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Catholic University of Mozambique

Distance Education Institute

Academic Essay on the Degree in Geography Teaching

Avelina Avalinho Singano 708211967

Course: Degree in Geography Teaching

Subject: English
Year of Attendance: 1st year

Gurue, May 2022



Catholic University of Mozambique
Correia of Brito Street, 613 Ponta Gêa
C.P 90 ˗ Beira ˗ Moçambique
Telf: (+258) 23 32 64 05
Fax: (+258) 825 018 440

Degree in Geography Teaching

Academic Essay on the Degree in Geography Teaching

Student name: Avelina Avalinho Singano 708211967

Resource Center: Gurue
Delivery date: May 14, 2022

Teacher's Name: Efigénia Raul


Assessment criteria (theoretical subjects)

Categories indicators Standards
Maximum Tutor's
score Note
• Conten page 0.5
• Introduction 0.5
aspects • Discussion 0.5
• Conclusion 0.5
• Bibliography 0.5
• Contextualization
(Clear indication of the 2.0
• Description of
Introduction 1.0
• Methodology
appropriate to the object 2.0
of the work
• • Articulation and
mastery of academic
Contents discourse (careful
written expression,
coherence / textual
Analysis and cohesion)
• Relevant national and
bibliographic review in
the study area
• Data exploration 2.5
• Practical theoretical
Conclusion 2.0
• Pagination, font and
Formatting size, paragraph, line 1.0
APA Standards • Rigor and consistency
Bibliographic 6th Edition on of
references Citations and citations/bibliographic
Bibliography references

Content Page

Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 4
Course Presentation ................................................................................................................ 5
Duration of the course ............................................................................................................ 5
Course Organization Components .......................................................................................... 5
Culmination Forms ................................................................................................................. 5
Skills ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Areas of Operation.................................................................................................................. 6
Course Access Requirements ................................................................................................. 7
Methodology........................................................................................................................... 8
Future plans, dreams and aspirations after completing this course ........................................ 8
Conclusion ............................................................................................................................ 10
Bibliographic References ..................................................................................................... 11


The academic essay presented has the main objective of writing an essay about the Degree
in Geography Teaching, as well as future plans, dreams and aspirations after the actor
completes his academic training.

The work fits into Ingesh's chair, and aims to provide the cognitive capacity for academic
life, that is, to prepare the university student in the production of documents or the preparation
of an academic essay.

Keywords: Degree, Geography; Agricultural Planning, Future plans, Aspirations.


Course Presentation

The Degree in Geography Teaching is part of Letters, particularly in Social Sciences, in

which the focus is the psychopedagogical/didactic, scientific and human training of
Geography teachers. It also aims to empower trainees to solve everyday problems through a
training process articulated with teaching practice and with the reality of schools.

Duration of the course

According to the Curriculum Plan of the Degree in Geography Teaching, the Degree in
Geography Teaching lasts 4 years (8 semesters), corresponding to 180 credits (Major) and
60 minor credits.

Course Organization Components

According to the Curriculum Plan of the Degree in Geography Teaching, the curricular
organization in the training of Geography (major) and Tourism (minor) teachers will follow
an integrated model in which 3 (three) training components will be privileged, which will
have the following weights relative:

a) General Training Component (CFG) – 10%.

b) Educational Training Component (CFEd) – 25%;
c) Specific Training Component (CFE) – 65%.

Culmination Forms

The forms of culmination of the Degree in Geography Teaching follow the recommended by
the Academic Regulation of the Catholic University of Mozambique, which indicates the
a) Monograph;
b) b) Licentiate Completion Exam.
Upon completion of the course, the Professional receives the title of Degree in Geography


According to the Curriculum Plan of the Degree in Geography Teaching, the graduate in
Geography Teaching will be a professional who will be able to meet the needs of society, in
teaching the subject of Geography, in general secondary education institutions and technical-
professional education. , where you can carry out your teaching activities par excellence and
also other existing activities, not only, but also, you can dedicate yourself to social and
scientific research in institutions not directed to teaching and/or the community and society
in general.

Areas of Operation

The graduate in Geography Teaching will be a professional who will be able to satisfy the
needs of society, in the teaching of the subject of Geography, in the institutions of general
secondary education and of technical-professional education, where he will be able to carry
out his teaching activities par excellence and still others. existing activities, not only, but also,
it can be dedicated to social and scientific research in institutions not directed to education
and/or the community and society in general (Cavalcanti, Lana. 1998).

The professionals work in companies and public agencies, researching and advising on the
environment, the population and the company's relations with other organizations. The
geopolitics professional may deal with international or regional affairs.

It works by building ecological tourism itineraries, training tourist guides, teaching how to
preserve nature and even accompanying groups on tours and climbing, if you are an

Agricultural Planning
Professionals who do agricultural planning study relief and soil issues to plan and design
crops and creations. They also study the needs of each population to find out what should be

Urban planning
Urban planners work by planning and, with the help of architects and engineers, planning
cities. They consider locations, terrains, vegetation and all environmental factors to decide
how and where roads and housing will be built.

