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YDS KAMPI - İsmail Turasan

E-YDS 2019 4. Because Alzheimer's disease is a dreadful

condition that will exact a huge burden on health and
1. Almost every society has certain traditional ideas social care systems, governments have a duty to
about marriage, but most couples today tend to protect citizens and ---- their well-being.
disregard traditional marriage patterns such as
stereotypical ---- of responsibilities between genders. A) recommend
B) introduce
A) termination C) accumulate
B) attainability D) enhance
C) division E) undermine
D) violation
E) abandonment

5. Mass extinctions result from a mix of natural

disasters, and while the ---- of these events are
2. Linguistics may be a relatively exact science now, sometimes unclear, large-scale volcanic activity,
but it is still very much a science whose object of spread across an entire region, is a usual suspect.
study changes more ---- than its practitioners can
follow. A) inhibitors
B) distractors
A) subtly C) measures
B) rapidly D) triggers
C) adversely E) territories
D) conventionally
E) accurately

6. Studies on the locations of schizophrenia

around the world have long recognised that the
3. Researchers have found that watching TV condition is more ---- urban areas than rural ones.
programs for long hours can lead to fatigue and
insomnia due to increased alertness ---- by the A) intricate
shows' drama and excitement. B) prevalent
C) susceptible
A) restricted D) inhumane
B) exhausted E) precise
C) competed
D) triggered
E) impaired

YDS KAMPI - İsmail Turasan

7.With the growing share of electronic commerce in 10. Between 2004 and 2012, mercury levels in Atlantic
the global economy, distance trust-building has bluefin tuna decreased by 19 per cent, directly linked
become imperative; as a result, better models to to reduced mercury emissions in North America,
evaluate and represent online trust are required for most of which was — to an industry shift away from
wider ---- of electronic commerce. coal.

A) suspension A) comprehensible
B) exception B) susceptible
C) interruption C) accessible
D) adoption D) convertible
E) devastation E) attributable

E-YDS 2018
11. The newest buzzword in the popular business
8. Being potassium-rich, coconut water supposedly press is 'globalisation', a word that — images of a
— your ability to absorb water during prolonged world in which goods, services, capital, and
exercise, which might also increase the risk of information flow across seamless national borders.
A) contradicts
A) resists B) evokes
B) acquires C) omits
C) enhances D) alters
D) releases E) spoils
E) occupies

9. Art historians assume India had a rich painting 12. Carbon monoxide is a relatively toxic gas
tradition in ancient times, but because early Indian because it combines strongly with the haemoglobin
artists often used — materials, such as palm leaf and of blood, thereby restricting the ability of the
wood, nearly all early Indian paintings have been lost. circulation system to transport an ---- supply of
oxygen to the various parts of the body to function
A) hazardous properly.
B) perishable
C) artificial A) abrupt
D) subtle B) adequate
E) explicit C) excessive
D) implicit
E) eligible

YDS KAMPI - İsmail Turasan

13. The ability to monitor feelings from moment to 16. Where land is ----, floating solar farms make it
moment is ---- to psychological insight and self- possible to generate renewable energy without taking
understanding, as people with greater certainty about up space that might be needed for farming or other
their feelings can manage their lives better. purposes.

A) detrimental A) contaminated
B) available B) vacant
C) peculiar C) scarce
D) crucial D) endurable
E) identical E) communal

E-YDS 2017

14. Feelings of stress in humans result from 17. The most common side effect from receiving
interactions between individuals and their amifostine — a medicine that helps protect certain
environment that exceeds their adaptive capacities tissues of the body from damage caused by
and — their well-being. chemotherapy or radiation therapy — is a lowering of
blood pressure, which occurs in ---- 62% of patients
A) demonstrates treated.
B) constructs
C) underpins A) alternatively
D) stimulates B) coincidentally
E) threatens C) approximately
D) fundamentally
E) permanently

15. Attachment is an emotional bond, usually

between child and parent, characterised by the
child’s ---- to seek and maintain proximity to the 18. An increasing problem of the industrial age is the
parent, especially under stressful conditions. ---- of substances into the atmosphere, causing harm
to the environment.
A) reluctance
B) tendency A) release
C) opportunity B) disturbance
D) permission C) contribution
E) approach D) pattern
E) outcome

YDS KAMPI - İsmail Turasan

19. Due to a — of safety systems and units, elevators

are the safest means of mass transportation, without
which it would be impossible to imagine buildings
higher than a few stories.

A) portrayal
B) foundation
C) combination
D) proportion
E) reassurance

20. When you buy from an online merchant, you trust

that they are a — business that will send you the
goods you order and not just take your money and

A) legitimate
B) profitable
C) vulnerable
D) functional
E) substantial

YDS KAMPI - İsmail Turasan

1. C
2. B
3. D
4. D
5. D
6. B
7. D
8. C
9. B
10. E
11. B
12. B
13. D
14. E
15. B
16. C
17. C
18. A
19. C
20. A


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