p.i) ao~o<pos Kal
dkoyos Kal dipeyyrjs rj 6 ®(6s. (puis kffriv 6 Ylar-qp, airavyaa p.a 6 Tios
. . .

Kal <pw$ aXrjOivov Kal ohws ovdev kffriv £>v %x f- 1 & HcLrqp, b p.r) tov Tlov
. . .

kerf 8ia tovto yap 6 Tibs iv tu> Tlarpl koI 6 TIaTrjp kv tw Tlat, (John xiv.
io) kireibr] ra tov UaTpbs Tavra kv tu> Tlw ko~ri Kal irdKiv raGra kv t£>
Tlarpl voetrai :and again in Or. ii. c. Arian. § 42 5ef yap to <pws *7vai
fiera ttjs avyrjs, Kal to dnavyaa p.a avvopdodai puTa. tov idiov (pooTos.
Scripture tells of His Nature and His Grace. 39

7rpocray(i)yi]V e<jyr\KaiA€v> ri]v rjfxeTepav TTpoa-krjyj/Lv kcli

oIk€1(jO(tlv bid Xptarov irpbs tov Qebv yivop.£vr\v TrapC-
cftt](tiv. ap ovv r) bpiokoyia ttjs ivepyovpiivrjs nap avrov
Trpbs fjfJLas xdptTos v<p aipzo- is kcrri Tr\s bo£r]s ; r) p^akkov Cf. ch. xxiii.

5 eiireiv akr)6£<jT€pov ort Trpiirovcra bo^okoyias inroOeo-is r) t&v

€V€py€Trnxdrd)v birjyrjcris ; bid tovto evpojxev tijv Tpa(f)r)v
ovk e£ evbs ovofxaros rbv Kvpiov rjpXv irapabibovcrav ovbe in
t&v ocra ttjs QeoTrjTos kcrriv avrov pidvov Kal tov pieyedovs br}-

Xootlkcl, akkd vvv p*v rots rfjs (^wrecos yapaKTr\pi(TTiKols K€\-

10 pr\pivr\v y olbe yap to ovop.a to vntp
ttclv 6vop,a tov Tlov, Kal Phil. ii. 9.

Tibv akrjOivbv kiyeiv /cat Movoyevrj Qebv Ka\ Avvap.iv Qeov

Kal *2o<fiiav Kal Aoyov. Kal irdkiv jutVrot bed to TtokvTponov

tt)s els rjpids yapiTos, r\v bid rbv irkovTOv ttjs ayadoTrjTos
Kara tt)v irokviroiKikov avrov cro(f)iav rots beop,evois irape-

5 X eTat M v P' atJ avrov
erepais ttoo 0-77 y 00 tats airocrr]pLaivei, iioTe
pier Yloip.eva keyovaa, 7rore be Bao-tAea, Kal ndkiv 'IarooV,
Kal tov avrov Nvp,(f)iov Kal Obbv Kal Qvpav, Kal Tiriyrjv Kal

"ApTOv Kal A^ivrjv Kal Herpav.

Tama yap ov ttjv <pvo~iv

irapiaTrjcriv, dAA' oirep e<pr]v to ttjs evepyeias TTavTobairov,

20 rjv €K ttjs irepl to Xbiov Tikdcrp.a evcnrkayxvias Kara to tyjs

Xpetas tSuo/xa rots beop.evois 7rape^erat. tovs pkv yap

8 9
7Tpocn:€(f)€vy6Tas Trj
eiuaTaviq avrov Kal to evpLerdb otov Cf. 1 Tim. vi
18 ; 2 Tim. ii
fcyvofiivrjv o V.
dpa 3
cl s V. moVv,
evpoi/jiev av v. 24

to 6 Kvpios m. 6
i-qaov m
V. quod est Filius et Filius genuinus
Dei Unigenitus Qui (est) e sinu Patris Sui S. traXai /xevroi m.
irpoacpevyovras fi v codd. nonnulli.'
evp-eTaPoXov R 2 V. eos
qui ad Ilium confugiunt, et Illi consentiunt in iis quae iussi sunt ob-
servare, et perfectionem amoris sui erga veritatem Illius ostendunt, oves
Suas appellavit S.

17. 10. Tlov. That St. Basil refers to the name of Son, and not to the
'Itjoov of m
and V, is clear from Ep. 210, § 4 eldtvai Si, on tan to
ovop.a rov TLpiOTov to vnep nav ovo/xa, avTO to KaKuaOai avruv Tlov tov
15. itot€ jx€v IIoip.€va. In the second Antiochene Creed, known as the
Creed of the Dedication (a.D. 341) many names are given to the Son,
ao<piav, (curjv, cpws dXr)9ivov, 65dv dXtjOeias, dvdoTaaiv, Troijxeva, Bvpav.
See Bright's Hist., pp. 47, 48.
22. Kal to €uu€Ta8oTov, k.t.X. The Ben. Ed. tries to solve the dif-
40 "Shepherd! 'King! 'Door,' 'Rock;

John x. 4, ii. bi ave^lKCLKLGLS KGLT0L>pQ(JL>KOTaS TipofiaTGL Xiy€L, KCU YloLfXT]V

etvcu tG>v ToiovTcav ofioXoyel t&v KaraKovovro^v avrov rrjs

(fxavrji kcll fxr] TTpo<T€)(6vT(i)v btbax^cus £evi(ov(Tais. ' ra yap

John x. 27. e/xa TTpofiaTa,' (fyrjai,
rrjs efxrj^ cfycovrjs aKovet.' Bao-iktvs
be T&v virepavafitfiriKOToov 7/677 kcll tt]s evvofxov beopJvu>v 5
John x. 7. 1 (Triarraaias. kcu Svpa rw o-TTovbatas upa^eis
be eirl tcls
2 3
bia rrjs 6p66rr]TO<s tg)v TTpocrrayfjidTcov e^ayeiv kcu iiaXiv

curcfxiX&s avXi^eiv tovs ein to rf/9 yvoxreois ayaObv bio. rrjs

eh avrbv 7uaT€cos Kara^evyovras^ oOev' '
bi ep.ov eav ris
John 5
x. 9. elo-eXOrj, /cat elaeX^vaerai kcu e£eXevo-eTcu kcu vo\j,t)v 10
xvi. 18.
vii. 24; <
, * ,
, s-vsjvn*
oe olcl to icryypov
v vv
kcu acreurTov kcu epv-
\ •> /

PaaiXdas R 3 \i v.
1 2
die£dy€iv \i.
om. iraXiv m. 4
rb m. add. oouOrjaerai m.

ficult question of the meaning of this passage by changing the €vfx(rd-

poXov of R 2 into a/jLeraPoXov, and translating it, qui per patientiam
animam immutabilem praelmerunt. The reading of R 2 may be trans-
lated, who have corrected their fickleness by endurance of ill; cf. § 35
dopyrjcias Kal ravfivocppoovvrjs Kal /j.atcpodv/.uas, and to dopyrjTov, to
rb d<piXdpyvpov rov rponov, which£iKaKov, to (piXrjb'ovias appvirairov,
are his marks of the Gospel character. In Ep. 244 he speaks of to
ev/j.erd(3o\ou rov rpb-nov in reference to the varying faiths of Eustathius.
The text which has the best support of MSS., may be translated, who
have perfected their readiness to distribute by endurance of ill. The
Syriac paraphrase does not give any equivalent for 01' dvegiKatcias, and
seems to render rb €v/j.€rd8orov by amoris sui. The clause tovs trpoa-
7T((pevy6ras rfi kiriGTaoia avrov seems to be parallel to rwv itaraKovovrajv
avrov rrjs <pa)vr,s, and rb (vpurddorov St' dvfgi/caKtas KarwpOcxJKoras to fir)
-npoGtyovroiv hiba\ah £evi£ovaais. Much of this section is similar to
Origen's words on the names of our Lord. He speaks of sheep as ' '

applicable to christians only when in a very imperfect state, as if he

remembered only St. Luke xv. 4, and not St. John x. 14 (piXdvdpajnos :

5e wv, Kal rr)v onus rrors knl rb (SeXriov dirobexofJ-cvos rwv xpvxujv poirrjv,
rwv km rbv \uyov /at) oirevSovrcvv, dXXa diftrjv irpofidrcvv, ovk k^-qraapivov
dXXa aXoyov rb rjpiepov Kal npdov kxbvrwv, iroip.r)v yiverai iroipiaivo- . . .

picvot vtto Xpiarov Sid rb a<pu>v avrwv, us trpoeiprjKapiev, trpdov /x\v Kal

evoraQis, aXoywrepov 5e. This is consistent with his words at the

end of the same section Kal fiaKapioi ye, 0001 8(6p.evoi rov Yiov rov

®eov roiovroi yfyovaciv, ujs pu]Ktri avrov xptfC(lv ioTpov roiis KaKa>s
exovras Ofpairevovros, fxijbt iroipievos, pirjoe diroXvrpu/oews, dXXa oo<pias,

Kal Xoyov, Kal diKatoavvrjs i) u ri aXXo rots did reXeiurrjra xa>p«iV avrov
rd KaXXiara ovvapiivois.
Way,' '
God! '
Son," ''Bridegroom! '
Physician! 41

fiaros navTos appayicTTepov etWt <f>v\aKTrjptov rot? ttlo-toIs.

1 2
hi aVTOV* TT)V yj)r\(TLV apfXobUfiTaTiqV KGLl
tvcrriiJLOV airobibGdcriv, orav 0)9 Svpa Kal 0)9 '066? XeyrjTat. John xiv. 6.

0)9 fX€VT0L 0609 KOt Tl09 ' jJL€TCt YldTpoS '

(Tl/i' ETarpt
5 ttjzj bo£av e'x^i, on '
ez/ rw SvofxaTL 'lr)o~ov nav yovv KapLxj/ei

€7rovpavL(x>v Kal €iTLy€i(i)v mat KaTa\6ovio)v, KCLi nacra yX&acra

e^ofjLoXoyrjo-erai, otl KvpLos 'lrjcrovs Xptaro9 et9 bo£av 0eou
Ylarpos! bioirep aiJL<poTepcus K^\pr][xeda rais <f)(tivcus, rfj Phil. u. 10,

fX€V TT)V oIkZIOLV CLVTOV a^LCLV, TTf b\ T1]V yapiV TY)V 77009 7)1X0,$

10 hiayyiWovTts.
18. '
At' avrov '
yap 7rao-a fiorjdeia tG>v \j/v)^S>v, kol kolQ*
€KacrTOV elbos e7rtp.6A.eta9 tSta£bt>o-a rt9 irpoo-riyopia zitlvz-

vorjraL. orav p.€v yap tt\v aixoofiov xf/vxrjv, rr)v fxrj zyowav Eph. v. 27 .

ctttiXov tj pvTiba o>9 ayvr)v irapOivov eauro) i:apao'Tr]o'r]Tai i

15 Nvfj.(f)ios 7rpocrayop€V€Tcu, orav be K€KaKOiixivr\v vtto tG>v

TT0vr\p5iv it\r\yG>v tov btaj36kov Aa(3r), fiapioos tvao~6evov-
aav rat9 ap,aprtat9 clvttjv e£to)p,ei>09, 'Iarpo9 ovoixa^erai.
ap' ow at rotairrat r)\A&v e7rtp.e'Aetat et9 to TaireLvbv tovs
" Aoytajjiovs KGLTayovcriv ; r] to €vclvtlov ^KirArj^LV tyjs p.e- Tit. Hi. 4.

20 ydkrjs
n bvvafjL€0)S ofiov Kal <pi\av6pcoTTLas tov a&^ovTOS
€fjLiroiovo~LV, otl Kol r)vzo~yj£To o-vfjoraOrjcrai rat9 acrOeveiais
f]\xG)V, koX ebwr/Orj 7rpo9 to r)\xiTepov acrOeves KaTafirjvcu ;

ov yap ToaovTov ovpavos Kal yrj Kal tcl jxeyiOrj t&v TteXay&v
feat to. iv vbacri btatTcopieva Kal to, yepcraia t&v (cocov Kal
2 5 13 Ta <pvTa kol ao-Ttpes Kal ar]p Kal (Spat
u Kal r) TTOLKtArj tov
iravTOS biaKOo-fjLrjcns to virepiyjov Trjs lcr)rvos crvvio-TrjO'LV, cr St. Ath.
a^ /in de Inc. liv.
oaov to^s;owrjUrjvai r\
rt ^ \ \ •> r > ^ \
tov fc)€oz> tov a\d)pr]Tov airavtos Ota |„ T jj tavroi,
2 3
om. to fi. dpfiovcojTaTTjv V. add. Kal cu? iroifi-qv o.
* do£o\oyi.av /io b .
37 fior)0(ta o. 6
add. Kal m /* o V (in fx no-
tatur quasi supervacua). 7
ivaaOevqaaaav m. 8
d'pa m o.
\6yovs v. 10
eKn\r}£eis m. n add. avrov m. 12
-qdw-qdrj o.
13 14
om. Ta o. add. «ai fj/Aepai m.

18. 23. ov -yap Toaourov ovpavos Cf. Horn, in Ps. xlv. (LXX. . . .

xliv.) § 5, where he uses a similar contrast, ov yap to<tovtov rr)v . . .

hvvapiiv irapioT-qai tov Qeov Aoyov, oaov 77 irepl ttjv kvavOpourrrjcnv o'tKOVOfxia,

Kal fj Trpbs to Taireti/ov Kal aoOtvts t^j duOpcvvoTTjTos ovyKaT&fiaais.

42 His Death our '
Way' to the Father.

(rapKos crv\ATtkaK.r]vai no Oavarc^, Xva i\\xiv ro3 totw Trotfti

Rom. viH.37. Tqv cnradeLav yapio-qrai. kolv Aeyry be 6 'A7roVroAos', otl
Iv tovtols ttcmtlv VTrepviK&iJLev 01a rod ayainqcravTos ry/xa?,'

ovx} Tcnreivqv riva VTtqpto-iav ck ttjs TOiavrqs (f)OL>vijs V7T0-

Eph. vi. 10. /3aAAei, aAAa ttjv ev ra> K/mrei rrjs icryyos lvzpyov\i.ivqv 5

Matt. xii. 29. fiorjQeiav. clvtos yap brj(ras tov io-yypbv hirjpTtacrev clvtov
TCL <TK€Vq, fjfJLCLS, ols €19 17GL(TaV €v£py€LCLV TTOVqpCLV KareKe-
2 Tim. ii. 21. XpqTO, kol eirolqo-e (TKtvq evy^pqaTa rw Ae(77rorr/ ^ rovj
KaTqpTLorpLtvovs els irav tpyov ayaObv €K ty/s eroi/xacrias
rot) e<£' r/fxtz;. ovrco r7jz; '
oY avroi; ' irpocrayoayriv zcyj]- 10
Col. i. i2, 13. Kap,€V irpbs rbv Ilarepa, /uteraora^res *
e/c tt)j e^ovaias tov
otkotovs els rrfv fieptba tov Kkiqpov t&v ay'icav Iv ra> (£a>ri.

fxrj Toivvv €K bovkiKrjs TaTTeivorqros r\vayKao-p.ivqv ^virqpe-

o~iav voS>\x€v ri)v '
bta Ttoi)' oIkovopllclv, dAAa ttjv kKOvaiov
knnxiktiav ayaOorqTL kol evcnrXay^via Kara to QiK.r\p.a tov 15

©eoS kcu Uarpos nepX to Ibcov 7rAdcr/xa evepyovjxivqv. 01/rco

^ 8
T. in. p. 16. yd/) eva-e^qo-oiJiev, iv ttclo-l rots e7ureAovju.eVoi? Kai reA-
eiW avrw [xaprvpovvres rrjz; bvvapav kol ovba\xov tov fiov-

om. cm p.
1 2
irapeK6XPV T0 A6 v
ora T0 ^ J "V. 4
avrov m.« -

5 6 7
7*779 V. arbitrio Suo S. om. ra> p.. om. virrjpcoiav p.. ev-
aeffrjcajfAfv m. Ii/ 7racrt rois kmreXovpikvois sequitur ovdap.ov m.
Om. TTJV (X.

9. ck tt|S Iroifxao-ias tov 44>' Vjjxtv. This is a more carefully guarded

expression than the reading of V, tj)s kip' fj/juv. St. Basil speaks of the
effects of the Fall in two ways : (1) ndcra dv$ poj-nivrj if/vx^ vniicvipe ra>
TTovqpw rfjs dov\eias CV 1V T °v kolvov ttclvtojv ex^pov. kcu ttjv -napd tov
KTiaavros avrfjv e\ev&epiav acpaipeOetaa, alxfta^&Tos rix^ ! ^ £(* T V S 0-p.apTias. 1

Horn. Ps. xlix. (LXX. xlviii.) § 3, t. i. p. 180; but (2) InaaTov fjpwv kv
to) KpvnTa) £vyos tis ko~Ti vapoi tov KTicravTos f) kyKa.Tao~fcevaaOus k<p'

011 SwaTov kari diaKpiveodai, Horn. Ps. lxii.

ttjv (pvaiv Tiiiv vpaypidTaju

(LXX. lxi.) § 4, t. i. p. 197. Here KaT-qpTLop-kvovs kic 7-77S kroip-aalas

contains the -qToip.acrp.kvov of the passage directly quoted (2 Tim. ii. 21)
and the KaTr\pTiap.kva of Rom. ix. 22. In his Commentary on Is. vi. 8,
*I8ou kycu elpti, airoffTeiKoj/ /ze, St. Basil says : ovk^tl irpockQr)KW Kal kyw
nopdiaopxxi. to p.\v yap bk£ao~9ai ttjv drrooToXqu, k<p' ijp.iv' to 5e dwa-
p.oj$r)vai npos t^v iropeiav, tov StSovTOs t?)^ X'*P IV *K T °v (viaxvovros ®eov.
"Clo~T( b ttjs irpoaipkcreoos r/v, elirev 'Idov kyu> elp.i, airoGTeihov pie b 8e
ttjs x&P lTO s V v r V> K-vpiw KaTkkitrev : t. i. p. 518.
Light,' '
Judge' 'Resurrection' 43
XrifxaTos tov irarpLKOV bacrT&VTes. axrirep ovv kcu otclv
'08os 6 Kvptos Aeyrjrat, Trpbs vy\rr\\oTipav twoiav, dAA' John xiv 6 - -

ov)(t Trpoj r?7i> Ik tov itpoyjeipov \aiAfiavop<.£vr]v virocfcepopLeda,

r?)y yap kcu ra£et Ota rcoz/ epycor ttjs btKaioo-vvr]s Kat Actsx - 35-

« , « ~ , x v ,*
v t^v
2Cor. iv. 6.

5 (pCOTLO-pLOV T7]S yVO)a€COS €7Tt Phil. iii. 13.


}x£vois kavrovs tTTeKTtLvovTts, ecos av (pdacrcopLev €TtI to p,a-

Kapiov TtXos, tt]v 0eou KCLTavoTjcnv, rjv 6 Kvpios bC kavTov
rots ets ovtov ireincrTevKOcrL yapi&Tcu. ayaOrj yap ovtws
10 05os, d^ape^o'Se^ro? Kat d^Aa^?, 6 Kvpios fjfji&v, Trpbs
5 6
ro ovtoos Aya66v, tov EI arepa, (fiepoov. * ovSets yap ep- John xiv. 6

)(€rat,' <firio~i,
7rpo? roy riarepa et p,r) 6Y e/xou/ tolclvtti

ixkv ovv 7] r)iA€T€pa irpos '

Qebv avobos '
8td roC Ttoi;.'
8 9
19. *07rota Se ttclKlv kcu r) Trapd roi> Ilarpoj ety ?7p,as
15 '
be avTOV yopr\yiaTG)V ayad&v, k£fjs civ etrj Kiyeiv. otl

Trdcrrjs ttjs (pvcrecos ttjs iv ttj Krtcret tjj

u re 12
opcopievr} TavTrj

Kat Trj voovfJLtvrj e7rtp,eAeta? €K tov Qeov irpbs to avvi^o-Oai

b€opiU'7]s 6 A-qfjiLovpybs Aoyos, 6 Movoyevrjs Qeos, Kara to
20 pL€v Kat TTavTobcnras bta to t&v evepyeTovpievoov TroXvetbes,

crvjjLliiTpovs ye fJLip €KaoTtt) kclto. to avayKcaov Trjs xpeias,

raj \opr\yias e7rt/x€rpet. tovs €v rco crKorco ttjs ayvoias
15 16 17
KCLT£)(OpLeVOVS <pCOTL^€L' biO. TOVTO 4>C0? TO oXiqOLVOV. J° hn >• 9-

KptVet, Kara r? /y rcoz; tpyoav a£iav dz^rt/xerpcoi' rrji' dz;rt5o-
19 c
2$ criv' bia tovto KpiTrjs StKatoj. 6 ydp IIarr)p Kpivei 2 Tim. iv. 8

>£/ ^-vxvv / <^ ^/?. n r\rt n » » / John v. 22.

oi/0ez;a, aAAa r?)^ Kpiaiv irao-av OeocoKe rw 1 tuj. avio-Tr\criv

£k tov 7rrco/xaros roi/j airb tov vxj/ovsTrjs C00 ^ 20

irpbs d/xap-
tlclv VTToKicrOricravTas'
bta tovto 'Avclo-tclctls. ttclvtci SeJohnxi. 25:
cf. Phil. iii.

1 2 3
dtiardvTfs /x. add. fjyLojv /x. 5pey6fj.ti'Oi /xv quidam '

codd.' * add. tov m. 5

tov o V. habet tov irarepa, tov m m
6 7
ovtqjs aya$6va.d finem Patris S. om. ovdds e/xov /x. add. . . .

tov o. 8
irepl in omnibus fere codd. MSS.'
' 9
om. tov o V. m
add. fcnl o. u om. re m. 12
dpaTrj v. 13
Sermo enim
Unigenitus Dei est, Conditor omnium S. M add. Kai V. 15
16 17 18
$op.evovs V. cpajTifav o. om. to m. icpivel plerique '

19 21
codd. MSS.' om. bUaios V. 2° els m. bXiad^aavTas V.
44 No interval of time betiveen

Troiet rfj €7ra(f)fj rrjs bwdfiecos km rw fiov\r)\xaTi tt}s aya-

66tt)tos tvepy&v. TTOLfxaivei, (f)00Ti(€L, rpi(f)€t, obrjyel, ia-
TptV€l, aVLaTTjaLV, 0V(TL0i TOL fXTj ovra, tol KTOjQivra (Tvviyj.i.

ovtoj ra €K tov kyeov ayava ota tov 1 lov Trpos r)\ias

acfiiKvelTai, ttKziovl rayjei tol KaO' eKacrrov kvepyovvTos r) co? 5

3 4
av \6yos e£tKOtro. ovt€ yap acrrpaiTal owe (jyoiTos €v

Cf.ivfitq. a *P l ovtco rayela biabpofxr), ovk otyOahix&v ofetat ° poirai,

ponfi Ep. 233, > > ~ ~ < / / « / » \ \ v \ /
p. T62. ovk avrov tov r)pL€T€pov vorjfjLaTos at KLvrjcreiS, aAAa TTA€OV
Trerai, 17 Kadoaov tol voodpoTaTa t<ov Trap rjfxiv tyaiv, ovk 10
dAA' avTov tov rjixeTepov vov, kolto, tt)v klvyjctlv wrepet.
Heb. i.
tlvos yap av Kal 7raparacrea)? beotTo xpovLKrjs 6 (fiepoov tol

o~vfjL7ravTa rw pr\p.aTi tt\s bwapLecos avTov,' Kal ptrj crfo/xartKco?

ivepycov jjirjbe \-tipovpyias els tt)v br]\xiovpyiav eirbbeopievoSj 15
dAAa fiov\r)p.aTi a/3taoTa> aKokov6ovo~av eyutv ttjv <pvo~LV
9 10
Judith ix. 5, t&v yivo\xiv<siV ; cos 7) 'lovbCQ* ' eW^cra?,' (brja-i, 'Kal
6( 4 ,s,Vulg.). „ , ,
, , , , ,
Trapecrr^cra^ o~ot iravTa oaa evor/cras. ojjlcos p,ezrrot iva \xi)

Trore e/c tov \xey£6ovs tS>v kvtpyov\xkvu>v i7epia-r:ao-6Gi\x€v ei?

to (pavTao-QfjvaL avapyov eXvai tov Kvptov, tl (jyrjo-iv r) Av- 20

John vi. 57.
to£o)?/ ; '
6ya) ^iS 6ta ror Trarepa,' Kat 17 roi; 0€o{; Awa/xts'
°v bvvaTai n6 Tto? Tioulv cup? kavTov ovbiv' Kal r) Avto-
John v. 19.

johnxii. 49. rekrj? 2o^)ta* evTokrjv ekofiov tl euro) /cat rt Xakrio-oo, bta
ttclvtoov tovtcov iTpbs tt)v tov YlaTpbs crvveaiv f)fACLS obrjy&v
Kal to Oavfxa t&v yivofjL€V(ov £tt avTov ava<fiepOL>v, Iva bt 2$

om. ret m. re €K Oeov ra dyaOa V. 3
ou/ioVv. * kv-
afpiov o V. 5
txt. S m
o v quinque ptiral (twinklings) R 2 V.[x ' '

6 7 8
Kara to rdxos t^s 9eias kvtpyeias m. add. rjfitTepai/'V x €l P^ v .

epyaaias o. 9
om. 17 m. 10
add. yap m. n add. cprjcn m.

19. 20. Ti ({nrptv

tj AutoJcot| ; Kal tj tov 0eov Avvauts. These . . .

textswere used by Eunomius (Lib. Apol. § 26) to support his Ano-

moeanism he there writes of the Son, vnoTerayixevov ovaiq Kal yvcufirj

(£rjv re yap did tov TLaTtpa Kal ftrjo'ev dcp' kavTov ttouiv avros 6fio\oyei)
(xr)Te fxrjv 6/j.oovo~iov fxr]be dpoiovo'iov, kveirrep to yikv yivcoiv Kal fjiepicrfxbv

a-qpnivii ttjs ovaias, to oe laoTtjTa.

the Father s Will and the Sons Working. 45

avrov '
tov Uaripa yv&piev. ov yap ck ttjs to>v tpyav
1 2 6
KeXOdpKT^ivi^V kvepytiav e-nibeiKvvvOaL (' oo~a yap /3Ae7rei tov John v. 19.

Ylaripa iroLovvra, ravra Kal 6 Tibs ojuoiW Troiet/) aAA.' e/c

5 rrjs TrpoaayopLtvris avrio irapa tov Movoyevovs bo^-qs to

6avp.a tu>v yivo^ivoav Kapirovrai, irpbs t<2 [xeytOei t&v 770117-

fjLCLTcov Kal kit* avrcd rw Y\oLY]rfi ayakkofJLtvos Kai vxj/ovpLtvos

irapa tG>v eiriyLvoocrKovTudv avrbv Ylarepa tov Kvpiov 7]\xS>v

\rjo~ov Xpicrroi}, '
6Y ov ra iravra Kal bi bv ra iravTa' Heb. ii. 10.


TCL ifJLO. ITCLVTa era €0Tll>,' 0)S kit
avrov tt/s apxfjs tu>v brnxiovpyy)p.aTu>v avayop.ivt]S, Kal tcl era John xvii. 10

efxa,' a)? €KeWev avn^Trjs alr'ias tov brjpLiovpyeiv KaOrjKOVcrris,

ov fior\6£ias -^pcofjiivio irpos ttjv tvipyziav ovbk Tats Kara
fxepos iirtTpoirals ir]v kKacrTov tpyov btaKovCav 7r(.oTei>o/xeV(*>,
15 XtiTovpyiKov yap tovto ye Kal ttjs Betas a£Cas irapurXTjOes
8 9
aitob£ov> ahXa i:\ripr\s yap 6 Aoyos tu>v TtaTpiK&v ayaO&v,
tov ITarpoj airokdpi^as, iravTa itolzI KaTa tt\v tov Fevvq-

1 2
add. tovtcov m. to m. om. t<£ iSid^ovcrav . . . kmSe'iKwcrOai V.
KaTa.KCx aj P T)lx * vr) v m -
om - KCLL vif/ovfiwos m/Liov. 5
elsR 2 V.
fiorjdtiais juoVv (cf. Acts xxvii. 17). 7
om. ye m. 8
om. dWd V.
pro 6 \6yos, o habet oA<wi/, V 6'A.os.

9. Bt' ov to. irdvTa, k.t.X. These words refer to the Father : the substitu-
tion of els ov for 5V ov in the second clause (in R 2 V) arises from the
inclination to refer the sentence to tov Kvpiov -qp,wv 'Irjaov XpiOTov and
so make it seem a quotation of part of the phrase in Rom. xi. 36, with
t& TTdvTa inserted in the first member.

10. to, cjxd irdvTa o-d €o-tiv, k.t.X. These words are used by St.
Athanasius in a far higher sense, dioiov roiyapovv ovtos tov IlaTDos
avayKr) Kal tov Ylbv d'iSiov tlvac a yap dv iv to> HaTpl vorjo~wp.ev, TavTa
Kal kv tw Tta) uvai ovk dp<pi0o\ov, KeyovTOS avTov tov Kvpiov, irdvra
oaa ex (t ° nar^p, kp.d ko~Ti, Kal rd l/xd itdvTa tov Harpos kffTiv (Ep. ii.
ad Serap. § 2), and Kal to trapdbo£ov, wenrfp 6 Tlds Xtyw rd hp.d tov
TlaTpos kdTLV ovtws tov HaTpus ko~Ti to Tlvevpia to ayiov, oirep tov Ttou
eiprjTat (Ep. iii. ad Serap. § 1). St. Cyril of Alexandria definitely ap-
plied the parallel passage (St. John xvi. 14, 15) to the procession of the
Holy Spirit elvaiv irepl tov ayiov Uvevp.aTos, irdvTa oaa 'ix ei ° ^o-TTjp,

(fid €o*ti* did tovto eiiTov vp.iv, oTt k.K tov (fiov \r]iptTai (\apfidvei), ical
dvayye\ei vpxv.
46 No difference in Essence Power and Working Equal. ',

vglvtos 6fJLOiOTr]Ta. et yap Kara ttjv ovaiav cmapaWaKTOiS

e'x et J OLTiapaKXaKTitiS €^et Kal Kara ttjv bvvap.iv. &v be rj

1 2
1 Cor. i. 24. ftvvafJUS l(TT}, LfTT} 7T0V TTCLVTiOS KOI 7) €v4py€ta. X/nOTOS
John i. 3.
y^p Oeov Avvapus Kol Qeov 2,o(j)ia. /cat ovroi '
iravra 6Y
i 3
Col. i. 16. avrov 4y4vero,' kol iravra SY avrov Kal et? avrov 4kti- 5
oral/ ovk opyavtK'qv Ttva ovbt bovktKTjv vnr\pzo-iav irkr}-

povvTOs, aAAa SrjjouofpyiKcos' to irarpiKov kmreXovvros 64-

Johnxii.49, 20, "Orav ovv X4yr)' '
eyco e£ 4p.avrov oi/k eAaA^o-a, Kal
John xiv. 24, ttolXlv' '
Ka0G)9 etp^Ke fxofc 6 nar?7p, ovrco AaAa},' Kai ' 6 10
Ao'yos 1

, by aKoi>€re, ovk 4(ttlv 4p.6s, aAAa rou ir4pL\jfavr6s

}jl€, Kal kr4pa)6i' Ka6(s)<$ tvereikaro /xot 6 riarr/o, ovrco

Trotw, oi/k airpoaCperos a>v ovbe avop\ir)Tos ovbe to 4k t&v

crvv6r)pLara)v ivbocnpiov avap.4v(ov rat? rotavrai? °xpv rai
<f)a)vals, aAAa brjXcov rr\v oiKetav yvoopur^v ^co/xeVaj? Kat 15
ctStacrrarcos' rod Tlarpbs 4yop.4vr\v. a/)a ovv Kal rrjv Aeyo-
c 7
p.4vrjv 4vtoXt]v /xt) Aoyor irpoaraKriKOV bia r&v (pa>vr)-
tlku>v opyavoiv 4£ayyek\6pL€vov iKbe^dpieda 7repi rwy
Troir)T4(t)v ra> Ttw a)? vir^KOio vojxoderovvra, dAAa deoTTpeuais
vo&piev 6ekr\\xaTOs biahoaiv olov rtvos pLop(f)f)s 4pL<pa(TLV 4v 20

2 3 4
tovtwv V. 7rai/T6A.<Sjm. add. ra m. ovre p. v.
5 6 7
KexfV Tai flY *^ uo codd.' dpa o. om. f<7) Xoyov TrpocraKTiKov
did m. kTribixwueOa p. v unus codex' eitidexop-^Oa alius ' €«5t^o-
' '

yuetfa V '
duo alii.'
om. tw V. 10
tvbooiv tres codd.' '

2, 3. el yap Kara tt|v ovo-tav, k.t.X. St. Basil is again arguing with the
Semiarians from the acknowledgements made in the Creed of the
Dedication (see § 15% ttjv rfjs Ocottjtos, ovaias re Kal bwapaws, Kal
@ov\fjs Kal 86£rjs tov Tlarpbs airapaWaKrov eiKova. He uses the phrase
Kara ttjv ov<rCav d-rrapaWaKTios t'xct as the equivalent to upioovffios
kan. St. Athanasius shows in his letter on the decrees of the Nicene
Council (§ 20) that the bishops at first used the words that 'the Word
is the true Power and Image of the Father, Like and Unvarying (d-nap-

dWaKTov) in all things (KarcL iravra) with respect to the Father':

but that finding such words were liable to Arian quibbles, they went on
to say that the Son is of the Same Substance with the Father {pfxoovaiov
rw Tlarpi) but see De Syn. § 41 and St. Basil's Ep. 9.
Master and Pupil^ an unseemly simile. 47
KaToirrput €K YlaTpbs els Tlbv axpdvots biiKvovp.evr\v. 6 yap John v. 20.

FTarr/p ayairq tov Tlov kol iravra beiKvvcriv avT(2, wore

TravTct oaa e\et 6 FlarT/p '
rov Tlov ianv, ov Kara puitpdv John xvi. 15

Trpoa-ytvopeva, aAA' dOpocos Trapovra. ov yap br/irov ev

5 piev av6pa>T70LS 6 ttjv Teyyr\v eKbibayOels koI irayiav avrrjs

bta rrjs \povias fieXeT7)$ e\oav tt)v e^iv evibpvp,evr}v hvvarai

Xolttov Kara tovs evanoKeip^evovs avTco rrjs eTno-Tr]\Ar\s Ao-

yovs KaO' kavrov evepyelv f) be rov ©eov 2o^)ta, 6 Arjpu-

1 2
ovpybs Trdcrrjs KTicrecos, 6 del reAeio?, 6 dbibaKTcas ^ocpos,
10 f)

tov Qeov Avvapus,
» __«>
T77? yraxreco?
w 7raWe9

airoKpvcpoL, tt/s
ol dr]cravpol

Kara piepos
tt/s aotyias
T. ill.
Col. ii.
p. iE


TrpoabeiTai rov rpoirov avTui kol to pierpov rS>v evepyet&v

opt^ovo-qs. rjiTov crv ye Kat TTatbaycoyelov dvoi^eis ev rfj
pLaTaiorriTL crov t&v XoyLo-p,aJv, /cat tov fxev TTpoKa6r\cr6ai
15 7T0t77(reis ev bibacrKaXov rafet, roz; 6e napearavai ev p.a6r\-

tov a7reipta, etra rats Kara puKpbv irpoo-Br]Kais t&v bibay-

Ploltoov eKp.av6avovTa ttjv crocpiav Kat irpofiifia^opLevov eh
to TeXeiov. €K be tovtov, eav apa elbfjs to ev XoyiarpLoXs
clkoKovOov biao-(o£eLV, evpr\o-eis ael ptev tov Tlbv bibacrKo-
20 pevov, oibe iroTe be irpbs to TeXetov (f>ddcrab bvvdpievov, bid
to cmeipov piev elvai tov YlaTpbs tt\v ao<ptav, aireipov be

reXos KaTaXrj(j)6rjvaL jut) bvvaaOai. coare 6 pr) btbovs iravTa

eyeiv ef dp\rjs T ° v ^ov ovbe7TOTe boocrei npbs to TeKeiov
rj£eiv. aAAa yap alayvvopai to Taireivov ttjs evvotas, els

>5 rjv €K r^j ro?3 Xoyov aKoXovOias virri\0r]v. €7rt ovv to.

vxjfnXa tov Xoyov ttclXlv ° eiraveXOoipiev.

21. '
O ecopaKcos epte eutpaKe tov YlaTepa, ov tov \apaK- John xiv. 9.

aiTaar}s /x v '
tres MSS.' 2
aSiSa/cros m V. 3
rrjs yv&crecos Kal rrjs
tjitov av ye n o V v.
4 5
cro<pias o V. tiwovyc ov m. hie deficit m.
6 7 8 9
wapecTTavai /jov, t4\os V. om. p.\v p. dveKOcvfXfv
v 'vett. quatuor libri.'

20. 9. 6 d8i8a.KTO)s 2o4>6s. 77 adlSaKros ffocpia is applied to the Father

in Ap. Const, viii. 12.
21. 1. 011 tov xopo-KT-fipa, k.t.A., 'not the Impress, nor even the Form
(i. e. essential Attributes), for the Divine Nature is unsullied by Compo-
48 Same good Will in our Lord and His Father.

Trjpa ovbe Ti\v }xop(\)7]v, KaOapa yap avvOeaeoiS rj Oeia (fwcris,

akka to ayaOov tov Oekrjp,aTo$, oirep avvbpofxov ov T-r)

ova la ojjlolov kclI 'laov, fxakkov be ravruv ev Ylarpl koI Ytw

Phil. ii. 8. decopelTau. tI ovv to '
yevop^evos v-nr'iKoos? to vitkp
Rom. viii. 32. t „ , ,_ , , , , ,, , „ v

rjfjitov navTUiV TrapeocoKev avTov ; otl eK tov liaTpos rw 5

Kph. i. 11. Ttto to vnep ai>9p(i>7T(i)V evepyr\aai kcit ayaOoTrjTa. ah be
Gal. iii. 13. KOLKeivoav aKOve, otl '
XpioTos 77/xas e£i]y('paaev €K tt)s Kara-
Rom, v. 8. pay ro{5 vofxov, Kal ort ' ert a^apTajkoiv ovtoov r/pajv
XpcaTos virep r}\xG)v aneOaveJ' 7rpocrexe $* aKpt/3ci>9 Kat rat?
(fxiovals tov Kvplov, otl otolv r\pas irepl tov YlaTpbs eKirat- 10

bevvy, olbe Teas avdevTiKaZs kcli beairoTLKals Ke\prjadai <fiu>-

Matt. viii. 3. I/at?, keyoav '

Bekoa, KaBaplaOrjTt^ kcli '
atcaira, Trec/H/xaxro,'
Mark iv. 39. *flj»\*\\/ « « ? v c \ *\ \ \ • s *•

Matt. v. 22.
Kat 60 " e keyco
O' 17x11;, Kat ro akakov /cat Kocxpov oat-
et al.
Mark ix. 25.
jjioviov, eya> crot €7rtra(rcra)' Kat 6Va tolglvtcl, tva bua tovtcov
pi€v tov Aea-'iroTrjv TjpL&v Kat Uoltittjv yva}plad)p.ev, bi 15


bibayBGiiAev. ovto) 7ravTa\60ev 6 koyos akriOrjs eTubeiKvvTai,

otl to '
bia tov Tiov '
b^paovpyelv tov Tlarepa ovTe aTekrj
Cf. § 38. roi; YlaTpbs tt)v bripaovpylav avvlaTr\aiv ovTe oltovov tov
Tiov irapabrikol ttjv evepyeiav, akka to fjvajfJLevov tov Qekr]- 20
7 l
/xaro? irapicrTq. cootc tj bi ov '
c|)co^ 6p.okoyCav tt/s

°^ K ^ 9
KO-TrjyOplq TOV 17017]-

tlkov atrtou irapakapifiaveTaL.

txt. fio V ' sequi maluimus duos Regios codd. qui cum Colbertino

habent auroi/' eavrov ' nonnulli codd.' et in v avrov post unius litterae ;

/ca^' vioTrjra R 2 V.
2 3
erasuram. add. yevo/xevos vnep rjfxwv
4 5 6
Kardpa /a. rrpocrex* 7 /•*•
'* 6tf7rat8fU77 o V. add. to v. /jl

7 8 9
irapioTTjaiv v duo codd.' om. V.
add. (cal V. add. ttj /x.
om. alriov V.

sition (cf. Plato,Rep. p. 611), but the goodness of the Will, which
being concurrent with the Essence is beheld Like and Equal, nay, rather
the Same in the Father and the Son.' See Lightfoot, on Philipp. ii. 6,
note on the synonyms popepi) and oxnw, and below, Ep. 233.
The doctrine of the Holy Spirit. 49

'A(pOpL(TTLKaL 'ivVOldl 7T€pl TOV UvtV[iaTOS TTJ TWU Tpd- T. III. p. 19.

(pcov ccKoXovOovo-ai SiSaaKaXia 1


KE4>AAAI0N 0'.

22. "HSr; Se Kat 7re/)t rov Ylvevparos rets kolvcls fjfjL&v

5 hvoias dirolai rivis €L(tlv e^eTaacofxev, ras re e/c 7w Cf. § 66 on

Soyfxara and
Tpacp&v ire pi avrov (Tvvayjdtiaas fjpZv Kal a? £k rrjs aypoapov Kypvyna-ra-

TTapabocre&s tG>v Ttaripuv htebe^dpieOa. Tip&rov ovv rts

add. Kal on bea-norrfSTo Tlvevpia o, sed non in tabula '
absunt a quin-
que codd. MSS.'

22. Fialon (Etude litteraire sur Saint Basile, p. 244), says that this
chapter, and the short treatise,
1. 1, pp. 320-322, nepl rov TlvevpLaros, ' ne

sont que des centons du philosophe alexandrin ' (i. e. Plotinus), and he
gives a single reference viz. Ennead. v. 1, 52. The statement conies
from a tract, Basilius Magnus Plotinizans, by Alb. Jahn (Berne, 1838),
who acknowledges that he was intoxicated with the discovery. The
foundation of it is that the treatise, irepl rov TlvevpLaros, which is almost
certainly spurious, contains doctrinal statements combined with a number
of sentences taken almost word for word from Plotinus, which Jahn
puts in parallel columns with the original. The connexion of this
chapter of St. Basil's undoubted work with the works of Plotinus is
however entirely different and the parallel phrases have to be picked

out of much longer sentences, and are only such imitations, or rather
echoes, as would be natural to St. Basil. It would be on the face of

it an extraordinary thing, if such a chapter as this could be composed

out of the phrases of a heathen philosopher. The following is a

specimen of the parallelism alleged by Jahn.
St. Basil : irpbs b iravra eirearpanrai to. dyiacrpiov irpoodeofxeva, ov iravra
ecpierai rd Kar' dperrjv {ovvra.
Plotinus, Ennead. i. 6. p. 55 F: dvafiareov eirl to dya9ov, ov bpeye-
. . .

rai irdca ipvxV' i- 7- 1> p. 61 D rovro dei rdyaObv nOeaOai, eh b iravra


dv'^prrjrat, avrb 81 eh p.t]5ev. ovrco yap Kal d\r)6es to ov iravra e<pierai.

dei ovv pievetv avro, irpb>avrb he kmarpecpeiv iravra. i. 8. 2, p. 72 D
(rdyaObv) eon els
. . . b iravra dvr)pri]rai, Kal ov iravra ra ovra e<pterai,
a.pxT]v ex° VTa olvto Kaiceivov Seofieva. v. 5. I 2, p. 530B : iravra bpeyerai
enelvov (boni) Kal e(pierai avrov cpvaeoos dvayxr), wcirep dvop.ep.avrevp.eva,
ws dvev avrov ov Svvarai elvai. Bishop Lightfoot's words on alleged
parallelisms between Seneca and St. Paul are applicable in this case.
The phrases of Plotinus have no strictly theological value.'
foots Galatians, St. Paul and Seneca (p. 294, 1st ed.).

50 Scriptural titles

aKOvaas tS>v upoaiqyopiCiV rod Yivevixaros ov biavivTaTai

Tij \jsvxv kcll irpbs tt]v avojTaToo (\)v<jiv Tyv Ivvoiav vnepaCpei

It is well to compare this section with the cautious statements of St.

Cyril of Jerusalem in his Catechetical Lectures (about A. D. 348), and

with the triumphant Oratio (xxxi) of St. Gregory of Nazianzus at Con-
stantinople, a.d. 380.
St. Cyril, in his fourth lecture vepl twc 5e/ra Scry/xaraw, gives as the fifth
boypia ; ev eo~Ti tovto rb dytov Ylvevp.a, ddialperov TrokvbvvapLov ttoAAci
pLev evepyovv, avru be /xt) p.epi^6p.evov to ytvaxXKOV ret pivOTrjpia, to epev-
vcvv iravra, Kal to. fiaOr) tov ®eov' to em. tov Kvptov 'Irjcrovv Xpiarov ev
e'ibei TT€pio~T(pas Ka.Te<\9uv to ev vopLcv Kal TrpoipTjTais evepyfjaav to teal vvv
Kara tov Kaipov tov fianTio~pLa.Tos acppayi^ov aov ttjv \pvx~nv' ov Kal nacra
vor\rr\ cpvais xp*'iav «X 61 T V S d-yiorijTos' els o $\aa<pr)p.r\oai tis edv To\p.r]G~r),

ovk ex €l dcpeaiv, ovTe ev ra> alcuvi tovtcv, ovre ev tw fieWovrt' oirep [o~vv
TlaTpl ical Tia> Trj ttjs &eoTT)Tos oo£7?] ( a^ A467
"" HaTpos Kal Tlov ttj ttjs
d£ids Tift,?]) TfTifxrjTar ov kcll xP* Lav tX 0V0 L ^povoi Kal «i pioTrjres, dpx^l
nal e£ovo~iai' els yap eari &eos, 6 TovXpiaTov UaTrjp, nal els Kvptos 'Irjoovs
Xpioros, 6 tov \xovov &eov fxouoyevfjs T<oV Kal ev to Hvevpia to ayiov, to
iravTOJV ayiaaTiKbv Kal l
[OeoTroiov ,] to ev vopicv Kal vpo<pr\Tais, miAaiq Te
Kal Kaivri Aia9rjKrj XaXrjoav.
When he begins his lectures on the subject (the sixteenth and seven-
teenth), he reminds himself and his hearers of the danger of saying a word
against the Spirit, and cautiously resolves to speak only what had been
spoken by the Holy Spirit about Himself. He adds to the titles given
in the fourth lecture the Paraclete,' and says, He is /xeyiaTij bvvapus, deiov

ti Kal ave£ixy'iaoTov £fj yap Kal Koy.Kov eo~Tiv, ayiaoriKov tcvv vtto Qeov

bid Xpio~Tov yevofievaiv ajravTaiv.

He warns against those who Holy Spirit
separate the working of the
(x a} p'i
C(lu ToXp-wvTes ttjv was One Holy
tov dytov U.vevpuaTOs evepyeiav) : it

Spirit who preached about the Christ by the Prophets, and when the
Christ came, descended, and manifested Him no one may separate :

the Old Covenant from the New, nor say, the Spirit in one is different
from the Spirit in the other. For so a man falls against (npoaKpovei)
the Holy Spirit, Who is honoured with the Father and the Son (to)
fiera Uarpi Kal tla> TeTipLrjfxeva)), and in the time of Holy Baptism is re-
ceived (with Them) in the Holy Trinity (ev rrj dyia Tpiddi ovpLnepiKapi.-
pavopLevcp) and after quoting our Lord's words in St. Matt, xxviii. 19, he

adds Our hope is in (els) Father, Son, and Holy Spirit we do not
: :

preach three gods let the Marcionists be dumb

; but we preach One ;

God, through One Son with the Holy Spirit (dAAd alv dyiw IIvev/xaTi,
01' ei/os Tlov, eva &(dv KaTayyeWo/xev). 'Abta'ipeTos 7) tt'iotis dxoupiOTOS 7)
evoe&eia' oine x a} piC°lJLev 7 V V dylav IpidZa, us Tives' ovre ovvaXoup-qv, ibs

Sa&eWtos, epya^upieOa.
St. Gregory, Naz. Or. xxxi. § 29, says : irvev/xa Qeov (Matt. xii. 28)

1 Omitted in Codd. A, Roe and Casaub.

of the Holy Spirit. 51

Ylvevpa yap Qtov eipr\Tai, Kal Ylvtvfxa tyjs aXrjOtlas, o irapa Matt. xii. 28;
et passim.
~ ri v
TOV LlCLTpOS €K.7T0p€V€TCU } 2 '
n "
llV€VpLa »d'
€VO€S }
Tt ~ ~ «
llVeVfJia TjytpLOVL- John xv. 26.

koV. n^ei>/xa ayiov r) Kvpia avrov Kal lbia£ovo-a kAtjctls' lxx j 12 1

1 Matt. i. 18;
oirep bv '
uaAtora ttclvtos tov acrcoixaTov Kal KadapG>s avkov
et passim.

5 kcll apitpovs ovopid ecrrt. bib Kal 6 Kvpuos tt)v ev tottm

irpoaKwelcrOai tov 0edv r)yovp€vr)v bcbacTKoov otl direpikrii;-
TIvevpLCL,' (j)T]Criv, 6 @€OS. OV TOLVVV J ohn iv 2 4-

bvvaTov YivevpLa aKOva-avTa itepiyeypap,p.£vi]V fyvaiv £vtv-

7tG>crai Trf biavoia rj Tpoirais kcll aWoicoo-eo-iv vnoKeip.(vr\v

hie iterum incipit m. nvevpLaros m.

Xeyerai, irvevp.a Xpiarov (Rom. viii. 9), vovsXpiaTOv (1 Cor. ii. 16), Trvevfxa
Kvpiov (2 Cor. iii. 17), clvto Kvpios (2 Cor. iii. 18) itvev^a vloOeoias (Rom.
viii. 15), dXrjB das (John xiv. 17) eXevOeplas (2 Cor. 17), irvevfxa aocpias,


avveaeoos. fiovXrjs, laxvos, yvwoews, evaeficlas, (pofSov Qeov (Is. xi. 2, 3), Kal
yap TTOirjTiKuv tovtqjv d-ndvTwv , TTCLVTa Trf ovo~iq irXrjpovv, ttavra awexov,
nXrjpwiiKOV tcoa/xov (Wisd. i. 7) Kara rr/v ovoiav, ax&prjTOV Koofxw Kara
ttjv hvvaiJ.iv, dyaOov (Ps.cxliii. 10) evdes (Ps. Ii. 12), fjyejxoviKov (Ps. Ii. 14),
<pvau oi) Oeaei dyid^ov (1 Cor. vi. Ii), ovx dyia£6p.evov, peTpovv, ov p:e-

rpovfxevov, p\eTexop.evov (Heb. vi. 4), ou fxerexov, -nXrjpovv (Acts ii. 4), ov
irXrjpovy^vov, avvix ov (Wisd. i. 7), ov avvexofJ.evov, KXrjpovovpievov (Eph.
i. 1 4), 8o£a£6fj.evov, avvapidpovpievov (Matt, xxviii. 19), eiraireiXovpievov,
SclktvXos Qevv (Luke xi. 20; Matt. xii. 28) vvp (Matt. iii. 11) ws ©eos
(Heb. 29), els epxpaatv olfiai tov opcoovolov, Ttvevfxa to voirjo'av (Job

xxxiii. 4), to dvaKTi^ov SicL (BanTiafxaTos (Tit. iii. 5), oV dvao'Taaeoos (Rom.
i. 4), irvivfia to yiyvaiGfcov diravra (1 Cor. ii. 10, Ii), to oifiboKov (John

xiv. 26), to irveov oirov OeXei (John iii. 8), (cat oaov, oorjyovv (Ps. cxliii.
10), XaXovv (Matt. x. 20) dnoaTfXXov (Luke iv. 18), depopi^ov (Acts xiii.
2), Trapo£w6fx(Vov (Is. lxiii. 10), -neipa^u/xcvov (Acts v. 9), diroicaXwriKov
(John xvi. 13), (pojTioTiicov (Heb. vi. 4), (ojtikov (Wisd. xv. 11), fxdXXov
8e avrocp&s real far], vaoiroiovv (1 Cor. vi. 19), Oeonoiovv, TtXeiovv, ware
Kal irpoXafj-Pdvetv to (Acts x. 47), ImfaTeicrOai /xeTa to fidir-

TifffAa (Acts viii. 15), (vepyovv oaa ©cos (1 Cor. xii. 11, 6), /xepi^ofxevov

ev yXwiraais irvpivais (Acts ii. 3), hiaipovv x a P L0~lxara ( l Cor. xii. 11),
noiovv dirooToXovs, iTpocprjTas, evayyeXiOTas, ncipLtvas Kal 5t8ao~/cdXovs
(Eph. iv. Ii), voepuv, iroXvfifph, oa(p(s, rpavov, dpioXwrov, aKcjXvToi',
(Wisd. vii. 22) (oirep Xaov ovvaTai to cotyajTarov Kal woXtiTponov Tais evep-
yeiais Kal aa<p-qviOTiKov travTuiv Kal TpavoJTiKov Kal ai)Te£ovo~iov Kal dvaX-
Xo'lojtov) travTolvvapLOV, iravTeiriaKOirov, did vdvTwv x w P°^ v TrvtvpLaTcvv
voepwv KaOapcuv XeTTTOTarcvv (Wisd. vii. 23), dyyeXiKwv olfiai owdpittov,
wanep Kal Trpo<prjTiKu>v ical d-nooToXiKoJv, «ard TavTov, Kal ovk ev tois
avrois tottois, dXXojv de dXXaxov vtvep:r)fjt.ev(t)v, uj 8t]XovTai to aTrepi-

E 2
52 Traditional teaching about the Holy Spirit.

7] okoos opotav tjj KTicrei, akka 77/909 to avoiraro) rals
evvoiais yjapovvTa voepav Ovaiav eiravayKes evvoelv, aireipov
Kara Svvafj.LV, p^eyeOei aTtepiopiarov, \povois r) al&mv apA-
Cf. §7 (of the TprjTOV, (X(f)6oVOV &V €%€l KClk(t)V, ITpOS O TtaVTCL €17€(TTpCl7TTai
tcl aybacrpLOV irpocrbeopLeva, ov Tiavra etyierai to. kclt aperrjv 5
((ovtcl olov enapb6p.eva rrj eTTinvoiq Kcu (3or)6ovp.eva 4 Ttpbs
5 6
to oiKelov kavrols kcu Kara tyvcriv reAoj, TeketojTLKov tcov
7 8
akkcov, avrb Se ovbapiov ekkelirov, ovk iiucrKtvacrTaJs C& v ->

akka £a)7/s \opr\yov, ov i:poo~dr\Kais av£avop.evov, akka
irkrjpes evdvs, ev eavr^ Ibpvpiivov, Kal iravrayjov ov, ayiacr- 10
piov yevecris, c/)(2? vor\rov, 7racrrj bvvapiei koyiKr\ upos tyjv

tt)s akrjdeias evpecnv olov riva Kara<pav€iav 8V eavrov

11 12
uap€)^6pL€vov, cnrpoo-LTov rrj (fivcrei, )((opr)Tbv 6Y ayaOoTi]Ta,
wisd. i. 7. itavra p,ev Ttkr)povv rfj bvvap.ei, p.6vois be ov p.edeKTov rots
Ps cxxxix.
allots, ^ ovk
~ia f t \ r
evi /xerpcj) p.ere\op.evov,
r \\,
v 15
' >
Kar avakoyiav
\ '
cxxxviii.] 7 . ~
r ? ttlo-t€(os biaipovv ti]V evepyeiav, afrkovv rf\ Ovaiq, ttol-

Rom. xii. 6. KikoV TaiS bwdpi€OrLV, 6k0V €K.aaT(*> TtapOV Kai 6koV CLTTaV-
ra\ov ov, ajraO&s pi.epiC6p.evov /ecu okocryep&s p.eTey6p,evov,
Kara tt]v eluova tt/s" 7)kiaK.r\s clktIvos, rjs rj
X^P LS T(? a7T0 ~

kavovn a>s pLov<a irapovcra Kai yrjv eTTikapLireL Kal 6akacro~av 20

T. in. p. 20. Kat rw aepi eyKeKparai, ovtoo by /cat to Ylvevp^a eKacrTco tGjv
beKTLK&V 0)S pLOV(i> TiapoV, biapKT] Tols TTCLCTL T1]V X®P LV KCLL

okoKkrjpov eira(pir}o-Lv, ov anokavei ra p.eTeyovra ocrov avra

irecpVKev, ov^ ocrov eKeivo bvvarau

2 3 4
tw avonarw m. dxpovov m. dcofxeva /iv, add.
5 6 7
Kal V. kavTTjs /a. add. dvaySfxeva V. kavrov V.
om. be m. 9
av^ofxevov m o V v. 10
ei/Ois o v.
u -napade-
Xiyitvov m. 12
yopt]Tov v. m Vi
d'yiois V. u ovx & m. ovdevi V.
l '
/card tt}v V.

14. iravra jjuv TrXripo-Ov tt) Svvdjiei. Cf. St. Ath. Ep. de Dec. Nic. Syn.
§ II kv Tiaoi fxkv kariv (0 Qeos) Kara tt)v 'Eavrov dyadvTTjTa Kal dvvajj.iv,
(£cv 8k tu/v irdvTOJV TiaXiv lorl Kara ttjv Idlav <pvaiv.
18. fi€pi£6|ievov. St. Clem. Alex. Strom, vi. 16, § 138 (p. 810) to ydp
(puis ttjs d\r)6(ias, (pws dXrjOks, doKtov, dpefpevs p.epi£6/J.evov Ylvevp-a Kvpiov
ds robs did nio'Tcajs Tjyiao'jj.ivovs, XapnrTrjpos eirexov rd£iv (is ttjv twv ov-
tcuv kmyvojaiv.
Conditions and results of His Operations. 5.3

23. OIk€ico(tls be Y\vei>ixaros irpos yf/v\r]V ov\ 6 bid
2 3
t6ttov 7rpoo-eyytor//o9, (ttcos yap av 7rAr]criacrat t<2 ao-co/xara)

o-cojutartKws' ;) dAA' 6 x cop 107x0? rcov iraOutv, airtp airb tt}s

irpbs rrjv adpKa <f)i\ias vcrrepov lniyiv6\i€va rr\ ^v\fj rfjs

5 airo tov Seov oiKetoTrjTos r/AAor/ncoo-e. KadapOivra brj ovv

airb tov alcr^ovs, o avefia^aTo bid rijs kclkicls, koli irpbs to
€K (f)V(T€Ct)S KClAAo? €7raV€\66vTGL Kal oloV €LKOVL (3ao~l\lKrj Cf. § 35.

rrjv ap\aiav pLopcfyrjv bid Kadaporrjros airobovra, ovroos eari
7 8'
juorco? 7:po(r€yyL(rcu ra> napa/cA^ra). o &cn7tp ry'Ato?

io K€Kadapp.ivov 8
o/x/xa irapa\af3(x)v 5ei^et croc kv kavrCd tt)v
EikoW rod aopaTov, ev be rw /oia/capta) ttjs EtKoVo? dzapLaTi
to apprjTOv o\j/€L tov * kpxzTinrov ko;AAos\ bid tovtov Kap-
9 10
biG>v avafiacns, xeipayu>yia tS>v acrOevovvTcov, tG>v irpo-
15 Oapfxivois u i\\dfj.TTOv ttj irpbs 12
kavTO Koivcoviq irvev/jiaTLKOvs
aTTobeiKvvo-L, iocnrep tcl Xafjurpd /cat biCKpavrj t&v crcofxa-

tol>v clktivos avTols 12

€ pure crov err] s avTa
u re yiVerai irepiXapLirrj
Kai €T€pav avyrjv gloV kavT&v d7rooriA/3ei, ovtcos ai nvtvpia-
TO<p6poi \j/vxpu ik\api(f)d€XcraL irapd tov YIvevpLctTos 15 carat
20 re aTTOTtXovvTai irvevpiaTLKal Kal ei? tTepovs tt)v ydpiv
k^airoa-TeXXovaiv. evTevOev fieWovToov irpoyvaycns, \ivo~- John xvi. 13.
1 Cor. xiii. 2.

1 2 3
TTvevfxaTi n V. add. tou v. ra/iO
txt. vXtjcridcroi V.
5 6
nXr^Giaaais Ben. v. * ou v. iTravax^evTa m. add.
el/cova fjToi m. m. o5' V v.
o5t 8
\aficbv fi.
10 y' u
x €l P a y a} tai in uno cod.' V.
Pdafis 'alius.' IkXclixttov
avrb o.
eTMTMTovarjs jx duo codd.' u om, re m.
' 15
avrai o v.
irpoyvcucras . . avv4a€is
. KaraK-qipiLS m.
. . .

23. 10. Sei-^cw <roi «v lavTco. k.t.X. Cf. Ep. 236, § 3 (t. iii. p. 348) 6 yap
vovs fiiioov <pa}Ti£6f*evos vttu tov Hvevfiaros Tipos Tluv d-noPXiwa, Kal kv
avrai <bs (V (Ikovi Otcopfi tov Tlarepa. Ep. 38, § 8 (t. iii. p. I2l) oxjkovv
6 to Trjs Yakovos naTavo-qaas KaWos kv irep.voia tov ' Ap^eTinrov yiveTai.
See Lightfoot on Col. i. 15 (p. 143, 9th ed).
20. diroTcAovvTai TrvctifxaTiKaC. Orig. Princ. IV. I, § 32 :
sicut autem
participatione P: ilii Dei quis in filium adoptatur, et participatione sa-
pientiae in Deo sapiens efncitur, ita et participatione Spiritus Sancti
sanctus et spiritalis efncitur.' Cf. St. Iren. Haer. v. 631 cum autem :

Spiritus hie commixtus animae unitur plasmati, propter effusionem

54 Results of His Operations in the Sou/.

Matt, xiii T7]ptoiv (rvveaLS, K€/cpv/x//.eVa)z/ KaTdkrj\j/LS, xapiaixdroiv btavo-

i Cor xii 4 M a '> T0 ovpaviov TTokiTfvpia, f) pL€Ta dyyikoiv -^opeCa, rj

Phil. iii. 20. 1 aTekevTrjTos ev(f)pocrvir) y r) Iv 0ew hiapiovrj, r) irpbs 0eoi>
Heb. xii. 23. ( , , , ' „ N ,
3 ,

Luke xv. 10, oiaomjlhtis, to OLKpoTOTOv T(t>v op€KT(ov veov yeveauaL. at

5" 4
[X€v oiw 7rept tov ayiov YlvtvjJLCLTOs evvoiai r)p.&v, a? 7re/>l 5

1 John ii. 24 ; TOl> fXtyidoVS CLVTOV KCU T??? dcfl'd? KOU TOW €V€pyTj[ldTOn'
iii. 2.
2 Pet. i. 4.
vtt' avr&v t&v koyiodv tov Ylv€V}jLaTOs (fipovtlv zbibay6r)p.tVj

a)? okiya dirb ttoAAo)!/ 'KapaOio'Oaiy rotaurat.

aTeA€<TTos moV duo Regii codcl.'
evOeos hiavopi-q '
qui tres libri.' 3
oltceiojcis m. * om. ovv m v. 5
om. kcu
t^s d£/as m. an-' m.

Spiritus spiritalis et perfectus homo factus est : et hie est qui secundum
imaginem et similitudinem factus est Dei. Si autem defuerit animae
Spiritus, animalis est vere qui est talis, et carnalis derelictus imperfectus
erit imaginem quidem habens in plasmate, similitudinem vero non

assumens per Spiritum.

1. f\ jx€Td ayyekuv xopeia. Cf. St. Basil's Praevia Instit. Ascetica,
§ 3 (t. ii. p. 201) x°P 6 vcrfts 8e rds alcDviovs x°P* ias KaL ^Ta^ii rwv dy- i

y€\aiv ffT«pavT)<fiopr)Oeis.
4. 0€ov Y€v«cT0ai. St. Basil adv. Eunom. ii. 4 says evfibrj 01 tear'
aptrrjv reAeiot rrjs tov 0eov Trpoarjyopias Tj^icvvrai, . . . Ibid. iii. 5 Kal
(I Beovs dvofxa£ojA€v tovs ksxt aperrjv reXe'iovs, 17 8e TeXeicuais 8id tov
TLvevpiaTos, nuts to erepovs Qeonoiovv Avto vr)s QeuTrjros drroXeiireTai ;

St. Greg. Naz„ Or. xxx. av e//e iroir]0~T} dtov ttj Swdpiei t^s
§14 ecus

kvavOpwrr-qaKvs. Ibid. § 21 IVa ytvy deos KaTcvOfv dvekOwv hid tov «a-
reXdovTa 81 rjpids avwOtv. Cf. Westcott, Epistles of St. John, The
Gospel of Creation, end of § ii. (p. 306, note I, 1st ed.), who refers to
Newman, note on The Second Discourse against the Arians, § 21,
p. 380. Comp. the use of OeonoMtv, Otovv, e.g. St. Ath. De deer. Nic.
Syn. §140 yap
Aoyos adp£ eyevcTO, iva Kal irpootveyKT} tov to virlp rrdv-
tov UuevfiaTos avTOv pieTaXafiovTfs OeoTTOi-qOrjvai hvvrj-
TaiVy Kal f)p.tis (K
OwfxeVy dWaJS ovk civ tovtov tvx^t«s, ti pi) to ktiotov Tjfxatv auros IveSu-
goto oaifxa' ovtoj yap Kat avdpwnoi ®eov Xoltrov Kal kv Xptcrrcp avBpomoi
XpTjpt-a-Ti^eiv iip^dpLiOa. d\\' ibairtp ijp.efc to TLvtvfJia XafifidvovTes ovk
drroXXvpiev ttjv idiav tavTwv ovcriav ovtoos 6 Kvpios yevopuvos &' 77/xas
dvOpamos Kal oojpia (popeffas ovSev ^ttov t\v Qcqs' oil yap yXaTTovTO ttj

urepifioKrj tov oup.aTOS y dKkd Kal pidXXov kOtonoietTO tovto Kal dQdvaTov
The Heretical position. S5

Ilpbs tovs Xeyovras }ir) ^prji/ai avvrdo-creiv Uarpl Kal

Tl<o to ayiov Uvevp.a.


