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Structural Health Monitoring

Energy Harvesting and Wireless Energy Transmission for Embedded SHM Sensor Nodes
Kevin M. Farinholt, Nathan Miller, Wilfredo Sifuentes, Jason MacDonald, Gyuhae Park and Charles R. Farrar
Structural Health Monitoring published online 23 March 2010
DOI: 10.1177/1475921710366647

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Structural Health Monitoring OnlineFirst, published on March 23, 2010 as doi:10.1177/1475921710366647

Energy Harvesting and Wireless Energy

Transmission for Embedded SHM
Sensor Nodes

Kevin M. Farinholt, Nathan Miller, Wilfredo Sifuentes, Jason MacDonald,

Gyuhae Park* and Charles R. Farrar

Engineering Institute MS T001, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos

NM 87544, USA

In this article, we present experimental investigations using energy harvesting and wireless
energy transmission to power wireless structural health monitoring sensor nodes. The goal
of this study is to develop sensing systems that can be permanently embedded within a host
structure without the need for an on-board power source. With this approach the required
energy will be harvested from the ambient environment, or periodically delivered by a
radio-frequency energy source to supplement conventional harvesting approaches.
This approach combines several transducer types to harvest energy from multiple sources,
providing a more robust solution that does not rely on a single energy source. Both piezo-
electric and thermoelectric transducers are considered as energy harvesters to extract the
ambient energy commonly available on civil structures such as bridges. Methods of increas-
ing the efficiency, energy storage medium, target applications and the integrated use of
energy harvesting sources with wireless energy transmission will be presented.

Keywords energy harvesting  wireless energy transmission  wireless sensor node 

impedance method  piezoelectric transducers.

1 Introduction using hardware and software components designed

to provide cost-effective condition-based mainte-
The trend toward wireless sensing networks nance schedules [1], augmenting or replacing
offers advantages in numerous engineering appli- traditional time-based inspection methods. One
cations. In the present work we consider sensor promising method for implementing SHM techni-
nodes designed specifically for structural health ques is through the use of piezoelectric active mate-
monitoring (SHM). The purpose of the SHM rial sensors and actuators. Such active sensors are
sensor node is to improve the safety and reliability very efficient in assessing the health of localized
of aerospace, civil, and mechanical infrastructure areas of a structure; however, for large-scale sys-
by detecting damage before it reaches a critical tems it may be necessary to incorporate hundreds
state. The SHM process can be implemented or even thousands of individual sensors. The cost

ß The Author(s), 2010. Reprints and permissions:

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
E-mail: Vol 0(0): 1–12
Figures 1–12 appear in color online: [1475-9217 (201000) 0:0;1–12 10.1177/1475921710366647]

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2 Structural Health Monitoring 0(0)

of implementing such a vast network of sensors is extracted from a combination of different

