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Submitted to: Submitted by:

Mr.Ravi Prakash Pranati Choudhary
Rishabh kumar
Sanjna singh

PUMA is a German company specialising in the manufacture of apparel, footwear,
and sports accessories. For 70 years, PUMA has been at the forefront of sport and
culture in Europe, creating products for the world’s leading sports stars, including
Pelé, Maradona, Tommie Smith, Boris Becker, and Lothar Matthaeus.
Headquartered in the Bavarian region of Herzogenaurach, PUMA has more than
12,000 employees globally. Although agility and speed are central to the company’s
DNA, PUMA has challenges similar to other multinational organisations. Namely, the
pressures of managing a global workforce while trying to maintain the company’s
brand values and culture. PUMA recognised the need to transform the way they
manage HR, and embarked on a transformation programme to change the way the
business manages its people.
Brand believe that their employees are the key to unleashing puma’s full potential.
our ambition is to provide not only an attractive working environment that
encourages their performance and personal development, but also a unique
corporate culture.

They are committed to improving their employees’ wellbeing, both during and
outside their working hours. To pursue our mission of becoming the world’s fastest
sports brand and with the aim of establishing PUMA as a top employer, they have
drawn up a set of employer values to communicate our unique way of working and
act as a guide for our people. Under the label SPEED AND SPIRIT, they encourage
people to BE DRIVEN, BE VIBRANT, BE TOGETHER and BE YOU, thus allowing us to
make full use of the individual talent and experience within the company. In 2017,
they focused on defining HR communications strategy and creating a clear identity
and voice for each of our HR programs. They intend to position PUMA as an
attractive employer to potential candidates, while ensuring they recruit the right
talent to push PUMA forward. Through Their employer values, company aim to give
potential candidates an insight into what working at PUMA is really like and what
makes our brand special. They have selected some of people to become
ambassadors and tell their PUMA story on social media to audiences internal and
external to PUMA.

In an organization, Human Resources is the department in charge of all employees
and employee-related operations. As a term, we also use it to describe the entire
workforce of an organization. The HR department takes care of the organization’s
most valuable asset; its employees. HR professionals make sure that employees have
everything they need to perform their day-to-day tasks and they’re also responsible
for creating a healthy work environment that attracts and retains qualified people.
The first HR function is all about knowing the future needs of the organization. What
kind of people does the organization need. Knowing this will shape recruitment,
selection, performance management, learning and development, and all other
human resources functions.


• Recognize current and future hiring needs
• Ensure compliance with federal, state, and governmental labour rules and
• Attract, recruit, and retain talent
• Manage compensation and employee benefits
• Ensure effective employee relations
• Manage onboarding, training, and learning and development processes to
boost performance
• Apply health and safety measures
• Handle administrative tasks, such as payroll and taxes
• Organize and oversee quarterly or annual performance reviews
Human Resources also implement important company policies and regulations, for
example, they ensure compliance with the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
and GDPR regulations. They need to stay up-to-date with changes in labour
legislation and research new HR trends that will keep the organization running
Enabling employees to develop the skills they need for the future is an essential
responsibility for HR. Traditionally, organizations have a set budget for learning and
development. This budget is then distributed among its employees. In some
countries, this fee is mandatory. In the UK, for example, companies with an annual
pay bill of more than £3 million pay a mandatory rate of 0.5% designated for the
professional education of their employees.
In other countries, like Belgium and the Netherlands, L&D falls under the employer’s
responsibility to take care of its employees. In the third group of countries, like the
US, this is almost unregulated territory. Despite the differences in regulation, almost
all employers understand the value of investing in the (future) skills of their
employees. It’s the responsibility of the HR department to lead these efforts in the
right direction.
The quality of employees and their development through training and education are
major factors in determining long-term profitability of Company. If you hire and
keep good employees, it is good policy to invest in the development of their skills, so
they can increase their productivity.

