Leicester. Macarii Anecdota Seven Unpublished Homilies of Macarius. 1918.

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The " Homilies of Macarius " are among the best known of the

early Christian writings which expound theology in connection

with an essentially mystical religious life. The earliest printed

edition is that published by Gulielmus Morelius at Paris in 1559,

containing the Greek text of fifty homilies. In 1562 loh. Picus
made a Latin translation also published by Morelius. In 1622 the
Greek and Latin were put together in parallel columns along with
the works of Gregory Thaumaturgus and Basil of Seleucia and
issued at Paris. Finally, in 1699 loh. Georgius Pritius published

at Leipzig the works of Macarius in two books (issued as a single

volume), of which the second contained the fifty homilies of the Paris

No modem edition has yet been published, though H. J. Floss

in 1850 considerably improved the text in a book the title of which
might have been advantageously corrected.^
As far back as 1721 it had been noticed that there were in exist-
ence seven other homilies of Macarius in a manuscript in the
Bodleian library at Oxford.
This fact was announced by Thomas Haywood who observed
that a Bodleian Manuscript, which he was using, contained seven
hitherto unpublished homilies, though he did not translate them
for reasons which may best be given in his own words :

"... there follow at the End of the Fifty Homilies Snrn Nrw Homilies,
never yet Printed in any Language, nor ever Heard of elsewhere either in Print
or Manuscript. They have been thought Genuine. And once, I own. 1 w:i5

thinking to Translate them. But with the Advice of better Judges. I have as
yet Forborn it. It seems to them Improper to Publish any Translation of a
Greek Writer which has never seen the Light in the Original Text. And to
Publish the Greek Text in this Edition, would Swell the Book, and Enlarge the

Macarii Acgyptii Episiolai\ Ilomiliarum loci, preces ad Jhicm ViUimni, Vindobonen-
sium, Berolinensis, aliorum codiium primus edidit Ilmricus losrphus Floss.

\ fc05
Price, which to the Unlearned Reader might seem at least an Unnecessary Tax
and Borthen, even in Times of Peace. I could wish with all my Heart, that Dr.
Pritius would oblige the World with the Greek Text (from the Transcript of 'em
which was sent him by the Worthy Dr. Hudson some years ago) with a Version
of his own; or rather, that he would Publish a New Edition of All the Works
of Macarius in Greek and Latin, with these Seven New Homilies; and that he
would Print the Greek Text as large as that of Morelius, and upon better Paper,
than even his own Beautiful Edition."

The " worthy Dr. Hudson " mentioned here is John Hudson who
was Bodley's librarian at Oxford from 1701 to 17 19. Whether Pri-

tius received his transcript, and, if he did so, why he made no use
of it, is unknown.
Haywood therefore contented himself by publishing in 1721 a
translation of the Fifty Homilies with the following quaint title
Or, The Spiritual

Full of very Profitable Instructions concerning that
Perfection, which is Expected from Christians^ and
which it is their Duty to Endeavour after.

Done out of Greek into English, with several Consider-

able Emendations, and some Enlargements from a
Bodleian Manuscript, never before Printed.

By a Presbyter of the Church of England.

These seven homilies are now published for the first time, with a

few introductory remarks on the light which they throw on some

of the critical problems connected with " Macarius."


I. The Manuscripts Containing the New Homilies

The new Homilies are known to be extant in two manuscripts.
1. Codex Baroccianus 213, in the Bodleian library at Oxford, an
octavo paper manuscript of the early sixteenth century with 21

lines on each page, and about 27 letters in each line. It contains

fifty-seven homilies, of which the unpublished seven are on flf. 202 b

to 240 b.
Codex Holkhamiensis 55 (MS. Gr. D 2 A. 6.) in the Ubrary of

Lord Leicester at Holkham. This is a direct copy of Barocc. 213,

and has no critical value.

In the text printed on pp. 19 MS. has been faith-

ff . the Bodleian
fully followed except in a few cases when obvious mistakes have been
corrected. In these places the exact reading of the MS. has been
noted in the margin. The punctuation, accentuation and use of
iota subscript have been conformed to ordinary rules, and the slight

variations in the MS. in these matters seemed not to call for specific

notice. To facilitate reference to the MS. its folio numeration has

been given in the side margin.

2. The Unity of Authorship of the Seven Homilies

On styhstic evidence the first three homiHes (li, lii, liii) and the
last three (Iv, Ivi, Ivii) declare themselves as the work of one and
the same author. The investigation, by which this might be proved,
is not shown here, in the belief that no reader of these six homilies

will be inclined to dispute the point.

The case is different with the fourth of the new homilies. It is a

remarkable fact that this is found almost complete in the Lausiac

History of Palladius, though, curiously enough, neither Hudson.
who transcribed the homiHes but never published them, nor Oudin,-

^ Unfortunately the investigation was more complete for Homilies lii, liii. Iv. Ivi

and Ivii than for Homily li, and after this paragraph was already {)rinted doubts were
suggested as to Homily li. Without conceding that these doubts are justified, they
are mentioned here in order to direct the attention of others to a f)ossibly fruitful line
line of research.
' Comm. de script. Ecclesiae, a.d. 1722, ap. Migne, P. (i. xxxiv. coll. 378 et seqq.
8 .

who appears to have looked at the homilies in manuscript, observed

this. The first of the parallel passages in Palladius begins on page
137 of Dom Cuthbert Butler's edition of the Lausiac History, and
continues as far as page 142.^ A conversation is said to have taken
place between Palladius and others and Paphnutius, in which the
latter explained how ascetics fell into intemperance. At the word
TTpopoias Palladius's account of the speech of Paphnutius comes to
a conclusion. The Homily, on the other hand, adds, as if coming
from the lips of the same Paphnutius, a speech which in Palladius

is not attributed to Paphnutius at all, but to another saint named

Diodes. The secondary and derivative character of " Macarius

is evident. In both instances, details occur in Palladius which are

omitted in " Macarius." The names of the speakers, the place and
circumstances, are carefully stated by Palladius who thus exhibits
his originality. In
Macarius," on the other hand, these marks of
probable genuineness are absent. Moreover the second speech,
which Macarius introduces as a continuation of the first, has no
thread of continuity connecting it with the first. On passing to
this second speech, one is struck by the sudden emergence of phil-
osophic terminology, as, for instance, the Platonic distinction be-
tween 6vf^6s and emOvfila, and the Aristotelian phrase deos fj drjpiov.

In Palladius this irruption of philosophic terms is explained by the

fact that a new speaker has come upon the scene, a philosopher who
had embraced Christianity as the coping-stone of his philosophy.
The illiterate Paphnutius had given place to the well-educated
Diodes. In Palladius, too, a citation is made from the Epistle

to the Romans, which combines the first part of i. 21 (yvovres top

Qeov ovx ws Qeov e86^aaap rj rivxo.p'KTT'qaav) with the first part

of i. 26 (irapibfjiKev avrovs 6 Qeos els Tradr] drt/itas). Paphnutius

argues that the man who is wise in his own conceit is allowed

to fall into aKoXaala. That is God's way of dealing with him.

Inasmuch as he attributes his ability and supply of knowledge

not to God, but to his own efforts, God removes the angel of

Texts and Studies, vi, 2, from Tavrrjv ovv tju'Ip iSuKe riiv kirbKpunv na</>»'ouTtos to



providence from him. The divine plan is that the hound of clko-

\aala should drive away the demon of V7r€p7j(f>ana. What the man
loses is not his intelligence, but his character. He is still compared
to a well or fountain ^ swarming with snakes, proverbially rich in

(f>p6vr](ns , though destitute of aWrj aperT].'- He is said to have

ypioais without xpW'ottjs. The appositeness therefore of the quo-
tation from Romans is apparent. It hits the nail on the head, and
fully expresses the fall of the intellectually arrogant. Uadrj aTLfilas
of course serves as a paraphrase for aKoXaala. The punishment for

not giving God the glory is not the loss of that faculty — intelligence
— on which he prided himself, but loss of character. A certain
violence, however, had been done to Holy Scripture. *'
noticed the composite character of the quotation, and accordingly
substituted for the extract from Rom. i. 26 the remaining part of i. 21

dXX' ecTKOTLadrj 17 aavperos avTcJov Kapdia.'^ The alteration is pedan-

tic, and weakens the argument. For, as we saw, the puffed-up man
still remains avverbs. What he loses is not his understanding, but
his self-control. That to which he is delivered is not the darkness
of ignorance, but the dishonour of shameful passion. There are
also a number of small differences in the two texts which are ex-

plicable on the hypothesis that *'

Macarius " was drawing from
Palladius, but not on the contrary hypothesis. The author of the

homily evidently conceived and carried out the idea of making a

sermon out of the edifying matter scattered in the Lausiac History.
One point remains unsettled. The last dictum in the Homily,
introduced as from the mouth of some other saint, and beginning
iraaa opdrj \pvxii, has not been identified.
Leaving this last problem unsolved, the evidence adduced seems
to suggest at least two possibilities with regard to the relation of
the fourth of the New Homilies to the other six. It seems at first
strange that a writer of such original genius as ''Macarius " should
have borrowed slavishly from another author. Some minds there-

fore will feel disposed to assign the Fifty-fourth Homily to an in-

terpolating scribe. But, on the other hand, there is no reason for

Horn. liv. 5. - Horn. liv. 8. ' Uom. liv. 10.
thinking that he would have felt bound to restrict the edifying
literature which he sent to his correspondents to his own compo-
sitions; and it may possibly be urged in support of this view, that
the position of the homily composed of extracts from Palladius is

too good to be accidental. It deals with VTr€pr]<f)avla, in order to lead

up to K€Po8o^ia in the next homily (Iv) and to show what a monk
ought not to be, in preparation for the homily next but one (Ivi)

which shows what he really should be.

3. The Unity of Authorship of the Seven New Homilies with

THE Fifty already Published

I . The evidence of style

On stylistic evidence six out of the seven new tractates reveal the
hand same author who composed the fifty. In both series
of the

there is the same doctrine about a Christian possessing two souls,

the same metaphors from marriage, the same application to Christ
of mysterious titles, and the same philosophy of immanence. A few
examples will suffice, for no one is likely seriously to question the
identity of authorship.

(a) Neo-platonic » Language about a Christian possessing Two Souls

The New Homilies The Old Homilies
Hi. 5 ovTQ)s /cat 17 yl/vxVf x^pts ttjs xxx. 3 ovtccs avev tt/s kwovpavlov
€Trovpapiov ipvxrj^ icai tov ^vxv^, x^^pf-s rod deUov
delKov irvevnaTOs. . . . irpevnaTOs ... 17 yf/vxv . . .

(b) Language Drawn from Marriage

The New Homilies The Old Homilies
Hi. I KLpvdcOaL tQ TTvevpari xxvii. 17 (TvyKLpvu)VTaL tQ TvevpLart,
Hi. 3 XajSoDca tov kirovpaviov airo- xliii. 5 virede^avTO tov airopov ttjs
Hi. 6 vviJL<l)ios 6 ovpavLOs XpLCTTOs xv. 2 ^vx'fl V^^ av /jLvrjaTevariTai

Kal vvn(t>r} avTov 17 . . . vvpxfyrjv 6 eTrovpavLOs vvp,'

^VXV' 0tOS, XpLffTOS.

^ See lamblichus, De Mysteriis, 8. 7; Porphyry, De abst. i. 40; Plotinus, 6. 7, $

(in Ritter and Preller, p. 511).


Titles OF Christ
The New Homilies The Old Homilies
7 avTOs kariv b TrapdSctcros /cat xxxi. 4 avTos . . . rapaScto-os
... 6 napyapiTTjs . . . fjLapyapirrjs

Hi. 7 avTos ecTTLV 17 cayrjvrj cf. XV. 52 1^ (Tayr)vr] ttjs x^-Pltos

7 avrbs kcTLV b 0-qaavpbs xviii. I drjaaupbv avrbv tov Kvpiov

His Omnipresence
lii. 32 rd irdvTa h Tract YtJ^o/iCJ/os xii. 12 wavraxov . . . eort

The above parallels are only samples of a fundamental identity

of thought and language, which compel assignment of the two

groups to a single author. In both collections we find the same

superficial acquaintance with popular philosophy and the same
tendency to Stoic ideas. In both, philosophic commonplaces are used
for illustration. Thus perfection is said to consist in duahty,^ and
the habitat of every creature is said to coincide with the place of
its birth.2 According to Stoic notions God is conceived as fire.

Hence the divinization of the soul consists in its becoming fire.'

" Let Heaven seize it, all at once 'tis fir'd." The unity of style

therefore claims the two groups for the same writer.

2 . The evidence of Excerpts and Florilegia

Extracts from the Seven Homilies are found in the writings of two
classes of thesaurographers, first in spicilegia culled from various
ascetic authors including Macarius, and secondly in centos com-
posed out of Macarius exclusively. Examples of both kinds of
writing are found in manuscripts in Bodley's Library.

' lii. 4 bvo . . . x«ip«s Ktti 7r65es . . . xxxii. 6 d aydpwiro^ . . .

?x«' ^^ X^'P***.
T€Xei6s k<TTiv ai^poJTOs 5vo ir65a%
lii. 5 t6 6pvtov . . . ivi TTTcpcJi irera- xxxii. 6 Trcrttvi*' edv 2x17 irTepdu iv, h t<J)

adrji/ai oO dhvarai hi ireTaadijvai ov Svyarai

* lii. 6 iKaarov . , . irpayfia hcei tan xiv. 6 iKaarov tv (^ t6v(^ iftyvij&ri . . .

Kal «KeT f^ 66ep fyevvfjdrj 2x<t <'f<«^ T-fjy Siarpiffify

* lii. 6 i/'tix'7 5ia TOV irvpSs tov irwtvua- XXX. 6 i) \pvx'fl «»' tcJj irvpi tov xytvisaroi
Tos Kadapiadelaa dvacrrp^^^errj
lii. 6 ^i^X') • • • irOp Kal Tryevfia ytyo- XV. lo rd p.t\y] . . . «U . . . rvp ffdicToyrai.

fityq Kal /icra/SdXXot'rai



MS. Graec. Laudianus xxi, which is a collection of ascetic lore

culled from many divers authors, quotes on fol. 67 b as tov aylov
MaKaplov a long passage from one of the Seven Homilies about the
inferiority of Bible-reading to direct communion with God.^ No
other passage from Macarius is quoted. Evidently, therefore, the
Excerptist, whoever he was, regarded the Seven Homilies as genuine.
The Greek Codices Canonicianus xvi and Cromwellianus vi con-

tain excerpts taken from Macarius alone, and draw both from the
Seven and the Fifty Homilies. Thus after quoting a piece from the
New Homilies,^ the compiler picks out and places in immediate
juxtaposition a passage from the Old.^ It is clear therefore that the

centoists and thesaurographers had no shadow of doubt concern-

ing the genuineness of the Seven Homilies. Of such centoists the
best known is Symeon Metaphrastes. Since the researches of H.

J. Floss the Seven Tractates on Christian perfection, originally

published as Opuscula ^ of Macarius, have been recognized as a
compilation made out of the works of Macarius by Symeon Meta-
phrastes. If the Seven Homihes have as good a claim to genuine-
ness as the Fifty, we should expect to find Symeon the Metaphrast

drawing from both the collections. This, in fact, is what he does.

In Hom. liii. i. 2, the writer urges that a would-be imitator of

Christ and son of God must bear patiently the various afflictions

which may befall him, and quotes in corroboration of his teaching

Ecclesiasticus ii. i. 2. In Symeon, Book vii, De Libertate Mentis,

chapter 13, there is a passage obviously taken from this passage in
Macarius.^ Like Macarius, Symeon appeals to Ecclesiasticus, ii. i . 2.

Like Macarius too, he clenches his argument by a citation from the

Didache, iii. 10, tcl kTri(f)€p6ixeva aoi iravTa cos dyaOa irpoadexov, eidoos

OTL arep deov ovhev yivirai. Moreover, this quotation agrees verbally
with Macarius, as against the existing text of the Didache.^ Symeon

^ Ivi. 6, 7, 6 ntv iyypaiTTOs vofios . . . nera tov "EaTava.

2 Iv. 6, 7, Xoyov iroLOV /xera Trjs rpvxv^ nai tov atoiiarbs aov . . . a<f)avi^ovTa.
^ xxvi. 24, 6 deos yap Kal oi ayyeXoi . . . Taireivoideis.

* See Migne, P. G., xxxiv, 821-968.

^ TW ^ovXofikyff nip.rjT'fi arep Qiov ov8ep ylvtTai.
. . .

^ The Didache has to. avu^aivovTa instead of to iin^npontva.



clearly repeats the inaccurate reference, because he is drawing not

from the Didache directly but from Macarius.

3. The Two Epistles

In the two British Manuscripts, which have been used for the
text of the Seven New Homilies, the Fifty Homilies are introduced
by a notice in red ink, which runs tov 6<tlov warpos i]ixoiv Ma/captou
Tov klyvTZTLOv eTnajoKi] irpdoT-q irpos top a^^dp Sujuecoi^ tou diro

Meo-oTTora/itas rrjs l^vplas.^ Thomas Haywood has the credit of

seeing that this means that the whole aggregate of Fifty Homilies
constitute one epistle. They are enclosures, sent as it were by
letter-post from Macarius in Egypt to Symeon of Mesopotamia.
Hearing of Symeon's troubles, Macarius sent his first dispatch,

consisting of words of comfort which he had previously delivered in

the form of sermons on various occasions. All he had time to write

in a personal vein was a hurried note at the end.^ In this postscript,

which constitutes the epistle properly so-called, he apologizes for
the scanty part played by personal intercourse in his first dispatch,

and promises to send another letter of a personal nature. Thus the

Fifty Homilies close with a promise of a second letter, and this

second letter introduces the Seven Homilies. The notice in red

ink, which serves as title, sets this out quite clearly, tov avTov iiova-

Xov Belov Trarpos MaKaplov ewiaToXij 8evTepa irpos tou a^^dv ^vyLe(j3v

TOV daKrjTrjp tov dir6 MecoTrora^itas rrjs ^vpias. The Seven Homilies
therefore were sent as a second attempt to comfort Symeon. The
promise of a personal letter is duly fulfilled, for the first of the Seven
Homilies is a genuine epistle addressed to Symeon and his fellow

monks. The Fifty and the Seven thus represent two successive
compilations of edifying literature sent by Macarius to Symeon of

Mesopotamia; the first looks forward to the second.