using traditional wired systems can be very high sources (e.g., thermal, mechanical, chemical). The
due to the installation and maintenance costs asso- energy from each of these sources is then condi-
ciated with the wiring itself. This has lead to the tioned and used to charge a common storage
recent shift toward wireless sensor nodes designed medium. Such an approach could be used to aug-
specifically for SHM [2,3]. ment batteries that are installed in the sensor node,
The ability to operate wirelessly allows the or they could be coupled with a directed RF energy
sensor node to be installed in locations that would system that could periodically bring energy near
otherwise be difficult or impossible for traditional the sensor node, allowing the node to harvest direc-
wired systems. The flexibility that comes with a wire- ted microwave energy and use it to supplement the
less sensor node makes it more amenable for integra- energy harvesting system.
tion within civil, aerospace, or industrial structures, In this article we present several studies per-
as they can be integrated into the design of future formed to (1) characterize the potential of several
systems, or used to retrofit existing structures with- energy harvesting solutions, and to (2) develop a
out the need for significant modifications. However, hybrid energy solution that could be used in the
this desired flexibility also comes with necessary field to operate a recently developed low power
design considerations regarding the need for a reli- sensor node. The sensor node under consideration
able and sustainable method for powering the sensor is capable of measuring and recording the electrical
node. Most commercially available and R&D proto- impedance of piezoelectric transducers, providing
type nodes rely on conventional battery technolo- information about the structural health of a system
gies, requiring the periodic recharge or replacement through the coupled electromechanical properties
of the power supply. One option meant to address of the piezoelectric. This sensor node combines sev-
this issue is the integration of energy harvesting stra- eral components, including a microcontroller for
tegies that could extend the life of, or ultimately onboard computing, telemetry for wireless data
replace, the battery embedded within the wireless transmission, multiplexers for managing up to
sensor node. In this approach the node is designed seven piezoelectric transducers per node, energy
to scavenge ambient energy from the host structure harvesting and storage mediums, and wireless trig-
or its surrounding environment, convert it into a gering circuits into one package that offers a com-
form (typically electrical) that can be stored or used prehensive, self-contained active-sensor node for
directly to power the desired instrumentation [4–7]. SHM applications.
In SHM applications the most common forms of
available energy include thermal gradients and
mechanical vibrations; however, other potential 2 The Wireless Impedance Device
sources include solar, wind, and acoustic energy in
some applications. While extensive research has The target device for this energy harvesting/
focused on the development of an effective energy transmission study is the wireless impedance
harvester, the amount of scavenged energy often device (WID), a technology previously developed
falls below the levels needed to power sensing, by the authors. This hardware is designed to pro-
on-board processing, and telemetry subcomponents vide active sensing capabilities that can be
on the standard wireless sensor node, and this is espe- embedded within a structure, while offering flexible
cially true for nodes with active sensing capabilities. power options that include traditional batteries,
To address these issues our team has worked to energy harvesting devices, or RF energy transmis-
develop a sensor node with the explicit intent that sion. Several generations of this hardware have
it be able to operate on harvested energy, or energy been developed, starting from the WID1 bread-
collected from directed radio-frequency (RF) energy board prototype to the current WID3 generation.
transmission. The following sections provide a description of the
One approach to improving the sensor nodes sensing mechanism that is being exploited by this
performance is to develop a hybrid, or multi- sensor node as well as the general operating cap-
source energy harvesting solution, where energy abilities of the current WID3 sensor node.

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Farinholt et al. Energy Harvesting and Wireless Energy Transmission 3

2.1 The Impedance Method for SHM Integrated chip AT26F004

Zigbit µ-controller antenna 8Mbit memory
Active sensors are often used in SHM applica- with telemetry
tions to identify and locate corrosive, impact, or
joint-related damage within civil and aerospace 0.1F aerogel
structures. The authors have developed a series of capacitor
compact, energy efficient sensor nodes that moni-
tor the structural health of a system through the
electrical impedance of piezoelectric (PZT) trans-
ducers embedded within the host structure. When
bonded to a mechanical system, the electrical wakeup chip
impedance of the piezoelectric active sensor is
directly coupled with the mechanical impedance 3V DC
of the structure. In SHM applications damage connector JTAG connector PZT sensor connector
will manifest itself as a change, or shift, in the
Battery holder Wakeup antenna
mechanical impedance of the system, which is
then reflected as a change in the electrical proper-
ties of the piezoelectric transducer [8–12].
Another critical aspect of the impedance
method is that it can be implemented with rela- AD5933
tively low power, compared to other active-sensing impedance
SHM techniques such as Lamb wave based meth- chip
ods. The impedance method also has application in
sensor self-diagnostics in determining the opera- ADG708/9
tional status of piezoelectric active-sensors used multiplexer
in SHM [13–15].

