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Grha Intirub - Intirub Business Park 1st

PT. MHE – Demag Indonesia Jl. Cililitan Besar No. 454, 13650 Jakarta
Tel : (62-21) 2753 7250
Fax : (62-21) 2753 7251
Jakarta, 29 October 2021 Website :
No Reff : JT/001-291021/HDR

Kepada yth:

Alamat: Wana ke rta , Kec. P ur wadadi, Kab upa ten Sub ang , Jawa Barat 41261

Up : Pak Ahmad Rhesa,

Hal : Penawaran harga Rotari Limit Switch

Dengan hormat,
Menindaklanjuti inquary ibu/bapak terkait dengan kebutuhan spare parts/components hoist,
Berikut saya informasikan penawaran harga untuk rotary limit switch yang dibutuhkan based on SR203675 :

Quantity Harga Satuan Total harga

No Material Stock Info Part No nom cur (IDR) (IDR)

i TER BASE ROTARY LIMIT SWITCH 8-10Wk PFA 1 EA 12.545.000 12.545.000

RATIO 1 : 50 9067A0050002

TOTAL : 12.545.000

TOTAL AMOUNT : 12.545.000

1. Harga belum termasuk Ppn 10 %
2. Parts/Components indent 8-10 minggu
3. Pembayaran net 30 hari, setelah barang dikirim/diterima
4. Penawaran h a r g a berlaku 4 minggu dari tanggal penawaran.

Demikian penawaran harga ini kami ajukan, atas perhatian dan kerja samanya saya ucapkan banyak terima kasih

Hormat kami,
PT. MHE Demag Indonesia Accepted Offer

Hendra Yudhananto
ServiceEnginner Authorized Personnel
GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR SERVICES portal to which the Supplier may from time to time give access to the
Customer (including but not limited to, Q3 and
These General Terms and Conditions for Services shall apply to any “Konecranes Group” shall mean the group of companies owned or
contractual relation between the Supplier and the Customer concerning controlled directly or indirectly by the ultimate parent company Konecranes
the services relating to cranes, machine tools, lift trucks, container handling Plc, a company (Business ID 0942718-2) organized and existing under the
equipment and/or other similar equipment. These General Terms and laws of Finland.
Conditions shall supersede and exclude any other terms and conditions of
sale or purchase even if the Supplier has not explicitly excluded them. “Main Agreement” shall mean the service agreement (including
Annexes, if any) between the Customer and the Supplier into which these
These General Terms and Conditions are incorporated to and become General Terms and Conditions are incorporated.
an integral part of the Main Agreement between the Parties when (i) the
Parties expressly so agree, (ii) they are attached to or referred to in the “Maintenance Service” shall mean any maintenance work and/or
Supplier’s offer, the Customer’s order or the Supplier’s order confirmation, maintenance service performed by the Supplier (including but not limited
(iii) the Customer with knowledge of them has not notified or requested to preventive maintenance and corrective maintenance).
otherwise or (iv) when the Parties have applied them previously and the
Customer has not notified or requested otherwise. “Normal Working Hours” shall mean the hours of 08:00–17:00 on any
Working Day
The object and scope of the services, price, terms of payment, contract
period as well as the other essential terms of the service contract are “On-call Services” shall mean the on-call support provided by the
defined in the Main Agreement. The Main Agreement (including any Supplier in accordance with the Main Agreement in order to carry out
Annexes and these General Terms and Conditions) shall supersede unplanned Maintenance Services and/or Repairs.
any and all prior agreements and understandings between the Parties
in respect of the Services. Any modifications to or deviations from these “Parts and Components” shall mean parts, elements and/or components
General Terms and Conditions shall be agreed in writing. (including CMU) included in or delivered in connection with the Services or
delivered otherwise.
“CMU” shall mean condition monitoring unit (including but not limited to “Party” shall mean the Customer and/or the Supplier, as the case may be.
crane monitoring system unit, crane management system unit) or other
similar type of system unit provided by Konecranes Group. “Performance Obligation” shall mean any obligation set forth in the Main
Agreement based on which the compensation received by the Supplier is
“Customer” shall mean the legal entity or entities to which the Services depended on the actual performance of the Equipment.
are performed by the Supplier.
“Remote Services” shall mean any services that the Supplier provides to
“Data Connection” shall mean any data connection (including but not the Customer by using a remote Data Connection (including but not limited
limited to machine to machine connection) to be used for transferring to 24/7 Reliability Services).
information between the Supplier and the Customer in connection with the
Services. “Repair Services” shall mean preventive and/or corrective repair works
performed by the Supplier to the Equipment.
“Equipment” shall mean the equipment as determined exhaustively in the
Main Agreement that forms the object of the Services. “Report” shall mean reporting on any support (whether in writing, in
electronic form or by way of system integration) and information included
“Equipment Usage Data” shall mean any data relating to the Equipment therein prepared by the Supplier in connection with the Services (including
and/or its usage collected and/or processed by the Supplier in connection but not limited to inspection reports, maintenance reports, remote service
with the Services. reports, equipment reliability survey reports and safety alerts).

