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Statement and Assumption Type-4

Directions to Solve In each question below is given a statement followed by two assumptions numbered I and II. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement. Give answer
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(A) If only assumption I is implicit (B) If only assumption II is implicit (C) If either I or II is implicit (D) If neither I nor II is implicit (E) If both I and II are implicit.

1. Statement: Sachin's mother instructed him to return home by train if it rains heavily. Assumptions: 1. Sachin may not be able to decide himself if it rains heavily. 2. The trains may ply even if it rains heavily. A. Only assumption I is implicit B. Only assumption II is implicit C. Either I or II is implicit D.Neither I nor II is implicit E. Both I and II are implicit Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Sachin's mother has instructed him as a matter of caution and out of care for her child, and not because Sachin himself would not be able to decide. So, I is not implicit. Besides, Sachin's mother instructs him to take to train journey in case it rains heavily. So, II is implicit.

2. Statement: "Please put more people on the job to make up for the delay." Assumptions: 1. Delay is inevitable in most jobs.

2. Output will increase with more number of people on the job. A. Only assumption I is implicit B. Only assumption II is implicit C. Either I or II is implicit D.Neither I nor II is implicit E. Both I and II are implicit Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: The advice tells to 'make up for the delay' showing that delay is not to be done. So, I is not implicit. Since increase in number of people will make up for the delay, it means the output will increase with this increase in number. So, II is implicit.

3. Statement: In spite of less than normal rainfall in the catchment areas during the first two months of monsoon of the lakes supplying water to the city the authority has not yet affected any cut in the water supply to the city. Assumptions: 1. The rainfall during the remaining part of the monsoon may be adequate for normal water supply. 2. The present water level of the lakes supplying water to the city may be adequate for normal supply. A. Only assumption I is implicit B. Only assumption II is implicit C. Either I or II is implicit D.Neither I nor II is implicit E. Both I and II are implicit Answer & Explanation Answer: Option E Explanation: The statement clearly indicates that at present the water level of the lakes is adequate. There is nothing of a shortage to induce a cut in water supply and still there is time to wait and watch the performance of rains during the remaining monsoon period. So, both I and II are implicit.

4. Statement: If you are an engineer, we have a challenging job for you. Assumptions: 1. We need an engineer. 2. You are an engineer. A. Only assumption I is implicit B. Only assumption II is implicit C. Either I or II is implicit D.Neither I nor II is implicit E. Both I and II are implicit Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Clearly, job is offered to an engineer. This means that he is needed. So, I is implicit. The word 'If' in the statement makes II not implicit.

5. Statement: In spite of poor services, the commutators have not complained against it. Assumptions: 1. Generally people do not tolerate poor services. 2. Complaints sometimes improve services. A. Only assumption I is implicit B. Only assumption II is implicit C. Either I or II is implicit D.Neither I nor II is implicit E. Both I and II are implicit Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: The statement expresses an expectation of complaints from the people against poor services. So, I is implicit. But the effect of complaints cannot be deduced. So, II is not implicit. 6. Statement: In Bombay, railway trains are indispensable for people in the suburbs to reach

their places of work on time. Assumptions: 1. Railway trains are the only mode of transport available in the suburbs of Bombay. 2. Only railway trains run punctually. A. Only assumption I is implicit B. Only assumption II is implicit C. Either I or II is implicit D.Neither I nor II is implicit E. Both I and II are implicit Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: That the railway trains are indispensable for people to reach the place on time does not mean that there are no other means of transport but shows that trains alone run on time. So, I is not implicit and only II is implicit.

7. Statement: The government has decided to reduce its subsidy on LPG; however the subsidy on kerosene remains unchanged. Assumptions: 1. Those people who buy LPG can afford to purchase LPG for a higher price. 2. Many people may stop buying LPG and instead use kerosene. A. Only assumption I is implicit B. Only assumption II is implicit C. Either I or II is implicit D.Neither I nor II is implicit E. Both I and II are implicit Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Clearly, the decision has been taken keeping in mind that the section of people using LPG can afford to pay a slightly higher price. The government does not want to affect the weakest

sections who still use kerosene. So, only I is implicit, while II is not.

8. Statement: It is not true that the mightiest superpower always wins wars and gets accolades from other countries. Assumptions: 1. Winners are sometimes admired and appreciated. 2. Winners are occasionally criticized. A. Only assumption I is implicit B. Only assumption II is implicit C. Either I or II is implicit D.Neither I nor II is implicit E. Both I and II are implicit Answer & Explanation Answer: Option E Explanation: The statement mentions that superpowers do win wars but their victory is not always applauded, but sometimes criticized as well in case the victory is an act of oppression of the weaker nation, and is not backed by a reasonable cause. So, both I and II are implicit.