2.2 The Wireless Impedance Node Real-time clock RF power circuit

The WID was developed from capabilities Figure 1 Prinicpal components of the newest genera-
tions Wireless Impedance Device (WID 3.0).
demonstrated in previous studies of the
impedance-based SHM method. Each generation
of the WID has been designed to implement the
impedance method on a structure using the wireless sensor node evolves from the capabilities
AD5933 impedance chip from Analog Devices. of the WID2. The WID3 (Figure 1) offers
The first generations of the WID (1 and 1.5) pro- advanced communication capabilities, increased
vided single sensor measurement, onboard process- triggering options as well as multiple power
ing, and wireless telemetry [16]. While this options coupled with a power conditioning circuit
prototype demonstrated the feasibility of develop- that facilitates the use of a variety of energy har-
ing a low power sensor node for impedance-based vesting options. The WID3 can self-configure into
monitoring, some limitations were identified a network with neighboring sensor nodes at fixed
regarding the number of sensors that could be time intervals or in the presence of a ‘mobile host’
interrogated, triggering capabilities, and the that is brought in to interrogate the sensor net-
power consuming telemetry module. Thus, the work. The power conditioning option only allows
WID2 was developed with many unique features the WID3 to operate when voltage levels are
that allow for diverse SHM operation [17]. This between 2.7 and 3.5 V, limiting data corruption at
version was designed to be highly compact with low power levels and improving charge times as the
overall board dimensions of 5.5  3.7 cm2, approx- WID3 will not drain energy from the power source
imately the size of a standard business card. once the voltage drops below 2.7 V. The WID3 is
The most recent generation of impedance-based also designed to function as an impedance-based

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4 Structural Health Monitoring 0(0)

module that can be docked with a secondary data processes, stores, or transmits the collected data.
acquisition board, which offers time-domain mea- For most operations this will drain the capacitor
surement capabilities. The telemetry and imped- to 2.8 V. As the voltage drops below 2.7 V the cir-
ance capabilities of the WID3 can be utilized in cuit disconnects power from the Zigbit, effectively
this configuration to offer a highly functional limiting the leakage current to <2 nA, through an
sensor node. The integrated sensor node provides analog switch. The retained energy within the
both actuation and sensing capabilities into a capacitor greatly reduces subsequent charge times.
single package with the ability to implement Most research on energy harvesting has
multiple SHM techniques for the rapid health focused on determining the maximum amount of
assessment of civil, aerospace and mechanical energy that can be generated, rather than applica-
infrastructure. tions and uses of the harvested energy. The practi-
Power Consumption: The WID3 has very low cal applications for energy harvesting systems,
power consumption, especially considering the such as wireless self-powered SHM sensing net-
active nature of its measurements. The current works, must be clearly identified with emphasis
draw during various modes of operation was on power management issues, which allow for
recorded and is shown in Table 1. The WID3 oper- application-specific, design-oriented approaches
ates at 2.8 V and takes 16 s to measure four sensors and the practical use of these technologies.
with 100 points and four averages per point. With Therefore in this study, we identify the WID3 as
data reduction, only a few seconds are required to the target application of energy harvesting and
transmit data to a base station, or a few micro- wireless energy transmission. It is the author’s
seconds to store the data on the onboard memory. firm belief that the energy harvesting system must
Initial testing indicates that the current draw could be designed along with a specific target application
be reduced to approximately 0.01 mA with proper in order to fully utilize its potentials.
use of sleep modes. With these steps, it is conceiv-
able that the WID3 could take, analyze, record and 3 Energy Harvesting
send one measurement per day for well in excess of
5 years on two conventional AA lithium batteries. Two sources of ambient energy were consid-
Power Conditioning Circuit: With the power ered in this energy harvesting study: residual vibra-
requirements outlined in Table 1, the WID can tions of a bridge and the thermal gradients that
be powered by a wide range of energy harvesting develop between the bridge surface and the sur-
methods. The WID3 is also configured with a rounding air. For this testing, data were first col-
power conditioning circuit that allows it to accept lected from a local highway bridge, and the same
power from numerous sources, including energy conditions were replicated in the laboratory envi-
harvesting and RF energy transmission. When ronment through the use of an electromagnetic
configured to operate from the onboard 0.1F shaker and hotplate. The transducers used to
capacitor, the power conditioner prevents power extract this energy were piezoceramic transducers
from being released to the Zigbit microcontroller for the mechanical energy, and commercially
until the capacitor reaches 3.5 V. At this level the available thermoelectric generators (TEG) for the
circuit releases its energy, powering the microcon- thermal gradients.
troller which performs measurements and either
3.1 Available Ambient Energy