“Field Modernizations” shall mean any minor retrofit and upgrade works “Safety Alert” shall mean a Report that the Supplier shall provide the
performed to the Equipment by the Supplier. Customer without undue delay if, during the maintenance or inspection
visit, the Supplier actually becomes aware of a condition that endangers
“General Terms and Conditions” shall mean these general terms and the trouble-free operation of the Equipment or safety at work.
“Service Methods” shall mean Supplier’s methods for providing the
“Inspection and Consultation Services” shall mean any inspection Services defined exhaustively in the Main Agreement.
and/or analyzing and/or other consultation services performed by the
Supplier (including but not limited to the compliance inspections, condition “Service Objects” shall mean the objects defined exhaustively in the
inspections, measuring services and equipment reliability surveys). Unless Main Agreement to which the scope of the Services is limited.
otherwise agreed, Inspection and Consultation Services are limited
exclusively to the observations of the Equipment that the Supplier makes “Services” shall mean any services relating to cranes, machine tools,
Visually in accordance with the Service Methods during the performance lift trucks and other similar equipment (including but not limited to
of the Service and on the information provided by the Customer. Maintenance Services, Inspection and Consultation Services, Repair
Services, Field Modernizations, On-call Services, Remote Services
“Intellectual Property Rights” shall mean patents, utility models, and Parts and Components as well as related Reports) as determined
trademarks, service marks, designs, copyrights, database rights, know- exhaustively in the Main Agreement.

how and any similar right recognized from time to time in the relevant “Supplier” shall mean a company belonging to the Konecranes Group or
jurisdiction (regardless of their nature or type, whether or not registered). to a sub-supplier appointed by such a company to perform the Services on
behalf of it as set forth in the Main Agreement.
“KC Portable Tool” shall mean a portable electronic device and software
used by Supplier’s personnel in connection with the Services (including “Technical Documentation” shall mean the information concerning
but not limited to PDA’s and notebooks). the Equipment, its application, use, safety, location and environment,
including but not limited to the technical documentation, manuals, guides,
“Konecranes Customer Portal” shall mean an internet based customer
drawings, descriptions, schemes and instructions as well as operating and Report and/or other data.
service manuals.
Unless otherwise agreed in the Main Agreement, the decision concerning
“Visually” shall mean readily observable items apparent to the inspecting whether or not to repair or replace the Components and/or Equipment
technician that are safely and conveniently accessible to the technician lies exclusively with the Customer. By preparing the Report the Supplier
without dismantling the object. expressly recommends that the Customer authorize the repair and/or
replacement of the Equipment and/or Component identified during the
“Working Day” shall mean any day other than Saturday, Sunday or bank performance of the Services or listed in the Report derived therefrom as
or public holiday. deficient in any manner or degree prior to operating the Equipment.


