Sound Absorption of Textile Curtains - Theoretical Models and Validations by Experiments and Simulations

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Textile Research Journal

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Sound absorption of textile curtains ! The Author(s) 2016

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– theoretical models and validations DOI: 10.1177/0040517516673337
by experiments and simulations

Reto Pieren, Beat Schäffer, Stefan Schoenwald

and Kurt Eggenschwiler

Textile curtains can be designed to be good sound absorbers. Their acoustical performance, as usually described by
the sound absorption coefficient, not only depends on the textile itself but also on the drapery fullness and the
backing condition, that is, the spacing between the fabric and a rigid backing wall, or the absence of a backing in
the case of a freely hanging curtain. This article reviews existing models to predict the diffuse-field sound absorption
coefficient, which to date can only predict the case of flat curtains. A set of existing models is extended to the case of
curtains with drapery fullness using a semi-empirical approach. The models consider different backing conditions,
including freely hanging curtains. The existing and new models are validated by comparing predicted sound absorption
coefficients with data measured in a reverberation room. Hereby, curtains consisting of different fabrics and with differ-
ent degrees of fullness are considered. Besides situations with rigid backing, also the measurement data of
textiles hung freely in space are included in this study. Comparisons reveal a very good agreement between
measured and predicted sound absorption coefficients. Compared to currently available commercial sound absorption
prediction software that can only handle the situation of flat textiles with rigid backing, the results of the presented
models not only show a better agreement with measured data, but also cover a broader range of situations. The
presented models are thus well applicable in the design and development of new textiles as well as in the room acoustical
planning process.

sound absorption, curtains, folding, measurements, modeling

Noise interrupts communication, reduces productivity acoustical requirements. Recently, new lightweight
and may lead to fatigue or even adverse health effects. and even translucent textile curtains that absorb
Therefore, it is necessary to optimize the acoustical sound very well have been developed,1 which has put
quality of rooms taking into account their usage. them in the focus of interest. Further, the use of textile
Materials such as glass and concrete commonly used curtains hung freely in space as sound absorbers has
in interior design are acoustically ‘‘hard’’. These mate- recently been investigated.2 In this paper, calculation
rials reflect sound energy very well, creating a very models to predict the acoustic performance of such
reverberant sound field in the room. Improvements of
the acoustical environment, for example, in rooms
where people work, communicate or relax, may often
be achieved by introducing sound absorbing materials. Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology,
These, by decreasing reverberation, increase speech Switzerland
intelligibility and make rooms quieter. Textile curtains
Corresponding author:
can be designed to be good sound absorbers. For a long Reto Pieren, Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and
time, however, only heavy curtains of material such as Technology, Überlandstr. 129, Dübendorf, 8600, Switzerland.
velvet have provided sufficient absorption to fulfill Email:

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2 Textile Research Journal 0(00)

