ASCE003cIND46 p385-388

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Note: Page numbers in Italics denote figures or tables.

allowable stress design 1 simplified alternative structural design 135–142

load combinations 5–6 structural system selection 119–124
along-wind response 293, 295, 321–322 tall 296
analytical procedure 283–302 torsion 130
along-wind response 293, 295, 321–322
basic wind speed 284–286 camber 245
components and cladding 284, 298–300 cantilever column systems 123
damping systems 294–295 ceilings 147
design wind loads on buildings 301–302 chimneys 74, 166
enclosure classifications 296–297 cladding: see components and cladding
exposure 287–292 components and cladding 25
gust effect factor 293–296 arched roofs 51
importance factor 286–287 domed roofs 64
loads on main wind-force resisting systems 297–298 gable roofs 56–58, 60
parapets 301 hip roofs 57
Saffir/Simpson Scale 285–286 low-rise buildings 28–29
selection 128, 180 main wind-force resisting systems 26, 27
shielding 284 monoslope roofs 29, 61, 62, 70, 71
wind loads 298–300 pitched roofs 29
wind speed-up 292–293 roofs 29, 41–44, 51, 56–65, 70–72
anchorage: concrete 156 sawtooth roofs 63
non-structural components 145–146 stepped roofs 59
pilings 156–158 troughed roofs 29, 72
structural walls 133–134, 140–141 walls 41–44, 55, 65
tanks and vessels 168 wind loads 24, 284, 298–300, 313
unbonded posttensioning tendons 154 components, nonstructural: access floors 147–148
atmospheric ice: see ice loads anchorage 145–146
architectural 146–148
basic wind speed 25, 32–36, 284–286 ceilings 147
beams, continuous 88 general design requirements 143–144
buildings: additions 243 glass 148
alterations 243 mechanical and electrical 148–152
analysis procedure selection 128 partitions 148
anchorage of structural walls 133–134 seismic demands 144–145
cantilever column systems 123 seismic design 143–152, 371
classification 2 concentrated loads 9
design wind loads 301–302 concrete 153–158, 373
diaphragms 124, 132–133 contraction 245
direction of loading 127–128 crane loads 11, 271
drift and deformation 134
enclosed 28–29 damped response modification 195–196
equivalent lateral force procedure 129–132 damping systems 187–199
flexible 28 damped response modification 195–196
foundation design 134–135 definitions 187
fundamental period 129–130 design review 198
inverted pendulums 123 equivalent lateral force procedure 192–195
load combinations 126–127 general design requirements 189–190
load effects 126 nonlinear procedures 190–191
low-rise 24, 26, 28–29, 312 notation 187–189
main wind-force resisting systems 24, 47–49 response spectrum procedures 191–192
modal response spectrum analysis 132 seismic load conditions 196–198
modeling criteria 128–129 testing 198–199
moment frames 123–124 wind loads 294–295
multiple-use 2 dead loads 7, 261–268
open 29 debris 27, 30, 278
redundancy factor 125–126 deflection 192, 194, 245
rigid 28 diaphragms 124, 132–133, 140–141
seismic base shear 129 displacement 192, 194
seismic design 119–142, 369 drainage 337–338
seismic load effect 138–139 drifts 82–83, 90–91, 331, 333
seismic response coefficient 129 durability 245
serviceability 1, 245 dynamic analysis procedures 182–183

Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures 385

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earthquake loads: see seismic design design procedure 101

