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Date Time Purpose

8/28/21 9:00-11:00 Discussed with Uma the idea of

working on this senior project

9/1/2021 10:15-11:00 Researching and finding

possible songs

9/10/21 12:00-12:30 Discussed with Uma

10/15/21 12:35-1:10 Introduce Idea to Mr. Theisen

and get approval from him

10/26/22 4:45-5:15 Discussed with Mr Theisen after


11/4/22 4:45-5:15 Discussed with Mr Theisen after


11/15/22 4:45-5:15 Discussed with Mr Theisen after


12/9/22 4:45-5:15 Discussed with Mr Theisen after


1/18/22 7:00-8:00 Meeting with Uma - talked

about what we discussed with
theisen and our ideas

2/8/22 12:15-12:50 Discuss plans with Mr. Theisen

2/24/22 9:15-10:00 Researched possible songs

3/1/22 12:15-12:50 Meeting with Mr. Theisen

3/2/22 10:00-10:35 ACE meeting

3/4/22 6:00-7:00 Worked on portfolio

3/6/22 10:00-10:45 Worked on portfolio

3/11/22 4:00-5:00 Worked on portfolio

3/13/22 8:00-9:30 Worked on presentation

3/14/22 12:15-12:50 Meeting with Mr. Theisen

4/11/22 12:15-12:50 Meeting with Mr Theisen

4/27/22 12:15-12:50 Meeting with Mr Theisen

5/6/22 12:55-1:55 Filmed for KSSHTV

5/9/22 9:00-10:00 Made Student Superlatives form

5/11/22 10-10:30 Worked on senior slideshow

5/14/22 6-6:30 Worked on senior slideshow

5/16/22 12:15-12:50 Meeting with Mr. Theisen

5/17/22 12:15-12:50 Meeting with Mr. Theisen

5/18/22 12:25-1:00 Meeting with Mr. Theisen

5/19/22 8-9 Worked on senior slideshow

5/19/22 12:25-1:00 Meeting with Mr. Theisen

5/19/22 3-5:15 Tech

5/20/22 3-5:15 Tech

5/23/22 3-8 Tech

5/24/22 5-8:30 Concert #1

5/25/22 5-8:30 Concert #2

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