lightweight curtains in rooms under various conditions theoretical models have been developed that have a
are presented and validated by comparison with mea- high potential to provide accurate predictions for multi-
sured data. layer curtains either mounted in front of walls or freely
To quantify the acoustical performance of materials or hanging in the room.18 In the prediction, the effects that
the resulting quality of rooms, various measures are avail- occur during testing in a reverberation room are consid-
able.3,4 In statistical room acoustics,3 the most important ered, such as edge diffraction at the specimen20 and non-
parameter is reverberation time. Reverberation time RT uniform intensity distribution of the incident sound,21 as
may be predicted by the well-known formula by Sabine,5 well as the effects mentioned above already. However, to
with room volume V and total absorption area A of the date the models have only been validated with measure-
room as input parameters, using ments of the absorption coefficient for normal incidence
in the impedance tube,22 but not with measured data
V from a reverberation room. Further, the published
RT ¼ 0:16 ð1Þ models have been limited to flat curtains so far.
The objective of this study is therefore to extend the
existing models of Pieren and Heutschi,18 which are the
A is calculated by most recent available models, to the case of folded cur-
X X tains. Hereby, the focus lies on the general case of a
A¼ Si  S,i þ AObj, j þ Aair ð2Þ single fabric layer curtain. In the following, the existing
i j models of Pieren and Heutschi18 to predict the sound
absorption performance of curtains as measured in the
The first term in Equation (2) is the sum of the pro- reverberation room are briefly outlined. The models are
duct of the sound absorption coefficients S of all room then semi-empirically extended to the case of folded
surfaces and their respective surface area S. The second curtains. Finally, predicted results are compared to
term is the sum of the equivalent sound absorption measured data from a reverberation room.
areas AObj of all objects inside the room and Aair
denotes the total absorption of air.
S , AObj and Aair are frequency dependent. The
Theory and model development
larger the values are, the more sound is absorbed by In this section existing models for flat curtains are briefly
the surface material, by the object or by air, respec- summarized and subsequently extended to the case of
tively. For S and AObj , standardized measurement curtains with drapery fullness. A fullness of 0% corre-
methods exist. Tests are conducted in a reverberation sponds to a flat curtain; a draped curtain having twice
room where the incident sound is assumed to be ideally the amount of fabric is referred to as 100% fullness. The
diffuse.6 However, prediction of the sound absorption existing and extended models allow for a description of
coefficients from the material properties of an absorber the following four cases:
prove to be much more demanding.7–9
For textile curtains, several prediction models to cal- . case I: flat curtain in front of a rigid wall;
culate the sound absorption quantities have been devel- . case II: freely hanging flat curtain (without wall);
oped. The classical model only considers the size of . case III: folded curtain in front of a rigid wall;
the air cavity between the fabric and a rigid wall and . case IV: freely hanging folded curtain (without wall).
the specific airflow resistance of the fabric as input
parameters.3 It is based on the assumption that no
sound-induced fabric vibrations occur, which is fulfilled Existing sound absorption models for flat curtains
if the fabric is much heavier than the surrounding air
(cases I and II)
layer. However, for lightweight fabrics sound-induced
vibrations affect the sound absorption characteristics. The models discussed here originate from the model
Several authors have proposed methods to take this presented by Pieren.17 The final model18 describes the
effect mathematically into account.10–12 general case of sound absorption coefficients of flat,
Shoshani and Rosenhouse13 found that the micro- lightweight, multilayer curtains, that is, the above
structure of the fabric substantially influences the sound cases I and II. Below, the equations to predict the (dif-
absorption coefficient. Since then, several models based fuse-field) sound absorption in reverberation rooms are
on geometrical fabric parameters, such as porosity, thick- derived and simplified for the case of a single layer
ness or pore size, have been proposed.10,14–18 The effect curtain.
of flow distortions due to the constriction of the oscilla- For case I, the considered set-up consists of a
tory flow through the material was described mathema- thin sheet of fabric that is mounted at a well-defined
tically by Atalla and Sgard.19 Recently, methods and distance d in front of a rigid, that is, fully reflecting,

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Pieren et al. 3

Figure 1. Sketch of case I with a fabric sheet at distance d to a rigid wall and of case II with a freely hanging fabric sheet without
air cavity.

surface forming an air cavity, as shown in Figure 1. resistance Rs (in Pa s/m)25 and the area density m
The thickness of the sheet is assumed to be small com- (in kg/m2) as7,11,12
pared to the wavelength of sound. It is further assumed
that a plane airborne sound wave is incident on this j!mRs
Zf ¼ ð3Þ
structure. The incident sound wave is then partially j!m þ Rs
reflected at, partially transmitted through, and partially pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
absorbed by the fabric. At the right-hand side of the air where j ¼ 1 is the imaginary unit, ! ¼ 2 f is the
cavity, the sound wave is fully reflected at the rigid wall angular frequency and f is the frequency in Hz.
and returns to the fabric from the opposite side, where As the geometric arrangement of the textile strongly
the wave is again partially reflected, transmitted and determines the acoustic field (see above), different equa-
absorbed. Hence, a complex sound field with interfer- tions for the absorption, based on the fabric material
ence of incoming and reflected waves is being built-up [Equation (3)] and the backing condition, need to be
in the cavity. This again strongly affects sound absorp- established. Further, for the backed or freely hanging
tion and, in particular, its frequency dependency. textile they have to be distinguished between S (case I)
In contrast to case I, in case II (Figure 1), where the and AObj (case II), respectively.
fabric is far away from any boundary, the transmitted For a flat fabric placed at a distance d (in m) to a
wave is not reflected, but propagates away from rigid wall, the statistical absorption coefficient is
the curtain. According to standard ISO 354,6 case I described by18
is characterized by S and case II by AObj , as in the   Z =2
latter case of the freely hanging curtain the actual sur- 8  < Zf wðÞ sin 
face area that is exposed to the incident sound is not S ¼   2 d
Z0 0  Z cotðk0 d cos Þ 
well-defined.  j
þ ZF ðÞ
Z0 cos 
The physical behavior of the above structures can be
described by physical models, such as the equivalent ð4Þ
circuit (EC) method23 that is well suited and broadly
used for this purpose.7,11,12,17,18,24 In this analogy, where < denotes the real part and k0 the wave number
mechanical and acoustical quantities or elements in air (k0 ¼ !=c0 ), Z0 ¼ 0 c0 is the characteristic impe-
are represented by equivalent electrical quantities or dance of air with air density 0 and speed of sound in
elements. Accordingly, the ratio of a sound pressure air c0 , w is a weighting function (see below) and ZF is
and a sound particle velocity yields an acoustical the averaged radiation impedance.20 The cotangent
impedance. term in Equation (4) introduces the frequency depen-
The fabric impedance Zf is defined as the ratio of the dency due to the air cavity. The integration is per-
sound pressure drop across the fabric and the sound formed over all angles of incidence  under which a
particle velocity inside the fabric. For thin fabrics this plane wave is incident on the fabric. Hereby, the
impedance fully characterizes the acoustical behavior of normal incidence case as measured in the impedance
the textile. It can be calculated from the specific airflow tube corresponds to  ¼ 0 and the grazing incidence