' For accuracy's sake it should be stated that the Baroccian MS. is clipped and
rubbed here. The numeral after kwiaToX-q is no longer visible. In the Holkham MS.,
however, ciriaroXi) a'' is quite plain.
^ Aid irX«i6j'coi' 5i 2ti irtpl toOtcou Ixof'Tes eTriartiXat . . ., 5i' 6\i^u;i> iSujKaniy mtX.
Migne, P. G., xxxiv, col. 820 d.

4. The Name and Identity of the Writer of the Homilies

The Fifty Homilies left much room for doubt as to the identity
of their author, and the time in which he lived. That his name was
Macarius was stated in the title to the homilies but not in the text
itself, and was therefore scarcely established beyond doubt. More-
over, Macarius is not an uncommon name, and it has always been

doubtful whether the writer of the homilies was identical with any
of the Macarii known to ecclesiastical tradition.

The new homilies, though far from solving all the problem of
" Macarius," throw considerable light on it, and reduce the number
of possible solutions.

In the first place they provide internal evidence that the name of

the writer was Macarius. The first of the new homilies (li) begins
Mafcctptoj rots ayair'qTols . . . eiprjPTj vfxlv . . . 7r\7]dvvdeLTi. The
importance of this new fact is seen by looking back at some of the

theories which have been based on an exclusive study of the Fifty

Homilies already published. Thus, had Dr. Stiglmayr possessed

the internal testimony of the New Homilies to authorship by a man
of the name of Macarius, he would not have permitted himself the
ingenious theory that the attribution to Macarius was due to a mis-
construction of Hom. xxxvii. 6, where (he suggests) the words " thou
art blessed " were read " thou art Macarius." ^ Similarly, other

hypotheses of a false attribution to Macarius fall to the ground, as

for example, the assumption that the name of Macarius was taken
from the Apophthegmata and tacked on to the Homilies, owing to
the similarity in style between the one composition and the other.

No future researcher into the authorship of these Homilies can

abandon the name of Macarius, unless he can show that Homily li

is by another writer than the others.

But the identity of this Macarius remains uncertain, though the

position of the problem has been greatly changed by the recognition

of Homily liv as an extract from Palladius.

J. Stiglmayr, Sachliches u. Sprachliches hei Makarius von Aegypten (Innsbruck,
1912), p. 12.



The matter now stands thus. There are three Macarii of fame in

Christian tradition. Macarius of Magnesia, who is commonly called

Macarius Magnes, can obviously not be thought of as the writer of

these homilies. There remain the contemporaries Macarius of

Alexandria, known as ttoXltlkos, which probably means ^'
the man
of the city," and Macarius of Egypt, one of the dwellers in the desert
of Egypt, regarded as law-giver by the monasteries of Scetis and
commonly known as Macarius Magnus.
Both Macarius of Alexandria and Macarius Magnus were bom
about 300 and both died at over ninety years of age, just before the
close of the fourth century. Both are commemorated in the Lausiac

history of Palladius. But Dom Cuthbert Butler has shown that the
Lausiac History is not earlier than 420, and Homily liv is made up
of extracts from the Lausiac History. Therefore, if Homily liv

was composed at the same time as the other homilies, they must
be too late to be the composition either of Macarius of Egypt or of
Macarius of Alexandria.

There seem to be three possibilities:

1. Homily liv may be an interpolation in the manuscript tradi-

tion represented by the Baroccian codex. In that case it can be
eliminated from consideration. The most convincing argument
against this suggestion is the fact that Homily liv fits into its place
too well to be lightly rejected as an interpolation.
2. A somewhat mediating hypothesis would be the suggestion
that the homilies are in the main the work of one of the two Macarii
but that a later compiler made a collection of his homilies and
added as homily liv an extract from Palladius.
3. Homily liv may be an integral part of the homilies sent by Ma-
carius to Symeon. In that case Macarius cannot be identical either
with Macarius of Egypt or with Macarius of Alexandria, unless Dom
Cuthbert Butler's position as to the date of the Lausiac history can
be overthrown. All that can be said is that the author of the homi-
lies was a Macarius who wrote to Symeon of Mesopotamia at some
date later than 420.


A few further remarks may be made as to the Symeon of Mesopo-

tamia to whom Macarius wrote. He is probably the same as he
who wrote a short treatise Uepl tov del h pco exeti' rriv ijnepav rrjs

e^SSov piov, published in 187 1 by Giuseppe Cozza in Mai's Patrum

Nova Bihliotheca, tom. viii, 3, pp. 1-3. Cozza identifies him with the
elder Symeon Cionita, or StyHtes, who died c. 460 and whose Hfe,

written by the monk Antony, was first published in 1628 in Ros-

weyd's Vitae Patrum, p. 170 (wrongly quoted by Cozza as p. 131).
There is a close resemblance between this treatise of Symeon and
Homily xxii of Macarius — so close indeed that Cozza thought that
Pritius had wrongly included a sermon of Symeon among those of
Macarius. Comparison, however, shows that the two documents
are separate, though doubtless closely connected. Probably the
epistolary relations between Macarius and Symeon are an adequate
explanation of this connection. The rubrics in the codex Baroc-
danus and the resemblance connecting Homily xxii with the treatise

of Symeon confirm and explain each other.

Unfortunately, there is little probability that Cozza's identifica-
tion is correct. There is no evidence in its favour, and the fact that

the correspondent of Macarius was an abbot, which the elder stylite

does not seem to have been, is strongly against it. It is therefore
necessary to agree with the verdict of K. Krumbacher, " Naheres
ist iiber diese Personlichkeit nicht bekannt," ^ though the possibility
may be suggested that Symeon is the same as the pupil of Ephraim
Syrus referred to by Sozomen.^
It will therefore be seen that the real contributions of the new
homilies to the problem of Macarius are, first, the added evidence
that his name was really Macarius, secondly, the emphasis laid on
the connection between Macarius and Symeon, and thirdly, and
most important, the addition of the connection between the Lausiac
History and homily liv to the data hitherto provided. It is unfortu-
nate that this does not completely solve the problem. It may be

* Geschichte der byzantinischen Litteratur, ed. 2, 1897, p. 145.

* Akyerai Sk . . . naOijriis «rx»7'C€»'ai woWohs, eincrrjuoTaTovs 8i 'A0fiav . . . naX
Hvntwva. H. E.y iii, 46.


suggested that a close comparison between the Lausiac History and

all the homilies would be important. If they should show traces
of contact in other places, the third of the hypotheses formulated
above would cleariy be the most probable, and it would be neces-
sary to believe that there were three Macarii in Egypt, Macarius
Magnus of Scetis, of Alexandria, and — some
Macarius Politicus
thirty or more years later — Macarius the author of the Homilies.
If, on the other hand, no trace of contact can be found, there will be
more to be said in favour of either the first or the second hypothesis;

the discussion of the identity of the writer with Macarius Politicus or

Macarius Magnus can be resumed with the same somewhat small
chance of success as it enjoyed in the past, and linguistic arguments
for the attribution of each separate homily to Macarius or to some
other source used by the compiler will be necessary. Especially will
this be the case with the fifty-first homily.

Tod avTOv fxovaxov deiov irarpos Ma/captou eTiaToXij devrepa

TTpos Tov dfifidp l^vneojv top daKrjTTjv tov cnrd MeaoTrora/xtas ttjs

Xvplas Kal wpos tovs Xolttovs ct^eX^ous tovs ovras /xer' avTOv.

I. MaKapLos rots dyaTrr]To1s Kal OfjLorpvxoLS d5eX0ots eu Kvplco.

eiprjPT] vpXv virepeKirepLaaov cltto Kvplov irXTjOvvdelr} , dprivq rj ewov-

pavLOS 7) duaTeiXaaa tlo KoajjLU) to 0cos •
riP eKrjpv^ap 7rpo0^Tat Kal f. 203

eXdXrjaap 6t/catot /cat evrjyyeXiaaPTO dyyeXot. eiprjPT] eKelpTj, rjp ide-

^aro Mapta, Kal eyepp-qae acorrjpa Koa/jLov top KaTeXdouTa irpos Tom
peKpovs, Kal diapprj^aPTa tols ireTpas, Kal dpoi^aPTa to. /jLPrjfjLela, Kal

^cooTTOLrjaaPTa tovs peKpovs, Kal i^ayayoPTa tovs eyKeKXeiajJiepovs, Kal

XvaaPTa tovs ireiredTjfxepovs, Kal eXevdepcoaaPTa tovs dedovXcofiepovs,

Kal hiappri^aPTa to x^^Poypci(pop ttjs KaTaKpiaecjos 'A5d/x, Kal ypd-

xj/aPTa popop eirovpaPLOP Ip rats i/'L'xats, Kal avppl^aPTa ttjp deoTrjTa

TTJ dpdpcjTTOTrjTL, Kal eXevOepojcaPTa ttjp ktlcflp, Kal air kt dp aPT a ttjp

dpapTLap, Kal dpaPTa ttjp KaTapap diro ttjs yrjs, Kal bt,appri^aPTa \
top i. 20-,^

(ppaypop TTJs exOpas, Kal dpaaTrjaaPTa €k tov xoos to KaTaKpiOh

acopa tov 'Addfx, Kal elaayayoPTa avTOP €p tco TrapadelacA) ttjs eirayye-
Xias, Kal irocqaaPTa ir e piiraTTJ a aL h Katprj ^cofj ttj prj dirodpriaKovarj

TrdXiP, LPa yePOipeOa avTov ddeX(f)oiy Kal yepprjar] TjfjLas €k tov iraTpos

avTOV. ov rjKOvaap aretpat, Kal eaKlpTrjaap €p dyaXXidaeL rd epf^pva

avTccp- (jiTa K(ji4>Cop -qpoixBr], Kal poytXdXcop ^

yXdaaa iXvOrj- x^Xot
TrepieTraTrjaap irapaXvTLKol iddriaap, Kal eXa^op Ta KXipidia ai'Tcop.

OP eldep 17 dpapTcoXos Kal TrpoaeKVPrjae, Kal dpiirXrjpojae Ta 60€iX77/iara

avTTJs rots <f)LXT}paaL tcop irobcop avTov- op idchp ZaKXCuos eS^^aTO ^iorji'

€P Tcp OLKcp avTov- OP eldop Ta v5aTa Kal p(t€^Xt]6t] €ts oIpou, Kal 6X1701
dpTOL virepeTreplaaevaap- 6s edooKep laaip Ik tov Kpaairedov avTov rjj

alpLOppoovGXi Kal eppvaOr} h ttjs Tnjyrjs tov al'yuaros ttjs pvanjjs avTrjs

' /i077iXdXw»' tod.


f. 204 6 7rcpt7ra|Ti7<ra$ iirl kvh&tcjp ^ daXaaarjSf Kal iirLTLiirjaas rw dj'^/iw Kal

ijo'i'xcio'e, Kal Tovs Ix^voLS (TvyKXeiaas eu rfj aayrjP'Of /cat iraXiP ej ix~

^ws €T€pov (TTaTTJpa IvtyKOiv bv elSov oi afxapTuiXoiy Kal ebiKai63Br)GaVy

Kal irbpvai yeybvaai aco4)poP€s, Kal irapd&oi, KariXiirov tovs ^ bpna-

arovs avToop, Kal VTravdpoi. aP€X<jipV^^^ '''^^ (Tv^vyocv avTcJou, Kal vvfJL-

<l)iot Kal vvii<t)aL KaTrjpyqaav tovs ydfiovs avTCoUj Kal ^aaiXels \a0bvT€S
TO. bLabrjfjLaTa, rfKBov els irpoaKVPrjaiv avTOv, Kal St/cacrrat KaTeXiirop to.

hiKaGT-qpia avTcop, Kal ao(f)ol KaTeTCLTTjaap tyjp ao(f)Lap avToop, koI

laTpol eppLipap to, <f)dpp,aKa avTCOP, Kal irXovaioi d<f)rJKap top ttKovtop

avTCOP, Kal efjLiropoi KaTekiirop tols epdrjKas avTCOP- op elbop a<f)popes

Kal yey bpacn cvpeToi, Kal ISloot ai yeybpaai y pap,}xaTeLS , Kal dXtets

yeybpaci KrjpvKes, Kal ol fxri exoPTes \byop eXdXrjaap irdcrrj yXcoaaji.

f. 204'' eiprjprj eKeipr], rj de\^aiJLepr} to bCopop tov "A/3eX, Kal pLeTaaTrja-aaa

TOP 'Epoox tov /jlt} yevaaadai OapcLTOv, Kal top Ncoe (TKeTrdaaaa ep rfj

u^diTCp. b Tr\r)6vpas tcls evKoyias tov 'AjSpad/z, Kal top *IaadK kKtjpo-

pbfjLOP KaTacTTTjaas ttjs eirayyeXlas, ej ov cnrepixaTOS eyepprjdrj b (TcoTrfp

Tcop ai6}P(/)P- b eKXe^diiepos top 'IaKco/3 €k fjLrjTpas, tov 5eja(r^at tcls

evKoylas tcop irpoiTOTbKcop- 6 yepbfxepos fxeTa 'Icoarjcf) ep yfj ctXXorpta

Kal \aP<hp TOP ^vybp ttjs dovXeias eK tov Tpaxv^ov avTOv, Kal \vcras

e^efSaXep ambp Ik ttjs <f)v\aKrjs, Kal eTolrjcre Kvpiop ttjs AlyvirTOV 6 ep

^cLTcp irvpbs b4>0ds tQ Mcocret, koI hovs amQ e^ovalap viroTaacreLP iraPTa

TO. KTLO-jJLaTa, Kal TTjp daXaacrap Troirjaas bpafxeXp eixTrpocBep avTOV' 6

ephvpajioiaas 'lr](Tovp top tov NauiJ, Kal PLKrjTrip iroirjaas ep 7rd<rats rats

avfx(3o\a1s tcop iroXencop- 6 eKke^dixepos top HaixovifK els lepea, Kal top

Aa^lb xpto'as OTrtcw iroLfXplcop- b e^ oXiyov ciXevpov ep Trj v8pia Kal

£.205 eXatou 6X1701; ep rw Ka\\l/dKr} ttjs XVPO-^j iroi-qaas irrjyijp TrXrjafiOPrjs eis

eTTj Tpia Kal nrjpas e^. b dTrooretXas tTTTroi's Kat dp/xa irvpbs Tpbs

'HXtai' Kat eiaay ay <j)P avTbp els Tbp ovpapbp, Kal xaptcdjuej/os 'EXta-<Tatco

Trpevp.a 8i,7r\ovp KaOcos riTTjaaTO' 6 KeXevaas ^vKcp iroLrjcraL 6avnd<na ep

AlyvTTTOo, Kal pd^hco ^rjpq, tov 'Aapoop iroLrjcrai Kapirop. elprjprj eKe'iPH),

17 epdvpafJLOxraaa Tbp 'lco(3 ep rots Tretpao-juots, /cat e^ay ay ovaa Tbp Acot
eK TOV KaTaKKv(Tixov tov irvpbs. b yepbjxepos ixeTa tcop iraTepcop iraPTtav,

<5 /cat TTiiTTevaaPTes Kal op dyairrjaaPTes e^rjXdop OTriaoo avTOv vwonel-

¥aPTes bpelbr] Kal ^Xt^ets- /cat eyhoPTO JeVot /cat Trrcoxot, /cat Trdpot/cot

^ KVfjLaTcop corr. marg. : Kbntun text. ^ tA$ cod.


