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● WHO Officially Declared

At the end of December, this outbreak has become an international concern with affected
individuals in several different countries. At this point and as of just previous days the W-H-O
has officially declared a global health emergency. So, a huge question that so many people are
asking right now is how is this transmitted and how can I prevent this from affecting me? That's
still largely unknown at this point and under ongoing investigation based on what was observed
with MERS and SARS.
It's suspected that this Covid-19 can be spread via respiratory droplets. Similar to the way a
common cold is spread is also similar to influenza. So, coughing sneezing generally between
those people who are within close contact with each other can lead to corona. Respiratory
droplet is different than airborne transmission. Like we see with conditions tuberculosis for those
spread by respiratory droplet transmission. Generally, it is considered as it passes from person
to person. Again this is still under ongoing investigation and officials haven't made a formal
statement. On how transmission occurs? So, how many confirmed cases of this new virus are
we talking about the number is going up each day.
Unfortunately but officials and international organizations across the world are trying hard to
contain the outbreak. As of January 30th, 2020 more than eight thousand confirmed cases in 22
countries exist obviously this includes China. But also includes places like India, Australia, the
United States, the Philippines, and many other nations. Also as of January 30th, 2020 214
individuals have actually passed away from this infection. So far the Center for Disease Control
and prevention here in the United States is monitoring cases in the United States. And abroad in
conjunction with the w-h-o and several other international organizations.

Again as of January 30th, 2020 in the United States there are 166 American patients who are
under investigation with six individuals. They are still waiting on their test results. The first five
cases in the United States had all recently traveled to the area of Wuhan City.

● CDC & Its First Confirm

However, on January 30th, the CDC did confirm its first case about person-to-person
transmission on US soil case number six. In this case, the individual is the spouse of one of the
first five as of right now. All of the cases here in the United States have been described or
reported as quote mild. Unfortunately, this is not the case in other parts of the world and people
are dying from this infection. So, what are the signs and symptoms how does a patient present?
When they're sick with this novel coronavirus.
Now those thousands of individuals have been surely confirmed on testing positive for the virus.
The clinical presentation is varying widely from mildly ill with a simple upper respiratory infection.
All the way to significant lower pulmonary infection with acute respiratory failure and symptoms.
Can include fever cough and shortness of breath so how about treatment what about those
people that have been officially diagnosed with this novel coronavirus. At this time there are no
current recommendations of antiviral medications used to treat this virus. Supportive care
though is the mainstay of treatment and supportive care is directed at alleviating symptoms.
So, such things as anti-paretic medications decrease fever for severe cases such as those that
progress to acute respiratory distress. Syndrome care is usually focused on associating vital
organ function and hemodynamic profusion. These are those patients that commonly have an
inferior prognosis. Currently, there's no vaccine available for the novel coronavirus so our
prevention efforts should be aimed at those same efforts that we would use to help.

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