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Figure 2. Sketch of cases III and IV of a folded thin curtain with an average distance d to a rigid wall and with folding depth b and
folding period p.

case with waves propagating parallel to the surface cor- estimate the fabric impedance Zf [Equation (3)], as well
responds to  ¼ /2. The non-uniform intensity distri- as the distance d. Also, the prediction of AObj [case II,
bution across the specimen in the reverberation room is Equation (6)] only requires three parameters, namely
taken into account by a weighting function w. The fre- Rs , m and the surface area S.
quency dependent angle weighting function by Jeong21
was approximated by Pieren and Heutschi18 as New sound absorption models for folded curtains
 (cases III and IV)
1:64  0:3    0:47  2 , f  350 Hz
wðÞ ¼ ð5Þ In practical applications, instead of flat curtains often
1, f 5 350 Hz
folded curtains, that is, with fullness larger than 0%,
where  is the angle in radians. are used, where a fullness of 100% is most common.
The averaged radiation impedance ZF accounts for Fullness influences the sound absorption of curtains.27,28
the edge effect (typical overestimation of absorption Until now, no model for the prediction of sound absorp-
due to diffraction at the edges) of the specimen. ZF tion by folded curtains is available. Based on theoretical
depends on frequency, the angle of incidence  and considerations, numerical simulations and conclusions
the size and shape of the specimen.20 It has to be eval- on measured data, a semi-empirical model for S and
uated numerically. For the case of a rectangular shape AObj is derived in the following.
of defined length and width, different numerical solu- Commonly folded curtains are mounted in parallel to
tions have been presented.18,26 For very large absorbers a flat wall or window (case III), as depicted in Figure 2.
it can be approximated by ZF ffi 1=cos . By introducing a certain degree of drapery fullness, the
For case II, the equivalent absorption area of a distance of the fabric to the backing wall varies locally.
freely hanging fabric of surface area S (in m2) may be To characterize such a situation it is useful to use the
obtained by18 average distance d corresponding to the distance of
  Z =2 the curtain rail to the backing. The folding of the cur-
16S  < Zf sin  tain is described by only two additional geometrical
AObj ¼   2 d ð6Þ parameters, namely the folding depth b and the
Z0 0  Zf 2 
 þ  folding period p (Figure 2). For this geometric situa-
Z cos 
tion, the model was derived based on the following two
It is interesting to note the similarities of Equations Firstly, for a given fabric, the depth of the air cavity
(4) and (6) in the presented form, which is not obvious strongly affects the frequency dependency of the absorp-
in the general form of the equations presented by Pieren tion coefficient (as in the above case I). For a flat fabric
and Heutschi.18 (case I), the air cavity depth d primarily determines the
If ZF is calculated in advance [case I, Equation (4)], frequencies of the local maxima and minima of the
then only three parameters need to be known to deter- absorption coefficient.18 A variation of the cavity depth
mine S from the above model. These input data are the thus smoothes the frequency dependency of the absorp-
specific airflow resistance Rs and the area density m to tion coefficient. Therefore, intuitively the variation of air