Kttt dedicoyn^uoi, e^ovdevuiaavTes tov kogixov, KaTa<f)popT)(TaPTes tov

davcLTOv, Kal apprjaa^evoi iavrovs- Kai iireipaad-qaav iraurl Tretpao-ziw,

Kttt €^\r]dr}(7au els d-qpia, /cat yeyovaai dearpov rw KoafjLco- /cat SteX-

doures 6td 7ri;p6s /cat uSaros e^rjXdop eis apaxpvxvp. \

i. zos**

II. ravTa 6e eypaxpa vplp, ab^\4>ol aya7r7]Toiy Ipa ypcoTe ws a0' 77s

rifiepas eKTiadj] 6 'ASd^t €7rt ttJs 7^5 Kat ecos r^s (JwreXetas roD atwj'os

ovx i7<7i;xdf€t 6 iropripds ttouIp iroXefiop fj.€Ta toop aylcop. Ip avTco yap
rw acojjLaTi co ^
eafxh epdedvp-epot,, Xolttop p.tra Trjp Trapa(3aaLP rod Trpoj-

TOTrXdaTOV, ot/cet /cat dpa<TTpe(f)€TaL p.e6' rjfjLoop woprjpcjs Kal 8oXlo)s €p

rats Traj'oupYtats Kat rots iTTLTrjdevfiacnp avrov. oaot de etcrt ptjitlol

Kal dyviJLPaa-TOL tcop ivoXiyLOiP avrov Treptccortpcos TpavfiaTL^oPTaL

vtt' avTOV 5td T-qp dirXoTrjTa rrjs PTTjnoTrjTOS avroop- €</)' oaop be top
Kvpiop Ip dXrjdda ^riromip ov TrliTTOvaL- yeypaivrai yap ^vXdaacxjp
TCL PTjiria 6 KvpLOS- otvXop yap ovpapiop 01 XpLdTLapol epdedvjjLepoL

ep avTio TTOLOvaL iroXeiJLOP, ojs els wpos eVa, /cpfTrrcDs, eV rats eavrCop
ipuxous. Kal ol fiep clpOpcottol KaripaPTi dXXrjXcop iroXeiJLOVPres /catpous

exovaLP ep oh j
iroXepLOVcn, Kal /xerd top irpos clXXtjXovs iroXefiop eKaa- f. 206

Tos avTccp apairaverai Kal KaOe^erai ep ttj TrarptSt avrov p.eB' i7(7uxtas

Kat elprjprjs- 6<tol be fierd rod llarapd Tz6Xep,op iroLOvai, PVKros Kal
rjfiepas ol tolovtol ep dydpi crrjKovaLP- ep epl yap olkco, 6s eart rd

aco^a, KareXvae \pvxv dpSpdoirov Kal 6 llarapds, irpos op iroXe^el- eKel

OLKeZ ep avTCC Kal dpaarpe(f)eraL, Kal bid rovro eyyvrepbs ean rrjs ^pvxv^
irdnap cbpap- bid rovro ovx rjavxd^ovaip ovre dpairavoprat, ecxis ov
epbvaooprat ottXop Kal bvpajiip e^ vxpovs, eireibi) eirlarevaap Kal eypojaap
bid TOV Seov, on earl fjLer' avrojp 6 <^opevs rrjs dpdpcoTrorrjros- Kal els

avrovs rovs iroXefiovs avroop rjbopraL, ep ols eypooaap on rop deop dya-
TTcoo-t, Kat ixerd rov Harapd ivoXeyLOvai avp rrj bvpdfxeL rod deov. oXiyoL
be elai Kal <nrdpioi ol elbbres on earl ner' avrcop 6 d^yapiarqs rdp

xpvx^v bid rovro ep dXixpei elai, Kal ovk earip eirl yrjs 6s Trapa\KaXeaeL l.2ob^

avrovs, eireibrj irpoaexovai Kal irpoaboKcoaiP eK rod ovpapov, 'ipa be^u)P-

ral n ep avrols, Kal ep eKelpr] rfj bvpdfieu Kal r<2 6TrXa) rod irpevfjLaros

PLKcoatP. ej ovpapod yap eanp rjp bexopr at bvpaynp, ^jltj (fyaiPOfjLeprjp

6<f)daXiJ.ols aapKos 6aop ydp rop Oeop ^-qrodaip e^ 6Xr]s Kapblas, bvpapxs

deov KpVTrrws wdaap iopap f^orjOel avrols el b^ Kal ireLpdi^oprat bird rod

' d coniecit W. Scott, cf. 6Tr\ow . . . MtSv^tyoi infra.


Saraj'S 5td rifv aaQivtiav avrCiP, dXX' ovk iyKaToKiyLTravei avTOvs 6

Ki'ptos M TToXu einrodLadrjp at /cat €7rt ttXcToz^ TreipaadrjvaL- avTol 8e

oi TrbKejJLOL didaaKovaLV avTOVs yvdvai tl eariv 6 Saraj^as, Kai ttws

<f>6elpei Tovs avSpoiirovs- koL avra to, Tradrj tojp To\^fxu)v didaaKOvaiv

avTOvs eyyl^eiv irp6s t6v deop top (TOiTrjpa rod Koapiov Kai iirav ypojat,

Trjp aadepeiap eavTcop, jjii) 8vpafX€P0i PLKrjaaLy rore ^rjTOVdiP Ik Qtoiv

(i>Tv\op (TTrovboLLOSS' Kol ovTOiS Ipbvaapiepoi ttjp 7raP0Tr\iap tov irpevfJLaTOSj

yiypoPT ai VLKTjTal, Kai irLirTei vird tovs irobas avrojp 6 exBpds rlhv

f. 207 ypvx^v. di'wp ottXcoj' |

/caraXuerat to. Teixv rrjs d/zaprtas rd KVKkdoaavTa

TTJP \pvxv^, /^at \1/vxclI at lyKiKKeiap-hai els c kotos els </)cos e^epxopraiy

Kai irpos TOP TrcLTtpa avToop top ovpdPLOP iyy l^ovai, Kai kolWos copato-

TTjTos de'iKOP epdvoPTai, Kai do^ap Kai hvpap.ip irepi^oiPPVPTaiy Kai irdvTa

to. €7n,T7j8evfiaTa tov ttoptjpov irpevfjiaTOS fxapddpovaip, ws <i)7]aLP 6 dwo-

(TToXos Ov yap avTOV to, vorjfiaTa ay PoovpLep, Kai juerd tov wpevpiaTOS

TOV dyiov avpyLiypvPTai, Kai to 6i\rjp,a tov iraTpos tov Ip ovpapols


III. yiPosGKeTe ovp, dde\(f)ol dyairrjTol, ort 6<rot erotjudfofat rds

caurcoj' ^i^xds yepeaOai yrjp tov ovpaplov (Tiropov, e/cei 6 exGpos CTreuSet

Giretpai tcl ftfdj^ta avTov- dio Kai eireLpdadrjTe vird tov ix^pov, Kai

dKrjKOOTes .eKvTTTjdTjp.ep iirl ttoXu. /cat tovto de taTe- cos el nij tlp€S e?

6X77S Kaphias ^rjTrjaovai top Kvpuop, ov Treipa^oPTai vtto Tov Sarai'd

(jyapepws, dXXd /cpuTrrcos /cat SoXtcos 5td ttjs dTrdriys avTov eja^aj'tfet

f. aoy** rds ^ux^s tCop dpOpooiroiP, \

<})deipcop Kai aTcaXKoTpiCiP diro Seov' Kai to.

pvPy d5eX0ot, BapaeiTe Kai ixi) deCKidarjTe ep pLrjdepl, Kai p,i) irTvpeade ev

rats <{)aPTa(TiaLS tov dWoTplov, Kai ep rg Trpoaevxv m4 ylpeade avyKe-

XVnepoL €P 7rXeto<7t /cat dirpiireai Kpavyals, eaeade de eKhexop.epoi ttju

XO-piP TOV Kvplov ev iropc^ ^^vxvs kclI Trelprf poos' ov yap wpos vfids

pjopop rotaura yeyopaaip^ dWd Kai ePTavOa onoia yeyopaai irpos

TLPas- raura 5e crvp.^e^'qKep ep tlo irpdoTLo KaipQ- oTe yap rjp^aPTO irpoa-

KapTepelp ep Trpoo-euxcits, ep Tretpac/xots eK^vhcopiaS-qaap hd to dyv-

p.pd(TTOVs aureus et^at, /cat 5td T-qp prjiriOTriTa avrdv cvvexvdTjaap. to

\oLir6p, d5eX0ot, BapaeiTe koI irapaKoKelaBe /cat eKdexeaBe,


virep TOiP ypvx^v vfiC)P, airovdd^oPTes irpoa KapTepelp ttj irpoaevxVy '^at

/X17 eKKaKTjar} 6 povs ujliw^, yeypaizTai yap "Tiroiwpfjs xpetaz/ exere,

iva TTOiriaaPTes to BeKrjpia tov Beov KoixlcrjaBe rds c7ra77eXtas.

Kuptos I
elirep 'Eat^ 8vo vfJLCcv av^(j)0)P7]acjoaLUy dfjL-qp X€7a; v^up, irav 6 lav f. 208

aLTrjaojvTaiy XTjipoPTai- 6<tol yap ep akr^deiq. top deop ^rjTOvaiy dvpafxip

6eiKr}P S^x^J^tcll Ip rats ^uxcits, /cat ot tolovtol tQ> ovpapicc xP^o^M^Tt

7rpoo-€77tfo;/T€s aladoLPOVTai ip caurots tt/s 7eu(7ecos /cat yXvKvrrjTos

Tov iJLeWoPTos aicx)Pos- ol tolovtol iJLei^opes daL iraPTOjp apdpojwcop tccp

KaTOLKOvPTCCP €7rt ttjs jtjs. rj elprjPT} tov Kvpiov rj yepofxeprj fieTo. ttolpto^p

TUP ayioop iraTepcop /cat <f)v\a^aaa avTOVs dwo iraPTOS ireLpaafjiov, avTTj
larai 11(6' vfxoiP eirl tco opo^aTL tov iraTpos /cat tov vlov /cat tov ay lov

I. '0 X670S Tov deov epyov iiXrjdeias ein^rjTel. elrd lariv avdpojirco t6
\iyeiv, t6 CLKoveiv, /cat to TroLelv Slcl tovto yap aKovei tls tov X^yoPTOSy

ipa TTJs CLKorjs TO epyov eKTeXear). TavTrj ttj rjfxepa 6 Kuptos eyeppr}drj,

rj fcoi) Kal 17 coiTTjpia tcou apOpooiruiv arjuepop yeyove KaTaWayi] deb-

TTjTOS irpos avOpcciroT-qTa Kal apdpcawoTTjTOS irpos deoTrjTa- o-fjiiepov

l.2oS^ iaKLpTTjae iracra ij ktlo-ls- ol d\vcod€P aireaTeiXav irpos tovs kclto) Kal

ol KCLTO) TTpos TOVS CLPO)- aij/jLepop TOV (TKOTOVS OcLPaTOS yeyope Kal tov

CLPOpcoTTOv ^oiij- arjjjLepop odds yey ope irpos Beop rots apSpuiirois Kal deov

686s ets TTjp \l/vxW' t^ ^P^^ J^P eX€7€i^ 6 Trpo<f>7]T7]s '05ot Xlwp irep-

SovaL irapa t6 (jltj elpai epxofxepovs els eopTrjp, ttjs i^vxv^ rifp eprjfjLCoaLP Kal

t6p acfyaPLafJLOP alpKrabjiePos ^ ovTe yap 656s deov ets ^vxw '^ctt apBpcoivov

hiapoiap TjP ovTe \pvxv els Beop TzepieivaTei- ^ arjjjiepop ayaWtdTai to,

iredla Kal iraPTa to. ep avTols, 17 yrj ttjs 4^vxvs bexofieprj ofx^pop e^ ovpa-
vov. '0 Kuptos ejSao-lXevaep , evirpeireLap epehvaaTO- otl t6 irplp Kvpios

Kal ^aaiXevs 6 'A6d/x KaTaaTadels l8ov 5td ttip Trapa^aaip 8ov\os ttjs

ajiapTlas yeyope- arjfxepop (3aai\eveL tCop exBpOiP avTOV, Act yap avTOP,
<l)rj(Tl, ^aaiXeveLP- crrjiiepop 'EdTepeoocre ttjp olKovfieprjp , ttjp irplp eprjfjLOP

\pvxw '^cit caXevofxeprjp Kal TpefjLovaap, ep </)6/3w /cat SetXta ttjs d/xaprtas

f. 209 KaTexofJLeprjp , 'Ep yap Trj KaTapa, ^'qai, CTepoiP \

Kal Tpeficop eari eirl ttjs

yrjs- eweLdij yap 6 ot/cos aur^s ep afXfJLO) ^koBoijltjto, ep (TclXco Kal TpoyLCO

TIP- arjjxepop els ttjp aaaXevTOP ireTpap ttjs deoTTjTos rj ot/cta ttjs ^pvxv^

d)Ko8oiJLr)6r]. xatpoucrt?' d77€Xot, ovpapol, aaTepes, rJXtos, o-eXrjpr], 17 yrj,

Kal iraPTa to, ep avTjj, oprj Kal ^ovvol (TkiptCxtlp' el yap ep tQ e^epx^-

adai Ik ttjs Axyv-KTOV top 'IcparfK avpexo-ip^ iraPTa to. /crt(7/xaTa, oupa-

j'6s <TKeiTO)P ve<i)eL (poiTos ijiiepaSj Kal pvkt6s ep oruXw irvpos, to. opt)

oscrel KpLol Kal ol ^ovpol cos dp I'ta irpoPaTcoPj Troaco ijloWop ewl tov

aXrjdiPOV XpiaTOV yepp-qSePTOS arjiiepop. Kal yap t6 irplp Tvacra i] /crtcrts

e^oriaep els <f)6opap fieTepexOelaa, ireaoPTOS tov 'ASdjU tov optos /SactXea^s

avTCOPy OP eUopa 6eov iBlav virapxoPTa rjXdep 6 Kvpios apaKaipiaai

Ka6o3S eSei Kal apaKTicrai' eirKrjpcoOr) 6 xpopos ttjs KaTabiKr^s tov dvOpo)-

* VipieiraTTi Cod.

irov eTrXrjpoiOrjaap ol irpOKaTrjyyeXfjLepoL vird tCjv Trpo<l>rjTcou Kaipor vvv

avaKokeiTai Ik t^s aix\y^o-y^oiaLas koI ttJs ejoptas, "YiyyiKe yap rj f. 209^

^aaiKda Tdv ovpavdv eirXrjpojdrj 6 xpo^os rco^ deufxcop /cat rrjs (pvXaKrjs

Kai TTJs iv rw aKoret KaraSt/CT/s rod 'A5a/i. arjfjLepov avTco yiyope

XvTpcoais Kai eXevdepla rrjs KaraWayfjs, Kai 17 KOivojvla irpos to TTj^eD/xa,

/cat 17 <Tvva<l>eia irpos top deov (rrjfjLepop rjpBr) 17 aicx^vr) tov Trpoaooirov

avTOV, Kai edodrj avTio irappriaia apaKeKoXvufieuoj irpoacoircp Ipopap /cat

KLppdadai rc3 TTPevfxaTf (jr)p.epop airo\ap.^aP€L 17 pvfji(f)7] top iavTTJs

PVfjL(f)iop- arjfxepop epoTTjs Kai KoiPO)pia /cat KaToXXayri to)p eirovpaPLCop /cat

T(x)P eTLyeioiP yeyope, Beds Kai apSpioiros}

II. eTpeire yap avTco epSvaafiepco to (Tco/jLa eXOelp Kai iTnaTpixpai /cat

icaraXXdJat tovs apdpcoTTOvs tu) 18lco ITarpt- dpoirXos e\d<j)p, to ottXop

TOV cLPOpcoTTOv^ eXa^ep oirep eaTL to , au)fjia, Kai 6t' avTOV eiroXeidrjae Kai

OLweKTeLPe top BapaTOP- bia crco/iaros peKpov eBapaTOjBrj 6 exBpos 5td

tov iSlov I
ottXoi' KaTeKpipep ep tco ciciiaTi ttjp anapTiap- (hairep yap ol f. 210

exBpol ^ iirepxcidepoL 5td tcop Iblcop ttjs TroXecos oirXoiP Kai p-ayyapcxip,

\eyco 8r) tcjp ^aXklaTpcop rj aXXcop tlpcop, o-irovdd^ovai KaBeXetp to.

TeixVi ovtcjos Kai 6 ex^pos Xa(3(hp vwox^ipi-op top 'A5d/x, chairep ottXoj

Xpy](yoipi€Pos 7(3 avTOv crcbjuart, 6t' avTov epefirjBrj Kai jixp-oXcjJTevae

TvdpTas Tovs dpBpwTTOvs- (haavTCOs Kai 6 Kvpios, cjairep ottXop Xa^ojp top

OLpBpcoTOP, 6t' avTOV to, t€lxv Kai tol oxvpoifxaTa tov irop-qpov Kai irdcrap

avTov TTJP fi7]xapr}P /cat ttjp iroPTjpdp KaTaaKevrjp, fj'^

KaTa tov dpBpcoirov
€XpT70'ciTo, 5tcXi;cre /cat 7]4)dpL(T€ ^ KaTa to eiprjiiepop 'Qs to (Tkotos avTrjs,
ovT(t)S /cat t6 <f)Cx}s avTrjs- "Qairep yap ep tlo 'Addix wdpTes diroBprja-KovaLVj
0VT03S /cat ep tc3 Xptarco irdPTes ^cooiroirjBrjaoPTaL-

III. peKpd yap rjp rj dpBpcoTriPT] (fyvats to irplp diro Beov, aKapiros-
(TTelpa Kai dyopos 17 \pvxv- pvp e^ ovpapov CTepfia eScJaro, |
tVa dvpriBrj f. >ii

Kapirovs TOV irpev/jLaTos epeyKeXp. 6 *A6d/x els rjp, /cat e^ avTov rj yvpi},

/cat el 117] <TVP7](f)Br] 'A5d/x rfj yvpaLKL avTOv, Kapirovs ovk eirolef ovto)s

lap fii] avpa<t)Bfj ij ipvxv Kai KOLPCoprjar} tco XpL(TT<2, Kapirovs tov wpevfjia-
Tos epeyKelp ov SvpaTai. to airepfia yap to Be'iKOP 6 \6yos, 6 weaojp

^ 0(6^ Kai 6.v$pcjiros ad caput marginale, non ad tcxtum ipsum, olim [)ertinuissc
putat W. Scott.
' dav&Tov coniecit W. Scott. *
tcxtus: ^y corr. marg.
' ol kx^pol addita sunt in margine. ' i7<^d»T7<r< cod.

els riiv OcotSkov Maptav, €t$ Trdcas rds inaTevovaas xj/vxas TrtTrret, Kai

OVTCCS y^vvCiVTai Ik tov irpeviiaTLKOV yevurjjjLaTos rrjs act)T7)plas, Kadcjs

<l>i]ai Aid TOP <j)6^ov cou, Kupte, ev yaarpl eXafSojjLep Kai oid^prjaafiep

Kal eriKo^ev irvevna aoiTrjpias, Kai ourcos KapTocfyopet \l/vxv tQ ^^V-

'H yvvri yap, (fyrjaip, orap udlpriy XvirriP ex^L' eirap 5e yepprjarj, xatpet>

(Jrt eyeppTjdr] apOpcowos els top Koafiop- Kal 17 xpvxv \a^ovaa top eirov-

paPLOP airopop, ecos dp (jodlprj BX'opiP ex^t, ^aaapi^oiiepr) viro TroLKlXoiP

TreipaapLOjp, eirap 5e yepprjarj, TOVTeaTL^ Te\eL(i}dfj, x^-ip^f' dnjpeKccs X^p^

dpeKkaXrjTCt), otl eyepprjdr] eirovpaPLOs Kal KaiPos apOpooiros eis top clpoj


f. 211*' I^- '^'^^ wcTTrep TO aojjJLa \

Xa^cop 6 Kvpios dprjpeyKe Kal eKadiaep apo)

iv de^Lq, ttjs iieyaXoiavprjs ep inl/rjXols, ovtcos Kal pvp tcls inaTevovaas

xf/vxas Kal djtas tov Oeov nedidTq, Kal iiedlaTrjaiP eis Tr)P ^aaikeiap
avTOV, y epprjcr as avTas apo)dep Ik tov idlov TTPevfxaTOS, KaOojs (j>7}(np 6