24. H8r/ be TTpbs rovs avrikoyiKOvs •yjinp-qriov, ir€Lp(o-

tXiyyjeiv tcls avTidiaeis ras €K rrjs \j/evh(ovvp.ov J TIm vi 2

5 p.£vovs
- -

ii8 m.

24. 4. dvTiXoyi-Koiis. In his Liber Apologeticus (to confute which

St. Basil wrote three books Adversus Eunomium), the Anomoean Euno-
mius (who called Aetius oibdaKaXov Kal &eov avOpwirov), wrote of the
Holy Spirit as follows rpirov avrb dgioufiari Kal ra£ti rpirov elvai Kal

tt) (pvaci neiriarevKapuv, ovk eirapMifiopievwv rats tyvaeai rwv dgiGopLarouv l/f

iroKireias fx.€rafio\r)v, ovt kvrjWaypievrjs rrjs rdgews Kara rr)v brjpuovpyiav

kvavricus rais ovaiais, d\\' (vap/xbaroos 4 xovarji irpbs rr)v (pvaiv, ws p-rjTe rb
irpwrov t-q rd£ei Sevrepov elvai rr)v <pvaiv, pir/re p.\v rb <pvaei irpwrov bev-
repas rj rpiTTjs \a\eTu rdgfojs. ovkovv einep r)5e rijs rwv vorjrwv orjpu-

ovpyias dpiarrj rd£is, rpirov bv rb irv€vp.a rb dyiov rr\v ra£iv ovk dv npu/TOV
eiT] ttjv cpvaiv, oirep karlv b ©eos Kal Uarrjp. 77 yap dv tvrjOes Kal irepirrbv
rbv avrbv irore p.\v irpouTTjv, irore be rpirov ex ilV X^JP av t *v Te bipicpaj tTvai,
rb re irpoaKvvovpievov Kal ev w irpoaKvveirai, KaO' a <pr\oiv b Kvpios'
Hvevp-a b ©eos, Kal rovs itpoOKvvovvras avrbv ev irvevptan Kal d\r)6eia bei

npooKweif (John iv. 24). ovbe p.r)v ravrbv ra> Movoyevei. ov yap dv
vinjpiOffqdr] (see §§ 41-43) rovrcp &>s loiav 'ix oJV virooraaiv, dpKovarjs Kal
irpb rovrcov rrjs rov 'Sojrrjpos <p(uvr)s, bi ryy erepov e(f>rj oacpws rbv diro-
ffraXTjabfievov (John xv. 26) elvai irpbs vnbpivqoiv Kal bibaoKaXiav rcbv
diroarbXwv. ovberepov piev dpi6p.w irapd rbv &ebv, dyivvqrov be, eh yap

Kal fiovos '

Aye vvrjros, k£ ov rd irdvra yeyovev, rjaAAo irapd rbv Tlbv,
ykvvr\p.a be, els yap Movoyevrjs, Kvpios r)pujjv, di' ov rd irdvra, Kara rov

dirbaroXov, dWd Kal rpirov Kal <pvo~ei Kal rd£ei irpoara.yp.ari rov Harpbs,
evfpyda be rov Tlov yevbpavov, rpirr) x&Pa Ttfidupievov <bs irpurrov Kal f^ei^ov
irdvrwv Kal pLovov tolovto rov Movoyevovs voir\p.a, debrrjTos ptev Kal Srj-

pnovpyiKr)s bwdp-eoos diro\(nrbpi(vov, dyiaoriKfjs be Kal bibaaKaXiKrjs ire-

ir\T)pwpievov. rovs yap roi iremarevKoras kvepytiav elvai riva rov ®eov
rbv UapaKXrjTov, elra rats ovaiais vtrapiB /xovvras , ojs \iav evrjOeis Kal itoXv

rrjs dkrjOdas dirta xoivia pievovs vvv 8te\eyx*iv paKpds dv e'irj o"xoA^s. He
goes on to assert that God, begat and made before all, the Only Begotten
God, our Lord Jesus Christ, through Whom all things were made,
Image and Seal of His own Power and Operation, neither to be reckoned
as to His Essence with (ovyKpivbpievov) Him that begat, nor with the
Holy Spirit Who was made through Him, for He is less than the One
as being Creature (iroirjpux) and greater than the Other as being Creator
$6 The position, that the Holy Spirit is not

yv(0(T€(i)S r]\xiv TTpofiakko\xzvas.
Ou XPvS l
(^O-o-l, '

<f>r)ai m o V v.
add. ovv m.

{noirjTqi). To
prove (1) that the Son was made, he quotes St. Peter,
as having his knowledge from God (Matt. xvi. 17) and saying (Acts ii.
36), God made ((7rotrj(re) Him Lord and Christ, and the Proverbs,
speaking in the person of the Lord, He established (e/cTfcrc) Me as the
beginning of His ways and (2) that the Son made the Holy Spirit, he

quotes 1 Cor. viii. 6 and John i. 3. Later on he says, that the Son uses
the Paraclete as a servant (ynrjpeTr]) for the work of sanctifying and :

that the Holy Spirit has been put under Christ, and the Son Himself
under the Father according to 1 Cor. xv. 28. In a final summary, he
says, And through Him (the Son), He made the Holy Spirit first of all
and greater than all by His own authority and command, and by the
operation and power of the Son.
In all this Eunomius said he was holding to the things that had been
demonstrated long ago by the saints. His assertions were somewhat
modified in the later confession which he submitted to the Emperor
Theodosius A. D. 383 (Socr. v. 10) in which he got as far as Like with

a peculiar Likeness for the Son ' but he speaks thus of the Holy

Spirit ; And after Him (the Son) we believe in the Paraclete, the

Spirit of truth, the Teacher of true religion (tt}s evoefHuas), made (7^0-
fxevov) by the Only God through the Only Begotten, and to Him once
for all subordinated (/ecu tovtoj KaOcurag viroTcraypevov), neither accord-
ing to the Father, nor with the Father connumerated (ovre Kara rov
Ilarepa ovtc tw TLarpl ovvapiOpovpevov), (for there is One only Father,
Who is God over all,) nor made equal to the Son (for the Son is Only
Begotten, having no brother begotten with Him), nor yet coordinated
with any other, for He transcends all the works made through the Son,
in origin,and nature, and glory, and knowledge, as first, and best, and
greatest,and fairest, of the works of the Only Begotten and He is ;

One and First and Alone, superior to {irpovx^v) all the works of the
Son in Essence and in natural Dignity, perfecting every operation, and
teaching according to the good pleasure of the Son, being sent by Him,
and receiving from Him, informing those who learn and instructing
them in the truth, sanctifying the holy, initiating those who approach
the Mystery (i. e. of Baptism), distributing every gift at the will of Him
Who gives grace, working with the faithful to the vision and contem-
plation of the things that are commanded, sounding them when they
pray, guiding to that which is profitable, strengthening them for true
religion {-npbs evaefieiav), enlightening souls with the light of know-
ledge, pulling down reasonings, keeping off daemons, and curing the
sick, healing the weak, turning back the wanderers, comforting the
afflicted, raising the stumblers, refreshing the distressed, cheering the
strugglers, emboldening the timid, caring for all, and bringing in all
to be eoordi?iated with the FatJicr and the Son, 57
koli Tiw avvTtTayJdai to ayiov Ylvevfxa hia re to %

(f)V(r€Q}s aWoTpiov kclI to tt)s a£ias KCLTabets.' irpbs ovs

2 3
hiKaiov T7]v tQ>v airoaTokcov (ficovriv cnroKpivacrdai, ort

Ti£i6ap\£iv hei 060) \xa\Xov 77 avOpoiiTTois' et yap 6 fxev Acts v. 29.

5 Kvptos crcufy&s €V tt\ Trapaboaet tov a-oaTiqpiov /3a7rrtcrju,aros Tit jj^ 1

Markxvi. i(

1 irv€v^a to ayiov m o V. 2
dnoKpiveaOai v '
codd. nonnulli.'
om. on fx v.
el jxlv yap u ft. el firj yap u v.

thought and providence to lead onward the good and to guard the
St. Basil in the formula presented by him to Eustathius of Sebaste
(Ep. 125, a. D. 373) gives a summary of the heresies on the subject of
the Holy Spirit which he attributes to Arius and his followers
: We
must anathematize those who say or think (roiis Xeyovras /ecu tovs . . .

voovvras ovtoj) that the Holy Spirit is a creature (/crto-fia), and those
who do not confess Him to be holy by nature (<pvcret ayiov) as the
Father and the Son are, but place Him outside the Divine Nature (d\\'
aiTogevovvTas avrd rrjs deias ical fxaKaplas (pvaeajs). A sign of an orthodox
mind isnot to separate (x oj p' C* lv ) Him from the Father and the Son,

for we must be baptized as we received (jrapekafiofxev i Cor xi. 23 xv. ;

1) and believe as we are baptized, and give glory as we have believed,

but to withdraw ourselves from the communion of those who say that
He is a creature, as being manifestly blasphemers. Then we neither
call Him Unbegotten (ayewrjTov) nor Begotten {yevv-qrov), but we
confess Him to be of God, uncreate (If tov ®eov elvai clktIgtois) ; for
we have been taught that the Spirit of Truth proceeds from the Father
(Ik tov UaTpbs eKiropeveodai). We must further anathematize those
who say that the Holy Spirit is a ministering spirit (ketrovpytKou), and
we must shun those who invert the order of the names delivered by our
Lord in the baptismal formula.' The true doctrine implied in the
baptismal formula is the subject of the following nine chapters (x-xviii.
§§ 24-47).
1. <rvvT€Tax0cu. This is the word used by St. Athanasius (ad Serap.
iii. § 6) for the collocation in St. Matt, xxviii. 19 Krlo-fia 8e el r\v to
Hvevpa, ovk av ovveTa£ev avrd to> Uarpi, iva /xij 7) avop:oios eavTrj 77 Hpids,
£ivov tipos teal dWorpiov awTaaaopievov
avrfj. In the second Sirmian
Creed (the 'Blasphemy.' A. D. 357) the text was used to maintain a
Tpids, while the context of the Creed denied that the Persons were
5. cv tt] irapaSocrei tov <xa>TT]piov Pairrtcr|jiaTOs. The orthodox
sense of the Baptismal formula is (in St. Basil's words) that in the
mentioning of the Son and the Holy Spirit with {pvyKaTovop.a^ea9ai) the
Father (puq Kal rrj avrrj avaTOix^ [see Lightfoot on Gal. iv. 25] Karare-
Tayp.evcvv tuiv ovopLaTcuv) there is a connumeration (avvapiOpLrjois) and a
58 is inconsistent with the Baptismal Formula,

Matt, xxviii. irpocreTa^e rots* fJLaOrjTals fto.nTi£eiv iravra ra e6vr\ eh SvOfxa

Ylarpbs Kal Tlov kgll ayiov Ylvevp.aTos, ovk oaia^idv ti\v
T. III. p. 21. 7rpoy clvtq kolvoovlclv, ovtol be fXT) ^prjvat avTo Ylarpl KOLl

Tito crvvraaaeiv keyovai' 7rci)9 oi)(l rfj tov Seov biarayr\

7rpobr)koos avOiaravrai ; el p.ev yap ovk elvai </;acri ttjv 5


eVnarmo-av tl fiev vop.l£eiv rovro rtpocrriKei. riva be erepov
(rvva<f)€Las rponov olKeiorepov eyovai ; Kairoiye el jirj o~vv~

rjxjrev 6 Kvptos eavrui Kal rw Ylarpl to Ylvevfia Kara to

fiaTTTLcriJLa, (JLrjbe rjpuv rr\v ervvdepetav eyKakeirdiaav, ovbev 10

yap fjp.e'ts akkoiorepov ovre cfrpovovptev ovre (f)6eyyoiJ.e6a.

3 3
el be o-vvijiTTai 6/cei r<a Ylarpl Kal ra> Ttw, Kal ovbels
ovrcos avat,br)S cocrre akko tl (f)rjo~aL } fi-qb' ovtq)s fjfiTv ey-
KakeCrcoo-av, el roc? yeypafifxevots aKokovdovptev.

25. 'AAA' 77 fxev iiapaa-Kevri tov iroke^ov KaQ* f)p.u>v is

e^prvrai, Kal TTacra biavoia irpbs rjp.a.9 rerarai, Kal yAcocrcrai
(3kao~(f)rjiJL(jov &be ro^evovai atyobporepov fiakkovaai, 77 tov
5 6
Cf. letter ^re(pavov rore rot? ki6ois ol XpiarocfrovoL. fjLrj kavOave-
of Eastern f
Bishops to Ta>o~av be, otl irpoax^pia fiev rjfjLas irokepios e\ei, 77 be
Rome, a.d.
382, Theod. akr\6eta t&v yivo\iev<x>v rtpos to v\l/os fikeTTeL. axrre e<p 20
v. 9.
77/xas /xez; brjOev ras pL-q^avas Kal ras evebpas biacrKeva^ov-

ai/Tovm. Tore /* 'in quatuor MSS.' 3
om. to m. * txt. o
Colb. et duo codd. a Combeflsio citati.' (grjpTTjrai p. v. enrjpTat m R 2 V.
om. rots V. m 6
om. \i6oi<> V. 7
om. p.evm.

coordination (ovvragis), shewing a fellowship and conjunction (Koivcuvias

rivus Kal £vva<peias drjKwTiK-q), and that absolutely without interval
(abiaaraTos iravrekws), inseparable {ax^piaros), and indivisible (dbiaipf-
tos). The formula is called 17 yvwaiv 0eo{! \apiaap\kvr] TrapaSoois in
§ 26, and )) wapadoais ttjs Oeoyvcvaias in § 35.
6. avva4»€ias. owa<pua
used in an orthodox sense for the relation

of the three Persons in the Blessed Trinity (St. Athan. de Sentent.

Dionys. § 17, t. i., p. 255, and § 24, p. 260), but it is not sufficient to
express the relation of the Divine and Human Natures in the Incarna-
tion of the Son St. Cyril's third Anathema is Ei' t*s km tov ivds Xpiarov

Siaipec ray vTrooraoeis pLtra ttjv tvOJGW, p-ovy ovvaTTTOJV avras ovvaqxiq ttj
Kara tt)v a£lav, ijyovv avOtVTiav rj dvvaaruav, Kal ovxl $V p-akAov ovvuhai
tt) Ka$' tvwoiv (pvai/cqv, ava6€p,a 'iorai.
and is really an attack on the true Faith. 59

rat teal a/Wr/kois eyKeXevovrai eirifiorjOt'iv, w? tKaorros €\ei cf. Acts x>

€fJL77€LpCaS 7] pU>fXT]S, TTL(TTLS be €(TTl TO TTo\€fJLOVfX€VOV, Kat

1 Tim.
kolvos (tkottos cnracrt rots kvavriois koX eyOpois rrjs vyiai- 1 i. i<

vovo-rjs bibacncaXias to arepe'cojua r^j ets Xpicrrdv irCo~T€d)s

2 zThess.iii.
5 Karacreta-at ck tov tt)v airocrTo\iKr)v napabocriv eba^icrOeiaav
acfiavLo-drjvaL 8td roOro a? t&v XpeaxfyeiXeT&v ol brjOev Luke xiv.

evyvatpLoves ras e/c raiz; Zyypa<fiu)v airobei^eis e7rt/3o<3z/rat,

rr)i> aypa(f)ov t&v TTarepcov ixaprvpiav a>y ovbevbs a^iav

airoirepLiToiievoL. dAA' oi> yap v<^r\cr6}xe6a rrjs dA^eta?,
10 oi/5e SetAta r^ crv]xp.a\iav 7rpobu>o~opLev. et yap 6 juer

Kvptos a)? avayKalov Kat au>Tr]piov boyfxa tj]v \xtTa Ylarpbs

4 5
(rvvTa£iv rod ayiov TivevfAaros irapabebcoite, rot? be ov\
ovtoj 8oKet, dAAd biaipeiv Kat biao~7rqv kcll €7tl ttjv (f)vaiv

15 eavrcoi; fikacrtyrjixiav Kvptcorepav ttolovvtcll tt}s tov AeairoTov

voixoQeaias ; 4>epe br) ovv irao-av <f)L\ov€iK.iav KaTa(3a/\6v-

r€9 oi;ra) Trept t&v ev \epo-l irpbs aWrjXovs biacrKeyjfcopLeOa.

26. Xptartayot itoOev ?7/xets ; 8td tt~}s Trta-reco?, 7rdj ru ai>-

€t7rot. o-(t)^6fi€6a be riva rpoirov ; avayevvt]6evT€s brfXovori

2D 5td ttjs iv rw ^3a7rrtV/xart )(dptros. iroOev yap aXXoOev ; etra
r?^ croiTripLav ravTrjv Std riarpos Kat Ttou Kat ayiov Ylvev-
jxaros (3€fiaLOViA€vr]vyv(jopLcravT€s bv irapeXafiopLev tvttov 8t8a- Bom. vi. 1

Xijs Trpo^crofxeOa ; 7) /xeydAa)i> av elrj o~TevayixG>v a^iov, elirep

om. tois €vavriois . . . 5i8a<r«aA./as m V. 2
toutoi; /rat tt)^ V.
fpacpcuv m V. 4
add. fcal tov vlov m. 5
irapedaiKe ra v.
6 7
fjL(TaKOfxi^€iv fi v '
nonnulli codd.' om. 5^ \i v.

25. 6. twv xP €C0 4)61 A€twv. There seems to be a reference here to the
fictitious ' bills ' in the Parable of the Unjust Steward. St. Gregory Naz.
(Orat. xxxi. § 3), says of heretics' use of Scripture, evdv/xa rrjs aoe&eias
korlv airoTs 77 <pi\ia tov Dr. Newman sarcastically calls the ;

Homoeans, the ' Scriptural ' party.

14. ttjv AetTovpYi.KT|v. See note on § 24; St. Athanasius, at the
beginning of his first Epistle to Serapion, mentions the assertion of
heretics that the Holy Spirit is not only a creature, but one of the
ministering spirits, and higher than the Angels only in degree.
60 The Baptismal Formula

Rom.xiii. n. €Vpl(rK()pL€Oa VVV lAGLKfWVOIltVOl \xakX0V 61770 r7/9 (TOJTTJpia^

fjjAQdV Tj OT€ €7TL(TTeV(TaiJL€V, €L1T€p Ct TOTC TTpO(T€O€^afX€0a VVV
in. 2
r. p. 22. aiiapvovfxeOa. 10-77 eariv f) £r)pLLa 7/ apLOtpov riva tov fiaiiTia-
3 4
sc. Matt. LLCLTOS CLTTeXdelv, 77 €V TL T&V €K T775 TTapab6(T€G)S iW^llTOV
xxviii. 19.
bv m. 2
om. IcTii/ m. 8
om. ti V '
nonnulli codd.'
om. TTJs V.

26. 4. •»] «v ti tcov €K tt}s TrapaSoorecos eXXetrrov BtjjacrOcu. The rrapd-

bocris here refers to the Baptismal formula and the faith in the Blessed
Trinity implied in it, and not to any mere traditional accompaniments ;

this is plain from the original reference to the irapaboais in § 24, and
from the whole argument of the sections 27-47, which is in support of
the Catholic doctrine of the Blessed Trinity as involved in the formula.
Cf. especially § 28 T771/ ev tt/ (qjottoio> x^P lTl bebopevrjv vapaboGiv. It

is in our own Prayer-book, 'With what

equivalent to the question
words was Child baptized ? which is to be asked, when a child
this '

baptized privately is brought into the Church.' The statement in


§ 66, as to buy para and KrjpvypaTa, 'direp dp-foTepa tt)v avr-qv Igx vv

e'x« irpos tt)v evae&eiav is not to be reckoned as identical with the


present passage. St. Athanasius maintained the emptiness of Arian

Baptism, because in their teaching they evacuated the true meaning
of the words used el yap els bvop.a Tlarpbs Kal Tlov biboTai r) reKeiooais,

ov \eyovai be JJarepa dX.r/0ivbv bid to dpveiaOai to e£ avTov teal bpoiov

ttjs ovaias, dpvovvTai be teal tov dXr/Qivbv Tlov, teal d\\ov eavTOis If ovk
dvroiv ktiotov avaTrKoLTTovTes dvopLa^ovffi' trws ov iravTeKws nevbv Kal

dkvoneXes to Trap avT&v bibupievov eo~ri, irpoano'irjo'ivp.ev ex ov T V ^ 6 >

dXrjdeia pnrjbev e'xof, .-upas evaefieias. PorjOr/pa; ov yap eh TlaTepa teal Tlov
biboaaiv 01 'Apeiavoi, dAA' els KTiGTr/v teal KTio~p.a Kal els voi-qT-qv Kai
iroirjpa. wairep be dWo
tov Tlov, ovtoos dv e'irj ttjs
earl KTi<rp.a irapa. aWo
a\r)Oeias to irap' avTuiv vop.i£up:evov bibooOai, Kav to ovopa tov Harpos teal
tov Tlov Sid to yeypapipevov bvopd^eiv irpoo-noiujvTai' ov yap 6 Xeycuv
anXuts, Kvpie,' ovtos teal bibcoaiv, dkX' 6 /xerd tov bvopaTos teal ttjv ti'iotiv
exojv opdrjv. Aid tovto yovv Kal 6 2cwtt)p oi>x dirXcus eveTeiXaro fiami^eiv,
dXXa rrpujTov (prjffi, '
MaOr]TevaaTe' '
elO' ovtcw '
$a-mioaTe els 6vop.a
IlaTpos, teal Tlov, teal dyiov Uvevpiaros' '
i'v' ete 7-77? piaO-qaecus 77 tiigtis opOrj

yevrjTai, teal p.eTd mCTeoos 7) tov fiaTTTio~p:aTos Te\eicoo~is TrpoGTedf). St.

Ath. c. Arian. ii. 42 ; cf. St Basil adv. Eunom. iii. 5 eoTi yap to
PawTiafia ocppayls ttjs moTeoos, 77 be maris QeoTtjTOS ovyteaTadeois' -niaTev-
aai yap bei vpoTepov, elra tw $a-m'iapxiTi emo<ppayiaao9ai, to be fidn-
Tiapia f]p.wv eon teaTa tt)v tov Kvpiov Trapdbooiv els 6vop.a Tlarpbs teal
Tlov Kal dyiov Tlvevparos, ovbevbs KTio~p.aTos ovbe bovXov IlaTpi, Kal Tia>
awreTaypievov, uis tt)s ©eorrjTos ev Tp.dbi avp.Tr\rjpovp.tvrjS.
The necessity of right faith as well as the right form of Baptism is

further discussed in Dr. Bright's note on Canon XIX of the Council

of Nicaea.
must be maintained, with all that it implies. 61

b££acr6ai. tt\v re 6p,o\oy[av, rjv t"7u Trjs irp^Trjs elcraycoyijs

KartOiixeda, ore pvcrdevres anb t&v eibcoXcov Trpoo-TJ\9op.€v i Thess. i.


0€<i> £(t)VTL, 6 [XI] €771 ITdl'TOS <f)V\do~0-(i)V KCLlpOV KCIL hiCL TTaCTT]^
kaVTOV TTJS ((t)7]S WJ CL(T(f)a\oVS <pv\aKT7]piOV TT€pL€\6pi€V0S

5 £evov kavrbv Kadia-rrjcrL t&v eirayyeki&v tov 0eotv, tw Ibdo Eph. ii. 12.

\€tpoypd(f)(a p.ay6p.zvos, b eirl ttjs Kara ri]v ttlo-tlv 6p,o-
Xoy tas KareOero. et yap apyr\ jjlol £a)f}s to Paimo-fia Kal
4 5
irpcaTT] rjfjiepajv Ik^ivt] r) tt}s TTaXtyyeveo-Las rjfitpa, brjkov
otl Kal (fxjovi] Ti\xL(£>raT7] TTacrGw rj kv rfj yapiTi ttjs vlo-
10 Oeauas eKcfxtivrjOelcra. tt)v ovv eiadyovadv p.e ets" to (f)u>s } tyjv
yruxTiv Seov (jlol \api(ra}x£vr]v irapaboaLV, 6Y r/S tckvov i John iii. 1.

0€ot> 6 reW bid tt)v a\kapTiav lyQpos, TavTrjv Rom. viii. 10

9 ° u 2I *
irpobu>, rats tovtgov Tii6avo\oylai<$ TtapaTpaiieis ; dXka Kal '

€fjiavT<j) crvv€V)(^o[jLat pi€Ta ttjs ojuoAoytas TavTiqs direkdeiv

15 irpbs tov KvpLOV, Kal amols TrapaLva) davkov dtar^oT/crat Ti]v

ttlo-tlv et? rjfxepav XptaTov Kal dyjApicrTov dub Fl arpo? Kal

Tlov (pvkd^at to Tlvevpia, tj]v
kirl tov j3aTTTLo-p,aTos u biba-
o~Ka\iav eV re Tjj 6/xoAoyta tt}s itlo-t€oos biaTr\povvTas Kal eV
Trj TTJs botjrjs a7T07rA.77pwcrei.

20 "Otl TrapafidTai ol to Hvzv\ia apvovjievoi,


14 15 Prov
27. Tlvl oval ; tlvl 0At\//i? ; tlvl diropCa Kal &kotos ; - xxiii *
tlvl alodvia KaraKptcris 1

; ov rots irapaftaTaLs ; ov rot? t)]v

ttlo-tlv apvqo-ajjLevoLS ; tls 0€ tt)s apvi)a £(*><$ tAeyxos ; ov^
25 ort Tas otKetas SpLokoyCas r}6£Tr\arav ; topLokoyrjcrav be tl 17 rj

2 4 s 5
avrov m. 0TT(p m.
add. nal m. 0111.77 fx. om.
6 7
SrjXov otl m. iravrajv m. rrjv tov ({)qjt6s yvwatv cpcwrjv Kal
8 9
81a 6iov fxoi xapi^o^ivrjv V. add. tov m. vpodujo-cv fx (manu
10 1X 2
posteriori) ov Trpobwaw V. d?7o li o. add. KpaTrjaai o. So^o- '

Xoyias o V. l3
t-y m.
u 6\iif>eis V. 15
airopicu o V. m
16 17
oi»xot (sic) m. S777TOT6 V.
6 2 The tendency of the teaching of the Pncnmatornachi.

Cf. §§66,67. ttot€ ; 7n(rT€V€LV eis YlaTtpa kglI Tibv Kdl ayiov Ylvevpia, ore

aiTOTa^dfJt.€VOL T(o btafioAoi mi rot? ayye'Aot? avrot) ttjv


Eph. v. 8. rot? TrpoarjyopCa irapa Toiv t£kvo>v tov (f)0)Tbs Z^evpeOrj ;
1 2
ov\l irapafiaTai irpoo-ayopevovrai w? ei? ras rrjs a-cor/ipta? 5
3 4
clvt&v avvQr) irapa<nrovbri(ravT€S ; ri ovv eurco tov
apvricrLQtov ; ri 5e tov dpvrjO'i^piO'TOv ; tl aAAo ye 77 irapa-
(3arr)v ; rep be to Ylvevp.a apvr\cra\xev<s> Tiva p.e /3ovAet
OecrQai Trpoo-qyopiav ; ov ttjv avTrjv TavTr\v a)? ra9 irpbs
&€ov TrapafiavTL o-vv6rjKa9 ; ovkovv oiroTe /cat fj 6p.oAoyta i*»

Trjs eh a-uro marecos roi> 7779 eva-e/3eta9 p.aKapi( irpo-
$evet, kol f) apvr\o-is rr/ KaraKptVet 7779 adeoTr]Tos vtto-

/3aAAet, 77(5? 011 <po(3epbv tovto

jw adeTTJo-cu, ov nvp, ov

£ujf)09, ov aTavpov, ov p,aorrtya9, ov Tpoyjov, ov a-rpe/SAa)-

Trjpia (f>o[3r)6evTas, ctAAa ao($) \xovois koX irapaycoyais 15

ra>y nyev/xaro^a^coy irapaKpovadivTas ; fxapru itclvtI

av9p(*>7T(i> Xpio~Tov opiokoyovvTL mat tov Oebv apvovpLevo),
Gal. . 10
2. Q Tt Xptoros avTov ovbev axfiekrjo-eL, ?? 0edz; eiriKa-

1 Cor. xv. 17. kovp.ev(o y

tov be Ttoz; aflerom/rt, 6Yt prorata early ^ trioris
ai>Tov, kol r(o rd ITi'e^jua 7rapaiTovp.ev(i), otl f) els YlaTepa 20
1. 111. p. 23. Ka t Ttof maris eij Ke^dz> d7ro/37Ja-erai avTco, r)v ovbe e\eiv
U YIveVp.CLTOS. OV 1U0-T€V€L p.ev
yap ei? Tt6i> 6 /xr) incrTeuaiv tw n^ef/xart, ov 7rioT€V€t 8e et?
12 13
1 Cor. xii. 3. rTarepa 6 jut?/ Tria-revcra? rw Ttw. ovre yap '
elirelv bvva-
john i. 18. rat Kvpioz> M?7crow et p.?} ey n^evpart ayta),' Kat '
Sebv ov- 25
ets ecopaKe 7ra)7rore, aAA IVI oroyezn)? Weoj o cor e^ rots
16 17
Ko'A7rot? rov rTarpo'?; ovroj r]pXv ef;r\yr\o-aTO? ap.oip6s eort
johniv. 23. Kat rr)? d\7]9ivrj^ 7rpoo~K.vvrio-6a)S 6 TotovTo?. ovre yap Tlbv

om. €is V. 2
aojTrjptovs m. 3
havrwv R 2 V. * om.
5 6
rt ou^ .apvrjoiOzov m.
. . om. Tavrqv m. -napafiavTas m.
napafSarai v. 7
clvtuv o unus tantum cod/ m V 8
rijy 0eo-

9 l0
tt;toj t^ naTCLKpioei V. om. rui' V, om. ^ ^eoy d#e- . . .

tovvti m. u add. ayiov R o V. 12

77tcrT6i;a;i' ' vett. aliquot

ov8e fx. n $(ds R /x o 500 C unicus qui est a sinu V '
Patris' S. vlus m
R 3 v R x R 4 R5 15
€<s tov koKitov m. .
ayros m.
17 18
add. ov fx v. om. 6 toiovtos ft.
What Baptism
into Christ '
means. 63

1 2 3
hvvaTov TTpocrKwrjaat, el fir] ev YIvevfJLdTi oyui), ovre
4 5
einKaXeo-acrdai tov Hare pa bvvardv el jut) ev rw tt)$

VlodecriaS YlveVHOLTl. Rom. viii. 15.

Upbs tovs Xeyovras e^apKelv Kal [xovov to eh tov

5 Kvpiov fiaTTTKr/ia.

KE<f>AAA10N IB'.

28. Kat pir/beva TrapaKpovecrOco to tov airoarToXov a>? to

ovofia tov ITIarpos Kat tov ayiov Ylvevp.aTO$ eiri ttjs tov
(3ai7Tio~p.aTos p.vr\p.r]s 77oAAaKi9 TrapakipiTravovTos, p,rjbe

10 8ta tovto airapaTrjprjTov olecrOui Tr\v eiriKXi^criv elvai tcov

ovopLaToov. '
oaot,' (fr-qaiv, 'eh Xptarov e(3a7TTia0r]Te, XpL- Gal. Hi. 27.

orov evehvcaaOe^ Kat Ttakiv' '

00-ot et? Xptorov e(3aiTTi- Rom. vi. 3.

aQr\Te> eh tov QavaTov clvtov e(3aTTTio-6r)Te.' rj yap tov '

cttov '
T7poo~r\yopia tov iravTos ecrrtv 6/xoA.oyta* SriAot yap
1$ TOV T€ \piO~aVTa 0COV Kal TOV \piO~QeVTa TtOV Kat TO Iren. Adv.

\pio~p.a to
> O -
us Trapa llerpou ev rats
V t-t/ , „ ,£
Trpageo-i pt.ep.a-

6r\K.ap.ev' ' \r\crovv tov cltto Na^apeV, bv e^ptcrev 6 Sebs r<2 Actsx. 38.

YlvevpiaTL rw ayta>,' Kat ev t<3 'Ho-a'ta,* '

Y\vevp,a Kvpiov eif is. lxi. 1.

10 (
e/xe, ov etvenev eyjiio~e pie,' Kat 6 \j/a\pi(iib6s' bia tovto ey^picre Ps. xiv. [xliv.

20 ere, 6 0eo?, 6 0eos o~oi> e'Aatov ayaAAtacrecos'' . (paiveTai p.ev-
tol 7rore Kat p.6vov toi3 nveu/xaros' e7u row /3a7rTtV/xaros pvypio-
vevaas. iravTes yap, </>Tja"tv, '
ev evt o-cojutart eis ev FIveS/Aa 1 Cor. xii. 13
uoted )-
dtvarcu o V. 2
om. d o V. 3
add. t£ o V. 4
om. m <l

Zvvarbv mo. 5
om. d o V. 6
add. Kal tov vlov p. * tres codd.
addunt Kal tov vlov quae voces in Colb. deletae.' /*?) irapakap.&d-

vovtos m. 8
add. yap m. 9
rrarepa m. Deum Patrem S.
ipa\p.ds o ' V
codd. nonnulli in psalmo S. n add. napa tovs /xcto-

Xovs cov Ben. om. S o p. v desunt in tribus codd.'


28. 13. €is tov Gdva-rov aviroO. The Eunomians (i.e. Anomoeans)
only used one immersion Cone. Const. Canon VII. Evvopnavovs tovs

ds pxav KaTaZvoiv ^airTi^op.kvovs. It seems (Soc. v. 24, Sozom. vi. 26)

that this meant ds tov tov XpiffTov OavaTov.
The words of St. Paul
22. 4v !vl cra>p.aTi, k.t.A. (1 Cor. xii. 13) are Kal
6\ The close connexion of Baptism with Faith.

Acts i. 5. efiaiTTurOripievS aviA(j)(i)i>€ L be TOVTut Kal to '
i;/x€is be ftaitTi-
Lukeiii. 16. aOi\(TeaOe ev Uvevp.aTL cr/to),' Kal to '
avrbs vfia^ ftairTiaei
ev UveufJLCLTL aytw.' aAA' ou Trapa tovto rekeiov av tls eliroi

(3a.TTTi(TiJLa, a) povov to 6vop.a tov YlvevjAaTos eireKK-qOT].

yjn) yap airapafiaTOV p^evetv ael ttjz; ev rfj £coo7rotw y^apiTL 5

lxx!]4 bebo\±£vi]V 7TapdboarLv. 6 yap kvTpu>(Tap.evos £k <f)Qopas rr\v

£a>r)v rjp-oJv ebcoKe bvvapav rjpuv avaKaLVtocreoos, apprjTov
piev e\ovcrav tt]V alriav Kal ev pivcrTripLO) KaTe\op.£vr)v,
Deut. iv. 2. pteyaXrjv be rats ^i^ais rr\v aairripLav (fiepov&av, 5 axrre
xxi. 18, v n „
to irpoadeivai tl
t *»f\«>«5
~ »..*/ ^/\
acpeAeiv (/077s cart ttjs aioiov Trpoor/Aa)? 10
eKTrraxrt?. £t tolvvv ev rw /3a7rrto-/xaTt 6 ^coptcr/xo? rou
Cf. Hooker, rii;e?j/xaTos a7ro riarpo? Kat Tiotj eTUKtvovvos p,ev tco /3a7rrt-
Eccl. Pol. v.
Coz;Tt j avaxfceA-qs be ra> be^op-evco, 77(09 77/xtz; ao-c^aAej a7ro
riarpo? Kat Tiotj biacynqv to Tlvevpia ; ttlcttls' Se Kat /3a7r-
rtcr/xa 5^o rpoTTOL tt}s cruTTjpias avpLC^vels a.\\r)\ois Kal abiai- '5
Heb. vi. 1, 2. perot. maris /xez; yap TeAetOTjYat 01a fiaTTTLo-pLaros, ficnr-
Eph. v. -26.
Ttcr/xa 5e OepLektovTat bia rrjs 7U0Tea)s, Kal bta tQ>v avr&v
dvopLCLTOiV eKaiepa TrkrjpovTat. c*>s yap ino-Tevop,ev eh ITa-
T€pa Kat Ttoy Kat ayiov Wvevp,a, ovtco Kat (3a7TTi(6pLe6a
eis to ovopLa
tov llaTpos Kat u
tod Tl iotj Kat 1U toi; ayiov 2°

om. /cat 70 aylcu v. .
. om. cW m o V ex tribus MSS. codd.

hanc vocem addidimus.' 3

avattaivrjae 00s V.
om. t^ ^v. 5
wore to) ^ m o V. 17 /i v. 6
om. Se m o V. 7
rcXeiovrai y.
quatuor codd.' S fundatio et perfectio quae voces respondent voci-

8 9
bus OepfXiovTai et irXrjpovTai. wancp m. outcus o. om. Kal jx.
om. tou m.

*yap iv kvl Tlvevpari rjfitis vavres els ev oajfia k(3anTia6i]/x(v, . . . , Kal

tiavres [els'] ev irvevpa enoTLoO-qpev : St. Basil both here and in § 61
quotes them ev evl awfxari els ev IlfeC/xa e^airTiaOij/xev.

14. to Hvevpa. The Syrian paraphrase is suggestive. ' Non

enim levis est res separari Spiritum Sanctum a Patre et Filio. Quod si
dicnnt " non separamus Spiritum a Patre et Filio, sed his tribus nomi-

nibus damus baptismum " quomodo dant Eum, si dpoovoiov Divinitati


Spiritum non ponunt ? See note and reference on § 26. Most of the

Arians used the formula, but Socrates (v. 24) says of some, apparently
the Eunomio-theophronians and the Eunomio-eutychians, on rb fiatTTiofxa
irapexo-pa^av ov yap els ttjv TpiaSa, dAA' els tov rod ~S.pi.aTov ^a-mi^ovat.

The mention of angels, as witnesses, 65

Ylvevp.aros, Kal irpodyeL [jl€v rj 6/xoAoyia irpbs rr\v aodrrjpiai'

elaayovcra, eiraKoXovOel be rb (3diTTL(rfjia eTnacfypayi^ov
7]\xG>v ti)v crvyKarddecnv.

Airlas ctTroSocris Slcc tl ol dyyeXoi liar pi Kal Tlco
5 rrapa t<o TIavXa) o'vp.TrapeXrjobOrjO'av.


29. '
'AAAa Kal erepaj <frr\(riy ' crvvapiQp.ov\keva Ylarpl
kol Tia> ov)(l Kal avvbo^d^erai iravTOLts, &)? 6 airoo-roXos
ayyeXovs aviAirapeXafieTo, eh rr)v bia\xaprvpiav rr)v eirl

1° Tip.odeov Xeyoov' " biap.apTVpo\xai crot evwiuov rov Qeov Kal 1 Tim. v. 21.

6 7
Xpca-Tov 'lrjcrov Kal rcov £k\€KtG>v avrov ayyeXcov'" ovs
ovre aXXorpLovpLev Tr}s Xoltttjs KTiVecoj, ovre Ylarpl Kal Ttw
o-vvapiOp.e'iv aveyjoixeda.' eya) be, el Kal pLrjbefjaas aitoKpi-
o~ea>s acjios 6 Xoyos, ovrco iipoyeipov rr)v arortiav e\(nv, ojucay

5 €K€lvo Xeyai, on 8
fxdprvpa p!ev Kal bixobovXov av ris rv\bv
" irapa<jri]craiTO 7rpa<p Kptrrj Kai r)fj.ep(o, /ecu [xaktara or) ev
rrj irpbs rovs KpLvop.evovs eirieiKeiq rb dvavrippr\rov rrjs r&v
eXevOepos be elvat diro Rom
11 2
KpifjLaraiv biKaLoavi'Tj^ eTtibeiKvvvn' -
viii - -

bovXov, Kal vlos KXr)drjvab Qeov, Kal £(jdOTtoir]6r)vai enro J°^ n »>• *•


,~ /i ' j >* */\ < > * v Rom. viii. 11.

20 vavarov, Trap ovoevos erepov bvvarai, r) 7rapa tou t7]zj Kara
(f)vcnv olKeLorrjTa KeKrr\\i£vov Kal rrjs bovXtKrjs d^ias cltttjX-
Xay/jLtvov. ttg)? yap olKeuocreL 0ew 6 aXXorpios ; it&s 6e E P h - »• x 9-

eXevOepcoaeL, avrbs evo^os ol)v rw fuyw T % bovXetas ; a>crre

1 3
o<ppayi£ov jxy. *_ add. 7rfpt v (sub titulorumconspectu). add.
4 5 6
d7rocrToAa; m. 18 m. /Mprvpiav m. add. Kvpiov /*v.
dyyfXajv avrov p,
fiaprvpu m.
napa.OTqoat. ra> (sic) m.
TTpoOTrjoaiTO v. Se v. om. 5^ ty m. Kpivofxivoov fx. om. o /i.

i. Kal irpo<i"yei \ikv k.t.X. St. Basil also says in adv. Eunom. iii.

§ 5 'tori yap rb fia-nTiapia acppayh rijs mffTcevs, 77 5e maris 6e6rr)ros


66 or of inanimate things, not like

ovk €(Tj' ofJLOLOLS YlveufACLTos i(TTL Kal ayytkow r) \ivr\\ir\, dkkci
to pitv Ylvevfjia 0)S C^VS Kv/hoz;, ol 8' ayytkoi ws ftor)6ol
Rev. xix. 10 ; T& v dfxobovXojv kclI mo~Tol fj.df)Tvp€s ttjs akr]6zias irapa-

XafjifiavovTai. e#os yap rot? ctytot? raj ZvTokds tov Oeov

€7Tt ptapTVpOiV bibovat, 0)? KOL CLVTOS OVTOS <f)r}0~L TifxoOtio' 5

a Tim. ii. 2. ' a TTGLplkafitS 'Hap' ZpLOV €7tI TTOkk&V pLCLpTVpOiV, TCLVTa TTCipd-

0ov itlcttoIs az>0oa>7rot?.' Kat vvv tovs ayyekovs €7TL}J.ap-

Tvpercu' olbe yap on avfjarapicrovTaL ayyeAot rw Kptrfj,

Matt.xvi.27. orav tkOr) kv rfj bo^rj tov Uarpos Kplvai rr\v oiKovp,ivr]v kv
Acts xvii. 31. *
/ £ a \v5i
o? yap av,
c < \
opLokoyrjcrr] tv
f » >
\ »
e/orrpo- 10
1 ukexii 8
o-Qev t5>v avOpooiTCDv, /cat 6 Tt6? roi> dvOpcoirov 6\xokoyr]cr€i kv
airy tpLirpoo-Qev tG>v ayytka>v tov Qeov' 6 be b\i:apvr\(Ta-

2 Thess. i. 7. T&V dyyikiHV TOV 0€o{5.' Kat TlavkoS €T€pOL)6i (prjmv'

Trj aiTOKakvx^et tov Kvpiov ^Yr\o-ov XpicrTov dii ovpavov 15

juer ayyiko&vS rourou yapiv kvTtvOtv 17877 biafiapTvpeTai.

€7Tt r<Su ayyikoov, et? ro /uteya KpiTr]piov evTrpeittis kavT&
tcls diroSet^et? irapao-Kevafav.
30- Kat 07JX. ovro? p.6vov, akka Kal 7rarre? a7TAa>9 ot
9 10 ll
Aoyou rti;a biaKoviav tt€ttlo-t€vpl€VOL ovbiva yjpovov 8ta- 20

T. in. p. 25. {JLapTvpopLtvoL iravovTat, akka Kal tov ovpavov Kat r?)i; yTyz/

€7Ti(3o(i)VTatj a)9 Kat zw irdarjs 7roa£ea)9 eta-co avT&v Ttkov-

ix£vr\s, Kal kv Trj eferdVet rwz> /3€/3ia)/xeVa)z; avvtvop.tvcxiv
12 ( i
ps . 1. [xiix. rots Kpivo\x£vois. 7rpoo~Kak€cr€Tai yap,' (f>r]crL, tov ov-
pavov avob Kat r7?^ yr;^ ro?3 btaKpivai tov kaov avrov. 25
o0ey Mwmtjj TrapaTiOeo-daL fxekkaiv to, koyia ra> Aaw*
' 14 15
Deut. iv. 26.
bia\ ?3/xtr,' (^)77o-t, ' o-qixepov tov re ovpavov Kal

e^' R x.
add. IcTti' m. 3
om. outo? m V. 4
om. it

5 8 7
5t . . . toG ^eou v. tfJLirpoaOev m. ovpavuv m. evrpe-
7refj moC. 8
/ioi'os mo V. 9
^0701 m. 10
ovm, u om.
Xpovov Siapaprvpofievoi m. 12
add. ev v.
add. filv p o.
u om.
vpuv fi v. om. re m.

29. 6. em iroXAwv [xaprvpcov. In 2 Tim. ii. 2, the reading is bia

TtoWwv fiaprvpcvv. Vulg. '
per multos testes.'
the mention of the Spirit with the Father. 6j

tt)v yfjvy Kai nrdkiv tj]v (ob7]v keycap' * i:p6o-e\e^ ovpave, Kai Deut. xxxii.

AaXT/rro), Kai aKOvero) yrj pruxara Zk crro/xaros' fJiov,' Kai i s> j 2

1 .'
'Hcrata?' ' clkovz, ovpave, Kai evooTi^ov, yrj 'Iepe/xia? be

/cat ^Kcrraaiv riva tov ovpavov em, rr\ clkojJ tcov dvoaioov
5 epyu>v tov kaov biriyelTai' ' e^eaTrj 6 ovpavbs eirl rowra), Jer.ii. J2 , 13.

kol ecppi^ev eirl irke'iov o~(f)6bpa, otl bvo Kai Trovrjpd €7T0Lrj0r€V
6 kaos fiov.' Kai 6 clttocttoXos tolvvv, uxnrep Tratbayoiyovs

dyyekovs €18(09, ei? \xaprvpiav eneKakecraTO. 'Irjo-ovs be

10 6 tov Navr} Kai kiOov fxaprvpa t&v \6ymv ecrTrjcrev {yjbrj

be ttov Kai fiovvos \iaprvs Trapd tov 'IaKa>/3 ozso/xao- 6rj). Gen.xxxi.
47 .

(V '»j'c«\'/i6'
ecrrai ya/), (prjaiv, kudos ° ei>
~ '
o-r)}xepov ets
' Jos. xxiv. 27.

eii ecr)(ara)z/ rcoz; rjfxepojv, fjviKa av yp-evo-rjade Kvpiip rco
060) fjlX&V,' TCL^a \x(v TTOV TTLaTeVOiV TT/ bwdfXet TOV &€0V
15 Kai rovs ktdovs (pojvrjv acprjo-etv els ekey\ov t&v 7rapa(3ej3rj- Lukexix. 40.

kotcov, el 8e /x?y, dkka to ye eKaaTOV avveibos ttj

H "' JI "

ttjs virofjLvricreaiS 7TavTa>s KaTaTpcaB-qaecrOaL. ovto) fxev ovv

tovs p.dprvpas, o iTives ttot hv o)o~lv, to ore eis vo~Tepov
10 ll
avTovs irapacrTifio-ecrdai, 01 ttjv olKovopLtav to>v ^rv\Giv
20 TTeTTto-Tevfxevoi 12 irpoeTotpidCovTai' to be Uvevfxa ov bid ttjv
eirl Kaipov ^peiav, dkka bid r?/z-' eK (f>vo-ea)s Kotvaivtav
(TWTeTaKTai rw @€<o, ov\ v<ft jjh&v kkKvaOev, akk*
u imb
tov KvpCov irapakr}(f)dev.

2 3
add. on Kvpios kXak-qotv m.
add. yap n. om. fiov fx v.
n v '
tres codd.' 5
eveffrrjaev v {kv in rasura a manu prima).
vywaif m/io v (LXX.
7 8
add. ovtos m. kax^ TOV °« (^X aT0V V.
9 10 ll
ftou et rjpjujv) evapye ia nonnulli codd.'
avroU o. k\Ouv
txt. m/ioV.
Kai m. Trapaarrjcaadai v Ben. irpoiTpim^ovrai
(sic) m. 13
p-aprvpiav m. u irapa m.

F 2

68 Baptism in the Cloud and in the Sea

' EiVGTavis on 1
Kal eh Mojvarjv rives e/3a7TTia6r)o-av
2 3
Kal erriarevaav eh avrov y
Kal iTpbs ravrr/v olttqlv-

T7](TLS' kv ol? Kal TCL TVepl TUTTOHV


31. '
'AAA' ovbe el fianri^oixeOal (fr-qaiv,
eh avro. ovb 5
ovrco biKCUov pera 0eoi) rera\Oai. Kal yap Kal " eh rbv
i Cor. x. 2. M(x>v(TTJv " rt^e? " e(3aiTTL0~6ricrav ev rr\ ve(f>e\r) kol ev rrj da-
Xacrcrr}" ojuoia)? 6e Kal rj ttlcttis opokoyelrat rjbr] Kal eh
Ex. xiv. 3i. avBp&Ttovs yeyevrjcrdai. " eiricrTevve yap 6 Aa6s rw deep kol
Mcoucret r<3 OepditovTL avrov" tl ovv, (p-qcrLV, '
e/c ttjs io

TrC(TTea)s Kal rod (3a7TTi(rpaTos rb ayiov Ylvevpa roorovrov

cLwyj/oh Kal peyaXweis virep rrjv ktlo~iv, Snore ra avra /cat

avdpooTTois 7]br) 7rpocrpepapTvpr]TaL ;

tl ovv epovpev ; on
€t? ju,€^ ro ll7^ei;/xa 7] ttlcttls co? eis tozj liarepa Kai ets
l AO
tov Tlov, opouos oe Kac ro parrrio-pa 77 oe eus tov 15
t. in. 14 15
p. 26. Mcoiicnjz; Kal T7/y vecpekrjv, cos eis aKiav Kal Twoy. ov

om. Kal o v. 2
Ma>ere?/x. Mwarj o v (et in his quatuor codd. V
saepius omittitur v). om. Kal airavrrjais o (in tabula) V.
. . .

4 5 6 7 8
om. Kal V. le m. ov9' o V. om. /rat p. v. <paoivv.
add. ct V. 10
om. ets V. n om. 5e m. m 12
add. e?s o.
txt. m
jx o v. et Ben. ex duobus veteribus libris.'
u add. els m.
add. ets o.

31. 1 3. on els ja€v to IlveOfjia. That faith in the Spirit,' and in '

the same way baptism in the Spirit/ are solemn things (to ae/xvov,

§ 32) on a level with faith and baptism in the Father and in the
Son but faith in Moses, and baptism into him and the cloud, are

on the level of a foreshadowing and a type. St. Basil in this section

confines himself to the types that are declared to be types in the New
Testament. The true typical event is defined towards the end of this
section, in the description of the sea and the cloud trpus p.\v rb irapov, :

ds vioriv evrjye did ttjs KaTairX-q^eajs (Syr. ut crederent in Deum propter '

hoc miraculum'), irpbs Se rb piXXov, ws tvjtos ttjv \aop.kvr\v x^P LV rrpoi'ire-

arjfiaive it can thus be distinguished from the allegorical application

(Gal. iv. 24). This distinction is not observed always e.g. in St. Cyril :

Hier. Catech. Lect. xiii. 17-23 on the Old Testament types of our
Lord's death and the figures applicable to it.
was typical, like other marvels. 69

l 2
brjirov be eireibj] fiiKpols kcll avOpcoirivoLS irpobiapLop-
(povrai ra 0eta, paKpd n's eort kcll r) tcov Oeioov (pvo-cs, rjv
Tj TCOV TV7T00V (TKtaypa(f)La TTOW&KLS TTpOa7T€OrrHJLrjV€V. €<TTl

yap 6 tvttos irpocrboKOdpiivcov brjAoocris, bia jMfArjcrtcos evbei-

5 KTtKW? TO fJL€\k0V 7TpOVTTO(f)aiV00V, O)? 6 '
Ab(lfJL TVTTOS TOV Rom. v. 14.

fieWoVTOS, KCU 7] TTtTpa TV7TLK0)S 6 XpiCTTOS, KCLl TO TTjS J Cor. x. 4.

ueTpas vbo)p ttjs (cotlktjs tov Aoyov bvvd[xe(Ds (' el rt? ' yap, Ex. xvii. 6.

n Vl1 '
(jyqcri, '
bt\f/a, epyeaOto) irpbs p.* Kal ttiv€T(i> '), Kat ro \iavva*° '

rou (/Si/ros dpTov tov eK rou ovpavov KaTafiavTos, koI 6 eirl John vi. 49

10 crrjfxeiov Keifxevos o<fiis tov crojTrjpiov ndOovs tov bid tov Num. xxi. g

/ *
\ vt->/o\'
Kat OL a7ropA€7TOVT€S €LS
•» >^
J°hn iii. M-

biecrcd^ovTO. ovtoo 5?/ Kat to, TTepl tt}s e£ayooyrjs tov
'I(rpa?)A els evbei^iv tcov bid tov /3a7rrto7^aros' o-co£opLevoov

lo-ToprjTai. bi€o-o)0r] yap tcov 'lo-paTjXLToov to. irpooTOTOKa,

15 ws Kat tcov fiaiTTL^opuzVcov to, a-w/otara, bibopLevrjs tt)s

\apLTOs rot? o-rjfjieLooOeicnv vtto tov atjutaroj. to [xev yap

alfxa tov irpofi&Tov tvttos tov at/xaro? tov XptoToi), to. be
irpooTOTOKa tvttos tov TrpooTOTTAao~TOv, bs eTreibr) avayKaioos
rjpXv evvTrdp^ei tj) olkoXovQicl ttjs biaboyjis ^XP L T£ A °vs

20 TrapairepLTTopLevos, 5ta tovto ev r<5 'ASajui iravTes airoOvr}- t cor. xv. 2:

o-Kop.ev, Kal efiaaiAevcrev 6 OdvaTos fxexpu Trjs tov vopiov Rom. v. 17.

TTkrjpoocreoos Kal Trjs n tov XptoroiS Trapovcrtas. 12


e i;7ro toi» (yeou ra irpcoTOTOKa tov p.r) viyeiv tov oao-

OpevovTa els evbei^iv tov fxr/Kert fjpias airoOvrjo-Keiv ev rw

877 m. 2
irpoaSia^opcpovTai m ft (littera cr a posteriore manu erasa
est, sed mansit perspicabilis), ' quidam codd.' wv m. * 7r/>6

aireaij/jiavtv m. dvea-qfj-ijvev /*. TrpoairearjfAaivev V. TrpoavecraifATjvev v.

Trpoaircar)p.r)vev (
alii.' a.TT(cr}fiaiv€u '
add. ^
om. t^$ v. o.

om. tov ^. 8i6^a7a;7^? v. 8 9
diabi8o/x4vr)s R 10
add. airo 'A8a/^ m.

11 12
om. tou o V. /ecu lawfcTo ^ v '
tres codd.' (pro difTrjprjOr} 8i).
om. vtto tov dcov V.

15. ra crcojxaTa. Cf. Heb. x. 21 icai Xf\ovp:ivoi rb owp.a vhari KaOapw.

'Corpora enim nostra per lavacrum, illam quae est ad incorruptionem
tmitatem acceperunt; animae autem per Spiritum,' Iren. i. 17, quoted
by Waterland on Justification, vol. ix. p. 440.
70 The relation of type to anti-type.

i Cor. xv. 22. 'ASa/m, tovs faoiroirjOtvras Iv

t<2> X/hcttw. r\ 0€ Oakaaaa
Kat rj v€cf)ekr) i irpbs fxev ro irapov, €ts" tticttlv tvrjye Ota rrjs

Kara77A?/^€0)S, Ttpbs 6e ro pttkkov, a>s r^Tros rr/z; lao\ilvr]v

Hos. xiv. 10. yapiv TTpovTTeo-rnACuvt. '
rts ao(f)bs koli <rvvr)(T€L tclvto. ;

7TWS 77 Oakaaaa fiairTLo-jjia tv7Uk£>s, yjbipi(T\xov iroiovcra tov 5

<t>apaco, ws Kat ro kovrpbv tovto, rr)? Tvpavvibos tov 61a-

fiokov. clit{k.t€ivzv ° £k€ivt) iv eavrfj tov tyOpov' clttoOvt)-
o-k€l Kat a>5e r; e\6pa 7]p.dv 7) et? 0eoV. t^rjkOtv at:

€K€Lvrjs airaO-qs 6 AaoV ava(3aLV0fX€v Kat 17/jieTs a>s €K vtKp&v

Eph. ti. 5, 8. £(£>VT€S CLTTO TOV vbcLTOS, yJipiTl CTlx)BivT€S TT] TOV KOklaaVTOS IO
wisd. xix. 7. fjjjias. t) be ve^)ikr\ ckco, ttjs Ik tov YlvevptaTos boapeas tov
is. iv. 6.
T Yj V (f)koya tG>v iraOayv 5ta ttjs vtKputo-eoos t&v \xekdv kcltci-
Col. iii. 5. /

32. Tt ovv ; e7T€t5// tvttik&s ets ManJo-771/ Z(3a77Tta6r](rav,

bia tovto jJUKpa 7] tov /SaTrrto-jixaros x&pcs ; ovto) fi€v ovv ovb' 15
8 9
ai> aAAo rt juteya etr; rai^ TjpLCTtpoov, et7rep to e# l/cacrra)

creixvbv rots tvttois TtpobtafSakkotptev. ovt€ yap 7) ets d*>-

6p(i>7Tovs rot) 0eo£ ayamr\ \kkya tl Kat inrtp^ves, oj r6i>

Moz;oy€i>77 Ttoy n ibooKev vuep tcov afxapTt&v Tjpiojv, tnetbii

12 13 14:
Gen. xxii. 16. Kat 'A/SjOaa/x roC 18101; utov oiik €(f)€io-aTo, ovbe to tt&Oos 20
liXX. Rom. T;r/
^ v . «. > *\ f r> •> \ > r \ * /
viii. 30. tov Kvptov evoogov, eireiOT) irpopaTov avTi laaaK tov tvttov
lukripov tt)s irpoo-(popas, ovt€ 7) els qbov (pofitpa K&Oobos,
Matt. xii. 40. €77€Lbrj 'ItoVCLS ZV TpiVlV 7))xkpai<S KOL TOO-aVTaiS w£l TOV

67rt tov /3a7rrtcr/xaroj 6 tt} o~kicl avyKpivcov tt)v akrjOtiav, 25

Kat rot? rv7rots Trapafiakkoov tcl trap avT&v o-7]pLatvopi€va,
16 1 1
T. in. p. 27. Kat bua Moivcrtods Kat tyjs 6akacro~r)s iracrav op.ov biaavpeiv
Eph. i. 7. T ^ v evayyekiKTjV oiKOvopiiav tinyjipG>v. iroia yap a^ecrt?

om. two V.
1 2
^761/ m. 3
add. did m. 4
5 7
/xavcv m. add. /xev m. 6
5e wSe «ai m. v fxiKpbv fx
'tres codd.' 8
om. aj' V. 9
d-q ftiya m v.
tov aycnrr)
Oeov ix v. u S^6<w/f€j/ m o V. 12
om. /fat m. 13
ovk h(puaaro
tov idiov vlov ovtc to tov /cvp'iov iraOos p. v. 14
ovre /x o V v neque
vero S. l5
txt. fx v. fcaOoSos (pofiepa Ben. o V. 16
hie de- m
sinit m. tt)v evayyeKiKTjv oiKovopiav btaavptiv kmx^p^v o V.
» *

Moses a type of our Lord. y\

TrapaTTTcjojjiaTOLiv ; irota £ol>tjs dvavecocns ev Oakdaar] ; irolov EPh - v - 2 3-

ydpicrp.a irvevpaTLKOv hid Ma)vcreais ; itoia veKpooais ap,ap- i Cor. xii. 4

VI "'
TTlLLaTOOV 6K€t : OV CTVVairedaVOV €K€lvOL XpiCTTtO, §607760 Ovhe °T*

<TVvr\y£pQi)(jav. elKOva tov eirovpaviov, Col. ii. 12.

ovk etyopecrav tt)v
» \ '

/ / / •)! Cor. XV. AC

a It n 1 "
5 OV TTJV V€Kp(0(TLV TOV €V crcojuaTi TrepirjveyKav, ovk lrjCFOV TO)
dired^cra^ro rov irakaibv dvOpaiirov, ovk evehvaavTO tov veov Col. iii. 9, t<

tov avaKacvovpLevov els eiriyvoocriv, kclt elKOva tov ktl-
3 4
(tclvtos avTov. tl ovv /3a7rTiayxaTa crvyKpiveis, &v rj irpoar-

-qyopia pLOvrj Koivrjj r) he tu>v TrpaypiaTcov hia<fiopd TocravTrj,

10 ocrr] av yivoiTO oveipov irpbs tt)v dkrjOeiav, kclI o-klcis kgu
elKOvcov irpbs tol kclt ovcriav vtyeo-TrjKOTa ;

33. 'AAAa Kal 7} els tov Moovo~ea ttlcttls ov tt)v els to

lived [acl ttlo-tlv okiyov tlvos d£iav heiKwaiv, aAAa kclto. tov
tovtoov koyov piakkov tt)v els tov Oebv tcov okotv bp^okoyiav
6 8
15 KaTacrpiKpvvei. '
eirio~Tevo~e ^ yap, <fir)<riv,
6 kabs rw Ex. xiv. 31.

0e<3 Kal Mcovcrel ra> OepdirovTi clvtov.' 0ew toivvv avve-

(evKTatj ov\l Ty YlvevpLCiTL, Kal tvitos r)v ovx} tov Hvevp.aTos,
akka tov XpicrTov. tov 9
yap ia€o-lty)v ®eov Kal dv6p(oiroov oY * Tim - »• 5-

eavTov TOTe irpoaireTVitov ev ttj tov vop.ov oiaKOvia. ov yap
20 tov YIvevp,aTos n tvitos rjv Ma)vo~f)s, tcl irpbs tov Sebv rw
Aaai pLecrtTevcov. ehodrj yap vop.os '
hiaTayels hi ayyekcov, ev Gal. iii. 19.

Xeipt p.eo-LTov/ hrjkahi] tov Moovaeoos, Kara ttjv irpoKk^o-Lv
tov kaov keyovTos' '
kdkrjcrov av, (f)r](TL,
npbs rjpias, Kal /xr) Ex. xx. 19.

kakeiTO) irpbs rjpias 6 ©eoj.' cocrre r) els avTov iriorTis €7rt

25 tov Kvptov avacfrepeTai tov pLeo-iTr)v Qeov Kal av6p(0TT(t)v, 1 Tim. ii. 5.

eino-TeveTe Moyva-el, eTTMTTeveTe av

tov elitovTa' el e/otot.' John v. 4 6.

14 lo 16
apa ovv jUKpbv r) els tov Kvpcov ttlcttls, eireLhr) bca
Moibcrecos TTpoeo-rjpidvdrj ; ovto)s ovbe el tls els Monvo-rjv

v 'quidam codd.' peccatorum S. dfiaprias o V Ben.
txt. ijl
Kal fx.
oin. avruv o V. * txt. v. baptismorum S. ficnrTifffJia (sic) <Tvy-
tcpiveis Sjv [m. avyKpiveis Panna/Aa cy R 3 .
om. ttjv v. 6
(om. 6 Xadi) o V 'codd. duo crediderunt S. 7'
om. yap V. 8
t<S •
codd. duo.' 9
add. fxeu V. 10
TrpovTrervtrov v. u rjv
tvitos o V v. 12
irp6o~K\rjo'iv '
cum uno cod.' irpo^K-qaiv v. l3
toO v.
H a/>a v.
add. wairep ov V. non fuit ergo exiguum S.
om. tov V.
72 Types lead us up to the full Light.

efiaTTTLO-drj, jXLKpa rj airo tov Y\v€V}xcltos 67rt to ftdnTLcrfxa

\dpLS. KdLTOLye e'xco ktyetv otl Mowarjv koX tov vo\xov tjj

i. uke xvi. 29. Tpa(f)fi XiytLV o-vvrjdes, o>? to '

tyjovan Ma)wea koX tovs
1 Cor. x. 2. irpo(f)riTas. to ovv vofJLLKov fidiTTLo-fxa Xeyoov, '

Heb. iii. 6. adr/crav,' elirev, '

els tov Tsliodvarjv ? Tt ovv to Kavyr]\xa Trjs 5

Cf. Tit. iii. 5, eXirlboS 7]fXO)V KCLL TTjV uXoVCTLaV TOV 0€Ot) KOX ^CDTT/pO? ^/J-Wi;
6, 7.