Table 1 Current draw for the WID in various states

The first stage in this study was to collect
environmental data from the Omega Bridge in
Current Power Los Alamos, NM, shown in Figure 2. Vibration
Mode (mA) (mW) measurements were taken at several locations
Measurement 26 72.8 along the outer steel girder on the western side of
Data transmission 22 61.6 the bridge. PCB Model 352A24 accelerometers
Sleep mode 0.075 0.21
were placed 3 m from the southern bridge

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Farinholt et al. Energy Harvesting and Wireless Energy Transmission 5

× 10–4

19.98 Hz

12.19 Hz


Accelerometer 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Frequency (Hz)

Figure 3 Autospectrum of the acceleration data

measured on the Omega Bridge in Los Alamos, NM.

Figure 2 The vibrations and thermal characteristics Pos. A

of the Omega Bridge were used in this study.
Accelerometers were positioned along the western steel Pos. B
girder of the bridge.

Pos. C

abutment, and time histories were captured as

normal traffic excited the bridge. The resulting
data was collected using a LDS-Dactron Photon
II data acquisition system. Temperature measure-
ments were made hourly at several locations along
the concrete deck of the bridge throughout the day
using a handheld Fluke Model 62 infrared ther-
mometer. These results were compared to ambient Figure 4 Temperature measurement locations along
air measurements to estimate the thermal gradients the Omega Bridge.
that would develop at different times of the day.
The collected vibration data was used to iden-
tify the fundamental frequencies of the bridge. One develop excitation signals that would be used to
example of the resulting data is shown in Figure 3, drive the cantilevered energy harvesters in a
corresponding to the transverse motion of the web- manner that would emulate the operating environ-
bing in one of the steel I-beams supporting the ment of the bridge.
southern-most span of the bridge. Using the fre- Similarly, temperature measurements were
quency content of this data, cantilever beams could taken along the length of the bridge, as indicated
be designed to resonate at one of the dominant in Figure 4. These measurements were subse-
frequencies exhibited by test structure, yielding quently compared with the ambient air tempera-
the maximum potential harvested energy. The fre- tures to develop the thermal gradient one would
quency response data was obtained by conducting expect for a thermoelectric transducer mounted
a fast Fourier transform on the data and construct- on the bridge deck. These thermal gradients are
ing the autospectrum shown in Figure 3. The presented in Figure 5 for three positions along
results of this spectral analysis were also used to the bridge. It is seen from this figure that the

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6 Structural Health Monitoring 0(0)

thermoelectric would be ineffective in the morning the morning; however the surface temperature
as the bridge began warming; however, it should was seen to rise rapidly after 12PM when it was
become highly effective at midday as temperature exposed to full sun.
differentials reached levels as high as 33 C. In the
early afternoon heavy cloud cover set in and the 3.2 Energy Harvesting Experiment
thermal gradient dropped significantly; however,
they were seen to increase later in the afternoon For the vibration-based energy harvesting
as the cloud cover dispersed. Position C corre- experiments, PZTs where mounted in a bimorph
sponds to the expansion joint of the bridge configuration with thin aluminum or steel sub-
shown in Figure 4, and was seen to be the most strates that were cantilevered from a test fixture
responsive location to thermal variations. This that provided a base excitation to the sample as
location was predominantly in the shade during seen in Figure 6. A bimorph configuration was
chosen to increase the output power of the
energy harvester by scavenging both compressive
35 and tensile loads that alternate between the upper
Pos. A and lower surfaces of the substrate. When mounted
30 Pos. B
Pos. C in this configuration the PZT responds to a change
Temperature differential (C)

