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SECTION 8 Clinical Microbiology: Bacteria

Gram-Negative Coccobacilli

KEY CONCEPTS suggests that B. pertussis and B. parapertussis are probably human-
adapted subspecies of B. bronchiseptica.2
The pathogens covered in the chapter exemplify a
number of diverse aspects of the interaction between Epidemiology
man and microbes, as exemplified by:
Pertussis is the most prevalent vaccine-preventable disease in high-
• Zoonotic and imported infections, such as Brucella, Francisella, income countries and an important cause of death in malnourished
Pasteurella and Yersinia. children. In 2011 the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated
• Mucosal infections, such as Moraxella and nontypeable Hae-
there were at least 16 million cases and 200 000 deaths annually, mostly
mophilus influenzae (NTHi), which emphasize the importance in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). In most populations
of biofilms and microbial interactions in the pathogenesis of the disease is endemic, with epidemics occurring every 4 years in
mucosal disease. autumn and winter. There is no animal reservoir.
Pertussis is highly contagious, being transmitted via aerosolized
• Environmental infections such as Legionella sources. Interna- droplets of respiratory secretions. In the prevaccine era nearly all chil-
tional alerting systems are critical in many outbreak
dren became infected between the ages of 1 and 5 years. Attack rates
range from 50% for school contacts to 80–90% for close family con-
• Vaccine-preventable infections, notably pertussis and Hae- tacts. Patients may disseminate organisms for weeks or months and
mophilus influenzae type b (Hib). are highly infectious in the nonspecific catarrhal and early paroxysmal
• Commensal bacteria, which can cause serious disease, such as stages of the infection. The infection can therefore be transmitted to
the HACEK group causing endocarditis. susceptible individuals before the possibility of whooping cough is
considered. There is little evidence of asymptomatic carriage.
Vaccination against pertussis has resulted in a decline in the inci-
dence of the disease in children aged 3 months to 9 years (Figure
183-1). However, infants less than 3 months old remain susceptible to
pertussis as they cannot be fully protected by immunization. Over the
last decade, pertussis has emerged in adolescents and adults in many
Introduction higher-income countries,3 probably due to waning immunity after
The gram-negative coccobacilli (GNCB) that are important human natural infection or vaccination. Other important factors include
pathogens include Bordetella, Brucella, Francisella, Haemophilus, Legio- improved molecular diagnostic testing, increased awareness of the
nella, Pasteurella, Moraxella and Yersinia spp. Other GNCB including disease leading to increased reporting of cases, active surveillance,
Actinobacillus, Aggregatibacter, Cardiobacterium, Eikenella, and Kin- changes in disease susceptibility and characteristics of the vaccine.3
gella spp. occasionally cause human disease. All of these genera except Combination vaccines containing diphtheria toxoid, tetanus toxoid
Yersinia are fastidious, requiring special nutrients and growth factors and an acellular pertussis component (DTaP) are less potent than vac-
for isolation. cines containing whole-cell pertussis (DTP)4 and vaccine-induced
Other less common GNCB not discussed further in this chapter immunity may wane more rapidly when DTaP is used.5 It has also been
include Oligella ureolytica, Psychrobacter phenylpyruvicus (formally postulated that genetic changes in circulating strains of B. pertussis may
Moraxella phenylpyruvica) and Psychrobacter immobilis. Actinobacillus be a factor in the recent resurgence4 though this is not proven. Older
ureae is an occasional opportunist human pathogen, associated with patients who develop pertussis can act as a source of transmission to
pneumonia, lung abscess and invasive infections. very young children.
Vaccination schedules vary between countries, but administration
of boosters at different ages may reduce individual morbidity and
Bordetella spp. onward transmission, and increase herd protection. Rates of infection
in the 2011–2013 UK outbreak were greatest in infants less than three
Nature months old, who are at most risk of complications and death (Figure
Bordetella spp. are minute GNCB. All nine species in the genus are 183-1). A temporary program to offer pertussis vaccination to preg-
strict aerobes, except for Bordetella petrii, and grow optimally at nant women from 28–32 weeks of gestation was introduced in the UK
35–37°C. Bordetella pertussis and B. parapertussis are nonmotile. B. in 2013 and successfully reduced cases in very young infants.6 Due to
pertussis is the most fastidious and requires special media for isolation; the success of the maternal immunization program in preventing per-
B. parapertussis is slightly less exacting, while B. bronchiseptica grows tussis in infants, the UK Joint Committee on Vaccines and Immunisa-
on ordinary laboratory media. B. pertussis and B. parapertussis are tion (JCVI) has decided to continue the temporary policy for at least
human pathogens of the respiratory tract and cause pertussis or 5 more years (
whooping cough. Bordetella holmesii causes both invasive infections -update-issue-217-july-to-august-2014).
and pertussis-like respiratory symptoms.1 B. bronchiseptica, B. hinzii, The three serotypes of B. pertussis pathogenic for humans contain
B. trematum, B. petrii, B. avium and B. ansorpii infrequently cause agglutinins 1,2; 1,2,3; and 1,3. Strains may switch serotype both in vitro
infection in humans and tend to affect immunocompromised hosts. and in vivo. Various genotypic methods, such as multiple locus vari-
B. bronchiseptica and B. avium are primary respiratory tract pathogens able number tandem repeat analysis (MLVA), pulsed-field gel electro-
of birds and mammals. Whole genome sequencing has confirmed the phoresis (PFGE), multiple antigen sequence typing (MAST) and more
close genetic relatedness of the three ‘classical’ Bordetella species (B. recently whole genome sequencing have been applied to the epidemio-
pertussis, B. parapertussis and B. bronchiseptica) and genomic analysis logical typing and population analysis of B. pertussis.
1612 SECTION 8  Clinical Microbiology: Bacteria

The epidemiology of pertussis in the UK

Notifications Coverage by 2nd birthday

Total notifications 200000 100 Coverage (%)
180000 90
Incidence per 20 160000 80 300 Incidence per
100,000 (all ages) 140000 70 100,000 (<6
18 120000 60 months of age)
100000 50 250
80000 40
14 60000 30
12 40000 20
20000 10
10 0
0 150


0 0
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

All ages <3 months 3–5 months

Figure 183-1  The epidemiology of pertussis in the UK. The main graph shows the incidence of confirmed pertussis in infants under 6 months old and at all ages,
England only, 1998–2013. The insert graph shows vaccine coverage data by second birthday for England between 1940 and 2012, and the incidence of confirmed pertus-
sis over this period. Data supplied by Public Health England.

Pathogenicity of pertussis occurred in the late 1970s (Figure 183-1). There is no

strong evidence that whole-cell pertussis vaccine produces long-term
Bordetella pertussis, B. parapertussis and B. bronchiseptica all possess a adverse effects but it may trigger the appearance of pre-existing neu-
virulence control system regulated by BvgAS operon, which is a two- rological problems.
component phospho-relay system that responds to environmental A number of acellular pertussis vaccines, containing up to five B.
conditions by switching between three phenotypic phases.7 The Bvg+ pertussis antigens, including PT, filamentous hemagglutinin, pertactin
phase occurs with respiratory tract colonization and is associated with and fimbrial antigens FIM2 and FIM3, have been developed. These
the expression of a number of virulence factors. The Bvgi phase is have replaced whole-cell pertussis vaccines in routine infant immuni-
associated with respiratory transmission and Bvg− is an avirulent phase zation programs in many high-income countries, including the UK.
that enables B. bronchiseptica to survive in the environment.7 Some They are generally less reactogenic than whole-cell preparations and
Bvg-regulated genes are expressed in all three subspecies. Others, may be used for booster immunization in older children and adults.
although they are present, are differentially expressed. Importantly the There is no vaccine against B. parapertussis.
ptx-ptl operon, which encodes pertussis toxin (PT), is present in B. Continual review of vaccination strategies, together with the devel-
pertussis, B. parapertussis and B. bronchiseptica but only expressed in opment of new immunogenic and efficacious vaccines, is critical to
the Bvg+ phase of B. pertussis. control the resurgence of this potentially fatal disease.
Bordetella pertussis produces a number of adhesins and toxins,
which are important in pathogenesis (Table 183-1).8 Following inhala-
tion, B. pertussis adheres to ciliated epithelium in the trachea and
Diagnostic Microbiology
bronchi. Adhesion is mediated by filamentous hemagglutinin, pertac- With careful sampling and culture techniques B. pertussis can be recov-
tin and, possibly, PT. The bacteria then begin to multiply and produce ered during the catarrhal phase and the first 2–3 weeks of the parox-
various toxins: PT (disrupts cell function); tracheal cytotoxin (inhibits ysmal phase of the illness. Nasopharyngeal aspirates, pernasal swabs or
ciliary motion); adenylate cyclase toxin (interferes with phagocytosis) nasopharyngeal swabs are the specimens of choice, and are superior to
and dermonecrotic toxin (causes local necrosis). The organisms ‘cough plates’. Material collected for bacterial culture should be plated
remain localized on the respiratory epithelium, and do not invade. immediately onto appropriate agar, or placed in charcoal transport
medium. Charcoal blood agar, containing cephalexin to enhance selec-
tivity, has largely replaced the traditional Bordet–Gengou agar. Cul-
Prevention tures should be incubated in a moist aerobic atmosphere at 98.6°F
Prevention of pertussis depends on immunization. Whole-cell pertus- (37°C) for at least 7 days. After 3–5 days of incubation, typical ‘bisected
sis vaccine, consisting of killed suspensions of whole bacterial cells pearl’ colonies appear (Figure 183-2). Suspect colonies should be
adsorbed with the adjuvant aluminum hydroxide, was introduced in Gram-stained and identified using slide agglutination with type-
the UK during the 1950s and resulted in a steady decline in the size of specific antisera. B. pertussis, B. parapertussis and B. bronchiseptica can
pertussis epidemics until the mid-1970s. Concerns about the safety of be identified using a commercial test kit such as API 20NE. Matrix-
whole-cell vaccines and fears of possible neurologic sequelae led to a assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF)
dramatic fall in vaccine uptake in the UK, and three large epidemics mass spectrometry reliably identifies the classical Bordetella species.
Chapter 183  Gram-Negative Coccobacilli 1613

183-1  Virulence Factors of Bordetella pertussis*
Toxin Synonyms Composition Actions Comments

Filamentous hemagglutinin FHA Filamentous protein Adhesin, binds to ciliated respiratory Highly immunogenic component
tract epithelium, and macrophage of acellular pertussis vaccines
CR3 promoting phagocytosis

Pertactin PRN Outer membrane protein Adhesin, important in colonization of Enhances protective immunity
ciliated respiratory tract epithelium

Pertussis toxin PT A-protomer (S1 subunit) and Attachment to ciliated respiratory Adjuvant component of acellular
B-oligomer which consists epithelium pertussis vaccines
of four subunits (S2 to S5) Activation of cAMP, HSF, IAP, LPF
Impairs leukocyte function

Adenylate cyclase toxin ACT Protein Activation of cAMP Calmodulin-activated RTX toxin

Dermonecrotic toxin DNT Polypeptide, heat-labile Vascular smooth muscle contraction

Dermal necrosis
Activates host GTP binding protein Rho

Tracheal cytotoxin TCT Glycopeptide Ciliostasis

Inhibits DNA synthesis

Lipopolysaccharide LPS Lipopolysaccharide Endotoxin

Tracheal colonization factor TCF-A Proline-rich protein Cytotoxin

Adhesin predominantly in trachea
Contributes to destruction of respiratory

Serum resistance factor BRK Protein Potential adhesin and serum resistance
Complement resistance
Fimbriae FIM Filamentous proteins Facilitates persistent tracheal Component of some acellular
composed of subunits colonization pertussis vaccines

cAMP, cyclic adenosine monophosphate; HSF, histamine sensitizing factor; IAP, islet-activating protein; LPF, lymphocytosis promoting factor; RTX, repeats in toxin.
*With the exception of pertussis toxin, similar toxins are expressed in B. parapertussis and B. bronchiseptica.

in titer of IgG or IgA (twofold or greater) in acute and convalescent

phase samples taken at least 2 weeks apart is considered significant. In
adolescents and adults a single high titer of antipertussis toxin IgG has
a good predictive value of acute pertussis infection, with reported
sensitivity of 76% and specificity of 99%.9 Serology is unreliable in
young infants.