Ps. ciii. (cii. 8a)pecu>, rou Sta Trjs TsaXLyytveaias avaK.aivi(fiVTo<$ rjfxow ws
aerou rr)z^ veoTrjTa, €VK.aTa<f)p6vr}Tov hziKVVovcriv ol dub ttjs
4 5
vrjirlas (ppevbs TravTeX&s tojjto /cat ncubos tlvos o)s aAri- io
Heb. v. 12. #co9 yaXaKTOs beofxevov, dyvoelv to fxeya Trjs cruoTrjpLas rjfxStv
1 Tim. iii. 16. /
IxvcrTrjpLov, otl kgltcl
<* v\>
~ * * \
\ /
tLcrayoiyLKOv Trjs OLOacrKaXLas

1 Tim. iv. 7. iv Tjj KCLTCL TTJV €VCT€(3€Lav yV\XVao-{.a 737)6? TTjV TeXtLOOCTLV lv<L-

yofxevot. tols evXr/irTOTepoLS irp&Tov kcll o-v\x\xlTpoLS fyxlv kcito.

TT\V yVG)0~LV €0-T0L)(€L(o6rilX€V, TOV OLKOVOLXOVVTOS TO, TJfxirepCL, 15

a>o~7T€p 6(pda\pLovs €v o~k6t<j) Tpacf)ivTas rw kclt oXiyov

e0icr/xa> irpbs to \xiya <fiu>s Trjs dXr)6eias dvdyovTos. (fieibol
Rom. xi. 33. yap ttjs do-Oeveias r)pL&v, iv rw ftdOeL tov ttXovtov ttjs

ao(f)Las avTov ko1 toIs avt^iyviacrTois '

KpCfxao-i Trjs crwecreods,
t. in. p. 28. ri]v irpoo-rjvrj TavTr\v koX evdpfxoo-Tov tjpllv virebeL^ev ayooyrjv, 20


tov tjXlov irpoedifav, o)S \xr) evdvs rfj 6eq tov clkp&tov (j)(i)Tos

TTpoo~j3a\6vTas dfxavp(o6rjvaL. kclto. yap tov Xo~ov Xoyov o
€X^^ r)

(pr]T&v TrpoTvirooa-LS alvLyfxa ovo~a Trjs dXr]6eCas yvfxva- 25
Eph. i. 18. orripta t&v ocjidaXpL&v Trjs Kapbtas iirLvevorjTCLL, a>? airo

Cor. ll
[xkvr\v ev Lxvo-TrjpLcp aocfiCav yevqcroLiivrjs. tol pkv ovv irepl


om. on V. R ol) o V v.
1 2
evK<XTa.(pp6vr)Ta 2 o V. deitcvvTC (om.
heiKvvovai plerique codd.'
* 3
rjnov /to. * om. tovto o V
5 6
ex tribus codd. addimus.' om. rivos V. om. tov tt\ov-
7 8 a
tov V. pf)jML<nV. irpoafiakXovTas fi o. txt. '
quatuor codd.' rimojais o V 'alii.'
add. fjiiUbv V. ll
km n v.
TO /*.
The Water of Baptism not divine, but 73

biaTpl\j/aL tw roVo), rj ovtco y av to eireicrobtov irokkcnrXa-

(Tiov cut. tov K€<fia\aCov.

AirdvTr]ais npos duOuTrocf)Opdv otl kou els vScop fia-
irTi{6peQa' ev <p Kal tcl irepl ^PaTTTLa/xaTo?.


34. Tt OVV 77/309 T0VT0LS €7*1 / TtoW&V yap br) T&V hld-
X.V(T€(OV €VTT0p0V(TLV. * Kal €19 vb(Op' (fxtal '
fiaTTTL^OfJieOa, Kal

ov briirov to vbcop Trwr?? 6{jlov ttjs Kricreco? r

7 8
77 Kal avT(p tt)s rTarpo? Kal Tlov tljjltjs jueraScoa-o/xey.'


OpcoTTcov &pyio-iiev(i)V, Kal bta ttjv eK tov ttclOovs tS>v Xoyicr-

jxa>v kitUTKOTiqoiv, y<r\bevbs (fyetbopievoiv irpos tt\v tov \e\v-
tttjkotos afjivvav' rjfJLels be ovbe tov irepu tovt&v KaTOKvr\cro-

fiev Xoyov. rj yap ayvoovvTas btbd^ofxev, rj KaKovpyovaiv

15 OVK €TTLTp€\f/0IJL€V. {JiiKpOV be CLVOoOeV.

H tov Seov Kal
Soorrjoo? rjfjL&v irepl tov avOpaiirov
olKOVOfjLia avaK\rj(TLS eo-Tiv airo Trjs eK7rrcocrea)9 Kal eirdvobos
eh oiKeioio-iv Qeov cltto ttjs bid ti]v irapaKor]v yevopLevrjs cf. §23.

aWoTptU) (re cos. bia. tovto rj p.eTa crapKos

eiribrmia Xpu- E Ph - "• I 9-

20 o~tov, at T(ov evayyekiK(siv TToAtT€V}JLaTO)v viroTVirtoo-eLS, Ta (Sia inswap a-

iraQr), 6 o~Tavp6s, rj Ta(j)rj, 7] <xvao~Tao-is, &o~Te tov o-co^ofxevov

dvOpcoirov bia juttfx?]o-ecoj XpiaTov Tr\v apyaiav eKeiviqv vlo- 1 Pet. H. 21.

OeaLav airokafielv. dvayKaia tolvvv earl irpos TeAeiaxnv

((i>7]S f) XpLaTOV /Xt/0070-lJ, OV fJLOVOV €V Tols KaTOL TOV fiiOV

25 viTobeiyfiaa-iv aopyqa-tas Kal Taireivo(f)poo-vvr]s Kal paKpoOv- Johnxiii. 15

juuas, aXka Kal avTov tov OavaTov, wj TIavXos (f)rjatv 6 p.i- 1 Cor. xi. 1.

2 3
rvnci) v ' plerique codd.' om. Kal o V. om. Kal V.
add. tou o (in tabula) V. 5
dvTipprjfxdTwv V. 6
txt. /* o v. V
Hicunt enim 8. om. (paal Ben. 7
avrd /* v 'tres codd.' 8
add. V
tov V. 9
V. neque parcunt quin ulciscantur S.
u ytvofiiUTjv (sic) ft.
quatuor codd.' 12
oiKovopda 2 o* V. R
adventus S. kmdrjixia oa .
74 necessary for the New Birth, which

Phil. iii. ro, {JLTjTrjS TOV XpiCTTOV' '

0~Vp.p.Op(l>Ol>IJ.€VOS T(2 OaVVLTiii CLVTOV, 61

7T(jl>s Karavrricrdi ets Ti]V €k v€Kpu>v Z^avaaTaaiv? Trw? ovv

Rom. vi. 4, 5. yLVOfJLtOa €V T(i) O/XOtW/XaTt TOV OaVOLTOV OLVTOV ,* (TVVTO.(p{vT€S

avT(S bta rod /3a7TTta"/xaro9. tls ow 6 Tpoiros Trjs TCKprjs ;

Kal tC to 6k r% /xt/x^o-ecoj \pr\atLxov ; irpu>Tov iikv dvayKoiov 5

T7)Z/ CLKoXovOiaV TOV TtpOTtpOV (3lOV biaKOTTTJvat. tovto 6e

John iii. 3. abvvaTOV, [XT] OLVtoOeV y€VV7]64vTCL KCITCL TT)V TOV KvpLOV
4>(j)vr)v, 7) yap iraXiyyevto-Ca, coy Kal clvto brjkol to ovofxa,
bevTtpov fitov iarlv o\pyr\. coare be aptjacrdaL tov btVT^pov
2 3
t. in. P . 29. Tr£pas XPV §ovvaL rw TrpokafiovTL. a>j yap eVt t&v tov io

biavkov avaKapLTTTovToov oracrts tls Kal eTT^pipajcrLs tcls

IvavTias KLvrjo-tis biakap,j3av€L, ovto) Kal eirt ttjs t&v (3l(*)V

pi€Taftokrjs dvayKalov i<pdvrj OavaTov a/OK^orepots /mecrtTewcu 1

toIs )3lols, nepaTOVVTa pkv tol TrpodyovTa, dp)(7]v be bibovTa

rots i(f)€^rj^. 7rcuj ovv KaTop6ovp,€v tt\v et? abov KaTafiacnv ; 15
fJLLpiOVpL€VOi T7]V Ta(f)T}V TOV XjOlOTOl) biO. TOV f3a7TTL(Tp.aTO$.
otoz^et yap £v0aTTT€TaL rw vbaTL t&v fiaTTTi^opLtvcov Ta o~o>-

juara. diroOeo'iv ovv tS>v tpycav ttjs o~apKibs o~vpl(So\lku>s

v7T0<paiveL to /3a7jTta-jua, KaTa tov AttoottoXov ktyovTa,
Col. ii. 11, 12. otl '
TrepieTp.r\6r\Te TrepLTopLrj d)^€Lpo7TOL7]T(o y ev Trj a7T€KbvcreL 20
tov 0-co/u.aro? rr)? crapKos, ev Trj TiepiTop.r) tov Xptaro?",
8 9
o~WTa<p€VT€S avT<Z ev ro) /3a7rrtV/uart,' Kal otoret KaOdpatov

€ort y\rvyj)s tov cltto tov aapKiKov <$>povr]p.aTo$ airfj irpocr-

lxx)q yevop,evov pvirov, KaTa to yeypap.p,evov, otl nkvvels pie

Kal virep \16va kevKav6r)o-op.aiS bta tovto oi)(l 'lovba'iK&s 25

Eph. iv. 5. e^>' !ko:ctt<i) pLokvcrpLaTL airokovop.eOa, ak)C ev olbap.ev to

1 Pet. iii. 21. 0-(t)TripiOV fiaTTTLO-pLa, CTTetS^ €t? €0Tt£> 6 VTT€p TOV KO(TpLOV
I'lt. iii. 5- a f
^ oti;aroS KCU
v / e ' « ? >
VZKp&V €£avaO-TaO~LS,
/ f>/
d)V TV1T0S tCTTl
Markxvi 16

M ta ^7 e/c

(3aTTTio~pi.a. tovtov yapiv 6 ttjv £m)V r/pL&v oIkovo^v Kv-

/oto? tt]v tov /3a7rrto-/xaros ^jixt^ e^ero bia6r]Kr]v, OavaTov 3°

txt. pVvS favet. tt/jii' Ben. ex Kv 2
add. )3tov in uno '

tantum.' 8
rwv lm R 2 V. 4
txt. R3 /x o C v.
ndOodov Ben. V.
om. 5td tov Pcltttig fxaros fx o v. V 6
add. toj/ V. 7
om. tou
8 9
aajfiaros jx\. exutione carnis S. (3airTio/*a> fx, ofo^ o V.
is of Water and of the Spirit. J$

tvttov kcu £0)779 nepUxovcrav, Tr)v fiev tov Oavarov elKova

TOV vbcLTOS €K7Tkl]pOVVTOS, TOV be TTJS ((D7]S appdfi&Va TTdpe- Eph. i. 14.

\ofxevov tov I\vevp.aTos. cqo~t€ o~a(f)ls r)p!iv evTevOev yeyove

to (jfTovixtvov, bia tl TO) HvevfiaTi to vbcop avixirapek^dr],

5 otl bvo o-kott&v ev T(5 (3a7TTio-fjiaTi irpoKeipLtvcov, KaTapyrjo-ai Rom. vi. 6.

fiev to aro)fxa Trjs apLapTtas tov ju?7K€rt clvto KapTTO<j)opeLV rw Rom. vii. 5.

1 2
davcLTii), (rjv be rui YIvevpLaTL /cat tov Kapnbv e^etv ev Gal v -
2 5-

t v v ,L ~ a i \ •> f r
Rom. vi. 22.
ayiacrpup, to \iev vocop tov vclvcltov tt)v eiKova Ttapeyei,

atonrep ev Ta(f)fj to acofxa Ttapabexopievov, to be. Ylvevpia

3 4
10 tt]v ^cooiroibv evirjo-t bvvapav, cltto Trjs /cara tt\v apapTiav
veKpoTt]Tos els Ti)v e£ o\p\rjs Cmjv r<* ? \j/v\as r)pLO)v ava-
Kaivi^ov. tovto ovv ecTTt to avo)0ev yevvrjdfjvcu e£ vbaTos John Hi. 3, 5.

/cat YIvevfJLdTos, a>9 Trjs fxev veKpcocrecos ev rw i/5art Tekov-

\xevr\s, Trjs be £a)7/s hfi&v evepyov\xevr]s bia tov Ylvev^xaTos.
l b ev Tpivlv ovv KaTabvcrecTL kol\ ivapid\xois tclis eitiKXr)o~eai to Cf. § 66.

ixeya \j.vo~Tr\piov tov j8a7rrtcr/xaros TeXeiovTai, tva /cat 6 tov

OavaTov TViTos e^eiKOvicrdfj /cat tj\ irapaboo-ei Trjs Oeoyvoiaias

tcls y\rv\as (f)(OTLcr6(oo'LV ol fiaitTL^oiJLevoL, coare el tls eo~Tiv

ev rco vbaTi xapis> ovk e/c Trjs (pvcrecos eart tov vbaTos, akk!
20 e/c Trjs tov UvevpLCLTOs Tiapovaias. ov yap eort to (3aTT- 1 Pet. Hi. 21.

TLo-fia pvirov crapKos airodeo-LS, akka avveibrjo'ecos ayaOrjs

e7T€/)coT77/xa els 0eoV.' irpos ovv tov e£ avaaTaaea^s (3lov

KaTapTifav r)fias 6 Kvpcos Tr)v evayyekiKr)v iracrav eKTiOeTai

TTokiTeiav, to aopyrjTov, to avetjiKCLKov, to (j)L\r]bovias Matt. v. 22,

5 ^appVTTOiTOV, TO CL(f)LkapyvpOV TOV TpOITOV VOfJLoOeT&V, COOre Luke viii. 14.
Matt. vi. 24.
1 2 3 4
£an)v V. om. tov ix v. too. tffx* 1 V. 5
6 7
0(uv €TrepujTrjfx.a fi v. (piArjdoviais o. dppvwov fx
duo codd.

35. 20. ov ydp €ctti to pdiTTicrp.a. The Syriac paraphrase is '

enim baptismus lavatio sordium corporis nostri, sed confessio, quae
confirmat in Deo signum Suum, et perdurat in amore Eius cum animo
veritatis.' St. Basil uses the clause d\\a avveid-fjaecvs ayaOrjs kircpwrrfpa

(h ©tov to connect d\\' hie ttjs tov YlvevfxaTos -napovoias with the effects
of His operation as described in § 36. The connexion of the text with
Heb. x. 2 1 ptpa.VTiop.evoi tcls Kapoias diro ovvtih-riotws Trovqpas should
be remembered.
76 Baptism with the Spirit.

1 2
Luke xx. 35. aiT€p 6 dl(t)V eKelvOS KGLTCL TTjV (.\iVCTlV KeKTTJTai, TaVTCL 7T()()-

Aa^oVras rjfxas eK ti poaipeaeois KaTopOovv. el tolvvv tls

opi^ofjievos e'iTTOL to evayyektov eXvai tov e£ avacrTacrzoj?
(3lov 7rpobiarvTT(f}<TLv, ovk av {jlol boKrj tov irpoar]KovTos
afjLapreiv. eirl ovv tov o~kott6v eiravekOojjxev. 5
T. III. p. 30. 3@ # Ata Ylvevp.aTos ayiov rj eh Ttapabeiaov cntoKaTarrTacris,
K.CV. 11. 7.

Actsi. 3, 5. V e ^? fiao-i\eiav ovpav&v avobos, 17 eh vioQeo-'iav enavobos, rj

5 G
Rom. viii. 15, Trapprjcria tov KaXelv eavT&v iraTepa tov 0eoi>, kqivowov
7 8
Eph. v. 8. yevecrOai ttjs y^apLTos tov Xpto-Tov, tzkvov c^coro? XP 7?"
6 G
jiaTi^etv, 5o^?]9 atdtoi; jxeTey^eiv, /cat a7ra£a7rA<5s ez; iravTi 10
Rom. xv. 29. ir\r]p(jdpLaTL evKoyias yevecrOai ev T€ rw ai&vi tovtm /cat ev

T(5 [AeWovTi, tu>v ev eitayyeXiais aiTOKeLpLevaiv y\\xiv ayaO&v,

Cf. Rom. viii. (Su 8ta TTLCTT€(OS CLTieKbe\6p.eda T7]V CLTTOkaVCTLV, 0)9 7]brj 7Ta-

Cf. 2 Cor. iii.

POVTdiV TTjV \6.piV €V07TTpi£6pL€VOl. el yap 6 appafioiV TOLOV-
tos, rjXiKov to TeXeiov ; kcu el f) airapxr} TocravTr}, rt? t) 15
Rom. viii. 23.

tov 6\ov 7rA?7pa)crts ; ert KaKeWev ttjs cltto tov Y\vevp.aTOs

yjxpiTos irpbs to ev vbaTi /3a7rrtcr/xa yva>pijj,ov to 6tac£opoy,

Matt. iii. 11. otl 'l(i)avvr)s jj.ev

n ev vbaTi,
6 be Kvptos f]\iG>v

'1 770-01;? 13 14 14
Xpto-ros ev ro) TlvevpLCiTL to) ctytw. '
eya> /xez>

yap vpLas, 9770-1, paTTTiQia ey wart etj pieTavoiav, o oe 20

om. rr)v o (eras, a manu prima in v). 2
irpooXafiovTas V.
3 4
om. to /x o. inseritur a manu sec. s. 1. 5o/m o 500 V. in v.
5 67 8
iraTepa eavrwv o v. add. to V. a
x P^ -^i-
s T0
txt. /* o V v 'sic quatuor codd.'
re/cva V. filii S. roiavr-q alii.' '

kfia-nri^dv /u. n om. ev V v. 12
add. els \ieravoiav Ben. ad- '

didimus ex tribus codd.' 13

add. 6 v. u om. t<£ /* v. 15
yap v. ftaiTTifa (prjai fxo\.

5. cm otiv tov o-koitov ciravcXOco^v. St. Basil resumes his subject,

after the short digression, beginning with trpbs ovv tov If avaaraaeojs,
and in § 36 explains the presence of the Holy Spirit.
36. 17. to 8i<i<|)opov. The contrast between St. John's Baptism and
Christian Baptism is more fully drawn out in Horn, xiii, in Sanctum
Baptisma, § i,T. ii. p. 114: 'looavv-qs kuripvoae fiaiTTiff{A.a fieravoias, Kal
e^eiropevero irpbs avrbv irdaa ij 'Iov8aia %
Kvpios itr\pvooei j5a.itTio~p.a viode-
aias' Kal ris rwv elsavrbv tjKtilkotcxjv ovx viraKovaerat 'Ekcivo eioaywyi- ;

tcbv rb (ia.TJTiapi.a- tovto Te\eia)TiKov, 'Eiteivo apuapTias avaxupijats' tovto

olfce'iaois irpbs ®e6v.
Baptism with Fire, and with Blood. 77

ottlctoo \iov tpy6\xzvos la^vpoTtpos ptov zcjtiv, ov ovk elpX

lkclvos tcL virobrifjLaTa (3aardaaL' avrbs /3a7m<rei kv
UvevixaTL aytco Kal irvpC,' to tov Ttvpbs (3aTTTLo-pLa tt)v kv rfj
Kpicrei hoKiixaaiav Xiyoov, KaOd (prjcnv 6 AttocttoXos' '
eKacr- x Cor. Hi. 13-

5 tov to epyov ottowv ko~TL to irvp So/a/xao-et/ Kal tioXiv'
1 3
r\ yap f)pi€pa S^Acocret, otl kv irvpi airoKa\.VTTT€TaL.' rjbrj

bk Tives kv toIs virkp tvcrefitLas aya>o~LV aXr\Bua kcli ov

tov vhaTos avpLJ36\ojv eis tt\v aojTrjpLav kirebtrjOrjo-av, kv
10 rw t6ta) atfJLCLTi fia-nTiaOivTes. Kal ovk aOeT&v to kv t<£

vhaTL (3aTTTLcrpLa tclvtcl Xkyco, a\\a tovs koyicrpLOVS KaOatpG>v 2 Cor -

x- *•


a\XLKTa kol TTapiaa^ovTCdv tcl aavv€

"Otl ay&pio~TQv krrl irao-qs kvvoias IlaTpb? Kal Tlov to

ayiov UvtvpLct 6
15 erri re rrjs tcov vot)touv Srjfiiovpyias

kcu errl ttjs tcov dvOpooTTivcov oiKoi/o/jiias Kal kirl TTjS

TrpooSoKGopivrjs Kpiaeoos.

KE<t>AAA10N IT'.

37. 'Em ovv to ef o\pyr\s kiravioopLeiv, oircas

kv iracriv § 26.

20 ayj&picrTov eaTL kol abtacrTaTov iravTek&s UaTpbs Kai Tlov

1 2
add. avrov V. add. avrb Ben. '
legitur ea vox in cod. Colb.
et Reg. quinto, abest ab aliis.' om. kv V. * om. rrjv v.
5 6 7
dve'iKaara v. ovrcov V. dyjupiorov kartv kv -naoi V.

9. kv tu t8Cco aifian. On the baptism of martyrs in their own blood,

see St. Cyril Hier. Catech. Lect. iii. § 10 : Et ris p-ri \a&oi ro (Hairno-pia,

awr-qplav ovk e'x 6t '

n^v fiovow fxaprvpajv, ot Kal x wpis T0 ^ vdaTos \ap.fia-
vovoi tt\v fiaaiXelav. Avrpovp-evos yap ttjv oiKovpievrjv 6 'Xojttjp 8ia tov
aravpov, Kal ttjv irXevpav vvyds, kgrjyayev alpua Kal voap- 'iva ol p.ev kv
KaipoTs dprjvr]<i kv vdari (3aiTTia6u)0-iv, ol be \v KaipoTs OKuypiwv kv oiKeiots
atp.aai tiaTTTioOwai. The same statement with the same allegorical ap-
plication is given in Lect. xiii. § 21. In St. Basil's Horn, in XL. Martyr,
(t. ii. p. 155), we have kfia-miod-q eh avrov, ovx vno dWov, dAA' vttq rrjs
oiKeia<i mareais' ovk kv vdari, &W' kv rw i8i<y a'tpLari.
78 The Operations of the Holy Trinity,

to ayiov YlvtvfjLGL. ev tw irepl tov xapirrpaTos t&v ykoxrrr&v

'« Cor. xiv. 24, ro7T(p Kopivdiois eTticrTekkoiv 6 Ylavkos' '
eav iravTes,' (pr^ai,
irpo(Pr}T£vr)T€, elaekOr\ be ru cltticttos rj 101C0Y779, eAey^erai
V7ro 7raz;raj^, avaKptverai vird iravTatv, tcl Kpvnra Trjs Kap-
bias avrov <pavepa yiveTai' kcu ovtco ireo-cov eirl TTporrojirov 5

77 poo~ kvvt](T€l rw 0ea>, onrayyekkuiv on 6 Qeos ovt<ds ei>

VfMl' €0~TLV.' el TOIVVV €K T7]S 7TpO(f)rfT€iaS TTJS KCLTO. ''


biaipecriv tu>v xapio-pLaToiv tov Ylvevp.aTos evepyovp.evr]s em-

T. in. P 31. . ywG)crK.€Tai 6 Qebs ev toZs irpoipriTais eTvai, (3ovkev(ra(r6(*)-

oav ovtoi iroiav \oopav airobcacrovcn rw YIvevp.aTi tw ayia). 10

7TOT€pov jjLZTa 4 0eo£ Taaaeiv rj irpbs ttjv ktictiv e^caOelv

Acts 5
v. 9,4 hlKCLlOTCpOV. KOI TO TTpOS ^aiT(f)eipaV VTTO YltTpOV' '

avv€(f)(ovriOr] vplv Treipdcrai to Tlvevp-a to ayiov ; ovk

e\jsevorao-0e avOpcairois, akka 06W,' beiKvvcnv otl '
8 9
els to Ylvevp.a to ayiov Kal els Qeov eort to. hp.apTr\- 15

jtxara. Kal ovto) b* av to crvva(f)es Kal abiaipeTOv kclto,

9 10
iravav evepyeiav airb ITarpos Kal Tlov rou YlvevpiaTos
bibax@eir)s. evepyovvTos tov Qeov tcls biaipecreis t&v
evepy-qpLCLTOiVj Kal tov Kvpiov Tas biaipeo~eis t5>v biaKovi&v,

crvpLTrdpeo-TL to Y\vev\xa to ayiov, ttjv biavo\xr\v t&v yapia- 20

piaTGtyv 7rpos Ti]V a£iav eKao~Tov avTe^ov arias oIkovoijlovv.

1 Cor. xij. 4- '

biaipeo~eis y®P, 4>r a'h l
X a P i(T JLaT(iiV
€ ^ cr ^ T0 8e avTo
YIvedjJLa, Kal biaipeaeis biaKOvi&v elaiv, 6 beambs Kvpios,
Kal biaipicreis evepyq/jLOLTOiv elo-iv, 6 be ambs 0eoj 6 evepycov
to, TtavTa ev Tracrt.' '
Tama be iravTa,' (fyrjo-iv, '
evepyel to 25
ev Kal to ai)To Ylvevjxa, biaipovv Ibiq, eKaoTip KaOcos fiovke-
rat.' ov \xr\v eTieihr] irp&Tov evTavQa tov YIvevpiaTos 6
'A7rocrroAo? enepivricrOri Kal bevTepov tov Tlov Kai TpiTov
tov Qeov Kal YlaTpos, rjbr) \pr} KaOokov vopuXeiv avTeo-Tpacp-

o V 'ex tribuscodd. addidimus.'
om. rts
add. Kal ovtojs /x v
(om. Kal ovrus in loco cit. A B **).
tres alii.'
om. ttjv v (additur
s. 1. manu sec.)-
4 5
add. rod o V. Se viro fx v. tov o V. add.
7 8 9
to) o V. to avrb ... to d/xdpTTjfxa o. om. lari V. irpbs
to* ayiov irvtvpa V.
add. ayiov o. n b'ldaxOrjO'Ti o. l2
irpos ttjv a£iav zkclotov p:.
(i) in the Church, and (2) in the heavenly host 79

Oat tt)v tcl£lv. cnro yap rrjs fjfitTtpas a^eVea)? tt]v apxw
eXafiev, 67rei8?) v-nobe^ofxevoL tcl b&pa, irp&Tov evTvy\dvo-

p.ev rw biavefJLOVTi, etra evvoovp^ev tov aTToa-reiKavra, etra

avdyop,ev tt]v evdvpi-qaLV eirl tt}v 7Ti]y7}v Kai ahiav t&v

5 ayaO&v.
2 5'
38. MdOois civ tj]v irpos Ylaripa Kai Tlov tov Ylvev-
p.aTos KOLVOiviav Kai €K t&v hrjpuovpyrjpLaTaiV tu>v ef dp^S.
at yap KaOapaX Kai voepal Kai virepKoo-pLLOL bvvdp.eL<$ ayiai
4 irapd tov ay'iov Ylvev-
Kai elal Kai 6vop,d£ovTaL, Zk ttjs
10 p>aros evboOeicrris \apLTOS tov ayiao-pidv K€KTr\p.£vai. coo-re

airoo-eo-Lto-nriTai piev 6 Tpoiros ttj? KTLcreoos t£>v ovpavi(ov

bvvdp.ea>v, oltto yap t&v cucrflr/TW piovov tov Aripuovpybv
qpuv 6 tt]V Koo-poyoviav o~vyypa\j/dpLevos aTT€KdXv\f/e' crv be

fyitiv bvvapav €K t&v opaT&v avaXoyc^eo-Oai to. dopaTa bo- Cf-

Rom -

15 £a£e tov Y\oir)Tr\v, ev a> eKTLcrQr) tcl irdvTa, eire opaTa, etrc Col. i. 16.

dopaTa, eire dp\aC, efoe e^ovcriat, eLTe bvvdp.ecs, etre 6p6vou i

el/re KvpLOTr)T€s, Kai el TLves elo~LV eWepai XoyLKal <pvo~eLS

aKaTovopLaaTOL. ev oe tjj tovto)v KTLcrei evvo-qcrov juot


20 brjpiLOvpyLKrjv, tov Tlov, tyjv TeXeiOiTLK-qv, to Tlvevp,a, wore
fiovkrjpaTL p.ev
n tov TIaTpos 12
tcl XeLTovpyLKa irvevpLara
vitapyeLV, evepyeia be tov Tlov eh to etvai Trapdyeo-daL,
irapovo~Lq. be tov HvevpLaTos TeXeiovcrOaL. reAetcoo-ts be
dyyeXoov aytacr/xos Kai rj ev tovtco bLapLOvq. Kai pLrjbels

25 oleaQu) p.e 77 rpet? elvaL XeyeLV ap^LKas vTroo~Ta(reLS 77 areArj

(pdcTKetv tov Tlov tt]v evepyetav. ap\rj yap t&v ovtchv /xta, Cf. § 21.

bi Tlov brjpLLOvpyovaa Kai TeXeLOvcra ev YlvevpiaTL. Kai

1 2 3 4
irpwTQj V. om. 5' V. om. Kai V. om. Kai v.
5o6(i(TJ]s V '
(K5o6ci(TT]s in uno tantum cod. alii IvdoOeiarjs vel boQuor)s.'
y.6voiv /ioV. 7
KovfAoyeveiav p Colb. et unus Reg.' Kocrfxo-

irodav o V '
alius Reg.' In cod. V, fol. 209 b desinit in vocem Koa/xo-,
fol. 210 incipit a -pwdi 'Lva i'ihw^v (cap. xxiv. § 57) usque ad fol. 215 b quod
desinit km <jtu- (cap.
xxix. § 71); deinde fol. 216 incipit a -irod'av us-
que ad 223 b irvivpuaTos oov Kai and tov (cap. xxii. § 53). Illuc
unum folium excidit, viz. usque ad x a Pl(TiTai KaL ^tc- (cap. xxiv. § 57).
aKaTOJv6fjta<TToi o C. 9
87) v.
vorjaov V. n om. tov v.
to KeiTovpyiKov irvtv/xa V. 13
om. tou Ben. " om. tov V.

80 shew the Holy Spirit to be absolutely

t Cor. xii. 6. OVT€ * TidT-qp 6 TO. IT&VTa (V TTCLaiV IvepyCiV CLTekrj €)(€<•

Tr)v tvtpyaav, ovt€ Tios Zkkiirrj Ti)V br)\xiovpyiav p.r)

TeXeiovfjLtvqv irapa tov YlvevfiaTos. ovtco yap av ovrt

T. in. p. 32. TlaT-qp Trpoorbtrjdelr] Tlov, fiovut T(p 64keiv br]p.iovpyCiV.
2 3
aAA' o/xcos Oikei bia TtoiJ, ovt av Tios erurepyias 5

John v. 19. TTpoaberjOeir], Kad' bp.oi6rr]Ta tov Tlarpbs tvepy&v, akka


.\. Ttos 0eAei bia tov YlvevuaTos tzXclovv' '
rwr Aoyco
i xx"i6 y^ Kvptov ol ovpavoi €aT€p€(£>6rj(rav, /cat tq> n^€^/xart
tov aTOfxaTos avTov 7racra r) bvvafxts avT&v.' ovt€ ovv
Aoyos aipos Tviraicns o~r\\xavTiKT) bia (j)0)vr}TLK(ov opydvoav 10

.[ohn i. 1. lTV€VO-TLK(i)V fJLtp&V t£(tjdoi)fA€VOS, b\kka AoyO? pi€V 6 TTpbs ®€OV

John xv. 26. GOV Zv CLpxfj KCLL 0€OS &V y
HvtdjjLa Trjs a\r)0€ias, 6 7rapa tov TlaTpbs CKTropeveTat.'
Tpia Toivvv z/oetj, tov TTpoaTacro-ovTa Kvpiov, tov brjfjLiovp- 15
7 8
yovvTa Adyov, tov crrepeowra to I7re?j/ixa. tl d' au
aAAo €67/ aTepecoa-i? r) 77 KaTa toi> ayiaapibv TeAetcocrt?, to
avivboTov kciI aTpeiTTOV kclI it ay Co) s eprjpeicriievov Zv ayaOip

rrjs o-T€p€(£KT€oo$ €jjL(paiVovcrr]s ; ayiacr/utos 8e ovk avev Tlvev-

[AaTos. ov yap (fyvcreb ayiai at t£>v ovpavcov bwapLecs, r\ 20

ovTO) y av ovbe\xiav irpbs to ayiov Ylvev\xa tt)v bta(f)opav

€\ol€v' akka KaTa avakoyiav Trjs irpbs akkrjkas VTT€pO)(rjs,

tov aytaapiov to piirpov irapa tov YIvevpiaTos eyovaai. as

add. oo. 2
add. 6 fx v.
txt. V v ' in tribus codd. MSS.'
S7]/j.iovpyias R 3 ;u. irvevfiaros C ' alia manu sed tamen antiqua.' 4
5 6 7
aai ax V. add. to V. add. earl V. txt.
/i o '
tres codd.' to arepeovv R2 V v R 4.
om. to V
Bov V. 10
exovaiv R2 V.

38. 11. aT^jios. St. Irenaeus (v. 12) on Is. lvii. 16 (LXX. irvevfjLa yap
trap' (fxov egeAevo'eTai «cu tsvot\v rrdaav iyci) (Troirjaa) says to Tlvedfia loiais

(irl tov ®eov Ta£as, . . . t^v 5e irvorjv koivws enl ttjs KTiaeajs ... 17 ovv
to 8e Tivevfia divvaov.
ttvoti trpoffitaipos,

15. Tpia toivvv vocts. Hippolytus says (c. Noet. c. 14) : o yap/ctXeiicuv
HaT-qp, o h\ vvaKovwv ti6s, to b\ avveTifyv ayiov Tlvevp-a . . . TlaTr/p ycLp
i)Bk\r](jiv, Tibs CTroirjaev, YLvevfia. ((pavepajaev.

inseparable from the Father and the Son. 8

yap 6 KdVTrjp fji€Ta tov irvpbs voelrat, kcll akko pcevTOt r)

VTTOK€lflh>ri V\r] KCLl dXXo TO TTVp' OVTOt) KCLL €7rl TU>V OVpaVLiOV
bvvdpeoov r) p,ev ovaia avru>v aepiov irvevp,a, el Tvyoi, r) irvp

dvXov (Kara to yeypapp^evov' '6 ttol&v tovs ayyekovs clvtov Ps. civ. [ciii.

5 TTveviACLTa kcll tovs XeiTovpyovs avTov irvpbs <pXoya' '
kclL ev tottoj elal Kal SpaTol yivovTcu, ev rw elbet tS>v olk€LO)V

clvtG>v (Tu>fiaTiov tols allots epcfravL^opevoi), 6 p.evTOL ayia-

o-fxbs e£oj0ev a>v Trjs ovaias Tr)v TeXeioxriv avTois eirdyei
bid Trjs KOtvoovCas tov Uvevp.aTos. (pvXacraovcrL be tt)v

io a^iav Tjj eTupLOvrj tov kclKov, eyjovo-ai p.ev ev Ttpoaipecrei to

5 6
avTe£ovo-iov, ovbeiroTe be €K Trjs tov ovtoos ayaOov irpocr-

ebpeias eKTTtTTTovcrai. cos edv ixfieXrjs ra> A.o'y<*> to Ylvevp.a y

XeXvvTai p.ev ayyeXiov \opelai, dvr\pr\vTai be apyayyeXoav

€7rtcrrao-tat, crvyKeyyTai be Ta 7raVra, avopiodeT'qTos, aTaKTos,
15 dopiaTos avT(av r)
C037!- v&s \^ v 7^-9 cwgoo-ii; dyyeXot'
bo£a ev vxJ/lo-tols 6eo3, pr) hvvap.odOe.vTes vitb tov Ylvevp.aTos ; Luke u. 14.

ovbels yap bvvarai elirelv Kvptov 'Jtjctovv el pr) ev Ylvevp.aTi 1 Cor. xii. 3.

aytu), Kal ovbets ev YlvevpaTt Qeov XaX&v Xeyei avddep.a

^l^o-ovv'^ oirep eliroi dv Ta irovrjpd Kal avTiKeipceva Trvevp.aTa,
20 &v r) airoTTTOdCTLS crvvicrTri o'i tov Xoyov tov avTe^ovcrCovs
elvai Tas aopdrovs bvvdp.eis } laoppoircos e\ovo-as irpbs
apeTr)v Kal KaKiav, Kal bid tovto beop,evas Trjs fiorjOeias

tov YIvevp.aTos. eyo* Kal tov Ta/3ptr)X irpoXeyeiv

n Ta p.eX- Lukei. n ff

XovTa ovbaptis dXXoos (pr/pl r) ttj Trpoyv<*>o-ei tov TIvevpiaTos,

25 biOTt ev t&v e.K Trjs btaipeo-eois tov Hvevp.aTos x a P L(TlJL(^ T(,)V
eaTiv r) 7rpo(f)r]TeLa. 6 be Ta pvo-Trjpia Trjs 6-nTaaias ra> Dan. x. n.

avbpl t&v €7Ti6vpLa>v eiriTayQels hiayyelXai r.oQev cro<pLo-6els

etx€ btbdo-Keiv Ta KeKpvpp.eva el p.r) tw YlvevpaTi rw aytw ;

Trjs aTTOKakvxjreojs t&v pLVcrT-qptcov Ibioos ro) T\vevp.aTL Trpco-- t. III. p. 33

l 14
3° r)KOVo-r)s, Kara to yeypapp.evov, otl r)pXv dneKakv^rev 6 1 Cor. ii. 10.

om . kol V v. 2
om. akpiov Trvcvpa el tvxoi, r) V, 3
, nvp
<p\eyov V '
» 4
om. CUV V. 5
TTpO eSpias V.
7 8 9
TrpoeSpelas v (a s. 1. m. sec •)• HTTOICV 0. TOV Xoyov J*- ovpa-
\i vR 4
add tt)i/ V.
rbv /i. 12
om. karlv V.

li J/

tax* IX v. " add. 5e fi v.

82 The operation of the Spirit in Heaven,

Col. i. 16. 0eo? bia tov HvevfjiaTos. Opovoi be Kal KiyHorrire? ko.l
apyal Kal e£otxrtat ttw? av tt]v fxaKapiav bte^rjyov C^^v, ei

Matt, xviii. fXT]

ovpavols ;
to oe fiXeireiv ovk avev tov YlvtvjxaTos. ojcnrep

yap iv vvktl, eav v<j)€Xr)s to ^)ws cltto ttjs otKta?, TvtpXal \lzv 5

at oxfseis, avevzpyrjTOL be KaraA.et7rozrrat al bvvdfxeis, clv€ttl-

yvdiarToi Se al a£tat, Kat y^pvaov Kal aibr\pov Ofioiois ttutov-

H€VO)V bia tt]v ayvoiav' ovtgis em Trjs vorjTrjs biaKoap.7\o-eu)S

a^yavov ttjv tvOto-jjiov tKeivrjv bia\ieivai (airjv avev tov

YIvevfiaTos, ov pxihXov ye 7] aTpaToirebov ttjv evTa£tav tov 10
Ta£iap\ov p.y\ TtapovTos, rj yopov ttjv o~vpKpOL>VLav tov Kopv-
is. vi. 3. (baiov pJr] o-vvappio^ovTos. 7j"<5j elirr) tcl 2epa<£t/x '

aytos, aytoj, fir) bibaxOevTa Trapa tov YIvevp.aTos TrocraKis

early evcreftes Tr\v bo^oXoyiav TavTr\v avatycovelv ; €tre ovv
Ps. cxiviii. 2. '
alvovcn tov 0edv irdvTes ol ayyeXoi avTov, Kal alvovaiv 15
ambv TTCLcrab al bvvaixeis avTov] bia ttjs tov TIvevpiaTos avvep-
Dan. vii. 10. yeias' etre 7rapeo~TriKacri yiXiai yjiXiabes ayyiX&v Kal
fxvpiai fjLvpcabes XeiTovpyovvTQiv? iv Tjj bvva\xei tov Ylvevp.a-
tos to olKelov epyov a/xw/uta)? tTTLTekovcTL, Tracrav OVV TTJV
virepovpaviov 10
€K€ivr}v Kal appr]Tov ap\xoviav iv re
n rrj 20
XeiTovpyiq 0eo£> Kat rr? 77/309 aXXr\Xas tcov vTrepKoo-jjLiaiv

bwafxeodv crvfjityodviq abvvaTov (f>vXa)(6rjvai jur) Try e7rtcrracrta

TOV LlVtVpLaTOS. OVTOi) \X€V OVV €V 07]jJilOVpyiq TTapecrTL TO
Ylvevfia to ayiov rot? ovk Ik TTpoK07rrjs reA.etou/xeVoiS', aXX'
14 25
0,77' avTr\<i ttjs KTicreGds tvdvs reAetotj, et? tov airapTiaixbv
Kal 0-Vjj.TrXripodo-LV ttjs vnoo~Tao~£OL>s avT&v ttjv Trap* kavTov
yapiV 0~VV€LO~<p€p6lJL€VOV.

1 2
re o V. add. ktceivrjv o V. abest a quinque codd.' '

vapixovros \i o duo Reg, codd. cum Colb.' ovfiirapovTos R 4
' * kcrrl .

5 6
ttjv (om. tvcrefih) fx. om. ol v. txt. 'sex. cod.' j«Vv,
7 8
Ivepyela. ; o.1
add. dpxayyeXojv 'unus habet.' add. kKeivqv V.
9 10
vircpapprjTov V. tnovpaviov v. om. k/ccivrjv Kal appijrov V.
11 12 13 14
om. tt] p.. add. tov o V. hrjpxovpyiais o. vir' v.

13. iroo-aKis. Cf. (on the same subject) ras rpets viroardaeis rcAeia?
SeiAW'iJi'Ta, St. Athan. de Verbis Domini, t. i. p. 108.

in the Incarnation of the Son, 83

39. Tas 5e 7rept tov avOpcoirov olKovofxCas tcls vtto tov

fxeydXov Qeov Kal Som/po? fjfi&v 1770-01; XpicrTov Kara tt]v Tit. ii. 13.

aya66rr\ra tov Qeov yevopievas, tls avTepei fxr] ov)(l bta rfjs
tov HvevjjLaTos x°-P LTO s 7T€irXr}p(acr6at ; elre (3ov\eL tcl TraXaia

5 aKOTtelv, tcls t&i> TiaTpiapySiV tvKoyias, tt)v €k Trjs vo\xo-

Oeaias bebo[xiv7]v f3o^6€Lav, tovs tvitovs, tc\s Ttpo($>7]Teias } tcl

€p iroXtfioLs avbpayaOrjfjLaTa, tcl bta to>v biKaimv o-T^eia,, etre

Cf. § 49-

bia tov HvevfjiaTOS. irpcdTov jjl€v yap avTrj tt\ (rapid tov Cf. § 28.

10 Kvp[ov o~vvrjv, \pio~\xa yzvopcevov Kal d^copto-rcoj Ttapov, KaTa
to yeypafjifievov' ' 6o3' bv av Ibrjs to Ylvevpia KaTafialvov John i. 33
« not r
t 1
/ •>
Matt. in. i;

kcu '
'Jrjo-ovv tov cltto Na^aptT, bv ^xptcrev 6 0e6s rw Ylvev- Acts x. 38.

IxaTL rw ay tw/ e7retra nava kvipyua crvpLTrapovTos tov

tovto kol vtto tov biaftokov 4
15 Ylvev/iaTos h'T/pyelTO. 7rei/)a£b-
i 5
fjLtvo) Traprjv. '
avr)yOt] yap., (f)r]o-Lv, 6 'lrjcrovs a7rd ro?3 Matt. iv. 1.

n^e?j//aros ci? tt)z; €pr}jxov tov TreipacrdrjvaL? Kal ivepyovvTL

TCLS bvVCL[JL€LS CLX^P^TCtiS 0~Wr]V. * €L yap eyO>/ (frrjCTLV, €V Matt. xii. 2

YlvevjiaTL Qeov €K/3aAAo) ra 6ai/xoVia.' /cat e/c V€Kp&v ava-

20 oTa^ro? o?jk airekeLTTeTo. avaKaLvC(o)V yap TOV CLv6p(i)TTOV
6 Kvpios, Kal rjv a7T(oAeo-e yup lv *K T °v ^<l>vo-r]p.aTos tov t in
- - p- 3

06O7J, TaVT7]V 7Ta\LV CLTTobLboVS, €fX(f)VO"qcraS €IS TO TTpOO-GOTTOV Hier.Catec
Lect. xvii.
/ ti ,r
rwy ixa6r)T(tiv tl (prjo-L ; '
Aa/3ere rTz/e7j/xa ayLov. av tlvcov 12, quoting

John xx. 2:
om. yap V. 2
xP l(X fia o V v.
add. 8' /* v. 23.

* TTfipa^ofMevov V.
u7ro o V v. 6
aneXiireTO V. 7
S. in

39. 22. els to This addition to the text, which interprets


John xx. 22 by Gen. 7 ii. (LXX),

is found in the Prayer at the Little

Entrance in the Liturgy of St. Mark Kal e/Acpvcrrjo-as ds roi irpoaojira :

avrwv. Didymus in his treatise on the Holy Spirit, which we have only
in St. Jerome's Latin version, twice uses insufflans in faciem eorum,' '

§§6, 33. The text is quoted in this form by Epiphanius, Adv. Haeres.
lxxiv. 13 Kai iraXiv els ovk aXkorpiov tov Uvevparos Tvyxavovros ttjs tov

Qeov QeoTrjTos, kvecpvarjaev els to vpoaoivov tcjv paOrjTuv, Kal etire A.aj3fT« '

IlvtvpLa ayiov] and by St. Augustine, De Trinit. iv. 20 sufflans in '

faciem discipulorum.'
G 2

84 and in the Day of Judgment.

a(j)T}T€ TCLS CLfACLpTLaS, a<j)L€VTaL, OLV TlVdiV KpaT7)T€, K€KpOLT7jV-

tcli! rj be ttJs 'EKKAr/o-tas 5taKoV/j,?7frts ov)(l aa(f)6)S km

i Cor. xii. 28.
avavTipprJTGos ota rod Y\vevp,aTos evepyenaL ; '
avrbs yap
2 c
IdcoKe,' (f)T}(rC, rfj 'EKKA77cria np&TOv Airoarokovs, bevTepov
TTpocfrriTas, rpirov btbacrKaXovs, eiretTa Swa/xets, eiretra 5

XapicrpLaTa lafxaToov, avTLX-r]\f/e 19, kv (3 epvqo-e is, yevt] yXojcr-

ai/r?; yap ^ ra£t9 Kara r^ biaipeoriv t&v ck roi;
Cor. 4
1 xii. 11.
riiW/xaroj bajpe&v biariraKrai.

40. Ei/pot 5' cta> rts aKpifi&s Xoyi(6jj.evos kol eirl tov
Kaipov T7)s TrpocrboKGopLevTis enifyaveias Trjs e£ ovpavS>v tov 10
Kvpiov pL7] aavvTeXes to Ylvevp,a to aytov, cos Tives olovTai,

aXXa o-vparapio-Tat Kal ev tt\ r/piepq ttjs aTTOKo.Xvxj/ecos clvtov,

Acts xvii. 31. Ka 0' fj V K pi V £i T y V 0LK0vp.evr}v ev biKaioo"uvr\ 6 paKapios KCLL
i Tim. vi. 15. ,
, x , ,
'„ < .

1 Cor. ii. 9.

irapa Qeov ayaOcov toIs cl£lols, w? dyvoelv otl kol tcov 1


2 Tim. iv. 8. blKCLUOV 6 CTTeCpaVOS f) TOV TIveVfACLTOS €0Tt \dpiS, ba^flXe-

o-Tepa tot€ kol TeXeioTepa irape)(opLevr} kclto, ttjv dvaXoyiav
tcov avbpayaOrjfjLCLTODV ttjs TtvevpLaTLKrjs bo^rjs biavep.op.tvr)
John xiv. 2. e/caorw ; ev yap rat? XapLitpoTTqai tcov ayicav iroXXai p.oval
i Cor. xv. 4 i, Trapa tco Harpt, tovtIcftiv a£icopLCLTcov biacpopai. cos yap 2 °
ao~T7)p dcrTepos biacpepei ev bo£r), ovtco Kal f] avdcrTacvLS tcov
Eph. iv. 30.
veKpcov? oi tolvvv '
crcppaybcrOevTes tw TIveupiaTL tco aytco
Rom. viii. 6
23. et S fjfjiipav aTroXvTpco ere cos,' Kat ^r IXafiov cn:apyr)V tov
7 8 9 10
YIvevpiaTos aKepatov Kal ap.€Lu>Tov otao-coo-a^res', oSrot
11 12
Matt. xxv. etcrti' ot aKowo^re?' ' eS, 6oi3Ae aya^€ Kat 7Ttcrre, 67Tt 2 5

oXiya yjs ttlcttos, iirl ttoXX&v ae Karao"T7/a-a).' 6/xouo? 6e

Kat ot AD7r7]<Taz;Te9 ro n^e^/xa to ayLov Trj Trovripia t&v €ttl-

T7]b€vpLCLTa>v avT&v rj ot jutr) iTTepyacrdpievoL ra> boOivTi ac^at-

peOrjo-ovTaL o dX-qcpao-Lv, els kTtpovs )txerart^€p,e^?7? tt)?

add. auTor? ' duo codd.' add. /rat oa Ben. sed deest in ft o* v et V
2 3
' in plerisque codd.' add. kv /x v. 6i"Ta /*. * rkraic-
5 6 7
rai V. T£ V. add. t^s o V. attfpaiav \i v
quidam habent.' 8
afxiavrov C. 9
Smcw^oi/Tfs R 2 o V.
pro ovToi daiv ol dfcovaovres, aKovaovrai o. u ot aKovoovrai v.
in fx scriptura ambigua est, quae sicut ukovctovtcs, ita aKovaavrts
legi potest. add. Kal V.
The Spirit's knowledge of the things of God. %$

\apiTos, rj Kara Tiva t&v evayyekio-T&v Kal biypT0\xT}6r\o ovtcu Matt. xxiv.

7ravTeka>s, r?/? biXOTop,ias voovpLevqs Kara ttjv els to navTe-

kes airo tov YlvevfxaTos aAAorpuoo-ty. ovre yap a&fxa dtat-
petrat, cos to ixev napabiboo-Qai tt) KoAacret, to be CHpUaOai,
5 fxvOiKov yap tovto ye Kat ov Kara biKaiov KpiT-qv, okov
T)p.apTr\ kotos e£ i)p.icreias etvat ttjv Kokacnv, ovTe \frv)(r)
2 3
bcX?} T€jJLV€TaL, 0A77 bC OKOV TO afJLapT(i)kdv typ6v7}\Xa K€KT7]-
\ievr] Kal avyKaTepya^ofxevrj rw ro KaKov' akka
6t)(oro/xta, cocr7rep e<pr]v, fj cltto tov YIvevptaTOs els to bit]-

10 v€K€s tt}s \jfvxrjs aAAorptioo-t?. vvv \Cev yap, el /cat /xtj az>a-

K€KpaTai rots' ava^tots, aAA' ow irapeivat hotel tto)s rots*

carat; eo-cfypayiajjievoLS, tt)v €K r??? e7TLcrTpo<prjs o-ioTr\piav
6 7
avTu>v ava\xevov' ToTe be e£ okov Trjs (3e(3r]ka)o-ao~ris avTov
tt]v yapiv y\/vyjjs aTtOTix7]6r)creTai. 6ta tovto '
ev rco abrj ovk p s . vi. 6.

15 eartj> 6 e^opiokoyovfjievos, ovbe ev rco 0az;arc«) 6 ixv7]ixovevcov

0eo£,' ovKeTL Trjs fioiiOeias tov YlvevpaTos crviATrapovo-rfs.

ntis ow bvvaTov vorjaai x.copts roi; ayiov Ylvevp.aTos eiti-

TekelaOai ttjv Kpicriv, ottov ye 6 koyos beiKwaiv otl avTO T. m. p. 3;

ecrrt Kat to t&v biKaioiv fipafielov, OTav olvtX tov appaft&vos Phil. iii. 14.

__ /j^ \ /\ \ « / « « ~ \ 2 Cor. i. 22 ;
20 itapaay^eur} to Teketov, /cat 37 TrptoTY] tuv ap.aprcoAcoz> Kara- v> 5 .

8tK?/, oraz> Kat b SoKOi)crtj> e'xet^ dc/mtpe^coVt ; ro 8e \keyio~Tov Lukeviii. ij

9 10
TeK\jJ\piov ttjs irpbs LTarepa Kat Ttoz> -^roi; n^ev/xaro?
crvvacfreias, otl ovtcos e^eiv Aeyerat 7rpos @eoz^ a>s Trpos 1

eKacrTov e^ei to nvevjxa to ev rjfjLLV.

rts yap ot8e,' (f)7]CFLv y 1 Cor. ii. n.

1 2 3
add. roi' V. 6ix« V. Si'xa ' quidam codd.' om. v. Sta-
4 5
re fAverai v. om. Kal crvyKaTepya^ofxevT) . . . Kan6v V. €7ri-

arpo(prjv rfjs aojrrjpias

p. 6\ikvo)v * vitiose
quidam codd.'
Tektiws V. 8
om. orav . . . rekfiov p. 17 V. add.
toi/ o.
u crvva(peia (om. tov nv€vp,aTos) V. 12
add. tok /a v.

40. 11. 8oK€i. The word comes from the words of our Lord in Luke
viii.18, quoted a little lower down, 6 dotce? ex* iv apOrjo-erat air' avrov.
The presence of the Spirit in Baptism is described in § 35.
24. tCs Yap ot8e, k.t.X. Epiphanius (Ancoratus, § 118) explains the
preceding verse by applying to the Holy Spirit the words which in the
Nicene Creed are applied to the Son 6 Se d7roo"roAos didw, a/v Kal :
86 *
Subnumeration *
as an explanation

av9p(0TT(i)v ra tov avOpwirov el pr) to irvevpia to kv clvtm ;

OVTO) KCU TO, TOV 060*3 Ovbds €yVUJK€V €1 fJLTJ TO YlveVfXa TO €K


Ilpbs tov? XiyovTas prj o-vvapiOpcicrOai TIaTpl Kal Tia>

to ayiov Ilvevpa, dXX vTrapiBpeiaOaL' kv do Kal 5
1 2 3
7T€pl rfjs evo-ePovs crvvapi6pTJo-€<DS K€(f>aXaieu8r]$

kwiSpopr) *rrj$ TTIVT £(£>$.


- 41. Ttjz; be vTrapiOpLrjaiv 6 tl Kal Xeyovm, Kal KaTa tlvos

o-ripatvopevov T-qv (f)0)vr]V TavTt\v ayovaiv, ovbe eTTtvorjo-ai 10

1 Cor. i. 20. pabtov. otl pkv yap €K ttjs tov KOo-p.ov crocfiias KO.I aVTTj
6 7
rjpuv iiT€Lcrrix6r}, t:ovtI yvobpipiov. €6 be eyei tlvcl olkclov

Xoyov irpbs tcl irpoKeip,eva, tovto enter Ke\jf(opLeda. (pacrl

Cf. §§ 4, 5 as TOLVVV ol beiVol TO, pCLTata, TCL pi€V KOLVCL €LVai tS>V 6vop.OLT(OV
topreposi- \ , v \ v * / - \ *% s >* / >
tionsand Kai em ttoXv oi r\Keiv reusr
Ta oe * to lkg)T€ pa, Kai 15
akXa aXXoov pLeptKooTepav ^eiv T-qv bvvap.iv. olov kolvov
piev ovopa fj ovo~La, Ttaaw einXeyopLevr] Kal cv^rvyjois Kal
kp.y\fVyjOlS O/XOtCOJ, lbiK(OTepOV be TO C^ ov : klT* tXaTTOV pev

1 2 3
add. tciov. vtTapi9/xrj(T€Q}s V. om. K€<pa\cuw8r]s. * om.
5 6 7
•7-775 TTiGTeajs p.. avrrj /a v. vTrficrrjxQy R3 C. oti 5e el
8 9
CX 6 ' V. elSiKtxjTepa p. lx 6t v *

TTokXaKis (iTTOfxev, to Hv<:v[ia fir) aWorpiov eivai tov Qeov Xeycuv kpevvq
Kal ra fiaOrj tov ®(ov' to 5e per) ov 4k ttjs oucrias tov Qeov ddvvaTov
effri tov tcl fiaOt) tov ©coy kpevvqv. See below, §§ 50, 56.
41. 1. iiTraptOfjiTjo-iv. The word was used as a quasi philosophical
term to express the Anomoean doctrine quoted by St. Basil in § 13:
viro tov Ylbv Kal tov HaTtpa (to Hvevfia TaKTtov) ov avvTerayfjicvov, &\\'
viroTeTayp-ivov (1 Cor. xv. 2 j),ovSe avvapi6p.ovixzvov,aW' v-napiQ\xov\xtvov

it does not occur in the confession of Eunomius, which was prepared

after this book, A.D. 382 but it was used by him in his Liber Apolo-

geticus (before A.D. 365), against which St. Basil wrote his three (or as
some think five) books, Adversus Eunomium.
of the Baptismal Formula is absurd. 87

rod irporepov Aeyopevov, em irkeov be t&v vtt*

avro Oeco-
povpevov, Kal yap Kal XoyLK&v avra kol a\6yo)v (fivcris e/x-
3 4
1T€pU)(€TaL. 7TCl\lv lhlK(iiT€p6v €(TTL TOV £<j)01> 6 CLvOpOdTTOS,
kcli tovtov 6 avr/p, /cat rod avbpbs 6 Kad' zkclo-tov, Tierpos r/

5 natJAos ?) 'Icoaiwjs. apa ovv tovto voovat tt}v inrapiOpLrjo-Lv,

ttjv rod kolvov els tcl vireaTaXpieva btatpecrLV ; dAA' ovk av
TTio-TevcraiiJLL els toctovtov ovtovs 7TapaTrXr]^Las eXavveLV, wcrre
(pavcu tov Qeov tojv oko>v odcnep KOLvoTrjra Tiva Aoyw [xovio

dtoiprjT'qv, ev ovbep.Lq be vTreo-Tacret to elvai e\ovcrav, els tcl

10 {nroKeCpeva biaipelaOai, etra tt]v VTrobtaipeo-tv Tavrrjv Kal
vitapidp<7}o-iv Xeyeadai. 77 tovto piev ovb' av p.ekay)(OA(avTes
eiTTotev, 7T/0O? yap rfj aaefieiq Kal tov evavTiov Xoyov ttjs
ot/cetas kavT&v it poaLpeo- eons K.aTao~Keva£ovo-i, tcl yap vtto-
bLaLpovpeva 777? avTrjs ecrTLV eKeCvoLS ovcrias a^> 8>v bLrjprjv-
15 Tat. dAA.' eoLKapiev Std iroKX-qv ttjs aroTiias evdpyeLav
aiTopelv koyoov, Kal ovk eyeiv tt&s ttjs akoyias ovt&v KaO-
a\j/6p.e6a' cocrTe boKOvaC p.oC tl KepbalveLV napa ttjv
n avoLav.
12 t HI
cos yap Trpos tcl pdkaKa Kal vireLKOVTa t&v cru>p.a.TU)v rco - - p-

p.rj e\eLv avTepeLCTLv ovk eon yevvaiav ttjv 7T\rjyr]v eveyKelv,

20 ovTO)s ovbe tg)v TTpobriXonv els avoLav bvvo.Tov ekeyx^

veavLKQd KadLKeaOaL. Aet7T€rat ovv crta)7rr) to (3beAvKT0v
avT&v ttjs do-e(3e(as irapabpapLelv. dAA' ovk eq T-qv rjcrvytav
tu>v abe\<fi(0V f) aycLTTT} kol rj (3apvTT)s tqjv evavrioov.
42. Ti yap XeyovaLV ; Spare avr&v Trjs aka^oveias tcl

2 16
5 pr\p.aTa. '
rjp.e'is rots' p^ev 6p.0TLp.0LS <f)ap.ev tt]v avvapLOpLrjo-LV

TrpeireLV, rots be irpos to \elpov 7rapi)Wayp.evoLS ttjv vtt-

apL6p.r\crLV? Kal tovto TLirore Xiyere ; ov yap crvvL7]p.L vp.&v

ttjs aAAoKOTov ao(pLas , TTorepov otl xpvaos p.ev xpvcrtii

0-vvapLdp.elTaL, 6 be pokvj3bos ovKeTL ttjs o-vvapLOpafia eo)s cl£los,

1 2 3
avrov V. om. Kal v. ddiKwrepa fx.
* knl V.
Kal v. 6
dfioiov R 3 fi v.
biaipcatv V. 8
om. /xev /*.
h(p' \i.
hepyuav V '
in duobus antiquis codd.' u dyvoiav o.
om. 7W aojfxarwv fx. V v desunt in plerisque codd.'
veaviKcbs V.
14 15 16 17
Kal fipaovrris fi. om. avrwv V. fxlv tois fx v. add.
rty Svvapuv V. om. irorepov 11 v.
88 The Formula cannot imply both
dXXa beet to Trjs vX-qs eviavov VTtapiQ\xr)Qr\(reTai ro3 \pv(rG) ;

kcu ToaavT7]v bvvapuv tw aptOfji^ ptapTvpelTe, o)s 17 t&v exiTe-

X&v ttjv d£iav vitepaipeiv 77 t&v it oKvtl fir/row to o-epivbv
KaTa(3dXXetv ; ovkovv TtdXiv Kal tov xpvvbv rot? fiapVTip.ois
t&v XCOaiv v7Tapi6fxrjcr€i^, KaK€LV(jL>v tols evavOeaTepois kcu 5

fxei(ocn tovs dXap-itevTepovs Kal puKpoTepovs. o.XXa t'l ovk

Acts xvii. 21. av eliroiev ol els p,r)bev dXXo evKaipovvTes r) Xeyeiv tl kcu.

aKoveiv KcuvoTepov ; ovopiaCecrOcoo-av Xolttov /utera 4 ^tomk&v

kcu 'FtiTLKOvpeiayv 01 8ia\|/77<£icrrat Trjs dae^eias. tls yap av
Kai yivoiTo irpbs tcl iroXvTLp,a tcov aTLpLOTepaiv rj virapiOpLr)- 10
ens ; 6 \a\KOVS ofioXbs rw xpvcjto o-TaTrjpL ttojs VTrapi6p.r}-
OrjcreTaL ; otl ov Xeyopiev, <pr)cri, bvo KeKTrjaOai vo\ii<rp.aTa,
8 9

€K(f)(i)veiTai p.ev yap o/xottos eKaTepov. edv p.ev ovv KaO eavTO
tKaaTov 10
api6\xr\o-r\s, 6p.0TLp.Lav noLels £v tQ> n 6/xotw Tpoircp 15
12 13
Trjs apiOfJLricr coos' eav he o-vvd\j/rjs avTa, ttclXlv evols rr)v

a^iav avvapiOpL&v dXXr/XoLS dp.(p6Tepa. el be oitep av bev-

Tepov api6fjir]6f], tovto e£et Tr)v vnapi6pLrio~Lv, ev rw api-
OpLodvTL eo~Tiv dub tov \aXKod vop.Lcrp.aT os Trjs dpL6p.r\creu>s

dp^aaOai. dXXa Trjs ap.adias tov eXey\ov v7repdep.evoL eirl 20

tcl avve\ovTa tov Xoyov Tpe\{/a)p.ev.

