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a _ _CREDITS - 63 course objectives: This course will enable students t Inderstand the Radar fundamentals and analyze * Understand various technologies involved in the receivers. * Lea ious ri eer m various radars like MTI, Doppler and tracking radars and their comparison ia nao : | RB Level Module-1 Basics of Rudar: introduction, Maximum Unambigu a y E D ; arsbiguous Range, Radar | LI, L2, Waveforms, Definitions with respect to pulse waveform - PRF, PRI, Duty Cycle, | 13 Peak Transmitter Power, Average transmitter Power _ , Simple form of the Radar Equation, Radar Block Diagram and Operation, Radar Frequencies, Applications of Radar, The Origins of Radar, Illustrative Problems. (Chapter i of Text) | Module-2 ° SS = I The Radar Equation: Prediction of Range Performance, Detection of signal in ; Li, L2, | 13 Noise, Minimum Detectable Signal, Receiver Noise, SNR, Modified Radar | Range Equation, Envelope Detector — False Alarm Time and Probability, | Probability of Detection, \ Radar Cross Section of Targets: simple targets - sphere, cone-sphere, i Transmitter Power, PRF and Range Ambiguities, Systcm Losses (qualitative | treatment), Illustrative Problems. (Chapter 2 of Text, Except 2.4, 2.6, 2.8 & | ———~-}-—— [ Module-3 : a faction, Principle, Doppler Frequency | Li, L2, MTI and Pulse Doppler Radar: Introd n Shift, Simple CW Radar, Sweep to Sweep subtraction and Delay Line] 13 Canceler, MTI Radar with - Power Amplifier Transmitter, Delay Line Cancelers | "Frequency Response of Single Delay- Line Canceler, Blind Speeds, Clutter Attenuation, MTI Improvement Factor, N- Pulse Delay-Line Canceler, | Digital MTI Processing ~ Blind phases, | and Q Channels, Digital MT! Doppier signal processor, Moving Target Detector- Original MTD. (Chapter 3: 3.1, 3.2, 3.5, 3.6 of Text) _ ea 5 eae ~ —i,| ‘Tracking with Radar- ‘Types of Tracking Radar Systems, Monopulse Tracking 13 Amplitude Comparison Monopuise (one-and bwo-coordinates), ast Comparison Monopulse. held sDiagcom of Conical Sean | , Conical Scan ‘ | Sequential Lob’ sMiveduction : = 1 ' ne clectvortaqu etic System a (ad The detection & Iscortion of Yeflecting objects’ such as cabtcreft , ships, Space Craft, Uchicles , ‘People a The Vict tuivenment: X Tt Can opercte ‘darkwen Wage, fog Yam & Sees YX The tom yadex is a Contraction of “the tsovda Yadio detection aud Youging deus we squire below - The cboaie! prinep_ xoler 16 fWstrotel iy The Figure Aelew +4 ad (p49) — x A tronitio gence an electomegnetic siqviod (5h . * a 3 ‘ 7 hat is Sadioted WI Spots by on anime: fi C25, of The sproninitted cuogy i divections - x A potion 4 to Cepted by the Target and Monuy yevediored w | divected bode cpousnds “the Yodo ts dor, omens | hick deli ire o y he ye vodiation Collected sy the Yec evr: y Thos poocaned a detect TH POMS Target aud of ‘Te tr locetions auiune wwe awd on & & yeceiving . yi Single Hier shared baxen sot pro muilting x The Yoxae ox