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1. Which all certifications have you done and why all in different fields? (777, COLGATE, ITC)
2. Why did you do MBA after B.Tech? (REDDINGTON)
3. What all subjects do you study in IB? (FEDERAL BANK, END TAB)
4. What all subjects have you studied so far in your curriculum? (THINK AND LEARN)
5. Types of leadership? Which style of leader are you? (FEDERAL BANK)
6. X,Y and Z are three salesman, X sold a product of ₹100 to Y at 10% profit further Y sold the
same product to Z at 20% loss .. for how much the product was sold to Z. (ITC)
7. Advanced functions of Excel (COLGATE)
8. Channels of Marketing (Greenlam)
9. How can we use impulsive buying tactics to sell laminates? (Greenlam)
10. BCG matrix. Where does Greenlam stand in it? (Greenlam)
11. Maslow's need theory in detail (Greenlam)
12. BCG matrix, LIFO FIFO, BTL ATL ,Below the line, Above the line (Greenlam)
13. Why your marks are less, since your marks are less, how will you do sales for us. (Greenlam)
14. Tell us about Sales and Finance- Capital Budgeting (777)
15. What is the current GDP and GDP scale? (777)
16. What is Fundamental Analysis and Technical Analysis? (777)
17. What do you know about stock market? (777)
18. What is the full form of HTTP? (777)
19. Name the number of countries and continents? (777)
20. What do you mean by PLC? (Asian Paints)
21. What is the area of this room? (Asian Paints)
22. What is customer centricity? (Asian Paints)
23. PLC and live examples of products which are in declining stage? (Asian Paints)
24. What is customer Delight? (Asian Paints)
25. What is Nepotism? (Bajaj Alliance)
26. Who is the father of marketing? (Bajaj Alliance)
27. Tell us the 3 rules of entry? (Bajaj Alliance)
28. What is your opinion on Brexit? (BLUE STAR)
29. Tell us about the following theories Maslow Theory, Theory X and Y? (BLUE STAR)
30. Transactional Analysis and Johari Window? (BLUE STAR)
31. What is the difference between Training and Development? (BLUE STAR)
32. What is the latest Amendment in Industrial Dispute Act? (BLUE STAR)
33. Difference btw Attrition and Retention? (BLUE STAR)
34. What responsible roles have you had? (HOME FIRST INDIA)
35. Tell me about your extracurricular? (HOME FIRST INDIA)
36. What are pricing strategies?
37. Tax saver schemes and mutual fund schemes as student did internship from Reliance mutual
38. What concepts did you learn in class and internship and the difference between them? (HOME
39. How will you do market research? (MAKE MY TRIP)
40. What do you mean by segmentation proportion? (UPGRAD)
41. Diff btw sales and marketing? (UPGRAD)
42. What are the three skills required for this profile? (UPGRAD)
43. What is Marketing Mix (UPGRAD)
44. What are 4 C's? (UPGRAD)
45. What are 7 C's? (UPGRAD)
46. What is product? (UPGRAD)
47. What is prize promotion? (UPGRAD)
48. What is the difference between marketing and sales? (Kotak (Mahindra Life Insurance)
49. How do you calculate surface area? (NEROLAC)
50. What is the area of this room? (NEROLAC)
51. Approach to paint, quantity? (NEROLAC)
52. What is the area of rectangle? (NEROLAC)
53. Draw a BCG matrix? (NEROLAC)
54. Why MBA? (NEROLAC)
55. Your learnings in past 2 years from now? (NEROLAC)
56. What is marketing? (NEROLAC)
57. Diff btw micro n macro eco? (NEROLAC)

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