25 in length due to the curvature of the substrate

material. The length of the substrate was used to
tune the energy harvester’s natural frequency to
15 match one of the fundamental frequencies
observed in the vibration response of the Omega
Bridge. Once the energy harvesters had been tuned
5 they were characterized with harmonic and
multi-frequency base excitations through the elec-
tromagnetic shaker. The multi-frequency source
–5 was a filtered form of the bridge data that had
8A 9A 10A 11A 12P 1P 2P 3P 4P 5P
been preconditioned by the shaker’s input–output
transfer function.
Figure 5 Temperature difference between concrete For thermoelectric energy generation, a
deck of the Omega Bridge and the ambient air Tellurex Corporation model C1-1.4-127-1.65
temperature. thermoelectric generator was used in this study.

Piezoceramic patches
(top and bottom)
Steel substrate


Figure 6 Cantilevered beam with piezoceramic patches mounted in a bimorph configuration, subjected to base

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Farinholt et al. Energy Harvesting and Wireless Energy Transmission 7

The TEG device is composed of p-type and n-type 3

junctions that are arranged thermally in parallel

and electrically in series to convert energy between

Capacitor voltage (V)

the thermal and electrical domains. These devices
rely on the Seebeck effect, which describes the cur-
rent that results from the junction of two dissimilar 1.5
p- and n-type metals when subjected to a thermal
gradient. 1
With the measured temperature data, a heat
plate (Barnstead International model HP130915) 0.5
Harmonic excitation (21 Hz)
was used to reproduce the measured environment. Bridge data
One side of the TEG is directly exposed to the 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
hot plate, while a passive heatsink was attached
Time (s)
to the other side of the thermoelectric module.
It was shown that using the passive heatsink pro- Figure 7 Charging profiles using a harmonic excitation
vides a 15–20% increase in energy generation at 1st resonance, and using ambient vibrations collected
from the Omega Bridge.
Our first experiment was to develop charging
profiles to investigate the feasibility of providing
power using piezoelectric transducers. For the 3.5

experiments, an energy harvesting circuit module 3

from advanced linear devices (ALD) was used to
Capacitor voltage (V)

precondition the voltage response from the har- 2.5 PZT + PZT
TEG only
vesters. The ALD circuit offers features that are
amenable to the multi-transducer concept.
Specifically, the ALD circuit accepts input voltages 1.5 Measurement
of ±500 V, providing a controlled output voltage
of 1.8 or 3.6 V. The advantage of this circuit is that 1 Data storage

it can accept voltage from either the piezoelectric

or thermoelectric generators, and the output from
several circuits can be combined to provide a 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000
multi-transducer energy source for systems such
Time (s)
as the WID3. For this reason the ALD circuit
was selected for each of the subsequent energy har- Figure 8 Charging profile for the hybrid energy
vesting experiments. In the first experiment, the harvester system using PZT and TEG transducers.
PZT energy harvester was excited using harmonic
and bridge-based vibration signals. The charge
responses for each excitation are presented in voltage response from both PZT and TEG sources.
Figure 7. While the bridge-based data increased The output from each ALD module was connected
the charge time compared to the harmonic excita- in series to increase the voltage output. The charge
tion (from 378 to 2230 s), it is apparent that the response of a 0.1F supercapacitor is shown in
ambient excitation was sufficient to provide Figure 8. The thermal and vibration sources were
power to operate the WID3 using piezoelectric- each initiated at time t ¼ 0. We observed that the
based energy harvesters. TEG response was governed by the thermal
The next stage in our investigation was to response of the heat source, and was effective
couple the PZT-based energy harvester with the until voltages reached 1.18 V. As this was the maxi-
thermoelectric generator, using this coupled mum output of the thermoelectric, the PZT was
system to charge the WID3. In this experiment, used to provide the remaining voltage necessary
two ALD modules were used to precondition the to obtain the desired operating voltage of 3.5 V