Clinical Manifestations
Bordetella pertussis is the cause of pertussis (whooping cough). Typi-
cally, following an incubation period of 7–14 days, the patient develops
red eyes, a runny nose, mild cough and sneezing (‘catarrhal stage’).
Symptoms are clinically indistinguishable from many viral upper
respiratory tract infections. After approximately 1 week the cough
becomes more severe and the patient experiences paroxysmal bouts of
a severe, hacking cough (‘paroxysmal stage’). A paroxysm consists of
repeated coughing followed by an inspiratory gasp as the patient finally
inspires. This is the characteristic ‘whoop’. Paroxysms may be trig-
Figure 183-2  Colonies of Bordetella pertussis on charcoal blood agar. gered by a variety of stimuli, including cold air and loud noises. A child
may become cyanosed during a paroxysm and can suffer fatal hypoxia.
Real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is more sensitive than Often the child vomits at the end of a paroxysm and is left exhausted.
culture, especially for specimens collected more than 3–4 weeks after This paroxysmal stage may last for 1–4 weeks, and is followed by a
onset of the cough and following antibiotic treatment. A number of lengthy ‘convalescent stage’ as the paroxysms decline and the patient
different primers have been used, including IS481, which detects B. slowly recovers.
pertussis and B. holmesii; IS1001, which detects B. parapertussis and Common complications include pneumonia (which may be
B. holmesii; and ptxA, which is specific for B. pertussis. Serotyping of primary or secondary to a supervening infection with another patho-
B. pertussis is based on the three major surface agglutinogens (1, 2 and gen) and otitis media. The child may suffer cerebral hypoxia during a
3). Type 1,3 is more common than serotypes 1,2 and 1,2,3, and paroxysm, which can lead to encephalopathy or fitting. Other possible
accounts for 90% of isolates. Typing by MLVA facilitates comparison complications include intraventricular hemorrhage, subconjunctival
between laboratories. hemorrhages, umbilical or inguinal herniae, fractured ribs, ruptured
Serological diagnosis of B. pertussis is based on enzyme-linked diaphragm and rectal prolapse. Pertussis is most severe in very young
immunosorbent assay (ELISA) of IgG and IgA antibodies to PT. A rise infants and in this age group the presentation may be atypical with no
1614 SECTION 8  Clinical Microbiology: Bacteria

characteristic paroxysmal whooping. Partially immunized children of at least 25 Brucella strains are available, and analysis has confirmed
and adults may have an atypical form of pertussis.10 that members of the genus are genetically homogeneous. Investigating
Bordetella parapertussis is a cause of acute bronchitis or pertussis- Brucella diversity helps our understanding of evolution and taxonomy,
like infections in children. Bordetella bronchiseptica may rarely cause and also directs the development of new molecular typing tools.12
pneumonia, meningitis or whooping cough in highly immunocom-
promised patients.10 Bordetella holmesii is associated with pertussis- Epidemiology
like symptoms, but may also cause invasive infections, including Brucellosis is a true zoonosis, because humans acquire the infection
meningitis, bacteremia, pneumonia, endocarditis and arthritis. While directly or indirectly from infected animals. It is the commonest zoo-
respiratory infections with B. holmesii tend to occur in healthy adults notic infection worldwide, with more than 500 000 cases of human
and adolescents, invasive infections generally affect patients with brucellosis reported annually, which is likely to be an underestimate.
underlying co-morbidities, including asplenia, HIV infection or Brucellosis is prevalent in Mediterranean countries, the Middle East,
immunosuppression. Infection with B. holmesii may be misidentified the Indian subcontinent, Mongolia and Central and South America.13
as being due to B. pertussis because routine diagnostic tests are not Some countries have eradicated brucellosis, including the UK, much
species-specific.1 of northern Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Canada.
In their natural hosts, Brucella spp. cause chronic infections which
Management are mild or asymptomatic. The bacteria localize in the reproductive
Antimicrobial therapy for pertussis, when administered early in tissues of ruminants, which are rich in mesoerythritol. Erythritol stim-
the illness, can decrease transmission to susceptible contacts and ulates the multiplication of Brucella spp. Thus the main symptoms of
possibly ameliorate symptoms. Macrolides are the antibiotics of choice brucellosis in animals include sterility or abortion. Brucella organisms
and ap­­pear to reduce the severity and duration of the disease. are shed in large numbers in the products of conception, urine and
Co-trimoxazole or fluoroquinolones are alternatives. Corticosteroids milk, and when infected animals are slaughtered. Humans are infected
may be indicated in infants who have life-threatening disease. Second- either by direct contact with infected animals or animal products or
ary bacterial infections should be treated with appropriate antibiotics. indirectly by ingesting infected milk or dairy produce.
Antibiotic prophylaxis should be offered to all close contacts, regard- In endemic areas, most cases occur in dairymen, herdsmen, abat-
less of their immunization status, where there is an unimmunized or toir workers, butchers and veterinary surgeons. Children may become
partially immunized vulnerable close contact.11 Immunization should infected in rural areas of LMIC if they live in close proximity to domes-
be considered for those offered antibiotic prophylaxis.11 tic animals. The general public is usually infected by ingesting unpas-
teurized milk and milk products such as fresh soft cheese. Case-to-case
transmission in humans is very rare. Self-inoculation with live Brucella
Brucella spp. vaccine is a risk among veterinary surgeons, and laboratory workers
are at risk if they handle as-yet unidentified gram-negative coccobacilli
Nature without adequate precautions. Brucellosis is considered a potential
Brucella spp. are small, nonmotile, nonsporing, noncapsulate biologic weapon via airborne transmission.
GNCB. They are aerobic, but some strains require 5–10% carbon
dioxide for primary isolation. Growth in vitro is slow and primary Pathogenesis
isolation may require 4 weeks incubation. Growth may be improved Brucella spp. are facultative intracellular parasites, their survival and
by addition of serum or blood. Brucella spp. are catalase-positive and persistence within the body being dependent on their ability to survive
usually oxidase-positive. and multiply within cells of the reticuloendothelial system.14 The
Brucella is a monospecific genus (Brucella melitensis) with multiple organisms enter the body by inhalation, ingestion or after penetration
biovars. In practice it is more useful to refer to separate species, which of intact skin, abrasions or the conjunctival mucosa. The lipopolysac-
have different preferential host specificities. There are 10 ‘species’ of charide (endotoxin) of smooth strains (S-LPS) is a major virulence
Brucella: B. melitensis is the most virulent and is responsible for most determinant. S-LPS is antiphagocytic, facilitates cell entry, inhibits the
human infections (Table 183-2). B. melitensis, B. abortus and B. suis fusion of Brucella-containing vacuoles (BCV) with lysosomes and
cause considerable morbidity in countries where brucellosis persists in inhibits host cell apoptosis. A two-component regulatory system,
domestic animals. Human infections with B. canis and the marine BvrR/BvrS is important for invasion and intracellular survival, and acts
species (B. ceti, B. pinnipedialis) are rare. Complete genome sequences by regulating the expression of outer membrane proteins, Omp3a

183-2  Brucella species
Species (Number Of Biovars) Primary Host Humans As Secondary Host Notes Regarding Human Infections

B. abortus (6) Cattle, camels, yaks, buffalo ++ Usually sporadic, in people who work with cattle

B. melitensis (3) Goats ++++ Responsible for the majority of human infections. Primarily

B. suis (5) Pigs + Usually sporadic, in people who work with pigs

B. canis Dogs + Unusual

B. ceti Whales + Very rare

B. pinnipediae Seals + Very rare

B. neotomeae Desert rats − −

B. ovis Sheep − −

B. microti Voles − −
B. inopinata ? ? 1 case report of human infection in breast implant
Chapter 183  Gram-Negative Coccobacilli 1615

Major events in the pathogenesis of brucellosis and host immune response

Macrophage Phagosome

of TNF-
/ T lymphocytes


Natural killer cells production

T lymphocytes

B lymphocytes

Figure 183-3  Major events in the pathogenesis of brucellosis and the host immune response. (From Pappas G. et al. N Engl J Med 2005; 352:2325-2336.)