43. Kat tov Tlbv virapLOpLellcrOaL rw YlaTpl XeyeTe Kal to

T\vevp.a rw Tito, r) rw Ylvevp.aTL p.6v<a Tr\v vTTapL0p.r}(TLV d(f)o-

pi^eTe ; el fxev yap Kal tov Tlbv im apiQ\xelTe, udXtv tov

avTov Xoyov Trjs ao~efieias avaKaivi^eTe, to avopoiov Trjs 25

ovauas, tt)v tov afico/xaros Ta^etvoT-qTa, Tr)v ev vo~Tepu>

yevecriv, koX aTra^airXuts irdo-as opiov tols els tov Movoyevrj

fiXao~(f)r]pLias bi evbs tovtov prjpcaTos dvaKVKXovvTes 16 eTTibei\-
6r\o-eo~6e' ols dvTiXeyeiv [xaKpoTepov r) KaTa Tr)v Tiapovcrav

vnapiO/jLeiTcu v. 2
TToXyrifxaov R4 .
kclkcivov (sic) o.
4 5 6
add. tGjv v. Kal ol o. Kal (orn. 01) v. xa *- K ° s /*•
7 8 9 10
om. ov V. btrortpov o. ora, ovv V. dpi6fj.rjs p:.
apiOpieis v.
n bpLOiorpoTTO) o. bpLorpovcv v.
vnapiOpLrj crews R 2 V.
Ij/ ols V. €i>o?s v.
apiOpLrjdeit) unus ex Regiis.' api$p.r}s V

' alius.'
airapiOpL-qo soos R4 .
deixQ^oeaOe V. 17
pvaKporarov V.
Sub-numeration and Connumeration, 89

oppar/v, re kol ev aAAou Kara bvvap.LV v<$> r)ixS>v tt}s Sc. in lib. ii.
/ ~ TT v v adv Eunom -
;. > s^ a ' ' -

acrepetas OLekey\UeL(rris. et oe rco llrevjotau irpeireLv oiovtcli

p.6v(a tt)v vti ap CO fxricr iv, pLavOaveTcoaav on Kara tov avrbv

TpOTTOV (TVV€K(f)U>V€LTaL T(p KvpiiO TO TIveVpLO, Kd0' OV KCLL 6

5 Ttos rw YlaTpL '

to '
yap '
ovoixa Tlarpos kol Tlov kcu ayiov Matt, xxviii.

n^e^/xaToj '
o/xotcoj enbeboToL. a>j tolvvv eyeL 6 T169 7rpos
2 3
toz> riaTeoa, outgo 7r/)6s to# Tidi> to Tivevp.a Kara tt)v ev

toj (3a7TTL(rixaTi Trapabebop.evif]v tov \6yov (tvvtcl^lv. el be to

Tlvevfia rw Tigj avvreraKTai, 6 be Tibs tw Ylarpi, kgll to T. III. p. 37.

10 n^eu/uta tw FTaTot 877A.01/0T1. Tim oSz; e^ei y&pav to /.xez;

avvapcOfjielcrOaL, to be VTiapiOixelaOai Xeyeiv, ev puq ko.1 ttj

avTrj ava-TOL^Ja KaTaTeTayixevcov tG>v ovofxaTOiv ; oAcoj 8e tl

t&v ttclvtoov e£eo-T7] iroTe. tt}s eavTov (frvcreods apL0p.ovp.evov ;

akk ov)(l tol \xev apiQ\xr]Ta bia\xevei ola 7Te<pVKev e£ apxfjs, 6
15 6e apiOfjids 0-r^p.elov yvoopLCTLKov tov Trkr/dovs t&v inroKei-

fxevoiv Trap' r)p.GiV eq^appto^eTaL ; t&v yap ocoplcltoov to, piev Wisd. xi. 20.

apLdp.ovp.ev, to. be yt.eTpovp.ev, to) be crTadp.u>pie6a' kol 3>v piev

o~vve\r]s 7) fyvaiS) p.eTpio KaTakap.fiavop.ev, &v be bioopLapLevr],
Tcp apidpiip vTTo[3ak\op.ev, irkyv ocra bta keiTToT-qTa kol ovtcl
20 Trdkcv p.eTpr\To. yiveTaL, tcl be (3apr) Tals eiii tov Quyov poiraxs

biOKpivopLev. ov tolvvv eireibr} eavTols 0-77/xeta irpbs ttjv tov

Trocrov yv&aiv €7revorio-ap.ev, i]br] kol ttjv (f)Vo~LV t&v o-qpLeiu)-

OevToov rjkka£ap.ev. &aiiep ovv ov\ imoo-TaOpLtopieOa akkrj-

kois tcl o-Ta6p.r)Ta y kolv to p.ev xpvo-os, to be 6 Kacro-LTepos 77,

25 ovbe VTropLeTpovpLev Ta peTprjTa, ovto)S ovbe to. apidp.r)To

TvavToos vitapi6p.r]crop.ev. el be ovbev t&v akkaiv Tr\v virapiQ-

pirjo-LV bexeTai, tt&s tw TIvevp.aTL (j>ao-L Trpoo-rjKeiv virapiO-
pLelcrdai ; akka tcl ^kkrjVLKa voaovvTes o'lovtoi tcl koto.
fiadpibv a^L(£>p.aT(av 7] kotcl ovaias v<pecnv imofiaivovTa,
30 tovto Trpoo~r}K.eLv virapLOpLelcrOaL.

«£o)C a .
om. tov Vv. 3
add. ko.1 v.
8fj\ov on o V.
5 6 7 8
awTvxiq. V. KaaaiTrjpos fiV v. -npoorjitev v. om.
ra v ' quatuor alii.' agiupaTa ra (jltj Kara V.
90 How to enumerate with reverence

TIa>s ev rfj SfjioXoyia tS>v rpioav Twoo-rdo-tooi/ to ' 1


tt)$ Movapyjas Soy/xa 2

8LaT7)pov/i€v' 3
kv <x> Kal 6 Kara
ran/ to Uvevp.a v7rapi6fAeTo~6ai (pao-KouT<ou eAey^oy.


Matt, xxviii. 44. Ylarepa Kal Tlov Kal ayiov Ylvevpa itapabibovs 6 5
Kvptos ov p.eTa rod api6[xov avve^ebooKev. ov yap elirev, on
ets irp&rov /cat bevrepov Kal rpiroV) ovbe ei? €V Kal bvo koX
Tpia, akXa hi ovofxarcov ayta)v r-qv yv&cnv rrjs npbs o-ojtt)-

piav ayova-qs 7UOTea)s e^aptcraro. wore to pikv aoj^ov rjfJLas

77 maris Z<ttiv, 6 be apiOpibs a-77/xeioy yviopicTiKov rov ttoctov 10

tQ>v VTTOKeLpLevaiv tTUvevorjTai. aAA.' 01 itavrayoQtv kavrols
ras /3Aa/3as znMTwayovres Kal ttj tov apiQp,{iv bvvapiei Kara
T7]S 7TLO-T€Gl>S Ki^pTJVTai, otyt OvbtVOS T&V akkdiV €K TTJS TOV
apidpiov irpoo~Qr\KT)S aWoiovpLtvov, ovtol eirl ttjs Betas

1 2 3
fjiovapxts ttjs ev&efieias ooypa V. rr\povpev o v. om.
kv u> . . . e\eyx os fVv' desunt in plerisque codd.'
om. on v.
5 6 7
eva V. awdyovres V. dpi6p.eiv V.

44. 7- Tpirov. Justin Martyr (Apol. i. 13) says, Uvevp.d re irpo^riKov

kv TpiTT) rd£ei Xoyov np.wp.ev, and Tertullian (in Prax. 8) in-
. . . pcerd
terprets the word, 'sicut tertius a radice fructus ex frutice, et tertius a
fonte rivus ex flumine, et tertius a sole apex ex radio/ Eunomius (Lib.
Apol. § 25) had said that, observing the teaching of the saints, we

learnt from them that the Holy Spirit is third in dignity and order
(rpirov d£ Kal rd£ei), and so have believed Him to be third in
nature also ' (rpirov elvai Kal rrj <pvo~ei ireinarevKap:ev). In the begin-
ning of his Second Book against Eunomius, St. Basil replied (in a
passage which was the occasion of a fierce dispute at the Council of
Florence) d£idup.ari p.ev yap bevrepeveiv rov Tlov irapabibwaiv 'lows 6 rrjs

evaefieias Xoyos el Kal virofiefir]K€ rov Tlov rrj re rd£ei Kal rw a£iaup.ari
. . .

(Iva Kal oXojs Gvy\wpi]Gwp.ev), ovKer dv eiKorcus ojs dWorpias virdpxov

(pvcreajs aKoXovdeiv eKeWev dijXov. The dispute was about the word taws,
which the Greeks had in their copies, and the Latins had not. The
Bened. ed. allows its genuineness, and it is found in a Syriac paraphrase
of the eighth or ninth century (Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 17145^, which
gives word for word in gloria quidem enim secundum esse a Filio

verbum pietatis fortasse concedit.'

the Persons in the Trinity. 91

(f)V(T€(i)s evkafiovvTai tov api0p.6v, pJf] hi avrov ttjs 6(f)€L-

kop.evr)s tw YIapaK\rjT(t> TtpLrjs virepfiiocrL to p.eTpov. akk\ a)

(TocpuiTaTOL, /xaAiara p.ev virep api6p.ov eWco tcl avecpLKTa, a>?

17 7raA.cua rS>v 'EfipaCcov evkafieia IbioiS cry]p.eiois to aveK(f)(o-

2 3
5 vt]tov 6vop.a tov Seov bLeyapacrcre, kcll ck tovtov ttjv kcltcl

ttclvtcov vi7epo\r]v irapio-T&o-a. el Se apa bel kcll api6p,eiv,

p.r\Toiye /cat ev tovtu* KaKovpyeiv Tr)v akr\6eiav. 7] yap
arL(07rfj> tcl appr/ra, 7) evo-e(3u>s api6p.eio-d(x) tcl ayia. T. ill. p. 38.

6 7
Ely 0e6? kcll TlaT-qp kcll els Movoyevr]S Tlos /cat *Ez;

10 Uvevp.a ayiov. eKacrTr)v t&v 'TirocrTao-ea>z> p.ovayG)S e£ayyek-

kop.ev, eireibav be avvapidpLrjo-ca berj, ov)(l airaibevTia apiOpn]-

crei irpos TTokvOetas evvoiav eK<fiepop.e6a.

45. Oli yap KaTa crvvOecriv api6p.ovp.ev, a<£' evbs els irki}-

60s iroiovpievoL tt]v Tiapav^criv, ev Kai bvo koX rpta keyovTes,

15 ovbe irp&Tov Kai bevTepov Kai TpiTov. i
eyo> yap 0eds irp&Tos is. xii*. 6.

/cat eyco /.tera TavTa.' bevTepov be 6eov ovbeiroa Ka\ Tr\p.epov
aKr\Koap.ev' Seov yap eK Qeov irpocrKWovvTes, kol to Ibia^ov
tS>v Tiroo-Tao-eodv 6p.okoyovp.ev, Kai p.evop.ev enl Trjs Movap-
X^a?, els irkrjOos aireo-^tapievov Tr)v deokoyiav p.r) crKebav-
20 wvTes, bia to p.iav ev 06(3 TlaTpl Kai 06(3 Movoyevel tt)v
olovel p.op(pr\v OecopelaOai r<5 airapakkaKTio Trjs QeoTr]Tos

1 2 3 4
virep v (e/> s. 1. m. sec). diexapa^e V- tovtojv v. /xrj-

nye o V. 5
oLTTuppTjTa /x o v.
6 o V. 7
om. tno? o
V v. et unus est Unigenitus Filius qui est ab Eo S.
S. ultimus.
dfioiav V.

8. evo-efi&s dpi0p.cio-0(d. So St. Athan. Ep. i. ad Serap. § 20 : 17 yap

QcoTrjs ovk ev airoSeigei \6yow, wcrnep etprjTcu, irapabidoTai, a\\' kv martt

Kai evaeffei Xoyiafiaj fxer ev\a&das.
45. In this section, St. Basil's careful statements of the doctrine of
the Blessed Trinity correct the Arian expressions and yet he avoids;

the word d/xoovaios in accordance with his words in Ep. 9 to Maximus

(a.d. 361). See above, p. 46. In his Liber Apologeticus, Eunomius
attributed irpwros, devrepos, ttjs tavrov vrroGTaerews fteraSovs rqj yevvq-
Okvn, tcrov tw TlaTpl rov tlov, to the doctrine of the Church : and used
fiovos, as referring to the Father, in such a way as to exclude even the
likeness of nature, but not so as to exclude His Wisdom or His having '

Immortality' (1 Tim. vi. 15, 16).

92 One Father, One Son, One Spirit.

1 2 a
kviCp\xivr\v. Tlos yap iv ro> Tlarpl Kal FTaT^p e^ rw
Ttto, i7T€tbri KOLI OVTOS TOIOVTOS oto? eK€ll>OS, KaKCl^O? OtOS
17€p OVTOS, Kal €V TOVTiO TO ''El/. (OCTT€ KaTCL p.€V TT/y lOlOTTJTa

t<Sz; rT/ooa-a)7rco^ E£j Kat EI?, Kara 6e to kolvov tt}s ^wecos

Ey ol ' AfxcftoTepoL. 7r<S? ow, €t7rep Et9 Kat Et?, o-i»x_i Svo 5

0€ol ; on j3ao-tk€VS Aeycrat Kat f] tov /3aa-tAea)9 €ikgji>,

ou 6vo /3ao"tAetj. cure yap to Kpdros 0-yJ.^erai ovre rj bo£a
7 8 9
6tap,ept£erai. w? yap 17 Kparovcra ^&3y ctp)(T) Kat fj

e^ovcria p.ia, ovtoz Kal r} itap r}fjL&v bo^oXoyta p.Ca Kal ov

iroXXai' btoTi f) rrjs EtKoVos np.r\ eiri r6 Ylpoirorvnov 10 6ta- 10
Cf.C0l.Lx5 fiaLV€L. O OVV €(TTLV €VTav6a /XtjUTJTtKto? f] zIkMV, TOVTO 6K€t
note)- <f)vo-LK(os 6 Tlos, Kat axrirep eirl rcav
n reyviK&v Kara ttjv

pLop(j)r}v fj ojutotcoo-ts, otfrcos eirl tyjs Betas Kal acrvvOirov

be Kal to ayiov Ylvevpia, Kal avrb pLovabtKois €^ayyeXX6p.€vov, 15

bi Evos Tiov to) Evl riarpt avva'nTop.evov Kat bi kavrov

12 13
avpurXripovv ttjv TroXvvpLvqrov Kal p,aKaptav Tpudba' ov
ttjv Ttpos riarepa Kat Ttou otK€uoo-tz> tKaucos ep^fyaivti to prj

iv Tw TrXrjOet rfjs KTto-ea)? rera^^at, dXXd p.ova\Gi<s €K(j)0)vei-

aQai. ov yap ev t&v ttoXXS>v £o~tlv, dAA' "Ev eaTLv. a>? yap 20
Et? Ylarr\p Kal Els Ttos, ovto) Kat Ez> Ylvevp,a ayiov. ttjs

p.ev ovv ktictttjs (fivcreoos toctovtov aTTOK€\(6pr]K6V, oaov eiKos

to MovabiKov tu>v o-vcrTr]p.aTLKO)v Kal rnXr\ kyovruv,
ITarpt 6e Kat Ttco Kara toctovtov rjv&Tai, KaOocrov €)(€L

Moz/as irpos Mom5a tt}v olK€LOTr)Ta. 25

txt. (i.e.unitam) R 2 o* C a v. kvi^ofxevqv (i. e. insidentem) V. kveinovi-
(ofxevqv inimaginatam) ft o marg. sic quatuor codd.' Ben. om. Syr.
(i. e. '

3 5
om. rai o V. add. 6 o V. * add. Kal /iv. om. ttjv V.
6 7
Kal ol ovo v (forsan interrogative). fiepi^rai p v tres codd.' '

txt. ^ o V v.
8 9 10
om. fjfxoji/ o V. om. 17 o V. observat '

Ducaeus cod. Anglicanum habere oiaPaivu.' avaQatvtt in tribus Reg. '

codd.' u txt. R fi v. Tex v T ^ v ° V. 12

ayiav o V. 13
6 o.
3 V
om. yap o V v. Vocula yap addita ex vet. libris.'
ruiv piovaoiKuiv
Kal ovoT-qp-arucwv V. 16
om. v* additur s. 1. manu sec.

9. 8o£o\o-yia p.Ca : cf. the Embolismus, as in Lit. of St. James, oV<

2oC kcrriv j) (3ao~i\da, Kal 17 ovvapas, Kal rj oo£a, rov Tlarpos, Kal rov TtoO,
Kal rov ayiov TlvevpLaros, vvv Kal au.
The Spirit from God? and '
of Christ? 93
46. Kat ovk ivrevOev (jlovov rrjs Kara ri]v (frvcnv
Koivavias at airobet^eLS, dAA* ort Kat eK tov 0eoi! '
etWt 1 Cor. ii. 12.

Ae'yerat* ov\ a>? '

ra navra 6/c roO 0eot),' dAA' a>? e/c roS 1 Cor. xi. 12.

0eou irpoekdoVy ov yevvqT&s w? 6 Tto's, dAA' a>? n^e£p,a
5 (jrojuaTos

clvtov. ttclvtcos oe ovre to crTOfxa /txe'Ao?, ovre

T7VOT] XvOlXeVT) TO Ylv€VfXCL, dAAd KCLl TO O-TOjXa 0€OTTp€7T(i)S,
Kat to Ylvevjjia ovcrta ££io~a } aytacr/xov Kvpia, Trjs fikv otKeto-
ttjtos brjXovpLtvrjs evTevdev, tov de Tpoirov Trjs virap^ecos
apprjTov tyvkaaaoixtvov. dAAd kcu TivtvpLa XptaTov Aeyerat, t. III. p. 39.

10 a)9 (pKeuofxivov Kara tt)v (J)vo-lv aiirw. bta tovto '
et rts R om . viii. 9.

n^eujuta XptaroO ov^ ex et ' °v T °s °^ K ^o-tlv clvtov.' odev

\xovov aft'co? So£d£et tov Kvpiov, '
eitelvos yap ejue John xvi. 14

bo£a<r€L, <$>7]criv y ovx <*>? 77 Krtorts, dAA' a>s ' IIi;e{>/xa rr/j John xiv. 17

a\r)d€Las Tpav&s *K(f)aZvov €V kavToo ttjv cWrjdetav, Kat a>s

15 Ylvevp.a crocpLas tov XptcrrdzJ r7)z> tov 0eoS Avvapuv kol tt)v
tov &€ov 2o(f)Lav iv T(£> kavTov ju.eye'0et cnroKaXvTTTov. Kat
a)j napaKA77ro9 de eV eaur<3 xapaKrrjpt^et rou a7T0(rretAar-
roj clvtov YlapaK\rjTOv ttjv ayaOoTrjTa, kol kv ra> kavTov
d£ia)/!xart r7)z/ pieyaXoicrvvrjv €fJL<paiv€t tt\v tov o0€V irporjkdev.

om. tt}v 2
om. 6p. v.
0740x77x0? V. * appfircos fi v
unus ex Reg. cum Colb.' 5
olKeiovfievov VR 4 . oIk€ioo/a4vov (sic) v.
*ya/3 jite oV. 7
om. T77S v.
dvoKaXinrrcov p. 9

46. 2. «k tov 0eov €ivai. The e/cOeais mOTtojs of St. Gregory Thau-
maturgus points to the sense in which even in his time (a. d. 240-270)
these words were understood %v Tlvevfxa ayiov l« 0eoO virap^tv ex ov see
; )

Introduction, p. xiv.
3. oi»x ws to. irdvTct ck to\) ©cot). This was first applied to the
Son by Georgius of Laodicea (Syria), Athan. de Synodis, § 17.
ck tov @€ov irpocXGov, ov YcwrjTws. St. Gregory Naz. Or. xxxvi.

t. i. p. 590, says : iSiov tov fiev dvdpxov Ylar-qp' rod 8e avapx&s yev-
vrjOevTos Tlos' tov Se ayevvr/Tajs irpoeXOovTos, "q irpo'iovTos, to Tlvev/xa rb
ayiov. St. Gregory elsewhere uses kKiropevTuis, and to kiciropevTov.

7. ovaia ^wo-a k.t.A. St. Gregory's etcOecris has elfccuv tov Tlov, Te\dov
Te\€ia, £wt) tyivrosv atria, dyioTTjs dyiaafxov x°pyy6s> *v § <pavepovrai 0eos
6 Harrip /cat 0eo? 6 Tios.
19. tov oOev TrpoTjAGev i. e. of the Father. \k tov Qeov trpoeXdov occurs

just above but this passage is wrongly translated by the editor of


Keble's Studia Sacra (p. 176), as referring to the Son.

94 Reciprocity of Glory in the Trinity.

eCTTIV OVV bo^OL 7) \±£v TIS (f)VCrLK7j, to? b6£(L TjklOV TO (/jWJ, 7/

1 2
be rt? e£a)6ev r) ck 7T/)ocupecreoj9 K.eKpip.eva)S rots a£totv

Mai. i.6. TTpoo-ayofJiivr]. barky be koCl '' avrr). '

t>t6? ' yap, (^rjai,

bo£d£et TTdTepa, kclI bovkos tov Kvpiov ovtov.' tovtoov
tolvvv r) piev bovkiKr) Ttapa rfjs ktlo-€0)S irpocrdyeTai, t) oe 5

%V OVTOOS 66770) OtK€taK7) TtapCL TOV TlveupLdTOS eKTTkrjpOVTOLL.
johnxvn. 6 ^ avTO y gkeyev' eyco (re ebo£acra eirl rrjs yr\s,
4. fo s y£p >
1T€ pl '

to epyov eTekeioocra, o eba)K.ds /xot tva 7rot?](ra),' ovtu> k.cll

John xvi. 14. 7T€pl TOV YlapaKX.T]TOV' '

tKtlvOS 6/X6 6ofaCT6t, OTt €K TOW e/XOL!

7 8 Jo
kap,fidvei Kat dvayyekeX vplv? Kat o>j Sofaferat Ttos
John xii. 28. ^rapa tov TIoLTpos keyovTos' '
Kat ebo^aaa kclI irdkiv
bo^ao-a), ovtoh 8o£a£erat to Hvevp,a bid tt}s irpbs YlaTepa
Kat Tlbv koivoovlcls, Kat bid tt}s tov Movoyevovs ptapTvpia^
Matt. xii. 31.
keyovTos' apLapTta
TTCLcra KCit (3kacr(pirip.La d(f)e6rjcr€TaL vfuv
rots dv6pd>TT0LS, r) be tov HvevpLCLTos (3kao-(pr]pLia ovk dcfie-

Cf. § 64. 47. 'E7ret8r) 6e bid
n bvvdp,ea)$ (Jxotlcttlktjs tw KakXeu ttjs

add. mR 3.
071015 R 3 V. 3
avrrj V. 4
add. /cat v.
ol/ccia real irapa v.
avrov o.
txt. fx Vv Reg. codd.
670; eSo^aod o~e nv unus
cum Colb.' krjiperai o. add. o V. 9 i

ex Reg. cum Colb.' 10

els to irvevp.a o. n add. doparov R V.

11. Kai tSojjacra. The reading of four MSS. eSogaad ae is found also
in the parallel passage in Homilia xxiv, Contra Sabellianos et Arium
et Anomoeos, § 7 : dAA' us 6 elirovv, Tldrep, eho^aad ae, rb epyov 6
eSoJKas ereXeicucra, fcal u>s 6 Har-qp oo£d£ei rbv Tlov, Keyojv ual e56£aod
oe, Kai irahiv dogacreo' ovtoj fcal 6 Ttos to Hvevfia els T7)i> eavrov ual Tlarpos
Koivwviav irapa\ap:(3avei.This reading suggests the interpretation in-
tended by St. Basil I both glorified and will glorify My Name as the
: *

Father, in glorifying Thee as the Son.' Westcott refers the words

perhaps more especially to the great crises in His ministry, the Baptism
(Matt. iii. 17) and the Transfiguration (Matt. xvii. 5), in which His
Sonship, and so the Father's character, was revealed.'
47. 1. Sid Swdficcos 4>coTio"n.KT]s, k.t.A. Cf. Ep. 226 (monachis suis;
t. iii. p. 348 'O yap vovs f]p.o)V <pQ3Ti^6jxevos vtto TLvtvpiaTos irpus Tlbv dva-
fiKeirei, Kai ev Avtoi &>s ev eWovi Oeapei tov HaTepa : and Irenaeus v. 36
' per huiusmodi gradus proficere et per Spiritum quidem [ad] Filium,
per Filium autem adscendere ad Patrem.' On the subject of this
section, cf. Westcott's Epp. of St. John, Add. Note (2) on 1 John v. 20.
Mutual Relations within the Trinity. 95

tov Qeov tov aopdrov EIkovos ivarevi^ofjiev, Kat 6Y clvttjs

avayofxeda eVt to v-nipKakov tov ApyjeTimov Oeapia, avTov

ttov TiapecrTLv dxto/otVrco? to ttjs yv<£>cr€(i)$ Tlvevpia, tt)v


5 Trjs aXrjOeias (/>tAo#ea^iocrtz/, ovk f^ooOev tt)v bel£tv ttolov-

fjievoVy aAA' eV eavrw elaayov upos tt)v iiriyvooo-LV. wy yap

ovotis otoe tov llarepa et fxrj o 1 tos, ovrco? oi»0€ts Matt. xi. 27.

* ' » ~ tr ' ' T ^ » \ 5 -r-r / t / » 5 1 Cor. xii. 3.

ovvaTai eareiv iHvptov ir\crovv ei /xtj ez; ll^ef/xart aytw. ov
yap 5ta TlvevpLCLTos etprjrat, aAA' eV n^e^/xart, /cat

10 '
n^eCjaa 6 0€o'?, Kat roi>s irpoo-KVvovvTas avTov Iv TlvevpiaTL John iv. 24.

Kat 'AAr^eta Set 7Tpoo~KVV€lv, KaOdis yiypanTai' '
eV T(3 Ps. xxxvi.

<J>(t>Tt croi> 6\j/6fjLe6a $ws,' tovt4cftlv iv rep (^oorto-juta) ro£ lxx.] 9.

TTi'ci'/x.aros', '
^co? to a\r}6ivov, o c/>a)Tt£et iravTa avOpamov John i.
9 .

€py6\xzvov ets tov koVjuoz;.' wore eV eai>ra) beiKvvcri tt)v

15 boS,av tov Movoyevovs, kcll rots akr]6ivoZs TrpoorKwrjTals kv

eaura) T-qv tov &eov yv&criv Trape'xerat. r) toivvv obbs Trjs

Oeoyvcocrias early curb 'Evbs YlvtvpaTos bia tov 'Evbs Tlov

em roz; "Eva llarepa, Kat avairaAiv i) c^vcflkt) ayaOoTrjs kol
6 Kara (f)vcnv \Ayta07xds Kat to (3acn\tKbv 'Aftco/xa eK rot)

ao riarpos bia tov Moyoyeyot;? era to Ylvevjia bir/Kei. ovra)


Kat at T7rooTao-et? 6p,oAoyowTat, Kat to ewe|3« boy\xa rrjs

M.ovap\tas ov bianiirrei. ot 5e rr)v V7rapi6fxr](Tiv iv rw
irp&Tov Kat bei>T€pov Kat TpiTov Kiyeiv TiOi\xevoi yvcopi^io~-
daicrav to iroXvOeov ttjs 'EWrjVLKrjs TrXavqs tt\ ay^pavTia T. ill. p. 40

35 ©eoAoyta rcou XpiaTLav&v Zireio-ayovTes. ets oi»6€^ yap

viTipKaXXov /x V v.
x&P lT0S oC.
<pi\ofxa9ecriv o V.
<pi\o0(afi (sic) o marg. manu prima. om. «ai V. 5
tfafld v.
aura) /x.

21. to evcr€|36S 8oYjxa ttis Movapx^as.

St. Basil here applies the term

Soyfxa to the Movapxio. in accordance with the definition which he

gives of Soyfxa, and K-qpvy/xa in § 66. The usage of St. Dionysius of
Rome quoted by St. Athanasius (De Deer. Nic. Syn. § 26) was different :

he wrote of to ayiov Krjpvyfxa ttjs Movapx'ias the term Kf)pvyfia, accord- :

ing to St. Basil's usage, could apply to the word 'Oixoovcriov (Ep. 90
to dyaOuv eKeivo Krjpvyfxa twv Tlarepwy), but not to the Movapxia.
g6 Absurd results of Siibniwieration.

€T€pOV <j)€p€l 7T/9 VTTapi6pLr)CT€U)S 70 KCLKOVpyrJlAa, f) OJ(TT€

TTp&rov kclI btVTtpov Oebv Kcu TpLTov dp-okoytlv. aAA' rjjxiv

apKovaa f) irapa tov Kvptov e7Ti7e0€icra aKoXovOta, tjv 6

(TVy\i(JdV OVK ekaTTOV TTJS TOVTOiV acrcfteiaS TTO.paVO\Xr}(T£l.

otl fX€V ovv ovbtv, o)s ovtoi ir€ir\avr]VTCU, f) Kara tj\v (fwcriv 5
Koivcjovia rw 7/507ro) ttjs VTrapidp.rjoreoL>s irapaXveTai, Iko,vg)$
elprjTCLL. aXXa crvviX6oip.ev rw (J)lXov€lk(i> Kai p.arat6<pfjovL,
Kai b&piev to bevTepov tlvos kclO' imapi6[jLr)o-LV zkclvov Ae-
yeaQai. Iboofxev toivvv tl to £k(3cuvov airb tov Xoyov.
1 Cor. xv. 47. '
6 7rpa>T0j/ (pr)o~iv, '
av6p(t)7ros €K yr\s \oIk6s, 6 bevTtpos 10
1 Cor. xv. 46. AvOpaiTTos 6 Kvpios t£ ovpavov, /cat £v aAAois* '
ov 7rpco-

TOV, (prjO~L, '

TO TiVeVpLCLTlKOV, dXXa TO \j/V\LKOV, €7T€l7a TO
4 5
TTvevpLCLTLKov.' el toivvv ra> Trpcorw vTrapiOp.e'iTaL to
bevTepov, 76 6e vTraptOixovpievov aTLp.0T€p6v eon tov irpbs o
€)(€i T7}v VTrapiOfjiriorLV, aTip.oTepos Ka(? VfAas tov \\tv\ikov 6 15
TTvevp^aTiKos Kai tov \o'Ckov avOpcoirov 6 kiiovpavios.

Upbs tovs XeyovTccs /xt) eivai So^acrrbv to HvevLia.


Cf. Adv. 48. '
Eo-70) TavTa,' (fyrjcrtv, '
aAA' ot>x> Kai bo£a ttolvtchs
Eunom. iii. 3. 7 5 , v / » \ « tt / r/ * <*• \ > » I "
o<p€LAopL€vri ecT76 70) llyef joicrri, oj(T76 oo^oAoyiaiS' avvyov- 20
Phil. iv. 7 . o-0ai Trap rjp.&v.' tt60€v az; ovv ttjs iravTa vovv VTrep-
€\0V0-Y}9 CL^iaS TOV Tlv€VpLaTOS TCLS aTTob€L^€LS Aa/3oijoiei>,


dpKcffci R 3 \x v.
irapaXvfiaiveTai V. 3
d7ro5€'8ei/CTeu R4 .

add. 6 fx v. touto SeuTepoy 4<m
/* v.
txt. ft o V v. Ben.
7 8
add. ovv. kffrlv d<pei\o/xevT] o V. om. av V.

48. 23. eiTrcp t) IlaTpos Kai Tto-0 Koivtovta i.e. since the doctrine :

implied in Matt, xxviii. 19 is disputed by them, let us consider what is

involved in the teaching of Scripture on the titles of the Holy Spirit,
His Operations, and His Majesty and Power. This part of the treatise
follows the same lines as his earlier writing, adv. Eunom. iii. §§ 3, 4.
: ;

The same Titles given to the Three Persons. 97

7rp6? fxapTVpiav d£t(o/oiaro? evo\xLo~6r) ; e£ecrrt ye p}]v irpos re

to, Zk t&v ovoixdrcov aTtofi\h\ravTa<s o-rjuaivopLeva Kat Trpos
tol t&v evepyei&v avTod jxeyeOr] kcli 77009 Tas eh rjfJias,

[xaWov be eh Tracrav rr]V ktictiv, \oprjyovpievas evepye<rias f

5 ttjs [xeyaXcxfivLas clvtov koi 7-779 avefyiKTOv bwapLeons eirl

Troaov y ovv ev itepivoia yeveaOai. Hvevfxa (bvopLao-Tai,

a)? ' Y\vev\xa 6 0eos,' Kat ' Ylvev\xa tov irpoo-anrov fjfjL&v John iv. 24.

•\r \ T7- / j ti « ti t tt \ \ ti t Lam. iv. 20.

A/no-ros Kvptos. ayiov, cos ayios o llarr/o Kat ay toy o ,

Tto's, rr} /xe^ yap Kruret erepooBev eueicrriyOr) 6 aytaayxoj, rw Johnxvii. n

10 be Ylvevp.aTL avpLirXripcoTLKr} rrjs (f)vo~e<tiS ecrTiv 7) ayiOTiqs' Rev

bioirep ov)(i ayua^ofxevov eariv, dAA' ayiaCpv. ayaOov, a>? Cf § - 47-

> TT v
/l v
ayaflos o llar?)p
« VI /» v * ' "* '
Kat ayaaos o eK roi> ayavov
/3" • 1
T' Zl /
1 evvqUeis,
CXllll. IO.

Matt .xix .17

4 5i John v. 18.
ova-Lav ex_oz^ 7-7)1; ayadoTrjra. evOes, (its evO-qs Kvptos 6 *

6 7 8
0eo's,' rw atro etVat dA^eta Kat avrb elvai biKatoorvvr}. p s . xc ji. [ cx ,
LXX.] 16.

John xiv. 17
diro(3keipavTa V. ras 2
-npbs Tj^ias V. txt. [x o iroobv yovv V. xv 2 6 xvi. - ;

iroaoV yovv v. Ixw V v.

iroabv ovv Ben. 4 5
cvOvs 'cum uno 3
A n..Y' i . '
txt. R M » R a* o 500 C M V R rd M soo a v R 4 R 5
tantum cod.' 2 x 3 2 x
x .
txt. Mj 500° C M 2 R4 R 5 f tVcu avToaXrjOeta R V Ben. avToeivai dKrjOeia
K fx o K v avro eiVat aX-qduav 500* v. txt. 500* C M 2
3 om. itvai .

M avro uvai
lt (sic) biKaioavvq R 3. aurota/at b'lKaioavvq fx. avrb (Jvat Si-
naioovvqv 500* v. avTodiKcuocrvvr) (om. ei^ai) R2 o VR R R x 4 6 Ben.

8. In adv. Eunom. iii. 3 St. Basil adds to these

Xpto-Tos Kvptos.
two passages avooroXos ttjv rod irvevfxaTos irpoo~7)yopiav em tov
: teal 6
Kvpiov avcupepei, Xeywv 'O 5e Kvpios to Trvev/xd kariv. This was written
during St. Basil's presbyterate, at least ten years earlier. In § 52, he ex-
plains them of the Holy Spirit.
Some MSS. give avrouvai, a word which is
14. atiTo elvcu d\T)0eia.
once used by St. Basil, and apparently with an apologetic explanation
for coining it, adv. Eunom. i. 18, of the Son, tl/ccbv (waa, jxaXXov Se
avroovaa £ojti, ovk kv oxhlxaTos bfxoioTqTi, dAX' ev atrrfj ttj oucta to
airapa.Wa.KTov del Siaow^ovao.. As regards the reading of two MSS.
avToaXrjQeia it may be noted that there is a writing printed by Mont-
faucon among the doubtful works of St. Athanasius (' Testimonia ex
sacra Scriptura De Communi Essentia Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti ')

and suspected by him to be the commonplace book of some ancient

student §§ 22-25 °f ^ are evidently notes of this portion of St. Basil

and passage is copied out in a confused way (T. iv. p. 11)

this evOh :

Hvevfj-a us ev6vs Kvpios 6 ©cos {fnxwv) tw elvcu avToa\r]9eta biKcuocrvvr) Sid

to drpevTov ttJs ovcrias. But though St. Basil wrote (Ep. 233, § 2, to

98 The Operations of the Spirit in Heaven,

TTap€KTp07TCLS €7Tt d&TtpCL KCtl €KKki(T€LS OVK ^OV, biCL TO
GLTptTTTOV Tfjs OV(TiaS. HapOLK\rjTOS, 0)9 6 Moi>Oy€VT)S, K0.6(i)S
2 3
John xiv. 16. avTos (fyqo-LV, otl ' €yo) ZpaiTrjcra) rbv Ylarepa p.ov } Kal 8oWei
vpuv akkov YlapaK\r}Tov? ovto) kolvcl to, 6u6p.ara irpbs
4 5
Harepa Kal Ylbv rw I\v€vp.aTL €K ttjs Kara rr\v <\>v<n.v \

oiKei6rr]Tos t&v T:poo~r\yopiQ>v tovtu>v tv\6vti. irofltv yap

aWoOev ; iraktv fjytpLOVLKov Kal Uvevpia ttjs akr)6eias ° Kal

John xv. 26. Ylvevp.a crocftCas w^o/xacrrat. ' Ylvevp\a 0e«W to ttoltjo-clv

Tob^xxxiii P 6 *' Kat ' T°v Beo-eAer/A. °^Y <t>fl<rlp, ' eveirk-qa-ev 6 0e 6s
Ex. xxxi. 3. n^ev/xa 0etoz> ao^ias Kat crvvia-eais Kal Itiivtt] p.r\s. ra /xej> i

ow 6vo\xara rotavra virepcfivr} Kal /xeyaAa, ovp.evovv tyovra

Tti^a ei? bo^av vTrepfiokrjv.
cf. Adv. 49 # At 6e Ivkpyziai tlvzs ; apprjTOL p.\v bia to jjiiyeOos,
av€^apL0p,r]Toi be bia to irXrjOos. tt&s p&v yap vorjaopLtv

Ta twv alcovoiv eireKeiva ; Tives rjo~av Trpo Trjs votjttjs KTiaect)s J

9 6' ~
avrov ai evepyeiai ; noo-ai a7r' a{iroz3 itepl tt)v ktlctlv x^P l

res ; tls be r) irpos tovs al&vas tovs eirep\op.evovs bvvapus ;

rjv p.ev yap Kal 10

irpor}v, Kal o-vpuraprjv
u t(d YlaTpl Kal rw Ttw
irpo tu>v alcAvcov. cScrre kclv tl vor\a"r\s tS>v alcovcov eireKewa,
tovto evpr\creis tow Ylvevp.aTos KaTcoTepco. lav re tt\v ktCctlv >

Ps. xxxiH. ev6vpir}6rjs, eo-TepetoOrfcrav ai t&v ovpav&v bvvapieis irapa rod

6- n^ev/xaro?, ttjs aTepetocrews brjXovoTi iirl to bvorpL€TaiTT(i)Tov
tt}s cbro tu>v ayad&v e^eco? voovp.£vr]s' r) yap irpos Qeov
oIk€looctls Kal to irpos KaKiav aTpeirTov Kal to kv p.aKapioTr)Ti

1 2 3
(<p' €Ka.T(pa v. add. Kal o.
add. Kal fx v. * add.

5 7 6 8
€v ix. om. rrjv v. om. riva fx. om. Kal
1/017- n v.
croj/xev v.
8< at drr' o V
v (sed in v al postea additum videtur).
irpurju v ' in duobus Reg. codd.' n rq> vlw Kal t£> itarpl o V. 12
ye V.

Amphilochius) eari 0% fj avroaXrjOeia 6 0*o? tjixoov, he would not have

used avToa\'/]0eta of the Spirit in an argument intended to convince or
refute the Pneumatomachi. St. Ambrose paraphrases the passage thus
(de Sp. S. i. 13, § 139) Veritas Christus; Veritas Spiritus habes enim

in epistola Ioannis : Quoniam Spiritus est Veritas (1 Joan. v. 6) . . .

sicut et Filius praedicatur, qui ait : Ego sum via et Veritas et vita
(Joan. xiv. 6).'
in the Incarnation, and in our Redemption, 99

hiapKks irapa tov Ylvevp-aTos tolls c)vvdp.€cn . Xpca-Tov €ttl- Matt. i. 18;
Luke . i. 35 ;

or\p.ia, kcu to rireC/xa TtporptyjEi. tvcrapKOS 7rapoi>crta, kcli to John i. 33.

Cf. § 39.
TlvevjjLa ayupiaTov. kvepyr)p.aTa bvvdp.e(ov, yapta-paTa ta/xa- , Con xii. 9.

ra)z; hta tov Y\vevp.aTos tov ayiov. bai\xoves aTrrjKavvovTo Matt. xii. 28.

Iv T(3 YlvtVfACLTL TOV 0€OV. bid(3o\oS KaTY)pyeiTO aV\lTia- 1 Cor. ii. 5, 6.


povTos tov Ylvev\xaTos. ap.apTi£>v diroXvTpcoo-Ls €v Trj ydpiTi

2 n.
tov nvevpLCLTos, '
ait e:\ovo~acr Be '
yap '
koX r}yiao~6r)T€. Iv rw * Cor. vi.


3 .'
IxaTL rc3 aytw ot/cetcoct? Trpo? 0€ou bia tov TlvevpiaTOs,
2 4
10 '
e£a7reVr€tA.e yap 6 Seos to ITz/€£/xa rou Ttou avTov e^Gai. iv. 6.

rats Kapotaty f)p,S>v, Kpa£ov dj3j3a 6 nar^p.' rj £k vei<pu>v

e£avd(TTao~is Tjj eVepyeta tov Ylvevp.aTOS, '

e^airoo-TeXels '
yap Ps. civ. [ciii.

to TlvevfAGL crov kcu ktio-Otjo-ovtcll, /cat avaKCLivuls to Trpoa-
(tiirov ttjs y^s.' etre tt\v ktlctlv tls tKkap.fidvoi iirl Trjs

15 tcov hia\v6£vT(x)v avafii cocreais, tt&s ov fieydkr] r) tov Ylvtvpia-

tos eWpyeta tov oIkovojjlovvtos r)pXv tov e£ a^acrrdo-eco?
(3lov /cat irpbs ttjv TTvevpLCLTiK-qv tKeivrjv £cotju Ta $ ^v^as
r]\x5iv ixeTapvdpiL^ovTos ; €tre Aeyotro ktlctls r) kvTavOa t5>v
e£ apLapTLds 6 ta7r€7rra)/c or a) ij £irl rd PzXtlov /xera/c 007177 0-ts

20 (Xeyerat yap /cat 01/ra) Kara r7/i> crvvr]Oeiav ttjs Tpatyrjs,

ws orai> E[a?j\os Aey^* ' et rts ei> Xptorw /catznj ktlo-ls '), 2 Cor. v. 17.

/cat 6 kvTavOa tolvvv koX r) cnrd Ttjs yrjivrjs

Kal eparaOovs £077? ^l ttjv ovpdviov iroXLTeCav p.€Ta-

j3o\rj bta tov YivevpiaTos r)puv yivop.ivt\ eirl Traaav vrrep-

25 fiokrjv 6avp.aTos Tas -^rvyas f)p.a>v avayei. eirl tovtols

irorcpov (po(3r]6S>p.€v //tj ttjv a£Lav vTrepfi&fiev rat? virep-
/ tu>v Ti\xGiv ; rj to kvavTiov p.r) els ra7ret^or7]ra KaTa-

ydya>pi€V ttjv 7rept ai)Tov evvoiav, Kav to. /xeytora bo^cofxev

add. yivcrai R 2 V. add. Trpoayeyovc o. 2
ora. 7(J/) /i v.
3 4
add. tov 6(ov -qiiGjv p o v duo codd.' '
om. rod vlov avrov V.
1710)1' R 4 R 5
5 6 7 8
. add. 03^ o v. cfai'ao'Tdo'ecos v. om.
txt. R 3 /x o C v.
eKtivrjv v. raireivbv Ben.

49. 1. Xpto-xov *'-iTi8r|pua cf. ch. xvi. § 39 and St. Greg. Naz. Or.

xxxi. 29 ffwdrai Xpiaros, nporpi^'-' 0anTi£cTcu, /xaprvper neipa^eTai,

avayei' Svvapieis ImreXti, avpmapoptapTCi' dvepxerai, 8ia5tx*Tat.

H %

ioo are Divine, not ministerial.

amy t&v e£ avOpanriwqs hiavoias koli
yAcorrrjs 8

Actsxxi. rx. <f)€f)0iJ.iv(iiV tyQiyytaOai ;

T&be Aeyet to Ylvev\xa to ayiov, w?
Acts x. 20. Tabe Aeyet Kvpios' '
Kara/3i7^t /ecu Tropevov gvv clvtoZs, \xr\okv
Cf. § 21, of hiaKpLvofxevos, bioTi eyco at»roi>9 a7T€crraAKa.' /itj Taireivov

Acts xiii. 2. raiSra Kat Kar€7m7)(OTOS' ra prj/jLaTa ; * dc/>optcrar€ brj }Jlol tov 5

Bapv6.(3av kol tov 2,av\oi> els to epyov, 6 TTpoa-KeKXrjfxaL
T. in. p. 42. avTovs.' pLT} bovkos c/>0eyyerat ; kcl\ 6 'Hcrata?*
ovT<t) Kv- '

Is. xlviii. 16; •>/ v/

W£0-Ta\K£ TO
vtt ~ ?^>5
LlV€VpLa CLVT0V, Kat
\ c
lxiii ^ t0S [X€. Kat KCLTepr)
jua napa Kvpiov kol Qibr\yr\arev clvtovs.' kol \m\ p.01 tt\v

6br\yiav nakiv eh Tcnteivrjv biaKoviav €KXdj3rjs, tovto yap 10

Ps. lxxvii. Kat &€0v tpyov elvau 6 Aoyo? biaiAaprvpeTcu. '

[lxxvi.LXX.j « , .

21. (j)r)o~LV } '

0)9 irpofiaTa tov Xaov aov, Kat '
o obr\yQ>v wcret

[lxxix.LXX.] TrpofiaTov tov '1 coerce/),' Kat '

ajSrjyrycrez; airoi/s €7r' zkiribi Kat

^k tbeiXlacrav? cocrre 6Yaz> aKovcr^y, ort ' orai; €A0?7 6

Ps. lxxviii.
LXX.j 53.
-tt I \ 1
lla/)aKAr/ros, eKeti/os v/xa? avapLvrjcret Kat
/-> « <-> •> / \ f* /
obrfyrjcreL irpos itao-av
v^ 1

John xiv. 26; 6

T ^ v a\<qQ €LaVi T ^ v obr\yiav '
a>? ebibay6r\s vote, 7
/X7) o-vKocfrav-


1 2 3 *
avTcju v. rKwryrjs (sic) o. irpoa<pepop.evaxv v. 7rauA.oi'

(om. toj') v. 5
om. irapa R2 V. 6
om. tt)v p. V. 7
add. /rai v.

8. Kat to Ilvevjjia aoroO. In Is. xlviii. 16, St. Didymus, as translated

by Jerome, gives ' Spiritum suum
St. the Targum has the same St. ' ; ;

Ambrose writes Quis est qui dicit Misit me Dominus Deus et Spiritus
' ;

Eius nisi Qui venit a Patre, ut salvos faceret peccatores ? Quem ut audis,

Et Spiritus misit ne cum legis quia Filius Spiritum mittit, inferioris


esse Spiritum crederes potestatis,' De Sp. S. iii. 1, § 7. The passage is

quoted by St. Athanasius, St. Basil, St. Cyril Hieros., and, as far as the
editor is aware, without any comment, which would help to determine

their way of understanding the case of to irvevpa but Origen, on the ;

words Whosoever shall humble himself as this little child (Comm.


in Evang. Matth. torn. xiii. 18), says eOTi de to raireivwoai eavrov ws :

to iraidiov kfeetvo, to (jup:r)O aG0cu to vyrep acuTrjpias dvdpojvojv Tcnreivwoav


kavTo Hv€vp.a dyiov. otl ft\ 6 'S.on-qp, nal to ayiov Hvevpua, k^aTreffTaK-rj
virotov TiaTpbs em acoTTjpia twv avOpw-rraiv, 5e5rjXa>Tai ev Tcp 'H<Tata ere
npocwiTov tov XajTTjpos, \eyovTos, ' Kat vvv Kvpios aiteOTeiXe p.e, kcu to
livevpua avTov.' iaTeov pevTOi, oti apxpifiokos eariv rj \e£is' fj yap 6 (deus
a.Treo~Tei\ev, aireo~Tei\€ t& Uvevpua t6 ayiov tov ^ojTrjpa^ rj, clr
de teal

e£ei\rj(pap:ev, apuporepa aiteo'Tei'Ke 6 TlaTTjp, tov "ScuTTjpa real to ayiov

His Intercession and His Knowledge Divine. 101

50. 'AAAa Kal '

evTvyyaveiJ (f>r]o~LV, '
virep r]\xG)v^ wore Rom. viii. 26

oaov t/ceT7]? rov evepyeTov Aenrerai, tocovtov to Tlvevpia

Kara tt]v a£iav aTTOireTTTooKe tov Qeov. av be ovtto) i]KOV(ras

7repl rod Movoyevovs, otl i

early ev oe£ia tov Qeov Kal evTvy- Rom. viii. 34

5 yaveL virep rjpi&v ;

[at) ovv otl to Ylvevp.a ev vol {elirep br)

oAa)? ev vol), ^778' otl cnTOTV(f)\(o0£vTas f)\ias irpos TT)V

eK\oyr\v tov o~vn<fiepovTos 8i5aa K€i kcu obrjyeL, tovtov eveKev

ttjv evo-e(3rj kol oaiav irepl avTov bo£av ^ry/xtco^rjs. virep(3o\r]

yap ayvcofAoo-vvqs tovto ye Ti]V (j)i\avdpa)TTLav tov evepyeTov

J Eph.
10 a<fiopfjLr}v ayapiaTias TTOLelo~0ai. '
jot.77 ovv XvirelTe to Tlvevpia iv. 30.

to ayiovl OLKovo-aTe tl (f>r]o-LV f) airap\r} t&v piapTvpcov

2,Te<pavos> to bvo-TretOes Kal dvvnoTaKTOv rco Aac2 oveibi^mv'

vjxels' <f)Y]o-iv,
del rw YlvevptaTL tw ay bo avTntiTtTeTel Kal Acts vii. 51.

irakiv 6 'Ho-ata?* irapco^vvav to Tlvevpia to aytov, Kal Is lxI »- 10.

15 eaTpd(f)7] amols els eyOpav] Kal eTeptoOi' '
6 oTkos tov 'IaK0)/3 Mic. ii. 7-

irapcopyio-e to Tlvevpia Kvpiov'* ei jutj e^owiaoTiKT/? bvvd-
/xeaj? T7apao~TaTLK.a to, Toiama. rr) t&v evTvy\av6vT(av Kpttret

TrapLTjfXL, TavTa aKovovTas diroCas Ttvas xprj tcls inroXrjxlseLS

e\etv, cos irepl opydvov Kal vtttjkoov Kal 6/xort/xou tt\ KTiaei
20 Kal T]\uv dfiobovKov, r) (BapvTaTov Kal prj/xart juoVa> tt]v /3Aaa--
5 6
(f)r]fXLav TavT-qv virobvvat rots evcrefieo-i. bovXov Aeyet? to
c l
Tlvevpia ; aAA' 6 bovkos,' <pt]crLv, ovk olbe tC TroteX 6 John xv. 15.

Kvptos avTov,' to be Tlvevpia ovtgjs olbe '

tol tov Seov, ws Kal Cf - § 4°-

- , a , v , , «» iCor. ii. 11.

ro irvevfxa tov avop&irov Ta ev aura). '

om. ovv ft o V v. 2
om. op, 3
iraptyvvc o. irapdjpyijffe v.
4 5 6 7
tt)(T7re/) /*. aTroSowai V. add. 5^ ^. to '

50. 4. toO Movoyevovs. S. '

Filio vero.' kvTvyxavu virlp rjfiuiv : S.
factus est oratio pro nobis.'
2 1 . 8ov\ov. The earliest excuse for such an expression is found in
Tatian, who calls the Holy Spirit tov diatcovov tov ire-novOoTos 0eov
(adv. Graec. 13).
io2 'Freedom' is applicable neither

Ilpb? tov? XkyovTas fjLrJTe kv SovXlktj tol^l /irjre kv Se-

(T7TOTLK7J ZlVCLl TO HvtVpa, dXX kv jfj TQ)V kXtvOkpOOV.


Ovre bovXov' <pr)o~iv, '
ovre becnroTr^v, aXX kXeude-
pov.' a> ttjs beLvrjs avaXyr)crias, a> rr\s kXettvfjs cMpofiias t&v 5
1 2
ravra XeyovTOiv ! ti itXkov avT&v 6bvpoopLaL, to ajxa6es r] to

fi\ao-<fir}iJLOV ; 0% ye tcl tt)s 0eoAoyta? 6oy/xara avOpcoirivoLS

irapabeLyixacn Kadv/3pi£ovcrL, Kai Ti)v a>8e avvqOetav TraprjX-

Xay\xivr]v tyovcrav t£>v afia>/xara)z; ttjv biatyopav ttj deiq Kal
apprjTio <pvcr€L Trpoo-apfjio^etv k7TL\€Lpovatv, OVK €VVOOVVT€S OTL i°

T. ill. p. 43. Ttapa pitv avOpdiTtois Tr\ (pvaet bovXos ovbeis. 7) yap koltol-

bvvacTTevOivTes vtto fyybv bovXtCas rjyO-qcrav &>s kv alyjxa-

Gen.xlvii.25. Acocrtcus, 7; bia irevCav KCLTebovXcoOrjcrav a)j ol AlyviTTtOL r(p
<$>apaa>, 77 Kara Tiva crocfy-qv Kal airopp-qTov olKovop^iav ol

X^eCpovs tS>v 'naiboiv eK r?)j t&v Trarepcoi' cf)covrjs toIs <ppovL- 15

Gen. ix. 25. fjLaiTepoLs kclI /3eA.nWt bovXevetv Kare§iKa(7077crcu\ 771^ ovbe
KaTabiKrjv, dAA' tvepytcriav euroi tis av bUaios t&v yivop.k-
V(x)V e^€raoT7]s. tov yap bi tvbeiav tov (ppovelv ovk eyovTa
kv kavTto to KaTa <j)vatv apyov, tovtov kTipov fcr?j/xa y€vko~9ai
XvaLTeXkcrTepov, tva ra) tov KpaTovvTos Aoytcr/xw btevOvvo- 20
fxevos o/xoios 17 ap/xart rjvCoyov avaXa(36vTL Kal TrXoiu

Gen. xxvii. KVfttpVqTrjV €\OVTl illl olcLKiOV KadrjjA€VOV. biOL TOVTO 'IaKO)/3
2g '

KVpuos tov 'Ho-av e/c ttjs euXoytas tov iraTpos, tva koX fir)

j3ovX6fA€vos irapa tov (ppovifiov evepytTrJTai 6 atypcov, ovk

bhvpojxai o.
aireides R4 .
add. f) V. * apprjrov v
quidam MSS . codd.' 5 ijvnep o V.

51. 7. 01 ye to. tt]S ©coXoyias Soyp-aTa. ' Seeing that they try to bring
contempt on the truths concerning God by comparing them to human
matters, and though the practice of this world involves a difference in
degrees of dignity, they undertake to apply it to the Ineffable Nature
of God, not considering that among men no one is a slave by his
to created spirits nor to the Spirit Uncreate. 103

eyu>v tov oIkcIov K7]bep.6va tov vovv> Kai Xavaav irals Gen. ix. 25.

oIk€T7]s carat rot? a.beXifio'is, eireibr} abibaKTOs i]v rrjs apeTrjs,

aavverov e\(av tov kavrov Trarepa tov Xaju. a>8e p.ev ovv
ovTios ol bovXoi, eXevdepoi be ol biatyvyovTes ireviav t) iroXepiov

5 T] TTJS €T€p(i)V Kl]bepOViaS a7TpOO~beels. COOT6 KCLV 6 [A€V 8eO~7TO-

2 3
tt]s, 6 be olKeTr]<s XeyrjTat, dAA.' ovv navTes Kat Kara tt]v

Ttpbs aXXr/Xovs 6p.OTip.iav Kai a>s *KTrip.aTa tov it eTtoir) kotos

7]p,as 6p.6bovXoi. eKel be tl bvvaaai ttjs bovXeias viTe£- Ex. xx. 2.

ayayeiv ; 6p.ov re yap €KTio~6r], Kai to bovXov eTvai avy-
jo /career* evaarat. aXXrjXoov p.ev yap ov KaTapyjovaiv, ei:eibr]

irXeove£ias ap.oipa tcL ovpdvia, 0ea> be iravTa viroKVTTTei, Kai

cos Aeo-iroTT] tov oq^eiXoixevov <poj3ov Kai a>s Ar\p.iovpyui ttjv
eTTifiaXXovcrav bo£av airobibovTa. vlbs yap oofd£et TtaTepa^ Mai. i. o.

1 s'
/cat bovXos tov Kvpiov' ai)Tov Kai aitaiTel ttclvtcos t&v bvo
15 to kWepov 6 0eo's, '
el yap YlaTrjp elpu ey(o, itov eVrt, (fyqcriv,

fj bo£a pov ; Kai el Kvpios elpu eyco, itov eo~Tiv 6 (f)6ftos p.ov ;'

v L
7) iravTcov av ear) ekeeivoTaTT] £a)?) p.r] vtto ttjv eirio-KOTTrjv

tov AeaTTOTov Keipievrp oTrolai elo-iv al a7roo-rart/cat bvvdp.eis

ai bid to Tpayr\Xidaai Kara 0eo£ TIavTOKpaTopos a<prjvid-

20 £bt>crat ttjs bovXeias, ov t<2 erepcos 7rec/>i>/ceVat, dXXd rto

awTTOTCLKTcos e\eiv irpbs tov YloLrjo-avTa. Tiva ovv Xeyeis

eXevOepov ; tov a&acriXevTov ; tov p.r\Te dp^eiv eTepov
bvvap.Lv eyovTa p.r\Te dp^eaOai KaTabe^opLevov ; dAA' ovTe
ecrrt rts
ToiavTr\ c/wcrts ev rots overt, Kai u tovto evvorjcrai

25 /cara tov TlvevpaTos acrefieia irepL(f)avi]s. coo-re el piev

€/crta-rat, bovXevet brjXabr} p.eTa ttclvtcov, '
to. yap crvpLTtavTa,' Ps c.xix. -

bovXa ad,' el be vrrep t])v ktlctlv ea-rt, ttjs fiacnXeias lxx.] 9 i.
, v ,
Matt. vi. 13.
60Tt KOLVdiVOV. i Chron.
xxix. 11, 12.

om. ovv
dWa (om. ovv) V. 3
om. Kai o V
* o V.
KTT)yua 5
8vvaff6e R 2 V. 6 rev hovKcv /x SovXov ita MSS. duo, '

quibus favent plures alii in quibus legitur 8ov\<v alius habet SovAos.' :

kavrov o V. add. <po(iziTai /* v Colb. et duo alii Combefisio citati.'

9 10 ll 12
kariv (om. <prjalv) v. ttclvtoj? v. add. 77 V. aKcn-qv
R 3 C. 13
om. roiavrr] p. u txt. R V. to /j. o v ' in aliis MSS.'
15 16
kKTiaQt} o V. bovkd aov jx.
104 The Spirit is called Lord in 2 Thess. iii. 5,

MapTvpiai Ik tt)s ypa<f)f\s 1

tov KvpcoXoyeicrOai to

52. Kat tl bel €K tu>v TcnreLVcov dTioiAayop.£vovs ala^pS>s

t. in. p. 44. rr\v vlktjv KaTOLKTacrOai rw Aoy<i>, e£dv rfj irapaOeaeL t&v 5

(refJivoTepoiv avavTLpprjTOV ttjv virepfiokriv rrjs bo^rjs km-

heiKvvvai ; et he Aeyot/xei; a Tiapa 7-7/9 Tpa(f)f}s ebibd^OrjiJLev,

Acts vii. 57, Taya TTov fxiya kclI cr(pobpdv avcLKpa^ovTat., /cat crvcryjovres ra
oiiTa apapievoL KlOovs, r/ o tl av Tvyoi 7rapa(f)av€v tovto t&v

Ylv€vpLaTOfjid\a>v e/caoTo? oirkov TTOLrjo-dpievos, €(pi 77/xay IO

ij£ovo-Lv. ov fi-qv irpo ye Trjs akrjdeLas Tip.r\Tea rjpLiv 77

2 Thess. iii. 5. do~(pdk€La. €VpOjJL€V TOLVVV Tiapa TO) 'A7T00T0A(i>* '6 Oe

Kvptos KCLTevdvvcLL vpL&v tcls Kapbias ets ttjv aydirriv tov
&eov /cat et? 7-7/y viropLOvrjv tov XpLcrrov '
V7rep r<Sy Oki^re&v.


T7\v virep t&v Okixj/eoov tov XptaroO vTTopLOviqv ; cltto-

Kpivao~9ooo~av fjfALV ol to Tlvedfxa KaTabovkovpievoL. etre yap

irepl tov Oeov /cat Ilarpo? 6 koyos, Tra^rcos ar etprjro* 6 oe

K^ptos I'/otaj KaTtvQvval et? ttjv kavTov dydirr]v, etre 7rept

8 3°
tov Ttot), 7rpoo-€K€LTo av' et? ttjz; eaurot) VTrofxovriv. Crjret-

TOiaav ovv tl €o~tlv dkko Upoo-onrov, 6 ttj irpoa-qyopia tov

KvpCov TLpLacrOaL a£iov. TrapairkricrLov oe tovtu> /cat to

1 2 3
add. 7r€pt fi oa (in tabula). 8r) o (in ras.) v. yap pr) V. tvx7
(sic) p. * V.
om. virlp t&v Okiipeoov V *
in tribus MSS.
codd. deesse.' ad patientiam afflictionis propter Christum S. dno-
7 8
fcpiveaOooaav v. om. deov real /iVv, Xpicrrov p. v '
duo codd.'
om. to V.

52. 14. virep twv 0\i\|/€(ov. '

Fatendum est haec verba in sacro con-
textu non Sed tamen cum paulo post a Basilio repetantur ut e
legi. . . .

sacro contextu desumta, nolim ea delere ac verisimilius est ex codi- ;

cibus, in quibus desunt, ob earn causam fuisse sublata, quia non lege-
bantur apud Apostolum, quam sine causa in alios codices, in quibus
occurrunt, iniecta.' Ben.
i Thess. iii. 12, 13 and 2 Cor. iii. 14-17, 105

eTepoaOi Keip.evov, to '

vjjLas be 6 Kvpios irXeovdcrai /cat ire- j Thess. Hi.

pL<T(revcrai ev aydirrj els aWrjkovs kclI els Travras, Kaddirep
2 3
not rjfxels els vfxas, els to aTrjpi^ai vfx&v tcls Kaphias
4 5
®eov Uarpos
dpLepiTTTovs ev dyiaajja^ eparpoo-Oev tov Kal

5 r)\xS>v ev Trj irapovcriq tov Kvpiov fjfji&v 'Irjo-ov XpioToS fxeTa

iravTcov t&v ay too y clvtov.' ttoIov Kvpiov ev\eTai efXTrpocr-
6ev tov Geov teal HaTpos fjfJL&v ev Trj itapovviq tov Kvpiov
rjfiu>v d\xep.i:Tovs tcls Kaphias eo-Trjpiyfxevas ev ayioia-vvr)
tcov ev QecraaXovLKT) ttlo'tu>v o~Tr]pi£ai ; airoKpivdo-da)o~av
IO TjjXLV OL fXeTCL T(t>V XeiTOVpyiK&V TTVeVfiaTGOV T&V TTpOS biaKO- Heb. i. 14.

viav airocrTeWoiJ.4v(*)v to dyiov Hvevpia TiOevTes. aAA' ovk

eyovai. hioirep aKOveTooaav Kal eTepas fxapTvpias hiapprjhrjv
'6 10
Kal avTrjs KvpioXoyovcrrjs to Tivevfxa. be Kvpios/ <prjo-i, 2 Cor. iii. 17,

to Uvevfxd etrrt,' Kal irdkiv' n ' KaOdirep dub Kvpiov Tlvev-
12 13
15 /otaro?.' &<TTe be. p.r)he\iiav dvTiXoyias a<popjjir)v KaTaXi-
ire'tv, avTrjv TrapaOrjo-opLaL tov AttocttoXov tt\v Xe^iV '
d\pi 2 Cor. Hi. 14,

yap t9\s enjpiepov to avTo KaKv\x\xa em Trj dvayv&vei tt\s

UaXaias AiadiJKrjs [xevei, p/rj dvaKaXviTTOfxevov otl ev XpierrG)

Karapyetrcu. oTav he eTTicrTpe\j/r] irpbs Kvpuov, irepi-

20 aipevrai to KaXvpifxa. 6 be Kvpios to Uvevpid eo~Ti? tl

tovto Xeyoiv ; otl 6 \jnXfi Trj hiavoiq tov ypapLfxaTos irpoa--
Kadr/fjievos Kal avTov ttov irepl to. vopuKa TrapaTrjp-qpLaTa

biaTpifiuiv olov tlvl Ttapa'neTdo'p.aTi Trj 'lovbaiKrj tov ypdpi-

jxaTOS eKho)(rj tt)v Kaphiav eavTov avyKeKaXviTTai, Kal tovto

35 7racr)(€t irapd to dyvoeiv otl r) o-oofxaTiKr) tov vojjlov T-qprja-LS

ev Trj eTTLbrjfjiiq tov XpiaTov Karapyetrcu, t£>v tvttcav Xolttov

pieTa\r)(f)6evT(t}v els Trjv d\r)6eiav. apyovcL yap Xvyyoi Trj

txt. R 2 o V. tJ7 fi v Ben. 2
om. Kal \x v.
rj^xas o. * txt.
fi v Ben. afi€nrr7QJs R o V.
txt. R 2 o V. ayiooovvr) /x v Ben.
6 kvwmov 7 8
o. €vuirl (sic) V. ops V. om. taTrjpiyfJitvas v.
airoKpiviaOajcrav v. 10
om. Se V. n om. Kadanep V. 12
Luas fx v.
napa\nretv o V. H irepieXurai R2 V. 15
ipt\^v rrfv
dtdvoiav tov ypapiLiaTOs (Kbexofxcvos V. 16
Starr) pr,\xara R 2 V.
Kvpiov V.