Training often is considered for new employees only. This is a mistake because
ongoing training for current employees helps them adjust to changing job


Reasons for the growth and development of personnel include

• Creating a pool of readily available and adequate replacements for personnel

who may leave or move up in the organization.
• Enhancing the company’s ability to adopt and use advances in technology
because of a sufficiently knowledgeable staff.
• Building a more efficient, effective and highly motivated team, which
enhances the company’s competitive position and improves employee
• Ensuring adequate human resources for expansion into new programs.


During 2021, puma focused on the continuous development of people to ensure the
delivery of business results, in line with the skills requirements to achieve targets.
Courses in the Commercial Academy included Territory Management – Excellence in
Execution for the retail community and Supply Trader Academy for our supply
managers. They developed programmes to respond to skills gaps identified after a
thorough skills assessment conducted for employee groups. To ensure we provided
fit-for-purpose learning in a cost-efficient way, many of these learning solutions
were internally developed and delivered virtually. We implemented new digital
libraries to scale up leadership, management and general business skills across the
organisation. We also held specialised virtual learning pop up and leadership series
events. Our 78% adoption rate of some of these libraries is among the highest in the
industry. We also maintained our focus on building licence-to-operate skills such as
HSSE, compliance and information technology through our digital learning platform.

PUMA onboarding starts even before you begin: We offer you different programs to
get you into a perfect starting position. Like when you're moving to another location,
we're right there by your side, helping you find a home and settle in, assisting you
with the opening of a new bank account, and much, much more. At your very first
day, you are given access to the PUMA Learning Platform to get ahead. Its varied
offering of challenging interactive courses, learning videos and literature on the
essentials around PUMA help you push sport and culture forward with true Speed
and Spirit. At work, we offer a buddy program at some locations to match our PUMA
rookies with a veteran to show the ropes and get you up to speed with work –


The potential to unlock a better version of yourself. That’s why individual
development is an essential part of the PUMA culture – to satisfy your drive to stay
ahead. They have made it mission to inject development in every aspect of our game.
Take the chance to own your performance, and grab the best career and development
opportunities. Puma integrated and consistent talent management drives our
performance and development culture, where PUMA identifies and promotes talents
within and beyond teams, regardless of level and even across functions. Because
talent should be recognized and in the long term, experience shared growth with us as
a brand. This is how we drive PUMA forward. For this, they follow the '70-20-10
model' based on our experiences of the past years, which have proven that these
principles are the golden rules for professional development.


With challenging project work, enriching your job, travel, and giving you the chance
to prove your skills as manager and coach, you're on the best way to personal


PUMA's personal development is about learning from others, whether they're

colleagues or customers. This is all about communicating, networking, and learning
from feedback, workshops, coaching and mentoring.


Through training and self-study in e-learning, in-house trainings, reading books or

evening studies, you give your abilities your own finishing touches.



At PUMA, developing leaders who can navigate through complexity and master
challenging experiences takes priority. We offer you a selection of measures to
provide you with the required skills and knowledge to manage your team. Among
many opportunities, you’ll get intensive training and coaching sessions – including
interactive teaching, role simulations and best-practice learning – and collaborative
In PUMA’s internal International Leadership Programs, you gain the skills and tools
needed to be a successful leader at PUMA, all the while strengthening your regional
and international network among fellow senior colleagues.



These selective high-potential programs feature an intense curriculum with

challenging experiences. Get ready to go beyond your comfort zone, while opening
new opportunities around the world to a long and fulfilling career at PUMA.

Puma two 18-month internal development programs are designed to unleash your
talent. Simply because everyone at PUMA deserves the best career and development
opportunities we can offer. This isn’t just your regular training; these programs give
you the chance to develop your abilities as a leader and step up into higher
positions. With the help of intensive, insightful training modules and challenging on
the job activities, you'll learn about yourself and get support throughout the entire
program from line managers, peer groups and critically, a professional mentor out of
the PUMA organization. Both High Potential programs are selective and feature an
intense curriculum designed to deepen participants’ PUMA knowledge and ignite
their ability. Participants of the High Potential program as well benefit from
increased visibility and exposure within the company.