(Omp25) and Omp3b (Omp22). The altered expression of surface Diagnostic Microbiology
proteins permits Brucella to bind to and penetrate host cells. The type
IV secretion system (VirB) of Brucella, encoded by the virB operon, is Clinicians should inform laboratory staff if brucellosis is suspected (or
also important for adherence, cell entry and bacterial survival and when investigating febrile patients who have visited or resided in
replication within macrophages. Brucella-endemic areas) to ensure samples are processed appropri-
After ingestion by phagocytic cells, the organisms proliferate in ately. Definitive diagnosis depends on isolating Brucella spp. from
local lymph nodes. The infection spreads hematogenously to tissues cultures of blood, bone marrow or tissue obtained early in the disease.
rich in elements of the reticuloendothelial system, including the liver, Bone marrow cultures reportedly give a slightly higher yield than blood
bone marrow, lymph nodes and spleen. Organisms may also localize cultures. However, automated blood culture methods may produce
in other tissues, including the central nervous system, joints, heart and positive results in approximately 80% of cases, so bone marrow cul-
kidneys. tures are rarely required. Cultures should be incubated at 98.6°F
Endotoxin and hypersensitivity to Brucella antigens may explain (37°C) for at least 6 weeks, but commercial systems may show growth
some of the symptoms of brucellosis, including fever and weight loss. in a few days. In LMIC where automated blood culture systems are
Antibodies against the Brucella LPS appear within a few days of onset not available, blood clot culture is more sensitive than whole blood
of the acute phase of the disease and are important in preventing culture and lysis centrifugation may increase yield.
re-infection. However, cell-mediated immunity, particularly the pro- Positive cultures should be subcultured onto serum dextrose agar
duction of activated mononuclear phagocytes, is more important in or similar agar. Selective media may be required for contaminated
promoting recovery (see Figure 183-3). material. After 48 hours of incubation at 98.6°F (37°C) in air plus
5–10% carbon dioxide, Brucella spp. produce small, smooth, translu-
cent colonies. Commercial galley-test identification systems (API) may
Prevention misidentify Brucella spp. as Moraxella phenylpyruvica. MALDI-TOF
The ideal method of prevention of human brucellosis is elimination MS is a rapid and reliable method to identify Brucella spp.
of the disease from domestic livestock. There are effective vaccines for The biovar of the strain is usually determined by reference labora-
cattle (S19) and goats (Rev-1). Where eradication has not been tories, based on production of hydrogen sulfide, urease activity, toler-
achieved, individuals with at-risk occupations should wear protective ance to bacteriostatic dyes and agglutination. Tbilisi (Tb) phage typing
clothing, gloves, goggles and masks, especially when handling post- may also be used. A number of PCR assays for diagnosing brucellosis
partum animals. in clinical samples have been described and may rapidly diagnose acute
Previously, live attenuated animal vaccines have been given to brucellosis and enable early detection of relapse.
workers at high risk of contracting brucellosis. However, these vaccines Many serological tests have been described for brucellosis, includ-
may produce infection in humans and are far from ideal. Candidate ing rose bengal test, serum agglutination, Coombs, competitive ELISA
vaccines, including an LPS–protein conjugate vaccine and a subunit lateral flow immunochromatography for IgM and IgG detection and
vaccine against the outer membrane vesicle are under development.14 immunoprecipitation with Brucella proteins. Interpretation of results
Boiling or pasteurizing milk eliminates the risk of transmission via is often difficult since both IgG and IgM antibodies can persist for a
dairy products, as Brucella is killed by heating at 140°F (60°C) for 10 long time.
minutes. If laboratory workers are exposed to Brucella, postexposure The serum agglutination test (SAT) using B. abortus strain 119 is
antibiotic prophylaxis, for example with doxycycline or co-trimoxazole, widely used, preferably on serum collected very early in the course of
should be considered. the disease. False-negative results may occur if serum samples are not
1616 SECTION 8  Clinical Microbiology: Bacteria

diluted beyond 1:320, owing to a prozone phenomenon. False-positive be monitored for 6 months for signs of infection, including the devel-
reactions may occur due to cross-reactivity with Escherichia coli, Vibrio opment of fever, headache, malaise, myalgia, arthralgia, anorexia or
cholerae, Yersinia enterocolitica and Francisella tularensis. The SAT weight loss.
measures both IgM and IgG. The best indicators of acute infection are
IgG and IgA antibodies. A rise in antibody titer is observed in more
than 97% of patients who have acute brucellosis and positive blood Francisella spp.
cultures. An initial IgM antibody response is followed after 1–2 weeks
by a rise in IgG. During recovery the IgG antibody titers slowly decline
over a period of months but IgM antibodies may persist at a low level
in the serum for several years. Sustained IgG antibody titers or a Francisella spp. are very small, faintly staining, pleomorphic, nonmo-
second rise in IgG antibody levels are seen in chronic infection or tile and nonspore-forming GNCB, surrounded by a thin lipid-rich
relapse. The SAT test does not detect B. canis as it lacks surface LPS, capsule. They are strictly aerobic, oxidase-negative and weakly catalase-
and specific serology for this organism should be requested. positive. They attack carbohydrates slowly, producing acid but no gas.
Commercial ELISA tests based on antibodies to S-LPS are highly Francisella tularensis requires cysteine or cystine for growth and grows
sensitive but appear to be less specific than the SAT. Again, because B. slowly at 98.6°F (37°C) on suitably enriched media.
canis lacks surface LPS it provokes minimal anti-LPS-specific antibody F. tularensis causes tularemia in animals and humans. Within the
response. species F. tularensis there are three subspecies, which differ in their
Rapid point-of-care tests, including fluorescent polarization geographical distribution and virulence in man (Table 183-3). Com-
immunoassay (FPA) and immunochromatographic Brucella IgM/IgG parative genomics suggest that these subspecies are genetically distinct
lateral flow assay (LFA) are highly sensitive and specific and have been groups.16
used successfully to diagnose brucellosis in endemic areas. Ideally the
diagnosis of brucellosis should be based on clinical suspicion, isolation Epidemiology
of the organism and positive serology. The majority of human infections with F. tularensis occur in the north-
ern hemisphere between latitudes 30° and 71°. It is well recognized in
North America, Scandinavia and Russia, and cases have been reported
Clinical Manifestations (see also Chapter 129) from central and southern Europe, including Czech Republic, Kosovo,
Brucellosis, also known as Malta fever or undulant fever, is a systemic Bulgaria, Germany, Spain and France. All cases in the UK are imported.
infection that can affect any tissue of the body, and tends to present The organism is found in more than 250 host animal species including
with nonspecific clinical symptoms.15 The possibility of brucellosis wild and domestic animals, birds, fish, amphibians, protozoa and
should be considered in any fever of unknown origin, especially in blood-sucking arthropods. In the USA the most important reservoirs
patients who have occupational exposure or relevant travel history. See of F. tularensis are cottontail rabbits, jackrabbits, hares and muskrats.
Chapter 68. In Scandinavia and Russia, hares and rabbits are important reservoirs.
The modes of transmission to humans include tick or mosquito bites,
contact with infected animal tissues, inhalation of infectious aerosols
Management or ingestion of contaminated meat or water.
Before the introduction of antibiotics, brucellosis was a chronic, F. tularensis may survive in soil, water (possibly in association with
relapsing illness. In vitro antibiotic activity does not always correlate free-living amebae) and animal carcasses for several weeks. In endemic
with clinical efficacy, and agents that achieve adequate intracellular areas, tularemia is seasonal with the majority of cases occurring during
concentrations should be used. A prolonged course of treatment is the late spring, summer and autumn. There are approximately 200
recommended to reduce relapse. Most recommendations center on cases each year reported in the USA, with over 60% occurring in the
dual or triple therapy, usually involving an aminoglycoside. Examples southern and southern-central states of Missouri, Oklahoma, Arkan-
include oral doxycycline plus rifampin (rifampicin) for at least 6 sas, Texas and Kansas.
weeks, or oral doxycycline for 6 weeks supplemented by a parenteral People who handle infected animals, including hunters, farmers
aminoglycoside for the first 2–3 weeks (see also Chapter 129). In and veterinary surgeons are at increased risk of infection. Laboratory
cases of accidental laboratory exposure, post-exposure prophylaxis workers are at high risk through handling infected laboratory animals
should be offered as soon as possible. Possible regimens include or cultures of the organism. Person-to-person transmission of Fran-
oral doxycycline or co-trimoxazole. In all such cases the patient should cisella tularensis has not been documented.

183-3  The Subspecies and Biovars of Francisella tularensis
Subspecies Geographical Distribution Virulence In Humans Main Animal Hosts
F. tularensis (type A)

Clade AI (sub-groups AIa and AIb)* Central USA (east of Rocky Mountains) +++ Cottontail rabbits, jackrabbits, hares, ground
Clade AII Western USA squirrels

F. holarctica (type B)

Biovar I North America, ++ Beavers, voles, muskrats

Biovar II Europe, Siberia, Hares
Biovar japonica Eurasia, Japan Voles

F. mediasiatica Central Asia + Rodents, rabbits

F. novicida† North America, Australia, Thailand + ?§

*Human infections with F. tularensis subspecies tularensis AIb run a fulminant course with a high mortality rate compared with infections due to AIa, AII or Type B

Less virulent. Infection mainly occurs in immunocompromised hosts.
Infections associated with brackish water.
Chapter 183  Gram-Negative Coccobacilli 1617

Pathogenicity Clinical Manifestations (see also Chapter 127)