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Pieren et al. 5

cavity depth is accounted for by averaging absorption Further, Fci depends on the folding geometry
coefficients calculated for several discrete distances. (cf. Figure 2). For b ! 0 (flat curtain) Fci tends to infi-
Secondly, the folding implicates that a portion of the nity. If the whole geometry is scaled by a factor, Fci has
incoming and reflected sound waves traverses the fabric to be divided by this factor. These considerations define
more than once while passing the curtain. This effect is the properties of Fci . The second free parameter of
expected to play a role only at grazing incidence and at Equation (9) is a constant scaling of Fci . The factor of
high frequencies. The corresponding wavelengths thus 70 was also empirically determined from the available
have to be small compared to the folding. To model this dataset (see below) by visual inspection. For the studied
effect, a frequency and geometry dependent function  geometries, the resulting Fci is about 1 kHz. From the
is introduced.  describes the portion of sound energy expression for Fci , the corresponding wavelength yields
that traverses the fabric double compared to the flat lci  b=5. This means that in the model, multiple tra-
case. It may take values of 0    1. verses only occur for sound waves with wavelengths
With these two assumptions, the model for case III smaller than a fifth of the folding depth.
may be derived by adopting the model of case I. We Finally, the folding depth has to be of the same order
propose a semi-empirical model for the statistical of magnitude as or larger than the folding period. How
absorption coefficient of folded curtains as follows much larger is not critical, as fullness larger than 100%
does not provide any substantial change in S .29 This is
S ðd ¼ d  b=2Þ þ S ðd ¼ d þ b=2Þ accounted for by the mutual condition for p and b. The
S ¼ ð7Þ condition b 4 p=2 allows b to adopt somewhat smaller
values but also any larger value than p.
In Equation (7), S is the arithmetic mean absorp- Note that the area density m used as input data in
tion coefficient of the two extreme cases, that is, the Equation (7) is independent of fullness, even though the
fabric placed at d  b=2 to the rigid wall and at total area density of the folded curtain increases because
d þ b=2. Both S values in Equation (7) are calculated of the total mass increase, whereas its area remains con-
using Equation (4) with Rs and m of the fabric as input stant. In fact, numerical simulations with a doubling of
data. From an energetic point of view, the sound the area densities (100% fullness) resulted in distinct
absorption coefficient of the folded curtain, S,fullness , overestimations of S,fullness compared to measurements.
can then be written as It thus appears that the fabric vibration is a local phe-
nomenon and, consequently, the area density of the
S,fullness ¼ S þ   ð1  S Þ  S ð8Þ fabric equals the effective area density of the curtain.
In this study we also consider the situation with a
In Equation (8), the expression in parentheses folded curtain mounted freely hanging in the diffuse
describes the sound energy that is not absorbed by a field of a room (case IV), as depicted in Figure 2. We
single fabric layer. A portion of this energy (ratio ) introduce a new equation for this case as an extension
passes through the textile multiple times and is reduced of the equation of case II
by S . The ratio  depends on the frequency f and the
geometry, namely folding depth b (in m) and folding AObj,fullness ¼ AObj þ   AObj ð10Þ
period p (in m), as defined in Figure 2.  is set to
with the fullness efficiency factor . AObj is calculated by
 Equation (6) by applying the curtain covering area S*
0:5, if f 4 Fci ¼ 70=b and b 4 p=2
ð f, b, pÞ ¼ ð9Þ (in m2) instead of the surface area S of the fabric. For
0, else fullnesses of 0% and 100% with the same textile
sample, this means that S* ¼ S and S* ¼ 0.5S, respec-
Equation (9) was established based on the following tively. From the dataset that is presented in the follow-
considerations. For frequencies below a certain cut-in ing sections, a value of  ¼ 0.7 was empirically
frequency, Fci ,  is set to zero, as folding does not affect determined to optimally represent measurements for
sound absorption at low frequencies. For frequencies 100% fullness.
above Fci ,  is set to a constant value for the matter of
simplicity. The non-zero value of  ¼ 0.5 was empiri-
cally determined from the available dataset (see
Materials and methods
below) by systematic variation and visual inspection For model development and validation, the diffuse-field
to find the optimal fit to measured data. This value sound absorption of four textiles with varying acousti-
implies that at high frequencies 50% of the sound cal properties was measured under different backing
energy is affected by the folding, in the sense that it conditions and fullnesses, and also predicted using the
traverses the fabric twice as often as in the flat case. presented models.

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6 Textile Research Journal 0(00)