elevators 151 freezing rain 100, 345–346
emergency response plan 2 ice dams 325, 327
enclosure classifications 27, 296–297 icicles 325, 327
equivalent lateral force procedure 129–132, 180–182, importance factor 100, 345–346
192–195, 201–202 load combinations 5, 6
erosion 276 partial loads 100
escalators 151 symbols and notation 99–100
escarpments: see hills, ridges, and escarpments thickness 100, 103–104, 107, 345
expansion 245 topographic factor 100
exposure 25–26, 78–79 weight 100
categories 287–292 wind 100, 346–347
factor for snow loads 92, 325 icicles 325, 327
wind loads 25–26, 78, 287–292, 310–312 impact loads 270
importance factor: analytical procedure 286–287
factors: directionality 80 ice loads 100, 345–346
exposure 92, 325 seismic design 116, 164
gust effect 26, 293–296, 319–320 snow loads 93, 326
importance 77, 93, 100, 116, 164, 286–287, 326, wind loads 77, 286–287
redundancy 125–126 ladders, fixed 9–10, 270
slope 81–82, 86, 327 lattice frameworks 75
thermal 93, 325–326 linear response history 175–176
topographic 100 live loads 9–13, 269–275
fire protection sprinkler systems 151 concentrated 9, 270
flood loads 15–19, 275–280 crane loads 271
breaking wave loads 16, 277 definitions 9
debris 278 heavy 271
definitions 15, 275–276 impact loads 270
design requirements 15, 276–279 minimum concentrated 12–13
erosion 276 parking garages 271
hydrodynamic loads 16, 276–277 partial loads 270
hydrostatic loads 15, 276 partitions 269–270
load combinations 5, 6 reduction 10, 270–271
scour 276 roofs 10–11
wave loads 16, 277 uniformly distributed 9, 12–13, 269–270
floors: access 147–148 load combinations 255–259
deflection 192, 194, 245 allowable stress 5–6, 256–257
uplift 7 for extraordinary events 257–258
vibration 245 flood loads 5, 6, 256
forces, self-straining 2 ice loads 5, 6, 256
foundations: design 134–135 seismic 126–127, 139
quality assurance 239–240 strength design 5, 255–256
seismic design 155 symbols and notation 5, 255
uplift 7 load effects 126, 138–139
framing systems: cold-formed steel 240 load tests 2–3
combinations 119, 123, 140
main wind-force resisting systems 24
glass 148 arched roofs 51
grab bars 9, 270 components and cladding 27
ground motion 115–116, 180, 207–208, 383 domed roofs 50
guardrails 9, 270 enclosed buildings 28–29, 52
gust effect factor 26, 293–296 exposure category 26
wind loads 26, 319–320 external pressure coefficients 27
flexible buildings 28
handrails 9, 270 loads 297–298
hazard assessment 2 low-rise buildings 24, 26, 28
hazardous substances 2 monoslope roofs 29, 66
hills, ridges, and escarpments 26, 45–46, 292–293 parapets 27, 28
hydrodynamic loads 16, 276–277 pitched roofs 29, 67
hydrostatic loads 15, 276 rigid buildings 28
hydrostatic pressure 7, 261 roofs 29, 37–40, 47–51, 53–54, 66–69
hysteresis 195 troughed roofs 29, 68, 69
walls 37–40, 47–49, 53–55
ice dams 325, 327 masonry 158–160, 240, 373
ice loads 99–108, 343–350 mechanical and electrical components 148–152
characteristic dimension 102 modal analysis procedure 203
definitions 344–350 moment frames 123–124
design ice thickness 346 MWFRs: see main wind-force resisting systems

386 ASCE 7-05

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nonlinear procedures 190–191 concrete 153–158, 373