Kuptos '0 TTKTTevOiiP eis ifie iieTape^yjKep e/c tov dapcLTOV eis ttjp ^corjp.

ol yap ep oKrjdela Trtcrrol /cat ep ttj yfj jiepoPTes apco ep rots ovpapols dia-

Kopovat tQ Kuptw, Kal avTos de clpco Kade^6p,epos eis top Bpopop ttjs

fxeyd\oj<7VP7]s avTOv koltco Tats tCop dylcjp i^uxats cos epBpopois ewapa-
iraveTai' p^ekq yap Kal acofia avTov eiai, irdcra rj eKKk-qaia t(*)p dyiojPj

avTOS 8e i) KecfyaXri ttjs eKKXrjalas Tvyxdpei- dairep yap p,ia xpvxv ep

oXco Tw aoifiaTL eaTL, Kal eKaaTOP /leXos tov crcb/iaros viro ttjs m^^s

xpvxrj^ StotKetrat, ovto) iravTes ol ayioi els to irpevna Trjs OeoTTjTOS fcoat

f. 212 '^cil VTT* avTOV diOLKOvPTaL, Kal eKaaTOP jxiXos \ ^fj ep tyj viroGTaaei Kal

rg Be'iK^ ^vxv-
V. Kal cos TO <rco/ia edp fi
irapd x^tpa rj irapd iroda rj Trap' 6(l>dd\fx6p,

€7rt/xco/i6$ eaTLP 6 apdpoi-Kos, oi5rcos fcat 17 ^vxr) X^^^pls 'ttJs eirovpaplov

\l/vxv^ KO'i TOV BeLKOv TTPevpLaTOS dreXiJs /cat eTrtjucojuos ecTiP, airoPXrjTOS

TTJs /3a(rtXetas Tvyxo-vovaa- 'Ed?^ pii) rts Tap, ^-qai, yepprjBfj apooBep, ob

bvpaTai eiaeXBelp eis Trjp ^aaiXeiap tov Beov. bvo yap xetpes /cat hvo

irbhes Kal bvo cora reXetos apBpuiirbs ecTip- dXXd /cat bvo Trrepots t6

oppeop bvpaTai TreTaaBijpaL, epl be TrrepcS ireTadBrjpaL oh bvpaTai- dWa

Kal bvo bLaBrJKai rots dpBpicirois eboBrjaap, Kal x^p't'^ ttjs Kaiprjs rj fiia

dbvpaTOS rjp' Kal iravTa tcl ievyi), bvo oPTa, ep edTi, Kal ovTOi Teketa

dTTobelKPVPTaf,. ourco /cat top a\7]Br} xP^<^Tt.ap6p ehai beV 6 yap Kuptos
* ToxnkxTTi textus: Tovrkariv corr. marg.

evSoKijaep avrbv ex^iv 8vo ^uxas, ulap ttjv KTiadeia-av Kal iAav eirov-

paviov €K Tov de'iKOV irvevfjiaTOS, Kal ovtq) bbvavrai elvai reXctot koX

Xpiil^T'tMOt €ts rrfv ^aaikdav tcop ovpavooPy lirTafieuoi Kal kov4>(.^6ix€vol viro f. 212^

tQv TTTepvycop tov wvevnaTOS.

VI. ojairep yap 6 ovpavbz appePiKOJS oj/o/xdferat 17 8e yij dT]\vK(t)s,

OVTO) PVII(f)i0S 6 OVpOLPLOS XpKTTOS , Kal PVfJL(f)71 aVTOV 1} cbpttttt l/'UX'? Kal

airaBris- Kal dpoodep fih bji^pos c/c tov Beov KaTepx^Tai, avTr] be cos 777

KaWiaTTj dexofJiipT) tovs Kapirovs tov irpevfiaTos airoblbccaip- cbawep yap

rj Eva x^P^J ttjs tov *A8ap. (Tvpa(f>€las dTelpa Kal aKapiros rjp, ovtoo

Kal ypvx"^ X^P''^ TV^ TOV irpevnaTOS (TVPa<f>eLas Kal (xvyKpaaecjs tov iirov-

paPLOV PVfi(f)lov XptcrroD XVPO- Kal aKapiros Kal dTelpa Tvyx^pei rfj

^aaiKda tCjp ovpapoop. dXXa Kal 6 eirovpapios PvpL(i>ios apev rrjs

airovdTJs tov dpOpoowov Kal tov SeKijiiaTOS ovt€ oiKel els avTOP ovTe
KLppaTai' cbcTrep yap oIpos KLppo^idepos uSart irbaiixos Kal r^dvs IhtiPj

0VT03 Kal r) deoTTjs iavTrjp Kepdaaaa ttj dpdpooTroTrjTi, rjXdep tpa irdPTas

TOVS deXoPTas Kal irLdTevoPTas Kelpaarj tw IStco irpevnaTL, Kal ovtcos eis f. 213

rjbvTOLTrjp Kal €vpo(Ttop juera/SXT/^wcrt irpoalpeaLP. ciio-irep be ^a(f)€P

epiop Ip Tvop4>vpa €p yeyopep, ovtco Kal reXetcos paTVTL^byiepaL \pvxo-l t<3

TrpevfxaTL Trop4>vpa irpevp-aTiKr} airoTeXovPTai, KaTO. to yey p a fifjiipop T6

yeyeppTjiJiiPOP €K tov irpevp-aTOS irpevp-d idTiP- cbairep Kal crcD^ia tov

Kvplov KepaaOep ttj 6e6Tr]Ti, Oeos Igtip- oicnvep be albrjpos (3\r]d€ls els

TTVp TTVp ecTTt,, Kal ovbiP bvpaTai avTOV aypaadai rf iyyiaai, tivel dcfyapl-

ferat Kal dz^aXta/cerat, el firj jjlopop to irvp fieTO, tov irvpos rj dpdpaKes
TTvpds fX€Td CLpOpcLKOiP bvpaPTai elpai d/3Xa/3eTs, ovtco Kal irdaa \pvxv bid

TOV TTVpos TOV TTPeviiaTos Kadapiadelaa Kal wvp Kal irpevfjia yepofjLeprj

bvpaTat elpat /xerd tov dxpdPTOV cw/xaros tov XptoroD. 4^vxw ^^

djjLVTjTOP TOVTOV TOV TTPevfJLaTOS dbvpaTOP eKel TrpoaeyylaaL, i) diro^Xe-

x/zaL els T7]P Oelap eKetprjp daTpairifP, Kal ^rjp ep avTTJ. e\KaaT0P ydp f. 2i3«»

Tvpdyfia eKei eart Kat eKet ^S, '66ep eyepprjdr]- rd fwa Td ep tQ vbaTL 5id

t6 eKel yepprjdrjpai e/cet ^coat- Td ireTeLpd tov ovpapov lirTdfjiepa h tc^

depi els avTOP dpairavoPTai. 6/xotcos Kal rj tqop xpvx^^ biaycoyr], Kal 6
drjp Tcop exbPTU)p rds tov irpev^aTos izTipvyas lirdpco ecTTlp els rd v\l/rj

TTJs BeoTTjTos, eKeWep ydp eyepprjOrjcap.

VII. oiawep be tjploxos KaTex^iP Td Xcopa i]Pioxel Kal dyei rd fa)a
COS olbe Kal cos (SovXeTai, ovtq)s Kal 6 Kvpios ep rots v\1/l(Ttols r\vLoxel koI


KV^epvq. TO. KriaiiaTa ev ovpavoo Kal iiri yijs ws avrds eTrtararat-

avTos yap i<TTiv iv ovpavois Ik deiicov rrjs ^eyaXcoavprjs Kade^6p,evos Kal ,

avrds iari t6l eirl rrjs yrjs 8i,olkC)v Kal irdaL rots d7toi$ avvthv Kal avuoi-

K(*)v avrbs iariv afco, Kal avrds e&ri Kara)- avrds iariv 6 dtoSy Kal
avros iariv apdpcjiros- avrbs eariv 6 ^oou, Kal avrbs earip 6 arrodavdov
I. 214 avros eariv 6 rdv iravrmv K6pto$, Kat avrbs lariv b rdv irdvru3V hov\os-

avrbs eari rb dpviov, Kal avrbs icrriv rj dvala- avrbs eariv 6 jibcrxos d
rvdelsj Kal avrds ianv 6 dv(j3V dpxi'^P^vs' avrds eariv 6 iradcov, Kal
avrds eariv d airaS-qs- avrds iariv d PviJi<f>los, Kal avrds eariv r) vvfi<f>rj.

avrds eanv d vvji^yicv, Kal avrds lariv 6 iraards- avrds iariv 6 Trapd-
beiaos, Kal avrds ean rb ^v\ov rrjs ^corjs- avrbs iariv i] ivoKis 'lepovaa-

\rjlJL, Kal avrbs iariv b vabs Kal ra dyta rup aylcjv avrbs eari, rb
ireXayos, Kal avrds eariv 17 olKovjievr]- avrds eariv 17 Tpo(f>ri rup \1/vx(*>p,

Kal avrds earip d rfj acorrjpla rovrcop rpe(f)dfxepos- avrds larip 6 apros d
^(x)P, Kal avrds ean rd vdcop rrjs ^o)rjs- avrds eartp if ctjUTreXos rj aXrj-

diPr), Kal avrds earip d oIpos rrjs eixjypoavprjs- avrds ear lp d jiapyaplrrfs,
Kal avrds earip 6 drjaavpds- avrds earip 17 aayqpr)^ Kal avrds earip d

TToXefjuarris- avrds ean rd ottXop, Kal avrds earip 6 plko)p- avrds earip

f. au** V irepLrojir] , Kal avrds ean rb ad^^arop Kal 6 pbp,os\ avrbs eariP rj

Ke(f)a\ri rrjs eKKXrjalas rccp ay loop, Kal avrbs eanp b rov aipdireois KbKKOS-

avrbs eanp b d.p,Tre\6)P, Kal avrbs eanp rb aporpop- avrbs eanp 17

xdpts, Kal avrbs eanp rj irians- avrbs eanp 6 ydnos, Kal avrbs ean, rb

epdvjjia rov ydp.ov avrbs eanp rj bdbs, Kal avrbs eanp 17 dvpa- avrbs

eanp 6 rfKios rrjs diKaLoavprjs , Kal avrbs ean rb <^cos rdp rpvx^^' avrbs
eanp rj ^corj, Kal avrbs eanp rj ^aaiKeia- avrbs eanp rj dpxv Kal avrbs

ean rb reXos* avrbs eanp b irdproop eireKeipa, Kal avrbs eanp b ra

iravra ep iraaL yipbixepos. rovro rb lepbp Kal delop yeppr]p.a eyepprjdrj

fjijup ep rfj rjixepa ravrr}, rj ao)rr]pla Kal 17 fco?) ru)P }pvx(*>P rjuCop- 8b^a rfj

fjLeyaXeibrrjn avrov- db^a r^ <f)L\apdpoo7rLa- db^a rfj dpeiKaarco irpopoia

avrov irepl rb yepos rmcop. irapaKoKeaoinep ovp Kal 17/iets Koi inarev-

ao)fi€v de^aadai avrbp, ha Kal r)iiels evpbpres avrbp aivoKavaoipLep

f. 215 avrov, roaovroiP \

ayaScop yLPOfiepcop ep r]pXp ^ov\r]aei irarpbs koI vlov
Kal ayiov -KPevp.aros, els rovs alGiPas- ap,iip.

I. 6 ^ovXojJLepos deco evap^aTrjaai Kal vlos deov yeveaOai KaTa^ioidrji'aL

TTpo TTCLVTOiP TTJs naKpodv/JLLas dpa^cLfiepos 6(i>ei\€(. evxdpi-fTTelu iv rats

OTravTOXT-ats ^Xl^ecrt 8La(j>6poi,s , dTtvoxoip'^o-^^ t€ /cat d>'d7Kats- \iyu)

dif poaTjfjLCLTCop Kal iradCiv, riToi TrveviiaTLKdv BVi'^dOiv rdv iirayofiivcov

vird TOiv TTJs TTOPTjpias irpevidCLTOOv, r]TOi ^tjijllojp (T(j)fJLaTLKU)P abo^LC)P re

Kal v^pecop VTTO apOpdciroiP eir ay op,ep(jop- airep irdPTa ejuTroSta rvyxo-PeL,

Tov TTJs PaaiXelas aWorpidaai Kal tirj irpoaeyylaaL ttjp rpvxri^ tQ

6€(2. ep TOVTOLS TOiPVP TTaGi Tols CLTTaPTcoaLP 6 ^ovXojjiepos evdoKLfJirjaat,

wapa XpiaTco 60€tXet x^tpetj^, r}5ea-^at Kat ayaWidp, Kal rfj irpos deop

6pp.fi ^€€LP, Kal TTJ irpoatpeaeL irpos avTOP airevdeLP, Kal ore pdWop ep

rots TOLOVTOLS einrodiddfj , dpaTraveadai Kal yeppalojs VTrepTrrjddp ^ irdaap

6\l\f/LP TTJ TTpos KvpLOP dydirr}- el 5e p,ri ourcos StaKeirat |

/ii?'''^ ourcos f. 215^

iavTOP evTpeiri^eL, ddvparaL Kal o-re^ox^petrat /X77 dp8pL^6p,epos- 6

TOLOVTOS ^oorjs ov yiperai reKPOP, eireidrj p,r) yey ope pip.r]Tr)s Kal clko-

\ovdos TvdpTOiP Toop dyloiPy p.i)Te rots tx^^o't tov Kuptou aKoXou^et.'-

II. Karapo-qcTOP yap cbs duj^eros, Kat ^Xeire ttcos cJ CLpxvs ol Trarepes,

ot iraTpLOLpxaL, ol Trpo^TJrat, ot aTrocroXot, ot fidprvpes Kal irdPTes ol

TTJs ^oirjs viol ep rats B\i\l/e(np exo.f'pop, Kal ep rats crrevoxwptats Kat

dj^ctYKats ridoPTO- Kal i) dpairavaLS avrCiP rjp ep rats KaKouxtats Kat

rots TTO^'ots. MaXXot' 7dp, <f)T](TL, ekbpiepot. GvyKaKovx(^^<^BaL tCo Xaw roO

BeoVy r\ irpoGKaipop e'xctt' dptaprtas aTroXauo'tJ^- /cat ttoKlp Tckz^oj^, el irpo-

(T^PXV dov\eveLP Kvplo), eTolfxaaop r-qp \pvxvi' o"ou ets ireLpaa-pop-

tWvpop TTiP Kapdlap (TOV Kal Kaprepet, Kat pi] airevarjs ep KaipCo eivayu)yris'

KoWrjBrjTL avTcp Kal pi] aTTOo'rfis, tVa av^TjBfjs ew' eaxdrcop ^ aov irdp 6

lap eirepexBfi (Tol 5ejat dapepcos, ort ep irvpl doKLpd^eraL xP^^os, Kal

dpBpcowoL 8eKTol ep KaptPU) raTrcti^ajo-ccos- [

marevaop avrQ Kal dPTL\rj\l/e- f. 216

rat 0"ot, Kat Ta e^rjs- Kal dWaxov Td iiTKpepdpepd aoi irdvTa cos d7a^d
irpoaS^XOv eldchs 6tl drep Beov ov8ep yiperai . 6 8e paKdpios diroaToXos

ePTeXiarepop eirdyei \eyoiP '12s Beov didKOPOi, h viropopfj iroWfj, iv

B\l\l/eaiPy ep dpdyKais^ ep arepox^plaiSy Ip irXrjyals, Ip 0i'XaKats, Iv

vTtpniSav textus: <f>kptiv corr. marg.

5tco7/xot$, fcat 6 Kvpios Maxaptoi, (fyrjaivy iaH ^rav .bv€ihi<T(j3aLv v^as

Kal StcofcocTt, Kal tcl e^rjs- el tolvvv tCop tolovtcov vids Kal KkrjpoifOiJLOS

yeviadai jSouXet, ttjv ninrjaiv rrjs dua<TTpo<})rjs avToov Kal TroXtretas 60€t-

Xcts avade^aadaiy Kal tCjv tov Kuptou \6yii3v clkoXovOos elpai Kal iroiri-

TTfS' Srej'i? yap eari Kal TedXifinevrj 17 aTr&,yovaa els ttjv ^(jjijp 656s,

Kal 6\lyoL elalp ol bupxoiiepoi hi avTrjs. etre dvp Ip crrepoxoipiaiSy ^ Iv

TrddeaiP, rj ep poaoLS, rj Ip opeihaixotsy tj ev v^peaip e^eTaa-dfjs, fxdWop ip

TOVTOLS 60ctX€t$ dyaWidadai Kal xo-ip^iv- Oval yap, (fyqcri, tols Tpv<t)03<n

f. 216** Kal Tols eiJLTreTr\7}(TjjLepoLs\Kal tols ep eTiyeloLS naKapi^oixipois- 6 yap

^aKapLanos rots Trepdovai Kal B\i^oiiepois ha top KvpLOP ijToliJLaaTai,-

6</)eiXet toIpvp 6 t7)p ^03r)P ttjp al6)PL0P eTnBvp.C}P ^rjcrai ep irdiTLP ehxo-P^-

(jTeip, Kal TOLS OXlypeis Kal ras arej'oxcoptas aTodexea-dai, Kal Trjp Tairei-

vo)aiv dyaTrdp.