13. *
6 8^ Kvpios,' $y)<ri, ' to Ilvetijjid i<rri '
: see note § 48.
106 and G od (indirectly) in i Cor. iii. 16,2 Tim. iii. 16.

TOV TjXiOV 7iapOV(TLq, Kdl <Tyo\a&l 6 VOfXOS Kdi TTpO(j)r]TelaL
T. III. Karaaiya^ovTai Tys akrjOeLas avcMJjavtLo-qs.
p. 45. 6 fxevTOL bwr}-

0€L9 €776 TO /3tt0OS biaKVXJ/ai TT)S VOfXLKfjS eVVOLCLS KGLL TTjV €K

tov ypapLpLCLTos dad^eLav olov tl KaTaireraafxa bLaa^oiV elcrai

yevecrOaL t&v aTTopprjToov, ovtos ep.Lp.rj(raTO tov Mbjvafjv ev 5

Ex. xxxiv. T(2 bLaXeyecrdcLL rw Seo3 TitpiaipovvTa to Kakvp^fxa, eTTLaTpetytov

kcll clvtos cltto tov ypdfJL[xaTOS 777)6? to TrvevpLa, coore dvakoyeiv

to) fji€v em tov Trpoo-toiTov Mojvo-eoos Kakvp,p.aTL tt]v tS>v vop.i-
K(ov (bibaypLaToov do-d(j)eLav, rrj be €7no~Tpo<prj Ttj irpbs tov
Kvptov Ti]v 7TV€V[jLaTLKr}v decopiav. 6 ovv ev ttj dvayvojcreL tov 10
4 5
vo/jlov TrepLekcov to ypdp.p.a kiiicrTpityei irpos tov Kvpcov
(6 be Kvptos vvv to Ylvev\ia Aeyerat), kcu o/xotos yiveTai
Moovo-ei e< tt)s eirHpaveias tov &eov to irpoo-ooTrov bebo£acr-

jjievov eyovTL. w? yap tcl tois dv6r\pols xp(i> napaKei-

p.eva eK tt}s Ttepippeovarjs avyfjs kcll clvtcl kcltcl^givvvtcll, 15

ovtgos 6 evapy&s evaTevto-as rw HvevpLCLTL eK tt)s eKelvov

bo£rjs p.eTapLop<povTaC ttoos irpos to (fyavoTepov, olov tlvl

(J)ootI tt} eK tov UvevpLdTos dkf]6eia ttjv Kapbiav KaTa.kap.TT6-

2 Cor. iii. 18. fJLeVOS. KCLL TOVTO tOTl TO fJLeTCLpLOpcfroVCrOcU CLTTO TTJS b6£r)S

tov Ylvevp.aTO<$ els ttjv oiKeiav b6£av, ov puKpoXoyoos ovbe 20

apLvbp&s, aAA' eirl toctovtov, e(p? oo~ov ecTlv etKo? tov cltto

tov TIvevpLCLTos cf)(t)TiC6pLevov. ov bvaooTrfj, avdpa>TT€, TOV

1 Cor. iii. 16. AttocttoXov keyovTa, otl '
vclos Qeov core, kclI to TIvevpLCL
tov Qeov oiKel ev v\xiv ;
apa to bovkiKov oIktjttjplov

KCLTebe£aTO av TTOTe tt} tov vclov TTpocrr\yopia TtpLrjcrai ; tl be 25

2 Tim. iii. 16. 6 fleoVz'eTJO-TOZ' TTJV Tpa(f)r}V OVOp,d((OV blCL TT]S eTTLTTVOLCLS TOV
ayiov TIvevpLCLTos avyypa(f>eio-av jut) toIs tov Ka6v(3pi(ovTOs


txt. fx v '
in duobus tantum codd. MSS. et in alio quodam secunda
manu/ oi -n potp-qrai V. 2
om. fxcuvoeoos V. om. tov V.
5 6 <pav(pwrcpov /x V 7
* TTfptaipuiv o. om. tov V. v.

i<f> V. kcpoaov o. 8
apa V v.
The Spirit transcends human thought. 107

^varTao-is TTJs Kara tt)v (pvcriv Koivo&vias 1

tov Uvevfxa-
tos e< rod dfioicos eivai flarpl Kal TIS> irpos Beodpiav



5 53. Ov ijlovov be e£ wv tcls avras TrpoorrjyopCas e^et Kal

KOLVOOVOV €(TTL T&V evepyei&V YldTpl KCU Tito, TO VTiepiyOV

avTov tt)s (pvaeoos yv<opip.ov, akka Kal ef &v o/xouos earl

irpos Oewpiav bvcre<pLKTov. a yap nepl tov Tlarpos cfy-qcriv

cos eireKeiva ovtos av6pa)Tiivrjs evvoias, Kal a irepl tov
10 Tlov, 5
Tama 6 Kvptos Kal irepl tov ayiov YlvevpaTos keyeu'
( 7
ITarep bUate, Kal 6 koVjuos ere ovk eyvco,' tov Koarp.ov j onn X vii.
25 "
keya>v vvv ov\l to e£ ovpavov Kal yr)s o~vcrTr\p.a, akka ttjv
iiriKrjpov TavTt\v Kal p.vpiais juera/SoAcu? vi:oKeip.evY]V £0)771;.

Kal itepl kavTov biakeyoptevos, '

eTL puKpov,' (prjai, '
Kal 6 John xiv. 19..

Koo-fxos p.€ ovk€tl Oecopel, vpLeTs he 0ea)peiTe /xe/ irakiv

evTavOa tovs tyj vkiKr) Kat aapKLKrj irpoabebepevovs C°°V Kai
piovoLS dipOakpols ttjv akrjdeiav en itpen ovt as Kocrp.ov irpocr-

ayopevoov, 0% Trj amo-Tiq ttjs avao-TacreodS ovkItl ep^ekkov

rots ocfydakpols Trjs Kapbias tov Kvpcov fjpi&v oxj/eo-Oai. Ta Eph. i. 18.

20 be avTa Kal nepl tov Ylvevp.aTos elire. '

to Ylvevpa,' (frrjai, John xiv. 17.

' Trjs akydeias, o 6 Kocrpos ov bvvaTai kaftelv, otl ov Oeoipel t. hi. p . 46.

avTo ovbe yivaxrKei. avTo' vpeis be yiva>o~KeTe avTo y otl nap

vplv p.evei! 6 piev n yap vz
aapKivos avOpctmos ayvpLvaaTov
e\(av npbs deoopiav tov rovv, p-akkov be okov axnrep ev
25 l3opf36pii> rw (ppovrjpaTi ttjs vapKos KaTopiopvypevov (frepoDV, Rom. viii. 6.

abvvaTel irpbs to irvevpLaTLKov (fr&s tt)s akrjOeias avafik£y\rai.

010 o Koapos, TOVTeaTLv r) tois navea-i tt)s crapKos

\i V v.
2 3 4
om. rov irvivfxaTos koivov V. irapa (i. dia-
voias V. ravra V v. toSto «at o.
5 6
wevfiaros rov ayiov V.
7 8 9 l0
om. tov o. kmKaipov \i o. kmfiXeTrovras V. om.
n om. 7a/) V. 12
om. oAoi/ V. 14
«;xa>»/ R x .

15 16 17
dSvi/aros /* o quatuor MSS.'
om. 6 /i. add. wv jx.
io8 The Spirit is omniprese?it.

hehovkoifxevrj £077, olov d(f)OakjjLbs ao-Otvrjs (/>&>? rjkto.KrjS

clktIvos, ttjv rod TJveupiaTOS yapiv ov\ VTTobe-^eTai. rot?

fJL€VTOL fJLadrjTCLlS kaVTOV KaOapOTrjTCL (/D77? €K TOJV bibaypA-
roav avrov pLapTvpr/aas 6 Kvpios to Kal €7TOtttlkois rjbr] elvai
John xv. 3. /cat 0€G)pr]TLKoZs rod TlvevpLdTOs anobiboicriv. '
ijbr\ yap' 5

(jyqcrLv, '
i;ju,ei? KaBapoi eare bta rbv koyov, ov kekdkrjKa
vplv. oOev '
6 fjLtv ko'ct/xo? ov bvvarai kafielv y
ov yap
Oecopel avro' tyxet? be ytz^coo-Kere avro, on i:ap vjxlv \x£vei.
3 f
is. xlii. 5. ravTCL Aeyet Kal 'Hcratfas' 6 o~T€p€<ixras rr\v yr\v Kal tcl tv
4 5 6
avrfj, Kal bobs Tivo-qv rw Aaw rw e7r' avrrjs koX Ylvev^xa 10

rot? TTarovcriv avTy)v! o\ yap KarairarovvTes ra yrj'Cvo, Kal

virepava) a&T&v yevofxevot a£tot tt}s boapeas tov ayiov
YlvevfjiaTos p.€\xapTVpr]VTai. to ovv a^piqTOv \x\v rw koV/xo),
rot? aytot? 6e (iovols 81a, KaOapoT-qTa ttjs Kapbias decoprjTov,
tl XPV vopuXto-Ocu rj Tas 7rora7ra? Tifxas o-vju/xerpou? V7rdp- 15

Xeiz> ai»r<5 ; t&v [i\v ovv akkcav kKacrTt] bwafAeaiv Iv 7rept-

ypaTTTto ro7ra) Tvy\avtiv 7re7rto-reurat, 6 yap ra> K op ^77 A to)

Acts x. 3 ; €7Tto-ra? ayyekos ovk r\v iv TavTio Kal irapa rw <£>iki7n:(i),

Luke i. 11. ov ^ ° *7
( ™ T0 ^ 6vo~iao~Tr\piov ra> Zayapiq btaktyopitvos Kara
roz; avTov Kaipbv Kal ev ovpavy Tr\v olKeiav crTao-iv eTTkrjpov' 20
y L
to pLtvTOL Llvevfjia ofxov T€ ev AppaKOVfJL €V€pyeiv /cat €V
BelandDrag. AdVLTjk 67U T?j? BaftvkuiVLaS Tl€1Tl(TTeVTai i Kal €V r<3
34 (Dan.xiv. v ^
33, Vulg.). KaTappaKTY) 1X
etz^at p.era lepepuov Kai jieTa i€^€KLi]k em rou
Ezek. L 1 Xofiap, '
rTue^/xa yap Kvptou 7re7rAr}p(OKe rr)z> olKovix£vr\v!
Wisd. i. 7. Ka £ « tj-oi; 7TOp€V0(0 OLTTO TOV UvtVfXaTOS (TOV, Kal CLTTO TOV 25
Ps. cxxxix.
LXX.] 7. 1
SiaTayfidrojv 2
add. tovto V.
ravra V v. * txt.

/« V v (in o a stain which only covers space for Sovs) ' tres codd.' SiSovs
5 6
Ben. add. iravrl ' totidem,' sc. tres codd. add. to \i v.
txt. (i V v. ray 7rai/ToSa7ra? o.
7 8
yivSfiivoi V. ray 7roSa7ras ' non-
9 to V. 10
nulli.' iroTairas (om. ra?) Ben. eirl rrjs Ba^vXcuvias

rip AavifjX Oavfw. TreiricTtVTCu V. u om. elvai fi v.

53. 16. twv |A€V otiv aAAoov iKdcrTrj 8vvd|X€cav. This paragraph on
the Spirit's Omnipresence appears to belong to the chapter and section
on His transcending the mental powers of man : and is placed with it in
the majority of MSS.

His Attributes and Mercies tell of His Glory. 109

2 '
irpo(ra>TTOv crov ttov (ftvyoo /cat 6 TrpcKprjTris' '
b tort iyco Hag. ii.4, 5,

/ot€0' Vfx&v et/xt, Aeyet Ki/oios, /cat to Uvevpid [xov i(f)i(TTr}K€V

kv juecro) vpi&v.' to be 7ravTa)(ov ov /cat 0ew avpLirapov Trjs

TTOLCLS 7Tp0CrrJK€L VOfJLL^€LV <f)VO~€0QS / TT)S TTCLVTa TttpieyOVO-riS, ^
5 Trjs fitptKols €pLii€puiky)np,£v7)S yuipiois, oiroiav Tr)v t&v
ayyeka)v 6 Aoyos zbei^ev ; dAA' ovk dv rts €litol. to ovv
Oeilov Trj (f)Vcr€L, to a\(oprjTOv tg> fxeye#et, to bvvaTov Iv rats
e^epyetats, to dyadov iv rats evepyeotats jxt) VTrepyxj/uto-o-
pi€V ; ju.77 bo£d(rop,€v ;

10 "
Oti 8o£o\oyia IIvevjiaTO^ kcrriv i) tcov 7rpoo~6vTcov
avT<o d7rapi0pL7]o~i?.

54. 'Eya> oe ovbe aAAo tl tt)v bo£av rt^e/xat rj t&v irpoa-ov- T. III. p. 47,

raw avrcp davpLCLT&v ttjv t^apidpLrjo-Lv. ware 77 ovbe p.cpLvrjcr0aL

1 5 r) t£>v nap avTov dya6&v kitiTa^ovviv ovtol, r) 7rdvT0)s r)

T&v irpoaovTCdV bU^obos Trjs fjL€yicTTr)s bo£okoy(as icrTL

•7rA.7Jp(oo-ts. ovbe yap top Qebv /cat Ilarepa tov Kvpuov r)p,S)v Cf. § 17 (of

'Itjo-oi; XptoroS /cat tov Movoyevrj avTov Tlbv aAAcos bo£a(etv

V deficit usque ad § 57 -pwdi 'iva eiSojp:ev.
om. ttov o.
virepvipujcrcofjKV pi) v 'duo MSS.'
virepSogaacvpev * virepSo^daopev
o. ' non male in cod. Anglicano pf} v-nepZo^daopev ' Ben. referring
apparently to o.
dvrapidp-qais pi.
oi/Sev R 2.
earl 8o£-
okoylas o v.

3. to 8c rravTaxov ov. Cf. St. Cyril Hier. Cat. Lect. xvi. 23 : /*?)

peivys km 777?, dvdfirjOi Xoiirbv Kal kirl rd dvcu. dvdfiifii p.01 rrj Siavoiq Kal

fis irpoijTOV ovpavbv Kal i3\e7rc poi rooavras kite? pvpiddas avapi6p.rjTovs dy-
ykKoiV. virepavdl3T]0i rots Xoyiapois, el ovvaaai, Kal avwrkpai. fiXeire p.01
Kal apxayye^ovs, fiXkire p.01 Kal Trvevpara, fiXknc bvvdpus, (Ski-ire dpxds,
fikeire i^ovaias, fiXeve 6p6vovs,f3\(Tre KvpLOTijras, tovtojv vavraiv kiriCTaTijs
irapd Qeov, Kal 8ib~doKa\os, Kal dyioiroios 6 UapdKArjTOS. rovrov \peiav
e\ei 'HAi'd? Kal 'EXiaaaios Kal 'Hcratas kv dvOpdmois, rovrov xP eiav *X 61
Mtxa ^ Ka ' TaPptrjX kv dyyeXois.
no His Glory is above every created Glory, rj Tip Kara tt)v 7]p.€T€pav bvvap.LV bu^Uvai avTOV tol


"EXty^os Trjs dro7ria9 toov fir) 8o£a£6vT(ov to Ilved/ia

€K TTJy TTpOS TOL kv TTJ KTL0~€l 8o£a<TTCL TTapa6£(Tt(i>S.

KE4>AAA10N KA'. 5

Ps. viii. 5.
55. Etra bo£r) p.ev kol\ Ttprj eore^aywrat 6 koivos av-
Rom. ii. 10. OptoiTTOS, KCLl '
b6£a KOI TlfXT) KCLl tlprjVrj TTCLVTL TO) 7T0L0VVTL TO
dyaOov Iv enayytXiais amoKtiTav* eVrt bi tls Kal Ibioos
l l
Rom. ix. 4. rod *lo-par)X bo£a y
&v f) viodecria/ (fyrjaC, kgu r) bo£a Kal rj

Ps. xxx. XaTpeta,' Kal kavTov two. bo£av 6 \i/aXp.(t)bds Xiyei' oTav 10
[xxix. LXX.]
\j/aXrj aoi 77 bd£a fiov,
e^eyep6r]TL r\
bo£a fiov

Ps. Ivii. [Ivi. „ q * / 4. *'<"« \ ' ^ fi \ ' \ fi ' / *

lxx.] 9. eari ^Oe *rts oo£a rjXtov kcll °o~eXr]vr\s kcll °acrT€poiv, koto.
1 41, ^ ' (
r^'f.T" tov Attoo~toXov' kol r)
biaKovia r???
r bid SoA??.'
* 1
2 Cor. 111. 9.
TocrovTOiv ovv bo£aCopL€V(*)v to YlvevjjLa p.6vov t&v iravTaiv

2 Cor. iii. 8. dbo^aaTov elvat fiovXet. ; KaiTotye '77 biaKovia,' (f)r}o-iv, 'ro{5 15


Ps. xxi. [xx. bo£d£ear0aL ; kol pieydXrj piev r) bo£a tov biKatov Kara top
L.XX.J 5. .v ^/ * r /• *vR8 n TT / v v )» / ~
yaXpiuoov, oo£;a oe tov Llv€vp.aTos KaTa ere ovbepua. 7raj?

ovv ov Trp6br)Xos 6 KLvbvvos e/c t£>v tolovtm Xoyatv Tr)v

9 10
dcf)VKTov apiapTLav €(f)
kavTovs €7TLcnrao-dai ; el 6 crco^o- 20

Ps. xv. 1,2, pitvos €K tu>v tt}s biKaioovvr]s epyoov dvOpoiTTOS

U roi/s
(j)oj3ovpL£'vovs tov Kvptov bo£d£ei, too-ovtov av btoi to

ipa\rj R 4
1 2 3
onus av ipdWrj quidam codd.'
4 . om. tie fx o. .

om. t/saddita ex duobus MSS/
/x o v ' 5
om. aeKr^v-qs Kal n v.
add. tori Sofa fi o. crt 5o£a v. add. 5e VBen. 8
txt. R 2 «/i.
9 10
rod fi o v. emffnaffaaOat v. om. et o v. om.
el 6 * quinque MSS.'
n add. Kara rrjv tov xpaXfxov vTroypa<prjv /x v.

55. 6. koivos dvGpcoiros. '

Similiter Basilius in caput quintum Esaiae
pag. 498 : Koivbv avOpaiTTov vocat eum qui solis naturae dotibus in-
structus est, eumque opponit iis, qui aliquos habent in virtute pro-
gressus.' Ben.
and He cannot be reckoned among 0>
creatures, in
Wvev\xa Trjs dtyeiXofxevris bo£rjs a-nocrTepeiv. '
eVrco,' (fyaai,
bo£aaTov, aAA' ov)(l juera Tlarpos Kal Tlov.' Kal riva
e\ei \6yov krepav \<£>pav emvoelv ra> HvevpLaTL Tr)v iraph
tov Kvpiov TeTay\xivr\v KaraAtTroVray, Kal Trjs Kara rrjv
5 bo£av KOivuivias diroiiTepeiv to itavTa^ov a-vvava\r](f)6ev rfj

QeorrjTt, ev rfj 6/xoA.oyia Trjs Trio-Teas, ev tw /3a7rrtcrjutart tt^j §§ 2 7, 67.

/ ,

ez; rr/
~ ,
evepyeia tu>v ovvafxeaiv, ev
„ x , , « ,
Matt, xxviii.
evoiKrj&ei 19.
T(ov ayicov,
» ~ »
ev rat? €tj to virrJKOOv yapio~iv
\ ? / r ȣ\
ovoe yap eo~Tiv
t > 1 Cor. xii. 11.
oAcos booped tls dvev rov ayiov Y\vev\xaTos els rr)v kt'ktiv i Pet. L 2.

10 d(pLKvovfJL€vrj' oitov ye ovbe prjfxa \jn\ov ev rat? t>7re/)

Xpioroii a7roAoytats bvvarbv Kakrjaai /xr) o-vvepyovfxevovs

irapa. tov UvevfJiaTos, a>? ez; evayyeKiois irapa rod Kvpiov Kai Matt. x. 19,

2o)7rJpo? r;^a)i/ ixepLaOrjKaiJLev. ' anavra be ravra irapibovTas

Kal T77S eV 7rao-t Koivcavias einXadoixevovs duo Harpos Kal

15 Tiot) (kacnrai/, ovk ot§a et rt? fxeTo^os UvevpLaTOS ayiov avv-
6r)aerai. ttov Toivvv (pepovTes avro rd^o\xev ; \xera Trjs§s u
KrtVea)? ; dAA' r) ktlctls 7racra 8ot>A.ewei, to be Ylvevpia e\ev-
s * Cor# uu J?m
Oepol, '
ov yap to Ylvevp.a Kvpiov, eKel e\ev9epia.' Kal
ttoW&v evovTOiV elirelv ottcos ov irpoariKei rfj KTicrTrj (pvaei

20 ro Yivevp.a to ayiov xv
crvyKaTapwixeiv, to vvv eivai tov itepi

tovtcov VTrepOrja-opiaL \6yov. el yap ixeWoifxev irpos a£iav

tov irpoBXruxaTos tols re i:ap ^eavT&v KaTacrKevas eitayeiv

Kal tcl nrapa. t&v evavTiaiv irpofiaWopLeva biakveiv, TtoXX&v

rjfjiiv ber)o-eL Xoyoov, Kal duoKvaicropiev ttj TToXvcfyoavia Trjs
25 fiifiXov tovs evTvy\dvovTas. bioirep lbia 7rpayjuareta eKeivo

Tap.ievo~d\ievoi tG>v TrpoKei{xev(ov eyu>neOa.

txt. R2 o. (prjoi /; v Ben. 3
om. Kal /* o v. 3
add. Se o.
4 5
KOLTaXfiTTOVTas o. txt. fi.
MSS. quinque.' avjxrtapa\r)<p6iv o v.
6 7 8
tov TrvevfAdTOS tov ayiov fi v. iravTa (om. 6^) o. om.
£k€i v. om. o-vytcaTapidfzeiv fi v. sed in fx manus longe posterior
superscripsit post vocem ayiov verbum quoddam illegibile quod divino
esse ovynaTaXeye iv. txt. /* o (cf. Plat. Cratyl. 396 D). om. elvat v.
tov ir(pl tovtojv vvv vTrepOrjo' \6yov. Ben. ' vocula (vvv) addita ex Reg.
5 u avT&v v. 12 txt. /* ov. airoKvaiaatpiev Ben. ex C. ls add. ev p. v.

25. 18101 irpaYriaTci^. This separate treatise may be that which is

given as Homilia XXIV, '
Contra Sabellianos et Arium et Anomoeos.'
1 1 2 His Goodness\ Knowledge, and L ife-giving Power.

Ps. cxliii. 10. 56. ^K€\j/(OIX€6a OUV TOL KClOtzKaCTTOV. (pV(T€L €(Tt\v ayCl-

Johnviii. 46.
1 Cor. n. 10,
Matt. xix. 17. 66v, o>5 ayciObs 6 Ylarrjp kcu ayaObs 6 Tto'?, rj KriVt?

T7] e/cAoyr/ TOV CLyCLOOV /XerO)(0? €(TTL rr/? ayal/oTr/ro?.

oe iv


ra /3a(9r/ row ©eoC 1 , r/ Krtcrt? bt ka\xfiav£i ttjv (ftavepojariv tgjv

i Tim. vi. 13. CLTTOpprJTCOV biO, TOV Yll>€Vp.aTOS. ((JOOTTOLCil fl€Ta TOV 0€Ol5 TOV 5

ra 7raVra {cooyo^owro?, \x€tcl tov Ylov tov bibovTos farjv.

Rom. viii. 11. '
6 yap ZytLpCLS XpiVTOV CK V€Kp&V ^a)07T0tr/0"€t/ (fjTjCTL,

tcl Bvr\Ta ^v^v crco/zara Sta roi; Ivoikovvtos clvtov YIv€vp,a-

John x. 27. T 0S €V V[MV,' K.CU, TTClklV ' TCL TtpofictTCl TOL f/jta TTjS <f)(»vrjs fXOV
2 Cor. iii. 6. clkov€1. Kaya> {(tiijV alcaviov btbcopa a^roi?.'
dkka KCU TO 10

Rom. viii. 10. n^eu/xa/ cf>rjcrL, '

£a)07rotet.' /cat irciktv' '
ro Se n^evjULa,'

John vi. 63. <pr)0-(,


CM V $ & 4
K.CU 6 KvpLOS (JLCipTVptl
YIvevpLa elvcu to faoiroiovv, rj crap£ ovk oxpekel ovbiv.' 7r<S?

OVV T7]S £(*)0TT010V bwa[JL€OL>S a7TO^€V(aO~aVTe^ TO Uv€Vp.a TTf

iirtbeopiivr} Tr)$ £a)f}? (fivcrec 7rpoo-otK€taWo/xei> ; tCs ovtm 15

Heb. vi. 4. bvo-epiS, TLS OVTCt) b(JL>p€CtS ilTOVpCLVLOV CL^TO^OS Kat T&V
Kak(ov tov Stov pr}pidTOL>v ayevcrTos, rt? oi/rco? ekTTibaiv atco-

vtoiv a/xoipo?, a>? rrj Krtcret avvTa^ai to Ylvevpia rfj? QeoTr/Tos

aTrocrTriaas ;

5 6
57. ''Ez> tjpllv,' cf)7]a-C, 'to Tlvevfxa a>? bu>pov eari 7rapa 20
tov 0eot>. ov brjirov be to b&pov rat? tcrat? rt/xat? ra) beba>-

add. to -nvevpa o ' deest in quinque MSS.' 2
cupara rjpojv 2 . R
awpara vpwv o.
txt. o V
auctoritate plurium MSS.' afcovovai pv.
* diKaiocrvvrjs o v R4 .
<pa<ri\ '
tres MSS.' 6 awo v.

In this (t. ii. pp. 189-197), St. Basil answers the assertions of the Pneu-
matomachi (1) aWorpiov tt) (pvcrei, (2) XP° V01S vorepov Trpoay(v6(j.evov,
(3) X w pK0VT€S n. «at T. «at t^ KTicrei <jvvapidp.ovvTzs, and enlarges on
what might be specially called their problem, viz. (4) el p.Tj ayevvrjTov,
p.r]de "fivvrjTov, Kriapa.
56. 3. o?8€ to tov @€ov. St. Paul wrote (1 Cor. ii. 10, 11) rb

ycip Tlvevpa iravra kpevva koX ra P&Ot] tov Qeov ra tov &eov ovBels . . .

e"yvd)K6v el prf to Tlvevpa tov &eov. St. Basil here combines the two
passages, so as to refute the shortsighted argument of the Pneumatomachi,
founded upon one passage in contradiction to the other, epevva, zeal
ovttco yivaja/cei. (Epiphanius adv. Haeres. Pneumatomachi LXXIV.)
6. £ci)oyovo{)vtos. On the meaning of faoyovetv see Pearson on the
Creed, Art. V, note 12.
As a Gift, He is the Gift of Life and Power. 113

kotl <T€fJLVVv€Ta.L b&pov fJLtv ovv Qeov to YIvevp.a, a\ka

b&pov (corjs, '
6 yap vop.os? cf)^ai, '
rov Ylvev\iaTos tt/s C^V* Rom - viii 2 -

ykevdkpcocrev -^/xa?,' Kal b£>pov bvvapLtcds, '

krixj/ecrOe yap Acts i. 8.

hvvap.iv €7re\66vTos tov aylov YlvevpLaros k<p' vpas. ap

5 ow 61a touto evKaTatypovrjTov ; r) oi>)(t kou to*/ Tioz; kyjipi-
varo rots avOpcoirois ;
o ? y€,' cf)r)o-i, rov Ibiov Tlov ovk Rom. viii. 32.

€(j)€L(TaTo, aAA.' i/Trep ^/xwj' 7raz>Ta>z; irapkbwKev avrov, irais

ov)(l crbv avr<^ ra iravra rjpuv ^yjxpio-erai;' koI ^kripoidi'
5 Cor
iva €ib(api€v ra vtto tov Qeov yjxpicrQevTa rjpuv, ntpl rov l - »• I2 -

10 pA)o-Tr\piov T7/s Ez^a^^pa)7rr/o-ea)!> Xeycov. (oare ira>s ol ravra

\£yovT€s ov)(l rr]v ^lovbatKi]v ayv(jbp,ocrvvr\v TrapeXrjkvOacri,
ttjv virepfioXyv tt]s \pr\aTOTi]To^ k(f)6biov els (3kaa(pr]pLiav

\apLJ3avovTes ; ey/caAorcri yap tw Ylvevp.aTi, otl T:appi]oriav

i]plv bibcocn s Ka\e'iv

Ylartpa kavr&v tov Oeov. €^a7reVretAe GaI - iv - 6 -

15 yap 6 0609 to Tlvevpia tov Tlov avTov els tcls Kapbtas

f)p.G)V, Kpa^ov '
A/3/3 a 6 TlaTrjp,' Iva 77 tKeivov (Jxdvi] t&v
be^apikvcov ibia y£vr\Tai.

"Otl Tjj '

kv '
avWaftfj dvrl ttjs 9 ' avv '
77 rpa(prj t. hi. p. 49.

Ki\pr)TaL kv co
n Kal otl 12
Kal '
IcroSvi/ajjLei rfj

20 crt^.


58. ' ria)? ow,' (prjoriv, '

^ Tpacfrr) ovbap.ov o~vvbo£a£6-
pevov TlaTpl Kal Yia> to nz/etyxa 13
TrapebcoKtv, aWa 14

\ayp.kvcos €^eKAt^€ to " cri/i' t<2 Y\vevp*aTi " et7rety, 7ra^Ta)(o{;

25 6e to
ei' a"iiT(t)
" bo^a&iv a>s appobtooTepov TrpoeTLpLrjo-tv ;

v 'MSS. quatuor.' i/fxas \x 'alii duo.' -ok /x( o.
txt. om.
3 4
koi jx v. a
x PK l
r Ta ^3 C. in v e ex ?; corr.
'- a prima mami. hie
iterum incipit V cum -pooOi. 5
add. /fai V. 7
(3\ao<pT]fj.ias R 3 /i C v. narepa KaXuv o V v. Vv
8 9
Kal o
xPV Tai v m titulorum conspectu.
' quatuor codd.' om.
12 Vi
Kal (in tabula) V. om. 17 (in tabula) V. irapaSedwKtv V.
add. 7c ji.
H4 '
With' and 'hi' the Spirit not found in Scripture.

eyu) be ov& av clvtos (f)air}v aTLfiOTtpas eXvaL hiavoias Trapa-

§§61-64. (TTaTiKi]V tt]V '

ev '
avkXafirjv, aAA' vyt&s eKkafAfiavofJLevqv
irpos to \xeyLo~Tov v\J/os avdyeLv tcls btavocas' ottov ye kcll
clvtl ttjs '
crvv '
noWayov KeLfxevqv avrrjv TeTrffj-qKafiev, a>?

tlxv * T° '
elo-ekevaopiaL eh tov olkov o~ov ev oAoKavrw/zao-i^,' clvtl 5

Ps cv. [civ. tov J

' \jl€tcl 6AoKai>ra)fxdra)Z>,' Kat '
amovs ev
LXXJ37. , , ,
Ps.xiiv. [xiiii. koCl to '
ovk. e^e\evo-rj eV rats bvva\xea-LV fjfi&v,' * clvtl tov
I.XX.] 10.
aw tolls bvvafxecTLV fjpi&v, Kat \xvpia tolclvtcl. oAojs oe
rjbeais az; /xa#ot/i/,t Trapa r^s z^ea? aortas, itoiav bo^oXoyiav 10
6 'AttoVtoAo? dm roC '
ez; ' p-qfxaTos aireTTkripcoo'e koltol tov
tvttov, bv ovtol vvv a>s ck rr)? Fpacfyrjs avatyepovcrLv.
6 7
ovbapiov yap evpov Xeyofievov to '
(rot tw FTarpt 17 rt/xr/ Kat
17 oo£a 8ta roS Moz/oyez^oi;? aou TtoO ev rw ayta> n^€V/xart/
oirep tovtols earl z^'Oi' Kat avTrjs a)? elirelv ttjs avaiTvorjs 15

o~vvr)Qeo~Tepov. bLeo-7rao~ixeva)s [xev yap tovtcov eKacrTov

€cttlv evpelv, o-vvqfJLpi€V(jL)S be ev Tjj avvTa£eL TavTrj ovba\xov
btLKvveLv e^ovvLV. coore et [xev aKpt/3oAoyowrat irepl to.

eyypa<pa, beL^aTcocrav irodev XeyovcrLV, et be avy)(u>povo-L tt)

10 20
o-vvr]9eLq, [JL-qbe fjfjias efetpyeV&xraz;.

59. H/xet9 yap afMpoTepas ev Trj t&v ttlo-tcov \pr\o~eL

11 12 13
KaTa\apL(3avovT€s Tas prjaets, ajUKporepatj Kexpry/xetfa,
tt]v [xev bo£av rco YlvevpiaTL ojjlolgos a(p' eKaTepas irXrjpovo-OaL
Tit. i. 11. 7re7j-io-ret>Kor€S', row? be KaKovpyovvTas T-qv a\.r\6eLav eiTLcrTO-

1 2 3 4
T77? v. om. &>s to V. 6\oKavTajfiacri o V.
ctuj' om.
dvTi . . . i]jxQ)v v. om. fjnojv o V. om. wj/tVv.
(vpoixev \i.
invenimusS. 7
om. 77 /x v. om. ytou v. per Unicum qui a Te
est S. 9
vvvl [x.
d\r]6eia v. n KaTaXafiovTts o V.
12 I3 14
XPl aeis v « aft<pOT€pas /*. €0' /x v.

58. 13. oviSafJioO. tiora) 0€a) Sid '1-qaov Xpiffrov is found in Rom. xvi.

27 and Jude 25 but nothing more. ;

16. 8iecriTacrp.€vcDS. The phrases are found separately in Scripture,

and also combined in one passage, Eph. ii. 18 di' avrov kv kvl . . .

TlvevfxaTi ; but there is no doxology in Scripture containing kv t$

With* equivalent to the
And* of Scripture. 115
ut£eo-#at p.a\\ov bia rrjs TipoK€Lp,£vr)s ke^ecos, rjris tt)v

bvvap.LV tu>v TpcKp&v 'napairkqaiav eyovcra ovkztl €o~tlv

Spoils rot? Zvclvtlols €V€7n\€LprjT0S (eort be avrr] 77 dzrrtAe-

yop.evq vvv irapa tovtoiv), clvtI tov kcii

5 i:ap€Lkr\p.p,£vri. laov yap zcttlv elirelv i

Uavkos Kal 2tA.ou-
avbs Kal Ttp,o'0eos,' Kal '
IlauAos crvv Ttju,o0€G) Kal 2tA.ot>az>a>,'

fj yap avpLirXoKT] tG>v 6vop.aT(av bC enaripas ofAoicas tt}s

€K<p(t)V7](T€OiS cr<o£erat. et tolvvv tov KvpCov cIitovtos

ITarepa Kal Tlov Kal ayiov Ylvevpa avTos '
eliTOLpLL '
ITarepa Matt -
XXV1 >>-

10 Kat Tlbv crvv rw ayt(p n^ev/xart, "akko tl etpTiKG)? Kara r^y

bvvap.iv eo-op,at ; r?/? 8e 5ta roC '
Kal o~vvb£crp.ov avp.TrkoKrjs

t&v 6vop.dro)v ttoWcl to, p.apTvpia. '77 yapis '

yap, (fyrjai, 2 Cor.xiii. 13.

roS Kfptoi) ^/xaii' 'Ir^croO Xpio-roi) Kat f] ayarnr\ tov &eov Kal
f) KOLvoovua tov ayiov YlvevpLaTos. Kal ttclXlv' TtapaKakca Rom. xv. 30.

15 be vpas bid tov Kvpiov fjpL&v ^\r\o~ov Xptoroi) Kat bta tt}s

ayaur)s tov YIvevpaTos.' el toivvv glvtI ttjs '

Kat ' rrj '
crvv ' T -
m - p- 5°«

e6ekr\craip.ev \pr\cracrOaL, tl bidcf)opov ireTTOL^KOTes ecropieda ;

eyco /xe^ ol»x. op<3, 77X7)1^ et p.rj yjrv\paLs ypap.paTiKa.Zs riy
tov p.ev avvbeafjiov a>s orvpirkeKTLKOv Kal irkeCova iroiovvTa
5 6
20 r^y evcocrLv TtpoTiptir], tt}v 5e irpodecrLV a>? otjk eyovcrav
T7]V Xo"l]V bvvap.LV aTTOTTepLTTOLTO. dkk! et ye TT€pt TOVTUiV
tcls evOvvas vireiyopev, tcrco? ovk ay itoAAotj Xoyou Trpos
rrjz; dirokoytav eireberi6r)p.ev. vvv be ov irepl crvk\a(3G>v ovbe
irepl TOLOvbe r) TOLovbe (f)(jL>vfjs rj)(ov 6 koyos avTols, ak\a
25 TrepL irpaypaTOiv ev bvvdp,€L Kal ak-qOeia pLeyio-T-qv i\ovTcov
bLa(f>opav. &v eveKev aiTapaT-qprjTov ttjs xprjo-ea>s tG>v
avKkafi&v ovo-qs ovtol tcls pev iyypd(p€Lv, Tas be a7ro8ta>-

Keti' ttjs 'EKKA^crta? kitL\eLpovo-LV. eyu) be, et Kat eK ttjs

on R 2 .
a\\' on V. dWori v. aWori (sic) o.
ypafj./j,aTiKaTs\. add. «(u o.* 5
txt. V irpoTt/jLoir) (sic) o.
6 7
itport fir) a 01 \i v. irpoTipJJuv Ben. add. ctvj/ o. 7a/) v.
8 9 10
els p. om. tcrcus v. add. irtpl V. Siwkciv p. v.

59. 1. 8id ttjs irpoK€ip.€VT]s Xe^etos, tJtis k.t.X., i.e. ovv, which has
the same force as nai in the Scripture sc. St. Matt, xxviii. 19.

I %
n6 '
With' confutes Sabcllianism and Arianism,.

1 2
7ip<i)Tr]<s CLKorjs ivapyes c'x^t to ^pr\ai\xov }
aAA.' ovv kcu tov
koyov Trape^opat, kclO* ov ovk apyGis ol Trarepes i\p&v avp-

Trapekafiov tt]v XPW LV t V$ TTpoOio-eoas ravT-qs. :J

irpbs yap
rw ro tov 2a/3€AAioi> kclkov Icroo-Qev&s rfj

bitkiyy^eiv Kal 7:apa7rkr)(TLa)s £k€lv7) to t&v 'T-tt ovt acreaiv 5

John xiv. 23. 5
'foiov irapLo-Tqv, a)? ro '
eya> /cat 6 FLaTT)/} tkevo-op.eda,' /cat
John x. 30. to eyco /ecu 6 IlaTTjp Ei; earpLev,' t^aupeTOv l)(6t W79 aibiov
KOLViovLds Kal '
a-navo-Tov avvatydlas to pLapTvptov. 6 yap
€L7T(i)v arvv tco TIaTpl tov Tlov elvai 6p.ov Trjv Te t&v
'TTrocrTao-eaiV ibiOTr/Ta Kal to ay^apiaTov tt}s KOLvoiVias 10
tbei^ev. onep Kal iirl tu>v avOpcoiTLvoov €cttIv Ibelv* 6 p.\v

Kai crvvbeauios to kolvov ttjs evepyeias -rrapicrTrjoriv, fj oe

o~vv TTpoOtcns Tr\v KOivcaviav 7rcoj o~vvevb€iKWTai. olov
Actsxvi. ii,
€7rk€vo~av els MaKeboviav Tlavkos Kal Ttuiodeos, akka Kal
12 ; xix. 22 ;

xx i. 12
TV^i/cd? Kal 'OvrjcripLOS aTreorTakrjcrav Kokocrcraevcnv. ex 15

tovtcoz; oVt pi€v TavTov £vr\pyr\o av pL€p,a6r]KapL€v' eav Se

aKovo-oopL€V otl o-vviirkevorav Kal a-vva7reo-Takr]aav, otl Kal
jjl€t akk-qkoav tt]V Trpa^iv iirkripoocrav irpoo-ebibay^diquev.
ovtco to tov Safiekktov KaKov cos ovbzpla t&v akkayv
(f)(i)VG)v KaTakvovaa TTpoo-TtOrja-iv Zkclvols Kal tovs KaTa 20
bidpteTpov ao-efiovvTas. Aeyco Sr) tovtovs, ol \poviKols
bLaaTrjpLao~L tov p.€v YlaTpos tov Tlov, tov 8e Tlov to
Tivevpia to ayiov biaipovcri.

2 3
4'xets V. ovv /tov' quatuor MSS.'
om. a.XX' irpos
yap to tov 2aj8c\Atou KaKov avOiarapevot laoaOevujs rfj Kal ffvWafifj ttju
ovv Kal irapanXrjaicos eKe'ivy to tojv viroO&ceojv tdtov irapiOTav du£av to yap
4 5
'Eycb Kal 6 IlaT-qp eXevaopeOa Kal ... V. om. t<£ p. V. om.
els to p. o v. dei£av (sic) to yap V. 6
om. to p. o v.
dirapa- V
o-rraaTov V. 8
ovv V, 9
txt. ' hae voces (IotIv IdeTv) V
ex Reg. sec' om. p. ov. 10
add. yap v. u evoeiKWTai p. v.
avvemdeifcvvTai V. 12
KoXaaaaevcriv v.
om. toG V. V
avT-q V. 15
8e o v.
om. to ayiov V.

2. oiik dp"yws 01 TraTtpcs Tjp.wv o-v|xirapf\aPov. St. Basil's statement

of the reason of the use of ptTa, avv in the Doxology is not confirmed
by any earlier or contemporary writer, as far as the editor is aware,
nor is it contradicted. Sabellius is not heard of later than a.d. 217.
For With and In"
' '
St. Basil suggests '
And" 117

60. Hpbs be tt)v '

ev '
crv\Xa(3r]V eKeivo p.6.\io~Ta to
biCKpOpOV €\€L, OTL 7] p.€V '



5 8e *
ev '
rrjy o~yJo~iv tt)v npbs to ev (o Ti>yxayoi;o-ty eWp-
yowres hrjkol. '
ep.Ti\eovo-i yap kclI '
€volkovo~iv '
TO 0~KCL<pOS KCLI T7]V oIkIOLV €v6l)S eVOi]0-ap.eV. KCLTO, p.eV OVV
Ti]v K0tvr)v Xpr)o~Lv f) Trpbs aWijkas avT&v bia<popa ToiavTr],
Kal eirl nXelov av evpeOeir) irapa t&v (^lXottovcov' ov yap
jo ejuot o"^o\r} to. irepl tu>v avkka&cov e£era£etr. eirel ovv
bebeiKTai 7] crvv '
ev(Tr\p.0TaTa aTrobLbovaa ttjs avvacfieias
tj)v evvoiav, yevecrdoo evcmovbos, el SoKet, Kal navo-acrOe
tov yakeTTOv irpos avT-qv Kal aKrjpvKTov nokepiov. ojjlcos

4 5
fievTOL ovtoos eiHprjfAOv ttjs (peovrjs VTrapxovcrqs, et ra> t. III. p. 51.

5 (frtkov ev So^oAoytats Trj Kal '
o-vk\a(3j} o-vvbeiv tcl 6vop.aTa
Kal bo^a^etv, o)S ev evayyekiois e7rl tov j3a~TTLo~pLaTos

pep.aOrjKap.ev, '
Ilareoa Kal Ttdy Kat ay toy nz/et>/xa/ Kal Matt, xxviii.

ovtu) yiviaOoo, ovbels avTepel. eul tovtols el 8oKet Kara-
6(op.eda. aAAa ra? yAwo-o-as ay irpooivTO p.a.Wov 7/ T7)y
20 (piovrjv 8
TavT-qv be^aivTo. tovto piev ovv eo~Tiv, 6 tov
aKYjpvKTov r)p.iv Kal acnrovbov 7ro\ep.ov eireyeipei. 'ey ra>
9 10
rTz/eu/xartj' (prjo-L, '
rw ayta> ttjz; bo£o\oyiav auoboTeov rw
11 12
0ew, oi'x.l 6e Kal rw rTye^art/ Kal iK6vpL0TaTa ttjs

(f)U)vrjs TavTrjs cos TaTT€Lva>TLKr}s tov TIvevpiaTos TrepUyjovTai.

5 irepl rjs ovk a^prjcrTov ko.l bua pLaKpoTtpaiV elirelv. &v clkov-
aavTes ovtol, av, et p.7] a)? irpoboTLV avT-qv
Kal 7rpo? tt)v tov Ylvevp.aTos bo^av avTop.oXovcrav a~ro-


add. rwv v. 2
txt. ^i v. en irXlov evpeOeirj o alius.' 3
om. V '

tujv p o v. 4
txt. ft o v. (var)fj.ov Ben. ' ex uno tantum cod.' V
add. ev fi v 'in duobus MSS.' 6
evayye\iw v. avrtptiye km V.
6t' av kneyelpeiev V.
. . .
5o£av R 2 V. 10
om. tw V. u om.
Kal V. 12
add. ayiw o. 13
txt. 2 ft V v. Oavftaaaip: av o, R
a-TOKT]pv£ov<riv V v.

1 1 Many mea?tings of In^ '

"Oti oaaycos Aeyerat to '

kv' ToaavTaytoS 1
Kal Ittl tov
nvtvfiaTos \a/xfidv€Tcu.


rfjs €K(f)0)vqaed)S ovcrrjs irokka Kal TTOtKika tlvai ra bi avrfjs 5

<rr}fACUv6iJL€va. oo-ax&s yap Xiyerai rb '
ev/ Tocavra^s

Aeyerai p.€v ovv to tlbos tv tt\ vkrj etz^at, Kal t\ bvvap*is Iv

rw 8eKrtK(o, Kal f) e£is ev rw KaT avTrjv biaKS.ip.ivio, Kal

$22. 7Tok\a ToiavTa. ovkovv KaOb p.\v TekeuoTtKov to ayiov 10
Cf. § 5. Tlvevjjia t&v koyLK&V) aitapTiCfiv avT&v ti]v aKpoT-qra, tov
Rom. viii. 12. TOV ttboVS k6yOV €1t£\€L. 6 yap p.r}K€TL KOTO, Q-OLpKa £(H)V,

Rom. viii. 14. akka YlvevjJiaTL ®€ov ayoptvos Kal vlbs &eov xprjpLaTifav
Rom. viii. 29. Kal OrVpLpLOp(f)OS T7]S tlKOVOS TOV TiOV TOV OtOV y€VOpi€VOS,

irvevpLaTLKOs ovopLa&TaL. Kal a)? 7} bvvapus tov opqv kv rw 15

vyiaivovTi d<£0aA/x<j>, ovtu>9 rj evtpyeta tov UvevpaTos ev ttj

Cf. § 23. K€Ka6appL€vr) ^t>xf?« ^l° Kai ITaSAos svyj.Tai 'E^ecrtots

K P h. i. 17, 18.
7T€<p(t)TLcrpL€vovs ° 6<p6akpiovs avT&v eivau Iv rw Wvs.vp.aTi

ttjs aortas.' Kal a>s f) Tiyvt] \v rw avakafiovTL avT-qv,

om. Kal o (in tabula) V v. 2
om. to ev V. 3
fxcva V. 4
om. 6eov /jv, 5
om. Kal V. 6
add. tovs o V v.

61. 5. TT]S €K<|)(i)V^|O-€C0S, i. e. kv rS> Tlvevnari.

8. to e!8os «v ttj v\r\ clvcu. 'Forma est ea differentia, qua genus
(quod per se infinitum est) sive materia, fit certum aliquid et finitum :

de Part. An. 1. 3 tan 8' f) diacpopa to eldos Iv ttj {/A77. Inde sequitur
ut quaecunque substantia finita est composita sit ex forma atque ma-
teria.' Ritter and Preller, Hist. Phil. Gr. et Rom. cap. vii. (Aristoteles)

§ 323.
11. t6v tov €l'8ovs Aoyov iirtxei. On the phrase \6yov k-nex* 1 see § 5.
The soul is form (cldos) in relation to the body, but is matter (y\r)) in
relation to the reason, which might be called etdos ddovs. Here St.
Basil says that the Holy Spirit is to the reason of rational beings in the
stead of form.
all applicable to the Spirt fs Work. 119

ovtoos r)
x^P 6? ro ^ Tlvev/jLCiTos ev rw imobe£apLev(i), det jxev
o-vpaTapovcra, ovy! be /cat evepyovcra btrjveK&s. eirel /cat r)

Teyvrj bvvdjxei jxev ev raj Teyyirrj taTLv, evepyeia be Tore, orav

/car' avrrjv evepyfj' ovrco /cat to Y\vev\xa del jjiev crv\n:dp-

evepyei be Kara Trjv \petav x Cor xii '9>

5 €cttl rots dftot?, rj ev irpocp-qreiaLs -

rj ev lajiaaiv rj ev dAAotj rtcrt bvvdjxeoav evepyrjjxacriv. Irt

a)? ev a(£>\xaaiv vyieia r) OepjxoTHjs r) oAcos at evKtvrjToi bta-
Oeo-eis, ovto) kol ev ^v)Q] 7roAAd/cts virdp\ei ro Uvevjjia, rot?
8ta ro ttjs yvu>p,ris dvibpvTov evKo\a)s r)v ebe^avTo \dpiv
io * a.TTa>0oviJL€voLS jxr) irapajxevov' olos rjv 6 2aoi/A /cat ol 1Sam.xvi.14

£[3bofxr)KOi>Ta TTpeafivTepoi rwi' utcoz; 'Io-par/A 7rA7)z; rou 'EA8d5

Kat Ma>8d§ (tovtols yap llovols iravTOiv (baiveTai rrapa- Num. xl
• ' '
'26 25,
jxelvav to Tlvevfia), /cat 0A005 et rtj roirrots rr)z; -npoaipecriv
°" aT°)-

6 7
TrapaTrA^crtos'. /cat ws 6 Aoyos be ev ^v\rj iroTe jxev a>s ro
15 iyKapbiov vorjjjia, ttotz be a>? 6 TTpo<pep6pLevos bid ykcocrcrrjs,
ovto) to Ylvevjxa to dytov, vvv jxev otglv '
av\xjxapTvpfj rw T. 1 11. p. 52

TivevuLCLTi' kol otov i

Kpd^rj ev rat? Kapbiais fjjx&v 'A/3/3d o^ om - vm - 16
Gal. iv. 6.

YlaTr)pl vvv be otclv XaXfj virep r)p.a>v, KaTa to elprjp.evov, otl

ov% vpLels eo~Te ol \a\ovvTes, dAAd to Ylvevjxa tov ETarpos Matt. x. 20.

20 ro AaAow ev vjxiv. ijbr] be kol a>? oXov ev 9

jxepeai voeiTai

to Ylvevjxa /card r7)z> tG>v yapio~jxdT<x>v biavojxr)v. irdvTes Rom. xii. 5,

yap '
ecrp.ev dAA?]Aa)r p<ekr), e^ovTes be \apio~p,aTa KaTa tt)v

\dpiv tov Seov ti]v bodeiaav r\plv bidfyopa! bid tovto '
ov 1 Cor. xii. 21

Swarat elirelv 6 6<fi6aXp.ds Trj \eipi \peiav aov ovk e)^co i

25 rj irdkiv r) Ke(f>a\.r) rots 7roo*t* \peiav vjjlS>v ovk. ex^,' dAAd

iravTa jxev ojjlov o-vpLirXrjpoi ro aw/xa roO Xpio-roi3 ev tjj

evoTrjTL tov nvevjxaTos, dAA^Aoty be avayKaiav tt)v e/c t&v Eph. iv. 3.

\apiajxdTOdv avTibibcuonv ax^e'Aetaz/. ' 6 jxev yap &eos eOeTo 1 Cor. xii. 18

tcl jxeXrj ev r<3 o"waart ; ev eicacrTov avT&v KaOoos rideX-q^e?

3° '
Ta jxevToi jxekrj to amo pLepLjxv&o-iv vrrep aWrjXcov '
tt)v TtvevjiaTiKrjv KOivuiviav Trjs avjATTadeias avTols virap-
add. tois <i£iois (sic) v.
kclO' (clvttjv V. 3
vyeia o V v.
airo9 envois v. 5
txt. V '
haec addidimus ex Reg. sec' om. //ov.
om. Kal v. 7
om. o/tVv. 8
om. ws v.
fiipet fi.

fxe\«ji o.
1 20 The Spirit may be called i
Place,' for in

1 Cor. xii.26. x 07^

7? 5"? bLoirep '
etre 7rao"x€t ev ixekos, (TV\j.Tta(ry*.i uavTa
1 2
tol fxekq, etre ho^d^erai ev /xeAos, o-vyyaipeL irdvTa tol

Rom. viii. 9. fxiXt]. KCLL to£ \Xepi) be €V oA(i) OL KCL0' eVOL €<T[JL€V ''
lv Tip

1 Cor. 13
xii. YlveVliaTL, OTL OL TTCLVTeS €V kvl (TtoLLClTL €tS eV NveVLLCL efia7T-
' ' ' '
quoted, see TLaOriueV. e,

§28). ,r •

62. *0
be Trapdbo^ov \xev eiirelv, dkrjOes be ovbevbs
eXdTTov, otl Kat as X^P 0, T^v a>yLa(ofjJv(i)v 7roAAaKt9 to
Uvevfxa Aeyerat, kcll (fyavrjcreTaL ovbe ovtos 6 rpoiros kclto.-

o~jj.LKpvva)v to Uvevpia, aAAa fxaWov bo£d£a>v. to. yap tol

aaijiaTLKa t&v ovopLaTcov kol euL tcls irvevfjiaTLKas evvoias 10

evapyeias evenev ttoWcikls 6 koyos //.eraKo/xt^et. TeTr\py\-

KapLev ovv kol em tov Seov TOV \j/aXjJL(t)bdv XeyOVTOL'

lxxi yevov \xol et? weov virepacnrLO'Triv Kat €t? tottov oyypov tov
i 6
Ex. xxxiii. 0~S>O-al /X6,' TTepL be TOV UveVpiaTOS, ibov 707T0?/ <f)r}0~l,

c/xot, Kat o-ttj6l eiTL tt}$ ireTpas,' t'l dXXo Xeycov tov 15

tottov 7] tt\v ev TIvevpLaTL Oecopiav, ev fj

yevofxevos ebvvaTo
Ibelv yvajo-Tcos epL(pavi£6iJLevov avT<2 tov Qebv 6 fflcuvcrrjs ;

Deut. 8
xii. 13, OVTOS eO~TLV 6 TOTTOS 6 TTJS dXrj6LV7]S XcLTpeLCLS tdtOJ. ' 7TpoV-
' t
i 9
eX e '
y^P' (prjai, fir] aveveyK7)s tol oAoKatrrco/xara aov ev

1 2 3
om. tiT€ dogafcrai . . . pieXrj V. om. ev o. om. ev v.
4 5 c
ouSei/ [X '
duo codd.' om. evapyelas evefcev pi. (ptjcrlv oxvpos
7 8 9
Trap* v. lyuot) /i. om. d /a. to oXofcavTcufxa \i.

62. O has the following marginal gloss on this section <pi\a>vos. :

Tpixws emvoeirai roiror atrag fiev X^°P a virep (yirb ?) <Tuj/j.aTOS 7reTr\r)pcv-
fievr) Kara hevrepov 8e rpoirov 6 Oetos Xoyos eKTreirX-qpoj/cev oXov 81' o\<ov

affaj/jLCLTOis 5vvapL€o~iv avTos 6 06OS" ejdev yap <pr}<n tov toitov ov eioTr\itei 6

®ed? tov 'Io~par)\' ev <£ p.6vcp teal lepovpyeiv acprj/ce, aWoOi fccoXvaas' eiprjTai

yap avafiaiveiv eh tov tottov bv av en\e£r}Tai Kvpios 6 ©eos, Kattel Oveiv to.
oXorcavTcu/xaTa' /caTa 8e Tp'nov o~rjp.aiv6iJ.evov, avrbs 6 ©cos xaXeirai tottos.
to irepiex^v fiev to. 6\a' -T€piex €0~9 ai $e irapa /xrjdevbs airXws' nal to KaTa-
(pvyrjv tSjv (Tvfx-ravTcov avTov elvac teal eireidrjirep ai/Tos eOTi X^P a tavTov
fcex<vpT]Ku}<; eavrov kol epxpepopievos pt-ovcv kavTw. eyob p.ev ovv ovk elpu
tottos, dAA.' ev tottcv' zeal etcao~Tov tojv ovtojv opLoicvs' to yap vepiexopievov
Siacpepei tov irepiexovTOS' to 8e Oeiov i/7r' ovdevos irepiexo^'vov avaytcaicus
eo~Tiv avrb tottos eavrov' \6yiov to xp rl '^ v
ptaprvpet oe 'A/3pad/x pcoi ^
To8e avaftkeipas toU 6cp6a\p:oTs eJ8ev tov tottov jxaicpoOev eh bv r)\6ev

tottov, aiiTov elSev pianpodev.


Him we worships and speak mysteries. 121

iravTi T07T0) aAA' iv T(3 tot:u>, <^ av eKAef^rat Kvpios 6
0€OJ (TOV? TToloV OVV i(TTlV


7) Ovaia tt\s divided)?, iv 7rotu> Se rd7ra> ravTriv irpocr&e- ? s [xiix. - ••

LXX.] 14.
pofxev ; iv tw n^e^art rw ayta). itov tovto pLepLaOr/Kajjiev ;
5 7rap' a-Liroi; roi; Kfptou Aeyoz^ro?, ort ' ot akr)Qivoi irpoo-- John iv. 23.

5 6
KWTirat iv YlvevpLan kcu 'AXrjOeiq it poo-KVvr\o~ overt rw
riaTpi.' TOVTOV TOV t6tTOV lb(i)V 6 IaKG)/3 tyr], On '
KvptOS' Gen. xxviii.

iv Tip TO7T0) TOVTO).' OXTT€ TO YIv€VpLCL 70770? 6Wr)6(t)S TCOV

aylow, Kat 6 ayios twos otKetos t<5 YlvevpLari, i\xi:api\ctiv
10 iavrov TT/ooy ivoiKrjo-tv ti]v /xera ©eow Kat ^ao? avrov 1 Cor. vi. i 9 .

XprjpaTi^oov. a)? yap ez; XpioTa) AaAet nafjAos* ' k.clt€V(jo- 2 Cor. ii. 17.

moi; yap, (j)ri(TL, &eov iv Xpicrra) AaAoS/xez;,' Kat XpicrTos ez;

9 10
Ila^Aa), a>j clvtos Aeyet* ?}
boKipL7)v (^retre ro£ e^ ijioi 2 Cor. xiii. 3.

kaXovvros XpicrTov ;
otfrco Kat iv YIvevuLciTt AaAet uforrripta, i.Cor. xii. 3

15 Kat to Uvevfxa iraXiv AaAet €j/ ayra. 1 p e t. i. n.

63. 'Ei> ae^ ow rot? n yevvnrols ovrca TroAvaepw? Kat

Ga1, 1V 6 ' "

1 ' ' ' Acts xv. 28.

lav o. 2
^ v.
jrpoa<p€pofi.€v fj kv rw rrvevp.aTt tw dyioj ;
Heb. i. t.

* irapa tov Kvplov
p. 5
V v.
tov warepa V.
cts v. om. yap v. et V. txt. ft o v '
MSS. quinque.'
rjpuv v.
u yevrjTois o.

6. ev lEvetifiaTi Kal 'AArjOeia. Here, and in § 64, St. Basil explains

these words as meaning kv to> TlvtvfxaTi tw ayia> (ws kv (pari, § 64) and
kavruv Xeyoov 8r]\abf] tt)v d\rj$eiav (w? Iv cIkovi tov Qeov koX YlaTpos,
§ 64). Didymus, in his book on the Holy Spirit, says :
in spiritu, quia
corporalia et humilia transcenderunt et umbras, : in veritate, quia typos,
et exemplaria relinquentes ad ipsius veritatis venere substantiam.' But
St. Athanasius (Epist. i. ad Serap. § 33), after quoting the words, says :

SeSeiKTCii Toivvv kvTevOev, ws 77 a\rj6eia pkv clvtos 6 Tlos ko~Tiv, .... vpoa-
kvvovcti pikv tuj TlaTpi, d\\' kv Uvev/xaTi nai 'AXrjOtiq, 6p.oXoyovvT€s Tlov
Kal kv avToi to Uvevpia' dyJupiOTOv yap tov Tlov to TivevpLa ws &xwpio~TOs
b Tibs tov TlaTpos.
8. too-re to IIv€t)(xa tottos. Cf. (of the Son) St. Aug. in Joan, xxvii. 6
'Manemus in illo cum sumus membra eius : manet autem ipse in nobis
cum sumus templum eius and (of the '
; Father) Heb. iii. 6 ov oIkos
kafxev rjixets.

14. Iv IIv€vp.a.Ti AaXei |xvo-TT|pia. There is no preposition in the text

quoted Cor. xiv. 2)
(1 but the phrase occurs in 1 Cor. xii. 3.

63. 16. 'Ev oiiv tois "yevvTjTols. In v, a later hand adds to this
section the gloss kvTavOa ov ttjv kvkpyetav tov dyiov nvivp.aTos d\X.' avTo
to ayiov irvevpia kvoiKuv tois dyiois 5t5do"/f€t 6 p.iyas ovtos.
122 ' With '
expresses His Glory, In His Grace. ' '

T. ill. p. 53. TrokvrpoTTcos evelvai Ae'yerat to Y]vevp.a, TJarpl be kcu Ytw

ovyj evelvat \xaXkov, dAAd avvelvat elrre'lv ewe /3 tcrrepov.
f) fJL€V yap nap avrov \dpis oIkovvto^ ev rots d£tots Kat
ez;e/)yoi>i/Tos ra eauroi; KaA<Ss evvirdp^etv rots beKTLKols avrov
Aeyerat, 17 5e npoauhvios virap^ts Kat dnava-ros biap.ovr\ p.eO 5

Ttou Kat EFarpos 6eoipovp.evr] ras rrjs d'ibiov crvvatye'ias

irpoa-qyopias em^reL to yap Kvptoas Kat dkrjOcos <rvv-

vnap\€iv era raiz; dyjupio-rods dAA?jAots avvovrojv Ae'yerat.

tt]z/ yap OeppLorrjra tg> /xez; irvpaKraidevn mbr/pcp evvndpyeiv
(fiapLev, airy be. ra> 7n;pt o-vvvnapyj.iv, Kat ttjz; /jtez^ vyieiav 10
t<o a-co/xart evvndpyeiv, rr\v be C0)rl v rfj \jsv)(rj vvvvnapyew.
tO(TT€ OITOV p,€V OlKfta Kat (TVfJL(f)Vr}S Kat ay&piG-TOS fj KOLVOiVia,
o-r]p.avTiK(jL)T€pa c^toznj 77
cn;j>,' rr/s ayj&pio-rov Koivoavias rr\v
bidvoiav virofiakkovcra, ortov be npoo~yiveo-6ai r) air avrov
X^pts Kat ndkw dnoyivecrdai necfiVKev, otKetoos Kat dkrjO&s 15
ro evvndpyeiv Aeyerat, Kaz; rots be^apcevots 7roAAa,Kts 6td to
ebpalov rrjs nepl ro Kakov biadeoecas 77 a7r' avrov x^P LS
otapKT/s rrapapLevrj. ware orav p.ev rr)v oiKeiav d^iav rov
Ylvevpcaros evvo&piev, juterd ITarpos at»rd Kat Tlov 6ea)~

povpiev, orav be rr)v ets robs pceroyovs evepyovp.evr\v ydpw 20

evOvpLrjd&pLev, '
ev '
^/xty etWt ro Uvevpia keyopcev. Kat r)' ye
too Yiowf
" Ttpoo-ayop.evr) bo^okoyla nap r)p.(ov '
eV rco' ovyl
rrjs eKeivov d£tas opiokoyiav dAAd r?js rjpLerepas

avr&v aarOeveias e^opLokoyrjo-tv, beiKvvvroov on ovre do£dcrat

a(f) eavrcov iKavoi ecrpiev, dAA' r) iKavorrjs rjpi&v ev ra) 25

YIvevp,an rw dytw,' eV w bvvap,uadevres 8

r^ t>7rep (S^
rr)dr]p,ev rw 0ea> ^ju,<S^ evyapio-riav aTTOTtkripovpLev, Kara
to piirpov rrjs and KaKtas KaOaporiqros erepos erepov rrkeov

rj ekarrov rrjs eK rov Ylvevpiaros (3or)0eias p.era\ap.fidvovres y

Heb. xiii. 15. ets ro 7Tpoo-<pepetv rds Ovcrias rrjs alvecreoos no 0e(i). Ka6* 3°

li/ot/foui/Tos V. 2
vyfiav V v. V ex Reg. sec.
txt. '

addita.' om. avv fi o v. VTrepfiaWovaa v (sed uffo s. 1. m.
5 6
prima). om. olictiav /* v. om. 4v V. 5o- "'

8 9 10
£okoyiav v. om. rrjv /jv, €V7]py(Trj9r)fi(v v. add.
77)1/ v.
Yet 'In the Spirit has a very high meaning. 123

1 2
€Va [A€V OVV TpOTTOV OVTCOS eTJ(Te/3<3? ' kv HveVfJLClTL '

tvyapiariav cn:oiT\r]povp.€v. KatVot koli tovto ovk afiapes

avTov Ttva kavrca [xapTvpeiv, otl Ylv€V\xa Seov kv euot, /cat

bia rrjs aii amov yjtpiros o-o</W0et? avcujyepa) tt]v bo£av.