The Supplier shall perform the Services with professional competence and The site responsibilities of the Customer shall be agreed in the Main
in accordance with the Main Agreement. Agreement. Unless otherwise agreed, the Customer shall at its own
cost, provide the Supplier with: (i) the safe access to the Equipment; (ii)
The Supplier shall comply with the prevailing mandatory laws and the equipment, lifts, installations, appliances and scaffolding necessary for
regulations applicable to the Services from time to time. accessing the Equipment; (iii) the required materials handling and lifting
equipment; (iv) electricity, water and compressed air required to carry out
4 TIMING AND DELAYS the Services; (v) waste management; and (vi) facilities for the maintenance
The timing of the Services shall be agreed in the Main Agreement. Unless personnel such as washroom and dressing room.
otherwise agreed, the Supplier shall perform the Services during the
Supplier’s Normal Working Hours. The Customer accepts and agrees that the Supplier may at its sole
discretion use KC Portable Tool in connection with the Services. Any
The Parties shall use their reasonable endeavors to ensure that the signature that the Customer’s representative makes by using the KC
performance of the Services does not disturb Customer’s production. Portable Tool shall be deemed to bind the Customer as any written
The Supplier shall inform the Customer if the performance of the Services
will be delayed. The Parties shall use their reasonable endeavors to agree 8 SAFETY
upon a new timing for performing the delayed Services. In the event that The Supplier shall comply with the site safety instructions communicated
the Customer’s production will be interrupted due to a delay notified by the by the Customer. Both Parties shall provide personal safety and protective
Supplier, the Customer has, at its risk and expense, the right to perform or equipment for their respective employees.
subcontract such service task. Under no circumstances shall the Supplier
be liable for any other costs, losses or damages whatsoever relating to the The Customer shall take all necessary steps to provide for a safe work site
delay. and arrange for the safety measures (including site specific safety and
protective equipment) required by applicable health, safety and
The Customer shall ensure that production does not disturb or endanger environmental legislation so that any and all Services can be performed
the performance of the Services. In case the performance of the Services safely. The Customer shall be responsible for any fire safety related
shall be delayed for any reason not imputable to the Supplier, the precautions.
Customer shall compensate any additional costs incurred by the Supplier
in connection with such delay. In addition any relevant other timings and The Customer shall provide the applicable site safety instructions in writing
Performance Obligations shall be adjusted accordingly. to the Supplier prior to commencement of any Services. The Supplier may
at its sole discretion provide Supplier’s safety instructions for Customer’s
5 TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION acceptance that shall not be unreasonable withheld.
The Customer shall provide the Supplier in due time before as well as
during the performance of any Services with the Technical Documentation The Customer shall keep the Supplier’s personnel informed about the
as the Supplier may reasonably require to enable it to carry out the site safety instructions and the risks associated with the site, Equipment,
Services. Customer’s tools and/or third parties.

