Fm-64 TT - 90 Min: A. Answer The Following in Brief - (1x15 15)

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FM- 64 TT- 90 Min

A. Answer the following in brief- [1x15=15]

i. Another name for combination reaction.
ii. Define catalyst.
iii. Calcium carbonate when strongly heated gives _____ and _____.
iv. ______ when burnt in air gives CO2 and H2O.
v. Photosynthesis is a _______ reaction.
vi. The catalyst used in the decomposition of KClO3.
vii. The _____ abbreviation is used to indicate the solution of a given
viii. Nitrogen combines with oxygen at _____ degree Celsius to form
Nitric oxide.
ix. What is a chemical equation?
x. When iron is heated with sulphur _____ is formed.
xi. The precipitate formed in a chemical reaction is indicated using
the symbol_____.
xii. ______ gas is liberated when zinc is added to Sulphuric acid.
xiii. Pure water is a good conductor of electricity. True/ False?
xiv. Define precipitate.
xv. ______ gas is not completely soluble in water.
B. Give reason- [2x5=10]
1. Splitting of molten NaCl is a decomposition reaction.
2. When iron is added to blue vitriol the colour of the solution changes
to green.
3. A white substance settles at the bottom of the test tube when silver
nitrate reacts with sodium chloride.
4. Chemical equations must be balanced.
5. Iron is attracted by magnets but not iron sulphide.
C. Differentiate between- [2x4=8]
a. Exothermic and exothermic reaction. [2]
b. Photochemical and electrochemical reaction. [2]
c. Combination and decomposition reaction. [2]
d. Reactants and products. [2]
D. Write the word equation for the following reactions- [1x3=3]
1. Magnesium ribbon burns in air to form magnesium oxide.
2. Hydron gas combines with chlorine gas to form hydrogen chloride.

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3. Iron filings are heated with powdered sulphur to form ferrous
E. Write the chemical equation for the following reactions- [1x3=3]
1. Methane burns in air to form carbon dioxide and water.
2. Carbon dioxide reacts with water to form carbonic acid.
3. Photosynthesis.
F. Answer the following in detail- [ Mention balanced equations
wherever necessary]
1. What is electrolysis of water? [3]
2. What is a chemical reaction? What are the different types of chemical
reactions? [4]
3. Describe the following conditions necessary for chemical reaction-
a. Presence of solution
b. Pressure
c. Heat Energy
4. What happens when sodium bicarbonate reacts with concentrated
Hydrochloric acid? [2]
5. With the help of an activity, show that a chemical reaction may
involve evolution of gas. [4]
6. Mention and discuss any 4 major characteristics of a chemical
reaction. [4]
7. What happen when hydrogen reacts with sulphur? [2]

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