UavKco yap itpiitovcra f) qtxiivq' '

8ok<S yap Kayo) Ylvevp^a " Cor vn - -

0eo?3 exeiz;/ Kal ttclXlv '

rr)v Ka\r]v irapaKaTa6r)Kr\v (f>vka- infion-apa-
£oz> ota 11 z/ev/xaTO? aytou row ez>otKO?Jzrro? ei> T7p,tz> Kat 2 T m>
j ;. M .

7rept tov AavL-qX, ort '

rTyeTJua 0eou ayLov kv avTu>,' Kal et Dan VTT - -

Tt? €K€ivols rr]v apeT-qv irapaitXriarios.

10 64. Aevrepo? §e z>o?j? ovbe avros aTio'/SATTTo?, otl oocnrep

kv to) Tt(i) oparat 6 Ylarrip, ovrco? 6 Tto? ez; r<p riz/eujixaTt.
77 tolvvv kv T(5 n^e^juart -npocncvv^o-is ttjzj a? eV extort
yLvofxkvrjv rrjs btavoias r)\A&v kvipyuav 7j7ro/3aAAet, a>? e*c

t<Sz; 7rpd? tt)z> 2ap,apetTtz> eip^pikvcov av (jlclOols. kv totto)

15 yap etz>at tt)z> irpocrKvv^cnv eK tt)? kyyjjopiov crwTi0eta? 7777a-

TY][xkvT]V 6 KvplOS 7)fJL(0V fJL€TabLbd(TK(tiV kv UvevpiaTL Kat 'AA.77- John iv. 24.

0eta ^prjvat TrpocrKVveiv (-(prjo-ev, kavrbv Xeymv OT?Aa87/ ttjzj

'AAr^etaz;. axnrep ovv kv ra> Tt<5 irpocrKVvr]o-LV Xkyofiev ttjv

a>? ez> EtKozn totj 0eo?3 Kat Uarpos, ovtco Kat kv t<2 n^e?j-
20 /mart a>? kv
eavrw 8etKz>iWt ttjv tov Kvptov 0eoTTiTa. n bid
12 13
Kat kv rf\ i:po(TKVvrio-€i ayj&pMTTOV aTio ITarpoj Kat Tlov to
Tlvevfxa to ayiov. e£co pJkv yap vnapyjav avTov ovbe irpoa-
Kwrj(T€LS to TTapaiTav, kv avT& oe yevoixtvos ovbevl rpo7ra) T. III. p. 54

d7ro^a)ptcret? card Seov, ov jxclWov ye rj t£>v 6paT&v ai:oo'Tr]-

25 (ret? to (j)S>s. abvvaTOv yap IbeZv tt]v EucoVa tov ®€ov Tov Cf-§v-
aOpCLTOV pLT} kv TU ^)COrt(T/>tCp TOV YIvtVfJLaTOS, Kal TOV kvaT€VL- Ps. xxxvi.

£ovTa tt/ EtKOi't afxrix^avov tt/s EtKoVoy aTtoy&picrai to <i>G>s. to 9.

yap tov opav alTiov e^ avayK7]s avyKaOopaTat rot? opaTols.
&crT€ otKeta)? Kat aKoAoTj^co? ota /xey rou </3<oTtcrp,07j ro?3
30 n^eu/xaro? to At: avyacrpLa tt)? 8o'£tt? totj 0eo{! KaOop&fiev, Heb. i. 2.

om. /t^i/ v.
om. tt)v V. 3
to V. * om. dw' V v.
txt. o V Ben. Filius S. \s ft v.
add. ets V. 7
yevofievrjv V.
8 9 10 XI
irpocrfcvvrjaai /x v. om. wy v. aura) v. om. 8to V.
add. Sc V. 13
om. diro o. u 5tax«y/>t<T€ts /i o V v.
to) v. add. /«u V.
] 24 And in no way supports Arianism.

Liturg. Con- bia b\ TOV Xa()CLKTT)pOS €776 * TOV OV l(TTLV 6 XapCLKTrtf) KO.I 7j
stant. St.
, v
mtotwhos zcppayw 'a
, \ ,

phora Pref.

IloOeu 7] crvv '
7]p£a,T0 crvkXaftr) Kal ttololv Svva/iiv

^X eL
^v $ KaL T ^ wept tcou dypd<p(ov rij? tKKkrjcrias



65. '
Tlvos ovv eWKei>,' (jyao-iv, '
lbiu)S TTpoo-qKOvo-qs tw
Ylvevpart rrjs " iv " (rvkkafirjs Kal et? iracrav rjplv tj]v 7rep!
avrov tvvoiav e^apKovcrrjs, rr\v Kaivr\v ravTrjv vpels ctdA-

ka(3r]v €TTCi<rr]yay€T€, " crvv ra> YlvevparC keyovrts Kal ovk io

" Iv ra) UvevpaTL tg> ay(.<d" o#re akkoas avayKala o#re vevo-
picrpiva rais 'EKKA^crtcus' <p9eyy6pevoi ;
w? /xez> oSr o^x. 1

aTJOKkripodTLK&s rw aytw n^e^/xart f] '

ev' crvkkafti} bievrj-
§ ii. voytv, akka kolvt) narpo? cart Kal Tioi>, ez> rot? kcltottiv
§§61-64. tlprjTai' olpai 8e kcik€ivo apKovvrois eiprjaOat, otl ov \xovov 15
ovk ac^aipeirai rt 7-779 a£(.as rov Tlveuparos, akka Kal irpbs
TO fJiiyiCTTOV V\^OS TCOV pLT) TTCLVTirj €VbiaCTTp6(f)(i>V TOVS koyiCT-
§§ 66, 67, 71- ju,oi>s e7ra^ayet. kznropevov be eart 7T€/)t r^s '
crvv '

§§ 68-70. ijp^aro Kal riva bvvap.iv e\ei Kat ottco? crvpcpoovos ecrrt rfi

Tpa(j)fj bi7]yr\cra<T6ai. 20

1 2 3 4
tojv ojv ecrri xapatCTrip V. om. 57 o V. (prfoiv o. wei/^ V.
5 6 7
7n/? v. aoiaarp6(pojv v. 7ro^«' o V.

1. t] IcroTViros 2<t>pcryis. St. Athan. in Matt. xi. 22. § 5 (t. i.
p. 107 E) d/ccbv yap kari acppayh yap kariv Igotvttos \v kavrw dfiKvi/s
. . .

rbv Tlarepa, A070? ^Sjv &\t]0iv6s, Svvapus, crcxpia, ayiaapos. St. Irenaeus
(iv. 7) seems to call the Spirit 'Figuratio Sua.'
65. 18. A6ur6|X€vov 8« to-Ti, k.t.X. The
origin of the phrase ovv rw
TIvevpaTi is shewn to be silent tradition, which is described and exem-
plified very fully in §§ 66, 67; its meaning and its conformity with
Scripture is given in §§ 68-70 and the use of : it, or of phrases equiva-
lent to it, is traced through accredited Church teachers and writers from
St. Clement of Rome to St. Basil's own time in §§ 71-74.
The gentiineiiess of the whole book. 125

65. The doubt cast by Erasmus upon the genuineness of the latter
half of the treatise may
be noticed in connexion with this section :

and the hastiness and vehemence of his followers present a curious

parallel to a certain section of modern 'higher criticism' as applied to
the Bible. In his Dedicatory Epistle, addressed to Bishop John, of Culm
in Poland (1 530-1 538) Erasmus writes: Postquam dimidium operis '

absolveram citra taedium, visa est mihi phrasis alium referre parentem,
aliumque spirare genium interdum ad Tragicum Cothurnum intumes-

cebat oratio, rursus ad vulgarem sermonem subsidebat, interdum sub-

inane quiddam habere videbatur, vel ut ostcntantis se didicisse quae
Aristoteles in libro de Enuntiatione et Praedicamentis, Porphyrius in
libello de quinque vocibus praedicabilibus tradiderunt. Adhaec subinde
digrediebatur ab instituto, nee satis concinne redibat a digressione.
Postremo multa videbantur admisceri, quae non admodum facerent ad
id quod agitur, quaedam etiam repetuntur oblivione, verius quam judicio.
Quum Basilius ubique sit sanus, simplex et candidus, sibi constans,
atque etiam instans, nunquam ab eo quod agitur excurrens temere, nun-
quam divinis mysteriis admiscens philosophiam mundanam, nisi per ad-
versaries coactus, idque contemptim.' Erasmus however went on to say
Sed hanc meam suspicionem nihil aliud haberi volo quam somnium,
si tu dissenties.' Whether the Bishop thought it a dream or not, Cocus,
in his Censura quorundam scriptorum quae sub nominibus sanctorum

et veterum auctorum citari solent,' quotes it with approval but ac- ;

knowledges that Bellarmine (De Verbo Dei, lib. iv. cap. 7) cares nothing
for it, and that Coster (Apol. 2 pro 2 parte Enchirid.) impudently '

asserts' that it is not to the point. Cocus confirms' Erasmus' criti- '

cism by 'various arguments': (1) he calls the chapter on traditions a

lengthy talk (' longam fabulam ') and says it has nothing to do with the
origin of the phrase ovv rw Ylvtv pari' (2) He impugns the statement

on the effect of rejecting unwritten practices ( § 66 t& dypacpa twv IOSjv

. . . TrapaireiaOai) as the assertion of a madman (' quis nisi delirans . . .

diceret ?'). (3) He

misapplies the statement of the silent tradition of
doyfAcna to the mysteries of the Holy Trinity, the Incarnation, the Pas-
sion, the Forgiveness of sins and the Promise of eternal life, and then
calls the writer a trifler (' nugator '). (4) He asserts that the statements
on the reverence due to tradition directly contradict St. Basil's sermon
de Fide' as to rejecting anything contained in Scripture (' respuere ali-
quid eorum quae scriptura habet ') or bringing in anything that is not
written (' vel aut inducere quicquam quod scriptum non est '). (5) He
confuses the Meletius of Pontus, who died circ. A.D. 330, with Meletius
of Antioch. who presided at the Council of Constantinople (a.d. 381),
and accuses the writer of doing it. Oudinus (Comm. de Scriptoribus
et Scriptis Eccl. i. p. 560 ff.) quotes these 'reasons' of Cocus, and adds
a sixth, which is really drawn from the spurious homily on the Holy
Spirit, and has most probably nothing to do with St. Basil.
Casaubon points out that Erasmus forgot the quotation of the
treatise by St. John Damascene as the thirty chapters to Amphilochius ;
1 26 The use of the latter chapters

and the later discovery of the Syriac paraphrases of the whole book
pushes back this argument to about ioo years from the date of St.
Basil's writing. The peculiar care taken by St. Basil for the writing out
of the treatise, and for its safe arrival in Amphilochius' hands, and
the value set upon it by the friends of both make the forgery of half the
present book, and the substitution of it for the original within that period,
almost incredible.
This section is used in Philaret's Longer Catechism of the Eastern
Church, and the questions and answers that introduce it are given from
Blackmore's translation in ' The Doctrine of the Russian Church.'

On Holy Tradition and Holy Scripture.

16. How is divine revelation spread among men and preserved in the
true Church ?
By two channels —holy tradition and holy Scripture.
17. What is meant by the name holy tradition^
By the name holy tradition is meant the doctrine of the faith, the law
of God, the sacraments, and the ritual, as handed down by the true be-
lievers and worshippers of God by word and example from one to an-
other, and from generation to generation.

18. Is there any sure repository of holy tradition?

All true believers united by the holy tradition of the faith, collectively
and by the will of God, compose the Church and she is
successively, :

the sure repository of holy tradition, or as St. Paul expresses it, the
Church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth (1 Tim.
iii. 15). St. Irenaeus writes thus We ought not to seek among others

the truth which we may have for asking from the Church for in her, ;

as in a rich treasure house, the Apostles have laid up in its fulness

c. 4).

21. Which
The most
all that pertains to the truth, so that whosoever seeketh may receive
from her the food of life. She is the door of life (Adv. Haeres. lib. iii.

more ancient, holy tradition or holy Scripture?

is the
and original instrument for spreading divine reve-
lation is holy tradition. From Adam to Moses there were no sacred
books. Our Lord Jesus Christ himself delivered His divine doctrine
and ordinances to His Disciples by word and example, but not by
writing. The same method was followed by the Apostles also at first,

when they spread abroad the faith and established the Church of Christ.
The necessity of tradition is further evident from this, that books can
be available only to a small part of mankind, but tradition to all.

Must we follow holy tradition, even when we possess holy

must follow that tradition, which agrees with the divine reve-
lation and with holy Scripture, as is taught us by holy Scripture itself.
in the Greek Church. 127

The Apostle Paul writes Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the

traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word or our epistle

(2 Thess. ii. 15).

24. Why is tradition necessary even now ?

As a guide to the right understanding of holy Scripture, for the right
ministration of the sacraments, and the preservation of sacred rites and
ceremonies in the purity of their original institution. St. Basil the

great says of this as follows Of the doctrines and injunctions kept by :

the Church, &c.

66. T&v iv 7-77 'EkkA^o-io, TrecjivAayixevcov boyixdrmv kol

K-qpvyixaToov tcl fxev Zk ttjs eyypd(j)OV 6ioao-Ka/Viaj e'xo/xe^, tol

66. 1. BoYfjLciTajv . . KT)ptry|ji.<5.TCDv . . . cv p.vcrrrjpia). It was noticed

above that the dfxoovaiov, which many now-a-days would call the Nicene
dogma tov bjxoovaiov doyfxara Soc. E. H. iii. io), because it was

put forth in the Council of Nicaea, was for that reason called not
SSffxa, but fcfjpvypa by St. Basil, who would have said that it became the
Krjpvjfxa (definition) of that Council, because it had always been the Soy/xa
of the Church so he calls the /xovapx'ia not ttrjpvypia but 86ypia.
; The
distinction between the two meanings of doypa, (i) as in the mind, and
(2) as expressed to those who have to obey that mind (decree), should
be remembered (Luke ii. I (£r}\66 56yp,a irapd Kaiaapos Avyovcrrov :

Acts xvi. 4 (pvXaaoeiv ra SoypLara). The two meanings are also found
in the verb (doneiv) St. Athanasius (De Syn. § 5) says irepl /xev tov

Tldcrxo- E8o£€ tol vnoT€Tayfiiva' rore yap <f8o£€ iravTas irelOeaOac irepl
' '

8k ttjs maT€cus eypaipev ovk E8o£€v dX\', Outcus maTevet 77 kolOoXikti ' ' '

(KK\T)o~ia' ' kcu (v6iis wfioXoyqaav irais iriffTCvovav, iva 5ei£cvo~iv otl pir)

v€cuT€pov, dAA' airoo~To\iKov koTiv avTwv to <j)povr][ji.a ( = Suy/xa in St.

Basil's use). But Socrates in describing the Council of Alexandria (a.D.

362) says : 'EvAa ko.1 to "Ayiov Hvevpia 6(o\oyrjaavTes Ty dfxoovaio} Tpiddi

ffwaveXap-PdvovTO' kcu tov kvavOpam-qaavTa ov ixovov 'ivaapKov, dk\d ko.1

kpL\pv\6jp.€Vov d-necprjvavTO. rj teal trdkai tois kfCK\r]0~iao~TifeoTs dvopdoiv

cSokci (as was also heldby orthodox churchmen from old time). In
Eph. ii. 15 ev duyptaoi KaTapyijaas, both St. Chrysostom and Theophy-
lact interpret it of Gospel truths, and Theodoret does 'the same in
Col. 14 (Bishop Lightfoot on the passage says that the interpretation

•prevails universally among Greek Commentators both here and in

Eph. ii. 15')' Eunomius in his Conf. Fid. § 3 calls our Lord, fxeoiT-qs
iv doyfxaai, neoiT-qs kv vop.w. Ignatius (Magn. 13) and Barnabas (§1)
are quoted by Bishop Lightfoot as using doy/xaTa nvpiov with an ap-
proach to the ecclesiastical meaning but the definite use of St. Basil ;

is perhaps peculiar to him he applies it both to doctrines and to ritual


usages which had the tacit sanction of the Church : assigning Krjpvypia
to definitions of doctrine, and enjoined ritual. is used in
St. Basil's definite sense in the Definition of Faith of the Council of Chal-
J 28 The value of unwritten tradition.

be €K rrjs ro)i> aTToarroKaiV "napaboaeois biaboQevTa rjfuv ev

IAV(TTr)p[(i) irapebe^a\xeOa' airep apicfjoTepa T7]V avTjjv layyv

e\ei irpos T7jv evaefietav. kcu tovtols ovbels avTepel, ovkovv
2 3 4 5
6(ttls ye Kara pi.LK.p6v yovv Oeo-piQ>v tt/s 'EK/cA^a-ias 1

TTeTrelpaTai. el yap eiri\eipr\aai\xev ra aypa<pa t&v eOojv &>S" 5

pj] pieyaXr\v e\ovra rr\v hvvap.iv irapaiTela-Oat, \a601\xev av

eh avra tcl Kaipia (jipuovvTes to evayyekiov, p.aWov be etv
6vo\ia y\nkbv itepiKTT&VTes to KTjpvyjxa. olov (tva tov nptoTov
ovop^a tov Kvptov r//xcoi> 'Irjaov XpbcrTov rfkiriKOTas KaTa- 10

ovkovv o v. V 2
fcav o. 3
om. yovv pt, v. * add. twv v.
txt. ft v S favet. om. rrjs o V 'nonnulli codd.' 6
add. irpwrov
Ben. fivrjaOa/jj-cv ' unus cod.'

cedon ol tt)s dXrjOelas d9(T€iv tirixupovvres to KTjpvypm (sc. the two


forms of Creed just recited) did tujv oltcdoov alpeaeoov ras /cevocpajvlas
aniracov, and further on, to tov /trjpvypiaTos avcc9ev daaXcvrov 1/fStSa-
GKovca. The words ypacpucais fxaprvpiais are used in the same letter as
equivalent to /rfjpvypia. Casaubon (Exerc. ad Baron, xvi. 43) writes Uni- :

versam doctrinam Christianam veteres distinguebant in to. eacpopa, i.e. ea

quae enuntiari apud omnes poterant, et to diropprjTa, arcana non temere
vulganda de quibus neque in familiaribus colloquiis neque in cate-

chesibus neque in concionibus verba temere faciebant coram paganis,

catechumenis, aut quibusvis aliis non initiatis. Basilius (de Spiritu
Sancto cap. xxvii) doctrinae Christianae duas partes facit rd Krjpvypxtra
praeconia et to. doypiara dogmata eo loco appellans quae alii vocant

rd airopprjTa arcana non evulganda. tcl SoypLara inquit oico-naTai, tcl 5e

Krjpvypara 5rjp.oat€v€Tat, dogmata silentio premuntur, praeconia publi-
cantur, atque ibi vir sanctus de silentio mysteriorum multa disputat.
Qui propterea illam ejus libri partem habent suspectam et negant esse
Basilii, quod Erasmo ante omnes, opinor, venit in mentem, falluntur
planissime, nam in hac re consentiunt omnes ad unum veteris Ecclesiae
doctores, Graeci pariter et Latini.' In St. Ignatius, Ep. to Eph. ch. xix,
St. Mary's Virginity, and the Birth and the Death of our Lord are
called pLvar-qpia Kpavyrjs which Dr. Lightfoot calls a stronger word

than Kr)pv£ea}s. It may be noted that heretical opinions are also called

doyp-CLTa (jwv 'Apciavwv doyp-drajv, Soc. E. H. iii. 10) as well as b°o£a (ras
Ae£ets rrjs b~o£r)s avrov sc. 'Apuov, Soc. E. H. i. 9).
7. eis 6'vop.a i|n\6v. The Syriac paraphrase is equivalent to '
though our word were about a simple matter instead of a great one.'
Syr. '
ut signo Crucis uteremur et nobis et omni qui initiatur (lit. Alius fit
Important Rites and Prayers umvritten. 129

crrilxaivtcrOai tls 6 bia. ypap^xaTos 8i8a£a? ; to irpbs avaTokas

T€Tpa(f)6at kcltcl Ti]v TTpocrev^rjv iroiov ijpLas £biba£e ypapi-

\xa ; ra ttj? eTUKkrjo-eoos prjp.aTa iirl rrj avabtitjet tov aprov T. III. p. 55.

tt}$ evxapLCTTLas kcll tov iioTr\piov Trjs evkoytas tls tow

5 ayimv €yypa<po)s rjpXv Kara Ac Aoi7rei> ; ov yap brj tovtols
apKOvpieda, &v 6 AttocttoAoj rj to evayyikiov iirepLvrjorOr],
akka kclI irpoktyofiev kcll tTnkeyopLtv tTepa ws [xeydkrjv
1 2
ei>xw v. TrpoaXeyofxeu pi.

nobis) imponeremus. The reference seems to be to the admission of

3. eirl rfj dva8ei£ei. Syr. '
qualia verba diceremus tempore offerendae
oblationis quod corpus vivum
et super poculo confessionis (quasi
opoXoylas pro evKoyias) quod est sanguis Unigeniti.'
In the liturgy of St. James, the Words of Institution are preceded by
dva8ei£as o~oi rw 0e<5 teal Ylarpt, both in the matter of the Bread and
the Wine ; this may however be an interpolation from the Anaphora
of St. Basil (in the Liturgy of Constantinople) which contains them
once, at the consecration of the Bread, and the Invocation ends with
fcai o\ TrapaKaKovfJLev, "Ayie 'Ayiow, evdofciq rijs (Trjs aya&vTrjTOS, hkOuv to

Uvivpa oov to ayiov e<p' rj/xcis, ko\ km to, v poKelpcva bwpa tclvto. teal
evkoyijaai avTa, real ayiaaai kol dvaSeljjai. This seems to be the origin
of the term avaoei£is. But Casaubon writes dubitari mea quidem sen-

tentia non potest, quin dvadci^ai id sit quod Hier. Aug. et alii PP. Latini
dicunt conjicere corpus Christi, sive sacramentum corporis Christi.' He
goes on to say that it is akin in this use to avaipaiveoOai, repente existere
et conspiciendum se dare. ' docent enim Patres ad Sacerdotes invoca-
tionem per Spiritus Sancti operationem, elementa sanctificari sic ut,
quae prius erant tantum panis et vinum, jam incipiant dici et esse in
mysterio corpus et sanguis Christi propterea dicunt iidern Christum :

apparere in Eucharistia et videri, nempe oculis fidei, Std tojv ocpOaXpuv

Trjs mcrTeojs (S. Chrys. de Sacerd. iii).'

7. irpoXeY !
1 ^ Kai €7Ti\eYO|X6v ei-epa. Syr. Non enim tantummodo

ea, quae apostolus docuit nos, et ea, quae evangelium nota fecit nobis,
sunt nobis instructio ministerii mysterii huius nostri, sed etiam priora
quae dicimus nota sunt nobis, et iis posteriora disposita sunt nobis, et
postrema in fine ordinata sunt nobis, tamquam ad sigillationem mysterii
nostri. tamquam res, quae utilis est ad robur ministerii vitae nostrae,
sine perscriptione, quam per traditionem accipimus.'
The words before the Consecration, to which St. Basil refers, are
probably the Benediction (2 Cor. Sursum Corda, and the xiii. 14), the
Hymn, ayios, ayios, ayios, k.t.K. and the words after it, the Words of;

Oblation and the Invocation of the Holy Spirit.

] 30 The Reverence of Reserve.

eyovTCL TTpos to \xvarr\piov ttjv layyv, €K Trjs aypacfjov btba-

1 2
(TKakias irapakafiovTes. evkoyovp^ev be to re vbojp tov
TOV ftcLTTTL^OfAeVOV. CLTTO TTOLOJV €"/yp6.(f)(i>V ; OVK 61770 TTJS
at(x)7T(i>[i€vr]S kclI fj.vcTTiK.7Js irapabocreoos ; rt be ; avTi\v tov 5
ekaiov Tr\v xplcriv rt? koyos yeypap.pJvos ebiba^e ; to be
Tpls ficnTTL&crOai tov avOpamov iroOev ; ak\a be oaa irepi

to fiaiTTLcrpLa, aitOTao-creaOai tw craTava /cat toIs dyyekois

avTov, €K ttolcls €OT6 ypa(f)rjs ; ovk *k tt\s abrjpLomevTOV

TavTrjs' Kol auoppriTov bibacrKaktas, r\v ev aTtokvnpayp.ovr\T& ic

/cat airepiepydo-TCd aiyr\ oi TiaTepes rpx&v eqjvka^av, /caA(S?
8 9
eKeivo bebibaypievoL t&v p.vo-Tr\pi(jdv to aep.vbv 0-101)7777

biao-(jo(eo-dai ; a yap ovbe eTroirTevetv l£ecrrt rot? ap.vr)Tois,

tovtoov ttcos av rjv eiKos tt)v bibacrKakiav ^eKOpiapifieveiv
iv ypapLpLacriv ; r) tlttotc fiovkoptevos 6 p.eyas Moavcrrjs ov i;

7rao"t /3ao-ijua elvaiTa tov lepov iravTa TTeirot-qKev, aAA.' e£a)
fxev aylctiv Trepifiokaiv eo~Tr}cre tovs fiefrqkovs, tcls be 7Tpu>-
Tas avkas rot? KaOapaiTepois dvels tovs AeviTas p.6vovs

a^iovs eKpive tov Qetov OepairevTcis, cr(f)dyLa be kcu SkoKav-

rwcret? Kat tt)v Koltttjv Xepovpyiav rots lepevcnv airoKkr}- 2c

la 16
ptocras eva tS>v ttclvtcov eKKpiTov els tcl abvTa irapa-
be^eTat, Kal ovbe tovtov bia, iravTOS, akka /car a pilav p.6vr]v

tov eviavTov fjpiepav, Kal TavTrjs copav TaKTrjv elo~iT7)Tbv at/roS

KaTacrTrjdas, cocrre bta to aTretjevaipLevov Kal ar)9es dapLJ3ov-

pievov eiroTTTevetv tcl ayia tcov ayioov, ev elbo>s vtto cro<pLas 2 l

T(£> piev TreTTaTTjpLevco Kal avToOev kr]7TT(s) irpoy^eipov ovcrav

1 2 3
om. 8e to (om. re) Pitra.
V. add. Kal o V. * ris 5«

xplo~ lv ^oyos R 2 V.
5 c
avrov tov . . . xpr\aiv duo MSS.' re '

V '
nnus cod.' Kat Pitra. 7
dnepiepyw duo MSS.' 8
to, '

ff€/xva vat. 9
add. kv V v. 10
om. av fx o V v. u Opiafxfifvav
om. ev V. 13
om. elvai V. u add. twv v. 15
o '
duo codcl.'
ejKpnov fj.
V '
oacpias (sic) o.

IO. 4v diroXv)TrpaY|xov"fiTCo Kal d.Tr€pi€pYa.crTC«> cri-Yf). Syr. '

a doctrina
secreta sine labore investigationis et sine inquisitione litium.'
The hidden meanings of Scripture ',

ty)v Kara(pp6vr](TLv, too be avaKe\u>p7)K6Ti koX cnraviM (f)vatKcos

770)? irape^evypevov to 7Tepio-iTovbao~Tov ; Kara tov clvtov
1 2
dr) Tpoiiov kol ol tcl irepl tyjs 'Ek/cA^o-ici? €£apxys $ La ~
6eo~pLo6eTr}cravTes AiroaTokoi Kal iraTepes ev rco KeKpvppevco
5 kol acfrdeyKTG) to aepvbv toIs pvaTrjptois £<f)v\ao-<Tov. ovbe
yap okas pLvaT^ptov to els tj]v br]pL(*)bri Kal elKaiav olkoi}v
3 €K(popov.
ovtos 6 koyos Trjs t5>v aypa<p<x)v TrapadoVe**)?,

&>? p,r] * KaTapekriQelcrav tQ>v boypLCLT&v tt}v yv&criv evKaTa-

(ppovr^Tov tols irokko'is yeveaOai bca <rvvr)9e(,av. akko yap
*o boypa, kol akko Kr/pvypLa,
to \xev e yap 7
(7t<i07rarat, tcl be
KrjpvyfiaTa h^poKTieveTai. o-Lwnijs be elbos Kal tj ao~a<f)eLa, T. in. p. .

77 K€^pr\Tat 7] Tpacf)r) bvcrdecapqTOv KaTacrKevd(ovaa t&v boy-

fjLOLTobv tov vovv TTpbs to t&>v evTvyyavovTis&v kvaiTekes*
tovtov x&ptv iravTes piev op&p.ev /car' avaTokas €7rl t&v
5 8 Heb. xL
5 TTpoaev^Qv, okiyoi 5e lapev otl ttjv apyaiav eiu&Tovpev 14-

TraTpuba, tov Trapabetcrov, bv ecpVTevaev 6 Qeos ev 'Edejut Gen. ii. 8

KaT avaTokas. n opOol piev Trkr]povpiev tcls evicts

*v Tjj
paq tov o~af3fiaTov, tov be koyov ov TravTes 0'ibap.ev. ov
yap piovov £>s avvavao-TavTes X/atcrrw Kal tcl aval (flTelv CoL i;i- T

'SeoV. 2
txt (m '
tres codd.' S (DXLVI). ra? o v Ben. S V
(K<p€p6fxtvov V.. * KaTaiueXeT7]0€iaav o v Pitra. V
TaV' quatuor.' Pitra. €
om. yap ' quatuor.' 7
add, Suy/xara
8 9 10
Pitra* orru rj v.. tovto yivwaKcvfxcp (sic) vat. ds V.
adcL Kal /io V. 12
Trpoatvx&s V.
om ev p, li
<tl ual piTjdl tovtov tov Koyov navTes vaL

5. ovBe -yap oXcos, k.t.X. mysterium enimnon est res, quae patet
Syr. '

omni homini daturque neque sic cito datur mysterium

auditioni auruim :

in scripto statutorum, ne forte, cum fieret cursus per consuetudinem se-

curus, haberet patefactionis indignitatem et contemncretur in multis
9. a\Xo yap SoYjia, k.t.X. Syr. ' aliud enim est traditio mysteriorum,
aliud praedicatio imperatoram ; mysteria vero filiis mysterii traduntur,
et praedicatio aperta est, tol-erans auditionem mnltorum. Mysterium
vero ubi editur e scripto, non sic simpliciter patent serrno de eo, ut per
hunc instruatur mens eorum qui occurrunt ei cum studio, et ut intelli-
gant ea, quorum difficilis est intuitus per suasionem eorum.'
17. 6p0ot. See Dr. Bright's note on Canon XX of the Council of
K 2
132 and of Church Traditions.

6§eLkovTes iv rfi avaaTaa'nAOi r)\xepq Trjs bebofxevris

yapiTOS bia Trjs Kara Tr)v TTpoaev^r)v aTao~eo>s eavTovs

virop.LpLvrjo-Kop.ev, dAA' otl boKel ttcos tov irpoo-boKojp.evov

aicovos elvai euKcov, bid /cat apyr\ ovaa rjfxep&v oi))(l irpooTrj

(ien. i. 5. irapa Mcovo'ecos, dAAa \xia <j> ' eyevtTO yaps

kcmipa, cf)r](ri,
kcli iyeveTO irpcol, rjp.epa piCa, w? Trjs avTrjs

avaKVKkovp.evr)s ttoW&kls. kcli p.ia roivvv r) avrr) Kal oyborj,

tt]V fxtav ovtcos eKeCvrjv kcli akr)Qivr)v oyboriv, r)s koli

Ps. vi. 1 ; xii. xj/aXfjLCdbos ev new eTuypaqbais t&v \f/akp.&v iireixvrjcrOiri, bt

eavTrjs ip.abav trover a, Tt)v p.eTa tov yjiovov tovtov KaT&o-Tao-tv, i«

ri]v airavo-Tov rjpLepav, tt)v aveo"nepov y tt)v abiaboyov, tov

aXrjKTOV iKeivov Kal ayqpa) aicova. avayKai&s ovv tcls ev

avTrj irpoo-ev)(as eo-rcora? aTTOirkrjpovv tovs eavTrjs Tpo<pipovs

7) 'Ek/cA^o-ici itaibevei, tva ttj crvve\ei vnop.vr]0'ei ttjs aTekev-
ttJtov £oorjs Toi)V irpos ttjv pLeTdcrTaatv iKetvrjv iffyobioav p.r) 1

ap.ekGip.ev. Kal nava be r) YlevTr]KOo~Tr) tt/s iv tw al&vi
TTpoaboKcopLevrjs avao-Taareoos Icftiv VTTopivrjpia. 7] yap p.Ca

€K€ivr) Kal 7rp(oTT] r)p.epa tTTTCLKLS kiiTaiikao'iacrQelo-a tcls

eirra ttjs lepas YlevTTiKoaTrjs e(3bop.dbas a7roreAei, €K 7Tpu>Tr)s

yap apxopi€V7i els tt)v avTrjv KaTakrjyet, bi 6p.obcuv tcov iv ra> 2

5 6
txeVa) e£ekiTTop.evr] TtevTiiKOVTaKis. bib koI aio)va pa-

/xetrat ttj 6juotoV?7rt, coo-jrep iv KVKkiKrj Kivrjo-eL and t&v

avT(ov ap\op.evr) crr]p.eicov Kai els Ta avTa KaTakrjyovo-a. iv

to opQiov o-yrjp.a Trjs irpoo-ev)(TJs TrpoTipLqv ol deo-p.01 Trjs
*EKK\r}crLas rjpias i^eitaibevcrav, iK tt}s ivapyovs imopLvri- 2

o-eco? olovel pl€tolki£ovt€S fjpL&v tov vovv airb tcov irapov-

tlov iirl tcl fxiWovra. Kal Ka6* €Kao-Tr)v be yovvKkio-Cav
Kal bcavcto-Tao-Lv epyio beUvvpiev, otl kcu bia Trjs d/xaprta?

Tit. iii. 4. et9 yrjv KaTeppvrjpiev, Kal 8ta ttjs <f)Lhavdpeo7rCas tov KTicrav-
Heb. xiii. 1.
T0S fjpias els ovpavhv aveKkr)Qr\p.ev. 3

rrjs fxids ovrcos cK€ivr]S Kal a\7)9iv7}s uy86i]s Kal 6 ipaX/xwdos . . . 01' av- T
rrjs encpavifav V. add. tov o. Along the margin of this passage o has p
aTC\€<TTOV /J, V V. &T€\OVS O. * add. fl€\\OVTl O. 7f
€£t\tTyojj.tvr) -rnvTa/tis o dormitans. " aiu/vas R . 7
ivtp- v
yovs v.
With the Spirit' is one of these Traditions; 133

67- 'FtTnXeixj/ei p,e 77 7//xe'pa ra aypa<pa rrjs 'EKKXrjo-Las

fjLV(TTT)pia hir\yovfi€vov. cw raXXa' avT\]V 8e tt]v bpLoXoytav T - m. p. 57.

TTJS TTL0~T€(OS CIS TIaT6pa Kdl TlOV KOt CLyLOV Uv€VfJLa €K Cf. § 27.

7T0La>v ypapLfiarcov eyp\xev ; et {xkv yap €K rrjs rov fiaTtricr-

5 fJiaros irapaboaeoos Kara to ttjs ewe/3eta? olkoXovOov a>?

/3a7m(/>jue#a ovrai kcli ttlo~T€V€lv ocpeiXovres b\ioiav T(p
/3a 7tt 1 <jfiaTL tt]V bptoXoyiav KaraTLOifxeda, (Tvyyu>pr\(raToxrav

bo^av aitobibovai' et Se rbv rpoitov rrjs 6o£oAoyta? a>?

10 aypa<fiov TTapairovvrai, boroxrav rj[xiv tt\s re Kara tt\v

TticrTiv dfioXoyias kcli T&v &v a7rr)pi6jjLr}o-aiJL€da

6 6
tyypatyovs ras a7ro8ei£et?. etra Tocrovroav ovrcov aypd<poiv
Kdl TorravT-qv eyjovTudv rr\v layyv et? to rrjs etW/Seta?
IMVcrTrjpiov, \xiav Xe£iv 77ju.1V e/c naripoiv et? rjfjias eXdovaav
15 ov crvyxcop'qcrovaLV, r\v 77/0166? e/c rrjs avtitiriqbtVTov o-vvrjdelas

rat? abtacrTp6(f)0is ru>v eKKX-qari&v lvano\xeivao'av evpo/xeu,

ov jJLLKpbv rbv Xoyov €\ovcrav ovbe (3pa\€iav crvvriXeiav et?

68- Etprirat \xkv ovv rt? 77 bvvapus e/care'pa? rrjs €K<po)vri-

20 (reo)?, etprjorerat 8e Kat 07r?i re crvixtfxAvovcriv aXXr/XaLS

KCtl OTTTj bdvTCLVTai, OVK a7TOfJLa\6fX€Vai 7T/0O? €VaVTl(jdaiVi

aAA' tdtou e/care'pa tw ww eiacfyepopLevr) 7rp6? rip evcrifiziav. Cf. § 16.

77 juez^ yap ' ez> ' ra 7rp6? r}\xb\s TTaplo-rrjo-L jjlclXXov, 77 be

crvv '
rrjy 7rpo? 0ew Koivoaviav rov Ylvevixaros e£ayye'AAei.

25 btoirep a/x^orepat? Kexpi][X€0a rat? (f)odvals, rr\ \xeu to a^tco/xa

rou ITi'eTj/xaro? 7rap terra) zrre?, rr/ 6e rr/y yapiv ttjv Trap* rjfxiv

2 3
add. mareveiv o Pitra. add. tt)j/ V.
add. !v o. aTroAo-
4 5 ras £yypa(pajs arroSeigeis
7/01/ V. add. lavTTjs fi v tres MSS.' '
6 7
rds d7ro8ft'£e£y kyypacpojs v. add. tcDv V. om. ttjv o V.
om. 77/^1/ V.

67. 9. ws dypa<|)ov. In the DeSyn. (esp. § 36) St. Athanasius argues

against the compilers of the Creed of Nike and Ariminum as altered at
Constantinople for the pretended objection to ovaia as not contained in
Scripture, that all the heap of heretical phrases (pr/fxariajv ovp<per6v) put
forth by Arius are also condemned by it.
134 and is required by Matt, xxviii. 19.

6iayye'AAozrre?. ovtu) kol '
£v toj Ylvevp.aTt '
tj\v bo£av
TTpoadyojJLev rw @eoj Kal '
avv rw HvtvpLaTL,' vbb\v f^yArepov
Matt, xxviii. ktyOVTtS, dkk 60(7776/3 GOTO KCLVOVOS, Trjs TOV KvpiOV blbaa-
Kakias, km tcl Trpoaeyj] Kai aAAr/Aooz; eyop.tva /cat dvayKuiav
Iv TOIS fJLV(TTl]piOLS TJ]V awd(f)€iaV tyOVTCL TT}V CJJOJVTIV fltTd- 5

<f>£povTes. to yap em tov fianT La pharos avvapi6\xr]0\v dvay-

KaioiS <i)r)6ripL€v btlv em rrjs mo^Tea)? avvapp.6aai, tt)v oe
opiokoyiav r?}? TricrTeoo? olov apyr\v rtva kcu p.r\r£pa rrjs
bo^okoylas knonqadp^eOa. dkka tl \pr] iroitlv ; vvv yap
f)p.a$ bibaaKtTooaav p.7] /3a7m£eiz> oW iraptkdfiopiev, t) p.7] ic
7ncrT€V€Lv ojj tfiairTLaO-qpLev, Tj ju.77 8o£a£eiz; fe)S TT€Tn<TTeVKa-
jxev. heiKiVToa yap tls rj wj ovk avayKaia Kai appr]KTos rj

irpbs akkrjka tovtoov aKokovdia, rj o>s ov)(l f) tv tovtois

Kaivorop,ia tov iravTos eon Karakvvis. dkk! ov iravovraL

avco Kat Kara) OpvkkovvTts Ti]V dp.aprvpov Kai tj\v dypacf)ov x

8 e
Kal oaa roiavra tt]v avv toj YlvtvpLari toj aytoj '
elpr)TaL p.ev ovv on ravrov kern irpos bidvoiav elireiv '
TiaTpl Kal Tioj Kal ayio) Ylvevpan? Kai '
bo£a Ylarpi Kai Yioj
avv TO) ayta) n^evfAaTi.' o#T€ ovv tt)v '
Kal ' avkkafiyv e£
aim)? roO n Kd/hou 12
<p(t>vrjs irpoekOovaav a0eT?/crai Tizn 7]

btaypacpeLv olov Te, Kal t?)^ laobvvap.ovaav avrrj ovbev to

Kaikvov KaTabe\6r\vai' r\v ottcos" e'xet 717)09 eKtivqv bia(popas
5 39 .
re Kal 6p,oi6rr\Tos kv rot? Karoiuv tbeC^apiev. /3e/3atot Se
?7/octz^ roi' Aoyou Kal 6 'AttocttoAos abiacpopoas kKarepa
T. in. p. 58. TtJ (^ooznj Kexp^eVoy, z^w /xe^ kiyiav' '
ei; toj tov 2

cor. 16 tov QeovfjpLGiv?

1 vi. 11.
Kuptou 'Irja-oi) XjOta-roi; Kal ez^ toj TlvtvpiaTL
1 Cor. v. 4. ndkiv b£' '
avvay6£vTO)v vp.u>v Kal tov ejutov 7?vevp.aTos
avv Trj bvvdpi.€L tov Kvptov 'Irjaov, '
ov5ez; biatyipuv rjyov-

om. t<S /x v. Ii/ to) V in m. prima.
om. t^j/iv. 3
(sic) ro'ivw r^fxas dida<TK6T0J(Tav V. *
V V- 1 P-V o V. S (DXLVI) /X17.

txt. o V Ben. S (DXLVI).

5 6 7
5i5aa«6tr/ dpprjros fiv. Opv-
8 9 10
\ovi>Tts o V. add. Sid V. om. elntiv p. to) irvtv^aTi

t£ 07/0; o V. u ttvs V. 12
add. t^? \i V v.
a in marg.) V.
IStSa^a/xei' R 2 o (sed (de^afxev o
Sc'x^veu K 2 V.
f)(iwi> V.
w om. Xpiarov o V v. 17
TraA.ti' v. add. x^ ^v.
Our grace now is 'with Christ? 135

[xevos Tfe> avvbicrpLco 77 ttj TtpoOicreL irpbs tt]v t&v 6vo[x6,Taiv

avparkoK-qv aTtoy^pr\o-acr6ai.

Otl 1
a 7T€pl tcov dydpayrrcov Aeyet 77 rpaobrj coy 3

PaaiXevovTcov XptoTco, ravra nepl tov Uvevfxaro^
5 ov (Tvyyoopovo-Lv 01 dvTiXeyovT*?.


69. "lb(ofJL€V 8e Kai et tlvcl anokoyiav rots TtaTpaviv

rjpLCov rrjs xprj<T€(t)S TavT-qs eTnvoriao^v, ol yap ry}V ap\V v
Trapacr)(6vT€S rw Ao'yw p.a\kov f)p,£)V v-noKeivrai rots kyK.\rj-
10 fjiacri. TIavXos roivvv Kokocro-atvcn ypaqbow' '
kclI vpias,' Col. ii. 13.

$770-1, vtKpovs ovras tols irapaiTTcopiao-i Kal tt\ a.Kpoj3v(TTLa
<Tvv€(o)OTToCri<T€ rw Xptorw,' apa oiw Aaco p,ei> oAw Kat
'E/<KA?7o-ta eyjipicraTO 6 0eoj ttjz; crw Xpio-ra) C607?^ T(£ °^
dyto) TlvevpLCLTL ov)(l crvv Xptarw 77 £077 ; et 8e 7
tovto Kal
15 biavoiq kafieiv acre fits, ir&s otj^ ocriov co? e'xet (frvo-eoos

ovTOi /cat TTjy 6p.oXoyiav avvr\p.p.£v(tis aiwhihovai ; etra ttcos

ov tt)? ecr^arTys" avakyrjcrtas tovs pkv ayiovs 6p,okoyeZv crvv

Xptcrrio etrat (etTTe/) 67) naiSAoy 6k8t7 pJ\ eras airb tov crco/xaros 2 Cor. v. 8.

kvbrjp.tT 7rp6s 761; Kivptoy, Kat aj/aA7jcra9 uw XptoTG) eartj; phii. i. 23.

20 7/877); r(? °^ n^eTj/xart rovrous fX7]8e rots avOpcairois e^icrov

p.€Ta XpicrTod etvai Toye €ty avTovs tjkov p,era8t8oVat ; Kat

riaTjAo? piev Oeov crvvepybv kavTov kv rfj oIkovopllcl rod evay- 1 Cor. iii. 9.

yeAtou KaAet, to 8e Ilvevpia to ayiov, hi ov kv irdarj Krto-et

777 7j7ro tov ovpavbv KapitocpoptiTai to evayyektov, kav crvvep- Col. i. 6, 23.

9 10
25 ybv eliToopLev, kclv ao-e/3etas ypatyrjv Ka6* r]p.G)v aittvky-
KatVTO ; Kal WS €OLK€V,
U 77 jU,€U {(07^ TWZ/ 77A7rtKoV(Ol' €7Tt

KTjptoz; K€Kp7j7rrat o-tjz^ tw Xpta-rco kv rw @ea), Kat oray 6 Col. iii. 3, 4.

om. a V. a
om. tw o (et in tabula).
4 5 6
(sic) o. tovto 51 V. tmvor)cra)fj.ev V. cui'e^cuo-
noirjoev (? u/xas) 4j/ to) xP iaT V ° (
tne uncertain word is hidden in a dark
txt. /x o V v.
7 8 9
stain). add. Kal *
quatuor.' Xan&avuv V.
KavTavOa Ben. 10
uireveffcoiVTo fi o V. u Tjyubv rj V. far)
i$6 and we hope for glory 'with Him I
XpiaTos (ftavepojOr), rj ^onj tjix&v, rare kuX avrol avv avT<o
Rom. viii. 2. (f)avepc*)Or}aovTaL ev b6£y, avrb be to Ylvev/xa ttjs C0) V^ T0
eXevdepdaav rjp.ds curb tov vofiov ttjs ajxapTLas ovbo.jj.6js
eon avv XpLo~T(p ome ev XavOavovar) Kal KeKpvpi\xerr) avv
avrco £o)r) ovTe ev rfj <fiavepu>aeL ttjs Softs', fjv rjixels eirl 5

Rom. viii. 17- jot? ayiois eK<pavr]aeaQaL TTpoaboKa>p.ev ;

K\rjpovop.oL Qeov
Kal avyKXrjpovojxoL Xpiarov '
rjixels, to be Ylvevixa CLTroKXrjpov
Kal ap-oipov ttjs KOivoovias tov Qeov Kal tov XpiaTov ovtov ;

Rom. viii. 16. Kal '

avrb fxev to Y\vev\xa crvpLfJiapTvpei rw TrvevfxaTL TJIX&V
otl eap.ev T€Kva @eov,' rjpLels be r<3 Ylvevp.aTi ovbe rjv ~apa 10
4 5
tov Kvplov ixejxadrjKaixev ttjs irpbs Qebv kolvoovlcls ti]v

jxapTvplav KaTaTidtfxeOa ; to be Ke(f)dXaLov ttjs dvoias, rjpieZs

Gal. v. 5. jxev bih ttjs els XpiaTov moreo)? ttjs ev UvevfxaTL avveyep-
Eph. 6
ii. 6. 6r\aea6ai avT<2 Kal avyKaOebeladai ev rots eitovpaviois
Phil. iii. 21. eXiri&fxev, oTCiv ^ ixeTaa\r}u:aTLar} to aS>p.a ttjs TaireLVG)- 15

1 Cor. xv. 44. aeons 7]ix€>v airb tov xJ/v^lkov irpbs to irvevfxaTiKov, tw 8e
TIvevfxaTL ov avvebpias, ov bo£r]s, ovk dXXov tlvos &v eyop.ev
T. in. 8
p. 59. <77ap' avTov, jxeTabibofxev, aAA' &v eavTovs d£iovs elvai kclto.

ttjv a\f/evbrj tov eirayyeiXajxevov boipeav TreTTLaTevKa[xev i

tovtojv ovbevbs t<d TIvevfxaTL T(j) ctyuo w? vuepfiaivovTos 20
ovtov T7]v d£(,av irapaxoipovixev ; Kal o-ol fxev Kara ttjv

d^iav eaTL '

irdvTOTe elvai avv rw Kv/ho),' kcll 7rpoaboKas
1 Thess. iv. '
dpirayels ev vecfreXcLLS els cn:avTr](TLV els aepa irdvTOTe
o-vvecrecrOai tw Kiipto),' to be Hvevfxa vvv dvTLXeyeLS elvai
avv rw Xptcrra), os ye tov avvapiOp-ovvTa amb Kal avv- 25
13 14 15
TaaaovTa riarpl Kal Tt(p e£6piaT0v Tideaai tins d(f)6pr]Ta

bvaaefiovvTa ;

70- Pdayyvop,ai enayayeiv tcl Xetirofxeva, otl av fxev

16 li
Rom. viii. 17. avvbo^aa6r\aea6ai Xptcrra) upoaboKas, '
elirep yap avp.-

om. avv avrw V. 2
ev V. 3
om. rw irvevfiari fj.
o V v.
4 5 6
avrbv Koivwvias tov irvevfiaros fxapTvplav V. om. ttjv v.
7 8
Ka$eaOrjvai fi v. iitTaayrnxariaQri V. fieradidoafxev o v.
9 10 1X
virepfiaivovres V. virepPaivovrt v. viravrj/aiv v. o deficit
post avvtaeaOai. 12
avrbv V. 13
add. auro /i. H riOeaOai
15 l6 17
'induobus.' a.-n6ppr\ra V. add. tiS ^e. om. yap fi v.
mt<ck more the Spirits Glory is ''with Him? 137

i:dcryo\kev tva kcll crvvbo^aa-QGiixev? to be Y\v€v\xa rrjs ayico- Rom. i. 4.

o~6vr]s ov avvbo£d£eLs Xpto-ro) ays ovbe aol t&v lorcov Tvyyd-

X 2
VeiV a^LOV. KCLL (TV fAeV eA7Tt£etS 0~VIJ,(3a(TL\eU€LV, TO $€ 2 Tim. ii. 12.

Uvevpia Trj? ydpiTos evvfipi^eis, tt]V bovXov 3

amy kcll Heb. x. 29.

5 virrjpeTov tcl£lv aTiOKXr]pQ>v. /cat Tama Xeyoo, ovy^ tva

ToaovTOv bei£a> 6(petX6pievov eTvat et9 bo£oXoytav rw
YIvevfxaTL, aAA' tva ti]v dyvcoptocrvv^v eAey£a) tS>v \xiqbe to-

ctovtov bcbovTcov, aAA' a>s a&efieiav (fievyovToov tj]v tov

YIvevp-aTos irpbs Tlbv Kal YlaTepa KOivooviav ttjs bo£r]s.

10 tls hvvaTai Tama aore^axrl irapeXOelv ; r\ yap ovyl irpo-

677X009, ware Kav iratbl yevicrBai yv^ptfxov, ttjv a7r€iAr/-
6 Luke xv »»-
Oelaav 7-779 morea)? eKXei\f/iv 7rpoot/xta£birrat tcl irapovTa ;

a.fA(f)i[3o\a yeyove tcl dvavTipp-ryra. TtiGTevo\Aev eh to Uvevpia,

Kal rat? 7//j,erepats am&v OjuoAoytats (pyoixayjovp.ev. j3aiT-
8 s

15 TL^opLtOa, Kal irdXiv ixa\6\xeQa. co? ' Apyj]ybv 7779 C607! 5

eTTLKakovfxeOa, Kal o)s 6p.obovXov KaTacppovodfxev. fxeTa
Ilarpds Kal Tlov TrapeXafiopiev, Kat ws [xepos tt}$ ktIo-€(*)S
dri/xa^b/xef. ol be tl irpocrev^ovTat pLrj etSores '
edv rt Rom. viii. 26.

Kat (f)6ey£a(T$aL crepivdv nepl tov YlveviiaTos TtpoayOGicriv,

20 cos e(pLKVovfjievot ttjs d^ias KoXd^ovcri tov Xoyov rd virep-
ttltttov Ti]v o~Vfj.fjL€TpLav' ovs e\pr\v 6bvpeo-6ai Ti]V dcrdeveiav,
otl &v epy(*> TTao-^ofiev Aoyot? dvTiitXr\povv tt\v ydpiv ovk
e£apKOvp.ev. virepe^ei yap irdvTa vovv, Kal Xoyov (J)vo~lv Phil iv - - 7-

eXey^et ovbe iroXXoo-Tip ixepei ttjs a£ta? itapicrovixevqv, KaTa

25 tov Xoyov ttjs eiTLypaipofjiivrj^ 2o^)ta?* '
^coo-are yap,' <fir)CTL } Ecclus.xliii.

KaOoaov av bvvqcrOe, VTrepe^ei yap n Kal ert, Kat v\}/ovvTes Vulg.].

*" ambv 13
TiXr]6vvaTe. \xi] K07Ttare, ovyap /xt) ecpiK-qcrOe.' rj

ttov (fiofiepal v/xtz; at ^Trep t&v tolovtcov Xoycav evOvvai roty
irapa tov a\f/evbovs aK7]Ko6a-i Seov davy^utp-qTov elvai ttjv Tit. i. 2.

30 ety to TIvevfJLa to dyiov fiXao-tyrnjiiav. Matt.xii.31.

add. Xpicrrw fx v. 2
av/xffaaiXfvaeiv R 2.
auro V. * ro-

aovrov v. 5
Kal v. 6
irpooi/Aia^tTai R V v. 2
oil). avrSjv v.
om. fx.ax6fi(6a V. 9
add. 77^0)1/ ^t V v.
to) doictTv virtp-
miTTOv R2 . to) Sokuv vnepTri-rrTOVTi V\ X1
om. «ai V. 12
auTo /*.
13 14
om. fir) v. ^yu«/ V.
i$H '
With the Spirit' is a tradition supported

AirapWpr]cn^ toov kv ttj EKKXrjaia Siacfiavcov oaoi kypr)-

aavro kv tols avyypdppaaiv eavrcov ttj (jxiovrj l '


KE<pAAA10N K0'.

71. ITpo? ye fjLTjv to apiaprvpov aypacfyov eXvai tijv

avv T(o X\vevp.ari '
bo£okoyiav e/cet^o Xeyofxev, on et pkv 5
t. in. p. 60. 3
fji-q^p erepov aypa(f)ov, pLTjbe tovto TiapabeyBriTO), et Se
rd TtAuara t&v \xvo-tlk5>v aypacfxvs fjpuv e/x7roA.tre^erat,
5 6
ftera 7roAAa>y ra)2J kripdiv Kal tovto Karabe^capLeOa. airo-

o-TokiKov be Kat rd rats aypatyois Trapabocrecn irapa-

1 Cor. xi. 2. [xiveiV. '
€7TaLV(t) '
yap, (f)7](TLV, ' VpLCLS, OTL ^ TTCLVTa \XOV lO

fxepivqa-Oe, Kat /ca^a>? TrapkbaiKa vpuv tgls TrapaboaeLS Kark-

2 Thess. ii.
x ere *' KC" T° '
Kp^-Telre Tas napahoaeis, as 7rapeAd/3ere

etre Sta Aoyou etre St eTTto-roA^s.' (Si; p.ta eort Kat 77

irapovaa avrrj, rjv ot e£ ap\rjs biara^apevoi irapabibovres
rots e^e^r)? o~vp,7rpo'iovo-rjs det tg> xp6vu> Trjs x.p?jcrea)s 6td 15
/xaKpa? r?)s avvqOdias rats 'EKKArja-tat? kyK.aT€ppi((Dcrav.
ap ovv et a>s eV dtKaar^pta) tt}s <5td t&v kyypa<fi(*)v a,7ro-

Set£ea)s airopovvres paprvpoiv vpuv irkrjdos f


pteOa, ovk av Trjs a<pL€Lcrris

n itap vpi&v \j/i](f)ov rv\oip,ev ;

Deut. xix. 15. ^yQ) ix\ v 0VT(t)$ OtJUtaf ' e7Tt OTTOpLCLTOS yap bvO KOL TpiG>V 20

paprvpcov araOrjcreTai Ttav pr}p,a '

et be Kat tov ttoKvv \povov
13 14
irpos r)pG>v ovtcl evapy&s vpXv €iT€beiKvvp.ev, ovk. av
kbo^apiev vpSv eiKora kkyetv pn] elvai nat? r}p.G)v tyjv biK-qv

elcrayiayipLOV ravrrjv ; bvacoTrrjTiKa yap 7T<i>s tol irakaia t&v

1 2 3
add. tt) fx o v. add. tov V. irpi fi. om. trtpov V.
fjuaprvpioov V. 5
om. twv p. V v.
Karade^cofifda p. v
unus '
Pitra. KaTab'e£6fi€0a quatuor MSS.' irapaSe^ofitda R 2 o V.
7 8 9
TravTOTe [xv. om. to V. om. ol fi v (supplet post
airoSeigean' V. u wap' u/^rc vat. la
Icti aro hie desinit V.
om. v/jliv p. v.
u evibeiKi/vpiev '
MSS. tres.'

71. 7. twv jjtva-TiKwv. In § 67 he uses the words tcl ttjs hnKk-qaias

by many authorities, 139

boyfJLCLTOdV, OlOVei TToXtq TLVL Tjj ap\atOTY]TL TO aih£&l}AOV

eypvTa. aTiapiOfJLrjarofjLCU ovv vpuv tovs Trpoo-TUTas TOO
Xoyov {(TVfxiTapa[i^TpelTai be iravrc&s Kara to aicoirooixevov

kcli 6 xpovos)' ov yap ££ rjpt&v * a>pp.r}Tai np&TOVo ^noQev ;

3 4
5 X^ 6
Cot Tives ovTUis ?//xeij, kclto. top tov 'Icb/3 Xoyov, itpos job viii. 9.

ye toctovtov \povov tov ttjs avviqOeias tovtyjs ^Ai/acor^r.

eya) fiev ovv avT0Sy ei xpri fxe Tovpidv Ibtov elitelv, &o-nep
tlvcl KXrjpov TTCLTp&ov TT)i> (})Govr)V Tavrrjv bta(pvXdTT(i>, Trapa-
Xaficov napa avbpos \xaKpbv kv Trj XeiTovpyiq tov Qeov
10 bia^rjcravTOS \povov, bC ov Kal efiaTiTio-O-qv kcli rr) virr)peo-Lq

Trjs 'EK/cA^o-ias T^poa-qy^OrjV' ava(jr\T&v be kclt e\xavTOV

el tls apa t&v TrakaL&v Kal pLCLKapuav avbpG>v e^pr\craTO
ravrat? rats vvv avTiXeyoptevaLs (fxxivals, 7roXXovs evpov Kal
Tjj ap\aiOTr]TL to cl^lotiio'TOv e\ovTas Kai Tjj r^s yvu>o~ea)s
15 aKpifieiq ov KaTa tovs vvv ovTas' 8>v ol fxev Tjj 7tpo0eo-ei f

ol be T(i avvbeo-mp Kara Tqv bo^oXoyiav tov Xoyov evu>-

aavTes ovbev biacpopov bpqv tos ye irpos tt)v opOrjv ttjs

evcrefietas evvoiav evopLta-drjo-av.

72. Eip^atos eKelvos Kal KA77/X77S 6 'Pco/uaio? Kal

1 2
ojpurjTo v, hrj-nOev fx (5^ raanu longe posteriore et novo atra-
mento adjectum est originali scripturae erasae ab initio vocabuli)„
irodev yap; end xOiaoi R 2
3 4 5
ovres v,
. om. tov v. hie
iterum incipit o uno folio amisso. om. nal Aiovvcnosu 'Poj/xaTos v„

9. jrapd avSpos. St. Basil was baptized about a. d. 357, when twenty-
seven years old, by Dianius, the Archbishop of Caesarea ; and was by
him ordained reader.
72. 1. St. Basil's list of authorities is interesting as giving us some idea
of the contents of his library, as well as of his notion of arguments from
the w ritings of his predecessors. He begins with the distant west, Irenaeus
(Gaul, Clement (Rome, a.d. 100), and Dionysius (Rome
cir. A. D. 202),
A. d. 269) then, of:
Alexandria, Dionysius and Origen, who were both
of them at the head of the Catechetical School, Origen having vacated it
a.d. 231, and Dionysius having succeeded to it about a.d. 233. But
Origen is mentioned by him between the two authorities from Palestine,
the historian Eusebius (who died a.d. 238), and Africanus (a.d. 240). He
then quotes the authority of ancient hymns, that of the hymn <f)ws lAapov,
whose origin is lost in antiquity, and the hymn of the martyr Atheno-
140 by the tzvo Dionysii,

1 2
Aloiwctios 6 'Potato? Kol 6 'Ake^avbptvs Alovvctlos, orat
irapdbo^ov aKOvaat, ev rrj bevrepq rrpos tov bp.<i>vv\xov kavrov
zirurTokfj 7rept ekiy^ov kcli airokoyLas oi/'rco tov koyov
4 5
av in avert. ypa\}/a) be vpuv avra tov avbpds ra prjfwra'
TOVTOLS, (f)T](rL,
TtCMTlV OLKOkovQoiS KoX T^tei? KCLL §7/ TTOpa 5

T(OV TTpd f){JL(OV TTp€Cr(3vTep(i)V TVTIOV KOL KCLVOVCL 7Tap€tkr]cf)6T€S


1 2 3
om. 6 'Pwfxaios Kal u 'AXegavSpevs Aiovvcrios fi. ov o. add.
ypa<pajv R2 ,
* Karenavae fj.
txt. K2 p- R x
. ypdcpoj o v.

genes (who died about A. D. 196). Then he reviews his authorities

nearer home, Gregory of Neocaesarea (Pontus, a. d. 265), Meletius in
the same country, a contemporary of Eusebius of Caesarea (who says of
him Karevor\aap.ev, during his seven years of refuge in Palestine), and
Firmilian, a predecessor of St. Basil in the see of Caesarea (a.d. 236).
It may be noted that Irenaeus traditionally represented the teaching
of the Apostle St. John (through Polycarp) and Clement that of St.
Peter and St. Paul and that Dionysius of Alexandria, Africanus, Gre-

gory, and Firmilianus were all of them pupils of Origen. Of these

Dionysius of Alexandria, Origen, Eusebius, Africanus, and Gregory used
the actual phrase ovv rw Ylvevpari, and Clement and the ancient Hymn
coupled the Spirit of the Father and the Son with the conjunction kou :

while Dionysius of Alexandria, Origen, and Irenaeus spoke of the Divine

Trinity, the Divine Spirit, or the Divinity of the Holy Spirit. The
evidence of Athenogenes, Meletius, and Firmilian is not given. He does
not refer to Martyr. Ignat. Antioch., which in chap, vii has the phrase,
nor to Polycarp's dying words in Martyr. Polyc. chap, xiv, which also
contain it [ovv avrw (sc. t<£ Tla>) Kal Ylvevpari 'Ayiq>~], nor to the Apos-
tolical Constitutions, where it occurs frequently both in the parts which
are considered early documents, and in the apparently later additions.
1. Aiovticrios 6 'PwiJiatos. St. Basil (in Ep. 70) refers to Dionysius of
Rome in affectionate terms : oiSapLev yap, p.vr)p.r}s aKoXovOia, napd ra>v

narepcuv f/pcwv airrjOevTOJV, kou dirb ypappdrcov twv en Kal vvv vecpvXay-
p.evwv -nap rjpLiv, btlaoKop.evoi, Aiovvoiov hfceivov, rov piaKapiajrarov eni-

okottov,nap vpiv em re opOorijTi morecus, Kal rrj Xoiirrj apery diavpeipavra,

emOKenrupievov bed ypapipdrcvv tt)v r}p.erepav 'EKKXrjoiav rojv Kaioapecuv,
Kal irapaKaXovvra rov<; irartpas rjpcuv 8t.d ypap.pdrojv, Kal 7rep.neiv rovs
diroXvrpovptevovs eK 7-779 alxpaXcuoias rrjv d8eX<p6rTjra.
Kal 6 'AXe^avSpevs Aiovvcrios. In Ep. 9, St. Basil says of Diony-
sius of Alexandria : ov iravra Oavpd^opev rov dvdpos. eon 5' a Kal irav-
reXoJs SiaypdcjwpLev . . . npbs 5e rovrots /cat irepl rov UvevpLaros d<prjfce

(pevvds rJKtora -npenovoas ra> I\vevp.ari, rrjs TrpooKvvovpievqs aiirb QeoTqros

egopifav, Kal Karcv nov rrj Kriorfj kou Xetrovpycv <pvoei ovvapi6p.u>v.
by Clement of Rome, by Irenaeus, 141

eiuvTeWovTes KaTdTTavoiAev. rw be 0ec2

Ylarpl kol Tim
rw Kvptw i]jjLti>v 'It? ami Xp terra; o~vv tw dyta) n^ev/xart bo£a
Kat Kparos eU tovs al&vas tQ>v alcavoov, apJ\v. kol ravra

ovk av tls enrol p,eTayeypa<pdai. ov yap 3

av ovto) bieTet- T -
hi. p. 61.