Gortauce “bo target Te Hee ay taken der The Yados Segue? Jock to Ww ryodex: ot a deo yy Meaning fo trad ta The divectiow The yeceed & 4 in Mateo y Ture Bee of De ete sigue! du: depp effect: is perso te The 7 echs ey) y Th er) Gwe evele city of Th tege yelative whew xR Tee target rt ¥ Th de — pe Prequemy swat f deaived Movew Pod ro an be oe i 4 qc from fixed “Clutta" tchse Sufeacte 4 fen The Wotan) euvivontrent Such or dowd Sea o¥ veiv- Yoder Sequel is ia Kectamquber a. Stwctsose Codoees ( pusne teat) eto_o tage 19 Rong ¥ The Most Corner Sea Shoped pune modu lerting by Te tine Te Ths teaget ond beck determined to a Tage is The Yades Segues » Tlectromaguetic energy ju foe Spece sprouts ¥ The Yougs 4 it Toke ote tree udth” the Speed / of Ligne uw Wy zxiot ole are y The The ne fort Te gust spre) tela taayet eed oF a, Trae R ond | YER, spack |S a vader 1S ren OS : ‘ 2 duet xo x Thasjer Te _ ery + o teat fa The ane eos ctr Whee age ken Wve SE gated ie Teng ‘ ve cts teayet ant bark R (KH) = os ta bY + anti WD = 1-953ke) a pis Morimum, m Mariam UY anki qe egy he c Youge be ond Ushich targets appe i “A 0 pes’ ad Becomd —tine ORI ° 3 echse® 13 ‘The Maxitun umambigue ¥e uae, Run | | Rye 2 2 & | a fe | sethon Te- pubs ssepetition ported ~~ ¢ [pe * HR eho po scant (ers) dea pure ye petition ofrquesny Ea z * e + le Onte & Signed yodicked IW? Spot Jays yedor a pont dapre TEE dche Signed FTE “fo (Ton ode before VOT pure io Aramid - x it Te time Jowur pee Te i+ doo Shstt x oM echo sigue’ em a dang yravg® jayt meget oveue adt& fs Aprons of he WO pure v x ond be cstakenty aonsctoded path TH relne weet cpernttitied lio [seantctee stor) Ther Tre actus! ee ' aher ON ol? te apromnneniee of Meo ee oc. x A plot of The axinuy vvarbigues Yaugs a & function 3 ty Shaun ih fey Shelse + of Se pubs snepetition Apquensy i 4 Pycst 10, A 10 100 1,000 "70,000 Pulse repetition frequency, Hz Figure 1.2 Plot of Eq, (1.2), the maximum unambiguous range Rin ot o function of he pulse repetition frequency f,. WX hs 8 dy 2 (rey Rader. Csoveforet agra Gey? % The Aypieet sodos urltlgs O pene prone fore ye The peek pons te Then comple a eo ame x pubs osidth oe dae use “on ¥* pubs sepetition pesied Te= ams = }o00 > = wee fp= Weer Rie x pubs sepetition papeeery Ushich provider eo Mou unanbique” rouge Ruz Te a = \Sokm 2 os Rue =~ \s0 ke as Bo-a4 ome = 8 “as [pans = SEIN per — trem csovefios” : mo X The dat Ne ae4 _tyae of ao yadox cswsefesm fn defined a . ts -vedioting “te Be ‘4 ctettos irre of De Tete dime The wedo% it Gold rove edicted. x — VO bp dann ee = 1x8 = 0-008 = yador > Fadiaing _ 49 Tine ucycacle = yale = Fata time He Gull howe Fadiated | oF Durkee = P. ayer fe = 0 008 ve The goigy of Be pas oye ame = A Toole % ap the odor could detect > siqu’s ya's , THe 4 ’ echo would be \go dB Aoeoo the loot fm sav ther USo> promt) + y A shost duration pube urabiefosrs FP aiteadtive State the stesnq pra itter Stquacd. wm wt roosting uhen the useak snot 1d bce veceived echo