III. ov ydp nopop yopdTcop XP^ta wapd OeQ, ottws els irdaap ri^ipap

ep Trj evxfi KapTeprj ^ tls. KaXop yiep eiriTrjbevfJia tovto, koXop d\r)9o)s to

evx^(^GaL Kal dStaXetTrrcos irpodKapTepelp rg evxv- Ke<f)a\ri ydp eari

TrdPT(f)p tCop einTrjdevjJLdTCjOP, dXXa tccv \onrC}P dvev Trjs dpeTtjs nekojp

peKpd ecTiP. evxoil ydp rats evirouais evirpbaheKTOi yiypoPT ai- tpa

TLS nij jiLafj TOP d8e\(f>6p- fxij /cara tlpos XaXetp- Taiveipop elpai, Kal ixi\

v\l/rj\o4>popelp- fJLT) oleadai eavTOP elpai tl, kolp irdaas ras diKaLocrvpas

irofqar}. ^rjTOvixepos yap 6 KvpLos ovto3S elKiKpiPijos Kal ocricos evBeoiS

f. 217 irapaylypeTaL- nrj ^rjTovfxepos 8e ourcos, ws ep \

vttpc^ iK(j)P^ etJ'at X€X6-

710^01, Kal rj evxv CTrtTroXatos ovaa, ovSep XeXoYtCTat Tapd deco.

IV. did TL ydp 6 Kvpios ovk dTroKoKv-KTeTai rjixip ep Tdx^f- ^rjTOVne-

vos v<l>' rifxccp; otl ov ^ovXeTai; /Z17 yepoiTO. JldpTas ydp dpOpcoirovs

Bekei (TQiBTJpai Kal els eiriyvcoariv dXrjBeias eXBeip- Kal wdaa cnrovdij Kal

KdjiaTos Tcop waTepojp 8id tovto yey ope Kal avTov tov Kuptou, els to top

Beop rots dpBp6)7roLS ypcopKrBrjpai, TOVTeaTi xciptros epepyeiay rjTis eaTl

foji) aicopios, dXXd irdpTcos eaTi tl tdiop ttjs ^pvxvs iv juecrci) ttXt/mm^-

\'qna, Kal bid tovto ovbeiroi ypcopi^ei Kal dTro/caXuTrrci rjfxip eavTOP 6

Kvpios ' ov ydp ecTi Trpoao)7ro\'nTrTr}s 6 ^eos, dWd irpoaex^i rats epBvp.ij-
aeai, Kal eppoiais tujp ^tjtovptcop. bid ttip rjp.eTepap tolpvp x<^^^OTr]Ta

Kal dneKeiap ri diriaTiap rj eTepd Tipa xapaTrrcojuara aTrep ovk lafiep tirj

i.217^ XeTTTCos eavTOvs biaKpiPOPTes y ov ypcopi^eTai vpXp 6 Kuptos, |

6 enr^p

* KapTtpti cod. ' riKoiv textus: Uitv con., vxiiv coniecit E. P. Warren:

ilJL(f)avi^€LV eavrdv rots dalcos avrov ^rjrovaL /cat rds eVroXds avrov
4)v\aTTov<n yey pairraL yap 'Eaj' ayairaTe fjLe, tols ivroKas fJLOv TTjpr}-

aare, Kal eXevaofxeda €70; /cat 6 iraTrjp fjLov, /cat /xoj/t)^' Trap' u/itt/ iroirja-oidev.

<nrovba<T(j3pL€v tolpvp eavTOVs avaKpivnv wduTOTe /cat diepevpdu rds KapStas

r)fjLU)v, OTTCos ypo^placcfxev tcl iavTCOP o-0dX/xara, inaTeuoPTes rw eXevOe-

pO)Tf\ TOiP xpvxcop rjiJLCCP Xptcrrcj, XvTpcodrjpaL airo Trapros TrapaTrrco/xaros

<i)aLPOiiepov Kal KpVTTTOv, /cat 6r€ eV oKriBda StKatdbs /cat 6(7tcos '^rjTTjcrconep

avTOP, iTolfxoos e/z^aj'tfet T7Attj' eaurdi^ /card Trjp eirayyeXlap auTOv, Kada-
pi^cop rds eppVTro)fjL€Pas Kapdlas rjficcp dird irda-qs Kadas Kal jjloXvctijlov.

V. wpo irdpTOOP TOLPVP rds dXlxpeiS Kal CTepoxoopias Kal u/Spets alpel-

adat 64)€L\ofiep, ol evapearelp Oeco (3ov\op,epoL, ottcos (tvp avTco ^rjaat

Kara^LoodooiJLep oXous atcoi^as- rts 7dp ecrrti^ djtos 5td |

rdz^ KvpLOP Tret- f. 218

pdaai Kal yvfjLPrjT evaai Kal ep tovtols xcttpett'; fjLaKapLos 6 tolovtos,

6pto3S fxaKCLpLOS ort Tapprjaiap payaKriP e/jLirpoadep tov deov KeKTr^Tai-

^ovXerai yap ae 6 Kuptos ep tovtols boKLfiaaBrjpaL, d ep rats dXixpeaLP

ovK eiTL\apddpri avTOv, Ets irdaap yap, (jirjaip, viroiiop-qp Kal iiaKpodvfjilap

fieTCL xapas, /cat dXXaxoO, GXti/^ets /cat dpayKai evpoadp jie, at ei'roXat

(TOV jjLeXeTT) fxov avTT] e<JTlp rj ddXrjCLs- ep tovtco evapeaTelTaL 6 debs.

VI. OL TrXetcrot be tojp dpSpcoiroop tccp drj deXoPTCop evapeaTelp rc3

deco 5td v(TTepr](TLP ypooaeois dXrjdovs aapKl p.6pop KdfiPovdLP- dXXd rf)

5taj^ota /cat rots Xoytcr/xots /cat rfj epbop KpvirTrj wpoaLpeaeL bel dycopi-

^eadaL top tov deov dpOpcoirop, 6s Iutlp clXtjOlpos dychp irapd de<2 i/'ux^s
Trpos dopcLTOVs TU)P TTOPTjpoop bvpd/jLeciiP bLaXoyiafiovs. Ovk ecrrt 7dp,
(f)7]aLP,r)p.lp^ 7} TrdXrj Trpos atjua /cat adpKa dXXd wpos rds dpxds Kat rds
ejoucrtas. rd 7dp irpevpiaTLKd tyjs Troprjpias dbpaTa Kal dcrco/xara oaop

irpos Td 4>aLp6jiepa TvyxdpovdLP- |

Ojuotcos /cat 97 xpvx^ dopaTos Kal dado- f. 2i8'»

/xaros OGOP irpos iraxvT'qTa aoijidTUiP. dbpaTOP tolpvp Kal dacofiaTOP

t6p dyojpa Kal ttjp ddXrjaLP elpaL bel ep rc3 epboTdTco dpdpioiTLO. opwep
dycx)pa OL dpcoOep e^ dpx^s iraTepes riyoiPLaaPTO, Kap ep rots 4)aLPo^epoLS

ws ot XotTTOt ecfyaipoPTO dpOpcoiroL- ol ovtoos dyoiPLddnepoL, evapeaTTJaai

TU> OecJc rjbvprjdrjaap.

VII. dpbpelat ydp Kal yeppalai \l/vxo-l xal irdpTcop KaTa(f)popovaai

diripxoPTaL ets ivbXeiiop, Kadoos Kal Mu)varjs irepl tov KpvirTOV tCjv
iroPTjpCjp TrpevfjidTOJp irpds ttip \pvxVP woX^nov - ali'LTTOfxePos, Kal olai

^fjuv tcxtus: vniv corr. marg. ' xoXkficjv cod. ' olot cod.

}l/vxaL eTnT7]8eLOL rvyxo-Povaiv, e(f)r) Et ris rjpiJioaaTO yvpoLKa, /xi) e^^Xdxj

eis TToXenov, Kal et tls €<j>vT€va€v afnreXoopa, /jltj l^iXdjj. ravra irepl

heayiCiv vXlklov Xeyei nrjirore tls irpos ra irpeviiaTiKa rrjs irouTjplas

ad\Giv ev rtcrt TrpayjiaaL dedrjTat,^ iav yap 5td Tr)v wpos rds rjdoi^as Kal

f. 219 TCL KT-qfiara irpoaTradeiav /xi] adXrjcrr), diro^XrjTOS |

ttjs eirovpaplov ev(f)po~

<TVPT]s yiverai, cbs iv rw evayyekloo 6 Kuptos irepl tcop iv rots yafjLOLS

KkqdivTOiv Kal irapaLTTjaajJLepoiiv cfyrjai, '0 Trpwros Xe7€t, aypov riyopaaa,

Kal ov dvpafjiai ekdelv Kal 6 aWos, yvvalKa eyrjpia Kal ov bvvap.ai eXdelv,

epcoTco ae ex€ M^ TraprjTTj/jLepop- (Tvp,(i)(!ovois rw Mwuo'fj \iyoiv.

VIII. yevvatoi yap Kal eroLiioL VTvaKoveiv tQ Be\i]p,aTi tov deov ev

Tc^ irvevjjLaTLKQ xoXe/xw irpoxoipovaiv eroLixacla 5e koXtj Kal CTrtrTySet-

OTTfjs irpos TOV KaTCL TOiv aopoLTCov exGp(jiv TToXejJLOv iuTiv OTav TLS /cara-

\LTro3v Trarepa Kal nrjTepa Kal iravTa to. tov ^'lov Trpoaayayrj iavTOV rw
Beio, Kal Tpos tovtols Itl kol T-qv eavTOV \pvxw apvrjarjTaL, €7rt5t5ous

oca KeKTTjTaL Kal ha^yipeL avTco €k tcov aapKLKOiv yoveoiv xP'h^^o.Ta Kal
iravTa w kol ttjv ypvxw M^TCt deov evernGTevae TvevfJiaTLKQ iraTpl Kal

f. 219^ a(TKr]Tfj, wcrre dLOLKetv aurd Kad' ov avTOS PovKejaL TpoTOV, Kal

TToKvirpayixovelv oirov XPV) ^^l ottov ov xPVy '^^0, p.r] evpedfj Kplvoiv kol

doKLfia^o)v, ov TjpeTLaaTO kplttjv Kal dLOLKrjTrjv ttjs \pvxrjs avTov, ws

enirelpco TavTrjv eYx^tplcras irpoaayayelv rw 6ecp, Kal 5td tcl evTeXrj ttjs

vKrjs aTTodoKLfxa^osv avTov deUvvTaL yap 6td tovtcov aaKrjTrjs jidWov

avTOSj rj TOV daKrjTov UTroxetptos 6td tov deov.
IX. Xe7e iJLOL yap gv 6 tovto ttolcov Trjv xpvxrjv aeavTov eYx^tpto-at

\ey€LS tQ dcTKrjTfjy Kal TvpodTTLTTTOiv avTov Tols TTOdl 5eg, XeYWj' Ad/3e

/Ltou T'r]v yl/vxvv Kal tpoor ay aye tQ deQ, eihois otl ovk dvBpdoivco dWd tQ
BeQ tovto TTOLeh rw elirovTL '0 vjjloov olkovo^v efxov aKoveL, Kal xpevhopievos

Kal cLTToaTepuv a irpocrrjyayes rcS Be(S) ov So/cets afxapTdveLv; rj doKels

jjLrj elvaL dp^apTLav, to, hoBevTa rw Bedo ttoXlv d^aLpelaBaL; ttcos be

d^atpets pdBe- otl t^s pev \pvxvs crov d^LOTTLffTOV iroLets tov daKrjTriv

iepea ^ TavTrjv dLdovs irpoadyeLv BeQ, irepl de Tdv ypvxpi^v Kal OLKTpcov

Kal Ta\aLir6)po)v irpayp,dTO)v ttjs uXt^s tov Koapov tovtov KplveLS avTov

Kal 60/ctjLidfets. TTWS ovv ov 5oK€ts dpapTdveLV dpapTlav ov ttjv Tvxovaav

dXX' avTrjv ttjv lepoavXLaVj rjs to Kplpa deUvvaLV 6 paKdpLOS Ilerpos
^ cbs
ev Tats irpd^eaLV, OTe 'Avavlav Kal Xdir(i)eLpav cJcXeY^as vo(r(f>Laa'

8kdeT(u cod. ^ iepka additum est in fundo paginae. ^ l^eX^fas cod.

Hevovs CLTTO TTis TLfjLTJs Tov x'i'ptof 6 wpoaeueyKaPTes tKtKexxjB-qaav

, ttcoXtj-

cat, ccare els diaKoi^Lau tcou d8e\(l)C)u 7rpoxcop7i(7"at, daudro) tovtovs

TTLKpQ KaredlKaae, /cat (f)bpov jxiyav iveivoL'qae irdcrrj rfj eKKXrjala. dXX'
epets OvK d<f>aLpovfiaL ri]v olttot ay r)u, dWd deopTOiis oLKOvonrjdrjuaL Kal

KttXws TTpopoovfjLai. lidXiara iiev ov6e doKLfxaarrju ae elvai toou p.r]KeTL

dvqKovTOiv 6 \6yos avyxiJ^P^'i^, ov yap eirlcrracraL to deou rj p,rj 5eop, eXeyxj}

de d4>aLpovp,ePos Kal ttjp diroTay-qv eXeyxv Trpos tovtols Kal \pev86fjL€-

vos ev Tc^ Xiyecp Ovk d({)aLpovjjLaL. \

f. 220'

X. Xeye yap fioL- ovxl r-qv \pvxw CTretra Kal tol xPW^to- eSw/cas

did Tcov X€tp<^^ TOV ddKTjTOV T(Jo Oeco; ovkovu ovk€tl ev e^ovaia gov earl
ravra, diroTayi] be eVrt (Se^ala Kal dXrjdrjs, \pvxri^ P-^v orav KaO' oXov
rd tdia deX-qpLara prj eiTLTeXfj, dXXd, KaOdirep vXr] Tex^lrr], ovtcos vwoSfj

rds aladrjaeis eavTOv irdaas, w ttjp xpuxw irapedero perd tov deov,

dreves ex^jov to bppa irpbs Td utt' avTOV KeXevbpeva. Kal ws vXri ovk

dvTepel ^
tQ) Tex^lrr] evTipov (3ovXopevcp TrotrjaaL (TKevos Kal ovk cltlpov,

dxpvxos ydp CLTra^ vXr] Kal dvaladrjTOS ecrTcv, ourcos elvat Kal ae 6 Xoyos
diraLTeZ. cos ydp epireipoo ttjv xpvxw TrapaBepevov Kal ovk bvTa eavTOv

avTOS dyeTCo ae, Kal (jiepeTCO oirov ^ovXeTai Kal cos (SovXeTai. el 6e irepl

^uxrjs etpryrat tovto^ ttcos irepl tC^v yrf'Cvoiv aov Kal (fySapTibv KTr]p,dTU)v,

ols diroTd^aadaL XeyeLS, dvaiad^Telv ae XPVj

XI. ei he /caralfryrets Kal dtaTdaarj tlo daKrjTfj, bpa iroaa doKels f. 221

dpapTdveiv irpCiTOV pev, lepoavXlav eincnrcjpevos Kplpa, rots deXrjpaaLv

diroTa^dpevos Kal eiravaXap^dvcov aurd- hevTepov, bv rjpeTiao) KpLT-qv

Tojv VIVO GOV TpaTTopevoov KaTaKplvcov TpiTOVy avdadelas Kal ^tXaurtas

rj Kal </)tXapxtas (l)epeiv vbaov TeTapTOv 8e, tovs irpcoTOVs Kal ovs 8o^d-
^etv iC(f)eLXes d6eX(f)ovs Karato'xt'^coj' cos irevTjTas Kal pr)8evl dwoTa^ape-
vovs, Kal VTTOKVTTTeLV avTOvs Tjj afj dvvaaTeiq. ^ovXbpevos , otl eadrJTa Kal

aKevrj ev ols diaKOvovvTai avTbs irapeax^^' '^cit oOev dv TrepLaTpa<f>jjs ev

Tjj povrj, Td irdvTa ad opoJVTaL, Kal Xoyl^r] cos irpb epov TaireivbTaTOs

Kal TTTcoxos VTTTJpxev 6 daK-qTTjSy €7r' epol 8k Kal 5td rcoz^ eVco^ piKpbv

eiTTJpe T7]v ^ Ke4>aXr]v, Kal irapd rots €7ri577juoDc7t 0tXots 5td rco^ epu)v

XapLTTpbs (jyaveis VTrbXrjxptv evpe peydX-qv irpb ydp T0VT0Vy\ iadr)s avTc^ {.221^
€VT€Xr]s, vvv 8k Xapirpd, 5t' ijs /cat 5e56facrrat.^ /cat opa cos dvalad-qros

* dvTtpci tcxtus: afTalpd corr. marg. * 7171' in marj^inc additum est.

' StSd^acrdat cod.

taov ex^i-v MC ^ t^^ Xolttcov jSouXer at, Kal dia tovto TvepiTpepai ^ koI
TOP a<TK7)Triv TO diKaiov Kpljia ^LCL^eTai, cbaTt hiroKpivaixevov Trj filg. TavT-jfi

apxovTa irdarjs avTov x^^poTOPijaai ttjs dSeX^OTTyros. el be etScbs eiiy

Kal ypdjjLiJLaTa Kal els Opovov amov bihaaKoKov Kade^eaOai, eira evKo-
yelv Tovs eavTOV Trarepas cl^lop eavTOv ireTTLGTevKev , 6s ohh' aKpOLS

XeiKeai ttjs dcTKTjaeois eyevaaTOy tovs iravTolais daK-qaeai tCov dpeToov

evadXrjaavTas, elTa Kal TeKeov airoKivrjaai, top daKrjTrju ttjs dpxvs
tj^ovXtjOtj TCLxa- Kal ol'erat eirl tovtols Trdai fxrjdeu -wapaTphpai fXTjTe

v(f>e\e(TdaL, otl tcl xPW^t^^ ^^5 dvbinv ovk e'iKT]4>ev, ourcos KaKcos Kal

aTOTTios ev tQi T-qv ipvxw o,pai tcop x^^P^^ '^oO daKTjTov diavoTjOels. Kal

f. 222 TToaco f3eKTL0P TJv, el TO. xP^MCtra elXTj^xhs \

(Jvptojjlcjos 0)x^to- (tvptojios

yap OLTraWayTi ^Tjfxlas KepdaXecoTepa ^ iravTos eupe/xaros vKikov-

OLTTTiWdyT) yap dv avTos irepLaaoTepov toov dTrT}pidp,T)p,evoiv KaKoov 5ta

TTjs TOLavTTjs diroTayijs KplfxaTOS, top re d(JKT]TT]P dirrjWa^ep dp bfxov

TTJ dhe\4>bTT]TL KOTTOV Kal Tr\T]/JLIJ,e\T}IJLdTO)P 7r\eLOP0)P.