5 z^aro, TV7roy Kat Kavova Trapei\r]cj)evaL Xeycov, elirep *

eV tg>
ITy€i;juart' elpr)K.(i)s t)^* ravrr/? yap 7779 (fxovrjs rj \prjo-LS

ttoAAt/. dAA' eKeti^o rjv to tt}s airokoyCas beop.evov. 6s ye kol

Kara. pceaov irov rrjs ypa(j)r)s ovtcos elpr\Ke irpos tovs 2a/3eA-
\lcivovs' '
et rep rpety elvai tcls 'TTrocrrdcrets p.ep,epiap.£vas

10 etWt Aeyouo-t, rpet? eta-t kclv fir) Oekuxrtv' rj T-qv 0etaz>

TptdSa 7ra^r€Aois avekeTcoo-avJ koI itclXlv' '
0aordr?i yap
bta. tovto pLera T7]v Movdba Kat rj Tptdy.' dAAd Kat 6

KA?]/xt7? apx^a'LKa>T€pov, '

0?,' (fyrjcrCv, '
6 0e6j Kat 6 Kvptos
'Iricroi;? XptoTos Kat rd n^eu/xa r6 ay iov! Yilpr\valos be

150 eyyi;? raw AiroaTohoov yevopevos tt&s

epLvrjadr] rov Fiveri- iren. Adv.
\ \ Haer. v. 8. 2 ;
c / / -> / i
pharos ev rw Trpos ras atpea-ety Aoyw, aKovcroipiev. tovs 9- 3-

5e axaXtvaycoyrjTovs^ (f)r)cr£, '

Kat K.aTa<f)epop.evovs els tcls
6 1 8
eavT&v eiti6vp.Las, p.i]hepiav e\ovTas eiuOvpiLav 0€to?j
n^ev/xaros, batatas 6 'AttocttoAos orapKLKOvs KaAet.' Kat
20 67^ aWois 6 avTos (prjcriv' '
Iva /at) d/xotpot 0eto?j FIz/eTj/xaros
yevop.evoi airoTv^oo^ev ttjs pao-iAetaj raw ovpavcav, eire-

[36r}o-ev 6 '
Attoo-toKos /at) bvvaaOai Tr\v crapKa fiacnXeiav x Cor. xv, 50.

ovpav&v KfaripovopLrjcrai/ el be rco Kat 6 rTaAatcrrt^os' E£-

1 2 3
add. kcu v. onii. «ai v. oirh av Vi * add. aylq> o v^
to o v. 6
alaxvvas R 3 /n o v R 4 sed vetus interpres Irenaei in sua '

vetus interpres Iren. '
adspirationem ' = €7rt7j-j/omVi
9 10
dfiov fx. crapKivovs 'duo codd.' yivo^evoi o.

6. TavTTjs yap ttjs <|>covt]s. This evidence of

himself that St. Basil

the use of kv ra> nvev/xaTi was common

time of Dionysius of in the
Alexandria, while that of ovv t<£ Ti.vevixa.Tt. called for remark, is specially
valuable in view of the misstatements referred to under Chap. I.
9. rds 'Tiroo-rdo-eis p.€p.€pi<rji€vas ctvat. This heretical deduction is
mentioned by St. Athanasius as iro\v6eta. Expos. Fidei § 2 ovt* :

rpeis 'Tiroardaeis LKLieptafxevas ko.6' kavras, wcrnep GcoLiaTo<pvcvs en' avOpw-

itwv, iorl XoyiaaoOai, 'iva pr\ iroXvOeiav (bs rd 'dOvrj (ppovqacafiev.
142 by Euscbins, the historian,


ifyiovas €7nheLKWiJL(v €v rot? €7rairoprjixaai ire pi rryv tow
ap^aioov'i. Aeyei yap ovto) irapopp^v kavrov
iirl tov Xoyov' '
tov tojv 7rpo(f)T]T&v aytov Qebv <l>o)Tayor/dv
btOL TOV ^OdTTJpOS fjfJL&V 'ItJCTOI; XpKTTOV 0~VV CiyiiO Y\v€VpMTl 5
73- "H877 he koX 'Qpiyevrjv iv 7ro\kais t&v els tovs
5 6
vvv aytw Ylvevp.aTi tt\v
\j/a\povs bia\e£e<t)v evpofxev *
ho£av airobibovra, avbpa ovbe irdvv tl vyiels nepi tov Ylvev-

om, ttjs jjl.
ev ix v.
vapaeaXecravres R4 .
* u>piyevr}s
(sic) o.
iroXXovs (sic) o. 6
tvpa/xev R4 .
irXijpovuTa R 4„

73. 9. ovSt irdvv tl v-yicts. Socrates (vi. 13) speaks with some indig-
nation of a quaternion of evilspeakers against Origen, Methodius Bishop
of Olympus in Lycia, Eustathius Bishop of Antioch, Apollinarius,
and Theophilus of Alexandria. Sozomen (vi. 17) says that Basil and
Gregory manfully opposed the dogmas of the Arians, proving that these
heretics rightly understood neither the data upon which they proceeded,
nor the opinions of Origen, upon which they mainly depended.
The following passages are given from Origen's works, of which
the first two may have been in St. Basil's mind and the rest are speci- :

mens of Origen's words on the doctrine of the Holy Spirit

Print. Praef. 4 sub fin. Turn deinde honore ac dignitate Patri ac
Filio sociatum tradiderunt Spiritum Sanctum. In hoc non jam manifeste
discernitur, utrum natus an innatus 1 vel Filius etiam Dei ipse habendus
sit necne.
Gk.frag. ap.Just. ep. ad Mennam. on 6 pev Qebs
Priric. I. Hi. 5 {T)
Kal Har-qp avveya>v Travra (f>6dvei eh eKarrov tujv ovtojv fieradtdobs

iKaora) drrb tov ISiov to eTvac ujv yap eoTiV eXaTTOuv he irapd tov YlaTepa
6 Tibs cf)9ava:v eitl piova ra XoyiKa' oevrepos yap \oti rov Ylarpus' en oe
tjttov to Hvevpa to dyiov etrl piovovs tovs dyiovs BiiKvovp-eyov wore Kara
tovto pieifav r) ovvapus tov JJarpus irapd tov tlbv Kal to Tlvevpia to dyiov
irXeicvv be 77 tov TtoO irapd to Tlvevpia to dyiov' Kal iraXiv 5ta<pepovaa
pidXXov tov dyiov Uvajpiaros rj bvvapus -napa rd dXXa dyia.
In Ep. ad Pom. m. 7. fin. (Lorn. vii. 40). Novitatem sane Spiritus
scio quosdam male intelligentes traxisse, ut dicerent novum esse Spiritum,
tanquam qui ante non merit, nee veteribus innotuerit et nesciunt se in :

hoc gravissime blasphemare. Ipse enim Spiritus est in lege, ipse in

evangelio, ipse semper cum Patre et Filio est et semper est, et erat, et
erit sicut Pater et Filius. Non ergo ipse novus est, sed credentes in-
Jerome (Ep. ad Avit. p. 761) tr. '
factus an infectus.'
by Origen, 143


Kal avrbs r^s (Tvi'r)0€ias to Icryypbv hvvwnovixevos ras ev-
om. rds o.

novat, cum eos a veteribus malis ad novam vitam et novam religionis

Christi observantiam adducit, et spiritales ex carnalibus facit.
Ptiuc. I. iii. 3 fin. Verumtamen usque ad praesens nullum ser-
monem in scriptis Sanctis invenire potuimus per quern Spiritus Sanctus
factura esse vel creatura diceretur, ne eo quidem modo quo de sapientia
referre Salomonem supra edocuimus, vel quae de Vita, vel Verbo, aliisque
appellationibus Filii Dei intelligenda esse tractavimus.
Princ. I. iii. 4 fin. Neque enim putandum est quod etiam Spiritus
Filio revelante cognoscit. Si enim revelante Filio cognoscit Patrem
Spiritus Sanctus, ergo ex ignorantia ad scientiam venit ; quod utique et
impium pariteret stultum est, Spiritum Sanctum confiteri et ignorantiam
ei adscribere. Non enim cum aliud aliquid esset antequam Spiritus
Sanctus, per profectum venit in hoc ut esset Spiritus Sanctus; ut quis
audeat dicere, quia tunc quidem cum nondum esset Spiritus Sanctus,
ignorabat Patrem, postea vero quam recepit scientiam, Spiritus Sanctus
effectus est ;
quod si esset, nunquam utique in unitate Trinitatis, id est,

Dei Patris inconvertibilis, et Filii ejus, etiam ipse Spiritus Sanctus habe-
retur, nisi quia et ipse semper erat Spiritus Sanctus.
In loan. torn. II. 6 {sub init.) [Lorn. I. pp. 108-110]. Qeraareov de,
<x\r]6ovs ovtos rod' '
iravra oC avrov eyevero,' el Kal rb Ylvevfia rb ayiov

SV avrov eyevero. yap on rw f.iev <pdo~Kovri yevrjrbv avrb elvai Kal


irpoiepievai to ' iravra avrov eyevero,' avayKaiov irapade£ao8at on rb


ayiov Tlvevpia Sid rov Aoyov eyevero, irpeofivTepov nap' avro rov Aoyov
rvyxdvovros. ra> o\ pir/ fiovKofxevcv rb ayiov Uvevpia 8td rov ~K.pio~rov

yeyovevai enerai rb dyev\y^qrov avrb Aeyeiv, akrjOrj rd ev rat evayyeXiw

rovrcp elvai tcplvovri. ecrai ok rts Kal rp'iros irapd rovs 8vo, rov re 81a rov
Aoyov irapafiexbpievov rb Uvevpia rb ayiov yeyovevai, teal rov dyev[v^r)rov
avrb\y\ elvai v-noXapifidvovTa, doy/xari^ov /xr]8e ovaiav rivd tdiav vcpeardvai
rov ayiov Uvev/xaros erepav irapa. rbv Uarepa Kal rbv Tiov. dXXa rdxa
npoaridepievos piaXXov civ erepov vofxi^rj elvai rov Tlbv irapa rbv Uarepa, rw
rb avrb avrw rvyyavtiv rw Uarpi, bjxoXoyovpievws Siaipeccws 8rjXov pievqs
rov ayiov Uvevpiaros irapd rbv Tlbv ev rw' bs edv e'lirrj Aoyov,' K.r.X. '

(Mt. xii. 32). fjp.z'is \ievroi re rpets 'Tiroardaeis -neiQopevoi rvyxdveiv, rbv
Uarepa Kal rbv Tlbv Kal rb dyiov Uvevpta, Kal dyevvrjrov fxrjdev erepov
rov Uarpbs elvai marevovres, ws evae/3earepov Kal dXijOis npoaie/neBa rb'
vdvrwv 81a rov Aoyov yevopievwv, rb ayiov Uvevfxa irdvrajv elvai ri/uiwrepov,
Kal ra£ei vdvrwv rwv vnb rov Uarpbs 01a Xpicrrov yeyevvqpievwv. Kal
rdxa avri) earlv r) atria rov /xr) Kal avroviov xp rIH- aT & v T °v ® ( °v, \ibvov L ,-

rod Mo voye vov s <pvo~ei

Tiov dpxy&*v rvyxdvovros, ov XPvC€tv £° lfcc T ^ ayiov
Uvevp.a, hiaKOVovvros avrov rrj 'Tiruardaei, ov piovov els rb elvai, dAAa Kal
o~o<puv elvai Kal KoyiKov Kal diKatov, Kal irdv brmbrovv XPV o-vrb voelv,

rvyx^-veiv Kara pierox^v toiv irpoeipr)pievQjv rjixiv Xpiarov emvoiwv.

144 by Africanns, by ancient

cre/3et9 (ftGavas define irepl tov YlvevpiaTos. 09 ye Kara to

* KT0V tgjv eh to KaTa'Iaidvvqv evayyekiov e^rjyrjTiKOJV

kqi Trpoo-KVvrjTbv amb tyarep&s aTTe^r/vaTO, ovTajal ypdcfxuv

TO TOV vbdTOS koVTpbv aV^okoV TVy\dvei
KaOapcriov \j/V)(j}s iravTa pirnov tov aiio Ka/aa? diroTrkwo- 5
1 2
p*evr}s' ovbev be tjttov koI kclQ' eavTo rco ep.i:ape\ovTi

eavTov Tjj SeoTrjTi tt}s Trpoo-KVvrjTijs Tpta5o9 Ota ttJs bvvd-

juecoj Tdv €TTtKkr)creuiV \apiap,a.T(x>v b\pyr]v e\ei kcu Ttr\yr)v!
kcu Trdktv ev rots et9 tt\v 77009 'Pco/xatoi;9 ei:iaTokr\v e^rjyr)-
tlkoIs' '
at lepat,' ^rjcrt, bvvapieis yu>py)TiKai tov Movoyevovs 10
Kat TTjS TOV hyiOV TIveVjJLCLTOS QeOTTjTOS.' ovtoos olfiai TO
T779 7Tapab6o-€(t)s Icryypbv evrjye 7roAAaKt9 tovs dvbpas Kat
rots otKetoty avT&v boy\xao-iv dvtikeyeiv. aAA' ovbe 'Ac^pt-
kclvov tov lo~Topioypa(f)ov to tolovtov €1009 T779 bo£o\oyias

Ttapekade. (fyaiveTai yap ev tw tt€[attt(£> tt}s t<ov y^povoiv 15

€7TLT0fxrjs ovTQ) Kat clvtos keyayv' '

fjpels yap oi KaKetvoiv
4 5
T. in. p. 62. ra>z> pripLctTcov to pieTpov eTnaTapLevoi Kat rr/9 7rtoTea)9 ouk
dyz/oowr€9 r7]y ydpiv evyapiaTovp.ev ra> ITarpt t<o irapa-
7 8
o"xofA€v(*> rot9 t8tot9 ^/xt^ roi> ra>^ oAa)^ Scor^oa Kat Kv-
fjpL&v 'lrjaovv XptoroV g>
17 5o£a, n pLeyaka)o~uvr) avv 20

ayt(j) ll^ei'/jtart €t9 rou9 atwas . Ta piev ovv aAAa Tvyov

Kat aTUo-TridrjvaL bvvaTai, r\ Kat pieTaypatyevTa bvo-(f)u>paTov
€)(ei^ ttjv KaKovpyCav, ev pad crvkkafirj ttjs btacfyopas irnap-

Xpvcrris' a be bia ixaxpoTepas rr/9 Ae£ea)9 irape6epie6a, Kat

rr)^ eTtL($ov\r\v biatyevyei Kat rr)z; [xapTvpiav arn ai>T(t>v t&v 25

0-vyypap.p.aTUiV evairodeiKTov e\eb. §€ aAAa>9 juez; taa)9

^ et9 pLecrov dyeo-dai, ra> 6e KaivoTop^iav ey-
KakovpLevco dvayKaiov els piapTVpCav bid tov \povov T-qv

dp^aiOTYiTa, tovto br) Kat TrpoaO^o-a). ebo£e rot9 Tiarpao~iv

1 2 3
^7701/ (sic) o. laurcDt (sic) ft. T77? 7ra/)a5ocr6a;5 to ju v.
5 6
* f>T]TUjv fx '
tres MSS.' lirecrTaXfxevoi fi. txt. /x v. om. 7rarpt
to/ o Ben. 7
txt. ft. 77fia)j/ irpaai o. 7/ficDi/ v. ^ftrf varpl Ben. ' sic MSS.
8 9
quinque.' 6ebv o. om. r)fta>f v. '/cat Kvpiov 77 fia)j/ desunt in
10 X1 12
tribus MSS.' om. 17 v. ko.1 tj fxeyaXajavvt) o. add. afx-qv ft o v.
13 u om. oSv R 15
R 16
add. Ko.1 v. 2 v. ZvacpopwTaTrjv 2. %x* 1 v -

om. %v v.
Hymns > by Gregory Thaumaturgus^ 145

i][xQ>v pj] (Ticoirij ttjv yapiv tov ecn:epivov c^coro? be\^eo-0ai,
dAA' evOvs (pavevTos ev\apLcrTelv. kcli octtls \x\v 6 7rarTjo

TG>V prjllCLTCOV £K€lVOOV Ttjs eiTlXV)(V 10V evyjOLpiCTTiaS, ellTeiV OVK

eyopev' 6 fievTOL Aao? apyaiav d</Ji7icrt ti]v (poovqv, kcli ovbevl

5 tt(ottot€ ao-efielv evop.ia6y]crav ol XeyovTes' '
alvovp^ev Ylarepa

/cat Tlbv kcli ayiov T\vevp,a 0eoi>.' el be rts kcli tov Vfivov
A6r]voyevovs eyvco, bv axrirep aXXo tl e^iTr\piov rots crvv-

ovcriv clvtm KctTaXeXoiirev, oppi&v 77677 7rpos T-qv bta irvpbs

TekeiuxTLv, olbe kcli tt]v tu>v fiaprvpodv yvut\xr\v ottms el\ov

10 irepl tov Ylvevp.ctTos. kcli ravra \xev eh tovovtov.
74. Ypr\y6piov he tov pAyav kcl\ tcls eKeivov (fxtivas irov

6r\o-o\xev ; ap ovyl p,era t&v Attoq-toXgov kcli TrpocfrrjT&v ;

3 Cor
avbpa rep avT(jd UvevfiaTt eKeivois TTepfnarrjo-avra kcll rots 2 -
x5i -

t5>v ayicov lyyecri bLa 7ravTos tov fiiov aToiyjiaavTa kcli ttjs
15 evayyeXiKrjs 7roAtr€ta? to aKpt/3e? ota, 7racni9 clvtov ttjs
Coofjs KCLTopOtoo-cLVTa ; eyco pier tovto (fyqpt, rj abiKrjcroiJLev

tt}v c\Xr\6eiav, p.r} rots (pKetco/^eVots ©ea> ty]v y\rvyr\v eKeCvqv

o-vvapi6p.ovvTes olov tivcl XapLTTTrjpa irepHpavr} \xeyav ev ttj

'EK/cAiicrta tov ®eov biaXdp.\jj-avTa' 6s cf)o(3epdv fiev eTx €V

20 eK ttjs tov TIvevpLaTOs avvepyias kcltcl bai\x6v(*)V to /cparos,

TOo~avTr\v be eXafie tov Xoyov tt)v yjxpiv els viraKor)v Tuarecos Rom - '• s«

ev rots eOvecrtv, toaTe eTSTCLKaibeKa piovovs XpiorTLavovs
TTCtpaXafiibv oXov tov Xabv tov re clcttlkov kcli tov X^i01-
tlkov bLa tt/s 67rty^G)crea)s 7rpoo"qyaye rw 0ea>. eKeivos Kau
25 TTOTafA&v peWpa p.eTeo-Tr]o~ev, eirLTCL^as avTols ev rw /oieyaAa)

fiov (f)epovcrav abeXifiols TrXeoveKTacs. at be tu>v fxeXXovTCdv

TrpoayopevcreLS toiclvtcli a>s jj.i]bev tG>v {JieydXodv irpoiprjT&v
' e regione horum verboram scriptum est
in margine Regii quinti Trepl
tov quod in ipsum contextum Regii tertii irrepsit.'
(fccTos iXapov, txt.
//oy' quatuor MSS.' ri aki^T-qpiov R x Ben. 3
kfiirepiiraTrjcravTa 'duo
ttjs kavrov farjs p. 5
txt. R 2
codd.' ^ o v. om. fA quatuor .

MSS.' 6
x PV
a, TlK ^ v °*
Torapiov R 3 9
avcgr]- .

pavtv o v. txt. pi o v. Ben. aXXwv.

73. 7. 4£iTT|piov. In Hurter's reprint of the Ben. Latin version,

amuletum ' is changed into '
valedictionis donum without comment.

146 by Meie tins, by the idioms of some

dirobelv. Kal oAw? fJLdKpbv av e'177 tov avopbs bi-qyziaQai

tcl Oavixara, 09 rf\ virepftokri rdv ev avTO) yapLcrpATcvv t&v

evepyovfxevoiv vtto tov TIvevfJLaTos ev 7rd(rrj bvvdp.eL kol rrrj-

T. in. p. 63. jutetois ripaai bevTepos MtoiJcrr)? imp avT&v rdv e^Op&v
A 3
tt]s ^F,](TLas dvr\yopeveTO. oi/Vcoj avT(a ev tto.vtI Ady(t> 5

Kal epyco t£>v eVireAof/xeVcoz; bba tt}s yjipiros oXov tl c/xS?

eirekafATTe, \xr\vv\xa rrjs ovpaviov 6wd/xea>s- rrjs e/c tov dcfmvovs
7Tap€iroiJL€vr]s avrco. tovtov [xeya en ml vvv rots ey^oipLois
to Oavfjia, Kal veapd /cat del 7rp6o-<fiaTos rj \ivr\pj\ rat? 'Ek-

Kkr\aiais evCbpvTaL, ovbevL \p6viii a\xavpov\xevr). ovkovv ov i

irpa^LV TLva, ov koyov, ov tvttov tlvcl (jlvo-tlkov irap ov

5 6
eKelvos Kare'AtTre ttj 'EKKArja-ia Ttpov£Qr\Kav. TavTTj tol

kol irokka tG>v nap avTols TekovpLevcov ekkeL7T(os e'xetz; boKel

Cf. Ep. 207. biaTo Tijs Karacrrdcrea)? apyjaioTpoTiov. ovbevydp j]veayjovTO

ol Kard biabo-xjiv tcls 'Ek/cA^o-iou olKovo\xr]o-avTes t&v p.eT 1

eKeivov ecj>evpe6evT0}v Tiapabe^aaOaL eh irpocrOriKiqv, ev tol-

vvv tow Tp-qyoptov Kal 6 vvv avTLkeyopLevos TpoTros Trjs bo£o-
Aoyia? eo-riz/, e/c ttjs eKeivov 7Tapab6o-e(os tt\ 'E/c/cA7/cria
TTecfrvkaypiivos, Kal ov irokvs 6 ttovos fxiKpov KLvqOevTL tt]v
em tovtols Tik^po^opiav kafielv. TavTrjv Kal <&ip\xikiav<£ 21

to) ^/xere'pw fxapTvpovai Trjv ttlo-tlv ol Adyot, ovs /caraAe-

Aot7re. Kal 8
MeA enoz; 9
tov ttclvv iirl TavTiqs elvai ttjs

yvtopiris ol crvyyeyovoTes <paoL Kai tl

bel tcl
n irakaLa
keyeLv ; dkkd vvv eTu ttjs ecoas ov\ kvl /xdAiara tovtcd

tovs evo-efiovvTas yvoopL^ovo-LV, diov tlvl cr?7/xeta> tt\ <p(ovri 2;

TavTrj <fiv\oKpLvovvT€s ; a)? 6e eya> tlvos tG>v £k Mecro7ro-

Ta\xLa$ 7]Kovo~a, avbpos Kal ttjs yAwcrcr?]? ipLireCpcos ZyovTos
Kal abLao-Tp6<fiov tt\v yvcapLrjv, ovbe bvvaTov kTtpoos tlirelv ttj
ey)(0)pto) 4>o)vfi, kclv edtkoocrLV, dAAd 6td ttjs KaV crfAAa/3^9,

fiaXkov be t&v Icrobwafjiova^v avTjj cf)u>v(ov, KaTa tl IbLcojia 3<

TTCLTpLov dvdyK7]v avTols eXvaL ttjv bo^okoyiav 7rpo<fiepeLv.

tfcSirjyuaQai fi v.
txt. R 2 fJ- o v. d\t]0(ias Ben. 3
4 5 6
fi v ' in uno.' ovpavias ft v duo.'
KareXcnre v. ravra [i o v.
7 8 9 10
Kiv7]9tvT<xs {x o v. fieXinov o v. om. toc /x. 8t) v.
11 12 13
iroXAd ^ v. add. ot o. itpootykptiv p\.

languages\ and by general custom, 147

Koi KcnnTaboKai be ovto) Xeyofxev ey^coptcos, Irt tote ev tjj

tu>v ykcoacr&v biaipeaei to €k tt/s \e£ea)s ^pr\o-i\xov irpo-

fikeyj/apLevov tov HvevjjLaTos. Ti be. f) bvaLs aitao-a paKpov

belv airo tov 'lWvpLKod jixe'xpi t&v opcov ttjs kci6' 7]\xas

OLKOVfl€VT]9 / Ot>)(l T7/l> (f)(i)Vr]V TCLVTr\V irpeo-fieveL ;

75- n<Ss ovy eycb kclivot6\xos kol vecaTepcov p^plcltcov

brj p. tov py 6s, eQvr\ oka kol irokeis kol eOos iracrrjs fJLvrjfJL-qs

av6pco7Tivr]s TTpeo-ftvTepov kclI avbpas o-Tvkovs ttjs 'EKKA^o-tas,

Om. €Tl TOT€ (X V.

75. 8. dvSpas o-tvXovs ttjs 'EKKXtjaias. It may be of interest to note

here the doxologies of St. Athanasius, with their approximate dates :

De Incarn. Verbi, lvii Si' ov Kal p\e6' ov airw rq> Uarpl gvv avrq>
T(f Tta) kv aytct) UvevpiaTi, ripir] Kal Kparos Kal 5o£a els tovs altuvas rcuv
aiuvojv (A.D. 318).
Expositio Fidei,St' ov rw Uarpl 56£a (A.D. 330?).

Epistola ad Episcopos Aegypti et Libyae, 'Itjgov Xpiarov, 8i' ov rat

Tlarpl -fj 8o£a Kal to Kparos kv Uvevpari ayia> Kal vvv Kal els roiis avp.-

iravras alaivas rivv aluivoov (A.D. 356).

Apologia de Fuga, kv Xpiarw 'Irjaov ra> Kvpicp f/piivv, 81 ov rw Uarpl
kv dyiai Uvevpiari fj 8u£a Kal to Kparos els tovs a'uvvas rwv alajvoov. 'ApifjV.

(A.D. 357).
De 81' ov ra> Uarpl fj 8o£a teal to Kparos els tovs alojvas rcuv
alwvcvv (no mention of the Spirit) (A.D. 359-360).
But see esp. Epist. ii ad Serap. § 6 wcrirep ovv 81' avrov anroKaXinrreTai
6 &ebs rots yivcjaKovaiv, ovrus 81' avrov 77 evXoyia Kal 6 vpivos, kol fj

8o£a Kal to Kparos opioXoyeirat ra> Uarpl 81' avrov Kal kv avra> 'iva
Kal evirpoaSeKros fj roiavrrj bjioXoyia yevrjrai, &>s at Tpacpal Xeyovoiv

(A.D. 360).
Epist. iv ad Serap. § 7 01 ov Kal pieO' ov rw Uarpl fj 8u£a Kal rb Kparos
avv ayicp Uvevpari (A.D. 360).
In the compilation that has come to us under the title of Constitu-
tions Apostolicae, Book viii, we find at the end of the prayer for the
bishop elect pied' ov Kal 81' ov 2ot 8o£a, rip.f} Kal aefias kv dyicv Uvev-
jjiari ch. 5 ; 81 ov Xoi 8o£a Kal rb ok&as kv ay'iw Hvevpiari ch. 6 ; %ol
8o£a, rip.7] Kal o~e(3as Kal 81a. 2oG ra>Tlarpl kv aytw UvevyiaTi ch. 7 ;

81 ov "Xoi 8o£a, ripifj Kal akfias kv ayiqi UvevpiaTi ch. 8 ; St' ov 2oi 8o£a
Kal -npooKvvrjGis kv (rw) ayicu Tlvevpari ch. 9 ; St' ov Hoi 8u£a Kal akfias
kv ayicp Tlvtvpari ch. ii. These are used by the kmaKOTros in the portion
ascribed to St. Peter, and by the kiriaKoiros or dpxiepevs in that ascribed to
St.Andrew. But in the Anaphora, ascribed to St. James the brother of
St. John, and supposed by some to be of a later date, there are four
benedictions, which are all of the form containing jxera and Kai 2ot :

L %
148 It is necessary for the right honour

ev TT&ar} yvoJcrei Kal bway^eL Ylvev/xaTOs biaTrpeireis, ap-

\r]yovs Kal 'npoararas rr\s (f)0)vr}s irapexo^vos ; iirl tovtols
1 2
be iTokis kol KtojJLT) kcu ecryaTial navai i:\r}pei<i rotv

i)jji€T€pcov biafioX&v. \virr]pa \xkv ovv ra.vra ku\ oovvqpa ,

1 Pet.iii. n. reus Kapbiais t&v CflTovvTOiv eipr\vr)v° aAA' eiretbr] fxeyakoi

Matt. v. 12.
T^ ? yjfOjJLOVTJS OL //lCT0Ot T&V VTTep T7)S 7TL(TT€(i>S iraOrjIJ.aTOiV,

77/309 TOVTOLS Kal ^L(f)0S (TTlXfioiHrOo}, Kal TteKeKVS CLKOVacrOoJ,

Dan. iii. 19. Kal TTVp KaieaOa) TOV BaftvXooviov a(j)0bp0T€p0V, koX TTCLV

Kiveio-Qa) €(f) fjfxas opyavov KoXao-Trjpiov, w? epLOiye ovbev

(j)0J3€p(jdT€p0V TOV JAY] <£o/3eiCT0ai TCLS aTT€i\ds y CLS 6 KvpiOS
Matt xii. ti. <"•
^ tt n n\ _r *» 3 ' v v _"*
j rot? ro lli>eiyxa pkao-<pr\ixovo-iv enaveTeivaTO. irpos \xev ovv

tovs €vyvu>[JLOvas t&v avOp&'noiv iKavr) airoXoyia Ta elprjfxeva,

otl beyj6\xeBa (f)0dvr)V ovT(o jjl€v <f)i\r}v Kal i:poarr]yopov toIs

ayiois, too-ovt(o be eQei fiefiaiatdeicrav' bioTi a0' ov KaTriyyekrj

to evayyekiov l^e\pL tov vvv, eintoXiTevoixevr) rats 'EkkXt/-

crtats betKWTai, Kal to \xeyio~Tov ewe/Sco? Kal 6ctl(ds Kara Tiqv
evvoiav eyovo-a. irpbs be to }xeya KpiTr\piov Tiva ttjv
5 6
airoXoyiav eavTols evTpeTrio~aixev ; otl evrjyev f] npos
tt}v bo£av tov YIvevfiaTos Trp&Tov \xev f) iiapa tov Kvpiov
Matt, xxviii. rt ^ o-V[xirapaXal36vTOs kavT& Kal 7
rw YlaTpl irpbs to (3cltt-

TLo-fjia, eireiTa tj €kolo-tov 7]}jlG>v bia tt\s ToiavT7]<$ ixvaTaycayias

eaxaria irKrjpTjs p..
om. irdcrai v.
cvTrpoarjyopov R 4.
4 5 6
om. ttjv v. evTpemao/j.ev p. v. ivrpemcraipiev Ben. €^77-
yaycv R 4.
to irvevpia R 4.

. . . t<3 Ilarpi /fai t<£ Tta) /fat to) a7ta; Tlv€vp:aTi, and /z€0' ou 2ot S6£a,
rip-rj . . . Kal tw ayia; Hvevp:aTi ch. 12 ;
/ie#' o5 2oi . . . Kal tw ayicv
TlvtvpiaTi and Sol 8o£a . . . Kal rw 2a) naiol 'Irjaov tu> XpicrTw Sov . . .

Kal t£ 07/0; UvevpiaTi ch. 14.

2. em TovTOts k.t.X. He is probably referring to Eustathius of Se-
baste : as in Ep. 226, § 3 SiafiaWovcri yap T) us Kaivorop-ovvTas rrfpl

tov TlvevpiaTos tov dyiov.

19. on
t\\*-o-s. This summing up of his treatise by St. Basil
€vf]Y €V
himself noteworthy he lays chief stress on three points, (1) the
is :

Baptismal Formula, (2) the Profession of Faith at Baptism in con-

formity with the Formula, and (3) the warning of Matt. xii. 31.
of the Spirit, as against blasphemers. 149

irpbs tt]v Oeoyvaxriav elaayoiyr], €</>' anavi oe 6 (f)6[3os tcov

1 2
aiTeLXrjdtvTOdv, cLTretpycov tiiv tvvoiav Ttacnqs ava£(as koll

TCLTreLvrjs VTTokTJxp-ecos. ol be IvavTioi tC kclI epovcri ; noiav

airoXoyiav rrjs (3Xaa(f)r]pLLas e^ovcn, pJ\Te tcls rtjuaj tov
5 Kvpiov KCLTaihtcrOivTes fM]T6 tcls a7reiA.a? avrov <f)o(3r]0€VT€s ;

OVTOL fA€l> OVV KVptOL (3ovk€V(Ta(r6aL 7T€pl TWV KOLT CLVTOVS T]

5 8'
Kal pL€Ta(3ov\evo~aa6ai ybrj' avTos av ev£aip.r]v ixaXiara
jjl€v hovvai tov ayaBbv Oebv rr\v kavrov ^lpy\vr\v (3pa(3ev- Col. Hi. 15.
6 7
ovcrav iv tolls Kapbiais airavTcov, ware tovs cr<ppLy(ovTas
o K.a6' j]jjl(ov tovtovs Ken o~WT€Tayp.4vovs acfyobpcas iv TTVeVfAaTL Gal. vi. 1.

7TpaoTirjTOs Kal aya-nr\s KaTaaTaXrjvcu, et 5' apa TtavTeXcos 1 Cor - iv - 2I -

i^r/ypLcovTai koX aTiOacrcrevTais exovaiv, aAA' rjplv ye hovvai

IXaKpodvjKOS <f)€p€lV TO, 7701/)' CLVT&V. TTCLVTCQS 06 TOLS TO

aTTOK.pi\xa tov Oav&Tov iv kavTols eyovcriv ov to iraOeiv virep 2 Cor. i.

5 Trjs 7rto-rea)S aXyeivov, aWa to fAi] ivaOXijo-ai 9


(fropcoTaTov, €TT€i kcll toZs aOXrjTals ov tovovtov TrXrjyas

kafielv ayudvi£o\X€voi$ (3apv, oaov jotr/8e irapabe^OrjvaL Tr)v
o\pyj\v els to aTabiov. 7/ Taya ovtos r)v 6 '
Kaipbs tov Ecci. iii. 7

criyav ' kclto. tov a-o(f)bv ^okofxcovTa. tl yap o(f)e\os ra>
o 6vtl KtKpayivai irpbs avepiov, ovtco fiiaias £d\.r)s KaT€yovcrr\s

tov fiiov, vfi rjs Traaa ptev biavoia t&v tov Xoyov KaTrjyov-
pievoov olov 6(p0akpibs KoviopTov tlvos Trjs e/c t&v TtapaXoyia-
\x&v aTTOLT-qs avairX'qade'LO'a avyK&yyTai, Traaa be clkot)
13 14
j3apvTCLTOLs Kal ariOecn \j/6<pois Kara kti> 77 eircu, bovtiTai
5 8e navTa ml Iv Kivbvvcp eart tov Trrajjuaro? ;

1 2 3
\iran(i\r]dhro}v fx\. a£ias fx. <j>a)vas '
in uno cod.
4 5 6
MS.' kavrovs v.
icad' avrois v. rwv a-navTcov (x
7 8 9
quasi supervacuum.' ws [i. avvr^raynikvovs fxo. avrrjs fx.
Sva<pop<jjTaTov kariv fx v. u /n) fx v. 12
add. Kal v. 13
deficit o
post fiapvT&TOis. u om. bovetrai Se iravTafx.
150 The present state of the Church is like

Airjyrjais rfjs 7rapovo~rj$ ra>u eKKXrjaicQi/ KaTacrT&crzoos.


76. Tivi ovv 6jjLOi(o(rofJL€v ty)v irapovaav KaTao-TarrLv ; 7\

ttov opoCa ecrrt TroXiput tlvl vclvtlk(j), bv €k itaXaioiv irporr-

Kpovo-fjLaradV 7roXvv kolt aXX-qXaiv tov Bvpbv dpixjsavTes vav- 5

pa\0LTLvzs avbpes koli ^>tA.o7roAe/xot avvecmqcravTo* opa br}

ovv fxoi kv rf\ zlkovl ravrrj (pofiep&s kKCLTtpodOev avretyop-
fji&vTa tov aroXov, etra eh to avrjKea-Tov tt]s opyrjs e/cpa-

yeicrrjs avpireo-ovTas bLaycovl^eaOaL. vttoOov, et fiovXeL, kgll

XaiXcnrt. fiLCLLq KXovelcrOaL to vclvtlkov, kcll £6<pov aOpooos Ik i

t. hi. p. 65. vtcp&v emo-yovTQL peXaivuv ttclv to opc&pevov, a>s pr}bep[av

en etvai <j)iX(x)v kgll TroXepCoov dta/cpicm;, tS>v avpfioXaiv
avTots ayvorjOevToov bLa ttjv o~uyyyo-LV. en Trpoo-Oricroopev
be* evdpyeLav tt\ cIkovl kcll OdXacrcrav olbovaav kcll clvco

O~Tp€(j)0p4vriV €K TG)V (3v0U>V KCLL XdfipOV €K V€(f)WV llboOp KCLT- I

appt\yvvpevov /cat (pofiepov eTravLo-Tapevov Ik TpLKvpLas tov

6 "
KXvbaiva, eira TiavTayoOev t&v uvevpaTcov eis tclvtov crvp-

TrecrovTuJV ttclvtcl tov vtoXov avvapacrcropevov , kol t&v enL


ayoovLciv avTopoXovvTas^ tovs be dvdyKrjv €\eLv bpov re 2

bL(JL)6€LO-6aL TCL (7Ka^)r] €K T&V CLVepudV €7TL<p€p6p€Va KOL CIVT€-

TTLevaL Tols {(pOpp&O-L, KOL aXXrjXoVS KCLTa(j)OVeveLV VTTO TTJS

1 i 2
avTetyopiiovvra p. quatuor codd.' avTipoptyovvra v. vireKpa-
yeio-qs p. v.
ovyKXoveioOai ftv. 4
irpoa6cop.€v p. v.
txt. o R 4.
oldaivovaav Kal dvacrTp«popevrjv p. v. tojv na.VTO.yoQzv fx v.
7 8
ravro /x v. ((pop/xovai '
codd. nonnulli.'

76. 3. TCvi ovv op:oitocro[x€v. In Ep. 80 St. Basil asks St. Athanasius
to come to the help of the Churches and '
preserve us from this terrible
storm' (biaoujoaoBai ck tov (pofiepov tovtov x ei P-^,l 0S\ anc^ ' m
another Epistle to him (82) he writes dpas ottojs tcaOcnrep kv Trekayei,
: . . .

voWcuv 6p,ov cvpLirXeovraJV, imb ttjs filas tov kXvScovos iravTes opov d\\i/-
Xois TrpocrprjyvvvTar real yi V€TCU T ^ vavaytov, tttj p\v etc ttjs e£<z>6ev aWia?
fiiaicos Kivovorjs tt)v OdXaTTav, irrj 8e ck ttjs tuv kpurXeovTuv Tapaxys

avTifiaivovTWV aXkr)\ois Kat diwOovp.evajv.

two fleets fighting in a storm, 151

oTao-ecoy, rjv 6 irpos to v7repe\ov <fi06vos kclI fj eiiiOvpiLa tov

avrov €KacrTov KpaTelv evenoiiqorev. evdvfxriOrjTL eirl tovtols

orvfj-fjuyr) TLva kol do-iqpLOv r\\ov ^acraz/ ei:e\ovTa tt)v e/cei

1 2
ddkacrcrav, £k t&v Tre ply]\ovvtoov dve\xodv kol tov itarayov

5 T&V irkOLOOV, KCLL TOV podiOV (eOVTOS, KCLL €K TTJS j3or)s tQv
TTo\epLovvT(ov TravTobairds (ficovas e7rt rot? TtdQecnv cMpievToiv,

a>? jjl7]T€ vavapyov [xr\Te K.v(3epvriTov <p(ji>vr}v elcraKoveo-dat.,

&\\a beivr)v riva elvau ara^iav kcll crvyyycnv, rrjs t&v kclk&v
VTT€p(3okrjs bid tt)v 7T/o6? to £tjv d^oyvmo-w airacrav civtois
10 tov afxapTavetv dbeiav ZpLTOiovo-rjs. irpoaOes airot? kclI

5 6 7 8
d\ir]yav6v Ttva voaov bo£ofjLav[as, aVre ttjs veots eh
fivdov 7/877 (ptpofjLtvris roi;? en-t/3dras aAATJA-oi? ttjs t&v Trpco-

T€l(OV €pib0S fX7J V<pUo~6aL.

77- Mera/3a brf jjlol airb ttjs el<6vos en avTO tov kclkov

15 TO ap\€TV1T0V. OV)(l TldXcLl \kiv 7T0)S e80K€t TO 'ApeLCLVOV

9 10
(r)(to-ju,a eh avTiiiaXov jAolpav aTTOKptOev Tjj 'Ek/cAt/ctui

tov Qeov ev TroXefXicov rafei clvto kclO* eavTO \xovov dvTi-

Ka6e(ecrdaL ; OTe be €K ttjs paKpas kol xaXeirrjs eptbos eh
7rpo(pavTJ dy&va r]\uv
n avTiKaTeo-Trjo-av, tote eh noWd br]

20 fJiepr] kcltcl nvpiovs Tpoirovs 6 TroAejutos bieo~%Lcrdri, wore kol

bia to KOivbv e\6os kol bid to iota)? vttotttov dbtdWaKTov
nacnv V7rdp\eiv to //.io-os. 6 be ad\os ovtos t&v eKKkr}-

2 3 4
etc re ft v. om. avep.ow /x. iracrav ft v. om. /cat v.
om. rocroi/ ft.
Zo^ojxaviav R4 . ' ws p, 8

^os /x v
'tres MSS.'
crxVP A*« -
T ^ s eKKXrjaias R 3 . di/re/caT-
earrjcrav fx.
n vtrom-nrov v. 13
kvvnapx^-v fi v.

77. 15. irdXai. Soon after Nicaea in 325.

16. els dvTLTraXov jjioipav, k.t.X., 'being parted off into an opposing
sect, set itself, by itself apart, in hostile array against the Church of
20. 6 iroXejios. St. Basil (Ep. 242), writing to the Western Church
about A. D. 376, says: TptCKaideKarov yap eros kariv, acp' ov 6 alpertKos
fjp.Lv noKepLos k-navkorr). He probably dates the troubles of the East
from the death of the Catholic emperor Jovian, 364, when Valens was
given the empire of the East, and when St. Basil himself wrote against

152 but no simile is equal to

cri&v twos ovk €(ttl Oakaaaiov Kkvbcavos dypioiTtpos ; zv


€t tl 6yyp(jL>ixa boyixdrw biaaea&XtVTai, Kkovelrat be navTa
kcu Karaaeierai aaOpq rfi /3acret tiraioipovp^va, akkyko is
be €IATTL7TTOVT€S V7TO akkrjkitiV dvaTp€7T6jJL€6a 3 K(IV /Xl/ (\)0 0.(77] 5
(3ako)v 6 7roAe/xtos, 6 irapacrTdTrjs erpcocre, kclv Tiicrr\ fikrj-
0€ls, 6 o-vvacnriaT-qs €TT€vej3rj. toctovtov dkkrjkois koi-
irapikO ooaiv ol irokifxioi, dkkrjkovs 7]br) ^kii7o\xev irokquovs.

tiri tovtois t&v vavayioov to itkr\6os tis av t^apiOpujo-aLTO ; ic


be €K Trjs kaOpaias t&v o-vpuxayovvTtov eTTifiovkijs, akkoiv
eK Trjs direipias t&v €v6vvovtol>v' ottov ye aiiTavbpoi ck-

Kkiqaiai olov vtpdkoLS tkt\ toIs alpeTiKois bokois i:pocrapa\-

T. in. p. 66. Oelcrcu bie<pddpr]o-av, dkXoi be t&v eyQp&v tov crcorr/ptou 15
6 7
1 Tim. i. 19. Ylvevp.aTOS 7Tapakaj30VT€9 TOVS OLCLKCLS TTtpl TT]V ttiq-tiv

1 2 3
eirecvpovpeva (sic) add. /at) li.
fx. txt. fi ' tres codd.'
kiravefi-q v. Ben.
87) v.
add. at v. 6
txt. p. v.
ttolOovs Ben. ' Ita ope Regii secundi emendavimus quod in editis lege-
batur aojTrjpiov irvevparos, non ex stilo et more Basilii, qui Spiritum
Sanctum oojrrjpiov nusquam appellat. Unde Combefisius legendum
putabat aojTrjpiov Krjpvyp.aTosJ' irapa\a(36vTa:v p. v.

2. opiov . . . OepJAios . . . oxvpcojjia SoypxtTcov. He refers especially

to the putting forth of the many creeds as substitutes for the Nicene
twenty of which are enumerated towards the end of chap, iv of Dr.
Bright's History one of them, the 3rd Sirmian (the Dated Creed),

A. D. 359, ordered that the word ovaia should be removed, and hence-
forth should absolutely be unmentioned in speaking of God (rravreKcus
fxrjdcLiiav ptvrjprjv ovffias em ®eov elvai rod \oiirov). St. Athanasius gives
the object of these Creeds in the letter to the bishops of Egypt and
Libya (§ 5) ol yap roKpLOJvres dia(3a\Aeiv rd /caAcus dpicrOevra, teal ypacfxiv
emxeipovvres d\\a trap' kituva and adds, with a hit at their frequency

(§ 6) rear' kviavTov yap, d>s ol rds diadrjxas ypacpovres, ovvepxoptvoi kox

avroi, irpoffnoiovvTat irepl irio~Tfa)S ypatpeiv.

15. twv cx^p^ v tov

o-ooT-rjpiou IIv6V)p,aTos. St. Basil would have reck-
oned among these at the time of writing Demophilus of Constantinople,
the tempter of Liberius, with Dorotheus of Heraclea in his own diocese, ;

Marathonius of Nicomedia, Hypatius of Nicaea, and his sometime friend

Eustathius of Sebaste Euzoius of Antioch, with Hilarion of Jerusalem,

and at Samosata either Eunomius or Lucius, intruded into the see of

the miserable ideality, 153

€vavdyy]orav. al be €K t&v ap\6vra)v rov Koo-piov tovtov eira- 1 Cor. ii. 6.

yopLevcu TapayjaX iroias ov)(l 6veX\r]s koli Karaiylhos crcpo-

bpoTepov tovs Xaovs avaTpeTTOvcn ; KCtTri<pr}s be rt? ovtojs Tit. i. n.

/cat arvyv)) o-KOTopLcava tcls l/c/cA^o-ias 67re')(et, t&v Xapai-
5 Trjpaiv rov KocrpLOv, ovs edeTO 6 0eds ras \jfV)(as t&v Xaatv
(f)corL^€Lv, e£oiKio-Qei>Tu>v. to be virepfiaWov avrols rrjs

irpos a\kr]\ovs c/uAoyet/aa? e7TiKpepLapLevov ijbrj rov (f)6(3ov

ttjs rov ttclvtos biakvo~€OL>s TtapaiTeiTai ttjv aio-6y]o~iv. rov
yap kolvov /cat bif]p.oaiov noXep.ov Trkelov ecrrt to Xbiov
Jo bvo-pLeves, -n/? €K tov KpaTr\crai t&v evavTidiv bo£r)s TOV
KOLV&S TTCLCTL \V0~LTe\0VVT0S TTpOTl6ep,evr)S ols TO TTapaVTiKO,
ttjs <fii\oTipLLas Tepirvov T&v eh vaTepov b\i:oKeip.evu)V


(kclo-tos bvvrjTai Tpoirov tcls (poviKas ^elpas dAA^/Aou glvt-

15 €7tL(pepovo-i. Tpayela be tls Kpavyr] tu>v e£ avTikoyias

TTapaTpifSopLevteV ak\ri\oLs, kol (3or) ao~r]p.os kol bvo-KpLTos

r}X°s * K T &v acnyrjTciov 6opvj3oov Traaav ijbr} o~)(ebbv 'EkkA^-

aiav 7TeTT\rjpcoKev eirl inrep(3o\as kol eAAei^eis 1

to evOes
QapvTepov R 2.
ffKOTOfxrjvr] p. OKOTobivia. v. 3
pecYcu R2 v.
(piXoveiKias R2 .

Eusebius and Lucius of Alexandria. He had scarcely heard of the


death of Auxentius of Milan and his own country was infamous for the

supply of Arian intruders into the sees of orthodox bishops. (St. Basil
always attributes the ' saving efficacy of Baptism to the presence of the

Spirit, and here applies the word to Him.)

6. €JjoiKio-0€VTcov. The exiled bishops during the persecution of
Valens were many, and St. Basil must have known of the following
sufferers : St. Cyril (Jerusalem), Meletius (Antioch), St. Pelagius (Lao-
dicea of Syria), Eusebius (Samosata), the bishop of Edessa, Peter
(Alexandria), Evagrius (Constantinople). He may still have had in
his own province Dionysius of Milan, banished to Cappadocia after the
Council of 355. Ep. 243, § 4 (a. D. 376) ol otvKoi kol to
Cf. edpai<vp.a^
ttjs a\r)6eias and Ep. 195 (a. D. 375), in which
kv biacnropq. : St. Basil
begs Euphronius, bishop of Colonia in Armenia, to pray vnep rjpiwv, I'va

6 Kvpios eXaTTOjffrf ras Okiipeis, kol to tto\v tovto fidpos ttjs odvvrjs ttjs
vvv emKeipevrjs tclis Ka.pb~ia.ts f)p,a}v, olov rt v€<pos t d<p' TjpLaJv dnayd'yT}.

'Eotou Se tovto edv Ta\sTav ba> ttjv kirdvobov tois OeocpihtOTaTOis em-
CKonois, oi vvv ilaiv kv tt) diaanopa, b'ucas Sioovtcs vnep ttjs tvaefteias.

18. virepfjoAds Kal eAAeivJ/eis. St. Basil goes on to show that he

j 54 with its many heresies and contentions,

boy\xa rr/s evae (Betas irapaTpeir6vTo>v. ol p.ev yap e77t

lovba'icrfjidv bid rrjs avyyyo-eGis t&v Upocrojiraiv, ol be eirt

EXX-qvio-pidv bid rrjs t&v (f)VO-€0)v evavTiOTTjTOs i:apa<\>e-

povrai, ovre ttjs deoirvevo-Tov Tpacfrrjs jxecriTeveiv avTols

e^apKOVo-qs, oi>T€ t&v airoaToXiK&v itapabocreoiv ras irpbs 5

aXXrjXovs avTols * biaXXayds fipafievova&v. els be opos

(ptXias to kolB* T]hovi)v elireiv, /cat eyjOpas apKOvaa 7rp6<fiao-ts

to jur/ o-vp,(3r]vai rats 8o£ats. irao-qs be o-vv(x)\xoo~ias itictto-

Tepov irpos KOtvo)vtav crraerecos rj tov o~<pdXfxaTOs o/xoto'rrjs.

OeoXoyos be 7ras, /cat 6 fxvptats K7/A.t<rt ttjv \j/V)(r)v crTiy- 10
\xaTicras. evTevOev rots veoiTepoTTOtols evTropta t&v crv-

o-Tao~La(6vT(t>v iroWrj. Totyapovv avTo^eipoTovrjToi /cat

o~iTovbap)^ibaL t&v eKKXrjo-t&v ras TrpoorTacrias biaXay^d-

vovo~l, T7]v olKOVopiiav tov dyiov YlvevpLaTos TTapuxrdpievoi.

kol iravTeX&s ijbr} t&v evayyeXiK&v 6eap.&v ef aKoayxtas 15

crvyKe\vpiev(jL)v d[xv6rjTOS a>0tayx6s eirl ras irpoebpias ecrrt,

t&v (pavrjTUovTGov elcnrote'iv eavTov eicdoTov rp irpoaTaaiq.

fiia&iJLevov. dvap\ia be rts beivrj rots Aaots cbrd r^s

(piXap^ias TavTiris eireKcopiaaev' oOev dirpaKTot 7ravTeX&s
/cat dpyai t&v eirio-TaTovvTOdv at Trapa/cA^a-ets, ov fxdXXov 20
aKOveiv tivos tj avToi dpyetv eTepaiv 6(petX6fj.evov elvat
5 bia tov e£ a\xaOias TV(f>ov XoyifypLevov.

78- Ata tclvtcl XvcrtTeXecrTepav tov Xoyov ttjv o-tco^-qv

eTiOepL-qv, &s ov bvvap,evy]S (j)oovrjs dvOp&Tiov bid toctovtoov

6opv(3(ov elcraK0vcr6fjvai. el yap dXrjOrj to, tov 'EK/cA^cnao-roS 25
Ecci. ix. 17. prjfxaTa, otl '
Aoyot cro(})&v ev dvaTTavo~et aKovovTat,' ttoXXov
av beoi Trpeiretv tt\ vvv /carao-rao-ei to irepX tovtmv Xeyetv.

diarayas 0paf3ev6vTcvv \x. txt. fi v. OTtyfiaTias l
MSS. quatuor.'
3 4 5
ttoWt) tojv ffTaata^ovrojv ftv. dfivdtros jx. dvo/xias /x.

applied the term ' excesses ' to the Sabellians, ' confounding the Persons,'
and ' defects ' to the Arians, '
dividing the Substance.' The Sabellians
explained away 6 Tlarrip /xei^cov fxov kcrri (John xiv. 28) and the Arians :

diminished the meaning of eyw teal 6 Tlarrip 'dv kayav (John x. 30), and
of ®eos as applied to the Son and the Holy Spirit.
an evil time, and not a time to speak. 155

ejue be /cat to 7rpo<pi]TLKov eKeTvo /care'xet Xoyiov, otl ' 6

1 2
CTVVl(bV O-l007T7](T€TaL, biOTL 6 KCLipOS TTOVTjpOS €0~TLVy €V (O Amos v. 13.

ol fxev virocTKeXiCovcn. vvv, ol be evdXKovTai ra> TteaovTi,

clXKol be eiUKpoTovcnv, 6 be rw d/cAacrai>rt X€Wa opeyaiv e/c t. III. p. 67

5 av pur a6 etas ovk ecrrt, Kairoiye Kara tov iraXaibv vo\xov ovb* Ex. xxiii. 5.

6 TO VTTO^VyLOV TOV €)(0pOV TreTTTOtiKOS VTTO tov yopiov TTCipa-

bpapiuv aKCLTayvodo~Tos. aAA' ov)(l tcl vvv toiclvtcl. irodev ;

oirov ye bid irdvTcav Trjs ayaTrrjs \jrvyeicrris dvrjprjTCU pkv Matt xxiv

dbeX(j)cov oijfjLiTvoLa, opiovoias be ayvoelTai kcll Tovvofxa,

10 dvrjpr)VTai be dyairr]TLKal vovOeaiai, ovbapiov cnrkdyxyov
XpiffTLCLvov, ovbapiov baKpvov crvpLirades. ovk eo-Tiv 6 TOV
acrOevovvTa tt} 7rto-ret irpoo-KapifiavopLevos, dAAa touovtov R o m - xiv - l-

ixicros rots 6fxo(f)vkois irpbs dkXrjkovs eKKeKavrat, cocrre

fxaWov rots tov nXiqcriov'iv r) rots ot/cetots eKao-ros

15 KCLTopdcapLacTLv eTTayaWovTca. cbo-Ttep be ev rats Aot/oitKats

crvfATTaOeicus /cat ot kclto, iraaav aKpifieiav biaiT&ixevoi tcl

lea rots aAAots KapLvovcriv, en Trjs ttoos tovs bie^Oapp^evovs

opaXias Trjs doocoo-rtas ava'nip.TiXdp.evoi' ovto> kclI vvv
irdvTes dXXrjXois yeyovap^ev o/xotot, vtto Trjs KaTaayova-qs
20 tols ^/v\ds r)p.G>v tyiXoveiKias 7rp6s tov t&v kclk&v (rjXov
viteveyBevTes. evTevOev acrvyyvaiorTOL p,ev Kat TtiKpol K.d-

1 2
SeoiTo fx (inter Seot et to spatium unius litterae erasae). vov-q-
pcuv '
in nonnullis codd.' add. irao-rjs *
duo Reg. codd.' * hie
iterum incipit o ex Kadrjvrax.

78. 10. XP tcrTtav ° v ov8ap.ov Saxpuov <rvp.ira0€S.

oviSap.O'O o"irAdYX vov >

Cf. St. Basil's letters to theWestern Church passim 242, 243 much of ;

his general depression, and the dismal tone of some of his letters, must
be put down to his diseased liver, which partly accounts for his com-
paratively early death at the age of 50. His brother Gregory reports
his grim reply to the threat of a lieutenant governor in Pontus, that he
would have his liver torn out it was spoken within a year of the date

of this treatise. The buoyancy of spirit shown by St. Athanasius (five

times driven from Alexandria) is a great contrast to the depression of
St. Basil, whose short episcopate of nine years was only harassed by
the fear, but never interrupted by the reality of exile.
21. iriKpol . . . 4(j€TacrTat. The 6th Canon of Constantinople (a.D. 381)
refers to some of these troubles : k-nubrj itoKKoi ttjv kuKX-qoiaOTiKriv
if)6 Vet, with the Spirifs help, St. Basil

Qr\vrai tojv anoTvy)(avo\xivoiv e^eraorat, dyvd)p.oves be koli



ixev akoy(tiT€poi, el ye eKelva pcev tcl 6[x6cfjvXa dXXrjXoLS
crvvayeXa^erai, r]plv be 6 )(aAe7rojraros i:6Xe\xos irpbs tovs 5

0LK6L0VS €OTt.

79. ToVTGdV \xkv OVV TTCLVTOiV €P€K€V ebei (TLOdTtCLV, dXX'

Cor. 2
1 xiii. 5.
avdelXKe yap eTtpoodev rj aydirrj, ov (jjTovcra to eavTrjs /cat

vikolv a£iovo~a irao-av Kcupcov tipay\xaT(s>v bvcr^epeiav,

Dan. iii. 12 eblba^aV be TjfJLaS KCLL OL €771 TTJS Bd(3vX(t)VLaS TTOibeS KOX IO
\xr\bevbs ovtos tov crvvTiQe\xevov rr/ evcrefieiq* eavTOvs to
emfidXXov eKTeXelv' ot ye £k ixeo-jqs ttjs <pXoybs tov Sebv
avvjJLVOW, piT] Xoyi£6\xevoi to irXfjdos t&v ttjv dXrjOetav
aOeTovvTctiv, aAA' dpKov\xevoi aXXr/Xois, Tpels SvTes. btoirep

ovbe 7]p!iv okvov eveTTOL-qae tu>v iroXepLLoov to vetyos, dXXd 15

Cf. §2. tt]v eXiriba dep,evoL eirl tt\v ftorjdeiav tov Ylvevp,a.TOs ev
irdar) Ttapp7)o~iq Ka,Tr\yyeiXap.ev tt)v dXr\detav. r\ irdvToov av
r\v (T^eTki(tiTaTov, tovs \xev /3Xacr(j)rjiJ.ovvTas to IIvevpLa
ovtcos evKoXoos irpbs tov evcrej3rj Xoyov aTrodpao~vve(rdai,

fjfjias be ty]Xlkovtov e\ovTas crvvacnno-Ti]V kglI o-vvqyopov 20

oKvelv tov Xoyov bictKovelv tov e< ttjs t&v iraTepcav irapa-

bocreais irpbs ^jua? OLKoXovOiq p,vr)nr)s biacraiOevTa. errl

Rom. xii. 9. uXelov be. 7]\xGiv eirrjyeipe ti\v 6p\xy]v ttjs Te avvnoKpiTov

1 2 3
etccivaiv o. av6ei\fcev erepcuOev (om. yap) o. Trjv evcre-
fieiav [/..
* tov 6ebu ayvooovvT&v (sic) fi v (yvco in ras. m. prima).
5 6
et'77 v. deep?} o v. evoefirj fi
sic omnes codd. nostri, exceptis
tamen R2 et C in quibus desunt aliqua folia.'
om. Sianoveiv
pRj Rj R5 . txt. o '
in ora Reg. quarti.'
difjyeipt ft v.

ivra^iav ovyx^v Kai Q-varpeirHV Povkopievot, (pi\€-)(9po)s /cat (TVKOcpavTiKws

alrias Tivas Kara, tujv oIkovo/j-ovvtow tols €KK\r)0~ias opdofiogcov kviGKoirwv
ovfAirAaacrovcrtv, ovb'ev erepov rj xpaivav rets tojv Upiwv viroArjipeis, /cat

Tapaxo.s twv elprjvevovrcvv AacDv KaraaKevafav eirix^povvres. The canon

decreed that no charge of an ecclesiastical nature should be brought
against a bishop by heretics or schismatics or by church people under
a sentence of excommunication, or not yet acquitted of any accusation
already laid against them.
has complied with Amphilochius request. 157

crov ayaiTY]s to biairvpov kol to tov Tpoirov e/x/3pi#e9 kcll

7]0"6\iov, iyyvcafievov jut) €t? ttoXXovs k^o'iaeiv tol pr]6r]o-6ixeva,

ov\ a)? a^ta KCLTaKpvTTTecrOaL, aAA' coare fj.rj piTTTto-Qai toIs

ypipois tovs piapyapLTas. kol TavTa fxev ei? too-ovtov' crol Matt -
vii - 6-

5 6e €t /xe^ apKOVVTods eyj.i to. elpr\\xtva, tovto Tttpas corco roi;

7rept rovra)!' Xoyov, et 8e eXkiircos %X €iV ^°'£et 5 <p66vos ovbeis
(pLXoTfovaiS TrpoaebpevovTa Trj (j]T7]o~€L 6Y epooT^crea)? a<fii\o-

v€lkov 7rpoo~TL6evai Trj yva>o~€i. Stocret yap Kvptos r] Si

rjpL&v ?) 8t' €T€pcov t&v Xei7roi'ra)r tt)^ 'nXrjpodcriv kcltcl ti]v

10 67rt)(0 pr\yovn£vr\v toIs cl^lols avTov yv&criv vuo tov aylov

nvevpLCLTos. a\xr\v.

1 2 3
piTTTetaOai (sic) o. kXXeincvs fi o. txt. o v * duo codd.' Aot-
irwv '
alii duo.' Xwnopikvoov p. Ben.

79. 6. €i Bk eWtirws exeiv 86£ei. The letters to Amphilochius which

are appended to this edition seem to have been written in reply to
further enquiries made in conformity with this offer they deal with the ;

connexion between faith, knowledge, and worship the meaning of ovaia ;

and vnoaTaais, and the possible objection that might be founded on our
Lord's not knowing the day and the hour of the end of the world.

10. vtto tov ayiov nv€v>p.a,Tos. dp,T)v. We find two references in sub-
sequent letters to the value set upon this book. In Ep. 231, St. Basil
says rd nepl tov UvevpiaTOs fitfiXlov ykypairTai pkvrjpiv na.1 kgeipyaaTcu, ws
avrbs olfar arroaTeiAai 8e kv X^pry yeypappkvov kudiXvadv p.* 01 per' kpov
d5e\<poi, (Itt6vt€s irapa Trjs evyevtias gov kvroXas (X (IV * v o-cojjiaTUo ypcapai

(cf. letter of Constantine to Eusebius of Caesarea, ottcus du irevTrjKovra

<TU)|xa.Tia kv 8i(p6kpais kytiaTaoMvois tvavayvojOTa re /mi vpus rr\v xpv aiv
evnapaKopLiara, vtto Ttxvirwv tcaKKiy pacpojv , kol atcpifiws Tr)v Tk\vrpy km-
orapkvojv, ypacprjvai nekevaeias. Socr. i. 9) and in a somewhat later

letter (248) there is a request to Amphilochius to send a trusty mes-

senger for the book. Kav evprjs riva tov marcus o~oi bvvapevov 8ia.Koplo~ai

to trovqOkv r)puv ftiBhiov, tcaTagicvcrov p.eTaaTeiXao6ai, 'if a, Trj o~fi kirmpiaei

6appr)aavT€s, xal ds dWouv x*ip a $ &vto dicnrepupuipeOa.

Additional Note to § 66.

Bishop Moberly constantly makes use of this book, both in his

Sayings of the Great Forty Days, and in his Bampton Lectures (1868)
on The Administration of the Holy Spirit in the Body of Christ. In the
latter work (Lect. viii. p. 230, 2nd edition), he calls it that most precious '
1 58 Additional Note.

Treatise on the Holy Spirit.' In the former work (Discourse iv, The
Sacred Name, he uses words which illustrate St.
p. 213, 4th edition),
Basil's statements on tradition 'Of the details, indeed, and particulars

of the dogmatic teaching of the Apostles, they have left very small
written record. We know that they taught dogmatically we know ;

that the writings of the New Testament are not their dogmatic teaching.
Those writings are without exception addressed to persons, already in-
structed, already put in charge of the sacred deposit of Christian truth
by the sacrament of Baptism.' He qualifies this statement, by adding
that no portion of the mass of divinely revealed truth lacks written

proof or confirmation from some part or other of their writings. But

that truth is nowhere exhibited entire, nowhere systematically or theo-
logically stated as in a creed or catechism, nowhere so stated as it was
used for purposes of instruction or profession.'