Table 2. Measurement overview for the textiles 1–4 (according

Table 1. Non-acoustical parameters of fabrics to Table 1) and their configurations to obtain the statistical
1–4. absorption coefficient S and the equivalent sound absorption
area AObj .
Specific airflow Cutoff
Fabric Area density resistance frequency Distance to wall
ID m [g/m2] Rs [Pa s/m] fc [Hz]
d or d or No
1 64 45 100 Case Description d ¼ 10 cm d ¼ 15 cm wall
2 83 150 290
I In front of wall, 1–4 1–4 –
3 97 155 250 0% fullness
4 130 350 430 II Freely hanging, – – 1, 2, 4
0% fullness
III In front of wall, 1 1–4 –
Textile characteristics 100% fullness
IV Freely hanging, – – 1, 2, 4
In this study four different woven fabrics made of 100% fullness
synthetic materials (polyester) were used. Each fabric
consists of three to five different types of yarns with
linear mass densities of 24–1200 dtex. The fabrics loudspeakers and six microphones are distributed in the
vary in terms of their weaving pattern. The warp and room to measure the spatially averaged reverberation
weft densities are 50–65 yarns per cm. Table 1 presents time with and without a test specimen. The reverbera-
the characteristics of fabrics 1–4, which are necessary as tion time is evaluated using the so-called impulse
input parameters for the above models for cases I–IV. response method, where level decays and reverberation
The area density m was measured from a small sample times respectively are found by backward integration
with a precision scale. The specific airflow resistance Rs of the measured room impulse response functions.
was determined from a sample of 10 cm radius by an For the measurement of the impulse response function,
indirect measurement using an impedance tube.17 the reverberation room is excited with a maximum
The cutoff frequency fc , a parameter to characterize length sequence (MLS) signal. Based on the difference
the effect of the vibration of the textile, was calculated in reverberation time with and without a specimen, the
by fc ¼ Rs =ð2mÞ, as proposed by Pieren.17 In terms of (diffuse-field) sound absorption of a test object or a test
acoustical properties, the four fabrics cover a broad material is calculated. The size of the reverberation
range of lightweight textiles. Fabrics 2 and 3 have simi- room requires test specimens with dimensions of typi-
lar m and Rs values, but strongly differ from fabrics cally 3 m  4 m. In the used reverberation room,
1 and 4. flat absorbers as well as specimens that require a well-
defined distance to a rigid backing, as for cases I and III
in this study, are placed in a fixed specimen zone on the
floor, which was determined during the qualification
Statistical absorption coefficients S and equivalent procedure of the facility. To mount the textiles with a
sound absorption areas AObj were measured according well-defined distance to the floor, wooden rectangular
to the standard ISO 3546 for cases I–IV in the rever- frames of 3 m  4 m with different heights with thin
beration room of the Laboratory for Acoustics/Noise tensioned wires attached at their top that span across
Control at the authors’ institution, Empa. Table 2 gives the test area were used (cf. Figure 3). The fabrics were
an overview on the configurations of the measured fab- placed over these wires. For the flat case (case I), fabrics
rics. According to the standard, the measurements were of 3 m  4 m were used. The distance d to the rigid sur-
performed in 1/3 octave bands from 100 Hz to 8 kHz. face (cf. Figure 1) was realized by using frame heights
Further, a frequency independent single number rating, of 10 or 15 cm. Measurements of folded curtains (case
the so-called weighted sound absorption coefficient, w , III) were made with 100% fullness, that is, fabrics of
was determined from frequency dependent measured S 3 m  8 m were used. Figure 3 shows a photograph of a
according to the standard ISO 11654.30 fabric mounted on the wooden frame with 100% full-
Empa’s reverberation room has a volume of 215 m3 ness. With a wire spacing of 9 cm, a folding period
and a peculiar shape with all walls skewed and not p ¼ 9 cm was achieved (see close-up view in Figure 3),
vertical to the floor. The room is equipped with hanging which is a typical value for curtain systems. For the
sound diffusers to further increase its diffusivity and a folded fabrics this resulted in a folding depth b ¼ 7 cm.
humidifier ensures a minimum relative humidity of The mean distance d to the rigid surface (cf. Figure 2)
60% to reduce air absorption to minimum. Four fixed was thus realized with frame heights of 13.5 and

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Pieren et al. 7

(7)–(10) and the same input data as the in experiment,

case III and adopting the geometric parameters b and p as
determined during the measurements, that is, b ¼
0.07 m and p ¼ 0.09 m.
From the predicted absorption coefficients S in 1/3
octave bands, the weighted absorption coefficients w
were determined according to the procedure described
in the standard ISO 11654.30

close-up view Comparison of measured and

predicted data
case II
In this section the measured and predicted results of
different textile specimens and configurations, accord-
ing to Table 2, are presented and compared for model

Flat curtains in front of wall (case I)

