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Dear conference participants!

Dear friends!

I am addressing you today from Ukraine, the city of Zaporozhye. This city is located in the South-
East of our country and 40 kilometers away from the military operations. Our city has already been
subjected to terrible shelling from the side of the Russian heavy artillery several times. During the
war, such territories like the airfield, the railway station and even the city`s botanical garden were
subjected to shelling. We have got used to living to the sound of air raid sirens. Both adults and
children are accustomed to life in a state of constant expectation of danger and hostilities. But the
most important thing is that everyone have got used to living in a state of constant mutual assistance
and self-sacrifice.
The city of Zaporozhye today is, on the one hand, a reliable fortress, which is heroically defended by
the Armed Forces of Ukraine and territorial defense units, and on the other hand, Zaporozhye has
become a real "city of refuge" for refugees from Mariupol and other temporarily occupied cities of
Ukraine. Today, more than 60 thousand refugees are registered in Zaporozhye, including 17 thousand
children. Most of the refugees spend only one night here and continue moving to the territory of the
western regions of Ukraine futher from the hostilities. All refugees are provided with medical , food
and clothes supplies. Some of the refugees have stayed for a long time in Zaporozhye. Their
temporary places of residence are being organized in schools, hubs and private homes of volunteers.
Therefore, Zaporizhia needs medicines and food intended for refugees. Other cities of Ukraine and
our international partners help us with this. An example of such assistance can be cooperation with
our sister city Oberhausen (Germany). Immediately after the war started, the city council and
volunteers of Oberhausen sent more than 20 tons of humanitarian cargo to Zaporozhye. And a new
shipment is already being prepared.
Our defenders from the territorial defense units also need help. For us, military group goods such as
body armor, helmets, night vision devices, thermal imagers, binoculars, walkie-talkies, hemostatic
tourniquets are of a great importance. There is a strong need for all of this.
The time of trial always reveals the truth. Real friends as well as real enemies become immediately
visible. Our small city already captures its big friends - these are almost all European countries where
national dignity is respected and the life of every person is valued. We see your peaceful rallies and
cultural events in support of the entire Ukrainian people. We are incredibly proud of such an
immense quantity of Ukrainian flags on the streets of European cities. It gives us strength and faith.

We are incredibly thankful for your support, dear friends!

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