seq) 4 X bith ware Us a >? “id, of Vo tas , The brardferm extands tne, | Space ove o distance of CY = Fmd ex LE = 360m X The quo! targets Con be Vetaguiae ob being Yonlved i+ Yange ey Osher “They 0% Seperated by o Valu of Cr/a i Reet SE % then Ye dar TS equs sige Todt» Gon be Woelved if ses aoe Seposcted shy 50M wm 44) ‘ fils artecte ty aero cus oo 44 x Sor ur owe Aedoos- ¢ Qa 72 (peqe 4D | soem 4" fer Run 7 A att Tha Ma ved xy Taye R vag 8 ewer Row & ov ‘ Run soar ¢ ttne! OR FM stapes wr See dg tha appedante % ape Toye * ¥ appeobants ee Frersitores| x Galy WEt rapa fe teat Be Odeund tau as 4 nat covvest herons et y Thare for & *S » echoes = Ce The echo Produced orth overtab Cee x foe toga clr. Then Ras ee pes * Crim EZtrawos sre (Cu werrfeers haze abe, “bor Celene *¥ C¢ to Kadam depend on The deppler frepuins, Shift of Ts echo Soe, Commed dy & Moving tong it x A Simple cls vedor doo» west rapsun Tava: freer adutorton (FM-co) creasedere qlitnercy Thad reo As baight (oltiteded x Aw Cxanple i Te awed iw the Yada ef an 54 Croft bse thet exkwast the Aepple* beret ghigr ane Cited xe Pulse yeders et Tdrcation (mr ox pue apple ads - erthen moving Taxge' r Simple x The Yoder C4 Charette 2 foo of The Rader equation ie eS ution ¥clots Tha! Yauge of, & yodas “ts “the . prow ittr , secede o awtenna, of TH The evisonment: straw MET pee Pe i> yadioted ay om sty | Oo dextance R pao Trotveptc g 2 & p an wotep > inne > Power cemity or vary fun on epic & aa os ‘te deveer The dix ective autenw diseerton % Radars enue expley TRoyomiticd poser Pe Same portent be defined & Ga 4 an ateune og ye Tha Maxima gin G Moxie Pose di yedtared dy & Aivective oostomn spoucs dowty wsadtard Joy 0 Yopvlo? ae Sanwa wate TH NEY spout impor Usidh ~The poor deity oF The Torget far 6 Aixective antennr o Arresting ge G is Thy ae eo lyre ~psue deity devective omtoans = TH anger ‘wt 3 ir ae ftouceptn, & portion of Tucident pauice and 6 cctkes it im Voxiows dixectious . evade x Ta ie ovly “Toe poses dewaity yevadiard iu TH direction of To voden Ther i of iwWowst- ot the tayet determine Ms poverdomty ewity fucident on The dat CHAK Recfiow 4s Te vader fpr o pestiotes pout d Bertuawd te te et x TH im densted 24 oe Senphy (rome ction ct Cxode Acetteow wade Cronkeetion 5 often Galt tony chow a Te add = PG. Gwe? FR Revadiaked pose dewrity eyor op the prsduct of Ths x The pee weceued by te ede dO incident pour dewsty stteun “The effet? ence Pre (Te Yee Guicure + j ¥ Tr opps oe spotted te the peyte oem BY ‘the Yelostowktp Me™ PP thon P= auctions aaperkin thio") (was i Tor xe The secured Sign poe we Ps RG , oo - Pe Py = UR? YT - Rane -@ (aor Cx - % The Moxinws xi ange cr Oo Yedox Rye is Th dsasrance reyoud hich Th, “terget Goumet be detected « % TH 6coou whew Te Yecewed Stquad poso Py Jest qua The mivinn detectable Signe? en | Subsittativng Py > Smiw ond Fe prtBamnasing Ths eq - My ( Rao [HORT] (47¥ Saw This ix Te cfusrdanecets peven of tha waded ange oyesien: 4 Jyote Travattitting & vecelviny ¥ it Tr Sone austeuns © wacd G& The were The ‘velakiosl etwor the Prawn ai eure ads Pe i Gz ihe”) » = TSA 4) 14 » Gin = bsauscteng Th = % ca vets of pene | f- Bequesey * equation (6) Can cbe Substiterd e46) for foe Ae oud The for GT ge He stan ‘fours of The Yodo equ Suit cr PEG “a va y = co Rowe = . a GO| PGE a Cree (oS Su YT Ut Seon | © 4 M : Pare 4 BoP Rea |e -® (an Stein Sudssiative fe & y \ 4 he M 4 tear (BALM | Naf PERE (ANF Seen (U8 Ses ‘4 Re co - [fe ~ Qu (uw) ¥ Sri borory @ 6” SB ton “There Three dows of Te saonpetatien cppesenteh Ta Sone dH Prablen: DA wang “Pesta ted pe srades hay Te allowing Cheractoustin — WRKY = JGo° a vecer = toe pee ae of awierne dectoble ‘peck Sigh gd auc of do be WS fam Miwon a Sigh aod poor’ diy Ts Crom Seco ~ loa ig Te qades WOH as da vedor teas ee Lg Kite ‘pn ble, = =louw abet cron — $6 G- 2500 , hin eques Soli Giver fo boy Re o- om = DkKY Aem lor? | Ue ket ; \ Y Rae? Pea Ree ene (ue See ps0 xs x’ 258° ¥ yox? - i { ca. x" ‘4 ie Jqe-AT km OY (Cimnis legsake) es tue 1 es3 = 160-16 wni = ae detect, a. “orgs of 258" 3 ) Qretste The motu ¥ 7 “te of & Yoder system Gihich Opes ot Ai a Bem with a peak pube pour of ook i¢ far Sul Mivamun weccivable peer wy LeU, The Capture ade of its in se x The Yades Crom Sectievet aca of The Thaget ts Ositemno. gon Giwo = S von Y= Bem, Ren Geeks a LR ese set = aot Reax™ * ye . as hy Ren = 4 Ae 7 Gotk x sx ote ust A? Stain ne Ue x3hx 13" 41-651 km =- 116s ho } 1 = 3g7 2A WHE } - sek a Sade Ferd tr opous ax wan * threes aw dt tra “front pene pie Om mg de owe cola , uh ond. a wen a gee foes ate [* ol, SB uher & Ager & sok ve sussues gor oS torgd ? w Foded cooss- Seer of te " . to eee aan, G7 H000 1 sox 1 Pr 2 Pye Pear untet q~ MEP cosh » ye cyt Ge Aer & on . ir §> a LL Py * a ae @cr yee iy une yr s* a2 Py 7 Pea eo urge oo Ps ip? f2R" Rare _ ion wee (0 (ows! sok x CHosed lg)” C= 34-45 SM ae power of Hook, of osirees + Bday cycle ath y Fades Tommie hes o peck pubs o PRE of lSootPs & & Pabe width unanbiquew Farge Cobladste a) The Motes Suttoble barter ce trons rated pees d) 6) Ta ancrog Pea Hooker (PRE = goores , * 7 o-BXIS AcE ’ a Sol: Giver a FTE ~ ctr = £ e Bee rlace | bine > user un Ee ce a ue axisee jook" — ot = le yess = s3aseet a » “Dest cere = wT 2 he 7 ove xis'® 158° Te 0-00 12 = promoted poe @) The ancrge Pov cle = Dargey ae Pas = peney™ ae = o00tt® lyse = 4& ores —_ u c a) Suitable banduidth — By + Vw vor ue ders \ \ ix vdwth OS” ae 7 as pininun Bool ah a om x ae = \TSMRy Moxiran Bandeidth = ae Osa Ac Suitable Tandvidth Gn he Cheon bowen basen ite meg Radar hlock droge. 