XII. dWd (TV 76, a; dOXrjTa evae^elas Kal daKTjTd, el (3ov\oio

TavTTjp 8LaTr\evaaL ttjp ixeyd\T)p Kal evpvxoopop dakaaaap,^ hid to

dxct^es ep jjLeaco Kal dcjyaTOP ireXayos, wpoKoxJ/as dizo yris rJSry Kokm Kal

rrjs vKt)s dwoairdo-as ttjp pavp, jjlt} ttoKlp els yT)P bhT]yov, ^tjtcop eiriffTpe-

<l)eip, dXXd TTpbs ovpapop aTepes €%€ to ofjLfxa. evprfcreis ydp dcTTepas els

OP ey6i (se <f)TjiJ,L ovpapbp d4>opdp, cop Td bpbfxaTa Kal Tbp dpiBp,bp b

ovpdpLos eirlaTaTai Kv(3eppT]TT]s. evpTjaeis ep auro) tovs <j>03aTrjpas dirav-

f. 222** Ttts, Trarepas, Trarptdpxas, |

Trpo(f)T)Tas, diroaToXovs, Kal jidpTVpas,

(f)03aTTJpas oXtjOoos dirKapels, ttjp dcfyeyyij tov ^lov KaTavyd^oPTas

pvKTa- irpbs ovs aTro^Xewcop dc^aXcos bdTjyqaeiS ttjp ttjs evae^elas

pavp em Xifxepa ttjs dpairavaecos, 'lepovaaXTjii ttjp eirovpdpLOP, irdPTa

KaraXeXotTTcos KaTd niixT^aiP avToop, Kal irpos fJLTjbep avTcop eTrtcrpe^o-


XIII. ol ydp epdiaTpl^oPTes rots x^'-poo't' TrXetous, airdpLOi 8e oi

TTJs evae^elas epydTai. coO be rj ttjs eirnrbpov diroTayTJs irpbdeais ovxl

IxeTa TUiP TToWojp yey ope ttjs xXaretas, dXXd tCop bid ttjs (TTePTJs Kal

TedXiynxePTis els tt)p aloopiop ^corjp elaeXOelp ^ta^ofxepcjPy Kal 6</)etXet$

f. 223 d\Tj(7T0P exet^ ep rcj pQ to eirdyyeXna, Kal ourco bvPTjcxT} xajfras rds

^ HOI, coniecit W. Scott. ' KtpdaXaioTtpa cod.

2 Forsitan irapaTpk^pat conjicias. * daXaaaav in margine additum est.

6\l\l/eLS <f>^p€LU y€PPaLQ)S. ov yap ol tvxopt€s, dXXct yepvalot Kal €tolhol

7C0 9eXr}fjLaTL rod deov viraKoveLU, r-qv areurjv diairopevouTaL, Kal irpos to,

TTvevpiaTLKa rfjs Troprjplas ddLoXeLirTOP exovai TroXefiop, o'lrLPes diKaio^s

Triv ^aaikkap Kkr^popojiovcnp ojs iKktKTol arparLUTai, rod deov.

XIV. Kal erepws be 6 rod Oeov depdiroiP Mcovarjs alpLTTOiiePos to.

dixv^ovpra ^
Kal p^rjpvKco^epa T€Tpairoba Kadapd eXeyep elpau rd be p.i]

ovTOiS exoPTa dKddapra- on ov XPI ^j't XoytanQ dStaKptrcos dKoXov-

detp TOP rod deov dpdpcoirop avpdia^u)PTa ^ Kal avpr}86iJL€POP tw rrjs

KaKlas avpoPTL irop-qpco Xoyuafic^, dXX' eKdarore dtaKplpoPTa eavrop bed

Tov Xoyov dKpL(3cJos ex^ti^ rrjs (f)vaeojs top Ulop Xoyia/JLOP dPT ay a)P(,(TTr]p

rCiP TTOPTjpccp TTJs KaKtas eTnTr]devp.dTCjOP,\Kal dpaiirjpvKdadaL Kal e^u/ieXe- f. 223**

Tcip Kal yvfjipd^eip top povp ets rd Trttrrd tojp ePToXdp tov 6eov Xoyia,
^TTOJS del ep tovtols 6 dPTayoiPKTTrjs Kal evae^rjs Xoytajids ep8LaLTO)fjLepos

dvpapLCodfj Kara ttjs avpovar]s KaKlas, €cos ov ipbvariTai TrjP e{ vxpovs

bvpajjLLP, ijTLS e^ovaiaaTLKOJS Trjp avpovaap iroprjplap dpeXovaa Kadapop

TOP TTJS Kadapds (})vaeojs Xoyta/idp dpabel^u. ol ovtcjos ovp dyooPL^oiJLepoL

Kal biaKpLPOPTes eavTOvs KaOapol irapd Seto Xoyl^oPT ai, iKovaioiP dfiap-

TrjjidTCOP €kt6s KadeaTOJTes , Kal to eavrCiP ^e'Xr/jua, ogt] bvpaiiLS, deco ^iopco


XV. 6 ydp yepiadai (3ovX6p,epos e^ dX-qdeias XpLanapos top ttopop

Kal TOP dyCiPa ov aapKiKOP 6 \

(jieiXu KeKTrjadai,, dXXd tQ p(2 avTols rots f. 224

Xoyia/jLols. TOVTeaTLP del ttj t<jop dyadccp Kal ^ Kadapcop Ippoloop iieXerjj

6<l)€iXeL eavTOP, oarj bvpa^LS, idi^eip, Kal els to be^iop /jLepos top povp avTov

€KTeipeiP, T-qp eTn(l>0LT7}aLP tov irpevfjLaTOs irdaap ihpap ep iriaTeL irpoa-

boKa)PTa, OTTCJS bid tov tolovtov dycopos top KadapL(jp.6p be^aadai

bvpqdfi, LPa Trap 6 ^Xeirei ep Koancp els olKoboiirjp Trjs \pvxv^ XaiJL^dpr]

Kadapojs eppoovjiepos irdpra- olop ^ bid tov ttXovtov Kal tC)p Xoltvoop tov

KOfffiOV TepTTPWP TOP CLPOi eiTOVpdPLOP TtXoVTOP dX-qdlPOP 77 TpV(t)r}P i]

bo^ap dfidpaPTOP, oip elai raDra GKiai. 6 ydp kogiios ovtos, tov dXridi-

pov Kal alci)PL0v eUcop TvyxdpeL- irdp ovp oirep 6 dpOpojiros fSXeTret ei'bop

iv rj ypvxv ^^r' ic^yeXeiq. Xaji^dpeLP o^etXet, iVa fiqbeiroTe qpe/dfi 6 I'ovs

TTJS dird TU)P dyadoop /xeXeriys, eTreibrj \

raDra ^lerd iroXXov dy ii)Pos Kal f. 224'*

' SixvXovuTa cod. ^ ayaOtjv Kai in marginc udilita sunt.

' avvSi6.l^ovTa cod. * oUlv corr. marg.

IdpcoTOS Kal Tzbvov ypvxns hwarai KaTOp6o)dfjuaf to 8^ irav avrds 6

Beds /caraprt^et h a\r}6dq..

XVI. Tov yap ^ovKbpLtvov bia4)vyeiv Kal pvaOrjuai rod ttoptjpov ael

Tovs Xo7to"juous avKiGT'qpLOV Kal KaTa(j>vyr]v els tov Kvpiov bei KeKTrjadaiy

Kal dStaXetTTTCOS fxvrjfjLrjp deov Kal ireTroWrjcTLU ex^^v XPVy '^cit ovtcx) dvprjae-

Tal TLS TraXaleLP Tpos to, KaKa tcl avvexovTa tov avdpoiwov, rjTOi tcl

KaKCL TOV KoafjLov e^codev rfTOL tcls irovrjpas dwa/jLeis evdodev, Kal iraarjs

avvrjdelas Kal TTpoK-qypeois airaWayyjvai. tovtov tov aycova Kal top

GKOTTOV exovT€s ol TTaxcpes tov eKiri^eiv eirl tov deov rjSvvrjdrjaav evape-

aTTJcraf Kciv yap ev rots <f)aLvofxevois 7uz^at/cas Kal TeKva Kal xPVt^o.TO'

f. 225 eK€KTr)VTO, dXX' 6 |

vovs avTCov avdoTtpos rjv tov Koafjiov odev els doKina-

clas Kal TreipaTTipia elae\66vTes rjvdpayddrjffav, Kal ov8ev eKvirei avTOVS

ri a4>aLpeaLS TravTCOv ^ tccv (j)aivop,evoov , eiveibr) eKeKTrjVTO to )Li€7a Kal

oXtjOlvov KTTJiJLa, TTjv els deov irewoldTjaLV, oos 6 'Icb/3 iraaijs ttjs (fyaivofievqs

eXTribos epij^codels Kal to cw/ia TpavfjiaTLcrdels evLKrja-e n6vr\ ttj irpos deov

d7d7rr7- e/cet 7dp iJLeTa(f)epcov t7]v evvoiav LviiTepos irdvTcov eyiveTO.

ovTCi) Kal rjp.els p,eya\o\l/vxcios iravTa tcl aTvavTcovTa KapTepelv Kal

VTrofxeveLV 6(f)elXofiev , Trj irpos Bebv dyaTrrj rerpoj/xeVot.

XVII. chairep yap edv exv yvvi) dvbpa, Kal avTos ixev fl
^v beapms
Kal OyLxl/eaiv, 17 be ev Tpv(f)fj Kal dp.epiyLvia bLdyp, brjXovoTL ovk eaTi

(T(j}<})p(i)v , ni) TTjv 6(f>eLKonevr]v evvoiav tCo dvbpl diroaoi^ovaa, XPV JO-P
avTco avjx'Kdax'^i'V Kal avvakyetv ovtos Kal xl/vxo-l, cil tco eirovpavico

vvii<f)lo) <Tvva(f>drjvaL eiriBviiovaai Kal crv^^aaiXevaai, Trjv CTevriv Kal

f. 22s'' TeB\i,fXfJLevr]v obov ocfyelXovaL biobeveiv, \

ev § Kal avTOS cbbevae tvttov
eavTOV irapexoiv ijfuv' el be eKTpeirovTai els eTepav bbbv, nrj jSacrdfoucrat

TO. (TTlyfxaTa Kal tcl iraBr}}xaTa tov Kvpiov, al rotaurat xJ/vxclI cos

TTopvai \oyL<TBi](TovTai, Kal dTrojSXryrot ttjs ^aaCKeias eaovTai.

XVIII. 7rapaKa\eao)fxev ovv Tbv Bebv ev iridTei Kal TrXrypo^opta,

TrpoaboKccvTes to eXeos Trap* avTOV, are brj exovTes avTov tcls bjjioXoyias

eyypd(f>03s, otl To) KpovovTi dvoLyrjaeTaiy Kal otl 'EvoLKrjaci} ev avToXs

Kal efjLTrepLTraTr)(TOi, el yap dvBpoiiroi /xuptats irepicriroiixevoL <f>povTl<n

Kal ireipaapLols eTnaKOTOvnevoi. v<f>' Sjv koI dvayKa^ovTai ypevbeaBai

d0et5co$, eirdv eyypd<f>ovs bjioXoylas TroLrjacovTaL, kolv BeXrjactxnv dyvo)-

fjLovelv ov bvvavTai, irbato jjloWov 6 d\pevbris Bebs els 17/xas ifKripojaei ttiv

* v&vTcov in margine additum est.


6fio\oylav avrov, r)yovv rr^v tov ayiov irvevfiaTOS X^P^^ '^cit Sojpeau

rjfiXv KaTairefJLirctJp; dXX' rj/iels ecfxh aXrjdcos i/^eDorat, firj ^rjTovures

avTOv ois TTpoaera^ev \

iv Tviarei aSiaTaKTCp, aWa t6t€ Kal rjfjLels fieTo. f. 226

TToWrjs Trapprjalas aLreiv avrbv dvurjaojieda, eirau, oaop i]pA,v Igtl

hvvaTOv^ oXofs iavTOvs dojfxeu e/cSorous rw KVplo), airo tcop Idicop deXr]-

y-aroiv apaxo)povvTes, /cat firj <hs eavTols Secures, dXX' cos riyopaafxepoL

TLfilcx) aiixariy Kara to beaTvoTLKOv deXrjfjLa TrotovuTes, Kal outws apurjaa-

fievoL eavTOVs Kal vwodeuTes eKovcicos fJLOPCo tc^ ayopaaavri rj^ds, cos

evypcojjLOPes Kal ttkttoI bovKoi evpedepres, to ttjs e7ra77eXtas ay lop

TTPevna airoXd^ojiJLep y^ 8o^d^oPT€S Trarepa Kal vlop Kal irpevfjia ets tovs

aicopas, dp.r)P.
* 6.To\6fio/i€v cod.

I. epcoTTjais.^ Trepl tcov iKirnrTOVTOiv a8e\<t>C)u rj a<l)a\\oyievoiv Iv Tip

KadrjKOPTL ^icx), tls rj atrta tov ovtlos ^wi^ras dyuovs^eu rg eprjfxco, tovs ^kv

diraTTjdijpai Trjv <l)pepa, tovs 5e irepLTraprjpaL rfj aKoXaaia; diroKpiGis}

ravTrjv ovv rifup edojKe ttjp diroKpiULV Ha^yvovTios 6 ypcoaTLK6)TaTos-

TTCLPTa TCL yiypojjLepa dirjprjTaL eis 8vo- eis re evdoKtap Beov, Kal els

i.226^ TTapax<JipT)<yf'V- baa jih yap dyadd\ Kal ewco<f)€\rj Kal Kepdos il/vxous

TrepLTTOLOviiepa, raOra ylveTai euSo/cta Oeov- baa ht iroKiv iin^rjfxia Kal

eiriKlvdvpa Kal Trepto-rart/cd, raOra yiypeTaL Kara Oeov avyxoipw-^' V

de (ru7xcopr;o'ts €k X670U St/catou, abvvaTOV yap tov opdds 4>povovvTa
Kal opdcos ^LOvvTa irepLireaeiv 7rTdto"/xart aiax^J^V^ V T^^durj daiiiovccu.

II. baoL Toivvv bie4>Qapixev(jo (tkottQ, voaco dpOpojirapeaKlas Kal

aWadelas XoyLcrjiQ, p,eTepxecr6aL doKovai, Trjv dpeTrjv, ovtol Kal <T<l)a\pLa(n

TrepLTrlTTTOVCL, TOV Oeov irpos to aviJL(f)epop eyKaTaXifxirduouTOS avTOVS,

Lva did TTJs eyKaTaXeixl/ecos aiadbixevoi Trjv e/c rrjs juera/SoXrys dWolooaiu
hiopBoidOiVT ai ttjv ivpodeaiv rj ttjp irpd^iv.

III. 7roT€ p,ev ydp 17 irpodedis e^aiiapjavei bTav KaKco (Jkottco ylyvrj-

rat, TTOTt de Kal rj irpd^LS, bTav hLe4>dapnevois, 7) Kad' bv 5et Tpbirov ov

ylyvrjTaL- cvfi^alveL ydp TroXXd/cts tov dKoXaaTOv bu^Bapp^ivco ixev

f. 227 o'/fOTTW TTOieiv eXerjfxoavvTjv eirl veooTepas 8l' al\axP^J^ reXos, wpd^Lv de
evKoyov eTriheiKwaSai, to cos 6p(f)avfj rj Kal fxovrj Kal ddKovjievri bibovai

eTTLKOvplav (TVfi^alveL be Kal gkotvcJo jxev bpBoo Tvoielv eXerjfxoavvrjv, em

voaovvTas rj yeyqpaKOTas r) eKTreiTTOOKOTas -kKovtov, (^etScoXcos be Kal

jjLeTd yoyyvaixov, Kal elvai tov fxev (jkottov opOov, Tijv be Trpd^iv tov

CKOTTOV dva^iav bet ydp tov eXerniova. ev IKapoTTjTt, e\ee1v, Kal ev

d0et5eta bibovai.
IV. eXe7e be Kal tovto- ort irpoTeprjjjLaTa elaiv ev vroXXats i/'uxats-

ev als ixev ev<j>vta biavolas, ev als be tcov KaXccv einTTjbeiOTrjs- edv ovv ol

rd irpOTeprjjjLaTa KeKTrjfievoL fii) e7nypd(f)C>)<n rw 0ec3 raOra roi boTrjpi

TCxiv dyadoov dWd ttj Ibla irpoaLpeaei Kal ev<l)vta Kal iKavoTrjTi, ol toi-

^ In margine scriptum. ^ ayvovs {sic) cod., avdpuiirovs (&vovs) Palladius.