6 REPORTING The Supplier is entitled to refuse to carry out Services, if the performance
The Supplier shall provide the Customer with Report(s) as set forth in of such Services could affect the safety of the employees of the Supplier,
the Main Agreement. Unless otherwise agreed, the Supplier reserves the Customer or any third party, if the Customer has not provided the
absolute discretion regarding the technology through which the Report valid site safety instructions or information and/or the Customer has not
is provided, and shall not be responsible or liable for Customer’s approved Supplier’s safety instructions or does not comply with them.
technology, electronic distribution channels or any problems arising from
incompatibility in Data Communication. 9 TRANSFER OF RISK AND OWNERSHIP
Unless otherwise agreed, the delivery term for Parts and Components
The Customer accepts and agrees that the findings included in the shall be EX WORKS (the Supplier’s manufacturing plant) Incoterms
Report(s) are based exclusively on the Service Methods and limited only 2010. In any event the risk of damage to or the loss of the Parts and
to the Service Objects in the Equipment. The conditions identified during Components shall pass to the Customer upon delivery to the Customer’s
the Services are reported by the Supplier in the Report derived therefrom site at the latest. The Parts and Components shall remain the property of
are representative of the conditions of the Components as they appeared the Supplier until the total price for the Parts and Components has been
during the Services. These conditions can and will change immediately paid in full. The risk of loss relating to the Equipment shall not transfer to
following operation of the Equipment after which the Supplier shall not the Supplier in connection with the Services.
be liable for the accuracy or completeness of the information contained
in the Report. 10 CHANGES
The Customer shall inform the Supplier without delay, if the Equipment or
The Customer further accepts and agrees that the Supplier shall not its operation, purpose of operation or operating environment changes. If
actively monitor, inspect or otherwise follow any Equipment, Equipment the scope and/or object of the Services or Equipment are modified, the
Usage Data, Report including Equipment Usage Data or other information Parties shall agree in writing on the effects that such modification has on
that is generated by using CMU, Data Connection and/or otherwise. Any price and other terms of the Main Agreement.
such Equipment Usage Data, Report and/or other data shall be created
and provided to the Customer on “as is” and as available basis and without 11 KONECRANES CUSTOMER PORTAL
warranties of any kind either express or implied made in relation to the If agreed in the Main Agreement, the Supplier shall provide the Customer
correctness, accuracy or reliability of such Equipment Usage Data, with an access to Konecranes Customer Portal. The Customer undertakes
to act in strict compliance with the applicable customer portal terms of use in design, materials or workmanship. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the
that are be applicable from time to time. Such terms shall be available in the Supplier warrants for a period of three (3) months from the delivery that
Konecranes Customer Portal and provided to the Customer upon request. any Parts and Components including software functions materially in
accordance with the Main Agreement. However, the Supplier does not
The Customer expressly accepts and agrees that Konecranes Customer warrant that any software included in the Parts and Components will be free
Portal shall be provided “as is” and as available basis and without warranties from faults or that the software or the use thereof is non-infringing.
of any kind either express or implied made in relation to the correctness, 14.4 Exclusions to the Warranty
accuracy or reliability of Konecranes Customer Portal. The Supplier does The liability of the Supplier under this Section 14 (Warranty) does not cover
not warrant that Konecranes Customer Portal or the related data transfer any defects arising from: (i) reasons not due to the Supplier; (ii) deficient
or the server that makes the service available are free from viruses or care or maintenance of the Equipment by the Customer; (iii) maintenance
other harmful components. Konecranes does not warrant that Konecranes services carried out by the Customer or a third party; (iv) operation of
Customer Portal will be uninterrupted or error-free. Konecranes reserves the Equipment in contravention to instructions; (v) incorrect Technical
the right to revise Konecranes Customer Portal or withdraw access to them Documentation; (vi) normal wear and tear of the Equipment; (vii) any
at any time. defect in the Equipment; (viii) any defect which occur after the expiration
of the warranty period; (ix) abnormal conditions of temperature, moisture,
12 DATA CONNECTION dirt, corrosive matter etc. and/or (x) after the next scheduled or performed
The Supplier shall use its reasonable endeavors, at all times subject to maintenance or inspection of the Equipment after the expiry of the Main
availability, to arrange and maintain the Data Connection as required Agreement.
by the Main Agreement. Unless otherwise agreed, the Customer shall 14.5 Customer’s Remedies
be responsible for any and all costs related to the building up of Data In order to maintain its right to make a warranty claim relating to the Services
Connection as well as transfer of data through the Data Connection. provided by the Supplier, the Customer must give notice of any such
circumstance by e-mail, by mail or by facsimile without delay and at the
The Customer shall be responsible, at its own cost, for providing access to latest within seven (7) days from having become aware of the circumstance.
Supplier through its own IT environment (including but not limited to data The Supplier shall, at its sole discretion, without undue delay after the receipt
communication network as well as related hardware and software licenses) of the Customer’s notification, re-perform, repair or replace any defected
to the extent required by the Services. In addition the Customer shall be Service. The Customer shall not be entitled to other remedy regardless
responsible for its own software and hardware required for the data security of the form of claim or cause of action, whether based in agreement,
and safe use of and access to the Customer’s IT environment (including negligence, strict liability or otherwise.
but not limited to CMU and/or other devices used for collecting Equipment 14.6 Sole and Exclusive Warranty
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Supplier shall have no liability for CUSTOMER WITH RESPECT TO THE SERVICES AND IS IN LIEU OF
any claim of unauthorized access to Customer’s IT environment, or for AND EXCLUDES ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED
unauthorized access to, or alteration, theft or destruction of Customer’s or ARISING BY OPERATION OF LAW OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING, BUT
any third party’s data files, programs, procedures or information through NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY
accident, fraudulent means or devices, or any other method or for Customer’s OR FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
network security policies and security violation response procedures,
network security or security incidents, design or comprehensiveness of any 15 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS AND CONFIDENTIALITY
security program or any security services including those provided by other Nothing contained in the Main Agreement shall be construed as transferring
providers or professionals chosen by Customer. from the Supplier to the Customer any Intellectual Property Rights (including
rights to Equipment Usage Data) relating to the Services, Reports, other
13 PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA documents issued by the Supplier and/or Konecranes Customer Portal.
The Supplier hereby informs the Customer that certain personal data These Intellectual Property Rights shall remain the exclusive property of
relating to the Customer may and will be collected for the purpose of and be transferred to the Supplier, or if supplied by a third-party, expressly
executing the Main Agreement, of complying with the applicable laws and reserved to the lawful owners thereof. To the extent such Intellectual
regulations, including tax and accounting laws as well as for other purposes Property Rights are included in any Report, the Customer shall receive a
in accordance with Konecranes personal data processing information at royalty free, non-exclusive and non-transferable license to use the Reports only in connection with the Equipment and for no other purpose whatsoever.

