CNC Experiment

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Experiment No.

Aim: Establish peer-to-peer network and check the connectivity.

Software Used: Cisco Packet Tracer

Peer-to-peer (P2P) computing or networking is a distributed
application architecture that partitions tasks or workloads between
peers. Peers are equally privileged, equipotent participants in the
application. They are said to form a peer-to-peer network of nodes.

Peers make a portion of their resources, such as processing power,

disk storage or network bandwidth, directly available to other network
participants, without the need for central coordination by servers or stable
hosts. Peers are both suppliers and consumers of resources, in contrast to
the traditional client server model in which the consumption and supply of
resources is divided.

A peer-to-peer network is designed around the notion of

equal peer nodes simultaneously functioning as both "clients" and "servers"
to the other nodes on the network. This model of network arrangement
differs from the client–server model where communication is usually to and
from a central server. A typical example of a fle transfer that uses the
client–server model is the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) service in which the
client and server programs are distinct: the clients initiate the transfer, and
the servers satisfy these requests.
1. Arrange the Network devices.

2. Select the appropriate cable to connect the end devices like

computer or Laptop.

3. Assign the IP address to all the end devices.

4. Check the connectivity between the devices in network.

5. Communication establish between end devices.

Experiment No 2

Aim: Build and Simulate network using Bus Topology.

Software used: Cisco Packet Tracer


Bus Topology is one of the simplest physical topology used for the network. This topology
is famously used for the Local Area Network. In this topology, all the nodes are connected
through a single cable known as ‘Backbone’. If this Backbone cable is damaged the entire
network breakdown.

The bus network is very easy to install and maintain. It requires less amount of
when compared to other network topologies. One of the bus topology examples is
Ethernet Connection.
In computer networks, multiple computers are connected to each other through a
link. These computers in a network are known as Nodes. They are connected either
through cable or wireless radio links. These computers connected in the network share
resources such as files, network access, printers, etc…By connecting in a network a
computer can do many tasks.
In Bus Topology used in computer networks, all the computers are connected
through a single cable. Usually Ethernet cable is used for Bus Topology. In this topology,
the information intended for the last node has to pass through all the computers present in
the network. If this cable is damaged then the connection of all the computers will be lost.
Instead of cable either network card, co-axial cable or RJ-47 can be used depending on
the type of computers used in the network. When Bus Topology has only two endpoints,
it is known as Linear Topology. In Bus topology data is transmitted only in one direction.
Here, the node that transmits data is known as Host. All the computers connected in the
network will receive all the network traffic. Each node is given equal priority for data
transmission. The nodes use Media Access Technology such as a bus master to share the

1. Arrange the end devices like computers and laptop etc.

2. Select the terminator backbone as a network device and connect the end devices.
3. Assign the IP address to all the end devices.

4. Check the connectivity between the end devices.

5. Communication establish between end devices.


Experiment No 3

Aim: Build and simulate Local Area Network (LAN) using Hub.

Software used: Cisco Packet Tracer

Local Area Network:
A local area network (LAN) is a computer network that
interconnects computers within a limited area such as a residence, school,
laboratory, university campus or office building. By contrast, a wide area
network (WAN) not only covers a larger geographic distance, but also
generally involves leased telecommunication circuits. Its exactly two
neighbouring devices.

Network Hub:

A network hub is a node that broadcasts data to every computer or Ethernet-based

device connected to it. A hub is less sophisticated than a switch, the latter of which can
isolate data transmissions to specific devices.

Network hubs are best suited for small, simple local area network (LAN)
environments. Hubs cannot provide routing capabilities or other advanced network services.
Because they operate by forwarding packets across all ports indiscriminately, network hubs
are sometimes referred to as "dumb switches."

With limited capabilities and poor scalability, network hubs had primarily one
competitive advantage over switches: lower prices. As switch prices fell in the early to mid-
2000s, hubs began getting phased out of use. Today, hubs are far less commonly deployed.
But network hubs have some niche uses and continue to offer a simple means of

Network hubs are categorized as Layer 1 devices in the Open Systems

Interconnection (OSI) reference model. They connect multiple computers together,
transmitting data received at one port to all of its other ports without restriction. Hubs
operate in half-duplex.

This model raises security and privacy concerns, because traffic could not be
safeguarded or quarantined. It also presents a practical issue in terms of traffic management.
Devices on a hub function as a network segment and share a collision domain. Thus, when
two devices connected to a network hub transmit data simultaneously, the packets will
collide, causing network performance problems. This is mitigated in switches or routers, as
each port represents a separate collision domain.


Step 1: Arrange the end devices.

Step 2: Select the network hub as a central device and connect hub with end
devices like laptop or personal computers.

Step 3: Assign the IP address to end devices.

Step 4: Check the connectivity between LAN devices.

Step 5: Communication establish between end device using Hub.

Simulation Output:

Experiment No. 4

Aim: Build and simulate Local Area Network (LAN) using switch.

Software used: Cisco Packet Tracer


A network switch is a device that operates at the Data Link layer of the OSI model—
Layer 2. It takes in packets being sent by devices that are connected to its physical ports and
sends them out again, but only through the ports that lead to the devices the packets are
intended to reach. They can also operate at the network layer-- 3 where routing occurs.