definitions 109–112
parapets 27, 28, 29, 301, 313 design category 116–117
parking garages 271 earth-retaining structures 165–166
partial loads 10, 270 foundations 155
partitions 148, 269–270 fundamental period 164
pendulums 123 geotechnical investigation 117
piers and wharves 165 ground motion 383
pilasters 134 ground motion values 115–116
pilings 135 importance factor 116, 164
anchorage 156–158 masonry 158–160, 373
breaking wave loads 16 non-building structures 161–173, 375–378
piping systems 151, 167–168 nonstructural components 143–152, 371
ponding 83, 95, 329, 337 notation 112–115
prevention program 2 piers and wharves 165
pipe racks 164
quality assurance 239–241 section cross-reference between editions
compliance 241 of standard 355–367
testing 241 seismically isolated structures 177–185
site classification procedure 205–206
racks 164–165 soil structure interaction 201–203, 381
rain loads 95, 337–340 stacks and chimneys 166
controlled drainage 337–338 steel 153
design rain loads 337 storage racks 164–165
ponding 337 story above grade 354
roof drainage 337 structural design requirements 162–164
symbols and notation 337 tanks and vessels 166–173, 378
redundancy factor 125–126 walls 154–155
response spectrum procedures 191–192 wood 160
ridges: see hills, ridges, and escarpments seismic design category 116–117
roofs: arched 51 seismic ground motion 383
cold 82 seismic load conditions 196–198
components and cladding 29, 41–44, 51, 56–65, seismic response coefficient 129
70–72 seismic response history 175–176
curved 10–11, 82, 87, 327 serviceability 1, 245
deflection 245 shielding 25, 284
displacement 192, 194 signs: open 75
domed 50, 64, 82 solid 29, 74
drainage 337 simplified procedure 282–283, 307
flat 10–11, 81, 324–326, 329–330 site classification procedure 205–206
gable 56–58, 60, 82, 89, 327, 333 site response analysis 207
high 330 slope factor 81–82, 86, 327
hip 57, 89, 312, 327 snow loads 81–93, 323–336
live loads 10–11 balanced 82, 87, 89, 90
low 330–331 continuous beams 88
low-rise 53–54 drifts 82–83, 90–91, 327–328, 331, 333
main wind-force resisting systems 29, 37–40, 47–51, exposure factor 92, 325
53–54, 66–69 flat roof 81, 324–326, 329–330
monoslope 29, 61, 62, 66, 70, 71 gable roofs 333
overhangs 27 ground 81, 84–85, 323–324, 335–336
pitched 10–11, 29, 67 high roof 330
projections 83, 328 importance factor 93, 326
reducing live loads 10–11 low roof 330–331
reduction in live loads 271 ponding 83, 329
rooftop equipment 74 rain-on-snow 83, 329, 330
sawtooth 63, 82, 90, 327 roof projections 83, 328
slope factor 81–82, 327 roofs 81–83, 324–331, 333
sloped 81–82, 326–327, 330 sliding 83, 328–329
snow loads 81–83, 324–331 slope factor 86
stepped 59 sloped roof 81–82, 326–327, 330
troughed 29, 68–69, 72 symbols and notation 81
warm 81 thermal factor 93, 325–326
unbalanced 82, 87, 89, 90, 327, 330
Saffir/Simpson Scale 285–286 soil loads 7, 261
scour 276 soil structure interaction 201–203
seismic base shear 129 equivalent lateral force procedure 201–202
seismic design 109–117, 351–368 modal analysis procedure 203
buildings 119–142, 369 seismic design 381
composite steel and concrete structures 158 stacks 166

Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures 387

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steel 153, 240 wave loads 16, 18–19, 277

story drift 192, 194 wharves: see piers and wharves
strength design: defined 1 wind loads 21–80, 281–322
load combinations 5, 255–256 along-wind response 293, 295, 321–322
structural actions, counteracting 2 analytical procedure 24–30, 45–76, 283–302
structural analysis 2 basic wind speed 25, 284–286
structures: altered 2–3 building requirements 24
flexible 26–27 components and cladding 24, 284,
rigid 26 298–300, 313
structures, seismically isolated: analysis damping systems 294–295
procedure selection 180 definitions 21–22, 281–282
definitions 177 design wind loads 301–302
design requirements 178–180 design wind speed 317
design review 184 directionality factor 80
dynamic analysis procedures 182–183 enclosure classifications 27, 296–297
equivalent lateral force procedure 180–182 exposure 25–26, 78, 287–292, 310–312
ground motion 180 gust effect factor 26, 293–296, 319–320
notation 177–178 and ice 346–347
seismic design 177–185 importance factor 77, 286–287
testing 184–185 low-rise buildings 312
main wind-force resisting systems 51,
tanks and vessels 74, 166–173, 378 297–298
thermal factor 93 minimum 307
topographic effects 26, 45–46 open buildings 29
towers, trussed 76 parapets 27, 301, 313
pressure and force coefficients 27–28
uniformly distributed loads 9 roof overhangs 27
uplift 7 Saffir/Simpson Scale 285–286
shielding 25, 284
vehicle barriers 9, 270 signs 29
velocity pressure 27 simplified procedure 23–24, 37–40, 41–44,
vessels: see tanks and vessels 282–283, 307
speed-up 26, 292–293
walls: breakaway 276 symbols and notation 22–23, 282
breaking wave loads 16, 18–19 topographic effects 26
components and cladding 41–44, 55, 65 velocity pressure 27, 79
drift 245 walls 29
low-rise 53–54 wind speed 308, 314–316
main wind-force resisting systems 37–40, wind tunnel procedure 30, 302–303
47–49, 53–55 wind speed 25, 32–36, 314–317
seismic design 154–155 wind speed-up 26, 292–293
solid freestanding 29, 74 wind tunnel procedure 30, 302–303
structural 133–134, 140–141 wood 160
vertical 277 worst-case event 2

388 ASCE 7-05

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