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1) Which of the transmission voltages is not applied in Qatar Electrical Specs.? -400KV

2) The maximum power in a synchronous machine is obtained when the load angle is – 85


3Ω and 6Ω in parallel and the 9Ω series with

4) When a current I is passing through a resistance R, for a time period of t sec., then the
electrical energy generated will be: - I2RT

5) Slip of the synchronous machine while in operation – Zero

6) Three resistances 2Ω, 3Ω and 6Ω are connected so that the equivalent resistance is 4Ω. The
resistors are connected - 3 and 6 in parallel and in series with 2

7) At the following are the properties of fuses rather than circuit breakers, with one
exception. Which item is the property of circuit breakers? - Longer down time

8) Which of the following is not a quality for project manager – Manging temporary activity

9) An Architect during his visit at site has found a low quality gypsum is using for the work, what
will he do? - Inform contractor Superindent for the low quality of work and make sure it
should be removed and replaced.

10) The output D in the circuit is – A and B connected to AND gate, B and C connected to
another AND gate, both connected to OR gate
Ans : AB + BC ( Answer is AB bar + BC bar – I don’t know how to type in word)

11) For which of the following circuits is superposition valid – Independent Source

12) An antenna has an effective aperture of 10 m². What additional information is required to
determine the amplifier power – Power Density
13) Following successor relationships are available for a project. What is the duration of the
project in days? Ans: 40 days (Please check) – Another person received same question but to
find the Early start of the activity E of this same table.

Actvty Duratn Succesr

A 5 B
B 12 C,D
C 6 D,F
D 8 E
E 12 F
F 3 -------

14) Intersymbol interface is eliminated by applying which of the following ? – Nyquist criterion

15) For the design and implementation of smoke detectors and doors control system, it is
preferable that we use – ASIC

16) Which of the following statements best describes how power transformers total losses vary
with Kva load? – Losses are linearly proportional to load
17) The term sustainability refers to : Ans -Keeping the natural environment and human society
in a happy, healthy and functional state.
18) One circuit is there , switch S1 closes at t=0, diode is rated at maximum current 5A, Assume
initial charge on the capacitor is zero, to find the minimum value of R to prevent the diode
maximum peak current. Given (V(t)= 120 sq.rrot 2 cos (377t)v
Ans: As t=0 , 120 x sq rt of 2 = 169.705 / 5 = Ans is 33

19) Construction work should begin: After the official permission from the local authority.

20) For last switching of an NMOS R-pull –UP inverter (W/L)should be – High
21) A radiostation transmits 50KW with a directivitygain of 1.5.What is the powerdensity 10km
from the radiating antenna?- Ans : 75mw/m2 or .65mw/m2 [(( 50x 10 raise to 3) x 1.5) /
(10x 10 raise to 3) square – I wrote 75mw/m2

Guys these 21 question are exactly which I remember , the following questions are from my
mind only but figures are not correct.

22) How many demodulators(don’t know exact word) required to strengthen 6 signals or
something – I wrote 16 ( from the binary truth table 2 raise to 6)

23) One numerical problem to find the impedance but not remembering.

24) Difference between EPROM and EEPROM

Sarath R

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