9. Statement: To investigate the murder of the lone resident of a flat, the police interrogated the domestic servant, the watchman of the multi-storeyed buildings and the liftman. Assumptions: 1. The domestic servant, watchman and the liftman can give a clue about the suspected murder. 2. Generally in such cases the persons known to the resident are directly or indirectly involved in the murder. A. Only assumption I is implicit B. Only assumption II is implicit C. Either I or II is implicit D.Neither I nor II is implicit E. Both I and II are implicit Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A Explanation: Clearly, in such cases, the police interrogates the domestic servant, watchman and liftman to work out the sequence of events just before the murder by tracing the persons who had come to meet the victim. So, I is implicit However, it is erroneous to assume that persons known to the victim are generally involved in the murder. So, II is not implicit.

10. Statement: The integrated steel plants in India would no longer have to depend on imports for continuous casting refractories. Assumptions: 1. Continuous casting refractories are needed by India. 2. Continuous casting refractories are in demand. A.Only assumption I is implicit B. Only assumption II is implicit C. Either I or II is implicit D.Neither I nor II is implicit E. Both I and II are implicit Answer & Explanation Answer: Option E Explanation: The statement mentions the self-sufficiency of India in continuous casting refractories. This means that they are needed in the country. So, I is implicit. Since continuous casting refractories are needed in integrated steel plants, it means they are in demand. So, II is implicit. 11. Statement: The office building needs repairing just as urgently as it needs internal as well as external painting. Assumptions: 1. Efficiency of people working in the office cannot be improved unless office building is repaired. 2. Repairing and painting of office building require funds. A.Only assumption I is implicit B. Only assumption II is implicit

C. Either I or II is implicit D.Neither I nor II is implicit E. Both I and II are implicit Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Clearly, nothing can be deduced regarding the effect of repairs of office building on efficiency of workers, or the requirement of funds for repairs, from the given statement. So, neither I nor II is implicit.

12. Statement: The private bus service in the city has virtually collapsed because of the ongoing strike of its employees. Assumptions: 1. Going on strikes has become the right of every employee. 2. People no more require the services of private bus operators. A.Only assumption I is implicit B. Only assumption II is implicit C. Either I or II is implicit D.Neither I nor II is implicit E. Both I and II are implicit Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Since both the assumptions do not follow from the given statement, so neither I nor II is implicit.

13. Statement: Neither fascism nor communism has any chance of succeeding in America. Assumptions: 1. American people are strongly in favour of preserving the rights of the individual. 2. Americans have so far not suffered any pangs of poverty or deprivation.

A.Only assumption I is implicit B. Only assumption II is implicit C. Either I or II is implicit D.Neither I nor II is implicit E. Both I and II are implicit Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Clearly, fascism and communism are against the preservation of individual rights. So, I is implicit. Nothing is mentioned about the economic condition of America. So, II is not implicit.

14. Statement: Amongst newspapers, I always read the National Times. Assumptions: 1. The National Times gives very comprehensive news. 2. Some people prefer other newspapers. A.Only assumption I is implicit B. Only assumption II is implicit C. Either I or II is implicit D.Neither I nor II is implicit E. Both I and II are implicit Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: The statement does not mention any quality of the National Times. So, I is not implicit. According to the statement, amongst all newspapers, the narrator reads the National Times. This means that some people read other newspapers. So, II is implicit.

15. Statement: "Get rid of your past for future, get our new generation fridge at a discount in exchange of old"- An advertisement. Assumptions:

1. The sales of the new fridge may increase in the coming months. 2. People prefer to exchange future with past. A.Only assumption I is implicit B. Only assumption II is implicit C. Either I or II is implicit D.Neither I nor II is implicit E. Both I and II are implicit Answer & Explanation Answer: Option E Explanation: Clearly, the scheme would encourage those owning an old fridge to go for a new one at a reasonable price without the hassles of disposing off the old one. So, I is implicit. Besides, an advertisement highlights that which appeals to masses and which customers crave for. So, II is also implicit. 16. Statement: The higher echelons of any organization are expected to be models of observational learning and should not be considered as merely sources of reward and punishments. Assumptions: 1. Employees are likely to be sensitive enough to learn by observing the behaviour of their bosses. 2. Normally bosses are considered as sources of reward and punishment. A.Only assumption I is implicit B. Only assumption II is implicit C. Either I or II is implicit D.Neither I nor II is implicit E. Both I and II are implicit Answer & Explanation Answer: Option E Explanation: The statement advises people not to consider their bosses as mere 'supervisors' to control and assess their acts, but as 'models' to imitate in their working. So, both I and II are implicit.

17. Statement: The new education policy envisages major modifications in the education

system. Assumptions: 1. Present education system is inconsistent with national needs. 2. Present education system needs change. A.Only assumption I is implicit B. Only assumption II is implicit C. Either I or II is implicit D.Neither I nor II is implicit E. Both I and II are implicit Answer & Explanation Answer: Option E Explanation: Clearly, modifications are made in present system finding that it was inconsistent with the needs and required to be changed. So, both I and II are implicit.