5 ibe ath Tee x The opesetion of o pure yaks Mey abe a7 oid of tos Simple slo ck dioy am on Smsuie clout dys (py) Fee | & XT Te ‘ont f maition Jy be o pe Lyptio » auch cont tee Qt anplyia South om 4 Aube gy trams omplifin) TH > Maavel é av you 6SCillstes OU aed iw pore godeors % The odes Sign? an predered or tou pout oy o Ufossefosrr gover, Chich & cthen Te imput chs Se pours amplifier x Je Med ulet* Symebroni on aith the up pub 4 tn olne Jeaued OM and «ff x Uhew & pour? oscilletet ay used Jy po meduleet +b qe at pes tsoxepe xe The cotpet of sears nates Ds juived & the, Guten Sy o coosegpide os oth fo of Abentionion \ feted whe spete ye posal guftectot gutenne foc ee euogy OP * ts be wred 8% Sivate outenne oud vec a Super hetevebyne oo dou-msine Fpranaites * The M Mixer and [stot oScillotes (Le) Convert : Ca * Re Siquet to on iwrermediote -foajucney (2) F xe hou it > amplified Ay Tha EF amplition. X% The IF amplifion i> dorgned an a Metched filter uihich Meee he octp speale= Stguos «te “wean —weiks yatio- flowed by Coys diode , Cinich 2 ox demodulemx 5 second detect & xX Te IF ampli}: we Celted Second J ¥ The Grbiuation of FF omplifio uuelap Getecto¥ fo pos “the the Coven Prey ete clos 5 ideo omplefi farev (euvelaps) OM eee oo decir > Mode “pose modu! a sect ovtper of ¥ vet & cteoget ie pow acd om TH Moa hb te extceed x FF te oatpsr doge ewnud) th oO poyet im prone: x oe TH Cihether OF yeceve® Gulpur jude of The KH The decinion i» ee Jeteveied tht PD Aros, Th deci 3 we TQ wat only srs a agnuned A poet: Rader frequen ¥% Convertionad adorn qty ope mMicwuaite we on trond ar TE dettn Ged Se pe chords oT uke Microcroue wader wate Ta Uke Ds Ged The chon 5X, nd wou wed x Dur to de Sqnot athe distinct (50s Sen deseteped « xe 6% SEaim - Baud Msmencldhne 2 Vet 2 Bi ee , seme Substinte fY " frequnsd Tete o wadar operet - ye The Specific weer et prequanin fo yader Showtd Se awed — Whenoid oppropriste: x Bor The stor designation shout) Se auned Chere & Shot vstetion ty dared: Boud Dovguctin Norarod Specific Frequeney Reuye he Prmpnnynge “Roce bared ov tru (Tectewwectondd Tele runiecten Uniew) >) WF 3-Bomby a WHF Jo- Bee MH? ais ort ie = DaSMEY d ve oo — 600 ANY yoo -45* MR G50- THI MRR 4 Dak 179GNG, rais— Hos MAS ® 7 a4 GN 300 — Q500 Mhg Qe = BISOMHG 9 Cc 4-8 Ge? 5250 - S198 Mig > x g-lIGNz ggso - 16,68 8S ke yar 18 GHG 134 — 14 ONS ye INT GHy a * 1-27 GH’ 3 DH -65— WIS407- wk, . a “ean 334 “4 30 GH » Vv 3 4o- 15 GHR ° 4 — 64 GuR 1D wb Ts-lloGug He eve = 81 GH Ga-lso aay 13 2) mm No-300GHz " G- 142 aug 14a = 14 Ge ABI- I3SGHY 38 - ANE GH Arppli cations of Rodox ed Ae detect tergets o oud ee ve Roda han bem enepl a cthe grind 3 a tee 34 yim Spal eta gros: ou the Seo, on 0 Briefly dexerited below of OF defer » it pseapon Conroe : x The Majer G¥e% of tote agplicat Jeaportont pee Dy emtoy: Rader ih & “Porgeren Te fusction a sususcilance detector ) torr jucluder odes Tee tog target ft yeconntliow » eth diveer the Use ope Grctvod ‘Suguscillaace “Target practing - bse apon te OM utes cept” tQ Ce YD Remste CV MOA , 4 LAM Kadean ae verrote serra oor erpeelon™ om ple of orks yertte Sew one sbrowction D Shart—rowe ? “0 ) Weather obxcusation 2) plemctony “elas 9 vound pel claus v0 3 paling ud megping of SO ice te woute Swibpind sor empleged omeund Dd Aan haffc Cato (re) + Redorr howe ais ost) Seefety Caves spraffic