The infectious dose for humans depends on the subspecies and the The clinical manifestations of F. tularensis infection depend on the
route of entry. Inhalation of fewer than 10 organisms of F. tularensis portal of entry, the virulence of the infecting strain, infecting dose and
subsp. tularensis can result in infection. The infecting dose rises to 108 host immune status. Up to 30% of untreated infections can be lethal.
when the organisms are ingested.
F. tularensis subsp. tularensis (type A) is more virulent to animals
and humans than the other subspecies. The low infecting dose, aerosol Management
transmission, high virulence and high mortality of consequent infec- Fluoroquinolones, such as ciprofloxacin, are effective treatment for
tion with F. tularensis subsp. tularensis mean that this organism is a uncomplicated tularemia. For the treatment of more severe cases,
potential bioweapon.17 including pneumonic tularemia, aminoglycosides are indicated. A
The virulence of F. tularensis is based on its ability to survive and high rate of relapse has been associated with the use of tetracyclines.
replicate within the cytosol of infected cells, including macrophages, For postexposure prophylaxis, oral doxycycline or ciprofloxacin for 14
hepatocytes and endothelial cells.18 After entering the body, the organ- days should be considered.
isms spread to the regional lymph nodes, from where they may dis-
seminate via the lymphatic system or bloodstream to involve multiple
organs. There is probably a transient bacteremia at this early stage.
Intracellular survival is enabled by a number of virulence genes, Haemophilus spp.
including the ‘macrophage growth locus’ (mgl) A and B and the ‘Fran-
cisella pathogenicity island’. Organisms are protected from humoral Nature
antibodies, which are directed against carbohydrate antigens. Recovery Haemophilus spp. are small, pleomorphic, nonmotile, nonsporing
from tularemia depends largely on cell-mediated immunity, which is gram-negative rods or GNCB. They are aerobic and facultatively
directed against the protein antigens of the organism. anaerobic, and addition of 5–10% carbon dioxide to the incubation
atmosphere may enhance growth. The oxidase and catalase reactions
Prevention vary. The differential requirements for X and V factors are important
Prevention of tularemia is best achieved by avoiding exposure to the criteria for defining species of Haemophilus. X factor can be provided
organism. Gloves, masks and goggles should be worn when skinning by hemin, protoporphyrin IX or other iron-containing porphyrins.
or eviscerating animals. Animals that look sick should be left intact. X-dependent Haemophilus spp. cannot synthesize protoporphyrin
Game meat should be thoroughly cooked and fresh water that is pos- from δ-aminolevulinic acid, a process involving several enzyme-
sibly contaminated should not be drunk. Ticks should be promptly mediated steps, some or all of which may be defective. V factor is nico-
removed and chemical insect repellants may be used. tinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) or NAD phosphate or certain
There is no licensed vaccine available. To be effective a vaccine unidentified precursors of these compounds. It is essential for the
would need to elicit a T-cell memory response. The live attenuated oxidation–reduction processes.
vaccine (LVS) given to laboratory staff working with F. tularensis in The species of Haemophilus associated with human infections are
the USA was withdrawn because of variable immunogenicity and risk shown in Table 183-4. Haemophilus influenzae is the major human
of reversion to virulence. Killed and subunit vaccines have not been pathogen in the group. There are six distinct antigenic types of encap-
effective. A vaccine using an attenuated strain of Type A tularemia, sulated H. influenzae, designated a–f. H. influenzae type b (Hib) has a
SchuS4, appears to provide protection against parenteral and intrana- polyribosyl-ribitol-phosphate (PRP) capsule and before the introduc-
sal challenge with a fully virulent SchuS4 strain.19 tion of Hib conjugate vaccines, was associated with most invasive
infections. There is considerable debate as to whether H. aegyptius
(which is associated with purulent conjunctivitis) is a species distinct
Diagnostic Microbiology from H. influenzae. The syndrome of epidemic purpura fulminans and
F. tularensis is a Hazard Group 3 pathogen, so it is imperative that purulent conjunctivitis, known as Brazilian purpuric fever, was first
the laboratory is notified if tularemia is suspected so appropriate described in Brazil in the 1980s and was caused by a single clone of
containment precautions can be taken. The detection of F. tularensis Haemophilus (H. influenzae biogroup aegyptius).22
in a Gram-stained smear of aspirates or other samples is rarely The name Haemophilus quentini has been proposed for variant
successful. strains of H. influenzae isolated from the genitourinary tract which
Specialized culture media such as cysteine–glucose–blood agar or may be associated with maternal-neonatal infections.23 These strains
cysteine-enriched media, such as buffered charcoal yeast extract agar are distinguishable from typical strains of nontypeable Haemophilus
(BCYE), have been developed for F. tularensis. It also grows on choco- influenzae (NTHi) by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis, 16S rRNA
late blood agar supplemented with cysteine (e.g. IsoVitaleX™). Plates gene sequence and DNA hybridization. Most of these strains were
should be incubated at 98.6°F (37°F) with carbon dioxide-enriched air. reported to be biotype IV and were described as a ‘cryptic genospecies
F. tularensis grows slowly, taking 2–4 days to produce visible colonies, of Haemophilus biotype IV’. Subsequent studies, however, have
and incubation should be extended for 3 weeks. Colonies appear blue- reported more diverse H. influenzae biotypes causing such infections.
gray, round, smooth and somewhat mucoid. They are β-hemolytic on H. haemolyticus is a pharyngeal commensal of low pathogenicity,
blood-containing media. Identification can be confirmed by slide which can be hemolytic or nonhemolytic, and may be misidentified as
agglutination or fluorescent antibody staining. Alternatively, PCR tar- H. influenzae.24 V-factor requiring species of Haemophilus include H.
geting the fopA or tul4 gene may be used.20 Real-time PCR for F. parainfluenzae, H. parahaemolyticus, H. paraphrohaemolyticus, H. pitt­
tularensis is based on four target genes, ISFtu2, 23kDA, tul4 and fopA21 maniae and H. sputorum.23
and real-time PCR has been used to differentiate subspecies tularensis H. ducreyi, the cause of chancroid, is not closely related to the other
and holarctica. Haemophilus spp.
Antibody titers reach detectable levels 10–20 days post-infection. A H. aphrophilus and H. paraphrophilus have recently been combined
fourfold rise in antibody titer or a single titer greater than 1:160 is as a single species and reassigned to the genus Aggregatibacter as Aggre-
considered diagnostic. ELISA is more sensitive than agglutination gatibacter aphrophilus.23 This species forms part of the HACEK group
assays. IgG and IgM antibodies can persist for months or years and it (see below). H. segnis (Aggregatibacter segnis) is occasionally associated
may be difficult to distinguish past from current infection. Infections with acute appendicitis and bacteremia.
with Brucella spp. can give rise to antibodies that cross-react with DNA sequencing is increasingly being used for identification and
F. tularensis. typing of Haemophilus spp. and MALDI-TOF is a valuable tool for
1618 SECTION 8  Clinical Microbiology: Bacteria

183-4  Species of Haemophilus and Aggregatibacter Associated with Human Infection
Species X factor V factor CO2 Hemolysis Sucrose Mannose Lactose virulence factor)

H. influenzae + + − − − − − +

H. aegyptius + + − − − − − +

H. haemolyticus + + − +§ − − − −

H. parainfluenzae − + − − + + − −

H. parahaemolyticus − + − + + − − +

H. paraphrohaemolyticus − + − + + − − −

H. sputorum − + − + + − − −

H. pittmaniae − + − + + + − −

H. ducreyi + − − v − − − −

Aggregatibacter aphrophilus* h v + − + + + −

A. segnis †
+ − − w w − −
A. actinomycetemcomitans − − − − + − −

h, A. aphrophilus requires hemin for primary isolation; w, weak reaction; v, variable.

*H. aphrophilus and H. paraphrophilus have been reassigned to the genus Aggregatibacter as Aggregatibacter aphrophilus sp. nov. comb.

H. segnis has been reassigned to the genus Aggregatibacter as Aggregatibacter segnis.
H. haemolyticus strains can be hemolytic or nonhemolytic.

identification in a clinical microbiology laboratory. Of note, the virulence factor for NTHi. Lipoprotein D (LPD) impairs respiratory
genome of Haemophilus influenzae strain Rd was the first bacterial ciliary function.
genome to be fully sequenced.25 In the pre-Hib vaccine era, invasive infections, notably meningitis
and epiglottitis, were mainly caused by Hib and resulted from invasion
Epidemiology of the bloodstream. The capsule of type b H. influenzae is the single
Haemophilus influenzae is only found in humans and colonizes the most important virulence determinant for invasion because it protects
throat and nasopharynx, and, to a lesser extent, the conjunctivae and the organism from phagocytosis and complement-mediated lysis. The
genital tract. The respiratory tract is mainly colonized by H. parainflu- rarity of infections in the first 2 months of life correlates with the pres-
enzae and nontypeable (noncapsulate) H. influenzae (NTHi). Carriage ence of maternal antibodies to PRP, and the occurrence of infection
rates for Hib are low (3–5%). in early infancy with the absence of antibodies having such specificity.
The epidemiology of invasive infections caused by H. influenzae is As the mean level of PRP antibodies in the population rises, so Hib
distinct from noninvasive infections. NTHi is a major cause of mucosal infections become less common. It is unclear whether natural antibody
infections such as otitis media, sinusitis, conjunctivitis and exacerba- production is stimulated by exposure to Hib or to some other organ-
tions of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, associated with the ism (e.g. E. coli K100) that possesses cross-reacting antigens.
formation of biofilms.26 With the widespread use of Hib conjugate vaccines, invasive Hib
infections have become uncommon and the majority of invasive infec-
Pathogenicity tions are caused by NTHi or other capsulated serotypes. Invasive NTHi
infections mainly occur in very young infants and in the elderly. Preg-
H. influenzae is transmitted by aerosols of respiratory secretions or by nant women have an increased susceptibility to invasive NTHi disease,
direct contact with contaminated material. The primary event is colo- which is associated with miscarriage, premature labor and post-partum
nization of the nasopharynx. Prior infection with respiratory viruses infection in the mother and the neonate.27
(e.g. influenza) predisposes to nasopharyngeal colonization by mecha-
nisms including obstruction to the outflow of respiratory secretions,
depression of local immunity and suppression of mucociliary clear-
ance. Contiguous spread (usually of NTHi) may result in noninvasive VACCINATION
mucosal infections including acute sinusitis and otitis media. H. influenzae type b conjugate vaccines consist of the PRP covalently
Colonization may be promoted by microbial factors such as fim- linked to a protein carrier, such as tetanus toxoid, diphtheria toxoid,
briae and other adhesins, lipo-oligosaccharide (LOS) and IgA1 prote- a non-toxic mutant diphtheria and an outer membrane protein
ase.26 LOS consists of two covalently linked moieties, lipid A (which complex from Neisseria meningitidis group B. These vaccines produce
mediates endotoxic effects) and core oligosaccharide. LOS is a cilio- a lasting anamnestic response, which is not age related. They can be
toxin and is important for colonization, persistence and survival of the given to infants as young as 2 months of age and are also effective in
bacteria in the human host. high-risk patients who have a poor response to polysaccharide vac-
IgA1 protease inactivates secretory IgA, facilitating bacterial access cines. In the UK Hib vaccine is administered at 2, 3 and 4 months as
to the mucosal surface. Fimbriae and the autotransporter proteins a component of a pentavalent vaccine (diphtheria, tetanus, acellular
Hap, HMW1/HMW2 and Hia/Hsf are associated with binding to pertussis, Hib and inactivated polio vaccine), with a booster dose (Hib
respiratory tract epithelium. Hap promotes bacterial entry into epithe- combined with meningococcus C vaccine) at 12–13 months of age.
lial cells. HMW1/HMW2 proteins are expressed by the majority of Countries where Hib vaccine is routinely offered have witnessed a
NTHi but are not found in capsulate strains. Hia is found in nearly all dramatic decline in the occurrence of Hib infections (Figure 183-4).
NTHi. Its analog, Hif, is expressed in almost all capsulate strains. Pos- Immunization of infants with conjugate Hib vaccine results in a reduc-
session of the outer membrane protein P2 is another important tion in the rate of nasopharyngeal colonization by Hib and a marked
Chapter 183  Gram-Negative Coccobacilli 1619

Incidence of Haemophilus influenzae type b disease in England 1990–2012

Number of laboratory 350

reports Hib vaccine introduced All ages

<5 years



Hib catch-up
150 campaign

12-month Hib
booster introduced


Year (by quarter)

Figure 183-4  The incidence of Haemophilus influenzae type b disease in England, 1990–2012. Routine laboratory data combined with reference laboratory data. Data
supplied by Public Health England.

herd immunity effect. Hib vaccine is recommended post splenectomy

and for patients with functional asplenia, together with pneumococcal TABLE Candidate Vaccine Antigens of Nontypeable
183-5  Haemophilus influenzae (NThi)
and meningococcal vaccines.
There is currently considerable interest in developing vaccines
Protective In
for NTHi.28 A 10-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, using H. Antigen Animal Model Comments
influenzae-derived protein D as a carrier protein for the pneumococcal
polysaccharide, showed protection against both pneumococcal and Lipo-oligosaccharide + Common epitopes among
(LOS) NTHi strains
noncapsulate H. influenzae otitis media.29 Outer membrane vesicles
(OMVs) present a combination of multiple heterologous antigens to P6 + Highly conserved lipoprotein
the immune system which may increase vaccine efficacy against
OMP26 + Highly conserved
hetero­­logous strains.30 Orally administered killed vaccines which aim
to prevent acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary OMP P5 + Highly conserved
disease are under investigation. Several other candidate antigens are Lipoprotein D (LPD) + Recombinant deacylated form
being investigated (Table 183-5).31 (protein D) used as carrier
protein for pneumococcal
CHEMOPROPHYLAXIS conjugate vaccine
Oral rifampin for 4 days is recommended for eradicating carriage of OMP P2 >50% of total OMP of NTHi
H. influenzae type b and has been used to prevent secondary infection Heterogeneous and
in household and nursery contacts. Its effectiveness is unproven. conserved regions