Two ways in which our minds are led. 161


'AjMpiXoxicp kpccTTfaavTi tis r) tov vov kvkpyeia.

1. Olba kcli avrbs aKOvaas tovtov, kol yvoopifa rS>v dv-

6pa>7Tu)v tt)v KaracrK€Vi]v. Tt ovv epovpev irpbs tclvtcl ; "On
kclXov pev 6 vovs' kcli ev tovtcd eyjopev to kclt eli<6va tov
KTLaavros. Kal KaXbv tov vov r) evepyeta' kol otl, ael kivt)-
TOS 0)V OVTOS, IToXXciKLS pev (paVTacnOVTaL 7T€pl TQOV 0VK
ovto)v &)? ovtoov, ttoXXclkls be €v6v(36\(t)s em Ti]v dXrjOeiav

(frepeTai. 'AAA.' eiTeibr} tovtm biTTal bvvcipeis TrapairecfrvKacn,


r) pev TtovT^pcL) rj t&v bcupovav, 7rpbs TTjv Ibiav aitocrTacriav

rjfjias crvvecpeXKopevrj, rj be OeioTepa koI ayaOr) irpbs tt)v tov

Qeov ofjLOLCocnv fjpas dvdyovcra' otclv pev ecp' eavTov pevtj 6
vovs, piKpa KaOopa kol tcl eavTco crvppeTpa* otclv be roty

<pavTao~icas crvveo~Tiv clXXokotois. Tore kcli to SvXov ovy\

£vXov elvai vopi^ei, dAAd 0eoV kol xpvcrov ov)(l xpr}paTa
Uvea Kplvet, dAAd creftao-paTa. Eav be npos tx]v deioTepav
airovevo-r) peptba, kol tcls tov TlvevpaTos virobe^Tai yapiTas,
TOTe yiveTai t&v BeioTepmv KaTaXrjiTTLKOs, oaov clvtov tyj

<t>vcrei crvppeTpov. Tpeis ovv elcnv olovel /3iW /caracrrdo-ets*

Amphilochius' application seems to have referred to the question
whether the renewal to perfect knowledge (Col. iii. io) was, as some
one said, merely an improvement of the natural powers of the vovs,
or was the additional gift of the presence of the Holy Spirit. St.
Basil had said that the Holy Spirit brought us to the contemplation
of God, ovk <t£ojQtv tt)v 5ei£iv iroiovfievov, d\\' kv kavra) dadyov irpos
tt)v kitiyvwoiv (§ 47).

162 Three states of life. Man may know
kol ladpcOfjiOL tovtols al tov vov 7]jjlu>v evepyetat. *II yap
TTOvrjpa rjpL&v to. iTTLTrjbevpiaTa, Kat irovqpd tjijlgjv brjkovoTt
ra tov vov Kivrjixara' oXov \xoL\€lai, Kkoitai, etocoAoAarpetat,

(TVKOifiavTlai, epibes, Ovptoi, eptOelai, (ftvo-Ltocreis, Kat oaa ev

Gal. v. 19. rots epyois rrjs aapKos 6 duoaTokos Ylavkos anr]piO\xr]aaTo'
r) fjiirrri t(s €o-rt ttJs \f/V)(rjs r) evepyeia, ovre KaTeyvaxTpcevov
tl exovcra, ovre enaiveTov' ws r) t5>v (3avavo~oov tovtojv t€)(-

vS>v avdkTf]\jns, as br) Kat p.ecras Trpoaayopevopiev, ovbev rw

eavT&v Aoya) irpbs aperrjv rj kclkiolv aTTOKkivovcras. ITota
yap KaKta KVj3epvriTLK.r)s r\ laTpiK.r)s ; Ov p^evToiye ovbe aperat
avrai nad eavTas, dkk' e< ttjs tS>v Ke\p7]\xivcav TrpoaLpicrecos

irpbs ttjv tov eTepov tg>v dvTLKeipLevcav duroKkivovai fiolpav.

'O /xeVrot tt\ QeorrjTL tov Ylvevp.aTos dvaKpaOels vovs, ovtos

7/677 t&v pLeydkoiv eari OeojprjfxdTcov Zttotttlkos, Kat KaOopa tol

6ela Kakkr], ToaovTov jueVrot, ocrov r)

x^P LS ^bibcoac, Kat r)

KaTao~Kevr) avTov TjTroSe'xerat.

2. X2are d(f)evTes eneivas tcls biakeKTutds epGorrjo-eu, /lot)

KaKevTpex&s, aAA' evkafivs e£eTa(eTa>o~av tt\v dkr\0eiav.

AeboTai fjfjLiv to tov vov KptTr/ptov els T7\v Trjs dk-qOeCas

avveo-iv. Eart be 17 avToakrjOeta 6 0ebs i)p.GiV. ^Qo-re
TTpOT]yOVpL€v6v eOTLV T(D J>(j) TOZ; 060^ 7/jU(3z; eTUyLVtoaKeiV'
£7TiyLvu>crK€iv be ovtius a>s bvvaTov yvcQp[(ea6aL tov 'A7retpo-
pLeyeOrj ?j7ro roi; puKpoTaTov. Ovbe ydp, eireLbrj 6(p6akpiol

els KaTavorjo-LV t&v 6paT&v elai rerayjuteVot, 77677 7raz>ra ra

opaTa vtto tt\v o\j/iv dyeTat. Ovbe yap to fjpLicrcpaLpLOv tov
ovpavov ev fxtq poirrj KaOopaTai. dkka (pavTaaCa p,ev o\frea)s

r)p.ds TreptLCTTaTab, kotol be tt]v akr/Oeiav Trokkd, tva pir]

irdvTa et7T0), eaTiv ev avTu to. dyvoovp.eva' do-Tepaiv ^wt?,

[xeyedr] tovtoov, Stacrrr/juara, Kivrio-eis, crvvbpopLaL, a7rocrrao-€ts,

at Aot7Tat crxecreLs, avT-q rj ovo~ia tov aTeptcojuaroj, to (3d6os

to dirb Trjs KotAr/? Tiepityepeias eirl ti]v KvpT-qv eintydveiav*

'AAA' opLCos ovk av elTtoip.ev aopaTov eTvau tov ovpavov bid

Ta dyvoovpieva, aAA' opaTov bid tt)v \ieTpiav avTov KaTavorj-
aiv. Oi/rco br] Kat 7rept Qeov. Et p,ev fiefikap,p.evos eaTtv
God, but not His Essence, 163

vtto hai\x6vbiV 6 vovs, elboiXoXaTprjo-ei, rj irpos aXXo rt elbos

dcre/3eiaj TraparpcnnjareTaL' el be rrj tov Ylvev\xaros eavrbv

embebu>Ke (3or]6eiq, tt)v 6\Xy]9eiav yvaipiaet, Kal Qeov eiri-

yvtocrerai. 'ETriyrcotrerat be. a)? 6 'Attoo-toXos elrrev, etc

p.epovs, ev be rr\ p.era tovto {cor/ TeXeu>Tepov' '

oTav yap eXdrj
to TeXetov, to e< \xepovs KaTapyqOriareTai.' ''Xlcrre Kai kclKov 1 Cor.


KCLTavorjcriv, bebop.evov, evepyovv fxevToi too~ovtov ocrov avrco


T<S avrco irpos dXXb epcorrj/xa.

1. *0 olbas, o~e(3eLs ; 7) 6 ayvoels ; ^av diroKpivutpieOa, b

olbap.ev, tovto TTpoo-KVvovpLev, Ta^ela nap avT&v r) aitav-

TTqais. Tts r; ovcria tov irpocrKWovpievov ; 'Eav be ayvoelv
op.okoyr\<j(£>p.ev ti]v ovcriav, ttclXlv vpuv TtepiTpexj/avTes Xeyov-
o~iv (jtl Ovkovv b ovk olbaTe irpoorKweiTe. ^H/xet? be Xeyop.ev,

otl to elbevai TToXvarjiAov. Kat yap tt)v jixeyaAetoYriTa tov

Seov elbevai Xiyop,ev, Kal ttjv bvvap.iv, Kal ttjv crocjjiav, koX
tt)v ayaOoTrjTa Kal tt)v irpovoiav
eiripeXelTai t/jucoz/, Kat to
biKaiov avTOV ttjs Kpttretos* ovk avTr)v tt)v ovcriav. 12crre

eirrjpeao-TLKr} 1) epcoTrjcns. Ov yap 6 ttjv ovaiav pJr] <pdo~Kcov

elbevau o)p.oX6yr]cre tov @ebv pir) enicrTacrOai, e/c TtoXXG>v &v

aTTrjpLdp.rjO'dp.eOa avvayop.evr)s rjpup Trjs irepi &eov evvoias.
'AAA' cnrXovs, <fir)criv, 6 0eoj, Kal nav oirep av avTov
airapidpnio-r) yvodaTov, Trjs owta? cart. Tovto to 0*6-

<f)i<jpLa ecrrt \±vpias Tas aToitias e\ov. ToaovTOdv tQ>v

aTrr)pL6p.r)pLev<i)v ovTmv, iroTepov Tama iravTa puas ovaias

oW/xara ; Kal laobwapel aXXrjXois to <j)o(3epov amov Kal
to (friXavOpooTTov, to biKaiov Kal to br^pnovpyiKov, to irpo-
yvoio-TiKov Kat to dvTaTToboTLKov, to p.eyaXelov Kal to irpo-

M %
164 Knoivledge leads to Faith,

votjtlkov ; 77 /cat oitep av tovtchv elirojfjLev, Tr)v ova Lav

br)kovp.ev ; Et7rep yap tovto keyovo~L, pjr) epojTaTujaav el rr\v

ovariav olbap.ev tov Qeov, akka TrvvOaveaOojcrav r/jxojv, et

(f)oj3epov olbap.ev tov Seov, 37 et bUaLov, rj el (fjLkavOpojrrov ;

Tavra bp.okoyovp.ev elbevaL. Et be aAAo tl kiyovcri rr\v

overlay, p.r) Trapakoyio-Quxrav r) ota, Trjs airkoTrjTos.

AvtoI yap oypLokoyrjo-av akko Kal akko elvaL rr\v re ovo-iav

Kal t£>v aTTrjpLOfx-qfxevcov e/cacrro^. 'AAA' at p.ev eWpyetat

TTOLKikai, r) be ovaia airkij. Hp,et? be e/c p.ev tojv evepyei&v
yvcopi^eLv ke.yop.ev tov Qebv fjpLoiv, Trj be ovcriq avTrj Trpocrey-

ytCeiv ov% {mLo-yvovpeOa. At ptev yap evepyeiai avTov irpbs KaTa(3aivovo-tv, r) be ovaria avTov p*evei airpocrLTOs.

2. AAA' et Trjv ovo-iav, qbrjaiv, ayvoels, avTov ayvoels.
2v oe avTio-Tpexj/ov, otl Et Trjv ovo-iav Aeyet? elbevaL, avTov

ovk eirio-Tao-ai. OvTe yap 6 kvcro-obrjKTOs, fiktiraiv tov Kvva

ev Trj (fiiakr), irkelov Spa r<Sz> vyiatvovTcov' akka bta tovto

ekeeivos, otl oXeTai fikeireiv a jut) opa. Mr) ovv 6avpaar\s
tovtov Trjs eVayyeAta?, akka Trjs irapavoias avTov ekeeivbv
Kplvov. Tivcoo-Ke Toivvv, otl TraL^ovTcov eo~Tlv r) (fiwvrj' Et
ttjv ovo-iav tov Qeov ayvoels, 6 p.r) yt^waTcet?, cre'/Sets.

Jiiyco oe, otl p,ev eo-TLV, otoa tl oe r) ovcrLa, vnep OLavoLav

T\.Qep.aL. TI&s ovv o-co^b/xat ; Ata Trjs tt icrTe cos. ITtWt? be
avTapKrjs elbevaL, otl eort Qeos, ov)(l tl eVrt /cat rot?

eKCrjTovo-LV avTov p.Lo-0a7ToboTr]s yiveTaL. Etdricrts apa Trjs

Seias ovcrias r) a%o-6r\o~L<$ avTov Trjs a/caraAr/x/uaj' Kat creir-

tov ov to KaTaki](f)6ev tls rj ovo~Ca, aAA' ort eo-TLV r) ovo-ia.

John i. 48. 3. Kat avTepooTacrOctio-av ovto). '

Qebv oibeLS ecopa/ce

TTtoTTOTe* 6 Movoyevr)s Tlos, 6 a>v els tov Kokirov tov

riarpoj, ovtos e^rjyrjaaTO.' Tt e^rjyrjcraTO tov ITarpos 6
Movoyevrjs ; Trjv ovo-Cav, r) Tr)v bvvap.LV ; Et ti]v bvvapLV,
oaov e^7]yr\o-aTO r)p.LV, too-ovtov yvu)pC£opLev. Et tt)v ovo-iav ',

et7re, ttov elirev avTov Trjv ayevvrjcrCav ova Lav ; 'A^3paa/x

Gen. xvii. 3 . TroTe T:poo-eKvvr](Tev ; Ov\ ore eTTLo-Tevae ; YIoTe be eiri-

Gen. xv. 6. o-Tevaev ; Ovx ore eKkrjOr] ; Hod ovv evTavOa r) KaTakrjxj/Ls
and Faith to Worship. 165

avT<Z epLapTvpijdr} irapa r?)? Tpa(j)r}s ; 01 [JLaOrjTal be avrbv Matt. xi\. J3 .

7ror€ irpooreKVvrjcrav ; Ov\ ore tj)v ktlctlv avT<Z elbov virore-

ray\kivr\v ; 'Airb yap OaXaaarjs Kal avepLoov VTtaKOVuavToav
avrijd iyv&piaav avrov ri)v QeorrjTa. Ovkovv airb piev t&v
evepyei&v f) yv&cTLS, curb be rrjs yvuxreoos f) 7rpoo-KVvrjorLS.

Hio-reveis, otl bvvapLCU tovto iroirjcraL ; Hio-revoa, KvpLe' Kal Matt. ix. 28.

irpoo-eKVvqcrev avTUi. Ovt(*)S f) piev 7rpocrKVvri<TLs rfj mVret

CLKokovOel' tj be itlo~tls airb bvvap,eoos (3e(3aLovTaL. Et be
keyeLS rbv 7TLcrTevovTa Kal yivaxTKeiv, a<£' &v TtLcrTeveL, airb

TOVTOiV KCU yLV(a(TK€i. 7/ Kal avaTTdkiV, QLfj) &V yiV(t)(TK€l,

curb tovtmv Kal Tn(TT€V€L. TivuxTKopLev be eK T7]S bwapL€(t)S

rbv Seov. X2crre mo-revopLev piev rep yvwcrOevTL, irpoaKV-
VOVpitV be Tip TTKTTevdtVTL.


Ta> avrco irpbs dWo epa>Trjpia.

1. Tt irpoTepov, rj yvaxris rj f) ttlo-tls ; 'H/xet? be keyopiev,

OTL Ka66koV pL€V €776 T&V pLaOrjpLCLTOiV TTLCTTLS yV(6(T€(OS 77/50-

qyeirai' Zttl be tov kclO T^/xas koyov kclv keyrj tls irpoKar-

apyeiv Tip yv&(Tiv ttjs 7ricrTea>s, ov bia<$ep6p.e6a' yvQxriv

p.evToi tt]v tt) avOpcoTTtvrj KaTakr\^eL o"vp.p.eTpov. 'E7rt p,ev

yap t&v piaOrjpidT ajv TtidTexxjai bei irp&Tov, otl ak<pa Xeyerai,
Kai p.a66vra tovs x a P aKT VP a ^ Kai T V V ZK<f>G>vr]o~Lv i varepov
kafielv Kal tj]v aKpcfif} Karavorjcnv rrjs bvvapiecos tov
(TToiyeioV ev be rfj irepl Seov morei 7]yelrai piev rj evvoia
rj irepl tov, otl corn 0eoV TavTrjv be eK tS>v by}p.Lovpyr\p.aTcnv
avvayopiev. 2o<fibv yap, Kal bvvaTov, kol ayaOov, Kal r-avTa
avTov tcl aopaTa aiio r?/s tov Koo-piov KTtVccos voovvTes
eiTLyLVOocrKopiev. Ovtu) br] Kal Aeo"iroTr]v eavT&v avTov
KaTabey6p.e6a. 'E7T€t6r) yap itclvtos p.ev tov Kovpiov At/jou-
ovpybs 6 Qeos, p,epos be Koo-piov Spiels, Kal fjpL&v apa ArjpiLovp-
1 66 The different objects of Knowledge.

ybs 6 0eos. Tavrrj be rfj yvtoaei r) tt'kjtls aKoXovOel, Kal

rr\ TotavTY) 7riaTei r) upoaKvvqo'LS.
2. Nw be eTretbrj iroXvo-qpov eari to Trjs yvo)oreo)s ovopa.


p.evoL toZs napabo^ois, o>9 ot ev rots Oearpois ev tois ttclvtojv

oxjrecrL ras \j/r](f)ovs KXeiTTovTes, tt\ eponrja-ei tov kol66\ov to

Tiav avvapira^ovcnv. 'EiTeibr) yap to Trjs yv(orreo)s ovop.a

€7rt iroXv biafiaivei, Kal yvaio-Tov tl ecrri, to p.ev KaTa

apiOpov, to be kclto, p.eye6os, to be Kovra bvvap.iv, to be Kara
tov TpoTTov Trjs vitap^eois, to be KaTa tov \povov Trjs yevvn-
0-60)9, rd be KaT ovo-iav' ovtol, ev epu>Tr\p.aTi rd oAoz> napa-
\apLJ3avovTes, eav p.ev Xafiaicriv r) 6p,oXoyovvTo.s, otl

yivtoo-Kopiev, airaiTovo-iv rjpiv Trjs ovaias tt]v eXbrjoriv' eav

be Iboocnv r) evXaj3ovpevovs irpos tyjv aTrocpaaiv, irepi-

TpeTTOvcriv r)plv Trjs ao-efieias to oveibos. 'AAA' r)pels

elbevai p.ev 6p.oXoyovp.ev to yvoocrTov tov Seov, elbevai be tl

itakiv o eK<f)evyei fjp&v Tr)v KaTaXr]\j/iv. 'lis ovv eav /xe

epooTrjo-rjs, el olba, ti £o~tlv ap.p.os, Kav aTTOKpivaipLai, otl, o-VKo<pavTrj a e is 7rpo§?]Aco9, eav evdvs Kal tov avTrjs aTraiT^o-ijs' otort r) pkv TrpcoTrj crov epa>Trjcris

77069 rd elbos ecfrepe Trjs ap.pov, r) be bevTepa o~VKO(f)avTia

irepl tov amrjs irepieTpairr]. '0p.oi6v eVn tovto to
cr6<pLo-p.a t<£> XeyovTi' Olbas Tip,66eov ; Ovkovv eav Tip.66eov
olbas, olbas avTov Kal ttjv (jyvo~iv, aXXa p-qv o)p.oX6yr\aas

elbevai Tip.66eov, aitobos tolvvv r)p!iv tov Xoyov Trjs Tip.o6eov

(f)vaeoos» Eya> be Kal oTba Tip.66eov Kal ovk olba' ov p.r)v

KaTa TavTov, Kai ev rw avT(p. Ov yap KaO' o olba, KaTa

tovto Kai ovk olba' aXXa KaT aXXo pXv olba, KaT aXXo be
o.yvoo). Olba piev yap avTov KaTa tov \apaKTrjpa, Kal to,

Xonra lbi(op.aTa' ayvo5> be avTov Tr)v ova-lav. 'E7ret Kal

epavTov ovtu> tovtco rw AoyG) Kal olba Kal ayvoca. Olba
piev yap ep.avTov 6Vri9 elp.i' ovk olba be, KaOo ti\v ovaiav
p.ov ayvoS).

3. E7ret e^yrjo-da-dcoaav r)pXv } tt&s elnev 6 riai5Ao9, otl

We do not know God's Essence. 167

NvV \kkv €K [JLepOVS yiV(D(TKO}JL€V. Apa €K. pepOVS TX\V OVCriaV i Cor. \iii. o.

avrov yLvaxTKOjjiev, olovel pLeprj rrjs ovo-ias clvtov yLvcocrKopiev ;

"AAA' cltottov, ap-ep^s yap 6 0eo?. AAA oXr)v avTjjv yivo)-

o~Kop.ev ; Tl&s ovv, 'Orav eXOr] to TeXeLov, to £k pcepovs iCor. xiii. 10.

KaTapy7]Qr)(T€Tai ; Ot 5e elbooXoX&TpaL t'l ey/caAowrat; Ov)(

OTL, 'yVOVTCS TOP ®eOV, OV)( 0)9 ®€0V ebo^aaav ',
*H TaXcLTaL Rom. i. 21.

be ot av6r)Toi vtto tov YlavXov ota tl 6veLbi£ovTaL, XeyovTos'

Nvvl be, yvovTts tov Geov, p.aXXov be yvcocrOevTes vtto 0eov, Gal. iv. 9.

770)9 €irio-Tpe(f)eT€ ttclXlv e7rt to, acrOevrj KalTTTco^a crTOL\ela;'

r^o)<jr69 6e 7TC09 rjv ev tt\ 'lovbaiq 6 0eo9 ; 'Apa eireLbi] ev

{ ¥
Trj 'lovbaiq 77 ovcria, iJtls ttot€ r\v, eireyviocrOr] ; Ey#a>/ Is. i. 3.

(j)rjai, 'pods tov KTT}crdp.evov clvtov' br]XovoTL 6 j3ovs KaO'


Kvpiov clvtov.' eyvco ovv kcll 6 ovos tt]s <paTvr\s tt)v ovcriav.
4 J
'Icrpar]A be pie,' (pi]criv, 'ovk. eyvco.' Tovto eyKaAetrat KaO
vfxa.9 '\crpar\X, otl ttjv ovcriav, 77V19 7rore ecm, tov Qeov ovk
eTreyvco. '"Ek^eov/ <pr}ai, T-qv opyr\v orov enl tcl edvrj to, Ps. Ixxix.


Ar/^oYa. AAAa iroXXa^uts f] yv&crL<$, 0)9 e(paptev.

H re yap
tov KTLaavTos fjpias crvvecn.s, Kal 7] tcov 6avpLao-[(iiv avTov

KaTavoricrLs, Kal rj Tr\py)crLs t&v evToX&v, Kal rj ot/<eta)o-t9

f) irpbs avTov' ol be, 7TavTa TavTa irapcacrdpLevoL, em

ev o~r)fAaLv6pL€vov Trjv yv&crLv eXKOWLy ttjv Oeoopiav avTrjs TOV
Seov ttjs ovaias. '
0^cr6t9,' (f)rjo-(v,
airevavTL tG>v p.apTV- Ex. xxv. 21.

pioov, oOev yvtocrOrjcropLaL o~ol eKtWev. 'Apa to Tvcoo-OrjcropLaL,

CLVTl TOV T1)V OVaiaV p,OV €pL(paVLO-(t) ; '"EyVW KvpLOS TOVS zTim. ii. 19.

ovTas amov.' 'Apa ovv t&v {jl€V kavTov ttjv ovcriav tyva),

t&v be aireLdovvToav ayvoel ttjv ovcriav; '"JLyvco Abap. ti]v Gen. iv. 1.

yvvalKa amov.' *Apa ttjv ovcriav avTrjs eyvwpLae ; Kal rrepl

t?/9 *Pe/3eKKa9, 'YlapOevosj <pr}o~iv, avrjp ovk eyvco avT-qv' Kat, Gen. xxiv. 16.

TTo)9 ecrrat tovto, eitel avbpa ov yLvu>o-Koo ;' Apa 'PefieKKas Luke i. 34 .

piev ttjv ovaiav ovbeh eiteyvu) ; Mapia be tovto qbrjo-Lv' otl

Ovbevbs avbpbs evorjaa ttjv ovcriav; ""H to, "F,yv(o, eirl t&v
yapLLK&v avpLTrXoK&v e6os irj Tpa(f)fj 6vopL&£eLv ; Kat to
i68 The meaning of Mark xiii. 32.

yvojaOrjo-eadai tov Qebv airo tov lkaaTr]ptov, tovtzcttiv,

ifx^avicrdrjcrea-OaL toIs kaTptvovcn. Kcu to, "Eyvoj Kvptos

tovs ovtcls avTov, tovt€(ttlv> ibetjaTO clvtovs 01a t&v ayaQ&v
epyoiv et? t)\v irpbs avTov oiKeta)crii\


T<S avTCO 'AfjL(f>l\0)(lQ).

1. 'E^TTi/xeVoz; 7/877 napa irokkols to evayyekiKov pr\rov'

Mark xiii. 32. 7Tepl TOV CLyVOZlV TOV KvptOV TJjJLCOV 'irjO-OVV XpLCTTOV T7]V
rj[jL€pav tov Tekovs, kcu tt]v <&pav, kcu uaAicrra avvex&s
Trpo(3akk6p,€Vov irapa tQ>v Avofioioov em Ka6aipicrei tt)s

bo£rjs tov Movoyevovs eis airobeL^LV tov kcltcl tt)v ovaiav

CLVOpLOLOV, KCtl T7]S KCLTCL T7]V CL^LCLV V<p^O~€0)S, to? OV bwapitVOV
OVT€ T7]V aVT7]V e\£lV (f)VO-LV, OVT€ €V dpLOLOTYjTL UlS. VOZlCrQGLl

tov pLj) TravTa elboTos Trpos tov epnrepikafiovTa ttiv elbrjo-iv

TS)V 6k(i>V TT\ TTpoyVOHCTTLKr} kaVTOV Kol €7TLJ3\r}TLKr] TG)V


a)s kcllvov Trpo€/3kri0r]. A Toivvv €K 7raibds Ttapa t&v ttclt£-

puiv TjKovo-apLtv, kcu bcc\ tt\v TTpos TO. Kaka (fiikiav a/3acra-

vio~tcos iraptbe^apLeOa, tclvtol direlv e\ofxev, t&v \xkv Xpioro-

lici\uc>v tj)v avaiayyvTiav ov biakvovTa, (ris yap av kcli

(paveLr) Aoyos Trjs dppLTjS clvt&v IcryvpoTtpos ;) rot? b\ aya-

7I0)(Tt TOV KvpiOV, KOL TYjS €K TOV k6yOV CLTTob€L^€U>S lo")(ypO-

Tepav Ti]v €K Trio-Tea)? Ttpokr\\lnv KeKTTijueVoi?, apKovcrav tcrco?

7rape)(o/x€i>a ti]v Trkr/pocpopiav. "Otl to, ovbeis, KaOokLKOv

piev €ivcll boKeT pfjpiCL, ws pLrjbe ev TrpocrotiTTov bta tt)s (fiotvrjs

TavTTjs vTrefyiprjcrdcLL' eon 8e ov% ovtco irapa ttj Tpacpfj

Mark x. 18. ava<p€p6pL€vov, coy T€TTjpr}KapL€v e7Tt tov, '0?j6etj ay ados et /xi]

et? o fc)eos. Uvd€ yap eKet tavTov e£co TiOtLs r?/y tov

Eunomius also asserted that the fiovos aya$6s does not here exclude
the speaker.
Our Lord knew the signs of the end. 169

dyaOov (fyvcreods 6 Ttoj, ravra Ae'y€t. 'AAA' €77etd?j to irp&Tov

dyadbv 6 HaTrjp, to, ovbeCs, GVvvnaKovop.ivov tov, irp&Tos,

dprjo-dai Tno-TevopLtv' kol to, '

Ovbels olbe tov Tlov et jjlt} 6 Matt. xi. 27.

YlaTTjp. Ovbe yap tnei dyvoiav tov HvtvpLctTos KaTriyopel,

aAAa irpatTCd r<5 YlaTpl virdp^eiv tt\v yv&criv ttjs kavTov

<|)W€a)j juaprvpet. Oirra> Kat to, '
OuSei? ot5e,' ttjv irpdoTrjv Matt. xxiv.
€ihr]cnv t6)V t€ ovtohv kol t&v ecropiivodv €77t tov riarepa
avayovTos, kcu bid ttclvtcov tt]v 7rpu>Tr}v aiTiav rot? avdpu-
7rot9 vTTobeiKVVVTos tlprjaOcu vo\xi^op.ev. 'EttcI 77WS* Yj rats
Aot7raij fxapTvptats ttjs Tpacfyrj^ aKoXovdel to pr)Tov y rj rats
Koivals r}p.&v tvvoiais o-v\xfiaiveiv bvvaTcu, t&v 77677 terras 0-

tu)v Rlkovcl elvcu tov 0€oS tov aopctTov tov Movoyevrj, EIkovo. Col. i. 15.

5e ov \apa.K.Tr}pos o-co/xartKoS, dXX avTrjs ttjs &€ott]tos, Kat

t&v tTnvovfjLtvmv tt] ovo~£q tov Stov /xeya Ae taw, EtKoVa bvvd-
jutecoj, EtKoVa o-o^tas", nado elprjTai Xptoro? &eov bvvajxis, iCor. i. 24.

xat 0eoi; cro<£ta ; Mepos* Se brjXovoTL ttjs aortas rj yv&cris'

rjv ovk e£etKozn£et Traaav, elirep tlv&v a77oAet77erat. Ila)? Se

/cat 6 Ilar^p, '

5t' ov rows' al&vas €770670-6,' rowra) ro eAa^tcr- Heb. «. 2.

tov juepos* r<Si> aldovoov, T-qv fj/jiepav Zk€ivt]v Kat ti\v (opav,
ovk zbettjev ; *H 770)9 6 raw oAcoz> Ilot^rr]? roS eAa^tVrou
/xepovs* raw 1777' avroi; ktlo-64vtu>v tt}s yvcocrtoys a77oAei-
77erat ;
O Se X4y<av, TtXr\o~iov tov reAous, ra8e Kat ra8e
eV rai ovpavtp o-r}\xe1a kol kv rots* Kara yr)^ y&piois (pavrj-

crecrdai, 77<S? ai/rd ro re'Aos ayvoti ; 'Ez> ots yap Aeyet, 0^7760' Matt, xxiv.6.

ro reAos*, 011^ ws* ajm^)t/3aAAa)^, dAA' w? et8a)? 5topt{erat.

E77etra fJLtvToi €vyvui\i6v(j)s vkottovvti, 77oAAa Kat 0776 roi)

dvOpcoiTLVov ptepovs 6 Kvpios dtaAeyerat rots* dvOpiairois' olov,

&6s fxot irieiv,' (f)u>vri eo-rt roi; Kuptov ttjv crco/xartKr)^ yjpeiav John iv. 7.

iKiikripovo-a. Katrot 6 atrwi; ou)(t o"apf r\v a^rv\os, aAAa

0€oV?79 o-apKt €p.\jrvx^ K€\pr}piivr]. Ovtqo kcu vvv to ttjs

ayvoicts €77t roz; otKoz^ojuttKcos* 77aVra KCLTabe^dpievov, kcu 77po-

KOTTTOVTCt TTCipd 06W Kat dvdptoTTOLS CTO<j)iq Kat \dpLTL, Aa/X- Luke ii. 52.

fidvoov rty, ovk e£a> rr)? evaefiovs kvey6r](TeTai biavoias.

2. T^y cr?js 5' az; €%r) tyikoitovias €K6ecrdcu, tcls evayyeAtKas*

170 Matt. xxiv. 36 kelps to explain it.

/ur/o-et?, Kcii (TvyKplvai aAA^Aat? tt\v re MarOaiov kclI tt]v

MdpKov. Ourot yap piovot crvveveyOevTes irepl tov touov

tovtov aAArjAot? (fraivovTac. 'H p.ev ovv tov McltOcllov Ae£is
Matt. xxiv. OtJTCO? €\€L' '
Ylepl be Tt)? f]p.£pGLS €K€LVT)S Kal T7?9 Olpas

ovbets olbev, ovbe ol dyyehoi t&v oipav&v, el p.r) 6 YlaTTjp

Mark xiii. 32. piovos. fj be tov MdpKov' Ylepl be rfjs rjpiepas Kal ojpas

ovoeis oioev, ovbe ot ayyeAot ot ev ovpav<s), ovoe o I to?, ei

pLT} 6 Ylarr\p? Tt roivvv eariv ev tovtols eTtiGr\p,r\va<jQai

a£iov ; Ort 6 p,ev MarOalos ovbev et7re irepl ttjs tov Tlov
ayvcocTLas' boKel be t<2 MdpKio crvp.(f)epeadaL Kara tt}v

kvvoLav, eK tov (fydvat, Ei a?) o TlaTrjp p,6vos. H/xet? be

rjyovp.e6a to, p,6vos, 77069 tt\v t&v dyyehatv 6\vTibiacrTokr\v

elpijcrOai. tov be Tlov p.rj o~vp.Ttapakap.fidveo~6ai rot? eav-

tov 8ovAoty, Kara ttjv dyvoiav. 'A\j/evb7]s yap 6 eliruv,
m xvi. 15. ort llazrra oaa e^et o LlaTr)p ep,a eaTiv. ruv oe, gjv ex et -

Kai 7] yvcoo-is ea-ri r^? rjpiepas eKeiviqs Kal ttjs a>pa?.

Tlapao-iu}TTr\o~as tolvvv, g>9 6p.oXoyovp.evov, to eavTov Ylpo-

crooTrov ev tt/ Ae'£et tov MaT0aCov 6 Kvpios, tovs dyyekovs
elirev dyvoelv, elbevai be tov Yiarepa p.6vov' ti]v tov
YlaTpbs yv&ariv Kara to aio)TTu>pLevov feat eavTov elvai
John x. 15. Xeydiv, bid to Kal ev aAAot? elprjKevai. '
KaO&s yivcoa-Ket p,e

6 TiaTrjp, Kayo) yLvu>o~Ka) tov YlaTepa. Et 5e yivcoo-Keu 6

TIaT7]p tov Tlov 6\ov bb okov, oocrTe /cat tt]v evaiTOKeLpievqv

avToi aocpiav nacrav ciricrTaxrOai' KaTa to laov p.eTpov Kal

einyvoicrOrjO'eTaL napd tov Tto£, brjXovoTi, p,eTa irdo-qs ttjs

evvnapyovaris ai)T<2 cro<f)Cas Kai tt]s irpoyvtocreais tcov p.ekkov-

Tmv. TavTrjs p,ev ovv d^iovp.ev ttjs irapapLvOias to napa rw
M areata) Keip.evov' Et p/r] 6 ITarr/p p.6vos. To be MdpKov,
eireibri (fravepios boKel Kal tov Tlov diropiepL^etv ttjs yvayaecos,

ovtoo voovp.ev' otl ovbels olbev, ovTe ol ayyeAot tov Qeov,

aAA ovbe 6 Tlos eyvco, el ptrj 6 Y\aTr\p' TovTecrTiv, fj ahia
tov elbevat tov Tlov irapa tov TlaTpos. Kat a/3tWTo? eori
ra) evyvaipLOVoos clkovovtl f) e^r/yrjaii avTrj' eireibr} ov irpoa-
Ketrat to, p.6vos, ws Kat irapa rco MaT$a((a. "Eortr ovv 6
The difference between '
ousia and '
hypostasis? 171

;;o£>s 6 7rapa tw MapKu) rotovro?. Ylepl be t?)s 7]fxepas

€K€lvt)s r) topas ovbels olbev, ovre ot ayyeAoi rou 0€oi;, aAA

0116' av 6 Tibs eyvu>, el fxf) 6 TlaTrjp' e/c yap tov Ylarpos
avTu> VTrrjp\€ bebofxevr] rj yv&ais. Tovto be ev^ixoTarov
eort kclI OeoitpeTtes irepl tov Tlov Xeyeiv, on ovirep eaTiv

dfjLOOvcnos, e£ avrov kclI to yiv&aKeiv e^€t, Kal to ev iraarj

(TO<f)Lq KCLL bo^Tj 77/ TTpeTTOVat) CLVTOV TTJ ©6077/71 6ei*)pela6ai.
* * # * *
5. * * "*
Tie pi be ttjs ev rw /3a7rrtcr/xaTt avavevaeoos ovk
olba tl eirrjXde croi epooTrjaai, elirep ebe£oa tt)v KaTabvaiv tov

tvttov tg)V Tpia>v fjfiep&v eKirXrjpovv. (BaTTTLaOrjvai yap

TpiaaaKis abvvarov ju,?/ dvabvvTa ToaavTaKis. * * *.

6. Ova La be Kal 'TiroaraaLs TavTr\v e\ei tt)v bia(j)opdv, rjv

e\ei to KOivbv irpbs to Ka0' eKaaTov' olov co? e\ei to C^ ov
irpbs tov belva avOpioirov. Ata tovto Ovaiav [xev fiiav ein
ttjs ®eoTr]Tos dfJioXoyovpLev, cocrre tov tov elvai Xoyov jjlt)

bia(f)6p(i)s airobibovai' 'TiToaTaaiv be Ibid^ovaav, tv aavy-

XyTos fjiuv Kat TeTpavoopLevrj 7) irepl TlaTpbs Kal Tlov /cat

ayiov Tlvev\xaTos evvoia evv7rdp\rj. Mr/ yap voovvtojv r)\A&v

tovs d(f)o)pLafjievovs nepl enaaTov yapaKTr\pas> °*ov TlaTpoTrjTa
Kal TloTrjTa Kai 'AycaapLov, dAA.' eK ttjs kolvtjs evvoias tov
eivai opLokoyovvToav Qeov, dfxrj^avov vyi&s tov Xoyov ttjs

7rto-Tea)? aTTobiboaOai. xpr) ovv, Tip KOLVoo to Ibia^ov irpoa-

TiOevTas, ovtco tt]v iriaTiv SpLoXoyelv' kolvov t) ®eoT7]s,
Xbiov 7] TlaTpoTrjs' avvaiTTovTas be Xeyeiv' TltaTevco els
®ebv TlaTepa. Kal TtdXiv ev 77/ tov Tlov ojjioXoyia to
TTapaTrXrjaiov iroielv, Tip noivip avvaiTTeiv to Xbiov, Kat Xeyeiv
TliaTevod els Qebv Tlov. 'O/xotcos Kal eirl tov Tlvev\xaTos
tov ayiov KaTa to clkoKovOov ttjs eK(f)oovqaeii)S ttjv 7rpo(f)opav
ayr)\iaTi£ovTas XeyeiV TliaTevoit Kal els to Selov Tlvevp.a
to ayiov' &aTe bi 6\ov Kal tj]v evoTt]Ta ato^eaOat ev tt\

Contrast what St. Basil wrote in Ep. 8, § 2 (a.d. 360), 8eov dfxo\o-
yetv ®(du rbv TlaTepa, Qeov rbv Tlov, ®eov to Tlvevpia to ayiov, see pp.
xliii, xlvii ff.
The danger of misapplying the terms.

rr^ juttas
ml to tG>v Upondnuv Ihiafyv
0€o'ti]tos ofxokoyia,
&CUTTOI/ voovptvvv
duokoyticreaL Iv r<j5 ^opicr^ tS>v lt€P\
IbLuixaruv. Oi he ravrbv kiyovres Ovo-iav ml TvSrnurtv
bia(f>op&, Kal iv T$
bvayK&CovTai IIpoVa>ira fx6vov ^okoydv
vepuaraaeaL Xiyeiv rpels 'Ttt ocrr daeis,
eipUrKOirrai <H~ w
yovres to tov 2a/3€A/u'ou kclkov, os kcu avrSs, 7rokka X

Zvvolclv, fcr*X«prf8ioip€ii; ra Upoac^ira, r^r

avyx^v tt)V
vt\v 4kc£cttot6 irapeinrfaTOwav
avr^v 'Tiroo-rao-iv \iycov irpds
Xpdav jutcTaa-x^jwaTifeo-flai.

Gen. i. 5 . . . . . . . 132 John x. 15 170
Ex. xxxiii. 21 . . . . I20 x. 30 . . . . 116
Num. xi. 25, 26 . . . 119 xii. 49 . . .
44, 46
Ps. vi. 1 (title) . . ... 132 xiv. 2 . . . . 84
xxxiii. 6 . . . . 80, 98 xiv. 9 . . . • 47
xxxvi. 9 . . . • • 95> I2 3 xiv. 17 . 107
civ. 30 . . . ... 99 xiv. 23 . 116
cxix. 91 . . . ... 103 xvi. 14 . .
93, 94
Is. vi. 3 . . . . ... 82 xvi. 15 . . . 170
xlii. 5 . . . . ... 108 xvii. 10 . .
xlviii. 16 . . . . . . 100 xx. 22, 23 . 83
Rom. xi. 36 . . . 25, 26
1 Cor. ii. 12 . . • 93
Matt. iii. 11 . . . • • 76, 77 xii. 4-6 . . . 78
xi. 27 . . . . . . 169 xiii. 9, 10 . 163, 167
xxiv. 36 . . . . 170 2 Cor. iii. 6 . . . . 112
xxiv. 51 . ... 85 iii. 14-18 105, 106
xxviii. 19 . . .
5 8ff. Gal. iv. 4 . . . . . 30
Mark x. 18 . . . ... 168 Phil. ii. 9 . . •

xiii. 32 . . . . 168 ff. Col. ii. 12 . . • 74

John i. 1 . . . . • • • 33 1 Thess. iii. 12, 13 • 105•

i. 48 ... . . . 164 2 Thess. iii. 5 . . 104.

iii. 5 . . . ... 75 2 Tim. ii. 19 .167, 168

iv. 23, 24 . 6 2,95, 121,123 iii. 16 . . 106.

vi. 27 . . . ... 34 Heb. viii. 1 . . • 36•

vi. 63 . . . . . . 112 1 Pet. iii. 21 • • 75


Aetius, 1 8, 19. Chanaan, 103.

Africanus, quoted, 144. '
Christ ' implies the Trinity, 63.
Ambrose, 23 note. Church, the troubles of the, at the
Amphilochius, 13. time of writing, 150.
Angels as witnesses, 65. Clement of Alexandria, 21.
Anointing in Baptism, 130. Clement of Rome, 139, 141.
Athanasius, 20 note, 30 note his ; Cloud, a type of the Spirit, 70.
forms of doxology, 147 note. Cocus on Erasmus' criticism, 125
Athenogenes, 145. note.
Attributes, man knows the, of Confession of faith in Baptism,
God, 163. 133;
Constitutions, Apostolical, doxolo-
Baptism, heretical, 60 ; into gies in, 147 note.
Christ, 63 ; into the Spirit, 63 ; Cross, Sign of the, 128.
into Christ's death, 63 ; and Cyril of Alexandria, 58.
Faith, 64 into Moses, in Cloud,
; Cyril of Jerusalem, statements
70 in Water, 73, 76
in Sea, 68, ; ; about the Holy Spirit, 50 note.
burial in, 74 One, 74 trine
; ;

immersion, 75, 130, 171 two- ; Day, our Lord's not knowing the,
fold purpose of, 75 office of
Ep. 236.
Water in Christian Baptism, 75 ;
Death of Christ, in connexion
officeof the Spirit in Christian with baptism, 73.
Baptism, 76 of Fire, 77 >
; m Dianius, 139 note.
Blood, 77. Dionysius of Alexandria, 140.
Basil, his life, xxxv ff. his ;
Dionysius of Rome, 140.
economy,' xliii, xlvii ff.
Bingham, on the Gloria Patri, 16 East, praying towards the, 129,
note. I 3 1 -

Blessing of water and oil, 1 30. ' Economy,' St. Basil's, in not
Bona, account of early forms of using ©eos of the Holy Spirit,
Gloria, 16 note. pp. xliii, xlvii ff., 171 note.
End, did our Lord know the day
Cappadocia, language of, 147. of the,? Ep. 236.
Casaubon on Erasmus' criticism, Erasmus, his doubt concerning
125 note. genuineness of part of De
Catechism of the Eastern Church, Spiritu Sane to, 125 note.
] 28 note. Esau, 103.
Index I. 175

Essence, man cannot know the Inspiration of Scripture, 106.

Divine, 163. Intercession, of the Son, 101 ; of
Eucharist, the prayers before and the Spirit, 10 1.
after the Consecration, 129 note. Invocation at the Eucharist, 1 29.
Eudoxius, 19 note. Irenaeus, 139, 141.
Eunomius, 19 note; on the Holy Isaac, 70.
Spirit, 55, 56 note.
Eusebius of Caesarea, 141. Jacob, 102.
Eustathius of Sebaste, 18 note, Jahn, author of Basilius Magnus
148 note. Plotiniza?to 49 note.

John the Baptist, his Baptism, 76,

Faith, and Baptism, 64 in the ; 77-
Spirit, 68, 71 in Moses, 71
Jonah, 70.
precedes knowledge in science,
165; follows knowledge in re- Knowledge, the Spirit's, 101 of ;

ligion, 165. God, Ep. 233, Ep. 234; comes

Father, Titles of the, 0eos koX after faith,Ep. 235 applies to ;

narrjp, 19, 26, 33, 104; Sets many 166 of Essence,

objects, ;

Ylar-qp, 91 ; 6 Arjpiiovpyos unattainable, 167 God's, of His


(Arian), 20, avwraro}

21 ; 77 own, 168.
Atria, 2350 Qfds rrjs ougrjs, 26 ;

6 TIaTTjp, rov Xpiarov, 26, rov Law of Moses, 71.

Atairorov rjpojv kcu TLotrjTov, 48,
rov Kvpiov rjixujv 'Irjaov Xpiarov, Meletius of Pontus, 125 note, 146.
45 6 &eos, 27 ; 17 Ad£a, 38 6
; ; Mesopotamia, language of, 146.
'Apxirvnos, ^ 38, 53, 95 ; rb Moses, 68-72.
ovtoos 'AyaOvv, 43 6 Tevvrjaas, ;

46 ; 6 Tlpoaraaawv, 80 rb ; Operations, of the Son, 79 ; of the

ilpcuTOTvnov, 92 Tlvtv/Jia, 97.
; Spirit, 98.
Fialon, 49 note. Order of the Persons in the
Firmilian, 146. Trinity, 78.
First Day, meaning of, 132. Origen, 142.
Genuflexions, meaning of, 132. Oudinus on Erasmus' criticism,
Gift, of the Spirit, 112; of the 125 note.
Son, 113. Ousia and Hypostasis, the differ-
Gregory of Nazianzus, Oratio on ence between, Ep. 236.
the Holy Spirit, 50 note.
Gregory of Neocaesarea, 145. Passover, its typical meaning, 69.
Pentecost (the season between
Ham, 103. Easter and Whitsunday), 132.
Heavenly Powers, 79-82. Pharaoh, 70.
Heresies on the Holy Spirit, 57 Philaret, catechism of, 126.
note. Philostorgius, his statement as to
Heretical use of Scripture, 59. form of doxology incorrect, 16
Holy Place, purpose of, 130. note.
Hooker on St. Basil's form of Place, properly used of God, 20
doxology, 18 note. note, 1 20 improperly used of

Hymns quoted, 145. the Spirit, 20.

Hypostasis and Ousia, the differ- Plato, his dpx a h 22 note.
ence between, Ep. 236. Plotinus, 49 note.
Presence of the Spirit, in Baptism,
Imitation of Christ, 73. 75, 76 ;in the Heavenly Powers,
Immersion, Trine, 75, 130, 171. 79; in the Christian, 119, 123.

176 Index I.

Renunciation of Satan at Baptism, Avrofa-fj, 44 o dei TeXfios, 47


130. o d5t5d«Tcu9 2o^9, TJoirjTTji,

; 47
Rock a type of Christ, 69. 48, 79 ^ P-OLKOpiOS KOI p.l)VOS

AvvdaT-qs, 84 YlapdichrjT os, 93,


Sabellianism, 116, 172. 98 ;

97 Xapa/cT^p (tov
Ili/eC/xa, ;

Sapphira, 78. TlaTpOs), 124; lVoTl/7T09 %(f>pdyiS

Serpent, the brazen, 69. (tov TldTpos), 124; o tcDj/ oAa;*'
Son, Titles of the, Tlos /cat Qeos, Scutt^, 144.
J 33 ° A-qpiovpyos (Arjfuovp-
9> ? Spirit, Titles of the, Quov Tlvtvpia,
ywv) Aoyos, 43, 80 Arj piiovpybs ;
23, 98, 141, 171 ; Tlvevpia Qeov,
Tcov okasv, 20, 7-779 KTicrecvs, 23, 5 r ; Tlvevpia 7-779 d\-q9uas (6 7rapd
25, 47; opyavov (Arian), 21, tou Tlarpos €fcnop(v€Tai), 51,98 ;
(Philo), 20 note, (Nestorian), lived pa dOes, 51, 97; Ili/ev/xa
20 note ; virovpyos (Arian), 20; fjyefxoviitov, 51, 98 ; Tlu(vp.a
avOpctivos Qeocpopos (Nestorian), ayiov, 51; napd/<:A77T09, 53, 93,
20 note ; AearroTtjs twv oXqjv, 23, 98 ; £&;779 Kvpios, 66 ; Ovaia
rjfxujv, ©cos A0709, 25
48 ; £a)o"a, Ovaia dyiaa/xov
93 ;

A0709, 39, 45, 80 'Apxpybs rrjs ; Kvpia, 93 o arepewv, 80

; Ilj/eC- ;

far}s, 26 Xoprjyos (7-779 ^G; '7 S )>

; //a Xpiarov, 93 ; $0)9, 95 ;
26 6 Kvpios, 26 77 Ke0aA.7) 7-779
; ;
Tlvivfxa, Ili/cu^a 'Xocpias, 98
97 ;

'EKKKrjffias, 27 "AvOpcuiros 0eo9,

; Ktj/3i09, 104, 105; 'Apxrjyos ttjs
30 note 0€o?3 AtW/«9, 34, 39,
; (oorjs, 137 ; oojT-qpiov Uvevpia.
44, 46, 47 0eou Soviet, 34, 39,
46, 47 ; ^ocpia AvTortXrjs, 44 Spirits, influence of evil, on the
Ettfcbi/ (tov ®eov tov do par ov), mind, 161.
34> 38, 53. 9 2 > 95 'A-navyaafia 5 Standing at Prayer, 131, 132.
(tt}s 34, 38, 123 ;
5^779), 6
Moj/0761/779, 31, 45, 88, 94; 6
Moi/o7€i/779 0eo9, 34, 39, 43, 62,
Titles of the Spirit, an argument
from, 97.
91 Movoyevrjs Tlos, 35, 91
; ;
Tradition, § 66 ff.
Tto9 (to vrrep ttolv ovojxo), 39 ;

Types, 68-72.
TloifJLrjv, 39, 39, 40 ;

40; 39, 41; NvfA<pios,


39, 41 'OS09, 39, 41, 43 0jjpa,

; ; Water from the Rock, 69.
39, 40, 41 1177777, 39 "Apros,
; ; Will of the Father, 79.
39 'H'ivrl, 39 5 n«T/w, 39, 40 ;
Works, man knows the, of God,
4»ws, to ahr)Bivov, 43, 94 K/htt}9 ; 164.
Sinaios, 43 ; 'AvdaTacm, 43 ;
Worship follows faith, 163.

ayaOoTTjs, 48, 95. dirXovs, 52.

aytac/ios, 80, 81,
93, 95. OLTTpofflTOS, 52.
aytos, (pvoti, 80 ; ayios, dyios, aytos,
dpiOfios, dpiOfxuv, dpi$/xtj(Tis, 88,
9I *,
dypafos, 59, 128, 134, 138. ,
dpvqaiOeos, 62.
4 S V*>
74- dpV7]OlXpi(TTOS, 62.
aSiaiptTOs, 78.
dppafav, 75, 76, 85.
aoidararos, adiaoTCLTm, 46, 77.
a/>X««w. 53, 73, 13 1-
oSutoi', 130.
<VX>7, A«a, 79-
alfxa, 69. o^Xi*os, 79.
atrta, dvcuTaTw, 23 npoKarapK-
57 ; ded^cm, 105, 13 r.
riK-q, ty/Aiovpyitcrj,
79 ;
79 ; dcvyxvTOs, 171.
Te\etcoTiKrj , 79 toO 6?p<u, 26.
; avregovcrios, 81.
atTtor, 24; TTpO/CaTCLpfCTlKOV, 21, avToa\rjdcia, 97 note, 162.
48 ; ovvepyov, 21 ; ovvairiov, d<pdovos, 52.
21 ; TToirjTLKov, 22, 48; opyaviKov, dxpoVaJS, 47.
22; TrapadeiynaTitcuv, 22; TeAt- dx^p^Toy, 108, 109.
/eoV, 22.
dxwptaroj, dxapivTas, 61, 77, 83,
aAAoicuat?, 51.
aWorpios, Kara, cpvaiv, 24 ; to
dAAorptoj/, 7-775 <pv<T€ws, 25.
akKorpiojais, tov IlvevfxaTos, 85.
^diTTiafia, §§ 24-36 ; vofxiKov, 72.
P\a<j<pT)/j.ia, @\aa(pr]fxciv, 101, 113,
avayevvrjOfjvai, 59.
dj/dSct^s, 129. 149, 156; to£> IlveiJ/ttrros, els tu
riveG/xa, 94, 137, 148.
dj/dj/evais, 171.
PovXrjfxa, 42 ; see also Ok\rjp.a.
dVtu ; a/j/ ou/f, 21, 22, 82.
fiovvos, 67.
dj/d^otos, 18, 19, 88.
(Spafieiov, 85.
avcvTaTO) ; ?) di/curarco <pvois 50 ; 77
Ppafeveiv, 149, 154.
di/cyTarcu curta, 23.
otfa, 32> 4 1 , !36, 137 ; oiKtia, 122 ;
0€ia, 45. yevvqTws, 93.
yovvKXiaia, 132.
^'V, 35» 84, 88, 95, 133.
anapaWaKTos, ana pa Water as, Kara.
ttjv ovaiav, 46 Kara tt)v dvva- ; 5t £"*, 5 <£to*> 33, 35-
46 777s ©cot^tos, 91.
\xiv, ; 8eirre/>os, 96; 0eds, 91,
aTOpx^, 76, 84. dt]/xiovpy6s, fypuovpyeiv, drjiAiovpyia,
d7rai/OTOs, 122. SrjfiiovpyiKos, 20, 48, 79, 82.


178 Index II.

5m, 19, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 29, 36, (TnSr)p,ia,
99, 105.
37, 43, 44, 79> 95- kmirvoia, 106.
fiiaOrjKT], irakatd, 105. (nccrKevacTuis, 52.
SiaKOvia, 100. (ino'(f>payi^(iv ) 65.
Stafiovrj, 12 2. erotpLacria, 42.
Siacrvav, 64. ivayytkiov, €vayyekiK6s, 75, 76.
hdorrjfxa, 32, 116. €va€^i]S, fucrejSai?, tvaefiaa, 15,91,
5ia<popa, 84. 95, "8, 133, 139, 156, 169.
5id<popos, 29 ; to didcpopov rrjs
(ptxrews, 23. £art7, yrjivq teat (pnra$r]s, cj(j ; 5*5ou-
bixorofiia, 85. kcofievrj, 108.
5(ry/wt, 59, 95, 102, 127, 138, 144. £cuo7ro«€iV, £a>07ro(ds, 75, 112.
SoKifjuaaia, j'j.
56£a (quality),
35, 37, 94, 1 10, fjVWllZVOS, fjVWfXtVCtiS, 46, 48.
136 (action), 61, 94, 133, 141.

8o(o\oyia, 16, 31, 36, 37, 39, 82, 0«or, 23, 44, 45, 69, 90, 92, 98,
92, 96, 109, 114, 117, 122, 134, 102, 109, 130, 141, 164, 171.
138, 139, 144, 146. Oekrjpa, 46, 48 see also (3ovkr)fia.

Sovkeia, dovkcvciv, 65, 102, III. Ocoyvwoia, 75, 95, 149.

Sovkos, Sovkinds, 94, 100, 101, 102, Oeokoyia, 29, 91, 95, 102.
106. 6eokoytn6s, 15.
8v(7€(pltCTOS, IO7. fleoXoyos, 154.
SvCTfXeTaTTTGOTOS, 98. OeoTTvevaros, 106, 154.
6€01Tp€TTU)S, 46.
eyypacpos, kyypa<puv, 11 5,127, 133, 0eds (applied to man), 54.
138. 6€ott]s, 91, 92, in, 112, 123, 144.

«?«>> 131. 165, 169, 171.

cfSoj, 22, 118. deocpopos, odp£, 30.
dfcwv, 92, 123.
e/c,19, 20, 22, 24, 27. tSiafci*/, 91, 171.
ZkevOepia, ekevOepovv, 65, 102, 103, tSitfus, 84.
III. 4 Sto?, 70.
e/Mpwav, €fi<pv(TT](ia, 83. loOTVTTOS, I24.
ei/,17, 20, 22, 24, 28, 79, 95, 114,
117, Il8 ff., 122, I24, I33. KaOapoios, 74.
evavdpwinjais, 1 1 3. /cat (in doxology), 115. 116. 117,
evepyua, 44, 78, 98, 118 ; Qua, 134, 145-
44 ; rov vov, 161. KCLVWV, I34, I4O.
evepyTjfia, 99. /card, 22.
kvOvfiiov, 2 2. Karavorjais, 43, 163.
evifcffOai, 92. KTjpvyfia, 127 ff.
evoi/crjais, III. koivos, 86 ;to Koivbv rrjs (pvaeajs,
tvaapnos, 83. tcoivowia, 58
koivwvos, tt}? <£o-
1 ;

evTokrj, 46. oecos, 30; Itf <pvoem, 67; /faTa

li/Tt>7xdi/eti> (intercede), 100. tt)i/ (pvaiv, 93, 96 ; too Ilrco/m-

6i/tu7tooV, 34. tos, 81 t^s ©€07777-0?, 92 ; 777)0?


(vvnapxeiv, 12 2. 0edz/, 133, 136; tcDi> kvepyeiwv,

fVaxrts, 92. 107; di''5tos, 116; ol/teia, 122;
e^ayojyrj, 69. avpKpvrjs, 122 to ax<upiOT0V rrjs

kJjtT-qpiov,^ KOivctivias, 116, 12 2.
t£ovcria, Qovoiolotikos, 1 01. /coAttoj, 34, 35.
inix €iv koyov, 21,
} 1 1 8. Kpirrjpiou, 162, 163.
(TriyvoKTts, 162. Kria/xa, 20.

Index II. 179

KTl<7TT]S, 20. TrapaWayrj, Kara. <pvaiv, 18; ttJ?

nvpioKoyuv, 105. <pva€OJS, 19.
•napaWaaaoj, 87.
KttTOvpyiitSs, 59. irapovaia, rov Ylvevparos, 75, 76, 79

A070?, irpo<pep6fi(vos, 119; \6yov toC Kvpiov, 83.

Il8. irarpoTT]?, 1 71.
67T€XftJ/ , 21,
TTcpiypaiTTOS, TT(piypa<p€iv, 33, 35,
fxdprvs, 65, 66.
TTtrpa, 69.
]M€7aA(roj', 7-775 (pvcteos, 37.
TTVfvp.ariKos, 55, 99, 107? 118 ;
pKaiTTjs, 71.
<rd)fia (heretical), 30.
/«Ta, 16, 31, 36, 37, 41, I 22 ;
nvivparopd\os, 62, 104.
tov IlaTepa, 31.
ir0l7)TT}S, 20.
p.ip.T)(TlS, fll}XT)TT)S y 73.
iroXneia, evayyeKiKT], 75? *45 >
/ucwaSitfos, fiovadiKOJS, 92.
ovpavios, 99.
//01/apxta, 91, 95.
npoaipcais, 76, 81.
^oj/ds, 92, 141.
irpofiarov, 69, 70.
/iovaxwj, 92.
Trpoedpia, 35.
Hopcp-q, 48, 91.
rrpo(\9ouv, 4/c toC 0€oO, 93.
fivaraycoyia, 148.
TTpOKOLTapiCTlKOS, 21, 79»
pvarrjpiov, 128, 130, 133.
irpoaaywy-q, 37, 38.
pvffTittos, 130, 138, 146.
irpoatopda, 34.
npoaanrov, 27, 92, 104; <rd7X t;crts
ViKpOOOlS, 71.
vorjpa, 119.
7W TrpoffUTTOjv, 1 54 ; t8td£oi> TWI/
irpocrwrrajv, 171.
J/OT7TOS, 98. nporvnaxTis, irpobiaTVirwais, 72, 76.
yd/Jos, 71 ; vopittbv fia-nrio pa, 72.
npwToitXaOTOs, 69.
voCy, 161.
ttpcotStokos, 69.
wpcvTOTVirov, 92.
fcvifav, 17. TTCp, 77, 81.

OlKtldKOS, 94. cdp£, 6eo<popos, 30.

oikhovv, 39, 53,
oiKeicuais, olfteiSTrjs, at pros, 137 ; to oepvbv tSjv p.vorr)-
, 65, 92, 93, 98, 99, 145. piwv, 130, 131.
ol/tovopia, 73, 83. 07«d, 68.
OlKOVOpiKWS, 169. arepeovv, arepeajais, 80, 98.
opOlOS, OpLOlOTTJS, 48, 80. ovpfSoXiKobs, 74.
upoXoy'ia (profession of faith), 61, <Tvp.ira6r)s, avpiraOeia, 155.
65, in, 134, 137. avp.irapuvai, 83.
opyavov, 21, 22, 24, IOI. o'dj', 16, 41, 114, 116, 117, 122,
ovaia, 48, 81, 86, 163, 1 71 ; vocpa, I2 4> 138, Hi, M2,
!33> !35,
52 ; £a)cra, 93 ; T77 ovaia airkovv, 144.
52 ; rd /car' ovoiav vcpeaTTjKora, ovvcltttuv, awacprjs, avva<paa, 35,
71 0eta, 164. ^>v(Ti«T7,
58, 78, 85, 92^ 32;
otxTtoOj/, 44. 122.
aTravcrTOS, 1 16; d'/'Stos,
o</HS, 69. avvapi6p.uv, ovvKCiTapiOpilv, avv-
apiefirjffis, 32, 65, 87, 114, J
napaotiaos, 131. 136.
iraXiyyeveaia, 74. o-vj/(5o£d<>ti/, 113, 136.
TrapdSocrts (tradition), 37, 49, 127, avvthpia, 136.
130, 138, 144, 146, 154; (Bap- avveidrjais, 75.
tismal formula), 57, 59, 60, 61, owetVcu, avvovaia, 122.
H 75, 133. <jvvetc(pa)V€i(j6ai, 89.

N 2
£bV^ 80 Index If.
V iTwrjOfia, 114, 138, 139, 143. vTrorTTaats, 25, 79, 171 of angels, ;

nvvraootiv, avura^is, 32, 57, 58, 82; T^cfy, 141 ; r<i tStd^of,
(i'Stov), (77 i5iOT77?), twi/ vno<TTa-
r7i>i/i/Trdpx ct,, > 122. aeow, 91, 116, 171.
rrvaroixio., 89. vnordaaav, 32.
(T(ppayi(;eiv, 34, 84. v-novpyia, 21, 31.
crxtcr/xa, 151.
(TUTT/pios, 74, 152. 4>tf<rts, 35 ; 7T(piy(ypap:/xeuri, 5 1

Td hiacpopov rr^s (pv(T€aj<>, 23;

Ta£ts, 32. l^ai/rtoTT^s ran/ <pvaeoov, 154;
Ta^>77, 74. aXKorpios fcard (pvmv, 24 ; to
Tfkos, 22. a\\6rpiov 7-775 <pvaeojs, 25, 57 7) ;

TfA.etoui', TfActWts, TeKeiarriKri, 79, 0€<a <pvais, 43, 90, 92, 102 77 ;

81, 82, 118. aT/wTctTo;, 50 to irdyiov rrjs cpu-


Tex v V> Tex v lTr)s> 20> 118, 2 4> 1 19. cectis, 36 to jxtyaktiov rrjs (pv-

tottos, 20, 22, 24, 33, 120. atws, 37 ; «aTa (pvaiv o'tKeiuTTjs
rpias, 92, 141, 144. (w/cetwfteVos), 65, 93 to koivov

rpiros, 90, 91, 95. ttJs (pvaeojs, 92 ; etc (pvcrebjs [Kara

Tp07T77, 5I. tt)i> <pvaiv) Koivojvia, 67, 93, 96 ;

tuttos, 68 ff., 74, 75, 83, 105. TO VTTtpeXOV T7JS (pV<J€OJS, 107 ;

cpvffti ayaOos, 1 1 2.

v8cup, rrjs irirpas, 69 ; Pdirriapia els <po)TL<rn6s, 95, 123.

vdcop, 73.
v\rj, 21, 22, 23, 118. Xapatcrrjp, 47.
vTrapiO/xav, vvapiOfxr^ais, 32, 86, 88, XapaKTijpi^tv, 93.
, 89, 95. X<W 38, 4 1 -
virap£is, 93; rrpoacwyios, 122. Xopvyia, 37, 38, 43.
virevavTtajs, 18. Xpt(TfM, 63, 83.
virt]p€<ria, 23, 42. Xpioriavos, 155.
utto, 2 2. Xpto"To^tdxoy, 168.
vnodeiy/j-a, 22, 73- XPlGTOCpOVOS, 58.
vnodtaipeais, 87. XPdVo?, 20, 2 2, 24, 32.

Basil St. - (Johnston ed.) - On the
Holy Spirit.

(revised text,)

59 queen's park
Joronto 5, Canada

2^57 -

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