18. Statement: "Fly X airways whenever you decide to go places. Our fares are less than train fares."- An advertisement. Assumptions: 1. People prefer to travel by air when the fares are reasonable. 2. The fares of other airlines are costlier than those of X airways. A.Only assumption I is implicit B. Only assumption II is implicit C. Either I or II is implicit D.Neither I nor II is implicit E. Both I and II are implicit Answer & Explanation Answer: Option E Explanation: The advertisement highlights the fact that fares of X airways are less than train fares. This implies that people would prefer to travel by air rather than by train if they do not have to pay extra for it. So I is implicit. Besides, this feature also reveals that fares of X airways are

lower than those of other airlines. So, II is also implicit.

19. Statement: "The programme will start at 6 p.m. but you can come there up to 7 p.m. or so and still there is no problem." Assumptions: 1. The programme will continue even after 7 p.m. 2. The programme may not even start by that time. A.Only assumption I is implicit B. Only assumption II is implicit C. Either I or II is implicit D.Neither I nor II is implicit E. Both I and II are implicit Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: The statement mentions that there is no problem if one comes upto 7 p.m. also. This means that the programme will continue even after 7 p.m. So, I is implicit. Also, it is clearly mentioned that the programme will start at 6 p.m. So, II is not implicit.

20. Statement: An advertisement: If you want to follow the footprints of an ideal leader, wear 'X' brand of shoes. Assumptions: 1. Most people like to become ideal leaders. 2. One can't become ideal leader unless one wears X brand of shoes. A.Only assumption I is implicit B. Only assumption II is implicit C. Either I or II is implicit D.Neither I nor II is implicit E. Both I and II are implicit Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A

Explanation: Clearly, the advertisement mentioned here is merely a catchy slogan, and attempt has been made to touch the deep desire of the masses to draw their attention towards the product. So, only I is implicit. 21. Statement: The improvement in the quality of T.V. programmes will lead to increase in the sales of T.V. Assumptions: 1. T.V. is a good entertainment medium. 2. The quality of T.V, programmes has improved recently. A.Only assumption I is implicit B. Only assumption II is implicit C. Either I or II is implicit D.Neither I nor II is implicit E. Both I and II are implicit Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: The improvement in quality of programmes will increase the sale shows that it is in great use. So, I is implicit. Nothing is mentioned of recent changes. So, II is not implicit.

22. Statement: With a sense of sincerity, quality teachers can improve the society. Assumptions: 1. Quality teachers are sincere. 2. Sincerity in teaching pays. A.Only assumption I is implicit B. Only assumption II is implicit C. Either I or II is implicit D.Neither I nor II is implicit E. Both I and II are implicit Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B

Explanation: The statement emphasises that quality teachers can help reform society if they are sincere enough in teaching. This implies that quality teachers may or may not be sincere. So, I is not implicit. However, II directly follows from the statement and so it is implicit.

23. Statement: The head of the organization congratulated the entire staff in his speech for their sincere effort to bring down the deficit and urged them to give their best for attaining a more profitable position in future. Assumptions: 1. The employees may get motivated and maintain and if possible enhance their present level of work. 2. The employees may now relax and slow down in their day to day work as there is no immediate threat of huge deficit. A.Only assumption I is implicit B. Only assumption II is implicit C. Either I or II is implicit D.Neither I nor II is implicit E. Both I and II are implicit Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: The appreciation received from the head of the organization would surely motivate the employees to keep up their spirits and strive hard for the progress of the organization. So, only I is implicit.

24. Statement: Money is the root cause of all the problems in a family. Assumptions: 1. Every problem is caused by something. 2. There are always some problems in a family. A.Only assumption I is implicit B. Only assumption II is implicit C. Either I or II is implicit

D.Neither I nor II is implicit E. Both I and II are implicit Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: The statement mentions the cause of family problems and does not deal with all the problems. So, I is not implicit. Also, it is mentioned that money is the cause of family problems. But this does not mean that problems always exist in a family. So, II is also not implicit.

25. Statement: An advertisement: "Our shoes are for the rich." Assumptions: 1. Many people like to be labelled as rich. 2. One can't become rich unless one has that brand of shoes. A.Only assumption I is implicit B. Only assumption II is implicit C. Either I or II is implicit D.Neither I nor II is implicit E. Both I and II are implicit Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: The statement stresses on the point that this particular brand of shoes is worn by affluent and upper-class people as they are good-quality shoes. And an advertisement highlights the feature which most people desire. So, I is implicit. But it doesn't mean that one has to have those shoes to be called 'rich'. So, II is not implicit.

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