Diagnostic Microbiology HtrA ±

HMW1/HMW2 + Found in >75% NTHi strains

Gram-stained smears of clinical samples such as cerebrospinal fluid or
pus may aid rapid diagnosis, although H. influenzae tends to stain P4 lipoprotein + Highly conserved
poorly. Dilute carbol fuchsin is a better counterstain than neutral red OMVs + Present a combination of
or safranin. Rapid tests for Hib capsular antigens, such as latex agglu- multiple heterologous
tination or a PCR-based method, can be applied to clinical material. antigens
False-positive latex agglutination results have been reported in cere-
brospinal fluid samples collected from children who had recently
received Hib vaccine.
1620 SECTION 8  Clinical Microbiology: Bacteria

Chocolate agar is used most commonly to culture Haemophilus enzae, a second X- and V-factor dependent species, H. haemolyticus, is
spp. The addition of bacitracin suppresses growth of other respiratory frequently found in the upper respiratory tract, and has long been
organisms, thus assisting the recovery of H. influenzae from respiratory regarded as a commensal. Until recently, microbiologists relied on the
samples. Cultures should be incubated at 98.6°F (37°C) in an aerobic production of zones of β-hemolysis on horse blood agar to differenti-
atmosphere enriched with 5–10% carbon dioxide. After 24 hours of ate H. haemolyticus from NTHi. However, 10-40% of H. haemolyticus
incubation, colonies of nontypeable H. influenzae (NTHi) are small, strains are nonhemolytic,24 so a scheme including hpd- and iga-based
circular, smooth and pale gray. Capsulated strains produce somewhat PCR assays has been recommended to improve the identification of
larger, mucoid colonies, with a characteristic seminal odor. Phenotypic H. haemolyticus.31
identification depends on growth factor requirement. To perform the The capsular serotype of H. influenzae is normally determined by
‘disk test’, the culture is plated onto nutrient agar with paper disks slide agglutination using type-specific antisera. This method is prone
containing X factor alone, V factor alone, and both X and V factors. to misinterpretation, with problems of autoagglutination, cross-
After overnight incubation, growth is observed around the disks sup- reacting antisera and observer error. There are eight biotypes of H.
plying the required growth factor(s) (Figure 183-5). Besides H. influ- influenzae (I-VIII) and eight biotypes of H. parainfluenzae, based on
indole production, ornithine decarboxylase and urease activity. In
clinical practice the designation of biotype is of little value. The defini-
tive method of typing H. influenzae is capsular genotyping using a
PCR-based method.

Clinical Manifestations
Haemophilus influenzae is associated with two distinct types of infec-
tion: invasive and noninvasive infections (Table 183-6).

Introduction of the Hib conjugate vaccine has resulted in a dramatic
decline in the incidence of invasive H. influenzae infections. In coun-
tries with established Hib vaccination programmes, most invasive H.
influenzae infections are caused by NTHi with a median age of onset
of approximately 60 years. Disease in neonates is almost invariably due
to NTHi. Epiglottitis is almost always caused by Hib, and has a peak
incidence in children aged 2–3 years (see also Chapter 25). Most inva-
sive NTHi cases in children (40–70%) and adults (60–80%) occur in
individuals with underlying co-morbidities, particularly chronic respi-
ratory disease and impaired immunity. H. influenzae type b (Hib)
childhood meningitis and bacteremia remain common where the Hib
vaccine is not used.
Other less common invasive H. influenzae infections include pneu-
monia, endocarditis, periorbital cellulitis, osteomyelitis, septic arthritis
and a bacteremia with no obvious focus of infection. H. influenzae
pneumonia is a major cause of mortality in young children in LMIC.
H. parainfluenzae is the most common cause of non-H. influenzae
bacteremia and infective endocarditis. Aggregatibacter aphrophilus may
Figure 183-5  Growth factor requirement of Haemophilus influenzae. Strain of cause infective endocarditis and cerebral abscesses, Aggregatibacter
H. influenzae sown on Columbia agar plate. Filter paper disks containing X factor,
V factor and both X and V factors were placed on the surface of the inoculated
actinomycetemcomitans also causes infective endocarditis and is associ-
plate, but colonies of H. influenzae grow only around the disk with both X and V ated with periodontal disease. Aggregatibacter segnis is a rare cause of
factors. endocarditis, acute appendicitis and bacteremia.

183-6  Spectrum of Infections Caused by Haemophilus influenzae
Infection Age Group Affected Details Strains

Invasive infections: 90% children <4 years old* Hib meningitis principally affects children ~90% type b (Hib)
Meningitis 10% older children and adults aged 2 months–2 years. Epiglottitis occurs ~10% NTHi
Epiglottitis in slightly older children (peak incidence 1% types e and f
Pneumonia 2–3 years). Risk factors for invasive disease
Septic arthritis include overcrowding, attendance at
Osteomyelitis daycare centers, chronic illness and poor
Cellulitis access to healthcare facilities

Neonatal and maternal sepsis Neonates >90% NTHi

Parturient mothers
Noninvasive respiratory infections: Children and adults >90% NTHi
Otitis media
Acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis

Hib, Haemophilus influenzae type b.

NTHi, nontypeable (noncapsulated) Haemophilus influenzae.
*Figures reflect prevaccine incidence and age distribution.
Chapter 183  Gram-Negative Coccobacilli 1621

NONINVASIVE INFECTIONS reports of H. ducreyi causing chronic skin ulceration in Papua New
Respiratory tract infections, acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis, Guinea.
otitis media, sinusitis and conjunctivitis are usually caused by NTHi
(see Chapter 27). Pathogenicity
H. influenzae biogroup aegyptius is a distinct strain of nontypeable The pathogenesis of chancroid is poorly understood. Haemophilus
H. influenzae. For more than a century this organism was known to ducreyi gains access via a break in the epithelium and establishes infec-
cause seasonal epidemics of acute purulent conjunctivitis, especially in tion in a focal area of mucosa or skin in the genital tract. Hemolysin
warmer climates. In 1984, a virulent clone of H. influenzae biogroup is important in epithelial cell invasion and ulcer formation. Superoxide
aegyptius, emerged in Brazil as the cause of an acute febrile illness in dismutase enzymes contribute to survival of the bacteria within the
children with a high mortality rate.22 This infection, subsequently host. Potential virulence factors include fimbriae, pili, LPS, cytotoxins
known as Brazilian purpuric fever, caused a series of outbreaks and and outer membrane proteins (OMP).
sporadic cases almost exclusively in Brazil over the next decade but has
virtually disappeared since then. Prevention
Unusual infections due to H. influenzae include urinary tract infec-
tions, cholecystitis, salpingitis and epididymo-orchitis. These may be The use of condoms dramatically reduces the transmission of H.
associated with pre-existing damage, e.g. the presence of urinary stones ducreyi. All sexual partners should be identified by contact tracing
or gallstones. Haemophilus pittmaniae is part of the normal oropha- and treated. Education is vitally important. H. ducreyi hemolysin or
ryngeal flora and may be isolated from various sites of infection, hemoglobin receptor (HgbA) are possible candidates for vaccine
including blood and bile. It may cause respiratory tract infections in development.
patients with chronic lung disease.
Diagnostic Microbiology
Management Gram-stained examination of material from ulcers or buboes may
Third-generation cephalosporins are the treatment of choice for Hae- reveal pleomorphic GNCB or short rods. The organisms characteristi-
mophilus meningitis. They are bactericidal for H. influenzae, achieve cally resemble ‘shoals of fish’. However, microscopy is not recom-
high concentrations in the meninges and cerebral tissues, and have mended as a diagnostic test, as ulcer material is generally contaminated
proved highly effective in clinical practice. Ampicillin is also effective and direct Gram staining identifies only 10% of culture-positive
but resistance due to a β-lactamase is now high (for example, 13% of cases.33 Specimens collected from the base and margins of ulcers or by
Hib strains in the UK are β-lactamase-producers). The β-lactamase is aspirating a bubo should be plated directly onto culture media and
usually TEM-1 and, rarely, ROB-1. No TEM-type extended-spectrum incubated in a humid atmosphere with 5% carbon dioxide at 91.4°F
β-lactamases (ESBLs) have yet been detected in H. influenzae. In addi- (33°C) for 2–3 days.
tion to β-lactamase production, BLNAR (β-lactamase negative ampi- H. ducreyi is a fastidious organism that grows slowly on chocolate
cillin resistant) strains occur, especially in Japan, South East Asia, agar. Alternatives include GC agar supplemented with 1–2% bovine
Spain and France. BLNAR strains have mutations in the ftsI gene, hemoglobin plus 5% fetal calf serum (or 0.2% activated charcoal) or
which encodes penicillin-binding protein 3 (PBP3) involved in septum Mueller–Hinton agar enriched with 5% chocolatized horse blood.
formation of dividing cells. BLNAR are subdivided into genotypes I, Both of these media should be supplemented with 1% IsoVitaleX
II (low gBLNAR) and III (high gBLNAR) linked to different minimum and 3 mg/L vancomycin to prevent overgrowth by gram-positive
inhibitory concentration (MIC) values: genotype I/II strains usually organisms.
have ampicillin MIC values between 0.5–2 µg/mL and genotype III The appearance of colonies of H. ducreyi varies with the medium
strains have MICs ranging between 1.0–16 µg/mL, often combined used. Typically they are pinpoint, yellow-gray and translucent or semi-
with reduced susceptibility to cephalosporins. There are also BLPACR, opaque. Cultures often appear mixed, with a variety of colonial forms.
which are β-lactamase positive amoxicillin–clavulanic acid-resistant The colonies are very cohesive and can be pushed across the agar
strains. These strains combine β-lactamase production with the pres- surface with an inoculating loop.
ence of PBP3 mutations. Compared to BLNAR with the same PBP3 H. ducreyi requires X factor but not V factor for growth. It can be
mutations but without a β-lactamase, these BLPACR strains have identified using a number of rapid test systems (for example API-ZYM
higher ampicillin MICs and similar amoxicillin–clavulanic acid and and RapIDNH) and MALDI-TOF (which can also identify strain-
cephalosporin MICs. BLPACR can also be subdivided based on the specific biomarkers from different patients). PCR is the most sensitive
specific ftsI mutations.26,32 diagnostic technique and has been shown to be 95% sensitive com-
For the treatment of less serious respiratory infections, oral antibi- pared to culture. Multiplex PCR tests that also amplify Treponema
otics including amoxicillin (if β-lactamase negative), amoxicillin– pallidum and HSV have been developed. PCR may be negative in some
clavulanate, tetracycline or macrolides are usually effective. culture-positive cases due to the presence of Taq polymerase inhibitors
in DNA extracts from genital ulcers. Antigen detection and serological
methods have been described but are not in common use.
Sequencing of 16S rRNA and nucleic acid hybridization studies
Haemophilus ducreyi suggest H. ducreyi is a valid member of the family Pasteurellaceae,
but is more similar to the Actinobacillus rather than the genus
Haemophilus ducreyi (see Chapter 64) which causes chancroid, or soft Clinical Manifestations
sore, has declined in importance as a sexually transmitted pathogen in
most countries where it was previously endemic (Central and South- These are described in Chapter 64.
ern Africa, South East Asia, India, and the Caribbean). The epidemiol-
ogy of chancroid is not well characterized because of syndromic Management
management and inadequate diagnostic laboratories and surveillance The susceptibility of H. ducreyi to antimicrobial agents varies from one
systems. However, it still occurs sporadically in other countries, and is geographic area to another. Azithromycin, ceftriaxone or ciprofloxacin
more common in non-white, uncircumcised males in low socioeco- may be used, but strains with intermediate resistance to ciprofloxacin
nomic groups. Genital ulcers, including chancroid, are associated with have been reported. HIV-infected patients require careful follow-up
increased transmission of HIV. Co-infection with Treponema pallidum due to reports of treatment failure with single dose regimens. Buboes
or herpes simplex virus (HSV) is common. There have been recent should be drained to prevent sinus formation.
1622 SECTION 8  Clinical Microbiology: Bacteria