3 HisL Laus. XLVII (ed. Butler, p. 137, 1. 20).


OVTOL /caraXet^^eVres, rj eis aiaxpovpyiav -q alaxpoirddeLav Xry^^cVres,
6td rfjs eiriyepoiJLeurjs Ta7r€iP(ji)aeo:s Kal ato'xt'^rys, |^p€/za ttws tou iv ttj i.227^

yofJLL^o^epy apeTfj airoTpL^ovTai tv<I)Op- eweidr] yap 6 ireipvatcofieuos eiri

ev<l)VLq. \6y(jiv iiraLpo^evo^ ovk e7rt7pd0et tco Oec^ ttju ev<l)vtap ovre Trjif

Xoprjyiap ttjs 7^'a;(7€aJS, dXXd rfj avTOv dcTKrjaeL Kal ev<l>vta, d(f)iaTa 6

deos TOP ayy eXop ttjs irpopolas- ou diroaTapros KarabvpacTTtvdeU vwo

Tov dpTi\KeLfiepov 6 eiraLpo/iepos iirl rrj ev<{)v'Lq. irepLirlirTei CLKoXaaia- ha i] i. 228

KTT)Pccbr]s Kal kvpojStjs aKoXaala aTeXdar} r-qp daLfjLOPLOidrj , r\ iarip virep-

ri<l)apla, ha tov fidpTvpos Trjs <70)4)poavP7}s dcfyaipedePTos, dpa^LOTTiaTa

yePTjTai to, Xeyofxepa Trap' avTOV- 4)evy6pTCOP tcop ev\a^u)p ttjp Ik tov

TOLOVTOV (TTOjiaTOS StSttCTKaXtaj', Kaddirep ir-qy-qp jSSeXXas exovaap, cos TrXr;-

povadai TO yey pafifjL€POv Tw 5e djuaprcoXw elirep 6 deos ha tl av eKdi-qytj ^

TO. hiKaiiopLaTa jjlov, Kal dpaXafi^dpeLS T-qp diadqKrjp p.ov 5td (JTOfiaTOS

V. eoLKaaL yap dXrjduis at tccp efjLiradcjp xpyxo-l TrjyaXs 5ta06pots-

oi iJL€P yaaTpLfjLapyoL Kal olp6cf)\vyoL irrjydls (3op(3op(j)8eaLP- ol 5e (/)tXdp-

yvpOL Kal irXeopeKTaL irrjyals (SaTpdxovs exovaaus- ol 8e vivep7}(i>apoi

Kal fidaKaPOL, eTTLTTjdeiOTriTa 8e yp(j)a€(i)s exoPTCS, irrjyals 60ets Tpecpov-

aat,s- ep als eXXt^ii^dfet 6 X670S tco firjdepa rjdecos dpveadai ej avTUiP
bid TYjP TTLKpiap TOV YjOovs. odep 6 Aa/3t5 irapaKaXel Tpia aWup, XPV-
(TTOTrjTa Kal iraLdelap^ Kal ypcoacp \
dpev ydp xPI^'^^tt^tos^ 17 ypdais f. 228*'

VI. Kal el jjLep diopdojaeTai 6 tolovtos, Trjp aiTiap ttjs eyKaTaXei-
if/eojs aTToBejxepos , TOVTecTi top TV(f)OP, Kal dpa\d(3r]TaL Ta'ireLPO(f)poavP7]P
Kal einypLc eavTOV Td fieTpa, fjLrjTe KaTd tlpos e7raLp6p.ePos Kal tQ deco

evxo.p''<^T(Jop, eirapepx^Tai irdXip irpbs avTOP 17 efjLfidpTVpos ypcoais-

\6yoL ydp irpev/jLaTLKol (Slop aefipop Kal ao^^ypopa /jlt) exoPTes avPLinrd-
^oPTa daTdxves elaip dpefjxxpdopoL, to p.ep axVf^^ exoPTes, to de Tpb-
<l)HiOP viroKXairePTes.

VII. Trdaa ovp irTooais, e'lTe 5td yXcoaaqs, el're 5t' alaOqaeois,
e'iTe did irpd^ews, etre 5t' 6\ov tov aco/jiaTOS, irpos ttjp dpaXoylap ttjs

vireprjipapLas /car' eyKaTd\eL\pLP yheTaL deov, (fyetbofjiepov ^ tlcp eyKa-

Ta\LiJLTraPOfiepo)P el ydp jieTd rrjs virepr](f)aPLas Kal ttj €v4)VLq. avTu)P

iKSTjrjyfj cod. ^ TTttiSeiav: iota simplex super diphthongo et scriptum est.
^ <t}ei5ofxivov corr. marg.: <i>tiboyLtvi^ textus.

fjLapTvprjaei ttj xop777t^ rccv \6ycou 6 KvpLos, daliiovas avrovs airepycKTe-

rai iiraipoiievovs fxeyaXa Kal dpaaea.

VIII. Kal ravTa 8e eXeyeu rjfup 6 durjp- orap tSr/s riva plcx) fih
XaXc7r6j', X67C0 6e indapop, fxvrjfiopevaop tov 8aLp,opos rod ep rfj ayiq.

f. 229 ypa(f)fj T(3 XptcTTo) 6iiL\ovPTOS,\Kal TTJs \eyov(T7js iJLapTvpias, or t "001$

<l)pOPLIJL6)T€pOS r)P TTCLPTCjOP Ta)P 6t]PL0)P TOiP €7rt TtJs yyjS, O) 17 (l)p6P7J(TI,S

HaWop els (3\a(3r]P yeyeprjTai,, aXXris aperrjs aurw /xi) (Tvpdpafiovarjs-

bet yap top -jnarop koI ayaSop (fypopelp fiep a didcoaiP 6 deos, XdXetp 8e a
<f)popel, TTOielp 6e a \a\eL- lap yap rfj ciKrjdeia tcop \6yo)P 17 tov l3lov ixif

avPTpexv cvyyepeia, dpTos IcttIp apev oXaTos KaTa top '1<j)(3- ^pcodrjae-

rat ovp ovda/Jicos, rj (Spoidels els Kaxe^ta^ yeprjcreTai- El ^pcodrjaeTaL

yap, <l)rjaip, dpTos apev akbs- Kal el etTTi 7eD(rts ev pruiaai Kepo2s, nrj

ireTrXripoifiepoLS Trj ixapTvplq. tccp epyoip;

IX. T03P OVP eyKaToXelxl/ecop 17 fiep eaTi hia KeKpvp.p,€Pr}P apeTrjp tpa

({>apep(jodfj , cbs 17 TOV 'IcoP, tov Oeov xPVI^o,t1^optos Kal \eyoPTOs M17

aTTOTTOiov fxov TO KpljjLa, jjLTjbe otov fie ciXXcos crot KexpTHJ-dTiKepaL, dXX'
tVa dUaLOS dpa<l)apfis- efxol p.ep yap tjs ypcocTTOS tco opooPTL tcl KpvwTa,
eireL^i) 8e riypoov rots dpdpojiroLS viropoovai 5ta TrXourou^ ae Bepaireveip p.e,

f. 229'' eir-qyayop ttjp irepi(JTa(JiP,\e^edepi(ja top tv\ovtop, ha hei^oi avTols Trjp

evxdpiCTOP (TOV <l>Ckoao(i)iap- rj 8e 5t' diroTpoTrrjp VTrepT]<l)aplas , cos eirt

roO nduXou, eyKaTe\el(f)dT] yap Kal 6 jua/cdptos IlaOXos, ep TrepKTTaaeai

Kal Ko\a(f)LcrfjLo'LS Kal ha(f)bpoLs dXlxpeaL ^aWonepos, 5t6 Kal ekeyev

*Ed667] fjLOL <jKoKo\p Tr\ aapKl, ayy eXos Saraj', tpa fxe KoXa^tfT;, tpa nif

virepaipoiiiai- jirjiroTe p,eTd tcop davjJLaTCOP rj apeais Kal evB'qpia Kal 17

rtjLiT) avTQ TTpoayeponePT] els TV<f)OP avTOP ejujSdXXr; ha^okiKOP x^-vpo)-

BePTa- eyKaTe\ei4>Bri Kal 6 irapoKvTOS 81 d/xaprtas, ^ X€7et ^piCTOS

'I5ou U7H7S 7e7o?^as, fxrjKeTL djidpTape- eyKaTeXeicfyBrj Kal *Iou5as, Trpo-

TLjjLrjaas dpyvpiop tov Beov X6701', 816 Kal aTri)y^aTO' eyKaTe\el<f>Br) Kal

'HcraO irepiTveaCop aKoXaaia, Kal irpoTi}xi)<J as Koirpop irop-qpop evKoyias

iraTpLKTJs. cos TTCLPTa TavTa (TVPaiaBojjLepop top d7r6(TTo\op enretp irepi

TiPOiP 'E7ret6T7 7dp ovk e8oKLiJLa<Tap top Beop ex^LP ep eiriyposGeiy Trape8ct)Kep

f. 230 avTovs 6 Beds els a8bKiyL0P \

povp, iroielp tcl p,r] KaBrjKOPTa- eTepcap 8e tlpcov

fjLPrjfiOPeva as ep einypioaei jiep elpai 8okovpto)p Beov /xerd 8Le<f>BapiJLepr]s

1 Hist. Laus. LVIII (ed. Butler, p. 152, 1. 10). irXourou cod., nescio an itXoOtop

potius legendum sit.


6e yp(jj^r]S, ovroi (f)ri(T[v, O'lrives top Bebv iiriyvovres y ovx cbs Oeou edo^aaav

fj €i'xciptcrrr;<7aj', dXX' eaKOTiadrj i) davueTOS avrdv Kapdla- ojs e/c tovtov

yiypojaKetv rjuds dbwarov eluai irepLirecrelu Trrw/xart top evae^ws
PiovPTa, el fxi) ttjs tov deov yvfJLPOiidfj wpopolas.

X. €Xe7e be /cat tovto- otl povs dwocTTds iJLPr]iJ.r}s deov rj dvfiQ

TreptTTtTrret, rj eTndvfiiq,- /cat rrjp ytep e-mdufilap ekeye KTTjPOjbr], rdp

5e dvfjidp daijjLOPLOjdr]- eiiov 8e dPTiXeyopros /cat OavjjLa^oPTOS el dvprjaeTaL

POVS dpOpcoTTLPos dStaXetTTTCus et^at fierd deov, eXeyep otl ep otco 5* olp

porjiiaTL fj irpdyfiaTL deUco rj \pvxh evae^el, /xerd Oeou ecTlp.

XI. eXeye 8e /cat dXXos rts tcop dyio^p otl irdaa opBi) xpvxv fxdXXop
Tovs XoLdopovPTas /cat dXl^oPTas eiTLKepdels rjyelTaL rj tovs KoXaKevoPTas

/cat do^d^oPTas' 0tXet 7dp 7rci;s rj dKoXaala tjctvxlclp /cat vye'iap /cat

elprjPTjp /cat evdr)PLap •

dLO TOLavrr} oma, Ip rots XuTTT/pots ws fibeXXa f. 230^

(TucrreXXerat. 56 Ja rw BeQ, dfirjp.



I. 1<TT€0P OTL TLves ctct P€(jt)T€poL (f)p6uLfioL Kal (TVPeTol Kttt evXajSels

Kai avv€(TTiv avroh 17 x^P^^' Kal Ide apxovrai \a\tlv \byov, /cat 6
X670S avTois KoXos ian- Kal ol aKovovres ^poviyioi opres apxovrai

liraivelv Kal Oavjia^eiv Kal ivriixovs avTOVs ex^^v, eTreidrj \a\ovai, \byov
deov- irXrjP to KaKOP en avP€(TTi,p avrols tp tco pco, Kal UTro/SdXXet tov
0tXo5oJet^ ^at avprjdvpeadai, ep rots eTralpoLS, ha Troirjar) avrovs

II. OP TpoTTOP de TLS a7roaTpe<f)€Tat eTndvfxiap aapKos Kal aPTLTaace-

Tttt T^J Pcp, 0VT03S 60etXet ep Tip pQ Kal ep rots Xo7K7/xoTs aPTLTaaaeadai
TTJ Kepodo^lg.- Kal el airb xctptros XaXet, Kal apayKa^eTai virb tlpos
KrjpvaaeiP top \byop, avTos o^etXet arihi^eadai Kal 4>evyeLP cos clto irvpbs

Kal aPTiTaaaeadai tQ pQ^ wcrre eirexf^f-P avTbPy Ipa pltj 5td tov X670U
avTOV evpedfj Kepodo^oop, Kal yap Mcoarjs b depaircpp tov 6eov, ap ay Ka^b-
f. 231 nepos \a\e2p Kal KrjpvaaeLP \
tQ 'Iapar]\, TraprjTrjaaTO \eyo3P otl Ovk elfjn

Uapos XaXijaaL. 6/zotcos Kal 'lepe/ztas rjpayKa^eTO elirelp, e/catero yap

17 Kapdla avTov cos irvp, Kal TraprjTrjaaTO \eycop Newrepos ei/xi Kal ov
Svpafxai, LP a fxi] ha tov Trpo(^r)TeveiP db^ap Kal Tip,r]P airepeyKUinai. Kal
6 IlaOXos be (prjatp Et fxep eKOjp tovto irpaTTCo, pnadop ovk c'xw- el be

OLKOiP olKOPOfjilap TreTTLCTTeviiai- chairep yap ep rots (fyaLPOfiepois 6 apx'--

TeKTOiP epyop ivoiel, Kal b xaX/ceus Kal b apyvpoKbiros ^aWcop dKevr) els

TTvp epyop ewLTeXel, ovto) Kal ol tov deov apOpoiiroL aira^ els TOVTb eiaLP
evTpeTvi(jp.epoi, ovx ha XaXrjacoaL Kal bo^aadcoaup virb tcop apOpcowoiP,

dXX' LPa 6 X670S avTcbp de'tKbp epyop eiTLTeXearj , \l/vxas apOpdoiroop olkoSo-

Hcop, Kal ^e^vBiaixepop povp Kal KaTairewoPTLaiJLepop els /ca/cd Kovcfyop Kal

f. 234 ap(jO(f)eXrj irpbs ovpapop aTrepya^bfxepos. tovs \

yap tolovtovs (})Ct)Ti^0PTes

Kal bbrjyovPTes Kal /zerajSdXXo^res ^ els ridr) KaXa Kal Tpbirovs d7a^oi;s,

wapaaKeva^ovaiP aireXdetp els ^corjp.

III. elal be woXXa oxi^pcojuara rrjs /cartas- rd fxep Trpcora eTndvjjLla

aapKbs Kal (jyiXapyvpla- avfjL^aipei yap otl e^codep fiep tls tttwxos
e<TTL Kal aKTrjn(jiP^ eacodep be avpr)beTaL rw TrXourw Kal (ECTtl 0tXos ttXou-

* neTafi6XovTes (sic) cod.


clcov Kal iav crvji^fi vtto tlpos KaTa\€L<f)drji^aL avrco xP^MCi^a, €KTpi-

TTcrat. ^rjTel ovv tov Tpoirov 6 Beds avapyvpov ri /cat iav (Tvii^fj avrQ
eiiweaelv ttXovtov, Tore /xdXtcrra arjdLadrjpai Kal iiLcrrjaai Kal (fyvyelv ws

ttTTO TTVpos. (jLera 6e raOrd elcnp aXXa 6xvp<j)fjLaTa ttjs Kevodo^las- Kal

TTJs TV(f)(joaecjos , Kal tls dpa dvurjaeraL tovtovs tovs (t>payp.ovs Kal ra
IJLeaoTOiXCL biapprj^ai, Kal ttovov ex^ti^ iv rrj xpvxfi dirjpeKTJ, daKpvd re
Kal irelpap Kal dixl/ap;

IV. el ovp ep TOVTOLS yeprj irore, \6yop ttoioO /uerct ttjs ^vxv^ Kal tov
(Tioiiarbs <tov. elire tco croifiaTl aov tl TroLOVfiep ep tco KoaiJLcp tovtco;

6\lyos earlp 6 Kaipbs rjfioop- jdeXXeis (fydeipeadaL, Kal airepxecrdaL eU

fiPTjueXop.^ \
elire rfj \l/vxfi cov tl woLels co5e; aTreX^e wpoaweaop tco f. 234**

KVplo), jirjirois KoXaadfjs els irvp alo^PLOP- dPTLcrT-qdi ttclKlp irpos top
TTVKTevoPTa croL exOpop Kal d<f)aPL^0PTa tov povp aov. pLaKapiol elaup ol

irapeXdoPTes tovs (f)o^epovs tottovs eKelpov tov (Tkotovs, Kal ttjp deipifp
pvKTa, Kal TOVS avxiJ-Vpovs tottovs Kal poaoiroiovs depas ttjs dp.apTLas,

Kal elaekdoPTes els KaTdiravaiP Kal x^P^^ ^^ d7aXXtdo"et irpev/jLaTOS

dyiov, a> rj 86^a els tovs alcopas, dfjLrjp.

* ii-KkpxtadaL eis nmjueiov Kal 4>deLpe(r6ai florilegium in codd. (Cromw. VI et Canon.

XIV) Bodleianis.

I. TL ean fiova^oov Kal Kara rlva Tpbirov 6vto3S bvona^erai^ 6(f>el-

\oiJL€V yvoovai' KaOcos ovv 6 xpto"r6s dldccai \eyofiev, irpcoTOV fxev ovtcj

XlyeraL, otl ijlovos eaTLP, airexbixevos yvvaiKos Kal aTroTa^ajieuos rw

KoayLLo eacoOtP re Kal €^o)d€V riyovv e^oidev p,ev rats uXats /cat rots

KoafJUKols TTpayixaaiv eacoOey 5e rots tovtcov biavo-qixaaiv, ha fxi) Kara-

Se'xTyrai tovs ^oyLO-fjLovs ttjs KoafXLKrjs (fypouridos. devrepop 8e Xiyerai

i- 235 iJiova^cov, cbare TrapaKoKelv rov debv iv rfj d|5taXet7r7w evxVi owcos tov

vovv avTOV Kadaplarj e/c tlov iroWcov Kal xa^CTrw?' XoyLcr^ojp, Kal yivt]-

rai Kad' eavrbv nova^oiv ixbvos b vovs irpbs rbv ak7]divbv debv, /xij

KaTadexbfJLevos tovs €k ttjs Kadas Xoyia-jjiovs, dWa Travrore KaSapeveiv

Cis del, Kal p^eveiv elXLKpLvrjs irpbs rbv Bebv.