Switches are a common component of networks based on Ethernet, Fibre Channel,

Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), and InfiniBand, among others. In general, though,
most switches today use Ethernet

Once a device is connected to a switch, the switch notes its media access control
(MAC) address, a code that’s baked into the device’s network-interface card (NIC) that
attaches to an ethernet cable that attaches to the switch. The switch uses the MAC address
to identify which attached device outgoing packets are being sent from and where to deliver
incoming packets

So the MAC address identifies the physical device as opposed to the network layer
(Layer 3) IP address, which can be assigned dynamically to a device and change over time.
When a device sends a packet to another device, it enters the switch and the switch
reads its header to determine what to do with it. It matches the destination address or
addresses and sends the packet out through the appropriate ports that leads to the destination

To reduce the chance for collisions between network traffic going to and from a switch and
a connected device at the same time, most switches offer full-duplex functionality in which
packets coming from and going to a device have access to the full bandwidth of the switch
connection. (Picture two people talking on a cell phone as opposed to a walkie-talkie).

While it’s true that switches operate at Layer 2, they can also operate at Layer 3, which is
necessary for them to support virtual LANs (VLAN), logical network segments that can
span subnets. In order for traffic to get from one subnet to another it must pass between
switches, and this is facilitated by routing capabilities built into the switches.


Step 1: Arrange the end devices.

Step 2: Select the switch as a central device and connect switch with end devices
like laptop or personal computers.

Step 3: Assign the IP address to end devices.

Step 4: Check the connectivity between LAN devices.

Step 5: Communication establish between end devices.

Simulation Output:

Experiment No. 5

Aim: Build and connect two different Local Area Network (LAN) using Router.

Software Used: Cisco Packet Tracer

A router receives and sends data on computer networks. Routers are sometimes confused
with network hubs, modems, or network switches.
However, routers can combine the functions of these components, and connect with these
devices, to improve Internet access or help create business networks.

Routers guide and direct network data, using packets that contain
various kinds of data—such as fles, communications, and simple
transmissions like web interactions.

The data packets have several layers, or sections, one of which

carries identifying information such as sender, data type, size, and most
importantly, the destination IP (Internet protocol) address. The router
reads this layer, prioritises the data, and chooses the best route to use
for each transmission.

Routers can also provide security. Embedded frewall and content

fltering software provide an additional protection from unwanted
content and malicious websites without affecting your online

A router isn't just for data transmission or Internet connections,

though. Most routers allow you to connect hard drives and use them as
fle-sharing servers, or printers that can then be accessed by anyone on
the network.


Step 1: Arrange the end devices.

Step 2: Arrange the switch as a central device in each LANs and select Router for

Step 3 Select the appropriate cable to connect both the LANs.

Step 4: Assign the IP address to all the end devices of both LAN 1 and LAN 2
Step 5: Configure the Router by interfacing Router ethernet port to the default gateway Or the
ip address of each LAN network.
Step 6: Check the connectivity of the end devices between network LAN 1 and LAN 2.

Step 7: Communication establish between end devices between network LAN 1 and LAN 2.
Simulation Output:

Experiment No. 6

Aim: Establish email server configuration.

Software Used: Cisco Packet Tracer



A server is a computer or system that provides resources, data, services, or programs

to other computers, known as clients, over a network. In theory, whenever computers share
resources with client machines they are considered servers. There are many types of
servers, including web servers, mail servers, and virtual servers.

To function as a server, a device must be configured to listen to requests from clients
on a network connection. This functionality can exist as part of the operating system as an
installed application, role, or a combination of the two. For example, Microsoft’s Windows
Server operating system provides the functionality to listen to and respond to client
requests. Additionally installed roles or services increase which kinds of client requests the
server can respond to. In another example, an Apache web server responds to Internet
browser requests via an additional application, Apache, installed on top of an operating

When a client requires data or functionality from a server, it sends a request over the
network. The server receives this request and responds with the appropriate information.
This is the request and response model of client-server networking, also known as the call
and response model. A server will often perform numerous additional tasks as part of a
single request and response, including verifying the identity of the requestor, ensuring that
the client has permission to access the data or resources requested, and properly formatting
or returning the required response in an expected way.
Mail servers-
Mail servers are a very common type of application server. Mail servers receive
emails sent to a user and store them until requested by a client on behalf of said user.
Having an email server allows for a single machine to be properly configured and attached
to the network at all times. It is then ready to send and receive messages rather than
requiring every client machine to have its own email subsystem continuously running.


Step 1: Arrange the end devices, switch, router and server.

Step 2: Select the appropriate cable to connect all end devices to the switch and router is
connected between server and switch.
Step 3: Assign the IP configuration to all the end devices.

Step 4: Assign the IP address to the server.

Step 5: Configure the router by interfacing the respective Ethernet port to the
default gateway of server and end devices.
-- System Configuration Dialog ---

Continue with configuration dialog? [yes/no]: n ,

Press RETURN to get started ! ' ' '

Rout er >enab1e
Rout er#conf 1gure '
Configuring from terminal, memory, or network [terminal]?
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. •
• Router(config)#
Router ( conf1g)#interface g1gab i t Ethernet 0/ 0 , ,
Router ( conf1g-1f)#1p address 192. 168. 1. 1 ?
A . B . C . D IP subnet ma s k

°ILINK-5 - CHANGED : Inter face Gigabit Ethernet0/0, changed state to up

%LINEPR0T0-5-UPD0WN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet0/0, change

to up

Router ( conf ig)#1nter face g1gab1 t Ethernet0/1 •
• Router ( config -1f)#ip addr es s 192. 168.2. 1 ?
A . B . C . D IP subnet ma s k
Router(config-if)#ip address
Router ( conf ig -1f)#no shutdown

Router ( conf1g -1f)#

%LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface GigabitEthernet0/1, changed state to up , ,

%LINEPR0T0-5-UPD0WN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet0/1, change

Step 6: Add the users in the email service of a server along with their password.

Step 7:Select the end device and configure the mail through email in desktop.
Step 8: While configuring mail save the email address and password of each

Step 9: Compose a mail from end user and send it to another user by using their
email address.
Simulation Output :

Conclusion :

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