HACEK Group TABLE Legionella Species Associated With

183-7  Human Disease
Species Number of Serogroups
The HACEK group comprises the Haemophilus species, Aggregati-
bacter actinomycetemcomitans (formerly Actinobacillus actinomy­ Legionella pneumophila 16
cetemcomitans), Aggregatibacter aphrophilus (formerly Haemophilus Legionella anisa 1
aphrophilus and Haemophilus paraphrophilus), Aggregatibacter segnis
(formerly H. segnis), Cardiobacterium hominis, Cardiobacterium val- Legionella bozemanii 2
varum, Eikenella corrodens and Kingella species (Kingella kingae, Kin- Legionella cincinnatiensis 1
gella denitrificans and Kingella oralis). This group of fastidious GNCB
Legionella dumoffii 1
account for 1–3% of cases of infective endocarditis.34
All of the HACEK group are small, fastidious, pleomorphic GNCB Legionella feeleii 2
and are commensals of the oropharyngeal/respiratory tract. They cause Legionella gormanii 1
endocarditis and a range of other infections.35-38 K. kingae has recently
emerged as a major cause of septic arthritis in children less than 2 years Legionella hackeliae 2
of age39 and has been associated with outbreaks of invasive infection Legionella jordanis 1
in daycare facilities.40 K. kingae has a polysaccharide capsule and viru-
lence factors include type IV pili and an RTX toxin which is cytotoxic Legionella longbeachae 2
to synovial cells, respiratory epithelium, and macrophage-like cells.41 Legionella lansingensis 1

Legionella lytica* 1
Diagnostic Microbiology
Legionella maceachernii 1
The slow growing HACEK group requires enriched culture media and
an increased carbon dioxide tension. Cardiobacterium hominis and Legionella micdadei 1
Eikenella corrodens usually require hemin (X factor) and carbon Legionella oakridgensis 1
dioxide for primary isolation and may be misidentified as Haemophilus
spp.; these requirements are lost on subculture. The colonies of E. Legionella parisiensis 1
corrodens have a characteristic ‘bleach-like’ odor and often ‘pit’ the Legionella sainthelensi 2
surface of the agar. Older cultures of E. corrodens may appear yellow.
Legionella tucsonensis 1
Colonies of K. kingae produce slight β-hemolysis on blood agar and
may be misidentified as pathogenic Neisseria species as they grow on Legionella wadsworthii 1
Neisseria selective agar. A. actinomycetemcomitans colonies may be
*Formerly called Legionella-like amebal pathogen (LLAP).
firm, adherent, star-shaped and difficult to remove from the agar
surface. When Aggregatibacter spp. produce extracellular slime, cul-
tures appear sticky on primary isolation. MALDI-TOF is a reliable tool
for identification of HACEK organisms.42 ordinary media. They generally grow well on BCYE supplemented with
L-cysteine, α-ketoglutarate and ferric ions, adjusted to pH 6.9. Some
Clinical Manifestations species of Legionella grow poorly on BCYE but can be isolated by
These organisms cause infective endocarditis and a variety of other co-cultivation with amebae. Originally called Legionella-like amebal
infections (see Chapter 51). pathogens (LLAP), these have been renamed L. lytica, L. drozanskii, L.
falloni and L. rowbothamii.44
Prevention There are more than 50 species of Legionella and human infections
have been documented for 19 of these species (Table 183-7). Infections
Approximately 60% of cases of endocarditis caused by HACEK organ- due to species other than L. pneumophila are rare and usually occur in
isms are associated with poor oral hygiene, bad dentition or recent immunocompromised hosts. The exception is Legionella longbeachae
dental work.43 Prevention of endocarditis should therefore be based on serogroup 1 which causes community-acquired pneumonia in Western
good dental and oral hygiene in patients at risk of endocarditis. Australia, possibly associated with handling compost and soil.45

Management Epidemiology
The treatment of endocarditis caused by HACEK organisms should Legionella spp. are distributed worldwide, in fresh water streams,
be based on antimicrobial susceptibility tests, including tests for rivers, ponds, lakes and mud. The organisms can survive in moist
β-lactamase activity. Currently, third-generation cephalosporins are environments for long periods and can withstand temperatures
the agents of choice. While Eikenella corrodens is generally susceptible of 32–154°F (0–68°C) and chlorination. They proliferate in air-
to penicillin, broad-spectrum antibiotics are usually used to treat conditioning cooling towers, hot water systems, shower heads, taps,
mixed infections, such as human bites. whirlpool spas and respiratory ventilators, and form biofilms which
render them less susceptible to biocides and chlorine. The growth of
Legionella spp. is aided by coexisting bacteria and algae, which provide
Legionella spp. nutrients, and protozoa, in which the Legionella spp. can live and
Nature The exact incidence of Legionella infections is unknown. Exposure
Legionella spp. are slender, aerobic, noncapsulated, nonspore-forming, to Legionella spp. occurs fairly frequently and serological surveys
pleomorphic gram-negative coccobacilli. They may stain poorly in suggest that asymptomatic infection and seroconversion are common.
clinical material but can be filamentous in older cultures. Basic fuchsin Large-scale surveys of pneumonia suggest that Legionella spp. cause
may be a better counterstain. Legionella are motile with a single polar 2–5% of community-acquired pneumonia and up to 30% of nosoco-
flagellum. mial pneumonia.
Legionella can grow in the temperature range 68–107.6°F (20– Cases may be sporadic or occur as part of an outbreak. The original
42°C). They are nutritionally fastidious and cannot be cultured on description of Legionnaires’ disease was of an outbreak of a febrile
Chapter 183  Gram-Negative Coccobacilli 1623

respiratory illness in delegates at an American Legion convention in penetrate biofilms and inactivate sessile micro-organisms. Treatment
Philadelphia in 1976. A total of 221 people developed pneumonia and using copper/silver ionization or chlorine dioxide can be used. Despite
34 died.46 Retrospective studies have revealed that the first proven case numerous costly measures it is often impossible to eliminate Legionella
occurred in 1947 and the first known epidemic was in 1965 in Wash- spp. from water supplies.49
ington, DC. New water systems should be designed to minimize the risk of
Legionnaire’s disease usually occurs in the middle-aged and heavy colonization with Legionella spp., avoiding ‘dead spaces’, stagna-
elderly, especially in smokers, the immunocompromised and people tion, materials that support the growth of Legionella spp. and the
with impaired respiratory and cardiac function. Cases have been build-up of sediment. Regular monitoring for Legionella spp. is advis-
documented in children. Person-to-person spread has not been able, particularly in high-risk areas.
demonstrated. Vaccination may be a future option for highly susceptible patients.
Legionella is a good example of an organism that has been present
in the environment for a long time but has been brought into close Diagnostic Microbiology
contact with humans as a result of technical developments. Organisms Legionella spp. can be cultured from sputum, endotracheal aspirates,
are disseminated via contaminated water droplets from nebulizers and bronchoalveolar lavages, lung biopsies and pleural fluid. Sputum
humidifiers and in aerosols from cooling towers, whirlpools and evap- samples should be diluted in distilled water because saline can inhibit
orative condensers. Infection arises from inhalation of contaminated some Legionella spp. Gram-stained smears may reveal poorly staining
aerosols, direct instillation during surgery or possibly by ingestion of gram-negative rods or coccobacilli. Direct immunofluorescence using
contaminated water. Hospital equipment that has been rinsed in tap a monoclonal antibody to a major outer membrane protein common
water prior to use may be a source of infection. to all serogroups of L. pneumophila gives a rapid diagnosis, but is less
L. pneumophila contains 16 different serogroups. More than 80% sensitive than culture and only detects L. pneumophila.
of human infections are caused by Legionella pneumophila serogroup Cultures should therefore also be carried out, using a selective and
1. This serogroup can be divided into subtypes, on the basis of mono- non-selective agar incubated at 98.6°F (37°C) in 2–5% carbon dioxide
clonal antibody typing or genotyping, which is important during out- for up to 14 days. Legionella species will grow on Legionella agar base
break investigation. (BCYE) supplemented with L-cysteine. Those colonies that fail to grow
on the BCYE without L-cysteine, are presumptive Legionella. Growth
Pathogenicity on both plates indicates it is not Legionella.
Legionella spp. are transmitted to humans via aerosols. Droplet nuclei Colonies of Legionella may take 3–5 days to appear, and have a
of less than 5 µm reach the alveoli, where alveolar macrophages ingest ground-glass appearance, which may be white, gray, pale blue or
the organisms. Legionella is a facultative intracellular parasite and mul- purple-tinged (Figure 183-6). Some species, other than L. pneumoph-
tiplies freely within the macrophages. The bacteria bind to alveolar ila, fluoresce blue-white under long-wave UV light while others fluo-
macrophages via complement receptors and are engulfed in phago- resce dull yellow or brick red. Legionella lytica (and other LLAPs) can
somes. The bacteria resides in a specialized ‘Legionella-containing be isolated on BCYE if the plates are incubated at 86°F (30°C).
vacuole’ (LCV), and phagolysosome fusion is inhibited. LCVs provide Colonies that grow on L-cysteine-containing BCYE, but not on
an intracellular niche for replication and help prevent release of bacte- BCYE lacking L-cysteine, which are catalase-positive, oxidase-negative
rial components into the cytoplasm. The Dot/Icm type IVB secretion and have characteristic Gram stain, should be regarded as presumptive
system effector SdhA maintains LCV integrity (see below). The bacte- Legionella spp. Biochemical tests contribute little to identification.
ria respond to depletion of nutrients by expressing virulence proteins, Serologic typing using direct or indirect fluorescent antibody tests
which cause host cell lysis and release of bacteria. These bacteria are with polyclonal or monoclonal antibodies will confirm the identity.
then taken up by other macrophages and the infection cycle is Sequence analysis of the mip gene can be used to differentiate most
repeated.47 This process produces chemotactic substances that attract Legionella spp.50 and real-time PCR-based on the mip gene can provide
polymorphonuclear leukocytes and monocytes, and the inflammatory a rapid diagnosis.
response results in a destructive pneumonia. Urine samples can be examined for Legionella soluble antigen using
There are two phases in the life cycle of Legionella pneumophila – an either an enzyme immunoassay or a radioimmunoassay kit, or com-
intracellular replicative phase (RP) and an infectious nonreplicating mercially available immunochromatographic tests. These rapid tests
transmissive phase (TP). Bacteria in the RP are avirulent, non- are specific for L. pneumophila serogroup 1, which is most common,
flagellated and sodium resistant, whereas those in the TP are virulent,
flagellated and motile. Complex regulatory systems govern the dif-
ferentiation between these two phases.48
Multiple virulence factors are involved in initial attachment and
early intracellular infection, including type IV pili, Hsp60, the pore-
formation protein RtxA, the macrophage infectivity potentiator Mip
and the macrophage-specific infectivity protein MilA. The icm (intra-
cellular multiplication) and dot (defect in organelle trafficking) groups
of genes form a type IV secretion system and enable bacterial survival
and intracellular replication. Other effectors (including RalF LidA;
LepA/B), regulators (RpoS; LetA), a type II protein secretion system,
iron-uptake systems and iron-acquisition genes (feoB; iraA; ccmC)
have been described.