Figure 4 shows measured and predicted S for flat cur-
tains in front of a rigid wall (case I). Measured and
Figure 3. Photographs showing textiles during the measure-
predicted results both confirm that S increases with
ment in the reverberation room for the configuration of a folded increasing specific airflow resistance within the studied
curtain (case III) and a freely hanging curtain (case II). range (Table 1). Measured and calculated results gen-
erally agree well over the whole frequency range from
100 Hz to 8 kHz for all fabrics. Similar S values of
18.5 cm. For cases II and IV the fabrics were simply fabrics 2 and 3 agree well with the model. Also, distinct
hung up in the middle of the room on a wire that differences to fabrics 1 and 4 are clearly reproduced.
span across the room (Figure 3). Further, the calculations closely match the measured
spectral shape, that is, local maxima and minima of
S . This means that the interference between incoming
Predictions and reflected sound waves is predicted well by the
Statistical absorption coefficients S and equivalent model. It can be observed that the local minima, corre-
sound absorption areas AObj of the tested specimens sponding to half and full wavelength resonance of the
listed in Table 2 were predicted using the above- air cavity, are shifted by one third octave band to
described calculation models, which were implemented higher frequencies in the present diffuse field case as
in the commercial software package MATLAB, with compared to the normal sound incidence. As an exam-
the following input data and parameters. ple, for d ¼ 10 cm the local minima are at 2 and 4 kHz
The calculations were performed at the center band (cf. Figure 4), while the minima occur at 1.7 and
frequencies of 1/27 octave bands, and only the final 3.4 kHz for normal sound incidence.17 Finally, the
results were averaged to 1/3 octave bands. As a first absolute S values are sufficiently well predicted
step, for each fabric its fabric impedance Zf was deter- although certain deviations may be observed.
mined by Equation (3) using the values given in In particular, the values at the local minima are
Table 1. Zf was then inserted either into Equation (4) clearly more pronounced in the calculations than in
or (6). To numerically solve the integrals in these equa- the measurements. Apparently, the model overesti-
tions, the angle  was discretized in steps of 2 , corre- mates the destructive interferences, which are less pro-
sponding to 0.035 radians. Further, the area S (in m2) minent in measurements where non-ideal conditions,
and cavity depth d (in m) was the same as in the experi- such as residual absorption and scattering within the
ments. In Equation (4) the weighting function given air cavity, lead to a coherence loss, which remains unac-
by Equation (5) was applied, and the averaged radia- counted for by the model. Further, at frequencies below
tion impedance ZF of a rectangle of 3 m  4 m was 300 Hz, deviations between measured and calculated
once numerically calculated by the method given in data may be observed, particularly for fabric 1.
the appendix of Pieren and Heutschi18 and used for Predicted data slightly underestimates S compared to
all predictions. Statistical absorption coefficients of measurement. However, predicted as well as measured
folded curtains were predicted using Equations S values are relatively small and therefore prone

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8 Textile Research Journal 0(00)

Distance to wall d = 10 cm Distance to wall d = 15 cm

0.8 Prediction

Sample 1 0.6



Sample 2





Sample 3





Sample 4




100 1k 10 k 100 1k 10 k
Frequency [Hz] Frequency [Hz]

Figure 4. Measured and predicted statistical sound absorption coefficients for flat curtains in front of a rigid wall (case I) of
fabrics 1–4.

to greater relative uncertainty. In the measurements, S measured and predicted data in this frequency range is
is determined from the difference of reverberation time not significant in case of the flat curtains.
in the empty reverberation room and when the test Finally, at high frequencies (above 2–4 kHz) the
specimen is installed. In the case of small measured model predicts systematically lower values than mea-
S values also the difference of the measured reverberation surements. The reason for this is not known. Three
times are very small. Thus, in this case small uncertainties hypotheses are now shortly discussed. A first possible
in measured reverberation time may lead to relatively large reason is the non-uniform intensity distribution during
uncertainties in S . Therefore, the difference between the measurement. Although the model accounts for this

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Pieren et al. 9

effect with Equation (5), this approximation may be

inadequate for high frequencies. However, the fact that 12
similar differences also occur for freely hanging curtains Measurement, folded
(see the next section) does not support this hypothesis. 9

Sample 1
Prediction, folded

A Obj [m2]
Secondly, generally also peculiarities of the laboratories
might play a role. Round robin tests between labora- 6
tories have revealed large inter-lab differences.31 A
third possible reason is the fabric impedance model 3
[Equation (3)], which assumes static airflow through
the fabric. This assumption may become inappropriate 0
at high frequencies where effects such as inertia of the air
moving inside the pores or flow distortions on both sides 12
of the fabric occur. These effects are omitted in the
applied model. To account also for these effects, the 9

Sample 2
A Obj [m ]
fabric impedance model would have to be extended.
However, for the development and validation of an 6
extended fabric impedance model, impedance tube mea-
surement data well above 2 kHz would be required, but 3
are currently only available up to 1.6 kHz.17 To investi-
gate this possible deficiency of the model, preliminary 0
impedance tube measurements were conducted on a
sample of fabric 4 up to 6.4 kHz. They in fact revealed
higher absorption coefficients at high frequencies than
what the model predicts. These findings support the 9
Sample 4
A Obj [m ]
hypothesis that the fabric model has to be refined to
more accurately predict the sound absorption coefficient 6
at high frequencies.