The Customer accepts and agrees with the foregoing and confirms that The Customer shall keep confidential and shall not disclose to any third
providing the data is necessary for executing the Main Agreement and parties, or use for any other purposes than those of the Main Agreement,
managing the contractual relationship. any information regarding Services, Reports and/or Konecranes Customer
Portal provided or made available to the Customer. This obligation of
14 WARRANTY confidentiality shall survive the termination of the Main Agreement.
14.1 Technical Warranty
The Supplier warrants for a period of three (3) months from the date of The Supplier shall keep confidential and not disclose Equipment Usage
the performance that the Maintenance Services, Repair Services and Data to any third parties in such manner that the identity of the Customer
Field Modernizations shall be (i) performed in accordance with the Main would remain recognizable, but may use the said Equipment Usage Data
Agreement, (ii) carried out in a proper and workmanlike manner and (iii) free within Konecranes Group without restriction.
from defects in workmanship.
14.2 Warranty for Consultation Services, On-call Services and Remote 16 NON-SOLICITATION
Services The Customer agrees that during the term of the Main Agreement the
The Supplier warrants on the date of the performance that the Inspection Customer shall not directly or indirectly solicit, entice, approach, offer
and Consultation Services, On-call Services and Remote Services shall employment to, or employ in any capacity any employee of the Supplier
be (i) performed in accordance with the Main Agreement and (ii) carried associated in any way with the Supplier’s performance of the Service.
out in a proper and workmanlike manner. Notwithstanding the foregoing, The terms of this paragraph shall be binding on the Customer, its parents,
the Supplier hereby expressly disclaims any warranty, whether express subsidiaries, affiliates, successors and assigns.
or implied, with respect to the condition, performance and/or safety of the
Equipment in connection with Inspection and Consultation Services, On- call 17 LIMITATION OF THE SUPPLIER’S LIABILITY
The Supplier warrants for a period of six (6) months from the date of the
first delivery of the Parts and Components that they are free from defects
THE SUPPLIER SHALL BE LIABLE FOR DIRECT PROPERTY DAMAGES The Customer shall defend, indemnify and hold the Supplier harmless from
AND PERSONAL INJURIES PROVIDED THAT SUCH DAMAGE OR all fines, penalties and all associated expenses arising out of or resulting
INJURY IS DIRECTLY TO BE DUE TO NEGLIGENCE OF THE SUPPLIER. from any violation by the Customer of any of its obligations in this Section
LIMITED TO THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF EUR 500.000 (FIVE HUNDRED The Main Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance
THOUSAND EUROS) IN ALL INSTANCES FOR ANY ONE INCIDENT OR with the laws of Supplier’s place of domicile, excluding any choice of law
SERIES OF INCIDENTS, WHETHER ARISING IN CONTRACT, TORT, provisions that may be included in the said laws.
Any disputes arising in connection with the Main Agreement shall be finally
THE SUPPLIER SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY TO THE CUSTOMER AND/ settled at the courts of the Supplier’s place of domicile, incorporation or
LOSS OF PRODUCTION) OR FOR SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, © Konecranes Global Corporation 2017. All rights reserved.

Either Party shall be entitled to suspend the performance of its obligations
under the Main Agreement, except to the obligation to make payments,
to the extent that such performance is impeded by circumstances beyond
the control of the Party and unforeseeable at the time of entering into the
Main Agreement including but not limited to war, revolution, strike, failure or
restriction of supplies of power, fuel, transport, equipment or other goods
or services, natural disaster, acts of government, export or import ban, fire,
explosion, flood, sabotage, civil disturbance or delay of delivery by sub-
supplier (when caused by force majeure as herein defined).

A Party loses its right to plead force majeure, if it does not notify the other
Party in writing without undue delay after having become actually aware
of it.


Either Party shall be entitled to terminate the Main Agreement by notice in
writing if the other Party is in material breach of its obligations under the
Main Agreement and such breach is not remedied within thirty (30) days
from the date of receipt of written notice of the breach from the other Party.

The Supplier shall be entitled to terminate the Main Agreement with

immediate effect if any sum payable under the Main Agreement is not
paid on the due date or if the Customer presents its own or has presented
against it a bankruptcy petition or if the Customer or any third party makes
any arrangement or a petition for the winding up of the Customer or if the
Customer suffers or undergoes any similar procedure in the country in
which the Customer is constituted, established or domiciled.


The Customer shall at all times comply with any and all trade laws and/or
regulations of the United Nations, European Union and the United States of
America as well as with (other) applicable trade laws and regulations, if any
(“Trade Laws”) to the Customer and/or Services.

Prior to any transfer of the Services to a third party or use of the Services
provided by the Supplier, the Customer shall in particular check and
guarantee by appropriate measures that: (i) the Customer shall not infringe
any applicable Trade Laws, taking at all times prohibitions of by-passing
embargos into account; (ii) Services are not intended for use in connection
with armaments, nuclear technology or weapons, if and to the extent such
use is subject to prohibition or authorization, unless required authorization
is provided; and (iii) if required to enable authorities to conduct export
checks, the Customer, upon request by the authorities, shall promptly
provide the authorities with necessary information required by mandatory
law or regulations.

The Customer shall maintain all documentation required under the Trade
Laws and shall provide the same to the Supplier without delay at Supplier’s
reasonable request. This record keeping obligation of the Customer shall
continue for five (5) years from the receipt of the Services.

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