Prevention of legionellosis depends upon identifying the environmen-
tal source and reducing colonization. The simple preventive measure
of keeping water from hot taps ‘hot’ and water from cold taps ‘cold’
should always be observed. Periodic superheating and flushing of
water supplies may be useful during an outbreak. The continuous Figure 183-6  Colonies of Legionella pneumophila on BCYE agar, showing the
chlorination of hot and cold water service systems, after initial disin- typical ground-glass appearance. (With permission from Harrison T.G., Taylor
fection, is not recommended because chlorine has a limited ability to A.G., eds. A laboratory manual for Legionella. Chichester: John Wiley; 1998.)
1624 SECTION 8  Clinical Microbiology: Bacteria

but will not detect other species. The antigen persists in urine for 1–2
weeks, and occasionally for months. TABLE Candidate Vaccine Antigens of Moraxella
183-8  catarrhalis
The most commonly used serological technique is an indirect fluo-
rescent antibody test (IFAT), but ELISA or rapid microagglutination
Antigen Action Comments
tests are also available. A fourfold or greater rise in antibody titer in a
patient who has had clinical pneumonia indicates Legionella infection. UspA1, A2 and Adhesin, interfere Highly immunogenic
Serology is useful in epidemiological studies, rather than diagnosis of A2H with complement- Contains both conserved
mediated killing and variable regions
acute diseases, as it may take weeks or months for the antibody titer
to rise, and antibodies can persist for years. The only validated sero- MID/Hag IgD binding Highly immunogenic
logic test is for L. pneumophila serogroup 1, and patients with Campy- Adhesin Contains both conserved
lobacter infections may have cross-reacting antibodies. Hemagglutinin and variable regions

McaP Adhesin, transporter Highly conserved

Clinical Manifestations OMP CD Porin, mucin-binding Highly conserved
Asymptomatic Legionella infections are relatively common. Symptom-
OMP M35 ? porin Highly conserved
atic Legionella infection can present as a severe pneumonia (Legion-
naires’ disease) or an acute influenza-like illness (Pontiac fever). See MhaB1, MhaB2, Filamentous –
Chapter 28. MhaC haemagglutinin,

Management OlpA ? Highly conserved

For an acutely ill patient with Legionnaires’ disease, quinolones are
the treatment of choice; macrolides are an alternative. The co- TbpA, TbpB Transferrin-binding Immunogenic
administration of rifampin does not appear to give any additional
benefit. Cases of Pontiac fever usually resolve spontaneously. LbpA, LbpB Lactoferrin-binding Immunogenic

OMP B2/CopB Iron acquisition Immunogenic

Moraxella spp.
OMP E ? porin Immunogenic

Nature LOS A, LOS B,


Moraxella spp. are gram-negative short rods, coccobacilli or, in the

case of M.catarrhalis, diplococci (GNDC) that phenotypically resemble
Neisseria spp. diplococci (GNDC) that phenotypically resemble Neis-
seria spp. They are strictly aerobic, oxidase-positive, catalase-positive,
DNAse-positive, non-encapsulated and asaccharolytic. Moraxella Prevention
catarrhalis causes upper and lower respiratory tract infections in chil- A number of vaccine candidates are under development or clinical
dren and adults. testing. However the phase-variable expression of several important
Moraxella lacunata is associated with conjunctivitis. Moraxella non- virulence factors (e.g. UspA1, UspA2, UspA2H, MID/Hag) and high
liquefaciens is an upper respiratory tract commensal which may be a genotypic heterogeneity of M. catarrhalis suggest that a multicompo-
secondary invader in respiratory infections. Moraxella osloensis is a nent vaccine will be required to prevent colonization and pathogenesis
genital tract commensal which may be misidentified as Neisseria gonor- (Table 183-8).53
rhoeae. M. osloensis has also been reported in cases of septic arthritis,
osteomyelitis and bacteremia. Moraxella atlantae can cause bacteremia
in immunocompromised patients. Diagnostic Microbiology
M. catarrhalis grows well on blood and chocolate agar, producing
Epidemiology small, nonhemolytic, grayish-white colonies that slide across the agar
Moraxella catarrhalis is exclusively found in humans. Up to 75% of surface, like a hockey puck, when pushed with a bacteriologic loop.
children are colonized within the first year of life. Adults with chronic Gram-stained films reveal GNDC but M. catarrhalis often resists decol-
lung disease are more likely to be carriers than healthy adults. Naso- orization and thus may appear gram-positive. M. catarrhalis is DNAse
pharyngeal carriage rates are significantly higher in autumn and positive, reduces nitrate and hydrolyses tributyrin (enabling differen-
winter.51 tiation from most Neisseria spp.). PCR (multiplexed with other respi-
ratory pathogens, or bacteria causing middle ear infections) and
MALDI-TOF are useful diagnostic tools.
M. catarrhalis is a mucosal pathogen, causing infections of the upper
respiratory tract in young children and the lower respiratory tract in Clinical Manifestations (see also Chapter 26)
adults with chronic lung disease. M. catarrhalis is the third most M. catarrhalis causes upper respiratory tract infections, otitis media
common cause of otitis media in children (after Haemophilus influen- and sinusitis in children. In adults M. catarrhalis is associated with
zae and Streptococcus pneumoniae). Binding of M. catarrhalis to host acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis, pneumonia or invasive
epithelial cells and extracellular matrix (ECM) is multifactorial. Adhes- infections, including bacteremia, meningitis, septic arthritis and
ins include ubiquitous surface proteins (Usp) A1, A2 and A2H, M. endocarditis.
catarrhalis IgD-binding protein hemagglutinin (MID/Hag), OMP CD
and OMP M35, Mha B1 and B2 and C, OlpA, McaP and LOS.52 Fol-
lowing colonization of the host epithelium and ECM, M. catarrhalis Management
invade host cells, enabling evasion of both humoral and cellular immu- Most strains of M. catarrhalis are β-lactamase-positive. The β-lactamase
nity and antimicrobial therapy. The organisms persist within the enzymes (BRO-1 and BRO-2) are unique to this genus and are
cytoplasm in vacuoles. M. catarrhalis can form biofilms, which inducible; therefore ampicillin therapy should be avoided.54 Many
are important in the development of acute and chronic respiratory infections due to M. catarrhalis can be treated with oral antibiotics,
mucosal infections. such as amoxicillin–clavulanate. Other options include tetracyclines,
Chapter 183  Gram-Negative Coccobacilli 1625

macrolides and fluoroquinolones, although antibiotic resistance to plates at 98.6°F (37°C) P. multocida appear as small, gray, nonhemo-
these agents has been reported. lytic colonies, with a strong odor of indole. P. multocida does not grow
on MacConkey agar, but can grow poorly on some cystine lactose
electrolyte deficient (CLED) agars. The organisms often show bipolar
staining in methylene blue preparations. Identification can be con-
Pasteurella spp. firmed by biochemical tests, serology or MALDI-TOF.

Nature Clinical Manifestations

Pasteurella spp. are very small, nonmotile, nonspore-forming gram-
negative bacteria that are coccoid, oval or rod-shaped. Pasteurella spp. Pasteurella multocida causes opportunistic soft tissue infections in
grow on ordinary laboratory media at 98.6°F (37°C), and most species humans, especially the elderly and immunocompromised. Up to 75%
are catalase-positive and oxidase-positive. There are 15–20 species cur- of cat bites and 50% of dog bites are contaminated with P. multocida.
rently included in the genus Pasteurella, but some are more closely The infection may spread rapidly along fascial planes. Patients
related genotypically to Actinobacillus. The type species is P. multocida, with underlying respiratory disease or cirrhosis are more susceptible
which is subdivided into four subspecies – multocida, septica, gallicida to respiratory infections and systemic infections respectively (see
and tigris. Chapter 73).