Freely hanging flat curtain (cases II and IV)

100 1k 10 k
Figure 5 shows measured and predicted AObj for freely
Frequency [Hz]
hanging curtains. The values were adjusted by the cur-
tain covering area and normalized to a reference area
of 10 m2 for better comparison. AObj steadily increases Figure 5. Measured and predicted equivalent absorption areas
for flat and folded freely hanging curtains (cases II and IV) of
with frequency until it approaches a constant value at a
fabrics 1, 2 and 4. Shown values are normalized to a reference
frequency depending on the area density and specific
area of 10 m2.
airflow resistivity.18 The smooth shape of AObj is very
different from S for flat curtains (interference pattern)
in front of a rigid wall (case I, see above), but similar as for case I, that the discrepancies are not due to the
to folded curtains in front of a rigid wall (case III, non-uniform intensity distribution.
see below).
The measurements show that for curtains with
identical covering areas, AObj of folded curtains is sig-
Folded curtains in front of wall (case III)
nificantly larger than that of flat curtains. The data Figure 6 shows measured and calculated S for folded
shows that introducing folding and increasing the curtains in front of a rigid wall (case III). As for case I,
amount of textile by 100% leads to a 70% increase of S of folded curtains again increases with increasing
sound absorption. This demonstrates that fullness is specific airflow resistance within the studied range
also beneficial for sound absorption of freely hanging (Table 1). In contrast to case I (Figure 4), S shows a
curtains. much smoother curve shape over the frequency range.
Measurements and predictions closely agree from Apparently, because of varying air cavity depth, folding
100 Hz to more than 1 kHz. Above this, the model significantly reduces the interference patterns, so that
increasingly underestimates AObj . Interestingly, the local maxima and minima are much less pronounced.
underestimation at high frequencies is of similar magni- Further, at high frequencies folding results in somewhat
tude as for S (Figure 4), which suggests that it is caused higher S values compared to flat curtains (case I,
by the same effect. If this is true, it can be concluded, Figure 4).

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10 Textile Research Journal 0(00)

1 1
Measurement case I
0.8 Prediction 0.8 case III
lin. reg.

predicted aw
Sample 1

0.6 0.6 1:1




1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
measured aw
Sample 2

0.6 Figure 7. Comparison of measured and predicted weighted

absorption coefficients w of flat (case I) and folded (case III)

0.4 curtains. The asterisk denotes two overlaying points. The linear
regression line (R2 ¼ 0.956) and the 95% prediction band for
0.2 future estimates (PI) are shown in gray.

0 compared to case I the deviations are more pronounced.

1 This was expected because the model for case III was
developed based on case I and extended with relatively
0.8 simple semi-empirical corrections. The largest differences
occur for fabric 1 at frequencies below 700 Hz. As
Sample 3

0.6 already explained above, for the flat curtains, relatively


small S are prone to greater measurement uncertainty.

Furthermore, these differences may also be induced
by non-ideal measurement conditions, such as the
wooden frame potentially acting as a membrane absor-
0 ber, which introduces additional sound absorption at
low frequencies.

0.8 Weighted absorption coefficient (cases I and III)

Sample 4

0.6 Figure 7 contains a comparison of measured and pre-


dicted weighted absorption coefficients determined

0.4 from the above data of cases I and III. The measured
and calculated values agree very well. The maximal
0.2 deviation of the predictions amounts to 0.05. In six
out of 13 data pairs, the prediction underestimates the
100 1k 10 k measurement by 0.05, and zero otherwise. The differ-
Frequency [Hz] ences of measured and predicted values thus exhibit a
mean value and standard deviation of 0.02
0.03. The
Figure 6. Measured and calculated sound absorption coeffi- mean value does significantly differ from zero with a
cients for folded curtains in front of a rigid wall (case III) of fabrics probability of 0.99 (one-sample two-tailed t-test).
1–4 for average distance to the backing wall d ¼ 15 cm. For fabric This integral comparison of predicted and measured
1 also d ¼ 10 cm is shown in gray. w thus further confirms the applicability of the calcu-
lation models. The models generally yield conservative
The model predicts the absorption satisfyingly well results, which means that the performance in real
in the measured frequency range from 100 Hz to 8 kHz rooms is better.
for all fabrics. As for case I, the model underestimates Thus, the models, amongst other purposes, can be
measured S values at low as well as at high frequen- used to optimize w values by changing fabric para-
cies. This suggests that the same mechanisms are meters or curtain configuration. Exemplarily calcula-
responsible for the observed discrepancies. However, tions reveal that increasing the average air cavity