II. TOVTO yap ev rfj irpoaipecrei tov avSpoiirov edTiv edv ovv

deXyjari dovvai ttjv Trpoaipeaiv fxbvov irpbs Kvpiov, avrbs eKpi^ol to. wddrj

Kal TOVS Xo7K7juous TTJs /ctt/ctas dw' avTov, Kal ourcos Kadaplaas avrbv,

eiJL(f)VT€veL ev aura? tovs Kapirovs tov dylov irvevfxaTOS, 6 ecTTiv, 'AyaTrrf,

Xapa, eiprjvT], fxaKpodvula, xPV^^TOTrjs, dyadcoavvrj, TrlaTLS, TrpabTrjs,

eyKpiiTeia- irepl Ssv \eyef. 6 dirbaToXos Kara to3v toiovtosv ovk ean vbfjLOS.

ocTov yap 6 Oebs bpa Trjv Trpoaipeatv tov dvOpdcirov crxo\d^ovaav Kal

irpbs avTbv eyyi^ovaav direpiairdaTOiS del, to<tovtov Kal avrbs iro\v-

TrXactdfet Tr}v x^P^^ avTOV ev avTco, Kal TrXourlfet ambv ev avTrj- oaov

235b 8e /SXcTret Trjv irpoalpeaiv rjucov dfieXovaav Kal jjlt) eyyl^ovaav \

dXXd irepicrirccnevrjv ev rats vXiKaXs irpd^eau, togovtov koI avrbs diro-

X^pet, Kal ov jueXet avrca irepl r)fxcov. avrbs yap fxbvov rrjs irpoaLpeaecos

ijficov XP^'^^^ '^X^f'y ^7r€t eroLfibs ean irdvrore rod eXerjaai rnjids Kal

(fxjoricaL, edv ixbvov Bekqcroiixev eirihovvai eavrovs.

III. 17 ydp \pvxv KTicrdeXaa virb rod Oeov Kara <l)V(nv €xct to dyairdv

avrbv Kal avrCo irpoabeheaBai- rb he aojfxa Ik rrjs yrjs \rj(f)Bev rd ev rg

yfj (fypovel- ov pjbvov he rovro, dWd Kal evepyelrai virb rod Xaravd,
Kal KaBeKKei rijv xl/vxw Kal rbv vovv els rds yecoheis (j>povrihas' b4>e[\ei

ovv 6 jiovd^cov hiaKpiTLKbs elvai Kal d(T<f)a\i^e(TBa(, ev rovrcf) ri^ nepei

fjLTiirore rirrcoBfj Kpvirrois dyvodv.


IV. 6(f)(lXofjLep 6e ttoXlu ixaOeiv tl ean to inro rov xPf-^^TOv dpr)y.ivov

*Apov TOP GTavpov GOV KoX cLKoXovdei jiOL- fJL-qde yap (hs o^yelXoou iv ^v\co

iavTOP Kpeiiaaai koL aKo\ov6eiv rw Kvplco ovto)s vo€l, dXXd orai'pcjo'et

6 pjov6.io3v iavTOv Ik tu)v Koa/JUKUV |
TrpayixaTCxiu, tov jiri aipaadai avTU)v f. 236

Kal iraXiP Iva aTavpooar] top vovp avTov 5td iraPTos Iv ttj evxfi,^ owois

ni) aneX-qar] ttjs acoTrjplas avTOv. Kal ovk 60etX€t Sex^crdaL tovs iroprjpovs

XoycafjLOVs, dXXd dtaKpipeLP, Kal elSeVat, ort tov irovrjpov elai- XPI J^-P
\vcraL TOV povu avTOV diro irauTOS Trepiaivaafiov, Iva (jltj oxXTJrat vir'

avToop- lav yap /xt) \vcrri, fiaTTjv Kal evx^TaL- 6 yap vovs irepl iKtlva

pefi(3eTaL Kal drjdev evx^rai,, Kal rj evxi clvtov wpos tov deov avTov ovk
dva(3alveL- edv yap /x?) exv ^VXW KaBapdv ev irlaTeL TreTrX-qpojuevrjVy ov

TTpoabex^raL 6 Beds.
V. 6 fjLovd^ojv d<l>' iavTov ovt€ lax^^i- ovt€ hvvaTai ovTe tQ 5ta/36Xaj
dvTLdTTJvaL, ovTe TOVS XoyKTjJLOvs TTJS dfJLapTLas diropplxl/ai dcf)' eavTov,
cure deXrjua tov deov iroLTJaai, ovt€ evToXrjv avTov (/)uXdJat, ovTe rots
irddeaLV dvTLaTTJvaL, el fMrj jjlovov tovto lorx^^'-, tov ttjv irpoalpeaLV avTov

8ovvaL irpos tov deov, Kal evx^^^^^ '^o^t wapaKaXelv \

avTOv, 'iva avTOS f. 237
Kadapiar] avTOv diro tov 'EaTavd Kal tCov tovtov evepyeidv, Kal Iva
evdoKrja-rj did ttjs x^pi-^os avTOv ekdelv Kal ^aaiXevaai els Trjv \pvxrjv

avTOV, Kal avTOS rds Idias evToXds Kal to l8lov deXrjiia woLrjaei ev avTco,

Kal irdaav dpeTrjv diKaioavvTjs e^inaTevGei avTcJo, TpcoTOv jjiev ttlcttlv

a\7]dLvr)v, evxw ^^^pyi, dydir-qv Trjv e^ 6\t]s \pvxvs Kal dvvdfjieois,

eXirida, vqaTeiav, eyKpaTeiav, Ta7reLvo(f)poavv7]v , TrpaoTTjTa, p.aKpodv-

fjilaVy VTTOjjLovTjv , Kal Td e^rjs. Kal Xoiirov 6 tolovtos ov bvvaTai Kavxw^.-

aSat ev eavT(jo Kal elirelv, ort e7cb rt Trore KaToopOojaa, dXX' evxapLaTel
70) Kvplct3 irdvTOTe OTL avTOS irapaKaXovfxevos irdvTa KaTopdol- 77 yap
virofiovrj ttjs evxvs fieydXa KaTopdcojiaTa dvvei- rj 5e vwo tov ^aTavd
dedofjLevT) djueXcta rots dvdpojiroLs, iieydXrjv fieXaviav Kal CKOTOjaLV e/jLiroL-

ovaa rjj \pvxVy diroirXava tov dvdpo)irov dwo tov deov, Kal atxMCiXa;rt.Cet

avTOV TTjv didvoLav.

VI. 6(f>elXoiJLev ovv eyprjyopoL elvai einXeyoiJLevoi to KaXov, |

ets 6 f. 237'»

bvvdneOa aojdrjvai, Kal dyairdv tov deov Kal dXXrjXovs ovx dTrXcos dXX'
iv dXrjdelq. TavT-qv ovv ttjv dydwqv 5td ttjs Xarpetas 6</)€tXct 6 fiovd^uiv

* 5ia irafrds h tjj cvxv- Ordo verborum a diorthota mutatus est; primum cnini
i^ "TV «^XD 5*<i xaj/T^s scriptum erat.

KT7]aaa6ai ev eavTcc, /cat h tpycjo avrrjp^ eTrtreXcVat, '6tl ttolu wapayyeX-

fxa eKel reXetrat. 6 jjih yap eyypaiTTOs pojjlos ttoXXol di-qy etrai pLvari)'

pia KpVTTTcos- 6 8e jioua^oiP, lav axoK&^'p rfj evxv xal rfj 6)LiiXt^ rfj irpds

TOV BtOV ahLoKe'LTTTixiS, €VpL(7KeL aVTCL. Kal TOVTCOP (f)0^€p6)T€pa TCOP h

rats ypa<t>a'LS rj x^P^^ aura) beiKvvaiv ovre yap e/c ttjs di^a7J^cI;(rea)$

TOV eyypaiTTOv vbpiov hvvarai rts Karopdcbaal tl irore ^ baov ev rj

Xarpeia rov Beov- iravja yap eKel TeXeLovprai. 6 ovv tovto eiriXe^a-

IJLeuos, ov ToaovTOP xPvt^^ ^V^ '^^^ ypa4>0iv avayvcoaeoos- olde yap 6tl

iravra ev rfj evxv TeXeiovvTai.

VII. irepl de toov iraBcbv rrjs afxaprias iroKvv TToXejjLov e'x^t /cat

jStdfcrat eavrov Karopdcoaai avrd, /cat ov bvvarai- eav de Trapaixelvr)

evxojJLevos /cat TrapaKoXcov, /cat iravra eiTLTpeil/r} eirl rbv Kvptov, avros

f. 238 avra e^oXodpevcrei e^ avTOV, eTretSi) Trjv irdaav yiepiixvav avrov \

tQ Kvplo)

diredcoKe. Kal Xonrov Trotet ev avrdo rj x^pts rod Beov TroXXds evep-
7€tas- epx^'^cit 7dp aurw 7roXXd/cts evepyeia copas, ort roiovros iroBos

avTov Xa/jL^dvet Kal x^P^ dveKXdXrjros o^are avrov , /cXatet^, /cat etxep

r}8vvaro 17 xpvxv dcfyievai rb acofxa, Kal dinev ai irpbs rbv Kvpiov. dWore
irakiv ev(t)paiveraL r] xf/vxri avrov eaccBev virb rrjs x^ptros rod KVpiov,
6 ydp KvpLOS Kal dKpL^rjs ecrriv els irdvra Kal daxpLkrjs- TroXXd/cts 8e

epx^TaL cbpa, Kal cruYx^P^^ V X<^Pts rod Kvplov roo l^arava ToXefxrjaai

avrco, Kal eireyeiperai ^ eir' avrbv rd TrdBrj rrjs /ca/ctas, Kat eTn(f)epei

avrc^ VTTVOV Kal dKrjblav Kal droviav Kal dWa TroXXd dwep ovk evi

e^enreXv, tva BXi^biievos Kal Karairovovixevos irapaKaXear] rbv Kvpiov ev

iriareL ^e^ala Kal KdfjLrj hebyievos. Kal rbre ttoXlv avrrj rj xdpts dire-

\avvei dir' avrov ivdaav rrjv eirrjpeLav rod exBpov, edv lhr\ avrbv

f. 238*' Tvapaixevovra Kal ^rjrovvra rb eXeos rod Beod ev dXrjBeia, Kal Xot7rw|

ev(f)paLveL rijv Kapdlav avrod cos avrr) BeXei, Kal KaBapi^ei avrbv divb

irdo-qs e7npov\rjs rod exBpod- avri) ydp BeXei, tva fierd Kafidrov Kal

iroXifiov Krrjarjrai avrr)v 6 dvBpcoiros Kal ov ^ BeXei rbv dvBpcoirov

Trdvrore elvai ev rrj avrod ev(j)pa<7ia, tva nij fi

dpybs 6 vods avrod, aXX'
eyprjyopois Kal dycovi^bfjLevos fxerd rod Xaravd- 8b^a rcJo BeQ, dp.r)v.

^ avT-qp ex conjectura W. Scott: aifrd cod.

^ dvparai tis tL irore Karopduxrai voluit diorthotes, sed, ut videtur, dvvaraL tis ti
Karopdojaai irore maluit corrector recentior.
3 eTeyvpaL (eireyelpai.) Florilegium. * Ex conjectura; om. oO cod.

I. To TTPevfjLa oirov dekei irvei- ivvel be ds ras 0at5pds koL Xa/X7rpds

Koi deias i/^uxds, /cat 7ro6ovaas avro iraar] depairevaai airovdfj- Kal lav

viraKovacoaL tco TpoaKVPrjTco irvevfiarL, StScoo't/^ avTois (f)6^ou deov, Kai

depjjLTjp ev TXi CLpxV' ^al ore ravra iraprj ev avrals, iroiel avr as inarjaaL

6\op Tov KoapLOV, Kal irdu ev avTco p>\a^epbv eTndvpLrjpa, elre xP^^^u,
elre apyvpou, elre tlpcl Koapov tov aajparos aTrarrfKop, tj irarepa, fj

pr)Tepa, i) yvvalKa Kal reKva, Kal iroiel ev ra) dvdpcoirco yXvKv t6 epyov
TOV deov virep peXi Kal Krjpiov, elre irbvov vrjarelas, etre dypvirvlasl f- 239
elre rjavx'iO'V Kal dLaKovlav, elre eXerjpoavvrjv, Kal iravra to. rod deov

y\vKaivei avrco.
II. ore 8e ravra irdvra StSdJet avrov, dldo^aiv avrbv eU ro ireipa-

adrjvai- Kal \onr6v irdvra direp rjv avrco y\vKea, ^apea avrco yiyverai
Kal bv(TKo\a- iroWol ovv direipot ovres ore^ ireipd^ovrai diropevovaLV
ev rco (3dpeL Kal yivovrai aapKLKol- ovrol elai, rrepl cov 6 IlaOXos (f)T]aLv

'Evap^dpevoL irvevpan, vvv crapd eirireXelade; roaavra ewddere eUrj;

ro 8e eiKT], rovrb eanv on 6 hid rbv Bebv viropelvas irbvovs elra

diroKaK-qaas iravrekcbs Kal pi] dvaKokeadpevos rovrovs, ov pbvov rb ewl

rots TvbvoLS e^ripicoS-q Kepbos, dXKd Kal ^apvrepas KoXdaecos evoxos

ylveraLj Kara4)povr] a as Kal pi) eKke^dpevos rijv ef inpovs bvvapiv
III. edv be dvnarjj rco "Earavq, 6 avSpoiiros ev ro; irpcorco ireLpaapco

Kal VLKyjajj avrbv, rbre 6 debs blbcoaL Bepprjv KadLcrrapevr)v, rjavxbv re

Kal drdpaxov- 17 yap irpccrr} Beppt] rapaxoobrjs ecrriv, dp(f)L0o\bs re

Kal dKardararos- rj bevrepa be ^eXrlcov earLV,\Kal avrrj yevvq. ro f. 239**

P\iTveLV, iroLOVcra viropovrjv, drdpaxos ovaa Kal inari} Kal dvap4)Ll3o\os-

coairep r^\o1ov ev evblco \ipevL, rcov bvo ekKvadevrcov Tvoblcjov, ovrcos ij

bevrepa Beppt] dvairavariKr] eari iravrl rpbirco.

IV. vvv ovv, dyaT7]rd pov reKva, KrriacopeBa ri]v bevr^pav Bipp-qv

iavrols, Lva eXacjypvvBijre Kara irdvra- 17 ydp Kard Bebv avrT] Bepp-q,
iKKbirrei irdv irdBos, Kal eK^dWei irdaav iraxvr-qra eK rod dvBpojirov,

^ 6t€ corr. marg,: 6ti textus.


Kttt TTOtet avpoLKTJaaL t7)V deSrrjTa rw apdpojircp, Iva y&rjraL vads deov
Kara to yey p a jjifihov 'EpoLKyjaco h avTols /cat efiTepLiraTrjacc.

V. el ovp deXere Iva 17 airoardaa depjiTj eirapiXdr] v/jllp, rj epyaaia

avTTJs avTrj eaTiv, 'iva 6 au6po)Tros diddTjTai dLadrjKrjv iiera^v eavrov /cat

Tov deov /cat eLTrrj evdioinov avTov, ort avyx^PV^^ov fxoL a imroi-qKa iv

CLfxeXeig., /cat ovKeri Trapa/coOco aov koI tpa Xolttov ^uXa^ryrat awd
Trdarjs djueXetas, ev pLT]8evl 8l8ovs eavrop avairavaei jxiq. (jco/iaros rf

i. 240 lA^X^Sj aWa reTOVcofj.ei'ovs tovs Xo7to'/xous |

eavrov efxirpoadeu tov deov
TTOLTjar} pvKTos /cat rjiiepas, Kal iraaav ccpap KXavarj evojiriov tov deov, /cat

'Kvirovfievos eXey^j) rrjv xpvxvv eavTov, otl ttcos rjfxeKrjaas ecos 717^ (rrjixe-

pov, Kex^p(^<j^f^^J^V ovaa Trdcras rds rjiJLepas; Kal Iva iJLPrjfxovevar) toov

KoXdaeccv Kal ttjs aicoplov ^aaiXelas eKeyxoiv eavTov ^ irdarj cbpq, Kal

\eyicv, OTL TTCOS 6 Beds Kexapiarai cot irdcras rds Tipias rauras, /cat cv
rjfxeXTjaas; irdaav ttjv ktiglv ev viroTayrj aov TreTolrjKe, Kal ovk rjdeTrjaas.

Kal OTav TavTa etirrj rfj \l/vxv avTov, ekeyx^^v avTriv vvKTa /cat i]ixepav

Kal irdaav copav, eWecos epx^Tai irpos avTOV 17 tov deov depjirj, ri Kara
irdvTa TTJs TrpcorT^s ^e\Tioiv.

VI. OTe yap 6 fxaKapLos Aaj8t5 elde /3dpos eX66v eir' avrov, etxe Ate-

XoyiadfjLTjv rifjiepas dpxaias, Kal eTrj atwj'ta efjLvqadrjv Kal CjueXerrycra, /cat

TrdXtJ' 'EiJLPr]<T6r)v rjfjiepcou dpxatco?', ejueXeriJa'a ev irdai rots €p70ts (Tov

ev TTOiriixaai tcov x^^P^^ ^ov ifxeXeTCiiV , SteTrerdca Trpos ae rds x^^pcts

f. 240^ MOV, 17 \l/vx'n l-^ov cos yfj dvvhpbs cot. /cat orai' d7ro|o-rpa<^fjs, 6<3s eavTOV

els TTJV fieXeTTjv rdiv tov Seov davfjLafficov TOTe croidrjcrj , x^P^^^ ?rarp6s
Kal vlov Kal dylov Tveviiaros eis tovs alcoi'as, d/iijp.

^ iavrdp textus: kavrov corr. marg.


THE iNSTmnr or rroiArvAi stuu.l*


^=^v .fx



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