Epidemiology Management
Pasteurella spp. are distributed worldwide. They are commensals or Penicillin is the treatment of choice for Pasteurella infections.
parasitic organisms in the upper respiratory tract and gastrointestinal Other agents with good activity include ampicillin, amoxicillin–
tracts of many domestic and wild animals and birds. clavulanate, cefuroxime and ciprofloxacin. Broad-spectrum antibiotics
Many Pasteurella spp. are opportunistic pathogens that can cause are usually recommended for infected animal bites, which are often
endemic disease and are associated increasingly with epizootic out- polymicrobial.
breaks. Pasteurella multocida is found in the oropharynx of 50–90% of
domestic cats, 50–70% of dogs and 50% of pigs. It causes hemorrhagic
sepsis and bronchopneumonia in cattle and water buffalo, pneumonia Yersinia spp.
in pigs and sheep, swine atrophic rhinitis, snuffles in rabbits and fowl,
and fowl cholera in chickens, ducks and turkeys. It is generally carried
asymptomatically by cats and dogs, and humans become infected
through contact with infected animals. Yersinia spp. are members of the Enterobacteriaceae. They are short,
Pasteurella multocida can remain viable in soil and water for up to pleomorphic gram-negative rods or GNCB, which often exhibit
4 weeks and may survive in animal carcasses for up to 3 months. Most bipolar staining. Yersinia pestis is nonmotile. Other species are non-
human infections are caused by P. multocida subsp. multocida and P. motile at 98.6°F (37°C) but motile at temperatures less than
multocida subsp. septica. Occasionally, Pasteurella canis, Pasteurella 86°F (30°C) by means of peritrichous flagella. They are nonlactose
dagmatis or Pasteurella stomatis may be implicated. fermenters, oxidase-negative and catalase-positive. Yersinia pestis is
urease-negative; Y. enterocolitica and Y. pseudotuberculosis are both
Pathogenicity urease-positive. Yersinia spp. grow on simple laboratory media and are
tolerant of bile salts. The optimal temperature for growth is 82–86°F
Pasteurella multocida is transmitted to humans by contact with infected (27.8–30°C). They do not form spores or capsules, but Y. pestis pro-
animals, usually following bites or scratches from cats or dogs. Respi- duces a capsule-like envelope. They share antigens with other members
ratory tract infections may occur through airborne transmission of the Enterobacteriaceae.
(see Chapter 73). Occasionally, an animal source of infection is not In total, there are 11 species of Yersinia, three of which are impor-
documented. tant human pathogens associated with zoonotic infections – Y. pestis
Virulence in P. multocida is associated with the degree of encapsula- causes plague and Y. pseudotuberculosis and Y. enterocolitica give rise
tion, which prevents phagocytosis. There are five serogroups based on to yersiniosis. These two diseases are very different so are described
capsular antigens – A, B, D, E and F – and 16 serovars (1–16) based separately below. Genomic studies suggest that Y. pseudotuberculosis
on lipopolysaccharide (LPS) antigens. Capsular types A and D produce (serotype O:1b) is the direct evolutionary ancestor of Y. pestis.56 This
a dermonecrotic toxin (PMT), encoded by the toxA gene, which mod- occurred 15–20 000 years ago by lateral gene transfer and gene inacti-
ulates the immune response. Enhanced survival in the host environ- vation. The acquisition of the pFra plasmid by Y. pestis, plus the ability
ment also depends on membrane lipopolysaccharide that confers to express chromosomally-encoded proteins not expressed in Y. pseu-
serum resistance, iron-acquisition mechanisms that enable growth, dotuberculosis, conferred transmissibility from one mammalian host to
surface components such as fimbriae, which provide adherence prop- another via a vector flea.
erties, extracellular matrix-degrading enzymes, such as neuramini-
dases, hyaluronidases and proteases that facilitate colonization and/or
dissemination.55 Yersiniosis
The clinical features of yersiniosis range from gastroenteritis, entero-
Prevention colitis, mesenteric adenitis, reactive arthritis to sepsis (see Chapters
43 and 47). Recipients of blood transfusions, or patients with iron
The only way of effectively preventing Pasteurella infections is avoiding overload, are at particular risk of infection with this siderophilic
contact with domestic or wild animals. Prophylactic antibiotics may bacterium.
be indicated after cat and dog bites, particularly if the patient is immu-
nocompromised or diabetic or the wound affects the hands or face. EPIDEMIOLOGY
Vaccine research is focused on controlling animal disease, as the inci- Yersinia enterocolitica is harbored in the gastrointestinal tract of a range
dence of human infections is relatively low. of mammals, including rodents, cattle, sheep, pigs, cats and dogs.
Infected animals tend to become chronic carriers and excrete large
Diagnostic Microbiology numbers of bacteria, which may contaminate water and dairy prod-
A clinical history of animal bites should alert the laboratory to the ucts. Humans are infected by eating inadequately cooked meat (espe-
possibility of Pasteurella spp. After 24 hours of culture on blood agar cially pork) or other contaminated food, or through contact with an
1626 SECTION 8  Clinical Microbiology: Bacteria

infected domestic animal. In the USA, outbreaks associated with dairy express Yad A, which protects them against phagocytosis. Yad A and
products, chocolate and milk have been reported. The ability of Y. Ail facilitate dissemination of bacteria to regional lymph nodes. Yad A
enterocolitica to grow at 39°F (4°C) means that refrigerated meat and also helps adhesion to collagen, which is crucial in the development of
meat products can become a potent source of infection. Yersinia reactive arthritis in Y. pseudotuberculosis infection.
enterocolitica sepsis has been reported following transfusion of blood Y. enterocolitica usually causes acute gastroenteritis, while Y. pseu-
stored for more than 3 weeks at 39°F (4°C). dotuberculosis infection causes mesenteric adenitis, which can mimic
Yersinia enterocolitica are classified phenotypically into six bio- acute appendicitis. Systemic dissemination may cause sepsis and
groups, five of which (1B and 2–5) are regarded as pathogens. There splenic/hepatic abscesses. A reactive polyarthritis can occur, particu-
are more than 57 ‘O’ serogroups, based on the lipopolysaccharide larly in HLA-B27 positive patients. Erythema nodosum is also a re­­
surface antigen, only a few of which have been associated with human cognized post-infectious complication. A clone of Y. pseudotuberculosis
or animal disease. In Europe, serogroup O:3 is most important fol- which produces a superantigenic exotoxin mitogen (YPM) causes a
lowed by O:9, whereas in the USA, where yersiniosis is less common, toxic-shock like syndrome called Far East scarlet-like fever (or Izumi
serogroup O:8 predominates. fever in Japan).58
Yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection is less common. The organism
is harbored in the gastrointestinal tract of rodents, farm animals and PREVENTION
birds. Human infections have been reported worldwide, but as with Y.
Prevention of yersiniosis depends on good animal husbandry and
enterocolitica, it is most common in northern Europe.
careful slaughtering techniques. Meat should not be consumed raw
PATHOGENICITY and should not be stored at 39°F (4°C) for prolonged periods before
consumption. There is no effective vaccine.
Yersinia enterocolitica and Y. pseudotuberculosis usually enter the body
via the gastrointestinal tract. Organisms invade the ileal mucosa via
specialized follicle-associated epithelial cells (M cells) involved in DIAGNOSTIC MICROBIOLOGY
antigen uptake. Adherence and invasion of epithelial cells requires two Material for culture includes stool, blood, lymph nodes, abscesses and
chromosomally-encoded proteins, Invasin and Ail.57 Following inva- food samples. Specimens should be cultured on blood and MacConkey
sion the bacteria enter Peyer’s patches and macrophages, and can agars at 80°F (26.7°C) for 24 hours. A selective medium, CIN (cefsu-
survive intracellularly and multiply. In Peyer’s patches the organisms lodin, irgasan, novobiocin), is available.

183-9  Key Virulence Factors of Yersinia species
Location Y. pestis Y. enterocolitica Y. pseudotuberculosis Action

Phospholipase D pFra plasmid + – – Promotes survival of Y. pestis in flea


F1 antigen pFra plasmid + – – Fibrillar capsule inhibits macrophage


Plasminogen activator (Pla) pPCP1 plasmid + – – Activates mammalian plasminogen

and anticomplementary serum
Promotes dissemination from
subcutaneous inoculation of
Y. pestis

Yersinia outer protein (YOPs) Plasmid encoded - + + Invasion epithelial cells

Yad A

Lipopolysaccharide Chromosomal + + + Endotoxin

Yersiniabactin Chromosomal + + + Siderophore-essential for full

virulence of Y. pestis by
subcutaneous inoculation

YOPs Chromosomal + + +

Yad BC + + + Adhesion

YopH + + + Antiphagocytic

YopE + + + Antiphagocytic

YopT + + + Antiphagocytic

YpKA/YopO Antiphagocytic

pH 6 antigen Chromosomal + + + Fimbrial adhesin

Binds host lipoprotein

Invasin Chromosomal – + + Invasion of epithelial cells

Ail Chromosomal – + + Host cell attachment and serum

HPI (high pathogenicity Chromosomal + (pgm locus)* Biotype 1B Serotype O1 Iron uptake

*pgm locus includes (i) hms (hemin storage); (ii) irp1 and irp2 (iron-repressible high molecular weight proteins HNWP1 and HMWP2) and (iii) fyuA or psn gene (ferric
yersiniabactin uptake or pesticin sensitivity).
Chapter 183  Gram-Negative Coccobacilli 1627

Cold enrichment of heavily contaminated samples such as feces Y. pestis possesses unique proteins associated with virulence,
involves inoculation into phosphate-buffered saline and incubation at including Pla, Yad A, and Yad C (Table 183-9).60,61 The key step in
39°F (4°C) for at least 3 weeks. To reduce contamination the broth can evolution of virulence appears to be the acquisition of the Fra plasmid,
be treated with potassium hydroxide. The broth is subcultured at which together with the expression of chromosomal proteins not
weekly intervals on to MacConkey or CIN agar. Y. enterocolitica colo- expressed in Y. pseudotuberculosis conferred the transmissibility from
nies give a ‘bulls-eye’ appearance on CIN agar, while Y. pseudotuber- mammalian host to mammalian host via vector fleas.56
culosis colonies are smaller on CIN, with a deep-red center and a sharp
border surrounded by a translucent zone. Confirmation of identifica- DIAGNOSTIC MICROBIOLOGY
tion is usually by biochemical or molecular tests or MALDI-TOF. The Plague should be suspected in febrile patients exposed to flea bites or
serotype of Yersinia can be determined using slide agglutination tests. rodents in endemic areas. There is a considerable risk of laboratory-
A serologic diagnosis depends on demonstrating a significant rise of acquired infection, so high-risk samples must be handled in a contain-
serotype-specific antibodies. Yersinia pseudotuberculosis is rarely iso- ment level 3 laboratory by experienced trained personnel. Gram stain
lated from feces. of smears taken from bubo aspirates, blood, sputum or cerebrospinal
fluid may reveal pleomorphic GNCB with rounded ends. Wright–
CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS Giemsa or Wayson staining may demonstrate bipolar staining. Yersinia
Yersiniosis encompasses a variety of clinical presentations including pestis appear light blue with dark blue polar bodies. Direct immuno-
gastroenteritis, enterocolitis, mesenteric adenitis, and reactive fluorescence of smears may be beneficial.
arthritis. Culture of material on blood or MacConkey agars or in broth
cultures, at 80°F (26.7°C), may reveal tiny, translucent, nonhemolytic
colonies after 24 hours. After further incubation the colonies enlarge
Yersinia enteritis and mesenteric adenitis do not generally require anti- and become opaque. Yersinia pestis grows poorly on MacConkey agar
microbial chemotherapy. Sepsis, extra-intestinal foci of infection and and the colonies tend to autolyse after 2–3 days. In fluid culture Y.
enteritis in immunocompromised patients should be treated with pestis tends to form chains.
antimicrobials, such as aminoglycosides, quinolones, tetracyclines or Typically, Y. pestis is oxidase-negative, catalase-positive, urea-
third-generation cephalosporins. Yersinia pseudotuberculosis is usually negative and indole-negative. Strains may be misidentified as Y. pseu-
sensitive to benzylpenicillin and ampicillin. dotuberculosis or other Enterobacteriaceae. Definitive identification
can be confirmed by immunofluorescence of F1 antigen or molecular
Plague techniques, such as real-time PCR for Y. pestis pla gene.62 A serologic
Plague is a zoonotic infection caused by Y. pestis, and has caused dev- diagnosis can be made by a passive hemagglutination test using tanned
astating pandemics such as the ‘Plague of Justinian’ in 541–3ce and sheep red cells to which F1 antigen has been adsorbed, or a comple-
the Black Death of the Middle Ages. Plague is still responsible for many ment fixation test. ELISA tests for antibodies to F1 antigen are useful
thousands of human infections annually.59 The clinical features, patho- in large-scale seroepidemiologic surveys.
genesis, epidemiology and management of plague are discussed in
detail in Chapter 126. References available online at

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