Training methods
Off-The Job Training:- has used the off the job training. School or Institutions is
established to provide training to all types of persons. A program of training is
designed to suit the need of the job which the trainee occupies. Some different
courses are arranged for separated group employees.
There are several methods of Off-The Job Training

Role Playing
Lecture Method

Conference Method+


It was stated that more than 950,000 staff – found that the downturn had adversely
affected the learning and development strategy of 59% of the organizations

Two-thirds of these responded by reducing their training spend, with 63% having to
cut back on learning and development, 30% reducing in-house training, and 24%
seeing training output reduced. However, 65% of organizations have stepped up
their efforts to develop employee skills and competencies in the face of the
downturn, often with reduced resources.

Ninety-five per cent said aligning employee skills with business goals was a major
concern when planning learning and development activities. Other major influences
included improving competence and technical skills (83%); upgrading line
managers’ people management skills (82%); and establishing effective leadership
(78%) (see chart, right).

Almost three-fifths (59%) have had to reassess their training methods in a bid to
minimize costs, while 20% have embarked on an employee retraining exercise to aid
redeployment in their organization. The median training spend per employee was
found to be £334.

In terms of the types of training activities used, the most common method for
executives and directors was the use of external, one-off conferences and seminars
(81%), followed by coaching and mentoring by external practitioners (60%), and
help from colleagues (56%). But in terms of effectiveness, coaching was the clear
winner, cited by 45% of respondents. It is also becoming an increasingly popular
development method for managers, used by 65%.

For non-managerial staff, OFF-the-job training was the most popular method (94%),
followed by informal help from colleagues (94%), and in-house classroom-style
training (92%).

Predictions for the next expenditure review were gloomy, with 32% expecting
training spend to fall (compared with 16% in 2007), and 18% anticipating a rise
(compared with 39% in 2007). Forty-three per cent believed their training budget
would remain the same.
Hybrid Workplace Design: As we just mentioned, offices aren’t exactly what they
used to be anymore. Employees all over the world are returning to the office, often a
lot less than before, and many of them are using the office space differently too.

Personalized, on-the-go learning through technology: The goal behind this initiative
is to “deliver a more personalized, digital experience for associates through
purposeful, bite-sized training that enables them to learn and grow in a fun and
engaging way.”

Learning and Growth: Puma’s corporate culture prioritizes workers’ learning and
growth. A strategic objective linked to this cultural trait is to continuously improve
the company’s human resources, to support and enhance competitive advantages
against firms like Nike and Adidas.

Diversity and Inclusion: Puma SE maintains diversity and inclusion in its

organizational culture. This cultural trait optimizes employee morale based on
inclusion principles, and enhances business competitive advantages by matching
workforce diversity with customers’ diversity in the sporting goods market.

Wellbeing: Employees’ wellbeing is integrated in Puma’s corporate culture. For

example, the company has formal and informal policies and programs that address
the multiple facets of workers’ lives, including financial and social needs inside and
outside the sporting goods business.


Employee experience has totally changed considering that most of us currently

operate from home. PUMA is a people-first organization, and we are true to our
commitment to taking care of our employees and accordingly we quickly
transformed our processes to adjust to the need of the hour. Each aspect of
employee touchpoints was looked at from a lens of current reality and revamped.

Some of the initiatives undertaken include:

• Health Insurance limit was enhanced for employees and their families

• We have collaborated with Your DOST, India’s first and the largest online mental
health and emotional wellness coach, to bring experts to advice employees on a
range of personal issues and help them make positive lifestyle changes.
• Reimbursement for Covid tests for employees and dependents for Retail &
corporate employees along with provision for special Covid related leaves

• Home-Internet allowance for all employees

•Our in-house experts from each domain conduct virtual cross-functional trainings
to upskill our employees and we collaborated with LinkedIn Learnings to provide
access to varied content

• Cross functional projects for the entire workforce to encourage collaboration and
understanding of various functions and business needs

• Planning financial wellness in times of Covid-19

• PPE Kit fundraiser in associate with Give India NGO to donate PPE kits for
healthcare workers.

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