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8 Structural Health Monitoring 0(0)

for the WID3. Once voltage levels reached 3.5 V, that these custom arrays collect approximately
energy was released to the sensor node, which pow- twice the energy of commercially available designs,
ered on and measured the electrical impedance of given equivalent receiving areas. The individual
three sensors used to monitor bolt preload. The patch antenna operates by creating a resonant
sensor node performed a 100-point measurement cavity between the ground plane and the top
on each sensor, computing the maximum imped- plane of copper, while a dielectric sheet is used to
ance, and storing this data to onboard flash separate the top and ground planes. The dielectric
memory. This operation is initiated after 912 s of material used in our antennas is produced by
charging and required 2 s to perform the prescribed Taconic, and is a 1.14 mm thick PTFE woven
task. The voltage response during WID3 operation glass composite with low electrical loss terms and
is shown in the exploded view in the lower right of minimal moisture absorption. A picture of the cur-
Figure 8. The initial voltage drop in this exploded rent 2.4 and 5.8 GHz antenna designs are shown in
view is associated with the measurement cycle, Figure 9. The overall area occupied by the individ-
while the second discharge is due to data process- ual patch antenna is relatively small, on the order
ing and writing to file operations. Following the of 11.5 cm2 (2.4 GHz) and 2.4 cm2 (5.8 GHz).
measurement and storage operations, the WID3 However, a microstrip antenna acts as if it were
continued to perform low level operations from several times larger when transmitting or receiving
914 to 915.5 s to further deplete energy from the energy. It is this size disparity that leads to the gain
onboard capacitor. Once the voltage dropped value of the antenna. A good estimate of the gain
below 2.7 V the WID3 automatically removed for a planar antenna designed to resonate at a par-
power from the microcontroller, preventing com- ticular frequency is based on a comparison of its
ponents of the WID3 from consuming additional
power once the voltage dropped below the levels
needed for stable operation of the microcontroller. Single microstrip patch antenna
These results indicate that the multi-transducer used in the 18 and 36 element
rectenna arrays
system is capable of powering a piece of hardware
that can interrogate the structural health of a
number of different systems.
4 Energy Transmission

One alternative to traditional energy harvest-

ing systems is the use of RF energy transmission to
remotely power the WID3 sensor node. While this
method can be used to harvest ambient RF energy
in urban areas, our focus has been to use directed
RF energy to remotely power the sensor node. In
this paradigm the WID3 is outfit with a tuned
receiving antenna designed to collect a specific 32 Element 5.8 GHz
bandwidth of energy that is being transmitted by rectenna array
a mobile agent used to power and interrogate
sensor nodes mounted on civil infrastructure. In 36 Element 2.4 GHz
the first iterations of this research we used com- rectenna array
mercially available transmitting and receiving
antennas. While we continue to use commercially
available parabolic grid antennas for transmission, Figure 9 Receiving antennas designed to capture RF
we have begun fabricating custom microstrip patch energy at 2.4 and 5.6 GHz. While smaller, the 5.6 GHz
antenna arrays in both 2.4 and 5.8 GHz frequency system provides a comparable amount of energy due to
bands for collecting RF energy. We have found the higher gain source antenna.