iw he Vocinity dd. assets (aie suruscilouce Fuden ps@> cia mse ob MR? weagow qd wy & strat onceredt Gn te d ivected oxound Theet uy) Lau enfoccersent ® Wear bag Safety? th, wed sped MAE Aasstion sp Mey tn waed Jy poe fox efor cng, speed Vert © 9 Sisceoft Safety ond anigator" pratidangy cuncret employ gee oer, odern moses scone: The waste gitimetes ts o° a bodes weed de dct fe Wasalet of o» once above tH porw e \p> * book jos © skp Sedfety > Roda 4 Jsund Or swh> : "s bu epety Cliision dante ap cha ovie vei gpstet Sf len TH ui sibly te mked ade 4 wen fe 9) Space ce yeild ait ge docu os Q Jandy, on ® other : vlad 4 yeRadex her abe cfarmd application im induaty Vencantact pumurctert of Speed and Asntence 9 fev The ye Tt hap baw wed for otf & ge ex plavation « i pam & ovyrthelegint> lrawre applied Yada “fe Study ¥ Evstemaleg y the ruvenent> of ‘neers a birds The_sxigin_ob Radex : Hteiwsich Mev of ode desing fied Maxtists theery of poe yodan oF HSSHH ere pry aot feo demamrtrated tha boric Gueept ¥ He ex pertmestoty vo“. Clarrromagacttc field ing & With metic object > ob tanger jase & \gse y Austin ae scietiot > Cusistion Mods mee iw lado amentied manos T detect ships &™ % aud Tass @lliaien qusientot of, Uixelon Yadio jute Y snr of vodev ube vadet te x SG Mon lov fon L132 5 dextund the copplict Cc Yours of US % Scteutiat P+ Hoyt Tenles % Jee FN etreduced Nasal sorcornck Sobsvotery iu Learkinastove pe | tla Concept of bixtetfc Cur todos * Deding A (ould More LO tne » vader Jreceme Mase popes ab 24 Gon iwwalled ow Bomber aasiaplome? « de AfAor Usrld Us DT wd techwsby Made vapid program ‘a Depa efpest Uies tyetviduted tw MTZ (mew ‘adic vader Leth high paces tubs Such ia ee * USimay Mans pulse Yada , ccrunote omale tracki of Fonget trou extabliahe 7 paix X peve an do ppte® spade OH sured —te ye Atvdame detect abd Croft outenvod offord yepid beam Steering * plored any Usithaur OM) ascneut of autevne * % Redd foecone Oo” fespovtot eqs pent dot Safe oun treet ay detecting advoue qancapheric Condi such oF pees pteer 7 daw gen” Lsiwd Shea advoue Lseostlun Cocke Digit Stages ypxotening digest dase pesemy suorwoduced an dstot cdvone? we digit? techusgy x The geet ay Yoder teclanela io Gai’ eh (outinut favor: expected te t Ds) hat Shawld be The Poe vepetétion fey of & Yoder’ in asder “te ¢ aioe a Maxi Unanbiquesd er, of Go Vin? The Pexthon unentigin Bye ey io ( Unas= 883k) 2 Asp Gouri TLL Le ken = eet, eos y Craseo hy esi) o£ _ Ie PR» Axug Pabedan py lp SP Ve dea '344- Leng ») Hoe de 4 th Ken th ctrauel oot » Joa oo tt he for oe Saye ond bade menbiquer Tange 7 phen “The nae TR ok) Th Mat pon ong The Yonre th oo hoger fo gre fy a yuder Syrah te trent R~ CTk tia Te ten y ie, 3 et tyes Tas 28 gan R= Rant Umer Gyasie Fig “e J a Jt, =) 2x6 Fr Baud f — D Th th vata bho ps iim of [Sue ,crher th The ae wetod of TH “Pore Cy TR Spare he ange extes (| Cesrdinate 7 Y= [saa The wert extol ™ Ute a pae Ua dane of CY = Beuky Su Spoce Sh = 4ss metow — aque