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Pieren et al. 11

depth d from 15 to 19 cm of a curtain with 100% full- comparisons, the three commercial software packages
ness and made from fabric 4 (Table 1) would increase SoundFlow, Winflag and Zorba (randomly named
w by 18% from 0.55 to 0.65 (cf. Figure 8). Software 1, 2, and 3 to maintain anonymity in the
results) were used as follows.
Comparison of the presented model with
. AFMG SoundFlow, Demo Version 1.0.11 (Ahnert
commercial software Feistel Media Group, Berlin, Germany) with the fol-
This section is dedicated to a comparison of calculation lowing specific program settings. Porous absorber cal-
results by the presented model, and existing models that culation model: Bies/Hansen32 (only available model
are implemented in commercial software. To our of the basic version of SoundFlow); dimension ISO
knowledge, no software specifically for the prediction 354 (3 m  4 m); direction of incidence: diffuse field.
of sound absorption of curtains exists. However, there No information has been found concerning the calcu-
are a few programs available that allow treating multi- lation of random incidence absorption.
layer structures in front of a rigid wall. In these pro- . WinFlag, Demo Version 2.4 (Morset Sound
grams a flat curtain in front of a rigid wall (case I) may Development, Trondheim, Norway) with the follow-
be entered as two layers, that is, an air cavity of depth d ing specific program settings. Reverb room, square
and a thin layer of porous material. In the following with side length 3.163 m; selected porous absorber
calculation model: Delany–Bazley.33 The calcula-
tion of the random incidence absorption coefficient
0.7 is based on Thomasson.20
. Zorba, Version 3.0.1 (Marshall Day Acoustics Ltd
0.65 Pty, Adelaide, South Australia). Selected porous
absorber calculation model: Allard–Champoux.34
The calculation of the random incidence absorption
coefficient is based on Thomasson.35


0.5 Figure 9 exemplarily compares the predicted sound

absorption coefficients s of two curtains with mea-
0.45 sured data. In most cases the commercial programs
clearly overestimate sound absorption at frequencies
0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 below 500 Hz. These deviations strongly depend on
average air cavity size [m] the used program and the textile. The largest deviations
occur for fabric 4. Within the dataset this fabric fea-
Figure 8. Simulation result showing the weighted absorption tures the highest cutoff frequency of more than 400 Hz
coefficient w as a function of the average air cavity depth d for a (see Table 1), which suggests that sound-induced fabric
curtain consisting of fabric 4 and with 100% fullness. vibrations may play a role in that frequency range.

Sample 3, d = 10 cm Sample 4, d = 15 cm
1.2 Measurement
Presented model
1 Software 1
Software 2
0.8 Software 3




100 1k 10 k 100 1k 10 k
Frequency [Hz] Frequency [Hz]

Figure 9. Comparisons of the sound absorption coefficient s of flat curtains predicted with the presented model and commercial
software packages. Fabric 3 with air cavity depth 10 cm (left) and fabric 4 with air cavity depth 15 cm (left) are shown.

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12 Textile Research Journal 0(00)

prediction software, the presented models not only

yield more accurate results, but also cover a broader
range of configurations, while the commercial software
0.8 can only handle the case of flat textiles with rigid back-
ing. The proposed method performs considerably better
predicted a w

0.6 than commercial software and can be a viable alternative

presented model
to experimentally measured values, which are prone to
uncertainties of similar magnitude. The models are
therefore applicable to textile development as well
presented model
software 1 as to room acoustical planning purposes. Although the
0.2 software 2 studied parameter range was quite remarkable, further
software 3
validations should be performed to extend the applic-
0 ability of the models, in particular regarding higher spe-
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 cific airflow resistances. The results further indicate that
measured a w future prediction model improvement could be achieved
by enhancing the fabric model.
Figure 10. Comparison of predictions of weighted absorption
coefficients w by the presented model and commercial software Declaration of conflicting interests
packages. For each model, predicted values of eight flat curtains
The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with
(case I in Table 2) are compared to measured values (with some
respect to the research, authorship and/or publication of this
overlaying points). The dashed lines show the linear regression

In contrast to the presented model, these vibrations are Funding

not taken into account in the commercial programs, The authors received no financial support for the research,
which partially explains the observed deviations. authorship and/or publication of this article.
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