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Farinholt et al. Energy Harvesting and Wireless Energy Transmission 9

effective area to its physical area. For a patch 5 Field Demonstrations

antenna such as the one used in this study, the
effective area is (/2)2, where  is the wavelength The operation of the WID3 sensor node exclu-
of the microwave [18]. For a frequency of sively from power obtained through wireless
2.45 GHz, the wavelength is 12.2 cm, giving an energy transmission was first demonstrated in the
effective area of 37.2 cm2. The ratio of effective laboratory. Following this, a series of field experi-
area to physical area provides an estimate of the ments were developed to further test the system’s
gain. For this design it works out to 3.22, or about performance under field conditions. In August
5.08 dB. For a transmission frequency of 5.8 GHz, 2007 a series of field experiments with the
the wavelength is 5.8 cm, giving an effective area 2.45 GHz system were conducted on the Alamosa
of 6.68 cm2, corresponding to a gain of 2.78 Canyon Bridge in southern New Mexico. The fol-
or 4.44 dB. lowing year, a series of experiments with the
For a single microstrip patch antenna such as 5.8 GHz system were conducted in August 2008.
the one shown in the top left of Figure 9, the power The Alamosa Canyon Bridge has been decom-
efficiency is calculated to be approximately 1.2% missioned by the New Mexico Department of
at 1 m spacing [19]. Such low efficiency is attribu- Transportation and is used as a testbed for SHM
ted to the small size of the individual microstrip systems. The bridge itself is a traditional steel girder
patch antenna, measuring 1.6  1.6 cm2. While construction with a concrete reinforced deck that
the individual antenna has a low associated gain, is approximately 25 cm thick. Experiments were
the performance can be greatly enhanced as large designed to test both the effectiveness of the
arrays of these microstrip patch antennas can be sensor node and the wireless energy transmission
fabricated with relative ease. This array configura- system once integrated within a mobile host.
tion greatly enhances the receiving antenna’s per- The deployed sensor nodes were mounted
formance as the array can harvest much more of along the western rail of the bridge as shown in
the incident wave generated by the source antenna. Figure 10. The nodes were spaced at intervals of
Additionally, the output of each individual micro-
4–5 m, with the microstrip patch antenna array
strip patch can be connected in a variety of ways to
mounted near each of the sensor nodes. Each
select the voltage level harvested from the array.
WID was connected to three instrumented washers
Examples of 36 (2.4 GHz) and 32 (5.8 GHz) ele-
ment microstrip patch antenna arrays are also
shown in Figure 9. Each element in this array is
coupled with its own rectifying circuit, such that
the output of each element is a rectified version
of the microwave transmission. The integration
of the rectifier within the antenna design is com- Rectenna array 1
monly referred to as a ‘rectenna’ [20]. In each of Rectenna array 2
the rectenna designs shown in Figure 9, the patch
antenna are connected in groups of three (2.4 GHz)
and four (5.8 GHz), each in series, with these
Rectenna array 3
groups subsequently connected in parallel to
increase current. In this configuration laboratory
tests have shown that the 36 element antenna array
is capable of charging a 0.1 F capacitor to 3.0 V in
16.2 s when located 1 m from a source antenna
emitting 910 mW of microwave power at
2.44 GHz. For the higher frequency case, the
capacitor was charged to 3.0 V in 29.4 s when
located 1 m from a source antenna emitting Figure 10 Layout of the field test conducted at Alamosa
890 mW at 5.65 GHz. Canyon Bridge, NM, USA.

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10 Structural Health Monitoring 0(0)

that were mounted using g’’ steel bolts replacing PZT sensor
the original bolts used to secure a steel cross
member to the outer girder on the western side of
the bridge. One set of these instrumented washers
are shown in Figure 11 with an exploded view of an
individual washer clamped between the girder and
the steel nut. The preload applied to each bolt was
varied throughout the experiment to test the sensor
node’s ability to identify the state of each instru-
mented washer mounted on the bridge. The sensor
node was programmed to monitor the electrical
impedance of the washer, which is coupled with
the mechanical impedance (and therefore the inter-
nal stress) of the bolted joint.
The following summary corresponds to the
2008 field test of a 5.8 GHz transmission system
(for information on the 2.4 GHz field test see [19]).
In the 2008 test the energy transmission equipment
was mounted on an unmanned, mobile ground
Figure 11 Layout of the field test conducted at Alamosa
vehicle, and the system was powered through a
Canyon Bridge, NM, USA.
series of NiMH and Lithium-ion batteries. These
batteries powered the vehicle, onboard camera,
signal generator, microwave amplifier, commu-
nication equipment, and onboard computer. A
NovaSource signal generator was tuned to provide Lab test
a 5.65 GHz excitation signal, which was fed through
a Stealth microwave amplifier which drove a para- Field test
Capacitor voltage (V)

