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The article will absolutely be on the coronavirus specifically. Also here we will discuss why the
World Health Organization is calling the "Novel Coronavirus". Furthermore, the article will also
lead to its origin transmission signs and symptoms of the disease. As well as thoughts on
prevention and treatment with the epidemic numbers. That will obviously give the ratio of the
affected people. This article is based on different researches.

● Some Common Questions

So, a common question that's being asked around the world right now with this outbreak
occurring is what is the coronavirus? Now the coronavirus actually is a group of viruses that can
affect animals and humans. They're a form of an enveloped virus which means the protein
casing that houses. The genetic material of the virus is surrounded by a phospholipid
membrane. That is very similar to the membrane of a human cell.
We also know coronaviruses are a type of RNA virus. That inside an enveloped virus is a
protein capsid represented by the cube and inside that capsid is the genetic material. In this
case, the RNA stands surrounding this capsid which is a phospholipid bilayer studded with
several types of glycoproteins.
● Origin of Corona

The coronavirus is actually named derived from a Latin word called Corona which actually
means a crown or halo. And the electron microscope images of the coronavirus look sort of like
a crown or a halo there are several different types of enveloped viruses. Including herpes
viruses’ poxviruses and even HIV. While there are dozens and dozens maybe even hundreds of
different types of coronaviruses that affect animals all over the world.
There are seven types of coronaviruses that we know, that can affect humans and they actually
cause respiratory tract infections. We've known about some of these since the 1960s people
around the world. Actually, people deal with these coronaviruses all the time and for most
people, it causes just a common cold. Four of these seven, actually cause common colds. Along
with other types of viruses that cause common colds like rhinoviruses and par influenza.
So, really coronaviruses are nothing new to us but as you'll see in this novel coronavirus is
something new. Now two of the seven coronaviruses have been known for a while now. And
actually cause more of a serious respiratory disease than just a simple common cold. One of
these is known as the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus also known as SARS.

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