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Lesson #1:

ENGLISH I Adjectives


 Identify adjectives in sentences

 Use adjectives in sentences


 Day 1
Synchronous (via Google Meet)
Asynchronous: Learning Packets

Reference Card

Picture words are words that describe. They describe persons, places objects, and

animals. They tell the kind, color, size shape, or number. They are called adjectives.


tall narrow beautiful rough

big plenty ugly smooth

wide long short round

hot naughty noisy quiet

Lesson #1:
LANGUAGE Adjectives

Encircle the adjective and box the noun or pronoun it describes in

the sentence.

1. She went to the parlor to have her long hair cut.

2. We saw noisy children coming from the park.

3. Tall tress lined our street.

4. Andrei painted small pictures.

5. Gisselle grew beautiful roses in pots.

6. My friends sang happy songs.

7. Dangerous snakes filled the dark pits.

8. Her father worked for big companies.

9. The nurses wore clean uniforms.

10.Heavy rains-soaked empty playgrounds.

B. Describe each picture in a sentence.

1. _____________________________________
2. _____________________________________

3. _____________________________________

4. _____________________________________

5. ____________________________________

B. Give the opposite of the following adjectives.

1. tall –

2. good-

3. cold-

4. old-

5. thick-

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