bolic grid antenna. The microwave amplifier used in
this series of experiments was a fixed gain amplifier,
and therefore a series of RF attenuators were added
to regulate the output power to 1 W. This system
was operated by the driver of the vehicle, and the
system was turned off once voltage was supplied to
the sensor node. This was monitored via a multi-
meter mounted near the supercapacitor. Multiple
experiments were performed using this system as
the vehicle was driven up to the rectenna where
the vehicle was stopped and energy was transmitted 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
to the receiving antenna. Figure 12 presents the Time (s)
charging profile for a 0.1F supercapacitor as the
Figure 12 Voltage profile for a 0.1 F supercapacitor
RF energy was being transmitted. The system was being charged by RF energy at 5.6 GHz. Tests indicate
capable of charging the capacitor to a voltage of the capacitor would accumulate 3.5 V in 53 s, at which
3.5 V in an average time of 54 seconds at a distance point it triggers the WID3, take measurements, and trans-
of 1.2–1.3 m. In this figure the wireless transmission mit data to the mobile host.
was initiated and approximately 54 s later the power
conditioning circuit is triggered, causing the sensor as the microcontroller performs local computations
node to become active and make a measurement of between 57 and 58 s, at which point the sensor
the piezoelectric sensors, as indicated by the sharp node transmits the data to the mobile host as indi-
drop in voltage at 54 s. The voltage then stabilizes cated by the voltage drop from 58 to 61 s.

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Farinholt et al. Energy Harvesting and Wireless Energy Transmission 11

6 Conclusions 3. Lynch, J.P., Sundararajan, A., Law, K.H., Kiremidjian,

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4. Sodano, H.A., Inman, D.J. and Park, G. (2004).
applications. By replicating data measured in the
A review of power harvesting from vibration using
field, it was found that the WID3 sensor node
piezoelectric materials. The Shock and Vibration
could be charged to an acceptable operating voltage Digest, 36, 197–205.
within 15–30 min. While this charge rage would not 5. Mateu, L. and Moll, F. (2005). Review of energy har-
be suitable for continuous measurements, it would vesting techniques and applications for microelectro-
provide an operating cycle sufficient for many civil nics. Circuits and Systems II, Proceedings of the SPIE,
structures where data would only be need once a 5837, 359–373.
day. The multi-source approach also improves the 6. Paradiso, J.A. and Starner, T. (2005). Energy scaven-
robustness of this approach as the system draws ging for mobile and wireless electronics. IEEE Pervasive
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ity to a single environmental source. For applica- 7. Park, G., Farrar, C.R., Todd, M.D., Hodgkiss, W. and
tions with higher energy demands, wireless energy Rosing, T. (2008). Energy harvesting for structural
transmission can be used to supplement traditional health monitoring sensor networks. ASCE Journal of
Infrastructure Systems, 14, 64–79.
energy harvesting approaches. In this study wireless
8. Sun, F.P., Chaudhry, Z., Liang, C. and Rogers, C.A.
energy transmission has been demonstrated to be a
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sive electrical circuit to combine energy from sev- tion. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 21,
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11. Bhalla, S. and Soh, C.K. (2003). Structural impedance
will work to integrate the harvesting and transmis-
based damage diagnosis by piezo-transducers.
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Following successful laboratory investigations, 12. Giurgiutiu, V., Zagrai, A. and Bao, J.J. (2004). Damage
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to evaluate its performance under real-world tric wafer active sensors. Journal of Intelligent Material
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