Sye eng be Seperate D) Yor PX apast im worye (seod rE he Pobs oe of Pr? ja axda “to be Costein i Fordued ays Jue equed tangas Gr de wecagesed an, do tan Try ods Sqposed ey etn of OM worsted ta rye ie Raa~ CE Qa = sna op 2S > ® Ty Be wala ba Po poro Saku 4p tlhar ta The outage pled) a = &Y Oye pian bade = Goole Sse SEM 154A 16S = liga 4) hs Te dayeyte q Tn wade? 6 a AY oye = Ha, = } Sax [84a-le ~ 0-002 — Lis dudyeycle = Por _ LEU 9-002 Pe Geore — a) A gam ocd aim Sunitlthre vache epost OF bv ot WK oh Usswent fer The detection of = teget To Machu Targ’ p2)- Eb avctenne | Uh co pedir GOSS Actin ME Sq vad ETD (cet ge kogh 4 and Tar caclenne oper eppccoun P= 6s. Isa paar TH dilevry dente qos vam tide by The Yecuuen rewire ddeateble ses to Susu a) Avorn ef fective agertor Re (syne BSD (wantin % & dg) flez Sah = 06s ¥ YM peas 3am = Ke as a ye Le = Beek = 0 2M g V3oert =a ae ts — fy ge mess —= aw 33 (o> Gote bo 16 day a getda = Taya pase? PEG Pe “4 nurs Fees (us Seen oe Bem Rank Gen Som 2 GACH 2 (Bre8r* (wey (6%) (atuesa (3-0 ¢ y Lead vk er pho we= met & “ Re eon a WERE = Been = } Srome Pe c= [nm nino ee +f 2 pune wepetition fra te ackiwe O Maxima Unanhigue Yue of wont Rae Cle Ra donns 2 = Qson 13M Ru. = © aie ~Ne ee Seah = = 4o4-S 4 DRen AX These — 3 Dak ) Asooge “proantba psd UH The pate CAH * Pass* RY So = \-agn x 2H X wes er => [o36-12Y a ¢) Duy cyte = a use Tr = ape jet » Mortqosd bean uit (dee fad 8e- Pa) 4 = os [22ED D a) What iy, The Peake Pour qo Sede Clare’ average TPrarnrstien psu % Awsts , pube idth of dus, amd & potne ye patitirn py of tscou? ? tyr lesooy + Pee . %=2 Pas HHS yoann | Poor PE ~ Fe Se ten ee Deak r jour’ kee | = u (a vos f iF YD Giher ty Ts vag [ur of cyan ese} ine Sususcllence i \ 2 at. qnecs ha te deter op fy h tid ead Leeson a ae athens, taper gra Peuney of GN, [shoua) , th © Keeton Safe That bor i Se ovine cppeston efkemy detectable Sige Stn We (Gel sh Pe ine datos oe tide DT high 5 ed ont Minar egat Boe Yada equation beng “The peak pod? “nh gar Orb Gana~ Se R=? Per tans, pese2t , ? hee eax es on? p> woke et peti 5 = yas ore Pees pune rae cS) My, _ [ Pead x ‘ as [Pee (pee lete ae Ue lowe se asks = \aoatd tiem = FRO = ue i a yee = Module o Aesignmese Quasttew. D Exple: ; plain The Boric privctple of Radex Utd ce Meat bleck drasgratn 9) weite a short hele On 2 mecnum unanbiguown fang WD) Range do o target Wd Seand Hee oxtund echo borer expla weepettiior ported sw) poe 0 2 UH a weat Leagan of © pudde wow th, ton » peak psuey AD posre ide wi) pore vd Daly OY vii) Fremyy of Po freq een, >) Avesiae psiees Gi Thin yeationd vost Crease fom yy Detve Te Simple tor 4 sa Wesdos equation (OA OT caused © sy Three foo? owsrontionel pulse wadex UTR & 446, Megeonenteion 5) Uith o Wea diagren explsin me weceived Supes heterody @) Dinam Rader frequenny beans Range? » Brieghy dercstte Te Mofex owcen of wader opp licsttors ? ® probler’s om Exeveene dd, 1-2, 1-3, V4 us

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