Digital Cartography
With the help of satellites and other mapping equipment, the professional creates accurate
maps of various locations. It is this technology that allows Google Maps and GPS to exist

Remote Sensing
Remote sensing works by exploring with satellites and other equipment places that humans
cannot reach.

This professional works in a similar way to remote sensing and assists in urban planning by
mapping lots and areas with precision equipment, calculating and processing altitude and
latitude, size and depth of land.

Course Objective
The course seeks to develop skills and competences that allow the Geography teacher to
understand the physical and social environments, so that their praxis is established in a
critical, transformative, emancipatory and contextualized way, focusing on integral human
formation and the construction of an egalitarian, democratic and inclusive society. Therefore,
the objective is the professionalization of Geography undergraduates committed to the reality
in which they work, in the use of science at the service of society and the environment,
articulating local and global knowledge.

Course Access Requirements

According to the Curriculum Plan for the Degree in Geography Teaching, access to the
Degree in Geography Teaching is in accordance with the legislation in force in the Republic
of Mozambique, namely Law nº 5/2003 on Higher Education, in its article 4. Therefore, they
have access to the Degree in Geography Teaching:

• Graduates from General Secondary Education who have completed the 12th grade of
the National Education System (SNE);
• Qualified graduates with a level equivalent to the 12th class of the SNE for the
purpose of continuing their studies.

Admission to the Degree in Geography Teaching is based on what is recommended in the

Academic Regulations of the UCM.


Geography is configured as a Science that dialogues with other curricular subjects and
therefore favors inter, multi and transdisciplinary work. In this perspective and based on
recent discussions on School Geography and on our experience as educators, the theoretical-
methodological proposal adopted by the Degree in Geography Teaching is close, in many
aspects, to the so-called Critical Geography and, from the point of view of from a pedagogical
point of view, from the socio-constructivist current, with the teacher as a mediator in the
teaching-learning process (Ritter, C. 2016).
In this process, it is intended to develop in the teacher in training, a teaching practice
articulated with theory, in the search for critical, reflective and transforming praxis, focusing
on the reflection of socio-spatial problems, as well as seeking to develop the following skills
of education : Learning to Be; Learning to live together; Learning to Learn and Learning to

Future plans, dreams and aspirations after completing this course

In this light of idea, and in accordance with my aspirations, from the point of view of dreams,
as well as, due to the demographic situation that our country presents; the different ways that
the relief manifests itself in our national territory, in particular, in the Province of Zambezia,
District of Ile, after the culmination of my academic training or graduation, I intend to work
in the area of agricultural planning.

I want to work in the district of Ile, in order to determine and outline strategies in rural
management, with the aim of reducing costs, increasing productivity and agricultural
sustainability, since Ile is composed of a wide range of area with great agricultural potential.

As a graduate in the area of Geography and knowing the potential of the Province of
Zambezia and our Country, from an agricultural point of view, as a compatriot committed to
the population issue, I intend to make sure that we are prepared for any type of unforeseen,
whether in relation to the sales, pest control or weather conditions in the agriculture sector,
since most of the population's farms are affected by different types of pests and poor
management/conservation of products after harvest.

However, after completing my academic training, I intend to work in the area of agriculture
in order to also study the issues of relief and soil to plan and design plantations and creations,
analyze each type of soil in our province, in particular in the district of Ile, the type of crop
to be cultivated, according to the population's need. Facilitate the movement of agricultural
products, avoiding inflation and scarcity of products in the market.


At the end of the work, it can be concluded that:

Geography is configured as a Science that dialogues with other curricular subjects and
therefore favors inter, multi and transdisciplinary work.

The course seeks to develop skills and competences that allow the Geography teacher to
understand the physical and social environments, so that their praxis is established in a
critical, transformative, emancipatory and contextualized way, focusing on integral human
formation and the construction of an egalitarian, democratic and inclusive society.

The graduate in Geography Teaching is a qualified professional, with high critical awareness,
with the ability to conduct scientific research in this field of knowledge with relative
autonomy, as well as to develop scientific research projects.

The graduate in Geography teaching can work in the areas of teaching, ecotourism,
agricultural planning, urban planning, remote sensing, geoprocessing, geopolitics.

Bibliographic References

Cavalcanti, Lana. (1998). Geography, school and construction of knowledge. Campinas:

Ritter, C. (2016). Some observations on methodical teaching in Geography. Niterói:
geography, year XVIII.
Gomes, P.C. da C. (2017). Geographical frames a way of seeing, a way of thinking. Rio de
Janeiro: Bertrand Brazil.
Humboldt, Alexander Von. Cosmos. (1982). Essay on a physical description of the world.
In: Mendoza, Josefina G. et al. The Geographic Thought. Madrid: Alliance.
Khaoule, A.M.K; SOUZA, V.O. (2013). Current challenges in relation to the formation of
the Geography teacher. In: Challenges of Geography Didactics. Goiânia: Publisher of PUC
– Goiás.

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