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LAB10 Code:

a= -(1/2)+1j*sqrt(3)/2;
a2= -(1/2)-1j*sqrt(3)/2;
Va0_mag=input('enter the value of Va0 magnitude =');
Va0_ang=input('enter the value of Va0 angle =');
Va1_mag=input('enter the value of Va1 magnitude =');
Va1_ang=input('enter the value of Va1 angle =');
Va2_mag=input('enter the value of Va2 magnitude =');
Va2_ang=input('enter the value of Va2 angle =');
Va0=[Va0_mag Va0_ang];
Va1=[Va1_mag Va1_ang];
Va2=[Va2_mag Va2_ang];
a_matrix=[1 1 1;1 a2 a;1 a a2]
Vabc= a_matrix*Va012

enter the value of Va0 magnitude =0.6

enter the value of Va0 angle =90

enter the value of Va1 magnitude =1

enter the value of Va1 angle =30

enter the value of Va2 magnitude =0.8

enter the value of Va2 angle =-30

Va012 =

0.6000 90.0000

1.0000 30.0000

0.8000 -30.0000

Vabc =

2.4000 + 0.0000i 90.0000 + 0.0000i

-0.3000 - 0.1732i 90.0000 -51.9615i

-0.3000 + 0.1732i 90.0000 +51.9615i

Vabc_m =

2.4000 90.0000

0.3464 103.9230

0.3464 103.9230

RESULT: enter the value of Ia0 magnitude =1.6

enter the value of Ia0 angle =25

enter the value of Ia1 magnitude =1

enter the value of Ia1 angle =180

enter the value of Ia2 magnitude =0.9

enter the value of Ia2 angle =132

Ia012 =

1.6000 25.0000

1.0000 180.0000

0.9000 132.0000

Iabc =

0.0117 + 0.0000i 1.1233 + 0.0000i

0.0022 + 0.0003i -0.4367 + 0.1386i

0.0022 - 0.0003i -0.4367 - 0.1386i

Iabc_m =

1.1667 112.3333

0.2186 45.8124

0.2186 45.8124

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